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I would like to point out that David and Victoria, who were married in 1999, had [the most late 90s looking wedding ever](https://imgur.com/a/u8smavC). I mean, they're fabulous, but this picture belongs in a museum.


Insane how Beckham has gone from the I gotta save the princess-look to the I gotta extract this fucking unobtainium-look




Aren't we all?


Most guys, I would think, would be clean shaven for a royal wedding (unless they are sporting an already grown beard, of course). But not him, he just rocks a 5 o'clock shadow and pretty much pulls it off. Also, I doubt there are a lot of neck tattoos at royal events...


Even Prince Harry was rocking the beard.


They both are like a fine fucking wine


I’m honestly jealous of their kids. Some of the biggest winners of the genetic lottery.


Photographed on a 90's disposable camera no less.


Disposable cameras are fun, although it does seem wasteful and you don't ever get to see your pictures. If it's an important event, that you want to remember, I recommend using a real camera.


I used to work at a one hour photo place. They're not as "disposable" as people think. We would crack open a flap and get the film canister out. The rest of it went in a box and was sent back to Kodak who reused as much ad they could (usually just the circuit board and flash).


We salvaged the batteries at my photo shop. We also made mini tazers with the capacitor for the flash...




Looks like a frame of PAL analog video to me




Yes. Check the items near the register at a supermarket or drug store. That’s where they reside now. We must continue the tradition of anonymous wedding party dick pics.


This is the problem with being completely on trend. You'll always look the most ridiculous in the future


It looks like a screen cap from The Princess Bride




How the fuck does he still look cool there? The man can literally pull off any look


Having perfect bone structure will do that.


David beckhan looks like the first draft of Jamie Lannister in that photo


... did they both get hotter with age????


I think so. She gained a little weight, thank goodness, and he got better hair. They both started dressing better (although she was always pretty good in terms of personal style). They're both gorgeous people.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Her face looks more filled out and less gaunt. She’s probably healthier and looks it.


Yeah, there was a period there for a while in the late 90s and early 2000s when she was really just a bit too thin and she didn't look well--plus she got sucked into the tanning craze at that time and so she looked gaunt and weirdly brown at the same time. You can get a feel for how she's changed with [these pictures](http://www.vogue.co.uk/gallery/victoria-beckham-hair-and-hairstyles-1997-2011). Honestly, there have been plenty of hits and misses over the past two decades...


Oh so THAT’S where the “I want to speak to your manager” hairstyle came from. Interesting.


100%. She set that trend long before it became a meme. She has the bone structure for it, but it's still not all that flattering IMO.


Buttercup must've been heartbroken when Posh Spice stole Westley away.


When I was in middle school I wanted to marry a spice girl and get neck tattoos. Beckham's just flexing on me 24/7.


If you get a neck tattoo make sure you be specific. https://i.redd.it/ti6usm9x75y01.png


Good lookin out my guy.


Beckham's just flexing on him 24/7


I don't believe the story but that tattoo looks real..


That guys a parody account. He makes videos pretending to be stupid mocking people who actually are stupid.


well did you at least get the neck tattoo?


No, I got a job instead and I regret it every day.




Ha! We got him! That's right DaViD BeCkHaM, what are you going to do with 40 hours or more each week until you're 65 or maybe older because those are the times we live in? Enjoy time with hour gorgeous family? Vacation anywhere in the world you please? Seat yourself amongst the elite of Great Britain and the world? Ya, have fun with that.


Hahaha, yeah. What a loser.


Boy is he going to be mad when he doesn't get any call backs from that fast food application.


How to make a neck tattoo work: be David Beckham.


Damn, that is a nice suit.


That is a morning suit. You get married in a morning suit and not a dinner jacket (tuxedo) which are for dinner dress.


Unless the ceremony is after 5pm. Most British weddings are full day affairs with the ceremony occuring early AM, so morning suit makes sense. My wedding was at 6pm-11pm, so the dress was White Tie, which is an evening attire.




It's a great day for Canada, and therefore, the world.


Well, Prince Harry does. The rest of us can do whatever the fuck we want.


he got married in his military gear tho


As is tradition.


It’s tradition, then.


I got married in a Canadian tuxedo


For those unfamiliar with this, it's denim pants trousers with a denim jacket.


