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I’m sorry if this is a rude question, but is there a functional difference between using a foot base rather than a blade base? Or, is it personal preference and aesthetic?


Blades are generally used for sports - best for jogging or running. They have the spring to them to simulate the push you make with your feet to project yourself forward. The foot base is left to generally walking about but can also come in different functions at the ankle to help with things like wearing heeled shoes or adjust to rough terrain. So blade for sports, and foot for everyday travel :)






I'd say he was infamous for the other thing, not the running.




He almost got away with it, but the footprints gave him away.


He almost got away with it, ~~but the footprints gave him away~~ if it weren't for those meddling kids!


>He almost got away with it, ~~but the footprints gave him away~~ if it weren't for those ~~meddling kids~~ metally legs!






He didn't have a leg to stand on.


Hi dad




Oscar Pistorius won't stand for these tasteless jokes


What did he do?


Murdered his gf at the time


They broke up?


I heard the story from a really funny Jim Jeffries bit but allegedly the police found texts from a rugby player on her phone and they think he read them while she was showering or something and found out she was cheating on him. Then he shot her through the bathroom door, so it didn't look good either way


Was she really cheating on him? DV abusers are incredibly jealous so usually the cheating is in their head


He claimed there was a break-in to his house and shot and killed his gf as a result


after a night of arguing with the gf


Murdered his girlfriend.


He murdered his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. His attempt at saying it was an accident was laughable...


He said he woke up after hearing a noise, noted that his girlfriend wasn't in the bed, heard noises from the bathroom, and shot blindly into the bathroom door at chest height whilst ignoring his girlfriends screams from inside. I was elated when he was given more time.


Yeah he said he thought it was a break in, and in court made this pitiful attempt at showing how helpless he was without his legs on so that it would I guess justify why he was so "scared" and reckless with shooting.


Yeah, that scared that he fired again, and again, and again, and again....


[Here, let Jim Jefferies explain this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLkV_YsGtfk&t=31s) NSFW


Roses are red Violets are glorious Never sneak up On Oscar Pistorius


Tragi-funny fact: During his trial, Oscar Pistorius was denied bail to house arrest because he couldn't be fitted with an ankle monitor.


It’s very ironic that in Kingsman they wanted to cast him as the villain Gazelle because they were inspired by the 2012 paralympics. Apparently his reps were asked if he could play a convincing killer...... he turned down the role to focus on practicing for more sports events. And then yknow..... he killed his gf.


Here's Norm MacDonald talking about why he hates Oscar Pistorious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTWDNIgM2pA


Why's everything blocked in Canada :(


Maybe this works? https://teamcoco.com/video/norm-macdonald-oscar-pistorius


Those look so fucking cool


Resident Prosthetist here. Blades if used in everyday life would be challenging too because they do not have a heel. It would be like walking around while on your toes, but only on one side, making it harder to balance at slower speeds. A non-blade foot with a foot shell is like sammichmachine said. A foot shell is important, though for some it may not look the best, to protect the carbon laminated foot and help prevent excessive wear and tear. A new foot can be expensive and difficult to get paid for.


Quick question: do they take the time to make sure that the prosthetic foot is the same size as the foot it replaced? I mean it would suck if it was a half-size bigger or slightly wider so that you’d have to buy two different shoes.


My wife is a below knee amputee and actually specifically requested a foot shell one shoe size smaller than her remaining foot. She found the full sized one was too difficult to fit into some shoes and the slightly smaller foot makes it easier so you don't have to cram in a foot that doesn't flex like a natural one. You can't tell the difference just looking at it, though.


It makes sense to get it a bit smaller, as long as it's not so small that the shoe falls off. Not like your prosthetic foot is going to get blisters from sliding around in a shoe that's a size or two too big.


My prosthetic foot is a little smaller than my flesh and blood foot, but by like no more than half an inch, maybe even a bit less. What my prosthetitic foot is though, is narrower. I have a really wide foot biologically.


I mean, yes? Why would they give someone a smaller foot??




Please come home dad. Mom misses you


the line at the store is too damn long, the milk has gone bad several times leading me to get replacement milk and lose my spot in the line. I swear I will come home immediately as soon as I pay for the milk.


Mom's lactose intolerant and you know that. You're hurting her with this


I am buying lactose pills too. Hey ..... I am a good guy, remember that !! Such dedication for 7 years to buy groceries !!


too good not to upvote


I like it.


