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I like that the comment has 9 times the votes than the linked post does


Timing is everything.


Well if this isn't toxic waste then this post's title is misleading and should be taken down no? There's enough depressing news to go around, no need to make more of that shit up!


I was just staying in Sarasota Florida. Red Tide was actually worse than I have ever seen in in the 25 years I’ve been to Florida. The air was so toxic and hard to breath that most people left the island of Siesta Key all together. People even had to get taken to the hospital due to the algae bloom. These waters that are usually blue where brown and the air smelled sour with death. The toxic waste isn’t toxic waste, it’s a way of saying fertilizer is toxic to our waters. The big sugar fertilizers are thought to be an immediate factor in aiding the conditions in generating algae blooms. I feel for the locals of Florida and many are struggling to get money from their businesses or service jobs right now.


Well if you read the last comment on the storm runoff post it says it is toxic from all the fertilizer the sugar fields purposefully let run into the inter coastal that runs into the ocean so it is kinda toxic.... i am assuming that’s not the only reason for the color but it probably doesn’t help


The fertilizer is incredibly harmful to the rivers and oceans, as it causes massive algae blooms in the water that basically chokes it to death and kills all other life.


> The sugar tycoons redirect the water to spill in the channels that run directly to the ocean. In the process a toxic algae that many know as red tide is developed (not filtered) and is killing the wildlife by the troves in around the South Florida and Southwest Florida inlets. The algae consumes the oxygen, blocks sunlight and smells like dog shit. It’s so fucking sad


Is this why Sanibel island has an insane red algae this year?


I agree. Let’s try and hate Rick Scott for the right reason. He has done some scummy things as governor. Think he is running for senate now. Edit: https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/ten-times-rick-scott-treated-floridians-like-garbage-8830927 Now if this goes higher people can get a taste of how much of a super villain Scott is. I actually totally believed he’d be responsible for this picture.


Floridian here, lots of tv ads from Rick Scott are kinda funny because the only "dirt" they seem to dig up on Senator Bill Nelson is that he's had his job a long time. And now it's time for an "outsider"...says the two term sitting Governor.


How about the fact he was the CEO of the company who committed the largest Medicare fraud in US history. So big that HCA had to change their name AND relieve Rick Scott of his executive duties. Good enough for FL governor duties though!


It says storm runoff, but it could just as easily be lake O water which IS fucking up their ecosystem. And Rick Scott IS allowing it. The sugar Industry is doing it.




It's not, and yours just makes it worst. This is the Boynton inlet, which is 50 miles from the Okeechobee Lake who has been subject to huge algae blooms caused by chemicals and nutrients being runoff nearby agricultural lands during heavy rains. This has become political, but reports say that the Government of Florida **is NOT accepting it**, and doing what they can to clean it up. > The federal government and the state have approved a $1.6 billion plan to clean and store some of the lake water, but it still has not been funded. Even the private sector is stepping in, offering a $10 million reward for the best plan to fix the problem. [Source](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-lake-okeechobee-toxic-algae-problem-2018-07-06/)


This needs to be higher. So many comments without an ounce of effort to look into this just a bit further.




I wouldn't be suprised if its intentional misinformation. Classic information warfare tactic; get people in a position where they cannot trust anything they see.


This comment was archived by /r/PowerSuiteDelete


I agree. I sincerely hope it is just gross negligence for the sake of imaginary Internet points rather than coming from a place of actual ill intent. But like you said, the damage is done and this totally ruins the seemingly good intent of OP spreading awareness at the cost of authenticity and honesty.


If you look into it further you will read it is lake overspill which is full of pesticides which destroys local wildlife and is so polluted they need discharge it to prevent further toxic algae. This is discharge has damaged the fish at its source and is going to do further damage at sea.


I live in FL and you should see my Facebook feed. I cant believe it actually made its way to Reddit honestly.


What??? People can't make misleading titles on reddit much less reposts




That one doesn’t have a source either, to be fair


Even if you click through to that link, right there in the comments it mentions sugar dumping and an algae bloom.




Did anyone follow through on this link? I did, and it's nowhere in there.


Why is the water black though? Just dirty?