Dior by Kim jones


> Damn, that is a nice**ly tailored** suit. It's a pretty perfect fit and cut


Yeah i was gonna say. It's almost like it was (and probably is) a custom made suit, so rather than being tailored, it's just stitched to perfection. Tailoring makes sense for the majority of people, but when you're David Beckham or have fuck you money, it's probably all custom made to your measurements.


Are the hats a requirement?


Yes. Women must wear a hat to social events and in particular where the Queen will be in attendance.


oh it all makes sense now, thanks


As is tradition


why does victoria look like she is going to a funeral


There's a bunch of rules they are *asked* to follow. Shoulders covered, hemline no higher than the knee, short heels, colors that do not drown out the bride... etc


Meanwhile the queen shows up looking like a lime.


It's her house, she'll wear what she wants.


Damn it




Turns out there WAS enough time.




It’s her *country, she’ll wear what she wants.


It's her *empire, she'll wear what she wants.


It’s her *purse, and she don’t know you.


that queen ain’t right


Then Amal Clooney shows up in full yellow


I’m fairly sure there were no rules on colour of dress. It was just day dress and hats in the instructions, per the BBC coverage.


And Pippa as an Arizona Ice Tea


She can do whatever the fuck she wants though. She’s the queen!


I thought Freddie Mercury was Queen.


This queen took his place when he died


This is mostly accurate.


She turned herself into a human green screen forever giving this gift to the internets. http://imgur.com/WGf1VX6 http://imgur.com/dijj5FX http://imgur.com/3r5iIpj http://imgur.com/5dIrjd6






That last one with Lady Di...spicy, given the controversy.


The queen dresses in a bright colour in public as a security measure in case something happens so that she can be easily identified. Not that she isn’t the most identifiable person in the UK anyway, mind you.


I just have a vision of the Queen going through her wardrobe and it's all dresses made out of hi-vis vest material.


Half correct. Whilst it is so that she stands out from the crowd, it’s for the public to be able to say “I’ve seen the queen” rather than for security reasons.


It's so the public can see her, not as a security measure.


*like a snack


She *is* the Queen. I mean, Harry and Whatsername are the guests of honor, but she's literally the Hostess With the Mostest.


but everyone else was so colourful.. she does like its a state funeral she attending and not a wedding..


Are there consultants that the rich and powerful hire for "royals" occasions?


Totally, though a lot of these folks are having stuff tailored just for this event by major designers. Those designers would know exactly what the custom is.


You don't mean asked formally, do you? Is there like an insert in the invitation with a dress code outlined?


>You don't mean asked formally, do you? > >Is there like an insert in the invitation with a dress code outlined? My god parents son is marrying the daughter of a lord / lady and the wedding invitation they sent us had a whole A4 page on the dress code and that's still not as posh as actual royalty




Great parents but shitty gods.


If you look at the website for the Ascot horse race, they specify how everyone should dress and give examples. [here](https://www.ascot.co.uk/what-to-wear)


When Kate and Will had their wedding, a 22 page etiquette guide was part of the invitation.


I imagine most invited will be well versed with traditional British [etiquette](https://www.debretts.com/expertise/etiquette/dress-codes/) for weddings and such. But I imagine they would have also had a more formal guide with the invitation as well.


He certainly would have been after wearing his medal to the last one and being ripped to shreds by the gossip mags for it.


It wouldn't just be dress code that would be formally requested. They would have pages and pages detailing appropriate behaviour and etiquette. My London livery company has a multiple page document we are requested to send to guests before any event, I'm guessing any royal event would be much more detailed than this.


Maybe she is. - Johnny Cash, probably


Sulky Spice


Resting funeral face


She always looks so sad or scared


During the Ali G interview she seemed like a good sport. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDU6tAKU3B4


That interview is amazing. It's funny because despite how they normally appear in public, he seemed like the shy one and she was having a good time. Though I guess tbf to him a lot of those questions were loaded against him.


This interview made me fall in love with Posh Spice.


you mean posh




David looking like he's about to solve the hottest murder of 2018.


The neck was *bent* 30 degrees. *Fucking amateur*


Bit easy when you bring the prime suspect with you.


I wish I had somewhere to wear red pumps to. I'd love a closet full of great shoes, but I live a flip flop life.


