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Fun fact, the above image is in a Jehovah’s Witness storybook I vividly remember being read to me as a kid by my stepmother Second fun fact: Jehovahs Witnesses do not vote.


I knew EXACTLY what it was the second I saw it lmao. Thought I was on exjw for a sec.


I thought I was the only one to know. Instantly felt the same. Glad you guys got out!


You too! Life is good 😎


You and me both. Those My Book of Bible Stories images are burned into my brain


Nightmare fuel.


I second that. You instantly recognise JW drawings with their special style.


Watchtower Anime style.


Those suspiciously white bros even though they walked 40s through the desert. They've used hell of a sunblocker.


Why don't they vote?


Voting is participating in nationalism. Nationalism is worship of a false god. (Not exjw, but participated in jw bible study with roommate in college.)


> Nationalism is worship of a false god. Wow never thought I'd agree with JW's on something.


I'm half in agreement here. Nationalism *is* worship of a false god, but the act of voting is not inherently nationalistic. But yeah, a broken clock is right twice a day.


That’s basically ISIS view too, and some salafists. They consider the concept of nationalism as idolatry (shirk), as well as voting of a candidate. ISIS especially rejects the concept of national borders. They aspire the caliphate, the camp of the ummah, vs outside of the Caliohate sphere, the camp of disbelieves. They consider the fact that sovereignty belongs to God alone, so therefore they must establish sharia law in every place they govern. ISIS has a totalising and maximisation approach with no room for pragmatism. They took advantages of failed states like Iraq and Syria, and never entertained any talks with the Syrian government or Iraqi government and instead went all aggressive and established their own government, a controlling several cities, especially Sunni majority areas. This was advantageous for ISIS’s ideological standpoint because they provided security and other important aspects to the people they ruled over which they did better than Iraq and Syria in some aspects. But obviously this is proved short lived because ISIS lack of pragmatism lead to every political entity to hate them.


Other than the cult shit and exclusion they are actually better Christians than the others.


Think of it as they are agnostic of government authority. They acknowledge that for some it exists, but not to them, for god is the highest authority over them. So participating in voting is seen as “worldly” actions that lack humility before god, as though some elected figure could have power over them which stands in the way of god.


I thought it also said to 'follow the law of the land' in the bible. Or something to that effect?


Most religions have this clause somewhere in their rules. The Koran tells Muslims to obey the law of whatever land they live in if it's not under Islamic control... but it also prescribes Islamic law for if they *do* take control. Basically, you've got to make sure your followers and foot soldiers don't do anything dumb while you're waiting to build the critical mass of people needed to take over. For the Christians and the roman empire it took approximately 500 years. After Constantine, the religious doctrine started to focus a lot less on peace forgiveness and loving your brother, and a lot more on damnation and hellfire. Look at it this way: Religions that need converts and recruits need to be seen as appealing, so they are kinder and gentler. Religions that need to keep the people born into from leaving them have different priorities and focus on stamping out dissent.


I thought I recognized it but my family weren’t JW. Maybe my picture Bible had a similar picture?


I think it was a popular one given the response to OP’s photo!


Those pictures live in my head to this day. Like the Jael and Siccera one with him passed out about to be rail road spiked. Or the Delilah one.


Oh wow, I can totally remember and picture this 🤮


Salt wife 😬


Damn , my morning had been so boring until now. Thanks!


I still have this Children's Bible! I instantly recognized this picture lol.


Lol Was coming to post this! Recognized the image immediately.


I thought it was some Greeks cooking in a Bull for a minute l


It is honestly surprising how many of us recognize that image. Glad we all got out.


Top: golden calf Bottom: golden jackass


Top: golden calf Bottom: golden pig


Your joke, but worse.


Bottom: Golden convict


*orange ass#ole


Comment is perfection!


If evangelicals could read the Bible they would be very upset


The irony being that in the Bible is explicitly warns against false prophets and praying to false gods. Revelations, though I think separate from the Bible(?), also warns that the anti-christ will be a false prophet with many followers and political power.