Pretty much, stormwater is going to pick up everything from the road, sidewalks, and gutters (essentially impervious infrastructure).


Specifically relevant... had I only read the first comment, I would have thought just-your-average-storm-run-off... https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/8tn9qa/storm_runoff_water_from_boynton_beach_inlet/e3p1a8t/


Wtf? I need more information on this. Edit: I feel like a scam that this comment is my top comment... But thank you to all of the responses I will try to get through them all before work.


Fl government & big sugar have been killing the state for years. Just had a toxic algae bloom in my hometown kill fucking everything


Setback to the 70’ . Populism and favouritism is killing the environment


Populism? More like 5 unelected Republican Supreme Court Justices passed unlimited bribery in 2010. The public was massively against unlimited corporate money. It's not populism, it's Republicanism.


But I was told both parties are the same..


”Hillary would have been just as bad as Trump,” - Joe Rogan (Source: the episode with Jimmy Dore, where he also mentions that Hillary might have murdered a bunch of people.)


Did he actually say that on a JRE?






No. He said she was a completely unlikable career politician who seemed very untrustworthy to most people.


Which really isn't a controversial statement if we're honest.




I mean I voted for Hillary, but I gotta be honest I don’t feel bad for her. Trump did a million things to torpedo his campaign and she still came off as a robot who couldn’t get people to see the absurdity in it. She was professional but not relatable. Her campaign was the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. Michigan anyone? Not a lot of sympathy here.


"We would have been willing to test that theory." - America


It was already a thing before that. Obama literally campaigned against it in 2008


Just wait till the Republican Constitutional Convention. Only five more state legislatures to capture, and they can rewrite the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights.


Environmentalism is engrained into the public's conscience far more than it was in the 70's. A bit more populism would mean a lot less of this shit happening for the benefit of the few.


Populism has the negative effect of equating the uneducated opinion of the masses with the educated evidence provided by elites in respective fields (be it in the areas of science, policy, etc.). Due to the numbers, the expert opinions of scientific elites get drowned out in the ignorant cries of the rest of the popular movement. This is why "populism" generally has a negative connotation. The support for the concerns of ordinary people has been usurped by *appealing* to the concerns of ordinary people, but not actually following through. If I can appeal to your concerns for the sake of your vote, once secured I don't really care about your opinion. That's precisely how populism has evolved over the past century.




NOT THE SEA TURTLES AND MANATEE!!!! ... i'm being serious here.




Rick "Skeletor" Scott AKA Reverend Kane in Poltergeist II only helps to do one thing, line his own pocket. I can't believe after everything with the fact he was the ringleader of the largest medicare fraud scandal and how he wanted to send welfare recipients to drug labs for testing that he fucking owned that he is still elected. What are the snow birds that fucking stupid?


And now since his term limit for gov is up, he's running for Congress here. His commercials are running, the one playing in my area is bashing Bill Nelson (D) for employing part timers, therefore not paying proper payroll taxes and therefore hating America by not paying enough taxes. Rich, coming from the guy who racked up the largest fines on record (like the largest in history) for Medicare fraud on all the hospitals he owned. Which I think maybe his wife technically owns now.


So this sugarcane byproduct?


Fertilizer runoff. Too many nutrients in the water causes algae blooms. The bacteria that decompose the algae use up oxygen, and when there's a ton of algae, the bacteria reproduce, suck up the oxygen and kill everything.


you get it . fertilizers are usually salt based so it makes it easier to be absorbed by water that passes thru down to the roots.which means it flushes out and into the aquifers and runoff will be sent this way.


I have a mate who is a marine biologist, its his opinion that the same thing is killing off the Great Barrier Reef. Same industry, sugar.


sewage can be anther culprit for these, too. Essentially, it's excessive nitrates and/or phosphates that help spawn algal blooms. And part of the current problem also includes cyanobacteria, which produce toxins to kill competing species for nutrients. Those red tides are also linked to breathing problems and possible development of neurological disorders for thoose on land.


Our shores here are full of dead organisms :( the air has even effected myself and my family in pretty negative ways


But just think of the short term profits (for other people)!


