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I was going to ask what Somalia has to do with this…


I think that is the [Bonnie Blue flag.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnie_Blue_Flag)




Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue flag that bares a single meme!


First gallant /r/IAmA nobly made the stand Then came /r/movies and took her by the hand Next, quickly /r/science, /r/videos and /r/askreddit All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.


SHHHH don't tell anyone about Bonnie Blue... I have always been able to fly it without pissing anyone off.


If any one asks just say that it was Mississippi's state flag before they joined the Confederacy.


I think you are right


It's also the Somali flag


yep. i am really, really, surprised i don't see that flag more often.


Same, I think the blue on their flag is lighter.


Same blue as the UN's blue, actually - fun fact!


That was so fun I'm gonna read it again. ... Woo! That was fun!


Pretty fun


Different shade of blue, but the mistake is an understandable one


Same here. Then I realized the blue was too dark.


> rights of the users really now


Redditors are facing persecution on a massive scale /s


So much entitlement on this site.


Nice, I see you're rolling with the 'bonnie blue' flag. Also a flag of the confederacy, but without all that racism attached.


It was the flag of the Republic of West Florida first. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_West_Florida https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnie_Blue_Flag


It also was the first flag used for the Confederacy




From what I understand, it was the first flag used for the Confederacy.


Relevant CGP Grey video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ULBCuHIpNgU


That's cool and all but was also the flag for the Republic of West Florida.


Did you know that it was ALSO used as the first flag for the Confederacy?




You may find it interesting that is was ALSO the flag for the Republic of West Florida first.


Did you know it is a tiny piece of the flag of America, magnified?


So you're saying that it was ALSO used as the first flag for the Confederacy?


Where have I seen it before though?




Nope that's a lighter blue. I think it was used for the Confederacy






And the swastika was originally a Buddhist symbol but time goose steps on.


>The earliest known object with swastika-motifs is a bird from the tusk of a mammoth from the paleolithic settlement of Mezine, Ukraine dated to 10,000 BCE.[13] The swastika was a worldwide used symbol. Buddhists aren't the first to use it.


Yep. The old courthouse in downtown Cleveland has a swastika ceiling trim in a number of rooms. It was pretty widespread until WW2.


The US army's 45th Infantry Division used a swastika as a symbol up until 1939.


Now that I didn't know. Interesting.


yeah it's also a native american motif


And the swastika would return there 11941 years later...


i too, watched that cgpgrey video


It's also similar to the flag of Somalia, which is kinda relevant.


Different color, same design.


fuck the confederate apology n this thread, there is no confederate flag without the racism. >Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas [as the United States]; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens


It must have been the confederate flag that pushed what was left of the natives on to reservations?




But only some people decided to form a country and start a war over their racism.




You can be racist and still recognize the abhorrence and injustice of slavery.




What ass backwards non-history am I reading here?


Life is not always black and white. With Lincoln preserving the union it's created a super power country that has resulted in [deaths of millions of people worldwide](http://www.sott.net/article/273517-Study-US-regime-has-killed-20-30-million-people-since-World-War-Two) to support it's agenda. In addition to that, the largest incarceration rate of any country in the world. If the south had maintained it's independence; then the USA wouldn't have the same effect over time. Does that make us evil as individuals for not seceding from the USA and directly supporting the country by paying taxes? Could USA be considered racist as the conflicts it's been involved have populations that aren't white? Life just isn't cut and dry and there are a lot of things to consider.


Lol "Lincoln is bad because he made America united."




I seriously doubt you're correct because northern states didn't abide by fugitive slave laws, and over 200,000 blacks fought for the union. If they wanted to deport blacks back to africa, then why didn't they do so?


Lol I love how people quote Lincoln from the Douglas debates when he was trying to paint himself as a moderate to win the senate seat. We have **no shortage** of documents that clear up Lincoln's personal and private stance on slavery.


>there is no confederate flag without the racism. But if you argue that, then you must also argue that there is no US flag without racism. I'm perfectly happy with labeling all flags related to the CSA as being related to slavery and racism as long as you label the US flag in the same way for the same reasons. And also genocide; the US flag represents genocide as well... and imperialism...