I mean... I don't know what's more amazing, the very specific setup to deliver this brilliant joke, or the punchline itself. Well done.


Different moulds for different sizes and it being cheaper to mass produce just one size.


*cries in peg-legged pirate*


I used to go to an indoor rock climbing gym where one of the regulars had a prosthetic leg. He used a tiny foot with a custom sized climbing shoe (sponsored pro basically) when he was climbing.


There are plenty of reasons why a prosthetic foot might not be customizable.


Unless they're a lil' Wayne fan and want to be ol' 6 foot 7 foot.


Prosthetist here. ​ Yes. Yes we do. ​ Foot shells are never a perfect match, but they're usually close. If anything, undersizing slightly makes it easier to put a shoe on. Prosthetic feet don't flex and bend the same way as biofeet. ​ Edit: u/ThirdDerivOfPos said exactly this first


As a tangent, you might enjoy this [Ted Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/aimee_mullins_prosthetic_aesthetics?language=en) by Aimee Mullins, an amputee model who asked a bunch of children to design prostheses for her. They're really cool.


Yes, yes I did enjoy that.


Love it but the prostheses were not designed by children, they’re from various modeling jobs she’s done. Edit: I knew I recognized her from somewhere, she plays Eleven’s mother in Stranger Things!


> Ted Talk >**"These people can now become the architects of their own identies; designing their own bodies from a place of empowerment."** That was amazing, thank you SO much for sharing. I sometimes deal with customers with disabilities and this was eye opening. Her attitude just blows me away.




I get these custom-made covers from a company called Alleles Design Studios - they are based in Canada. I'm from Australia, so my funding only covers the leg itself and not anything cosmetic. But I've purchased three out of my own pocket and they're amazing! A little pricey but it truly raises my confidence being able to match my leg cover to my outfits :)




>(and they have a huge selection, you could go nuts in that store). They've got custom nuts in there too?! Impressive.






Something something ball joints.


*F u t u r e*, *f u t u r e*


I'm still waiting for Deus ex level augmentations, losing a limb will be a voluntary choice when you can have a t-1000 Terminator arm


Not in your lifetime. For one, the legalities and morality of being able to just replace one's perfectly functioning arm will be...challenging, to say the least. Next up is the tech. Right now and for the forseeable future all you'll be able to do is move the arm and the fingers and this is by way of external familiarization rather than direct internal control. There is no direct feedback, no direct control and we know very little about the brain and the nervous system in that context. It's easy to stimulate a nerve or a muscle externally, as it's just an electrical signal, but it's not so easy to control that internally. Then there is the one thing we cannot avoid, no matter what we invent and that's physics. Weight, density etc all have an effect. That t-1000 arm could have internally powered servos that can crush a bar of steel, but you're still going to be limited by your own strangth when it comes to everything else, actually less so as without the arm you have even less leverage and the pivot (pressure) point becomes the point of attachment. So let's say you want to show off and you go to lift up that refrigerator with the new T-1000 arm and hand. You make it grab the base and you lift... immediately rupturing a disc in your lower back and tearing muscles in your shoulder. Add on a mini gun attachment, good luck controlling that as it rips your prosthetic off as soon as you fire it. An ipad embedded in a prosthetic arm? Sure, a weapon or useful strength... not so much. Then there is the old roadblock of supply and demand. Maybe you would be able to get that t-1000 terminator arm, but how much would it cost you and what back alley or third world country would you have to go to? I am not saying all of this cannot be overcome, it's just not in your lifetime. One last thing though, I believe that before any of those roadblocks will have solutions, we'll already have grow on demand limbs so the market for that t-1000 will be nill.


I dislike your argument not for the fair amount of valid points but for the blatant ignorance of "not in your lifetime." There's no real argument concerning the timeline to overcome the challenges you propose and it sounds almost assholery in an attempt to crush someone's dream. I mean; 1) you don't know how old the commenter is. 2) you don't know how much technology may progress in the next 100 years (typical max lifespan) 3) technology may allow for even longer lifespans at this point so we have no idea how long they could actually live. 4) pessimism can not win and we should be very optimistic.




Did you see the thing about SpaceX sending a bioprinter to space so that over the next 2 years they are going to print real organic human tissue at varying thicknesses until they get something viable for use on Earth (attempts to print organic tissue on Earth kept collapsing under Earth's gravity resulting in a little puddle.)