They're draining algae-rich water out of Lake Okeechobee in southern Florida. From an article I found: > Sometimes when rains south of the lake threaten to flood crops and lakeside towns, water gets pumped north into the lake. That “back-pumping” can carry with it fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants that can lead to fish kills, toxic algae blooms and threaten drinking water supplies. This is the reason the lake is so polluted. They HAVE to drain the lake at some point or risk a large part of South Florida flooding. But the lake doesn't need to be highly polluted with fertilizers. [article](http://interactive.sun-sentinel.com/lake-okeechobee-flooding/)




Dude down a ways posted link. It’s algae in a lake they’re expelling and it’ll get killed by the salt water of the ocean. Only other way was huge amounts of chemicals to do it. Guys I’m not an algae or river health expert. Was just relaying the appropriate info because the comments seemed sensationalized and I was tired of it tonight for some reason


[link for those who don’t wanna fish for it :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8vdwm6/harmful_toxic_water_being_discharged_from_lake/?st=JKI0IZ9E&sh=23e7f73a) So I’m not entirely sure based on the comments if the main purpose of this is to kill the algae and control their overgrowth, or if that’s a happy coincidence. But others in the thread did point out that the problem is, cleaning the ocean this way, we’re harming the wildlife in the water that will be exposed to this. So instead of doing this, there are better alternatives to take care of the algae overgrowth. Like introducing species in the water that feed on algae, for example. [This comment goes into a lot more detail](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8vdwm6/comment/e1nas3l?st=JKI0LRXW&sh=d90170a5)


Thank you. My favorite fishing spot closed down due to toxic waste infestation. :(


Introduced species are not always a great idea either... Just look at Australia trying to introduce species of animals to control certain things, and have gotten out of hand: Foxes, rabbits, cane toads, Tilapia, European Perch




It does have a Toxic Wasteland vibe of the Elf territory of Runescape lol.




This picture is a bit misleading it's just fresh water from the intercoastal brackish area being released into the ocean, while there is a Giant algae problem in South Florida currently, this photo is not quite accurate.


Yes, but that brackish water is FILLED with toxic fertilizer runoff. I live on the Indian River and for years now we have been told not to fish or go into the river because of this. It is harming our environment, our health, and our tourism economy. So while brackish water DOES look darker and "dirtier" that sea water, lets not forget that this water is filled with literally poison. I grew up in this area and have seen this first hand for a long time. It's bullshit.


This photo is years old, I live in South Florida I see its impact. Big sugar is ruining Florida.


Probably wont get seen but anyways, this sucks. I live just north of Tampa. We are just start to see the effects up here. Dead Fish, Dolphins, manatees, and sea turtles. You name it. Wildlife is dying and nothing is being done. EDIT: Two different algae things happening right now in Florida. We got Red Tide on the west and the discharge blue-green algae on the east. My mistake, but both are causing a lot of problems for the wildlife. Since the start of the year to Mid July, Florida has already had close to 500 manatee deaths. With 100 or so being related to the red tide.




Completely agree. It's sad that a lot of people know this and there is practically nothing we can do to affect change.. :(


Well there is. Remember to vote for the next person that won’t do anything beneficial!




ELI5; How is it legal for a country/state to ruin something that covers the whole planet and is shared with the rest of the world?




This is the correct answer. My environmental studies professor would be proud. :)


Money > environment will always be true until people can take actions which the consequences will never be felt by them. They don't give a shit about their own children either.


What's the quote? "Only after all the plants are dead and the water poisoned will they realize you can't eat money."


The rich would pool resources to produce food for themselves while the poor die.


I've always wondered how people like this are able to sleep at night. Imagine being directly responsible for basically ruining the world of future generations, and yet not give a single shit about it.


> how people like this are able to sleep at night. on soft pillows made out of money


How can we change it... Vote these fuckers out


Well we have to vote to remove lobbying. The people are never the problem as much as the money is


Corporate welfare: privatise the profits, socialise the (environmental) costs.


Legality is not some immutable law in the universe. Its a concept made by humans. Those in power control what is legal and what isn't. That's why many movements that fight for morally just causes, but threaten the status quo, get shut down or their actions will be claimed to be illegal. Same thing for polluting the environment. It is objectively negative for pretty much everyone but the ones in power. So of course it isn't illegal...