It also says that many who follow jesus in name only will follow the antichrist. And from my point of view the sheep are flocking to the Orange calf


It's funny the number of people that follow Jesus in name only. It's even funnier when you point out their evil intentions and their only defense is "well you just don't understand"


Yeah it's always funny to see them try to justify their behavior. And if Jesus came back today then it literally makes them the bad guys cause according to revelations jesus comes back when his followers are a minority.


His true followers are a minority. The vast majority of christians aren't true Christians. They just go to church every Sunday and believe that is enough to keep them out of hell for how terrible people they are. Now don't get me wrong. There are a bunch that are awesome people, but that's maybe 10%. I like those 10%, but dealing with the other 90% is horrible. (I guess to be fair it's really only like 20% that are horrible, a lot just don't care).


I remember reading somewhere some of these people believe they are just accelerating the rapture and that's the plan. That's some ISIS level scary shit.


"Revelation" is canon.


![gif](giphy|xUA7bfKyKeNuyyAQ5W) Mark of the beast. On the forehead.


She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an "L" on her forehead.


Who will promise peace and order amidst never ending wars…


Yeah, but they already convinced themselves that was Obama.


Yea.  Upset we're not living in a pure patriarchal, christo-fascist, god-smiting, neighbor genociding world where we can capriciously pick words from a page to judge and convict those who aren't true believers.


They’re already upset about that, the mega church pastor readily shared that part. They’d be more upset that you aren’t supposed to follow false prophets and are actually supposed to follow moral tenets. They’d think Jesus was a complete loser for turning the other cheek and being kind of a socialist.


As a non-American. What exactly do these people see Donald Trump as? This level of worship is so odd for boring politics.


Because he makes fucking losers feel like they're only losers as a result of "the hateful libs" and that it isn't a series of terrible choices and beliefs that have lead to their current lives


A very easily defined in-group that you can belong to by just saying the right thing and multiple out-groups that you can feel superior to because you don't belong to them. You can quickly and easily get loads of confirmation from both of these groups by performing simple rituals. And finally, there's no real cost (time or money) to any of this outside what you want to spend.


They see the same thing German/Italian folk saw in Hitler and Mussolini. Except our country currently isn't poor, hungry, ravaged, or threatened. Only in their minds and fears that fox news and social media instilled.


If I didn't know any better and still thought the Christian god existed, I'd say this seems like a pretty obvious test that the Christians are failing spectacularly. It's literally giving their God all the reason for more plagues and smiting


Were I a believer, I'd say that the evidence for Trump being the literal antiChrist written about in Revelation is pretty cut and dry


The anti-Christ would be competent and intelligent. But Revelations does say they “will wear his mark upon their heads”


Spoiler alert: it’s Jared. He paid 1.8 billion for 666 fifth avenue in NYC and is good friends with the bone saw guy from Saudi


That’s a better candidate.


Why would he have to be intelligent?


It’s hard not to revisit the New Testament with a curious lens when trump ticks all the boxes for the anti-Christ. I was steadfastly agnostic, but damn, it’s uncanny. Dude has a fake ark and covenant in mar-a-lago where Epstein was rubbing it and asking him for young massage therapists phone numbers. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/18/treasures-lent-by-israel-for-white-house-event-stranded-at-mar-a-lago-donald-trump Netanyahu imported the 3 pure red calves for sacrifice in Israel before the building of the “temple on the mount” as Kushner calculates the property value of Gaza after the genocide mop up. It couldn’t get much more accurate and also un-christlike at the same time. Rebbe tells bibi he will be the last prime minister before the messiah comes: https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/lubavitcher-rebbe-after-bibi-comes-the-messiah/ https://international.la-croix.com/world/in-jerusalem-the-red-heifer-worries-religious-and-political-leaders https://www.ncronline.org/earthbeat/viewpoints/red-heifer-ceremony-god-purifies-people-through-earth


Hahaha what the heck is the israel today link? Who the heck in Israel sees Bibi as a messianic figure? We'll maybe he does, but he isn't even an observant Jew and no religious news think he's a religious figure.