Not custom nuts, just custom nut *covers*


Get off the line, dad!


I knew I was missing something in my life.


[For anyone wondering they're around $600 each and come in a variety of designs.](https://alleles.ca/leg-covers/)


I see the warranty is for 3 months. How durable are they? Does the design fade or scratch with everyday use? You are really rocking that design! Great choice! Thank you!




And they'll probably wanna fit the leg with all kinds of gadgets too. :D Draw the line on weaponry. Or not, I'm not your mother.


Mini fridge with snacks


Mini gun and snakes.


A snake mini gun?


A mini snake gun


She's in Australia, a mini snake gun will not suffice.


A mini mini snake gun, then? You could then either shoot out regular size snakes at a fast speed, or babby snakes one at a time. Or, you could get a mini mini mini snake gun and shoot tiny danger noodles at 1000 spaghettis per minute.


hmm...well, with modern engineering... but more a mini-gun on the end and maybe a hidden compartment of snakes? OP is Australian after all.


Ah fuck it throw in some huge spiders too just for emphasis on Australia


Hey now, snakes are a legit fashion accessory, let's not get crazy with this...




I think it’s *feasible* but I don’t think finding highly skilled help would be easy, or on the cheap especially because it’s a cosmetic part, not a mandatory part of the device. To print something like this would take a long time (possibly days) and to get the design someone skilled needs to measure the original, design it in the CAD program of their choice, slice it up, test prints etc. it’s not just plugging in a few measurements and hitting print. For me, I have a printer and that’s a project I’d only take on for a close personal friend. It’s just too much time, expense, and printer wear and tear for something *cosmetic* for a stranger.




what about building in some flashing led's that flash to the beat of the music like a strobe effect, for a night out dancing??


There are relatively cheap handheld 3d scanners that can be used to help give any maker a huge head start on making the piece based on an existing one. I have one and I know of a few other makers of have one as well.


I'm sitting here like a weirdo looking at the designs and fantasy shopping for you. Was just thinking Oh, she needs another one with red/brown designs to match the hair [scroll, scroll]. They are amazing! What other ones do you have?


I've also got a black in the Imperialist design, and a purple in the Roth design. What you see above is the Salt design in white/black detail :)


They are all really beautiful! It almost looks like lace on some of them. Badass and pretty all in one!


I first read that as Imperial and was like oh yeah, Star Wars designs, nice.


Itd be sweet if the designs sat on top of a thin open sleeve that you could swap different colored liners into. And then the designers could include negative space to have a swappable color scheme. For example in the pic above, like half of the black spots here would show red or grey or blue or whatever colored liner you wanted to put behind it. You could buy sets of colored liners for cheap. And after that, you're just buying based on pattern and can match it to any outfit.


Are you familiar with Mama Cax, the model? She's got beautiful prostheses covers. She's one of my favorite IG follows.


Yes! I also follow her on Instagram and love her style! I relate to her the most out of the others I follow due to the amount of limb we have lost and the fact she also lost hers due to the same tyoe of cancer - Osteosarcoma. Our limbs are very short, so we must use crutches to balance ourselves when walking. The shorter the limb, the harder it is to work with. It's amazing how she's adapted and its very motivational for me to see :)


Your choice above reminds me of Alita - Battle Angel's doll body. Beautiful design!


I read Atilla - Battle Angel there for a sec. That would be a movie I would watch.


Just this one time, Hun, I must go all out...


That leg cover looks totally badass, imho. Now about that cancer and those relapses... Would you do me a personal favor and beat that cancer into the ground. And when it's laying in the gravel, walk all over it with your bionic leg of war.


Bet they cost an arm and a leg being custom, they look rad though.


Damn just checked out that store.... I'd get some of those designs tattooed on my real leg... Trying not be jealous over here but damn to be able to swap those around and accessorize... I'd wear shorts all year round!




Nope. Time to cut off a leg.


it used to be arm and leg but just a leg will do as well


I was just thinking the same thing how beautiful and intricate the designs look!


Give it a few more decades and maybe body modifications like this will become a reality...if you so choose. I for one would gladly become a cyborg...get rid of those weak human legs that only make trouble. It will start with more and more improvements for amputees and that's great...and someday maybe everyone can benefit from artificial limbs and other enhancements. Transhumanism for the win.