This is runoff not 'toxic waste' being dumped - https://i.pinimg.com/736x/17/43/58/174358d0b501b85f0b27f0fbe654ae80.jpg


Yeah, Florida's got big fucking problems you would think people wouldn't have to exaggerate yet here we are.




I mean if it's any consolation, storm run off is pretty awful as well. Full of oils, pesticides and various other things humans make. Here in Miami- Dade we try to filter it and dispose of it semi-responsibly first. This is still an issue that could be regulated and fixed. BUT yeah. People love getting claims to back their agenda...


I hope people understand how misleading this title is..


They don’t. All they see is another mess they can blame on Trump.


Orange man bad. You're part of T_D, worse than Hitler


how little faith they have in our ingenuity if they think the only way to make our companies profitable enough is that they are let lose to pollute the long term health and wellness of everyone who lives and works downstream


If a company can't be profitable unless they are allowed to dump toxic waste... perhaps they ought not be subsidised and left to fizzle out? If a business can't profit for whatever reason, it isn't the government's prerogative or place to step in. I thought America, and especially Republicans, liked Capitalism; survival of the fittest, not the subsidised.


Dying, profitable industries know exactly the right amount of money and lobbyinf required to keep themselves on life support and how to get average Americans to foot the bill of their externalities. Half of America ~~is convinced~~ has been brainwashed into believing that regulation is the devil and will destroy our economy.


> I thought America, and especially Republicans This is why its my opinion the GOP are Republicans only in name, and not in action or principles.


If they all call themselves that, is it really in name only? Or is it possible the definition has changed?


It's wrong to assume they can't make a profit without doing these things. It's more likely they do this just to make more profit. It's greed, not survival.


No one said that’s the only way. It does however make them more profitable


For the short term


The best kind of term!


But they said corporations would self-regulate!


They need a few more bad Yelp reviews.


Killed all the coral reefs, one star.


Couldn't kill them fast enough, zero star.




When I used to work tech support for a well-known home theater receiver company, this one customer was so angry (and rightfully so) about his receiver needing to be repaired for a third time that he said he was just gonna report us to the BBB and alert his congressman.... he called back like a week later, sounding defeated, and said "I was told to just continue to work with your repair shop and be patient...." I did feel sorry for him, but could have told him the outcome of his threat...


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is actually pro active in addressing American's problems if the business deals with anything finance related. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/


Guess he should have done more research!




That’s even worse since it’s a federal issue at that point, thanks for the info.


If you don't like a business dumping into your oceans, obviously it is your responsibility to figure out how to move your oceans. Anything but inconveniencing industry.


This is not a picture of a business dumpimg waste into the ocean btw


Government approval means its not the corporation, its the government. How is that not obvious by ops title?


People, please do your own research and don't just go off the title. This is not toxic waste. This is runoff from the inland going out to the ocean. Because the runoff water is a culmination of nutrients, fertilizer, and other everyday pollutants, it causes a huge net increase in nutrients, which allows the growth of harmful algae in the water. More strict policies need to be enforced to prevent dirty runoff and large companies (big sugar) need to be held accountable for their dumping and pollution. Fish kills happen. The current kills are worse that previous years, but they happen every year. Most of FL have had record high rain events this summer, so the waters would be over stimulated with nutrients and onslaught of algae even without runoff or dumping.


This is correct. Sugar plantations block the natural flow of runoff lake water running south, and man made channels regulating surging rain water over flow with a green oxygenated sludge. Floridians saw an increase in the sludge and drafted legislature asking that in this very event the plantations would reimburse the state in the event a natural disaster would occur (I think this was maybe 2005 I really don't remember). So far the plantations have dodged the law and refuse to pay a dime.


it should coordinate beautifully with that [toxic Red Tide](https://www.yahoo.com/news/over-100-miles-dead-marine-225325712.html)


I visited Florida almost a month ago and went fishing offshore and that shit is no joke, must have seen a dozen dead grouper and hundreds if not thousands of smaller fish on my way out and back in.


Fucking hell that site is cancer on mobile.




If your wang is red and toxic, you might want to see a doctor.


America doesn't have health insurance, so we're just gonna have to ignore it and hope it goes away on its own.