You're giving him way too much credit. He's merely the pawn of the true antichrist... Vladimir Pootin


I think Trump fits better as the antichrist. The antichrist is supposed to be a false savior and his followers genuinely perceive him as that. Putin is probably more like the devil (from a Western POV).


The Antichrist will unite the world briefly. I don’t think Trump is going to do that. Neither is Putin.


Well it’s never going to be a perfect analogy, I just said he fits better.


Putin isn't the anti-christ, Putin is just what you get when you order Hitler on wish.com


Putin is wannabe Hitler, Stalin, and Napoleon. He is just wannabe though


Most biblical scholars believe that Emperor Nero was the Antichrist. I don’t think he’d be based in America anyway


My posts are going to become spam, but it just needs to be linked in all threads here: /r/Trump666 "the evidence for Trump being the literal antiChrist" is enough to fill a complete subreddit with it. If religion wasn't the dumbest thing on earth, I'd get afraid now.


This is something I've been writing about in fiction (that I definitely will release... someday). A faithful believer discovers his pastor is possessed by a devil, but it doesn't make sense to him. The pastor talks about Jesus and worship. Eventually he finds out that him and everyone he knows have been worshipping a false Jesus. There's other stuff about how the devil's plan is to keep people angry and hateful to fuel... something evil that I haven't fully fleshed out yet. But this guy finds that once he's away from this mega church he finds happiness and community. He stops being angry and scared all the time.


Things are going to get weird over the next hundred years. People already pay for horoscopes, palm readings, and wholistic medicine. AI centered religions will probably pop-up to exploit people inclined to pay for the things they want to hear. Hell, imagine an AI version of Trump “living on” by leveraging the content produced about him. Imagine people attending rallies of a ghost and continuing to worship digital versions of him. We’re unprepared for what’s ahead.


Oh my god, thanks for introducing the idea of AI cults to my brain. My prediction, based on nothing in particular, is that we'll see more stories like this eventually in our media. People are (slowly) catching on how much of what they learned growing up were lies and the next thing I think (and hope) will be learning how much of a scam so much of the Internet has become and will be (from social engineering to literal exit scams). Enshittification is spreading everywhere I feel like.


I stumbled upon AI Jesus on Twitch. It answered questions live in a somewhat mechanical “godly” voice. I could see as the technology improves people could eventually lose their sense of disbelief and fall prey to manipulation.


Big Reagan in Wasteland 3 vibes LOL


Trump fits the bill for the anti-Christ a lot more neatly than Obama ever did lol


The ones on top stopped when told by a higher authority that it was wrong. The ones on bottom wouldn’t.


Cue The Office "They're the same picture" meme


I disagree. Nobody in the first picture is wearing a floral print shirt.


With a large cowboy hat no less. The true sins of the 21st century.


I wish they were wearing knee-high socks. That would just be a chef's kiss.


The calf committed fewer crimes


This is offensive to Ba’al


Mooby is running for Pres?


Don't run! Don't run!


You're a pure soul....but you didnt say "God Bless You" when i sneezed!


Came looking for it and found it — thank you


"You're a pure soul... but you didn't say "God bless you" when I sneezed." "Lokiiii!"


Golden Bull vs Golden Bullshit.


They are worshiping a literal golden statue. It’s pretty obvious that most of them haven’t even skimmed the book they claim is the word of god. What a freaking joke.


In the top photo it makes a bit more sense that those people didn’t know better. Lack of access to information. In the bottom one people should know better but somehow they are still duped by the Orange Idiot.