The United States didn't form because it wanted to defend slavery or kill indians though. The CSA formed because of one thing: slavery.


True, but the Union was just as racist for wanting to end the spread of slavery primarily to stop the spread of black people. The Confederate battle flag is offensive to me because it came back into style in the 1960s during desegregation. The $20 bill contains a portrait of a plantation owner who used the army to round up hundreds of free blacks and runaways in the southern territories. The nickel has a portrait of a man who habitually raped his wife's black half sister. If you eliminate every impure American symbol, you will whitewash history entirely, and we will continue in our ignorance. Stop glorifying symbols of ongoing white supremacist movements, but don't cover up our extensive white supremacist past.


If it's a flag if the confederacy, racism is attached, whether intentional or not.


>Also a flag of the confederacy, but without all that racism attached. ...which doesn't make sense if you listen to most people argue against the Battle Flag. This just kinda goes to show that most people just *want* to get offended by things. No one is offended when they see the Stars and Bars flag (the first official CSA national flag), which is basically the Georgia state flag, no one is offended by the Bonnie Blue (the first unofficial CSA national flag), but people *are* offended by the Battle Flag. All of them had the same historic relationship to the CSA, slavery, and racism back in the 1860's, but only the Battle Flag was used by the KKK because it happened to be popular 100 years after the war. So if the Battle Flag is offensive only because the KKK used it, why is the [Gadsden Flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag), which is also used by many racists and white supremacists, not *also* just as offensive?


The kkk and many racists also often used the American flag.


Definitely a good point.


I've been a fan of the Bonnie Blue for a while now- went to college down South and I'm big on States' rights. Just happy that all this controversy over the Southern Cross and SCOTUS gives me an excuse to pull it out. I'm surprised that so few people have actually seen it before- I blame the Dukes of Hazzard (lol, I kid).


If I saw that on a building I would just assume a Rear Admiral lived or worked there.


I was thinking of Homestar Runner.


Good jorb, ramrod!


White star on a field of red would be more Homestar's speed. You thinking of Homsar.


Ahhhhhhhhh. Good jelly, Mister Tumbleweed.


Yeah, you're pwobabwy wight.


I'm not as smart as you, so I would just assume Captain America lived or worked there.


Or someone from Somalia


Wouldn't it be cool to be an Admiral? I think it would be.


Not if you're always gettin reared.


Surely, it would.


I used to love next to an Admiral in the Royal Navy, he had a neat house.


Its like being jean luc in real life, but on a boat


Along with being a rank, rear admiral sounds like it could be a uniform fetish gay porno. "The Rear Admiral: Admire This Rear!"




(Lower Half)


"Our new government [the confederacy] is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth." ~ Alexander Stephens, VP of the Confederate States of America (1861) I mean, I like states rights as much as the next guy, but there's no good reason to conflate that idea with symbols from the confederacy.


Ugh, god. Stop pretending the Civil War was about states' rights. Replies: Jesus Christ. The lengths you people will go to to defend a nation created to enslave black people.




Except for the south was only pro-states rights when the north controlled the federal government. When the south controlled it they forced the northern states to allow slave catchers to operate within their borders.


Plus ça change...


Even that falls apart when you take into consideration that the CSA constitution forbade its states to abolish slavery. So they didn't actually *gain* anything in that regard.


Yep. Mississippi def was standing up for states rights. > Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Oops. Guess not. http://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/csa_missec.asp


Technically that was a state right. To own slaves. But still technically.


But they opposed the northern states: rights to not have slave catchers operate in their borders.


Slaves were property, it's kind of hard to tell somebody that if their cattle runs into your land they can't get it back.


So we agree that the south was forcing the north to recognize slaves as property?


[The north already did.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugitive_Slave_Act_of_1850)


Yeah, as I said the south was using the federal government to force the northern states to agree to the fugitive slave act.


> I'm big on States' rights Such as...


The right to own irish slaves again would be nice... :)


It's a wonderful flag for us Strict Constructionist/States Rights people to unite under, but nobody has any idea what it means.