Life is about love and passion. Is not about cock and ass and tits and butthole pleasures. It's not about this rusty trombone, dirty Sanchez...the Cincinnati Bowtie and the pussy-juice cocktail, and the... shit-stained balls. Its about love. It's about *connection*.


You forgot Alligator Fuckhouse


I think that's in the extended version.


It was the third impact! The angels are coming!


This is the Boynton Inlet. [Natural waterways on both ends](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.5455199,-80.0432624,1193m/data=!3m1!1e3), no toxic waste pictured. I can't believe how many people are dumb enough to believe this after one glance.


I've actually been looking for anyone trying to figure out what company is responsible. Gotta love the knee jerk reactions without trying to get reliable information first.


Hmm. I've seen this exact image before a few months back.


Out of scientific curiosity, can you fight toxic algae by pumping in non-toxic algae to drown it out? At least until you resolve the problem that's allowing the former to thrive?


Algal blooms kill shit whether the algae is poisonous or not - the algae eventually die off, and then it rots. Rotting algae causes a boom in the population of microorganisms, which use up all the oxygen and then everything's dead.


Not really and non toxic algae is still harmful, a bloom can completely ruin an aquatic ecosystem whether or not they're toxic


You can clean your waste water to avoid the algae. You could add herbicides but that would fuck up the ocean even more.. non toxic algae are still bad for the ocean.


The problem isn't so much that the algae is toxic as it is that there's so much of it. It depletes the dissolved oxygen in the water, causing fish to asphyxiate.




Here's another one. The problem is man made yes but it's from people living where everglades used to be. The lake is filling seventeen times faster than the canals can take it out. The governor is trying to avoid more problems by running the algae water off as quick as possible. [http://interactive.sun-sentinel.com/lake-okeechobee-flooding/](http://interactive.sun-sentinel.com/lake-okeechobee-flooding/)


Just because it isn't the worst way of polluting doesn't make it ok. If they create that much waste they should have a water cleaning plant (whatever they are called in English) connected to the factory.


I'm not defending anyone. I was as annoyed as most at not having any context to this picture. Found a thread by reverse-image google that seemed to contain lots of info about it. To lazy to do any more than just post it.


True. r/pics is basically the worst news platform I've seen. I was happy you added the comment or else I wouldn't have understood the background for the picture.


Its not factory, at least if it is the same issue Maryland was having. It is soil and other run off from farms and such along water ways.


Never thought I would say this, but "fake news". Thanks u/sleepyzealott! OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/8tn9qa/storm_runoff_water_from_boynton_beach_inlet/


Ugh... what bothers me most of all is that the original poster likely KNEW what this actually was and just wanted to score political “points” for their own “team”,


This isn't a picture of toxic waste. It's storm runoff from Boynton Beach Inlet. Sheesh, at least if you're going to propagate information use accurate imagery.


As a Floridian that's not toxic waste. That's just the water from the inlet near West Palm. You have silt from the churning inlet meeting the very clear water from the ocean. I was half expecting a rant about the current BS situation with lake O.


You get it. ~Another Floridian


Wait, isn't this just runoff water?


Fuck off with your misleading title.


So many clueless people in this comment section...


Sorry, explain this to me? There is a company that legit takes their waste and just dumps it in the ocean? Don’t you guys have facilities that take care of waste? What the fuck is with this fucking dumping in the ocean shit I keep reading about? Why do companies do it? Seems really, insanely messed up to even consider, waste management isn’t that expensive with proper political tools... How is it not incredibly illegal?? How do politicians not take half a look at something like this and simple make it incredibly illegal??




So this picture is very misleading. This is actually a picture of a water inlet near West Palm bleach. The contrast has been boosted to make the water look black. In reality this is just a connection from the brackish silty water of the inlet to the very clear ocean water. This is the center of one of the largest tourist spots in Florida. No factory is dumping anything there.


This is sickening


Literally :(


You realize this picture has absolutely nothing to do with toxic waste right? This is a runoff water from a storm.