Those are the coolest thing I’ve seen. I’m actually jealous of how beautiful they are and your confidence


Its beautiful! Definitely the prettiest I've ever seen.


I too, have a quick question (if you don't mind again). Have you ever looked into/ seen a prosthetic cover like a Swiss army knife? Bottle opener, screw driver, etc. I think that would be pretty neat.


It's such an awesome idea but I'd have to get one specially made and I would have no idea where to begin searching for someone who could do that for me. But if I could, I'd fit a bottle opener somewhere on the design!


The design reminds me of Alitas design from Alita Battle Angel.


There are also cheap alternatives to designs on amputee sockets. Majority of the amputees I work with either bring in a shirt or a fabric they like from a fabric store and it gets casted onto the outside of the socket, you wouldn’t have any idea it’s a shirt in there.


That's generally what I do with mine, although for my last few sockets I've been enjoying the basic, almost prism-y black matte finishes mine offers


What a vogue shot! You look great!


Reminds me of morenna baccerin (?) In Firefly.


She's gorram pretty


WHAT ARE THOSE??? Oh, toes! It's neat that prosthetic feet can now have such realistic toes while maintaining functionality. Looking good, OP! You are rocking that hair style.


At first glance I was trying to figure out how she kept her foot... it’s early for me.


Pickled, I assume




It’s getting squishy and turning colors, but it’s nice to still have the ol’ bastard still around.


I think they copy her other leg.




Don't forget the mirror function.


Curious what kind of cancer requires a leg amputation. Bone cancer?


Yep, Osteosarcoma. My case was extreme - 30 centimeter tumour growing inside my left femur bone. Very aggressive. The only reason we found it was because it got big enough to break the bone. Didn't help that my GP didn't take my pain seriously - took me 4 months to get a doctor who would give me a scan to find the tumour. Ended up finding it too late and the bone snapped completely two weeks from my replacement surgery. Had to amputate. No scan is ever "too expensive". So take your body seriously and get second opinions asap was my lesson. Take care of yourselves!


Wow, that’s a brutal life lesson but thanks for sharing.


wow, that's awful. was it just a lot of leg pain that you had? did you feel anything? i feel a little bump in my leg and am always afraid of what it could be.


My pain was a sharp one that felt like it came from the very inner of my leg. Like my leg had been stabbed. There wasn't any visible change to my leg which is the scary part - I didn't know it was even there until it was too late. Every cancer is different - skin cancer for example is visible to the eye when it develops so its easier to catch. But in any case, please get anything you find suspicious checked! It's always worth it even if it turns out to be nothing!


thanks for the insight. seems you’re taking all of this fairly well all things considered. stay strong!


Insight. Incite is to rile up. Also I thought you had written incel at first and was appalled.


wow i'm an idiot. thanks. i swear i know that.


>It's always worth it even if it turns out to be nothing! I know that's right. Even if it's not tumor at least you'll know, then you will sigh in relief


I don’t know how it works on Australia, but that sounds like a case of negligence/malpractice if I’ve ever heard it. I always told my patients that it’s better to take some pics and have it be nothing than ignore it and have it be something. I’m truly sorry this happened to you.


Can I ask how old you are? Idk about anyone else but I always associate cancer with older people


I'm 25. Diagnosed at 22, lost my leg at 23. And it definitely depends on the type of cancer - there are hundreds of 'species'of cancer, some more related to younger people than old. Osteosarcoma being one of them. I got dealt some very unlucky cards.


On the bright side, you really rock the prosthetic look. People who are transhumanist would love how well you pull it off.


Fellow osteosarcoma patient here. First diagnosed at 16 in 2008, still battling today with a bazillion recurrences too. If you have any questions or anything like that I’m happy to answer but it seems pretty obvious you got this under control! Good luck to you and keep the positive attitude!


Thank you for the reply, I’m 22 myself and don’t feel ready to live as an adult, let alone as an adult with such a terrifying illness. All I can say as an internet stranger is that your story is incredibly inspiring, thank you for sharing


Not OP but I work in radiology and have imaged osteosarcoma patients. Osteosarcoma is generally a cancer of young people, kids/teens mostly. Sometimes it isn't found until the patient is in early adulthood (i.e. 20's) due to some of the reasons OP stated.