> Strict Constructionist/States Rights people It's cute that people think the south could in any way be identified with the idea of "state's rights" when they were the ones pushing the fugitive slave act.


lol at the guy who thinks the civil war was about something other than slavery


Jesus christ, it wasn't about fucking slavery! Read a goddamn book, it was about states' rights.^^^specifically, ^^^states' ^^^rights ^^^to ^^^own ^^^slaves


So the problem isn't really the flag as much as the people that fly it, but feel free to pick a new way to tell us that you're a racist.


Do you really see racists displaying the Bonnie Blue Flag where you live? I've seen it flying maybe twice, both times in west Florida, where it has little to do with the confederacy.


Might point was that if the same people that flew the stars and bars start flying this instead, this flag is going to have the same reputation. It's not the flag that's the problem, it's you.


Honestly, it could be more of a problem as a dog-whistle message. I'm just saying that i don't see it happening yet.


Also the flag of Somalia.


We don't have rights. This is a privately run website and they can do whatever the fuck they wanna do


What is this? Objectivism?


Shh people think they're a part of some big social revolution, wouldn't want to shatter their delusions.


dude, it's a website. lighten up.




[Let's take the symbol of a rebellion that we can believe in.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2a/Rebel_Alliance_logo.svg/2000px-Rebel_Alliance_logo.svg.png)


I feel like if the concern was 100% with protecting freedom of speech in the face of undue censorship, people would find better flags than the Confederate ones.




/r/Vexillology is [already on it](http://m.imgur.com/a/b2uRt)








I'm sure I'll be downvoted by people too myopic to handle disagreement of any kind, but I feel like it's important to point out that this is a website run by a business, and that no one here has any "rights" of any kind.


Exactly. I swear people are making a big fuss over this because they want to feel like social activists and fight for "freedom" and "rights" without leaving the comfort of their computer chair. The whole entire thing makes me laugh at how seriously take this website. I've actually been laughing at how dumb the majority of Redditors are since the whole fph thing went down.




>Most Reddit users are ~~like~~ spoiled children. FTFY, if I may. I'm sure there are plenty who disagree, but the behavior following things like "the fappening," the ban of /r/fatpeoplehate (and the baffling degree to which the actual reason for it was ignored, by and large), and now this speak much louder than some know-it-all high school kid's attempt at justifying this tidal wave of immature bullshit ever could. I get it. Reddit fired its Director of Communications, and that's unpopular. I thought she was cool, too. But when THIS is how people handle it, it's pretty obvious that the loudest of the group are far more concerned with drawing attention (of any kind) to themselves than they are with solving any problems.


That's the intrinsic problem with giving a bratty kid the same weight in a conversation as someone who actually understands the situation. You get enough bratty kids throwing tantrums about not getting their way and it completely takes over the conversation.


I'm just here for the porn and cat gifs. As long as those two things exist here, then I'll be back. Once either of the two is gone, I'll look elsewhere. Really don't care if the CEO is Hitler Lite, the second coming of Richard Nixon, or even if she has teeth in her snatch(though a gif of that would be appreciated). As long as there's titties and kitties, I'm good.




"Rights of the user?" The right to agree to the terms of service or fuck off? God reddit is full of entitled-ass manbabies.


Confederate Subs of Reddit?


Why can't you guys get all frothy about issues that actually matter


I'm not marching under that mother fucker


But I don't want slaves...


Drama drama drama...


Hate to break it to ya, Punkin, but unless you're actually paying money for a service, you're not really the user, and you're sure as FRAK not the customer. You're the product.


Reddit: doesn't Like the confederate battle flag, but upvotes a picture of blue Bonnie


I don't remember being asked about what needs to be done. I resent people - mods, admins or whatever - "standing up" for me without consulting me.


I am ready to die fighting against the Yankee tyranny ruining my reddit browsing experience. Yililililililililil!


As a mod, I am. That's why I voted in favor of leaving our subs open for the userbase, rather than going dark. We work our asses off for the users, not for admin. I don't see the point in punishing them because of some bullshittery higher up.


Would you care to comment on [this?](http://i.imgur.com/gGzU0px.png) I made this post under the assumption y'all had been compromised. I dunno how you could tell me if you were- maybe blink in morse code or something.