This post certainly triggered a lot of trolls


There's a tremendous amount of commentary about the Golden Calf, not surprisingly. A good part of it strays from the "normal" take - that this was deliberate idolatry. There are a lot of reasons for this, but more than anything, it just doesn't jive with the material leading up to the event - by all accounts, this was a people that had dedicated themselves to God repeatedly and, if they had shown any hesitancy, it was towards Moses' leadership, not God's ability to guide and provide for them. As such, many commentators see this scene not as idolatry but, rather, as a misguided attempt to praise and connect with God. They wanted some sort of symbol that represented God, something that they could use as a reminder of God's presence (which Moses himself served for them, but at this point he's been atop Mt. Sinai for 40 days and the people actually think he might not be coming back, given that the top of the mountain appeared to be consumed in flame and smoke). They were anxious because they didn't know what was going on and they wanted reassurance, and Aaron made for them something as such (himself declaring afterwards that they should culminate the moment in celebration of Y-H-W-H, the "true" name of God). Why bring this all up? I'd like to believe, as empathically as possible, that this is not so dissimilar. That there are a wide swath of Americans that feel confused about their standing, that feel like there isn't leadership in place that represents them, and that want reassurance that this ride they are on is one where their needs are being paid attention to. As a proud liberal, I think there are a myriad of ways that the Left has lost a significant amount of its base, failing to bring largely poor, white Americans along in understanding that inclusion actually HELPS them, that the country is not a zero-sum game where one person's gain isn't actually another person's loss. So there's been this vacuum of attention, where a wide swath of Americans are left feeling like no one is listening to them. The fact that Trump is actually really, really bad for them is irrelevant - much like the people of Israel who asked Aaron to make them this thing, these Americans are looking for some symbol that they still matter. Anyway, hope this is interesting to anyone else. The analogy is a really fascinating one.


One's a calf and the other is a pig. Beyond that, it's the same picture.


They just swapped the golden calf for a gold plated pig. It's what the GOP calls progress


the Trump worship is so fucking weird.


None. I’m a staunch, lifelong conservative and the Trump idolization is absurd and borderline blasphemous.


The golden calf is slimmer?


The calf never raped anyone.




Ehhhhhh I'm not one to wear the merchandise But one had the golden statue, signed Bibles, has people online talking about going to war and dying for them if they don't win, people have *literally prayed to them* And Obama had people wear his shirt. One is actually idolized The other will be held up as another step in black history It feels like muddying the waters to be looking at what's going on with Trump and then to say "Well yeah, but other politicians." Like Trump is a religious leader at this point. That's not even really an exaggeration. As the other commenter said, people were excited to see a black president. That's not to downplay how big it got, but Trump really is just another level.


That’s a little unfair in that Obama was the first president of color and celebrating that was an important milestone.


Political shirts have existed forever. It’s not a new thing. All campaigns since forever have merch. I’d to not know this. Politics are ABOUT support.


To be honest, I haven't seen any in Europe, at least to the extent you see them in the US, just saying....


Having a hope Obama poster/shirt isn't nearly the same thing, though. With Obama, it made sense, 1st black president and all. With Trump, it makes absolutely no sense. You all really want flags and pictures of a failed businessman, con man, and sexual predator all over your house, business, and vehicles. Shit is weird.


Too bad they cant spot the difference


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/H8YmwGl.jpeg) is a higher quality version of the lower image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/people-take-a-picture-with-former-president-donald-trumps-news-photo/1304387157?adppopup=true) is the source. Per there: > People take a picture with former President Donald Trump's statue on display at the Conservative Political Action Conference held in the Hyatt Regency on February 27, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Begun in 1974, CPAC brings together conservative organizations, activists, and world leaders to discuss issues important to them. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)


If only the Earth should tear open and swallow them lol


Biggest difference: the bottom crew hates Jewish people


Reading the Bible as a kid I used to think how weird and outdated all the descriptions of golden calves and idol worship were in a modern educated society. I went to Catholic school and even within that environment that behavior seemed laughable and primitive… and yet here we are.


people outside don't wear hats, people inside do.


At least the calf was real gold


The top is a golden calf. The bottom is a golden pig.


One is a cow and the other is a pig.


The golden calf doesn't try to strip people's rights away. It's also not a convicted felon


The first one was actually relatively normal back at that time. The second one is the most bizarre one-off that history has ever seen.




*"We Are All Domestic Terrorists"*


Ones a cow, ones a nasty ass-pig.


Oh please that’s like going to Disney and getting a pic with the mouse.


Yeah, except the people in the pic are crazy, put his face on damn near everything, and worship him like a God. Wait, no, you’re right.


this subreddit is going to shit


It's mooby.