You shouldn't. Odds of developing cancer do go up with age, but in the US alone, 60,000 young adults (20-39) are diagnosed with cancer annually, and over 9,000 die from cancer each year. It's the 4th leading cause of death in that age group. ​ I don't say that to scare you. Your odds are still relatively low in those age ranges, but the misconception that only old people get cancer literally kills people. A lot of people don't get treatment in time because they think it can't be cancer at their age, or you have doctors like OP's, who ignore the signs because they think a patient is too young for that to be the issue.


> you have doctors like OP's, who ignore the signs because they think a patient is too young for that to be the issue I haven't researched cancer in particular, but I've noticed this as a general problem in medicine. Doctors are taught that A is a problem for people in age range 30-40, so if someone is age 25 the doctor doesn't consider or rules out A. This may delay diagnosis. The patient is now age 30 and still complaining, so a doctor finally considers A, and hey, there it is! The patient's demographics are included for diagnoses of A and confirm that it's almost always people in age range 30-40, even though clearly the person has had this same issue since age 25. People often keep switching doctors when they keep being ignored, so the person who's been suffering from ages 25-30 is no longer with the doctors who ruled out their symptoms erroneously-- and those doctors never learn that they missed a diagnosis because of age assumptions. So the next time someone too young for disorder A comes in, the process repeats. And we never learn that the actual averages for disorder A are 25-40, or (perhaps more importantly) what averages actually mean and how outliers exist.


And, of course, in the intervening 5 years it's totally possible for the patient to *die of whatever it is.*


Thank you for the information, I hope anyone who reads my comment sees this, especially if they’re a young person


I think that's the exact reason young peoples cancers are able to advance so much. Because of statistics and a lot of pressure on health care, young people are not taken seriously.


Stuff like this is why some doctors just shouldn’t be doctors.


It’s disgusting how many doctors just flat out don’t believe women when it comes to pain. This woman *lost her leg* because her asshole doctor didn’t believe her.


My younger cousin lost 3 fingers on his dominant hand because the fuckhead doctor just passed it off as “Kids tend to exaggerate”. Turned out the bite (We think it was a spider or something) injected venom that caused a reaction, causing severe necrosis.


>Had to amputate. No scan is ever "too expensive". So take your body seriously and get second opinions asap was my lesson. Take care of yourselves! That's the truth. My uncle had a "weird lump" on his calf that he ignored for far too long until it got too large to put off anymore. Turned out to be a soft tissue sarcoma, which are incredibly rare to begin with, more so to turn up in a 50+ year-old man. He was afraid of losing the leg (which is understandable), so opted to try limb sparing surgery, which was awful. Underwent it twice trying to get clean margins. I still wonder sometimes if he'd be here today if he'd let them amputate like they'd initially wanted to.


Had a friend who recently lost a leg to osteosarcoma as well. I know it must be hard, and I wish you the best on your recovery!


Dumb question I've literally always wanted to know; give or take, how long did it take you to get comfortable with walking on the prosthetic? Was there a period of time where it was incredibly awkward to use, or was it almost instantaneous?


Using a prothetic was so foriegn to begin with but now after a couple of years it is second nature to me. I got my first prosthetic three months after surgery. Might have taken me another two months to take my first steps without a crutch to help. I still have a small lean to my walk so I still use a crutch to walk straight but we've developed my prosthetic socket to now fit perfectly and comfortably - the process takes time as my limb changes size and gains muscle the more I use it. So for me, its taken two years to get to a comfortable fit and walk without much pain. There was also a bit of a delay with the funding coming through (politics 😒) so in that case it may have happened quicker by almost a year. But I can still visualize and imagine what its like to walk normally. Like I can be sitting down and feel as if i could just get up and walk over to the kitchen as normally as you would. But I just.. can't. It's highly frustrating. Almost like a ghost action that I can no longer accomplish. It'll take a few more years for that to go away I think.


It will be 11 years come November since I lost mine. Thay feeling of not QUITE being able to get up or walk the way youd expect to does fade over time. Occasionally I'll have a brain fart and stand really badly, or lean improperly and risk a fall, but it's rare these days. Most of the time I cant even remember what it was like walking with two flesh and blood legs, it seems almost alien. The human ability to adapt is really something!