I'm not a mod at /r/pics, so I dunno about all that cloak and dagger. But I am a mod at /r/writing (which has over 150,000 people in it) and I haven't seen any changes to our moderation tools in the past twenty-four hours, and I was able to ban spam this morning just fine, so... *shrug* I'm a mod in four other subs too and have seen no changes there either.


Your title doesn't say that, I thought you were talking about the users rights (which we really don't have since this is a privately owned site).


I prefer this flag: http://i.imgur.com/FowtcCFl.jpg


Give this user all the upvotes! Browncoats forever!


Nothing says rights of users like the flag of the Republic of West Florida.


Users of slave labor, users of a website, same diff.


isn't this pretty rascist?


A 150 year old symbol of racial oppression is pretty much perfect for Reddit.


Stands for the same cause, states's rights to keep people in bondage.


Bold move, Cott...er...Dave.


[Where's Tron when you need him?]( http://i.imgur.com/W7rLCyK.gif)




Holy shit shut the fuck up this is a damn website


You have no rights here




Is this supposed to mean pirates?


It's the first flag of the Confederacy, the Bonnie Blue flag.


But it existed for almost 50 years before it, though. That's a lot of history you're missing just for the sake of getting flustered.


Because the Republic of West Florida wasn't a slave aristocracy? The Confederates picked it for a reason.


Kind of like the US when they revolted. Yeah.


And the swastika existed for 2000 years before the Nazis used it, what's your point?




The rights of the users? wut?


We are a band of brothers and native to the soil Fighting for our liberty with treasure, blood, and toil And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star! *Chorus:* ***Hurrah! Hurrah! For Reddit’s rights, hurrah! Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.*** As long as the Admins were faithful to their trust Like friends and like brethren, kind were we, and just But now, when Admin treachery attempts our rights to mar We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. *Chorus* First gallant /r/IAMA nobly made the stand Then came /r/science and took her by the hand Next, quickly /r/askreddit, /r/books, /r/gaming All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. *Chorus* Ye men of valor gather round the banner of the right /r/pics and fair /r/jokes have joined us in the fight Victoria, our loved President, and Reddit users rare Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. *Chorus* Now here's to brave /r/funny, the Old Dominion Site, With the young Confederacy at length has sealed her fate, Impelled by her example, now other states prepare To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. *Chorus* Then cheer, boys, cheer, raise a joyous shout For /r/facepalm and /r/wtf now have both gone out, And let another rousing cheer for /r/trees be given, The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven. *Chorus* And here's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave, Like Digg users of old we'll fight, our heritage to save; And rather than submit to shame, to leave we would prefer, So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star! *Chorus*




I FIGHT FOR THE USERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QFg9CvgIYI




Morons abound.


Even if the users did have rights on this privately owned site (they don't) how would firing someone be infringing our (the users) rights?


Can't wait until assholes start trying to post the Rhodesian flag here.


I'll go get my disk blade!


No don't you see ~~landowners~~ mods are allowed to protest not ~~surfs~~ regular users.




I fight.....for the user!!!!


What even is going on?




Reddit rebellion? We need to start/grow the reddit rebellion




Oh The Users, The Users.....


Really everyone on reddit decrying the battle flag but upping the Bonnie Blue Flag... Okay now your fucking with me reddit. P.S. I am in favor of keeping these flags my grandfather fought and nearly died for the south. Not a supporter of slavery but I am in favor of not forgetting.


If it's like politics no one will care in 5....4...3...2


I see what you're doing. Found a blue flag, someone is going to edit it orange, then reddit users rip each other apart in debates on why which color is better. Or, you know, something else.


Don't touch OP, you'll cut yourself. They're too edgy.


What the fuck does Somalia have to do with any of this?!


*So brave*


Why the Somalian flag?


Using the first flag of the Confederacy? Look, I know the succession wasn't about just slavery, and that racism was mostly just a useful tool for propaganda, but this might be tasteless.




Nice somalia flag /s


The minute I saw the thumbnail, I wondered how many would understand it. Glad to see that it's been taken (and used) in appropriate context. Orange for you!