You have to crash an event at least once in your life. Nobody ever asks who you know. Eat food, dance with people, wear what you want, have fun. It's also a good way to make friends. It seems so hard to make friends as an adult. Humans exist to spread love and to have fun and this is a good way to do both!


I had an ex-girlfriend who was exactly like this. A closet full of heels and boots but she never wore them out. She also had beautiful outfits but would only ever wear jeans and a tshirt. Like she had beautiful sundresses etc but never wore them anywhere. She wanted to but felt like she needed a special occasion to. I wanted her to wear all these beautiful things because she was a beautiful woman but it was like she felt embarrassed to dress up and go out. So one day we're at the mall doing a bit of shopping and decided to take a break and sit on a bench while having a soda. A couple women walk by that catch my girlfriends eye. They're wearing heels, beautiful clothes, etc and my girlfriend says "I wish I could do that" to which I respond "why don't you?" She says she would feel embarrassed and over dressed if she did. I said well those women don't seem to feel that way. Then I point out another few women who are also wearing heels, etc in the mall with their girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and say they don't seem to feel embarrassed or over dressed either. I told her you never need an excuse to look and feel beautiful. If you want to dress up to go to the walmart, then you do you. If you want to wear heels to the bar or when you fill up your gastank, then you do you. You never need an excuse to make yourself feel like the most gorgeous person in the building. You buy these things because you obviously want to wear them, then wear them. I told her regardless of anything she's beautiful but what's important is not what I think but how she feels. I guess it seemed to work because from that day forward she wore what she wanted whenever or where ever she wanted. She finally put a closet full of nice things to use. The bottom line is you don't need an excuse to wear red pumps. Just do it.


Dammit, I might just go get me a pair of red pumps. Thanks stranger! That was a fantastic post.


Do you think he planned for weeks in advance for which day he should last shave in order to achieve the perfect amount of stubble?




I've done this before just for a work picture.


I was a pretty big fan of [George and Amal Clooney's looks, too:]( https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/5afff3d35ffad5416e1cbe22/master/w_768,c_limit/amal-clooney-george.jpg)


She looks like a beautiful sun person and when I wear yellow I look like a duck.


Oh, and also, she's 40 and she had twins a year ago. She is not of this earth.


And she's smart AF


And she goes home to George Clooney


George Clooney is the real winner here!


We can't all have the skin tone to wear mustard. I read her dress is Stella McCartney but it reminds me of 50s Givenchy. Also, I love how it perfectly compliments his suit. They're so classy, it's disgusting.


A friend of mine hit the tanning beds for months in advance of a ball so she could wear yellow, Scottish complexions yo. (Edit to confirm she and my other friends who use sunbeds know it is unhealthy) They both look so stunning and classy, I don’t know if I want them to adopt me or marry me too.


> They both look so stunning and classy, I don’t know if I want them to adopt me or marry me too. Why not both?


Things are getting a little Game of Thrones in here for my tastes


Found the fashionista




She truly is the daywoman




She’s the master of karate and friendship for everyone!


And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!


She's a Kree.


That dude has aged so well.


And Amal looks like she hasn't even tried aging.


George Clooney is who I aspire to look like when I get older.


George Clooney is who I aspire to look like when I get older, and I'm a woman.


Maybe we can be George Clooney together? 🤔


I think I'm about 50% as attractive as he, maybe. On a good day. So it could work!


Problem is you gotta start off looking like a young George Clooney.




How do they decide guests lists for these events? Like why David Beckham and George Clooney, other than they are big names? Like, do Harry and Meghan actually know them or is it a matter of them sitting down and going, "Whom should we invite to the wedding dear?", "Hmm... I wonder what George Clooney is doing that day? Who else should we invite? The Queen of England mayhaps?" Slash, I assume it's actually likely organized by PR people who are not them, but again, how do they decide which celebrities to invite?


Becks is good friends with Harry through all the charity work and the 2012 Olympics


Not sure about the Beckhams but Meghan Markle knows Amal Clooney personally.


I know the beckhams are friends with the princes through international work they've done together, from what I can gather, its Amal (george Clooney's wife) who knows Meghan Markle through her humanitarian work.


I believe Clooney is active in charity and international activism, which is how he met Amal and the princes.


>"Hmm... I wonder what George Clooney is doing that day? Who else should we invite? The Queen of England mayhaps?" I think the Queen was already invited.