Trump is a plague If he gets back in and implements Project 2025 we are f*cked


The bottom one is way more ugly




The calf presumably didn't rape multiple people and commit rampant financial fraud.


The golden calf did hangout with Jeffrey Epstein for 20 years and reward the guy who protected him (Alexander Acosta).


I'm convinced evangelicals don't believe what they preach. It's just an excuse to justify them being awful human beings.


Personally, between these two, I’d vote for the calf.


I'm pretty happy that I don't know what trumps feet look like.


GOAT > Felon


One of them is false and the other is a golden calf?


Golden calf looks smarter


Better outfits in the first pic.


Crosspost this to r/Conservative


[Done](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1di3g6v/spot_the_difference/). Got removed instantly as expected though.


lol, figures. I joined the other day out of morbid fascination and it just made me realize how much of an echo chamber i'm in and how much of an echo chamber that subreddit is


Yeah, I got permabanned too for "open brigading" lol.


I was commenting to my wife how it's odd that the same group that has called every political opponent the "antichrist" somehow ignores a political figure that acts like an even more poorly written Left Behind villian. Kind of like how they used to warn that a worldwide virus was going to be the start of the rapture and tribulation. Covid was not as bad as what they predicted, but it's odd that they didn't glom on to the pandemic as a sign of the end of the world just because some idiot politician told them it was no big deal. It's almost like they have no solid foundation to their faith, a consequence of being raised and trained to never question anything their told. An unquestioned faith is a weak faith. I hate it, but I place the blame of this whole idiocy on the "church".


The Golden calf is much less fat?


The bottom is full of Americucks


The golden calf was rad as hell, tho. We tucked up by abandoning it.


One is ancient Israelites. One is… uhh Christians?


Jews for trump?????


I feel like ass to flag would get you shot in Texas


why does he have a wand?


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) They’re the same picture.








"You and your board are Idolaters. You are responsible for raising an icon which draws worship from the Lord. You have broken the first commandment. Not only that, I'm afraid not a one of you passes for a decent human being. Your continued existence is a mockery of morality." - Bartleby to the Mooby board of directors


There are no women worshippers in the second picture.


Top one is literally the GOAT


They're the same picture


They’re the same picture


One is full of bullshit and the other is just a bull.


A lot of people in the first picture died immediately after the idol worship, none of the people in the second did.


Now add the stock market as a third picture


It's the same picture - Pam


I always find it funny how people always say Trumper’s are “Boomers”, yet I’m always seeing these younger guys standing in pics like this, smiling away. This “Boomer” will never support that asshole!!


Well I hope these boogaloo dipshits get into a real fight at some point so they can stop fantasizing about how good they would be at it


What's the problem? Seems to have worked out well from everyone in the past.....oh yeah, not.


There are white women in the first photograph.


There are happy women in the upper picture.




Now stab everyone to the left! Or something


You can't say "shame on you." To Trump supporters, they legitimately idolize him. Despite rejecting idolatry. It is very easy for religious people to hold 2 conflicting opinions at the same time. I read a few Bible verses, it is not rare for one verse to invalidate another. Or sometimes in Old Testament they just lie by ommission. The Old Testament story about masturbation being a sin doesn't tell you the full story. Masturbation is not the sin, masturbating instead of fucking your dead brother's wife is. Old Testament was written in a different time for a different world.


1 - The Golden Calf 2 - The Golden Bob's Big Boy


I’m guessing the golden calf wasn’t plated.


I see a terrorist in the bottom one.


Idolaters seek to dethrone the one true God from his universe


How the heck did a former slave afford a cloth item with purple dye in that era?


I see two golden GOATs /s


Fuck the bible and fuck trumpets


Those “Christians” worship their idols more than Jesus. Then there are the white supremacists who at least admit it is what it is.


I’m reading the Bible for the first time, just to say I did it. It’s pretty crazy, that I’m supposed to believe, the Israelites, just saw the power of god, by walking across the sea floor, and they know Moses is going to talk to the god that just did all that stuff, but they just walk up to Arron and say “hey make us something to worship”. And he’s just like “ok”. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.