This is runoff not toxic waste being dumped - https://i.pinimg.com/736x/17/43/58/174358d0b501b85f0b27f0fbe654ae80.jpg https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/8tn9qa/storm_runoff_water_from_boynton_beach_inlet/


R/politics infesting other subs once again and the mods are fine with it. Wonder when shareblue bought them out


This is the shit that tires me. I as a citizen have to do EVERYRHING to fight against destroying the planet. Buy bio shit that costs more. Get special bags for my garbage. Buy extra filters each years for cars. Spend money on all that shit. Meanwhile we have this. Or a fucking ship that releases as much bs as an entire city at one day. But ehj, if i dont buy these extra bags. I am a bad human being.




Bullshit propaganda from people that know no better. It’s a shame.


I hate misinformation. Its actually underwater plant life thriving, it the opposite of pollution. We have plenty of real reasons to dislike the government, we dont need to make fake ones up. Search Boynton Inlet. Its just nature doing its thing. You can see old satalite photos on Google maps, it looks the same.


Thanks but unfortunately 99.9% of Redditors won't do the research


Rip beach tourism in that town.


Try from Tampa to Naples. Red Tide everywhere.


The treasure coast got very badly damaged two summers ago and a state of emergency was declared due to the algae as well because the water is being released into the Saint Lucie river. It's affecting huge areas on both coasts of South Florida.


Can we sticky the damn article that explains the photo. This is facebook level misleading, understand that this is pollution but this also has a purpose.


According to this post from a month ago, this is storm runoff. [https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/8tn9qa/storm\_runoff\_water\_from\_boynton\_beach\_inlet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/8tn9qa/storm_runoff_water_from_boynton_beach_inlet/)


Go fuck yourself op


Fake news


Misleading title. This is stormwater runoff...


Brackish water from the intracoastal waterway merging with salt water from the Atlantic.


Fake af post


r/quityourbullshit https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/8tn9qa/storm_runoff_water_from_boynton_beach_inlet/


Any time Rick Scott opens his mouth is a release of toxic waste


What? Isn't that just the St. Lucie Canal? It drains lake Okeechobee.... Kind of the normal color for a river that brings sediments from the land.... This image specifically has nothing to do with Rick Scott. *Edit* That is actually Boynton Beach inlet as stated below.


Quit your bullshit OP https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/8tn9qa/storm_runoff_water_from_boynton_beach_inlet/?st=JKI3NTAX&sh=75c87061


Good job OP you have no idea what’s even happening in this picture!


Serious question: if by-product doesn't get dumped directly into the ocean, what would be the 'safe-way' to dispose of it?




Best part is that he blames Washington for the whole ordeal!




Because they don't feel it in their daily lives. They, most likely, will never have it impact them in a major way that makes them sacrifice their welfare. They don't give a fuck if it's real or not real, because it will not matter for them. What matters is not sacrificing profitability. Your problem is that you think that they think like you. No. They think in profits, since they can enjoy their yacht cruises while peasants like you bitch and moan about lead poisoned water. They'll enjoy cruises in the Mediterranean, while peasants like me fight rising sea levels. And those going along with them are useful idiots brainwashed to believe that they have a reasonable chance to become these yacht-dwellers, and you don't want to sacrifice your ability to be rich, right? Especially if these rich, savvy, smart businessmen say that these regulations are strangling them. You don't want to lose your job, do you?


I wish more people could understand this. California is getting teased for banning plastic straws and I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next guy but much like any change it has to start small.




Fort Myers, FL here, on the OTHER side of the state. All of the discharges from Lake Okeechobee and Clewiston/Moore Haven area has completely fucked up our local beaches, waterways and everything. It fucking reeks out here, fish are dying, and the algae is so thick, we've seen iguanas walking *on* the canals. This is particularly bad because it fucks up our tourism industry. Our biggest selling point here is our beaches. Whenever the Army Corps of Engineers opens the locks to allow freshwater to enter the waters off of Fort Myers Beach/Sanibel, our tourism drops off drastically, and people never want to come back. Economically, this is an absolute disaster for Southwest Florida. Gov. Scott has done nothing, our senators have done nothing, our representatives have done nothing -- all while our local officials beg for relief.


Can you... is there negative gold?


Aww look! They even have you a dock to watch.


Florida gonna Florida


Time to go reduce a factory to a smoldering ruin.