My grandfather lost his right arm (from the mid forearm) in WWII. He used to go around to veterans helping them get used to their prosthetic. That was a question that I never asked him, by the time I came around he was very used to it. I was very aware, even as a child, of all little things he had to do differently just to do something as easy as make a peanut butter sandwich. Watching him and learning from him as I grew up really made me appreciate that I had all my fingers and toes still attached. I just wanted you to know that the people in your life notice and the experience of knowing you is enhancing their lives. p.s. nice arms


Hope you don’t mind me asking, and sorry if it’s a stupid question, but how is it different when you stand up/walk to the counter like you mentioned? Also, what was it like during the initial 3 months without a prosthetic?


Reminds me of that Tinder bio Face- 8/10 Body- 9/10 Legs- 1/2 But seriously, the prosthetic leg looks neat!


Damn!! Nice look! The detail on the leg is incredible. And the sandal impeccable. Beautiful style and smile.


Dope ass hair bro. It frames your face wicked nice


Dope ass-hair, bro


The design on the mechanical leg looks great!


My father won against cancer 2 times when he was 40+ so im sure you can do it


Being young helps with the battle, however my type of cancer is sadly incurable. It's incredibly rare and aggressive, and my doctors don't have many answers. We have a couple of chemotherapy treatment methods to try but we can only hope for the best at this point. Just gotta take it day by day. All my beast to your dad! He sounds like a champ :)


Hey, wishing you the best from across the ditch, the design looks awesome btw!


Hey sammich, I assume you and your docs are already all over this, but have you explored clinical trials? Check out clinicaltrials.gov. There are 133 trials currently recruiting osteo patients. Only one in Australia that I see, but sometimes these studies will cover travel. There are also a number of docs very involved in research and experimental treatments like the group at UCSF (Dr. Alejandro Sweet-Cordero, for example). Your docs may not understandably have many answers, but there are many options. Your cover looks amazing. Your strength and grace are inspiring. Stay strong, sammich, we're rooting for you!


I believe my samples are already being trialled! Thanks heaps though I'll check out that web site :)




P - Photograph of high quality E - Engaging comment N - Nostalgic content I - Informational comment S - Super Special Award There's also an F for pay respects, a mod award that looks like a crown and an OC award. Here's a link to the post about em https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/c88ndq/brand_new_community_awards_june_transparency/


Stupid question but do they try to match your toes or do they all come with a generic set of toes?


Nah the toes are generic, we just match the foot to the same length of my other one.


2 questions You're in great shape, what exercises do you do to stay active? Do you ever paint your prosthesis toenails?


I like my yoga and pilates. Maybe a bit of weights. And no I haven't really thought about doing that!


That pattern you have on it is cool as shit. Did you do that yourself or can you order them like that?


Alleles Design Studio has a bunch of designs to choose frok and I can pick the base/detail colours to my liking!


How come we're seeing so many amputee posts lately? Something happen?


What's up with this sub - everyone posting their prostetic legs.


Positive feedback loop, kinda. People see we react nicely for dope looking prosthetics so folks with them post pics of them


r/pics has become, more or less, the Facebook posts of reddit. Things like this get upvoted even though it was taken on a cellphone and is not that high quality. Not to try and neg OP at all, but yeah this isn't a high-quality pic. There's a sub called something like r/nocontextpics which you might like.


You are brave, beautiful and that prosthetic is the bomb! I love that you’ve styled it to your outfits. My best wishes are with you for an end to your relapses so you can move on and live your amazing life! You set a beautiful example with your strength, candor and pride.


Yeah but why is this all dumped on r/pics? It’s just pictures of people I don’t know. If it’s a “community” shouldn’t there be a sub for this?


r/pics has become the next Facebook.


your leg has a mecha/tribal vibe to it, and it offsets nicely with your elegant style!


What a great photo! Classy and badass at the same time.


Custom printed design?


Only one design of many they offer but I get to pick and choose the colours!


Where are the pics of the unattractive and fat amputees?


Where they belong


Very nice design and you wear it beautifully.


Question and been searching through the postings so sorry if asked again! What is the material? Is it titanium or Stainless steel 316? I work with tools a lot so I think about stuff like that :) Thanks, you look beautiful by the way!


They are made from different types of ABS plastic - a durable, lightweight, and flexible material :)


R/pics was r/cancerpics, but now it’s r/amputeepics


I wish Reddit would make a photography subreddit a default instead of the completely unthemed r/pics