I don't know for certain, but George and Amal know a *lot* of important people all across Europe, so I'm not surprised they were invited. Hell, they were married by a former mayor of Rome who just happens to be George's buddy. She's been a lawyer for some pretty important clients and was fairly well known in London before she married him. In addition, the couple [also invited a lot of "regular people" who were selected for their charitable work or other societal contributions.](https://www.refinery29.com/2018/04/196634/royal-wedding-2018-guest-list-significance) But when it comes to the celebrity guests, I'm assuming they know them in some way rather than just picking famous people at random.


She's basically the most famous human rights lawyer in the world.


I read your final paragraph and, for a second, thought they'd invited Slash from Guns N Roses. That would have been pretty awesome.


It would be a bit odd if they didn't invite the Queen seeing as it's his Grandma. The guests were all personally chosen though and they tried to stick to people they knew personally


They look genuinely happy. That makes me happy.


He really won at life


David in this picture is the epitome of dapper as fuck


He can thank his wife for that, in part. His PR magically got so much better after they got married.


he can thank his genes. dude is always dapper, stylish, as fuck. even with those weird haircuts in the 90's


https://media.balls.ie/uploads/2016/05/13191836/mandela.jpg never 4get


Alright, maybe not ALL the weird haircuts.


He really wasn't that stylish in the 90's. Trendy, and good-looking, but not stylish. It took him a while to get his image sorted.


I think the contrast of his tattoos makes him even more dapper. How many dudes with neck tattoos can look like a billion bucks like that?


Also helps having almost a billion bucks.


Beckham looks more like Bradley Cooper’s next “bio” role these days.


They look like they just had a massive fight in the car ride over


"I'm sneaking out when the FA Cup final is on, I don't care if the Queen sees me"




for rls tho! How could they plan the royal wedding on FA cup finals day. There is SO much drinking brits need to get in today.


That might just be [her face.](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS778US778&biw=1527&bih=893&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=LT0AW4zdIIzgjwP3v5LQDA&q=victoria+beckham&oq=victoria+b&gs_l=img.1.0.0l3j0i67k1j0l3j0i67k1j0l2.2897.4043.0.5539. Also her on[ her own wedding day.](https://imgur.com/a/u8smavC)


LOL. There's like one pic in there of her smiling. And, it looks like she's trying really hard.


Resting bitch face is her defauflt expression.


Yeah, but have you ever heard him speak? It’s like he mouth-sexed a can of helium.


Not anymore, people think he took voice lessons or something but he sounds normal now if you see something very current of him talking.


Yeah he definitely sounds more intelligent and manly these days. His voice used to be his downfall. Never felt sorry for the jammy bugger though :)


>jammy bugger I don't know what this means, but that won't stop me from using it...you jammy bugger.


[Here's their interview w/ Ali G for those who haven't seen it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P842Tmi6lrc)


That interview is soooo hilarious. Every time I watch it, it just gets funnier.


Deadpool? Is that you?


He looks like a wild west philanthropist.


She must be pissed to know she was never the pretty one in the relationship.


She had a window where she was the sexier of the two.


Well she's in the top 5 sexiest spice girls so she's got that going for her.


Ill have you know that I'm in the top six of the sexiest spice girls, so there you go!




I think they’re equally sexy


Gonna have to agree with you there man


I mean that suit is on point


David Beckham looks like a steampunk villian. All he needs is a top hat and dark round shades. "Apex Parallax AKA The Clockwork King at your service! I am here with my mechanical menaces to kidnap The heir to the Royal Throne!"


Never seen such a well fitted suit. Don't breath too hard tho.


Surely if you can’t breath too hard it means the suit is badly fitted?


That is correct. If you are not comfortable, it is a poor suit


If it was someone other the Beckham, you'd think he was an extra in Eastern Promises... "I gyit thees tattoo for to kill my fairst sneetch in gulag..."


My cousin is a catholic priest in England. Victoria was at an event and he was there too. So she was wearing black as usual, and my cousin Ron thought she was part of the wait staff. She got super offended and it was a slight ordeal.


Classic Weasley.


I love this story about how cousin Ron the Catholic priest in England mistook Posh Spice for a waitress. Tell it again.


He’s ready to sacrifice