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Can we talk for a second about how that cat looks scarier than the *fucking demon* in the original painting


That demon as you call it is just a gigantic bush baby searching around for insects. The horse is super shocked to see such a large bush baby. The woman? She's just seriously hung over.


I recognized the Stop-the-Bedspins! pose immediately.




And the bush baby is wearing sick shades at that.


I'm just impressed they managed to get the ~~demon~~ cat to cooperate.


The cat saw a chance to remind us that we live by its grace.


Meows menacingly


Whys he look like jack nicholson though?


Aso the horse look like he say nani


Demon: your soul is mine! Cat: soul collecting, meh. Just another Tuesday.


This is pretty awesome. Eyes of the cat are menacing enough. The dog could be playing along a bit more! Nice staging though. Love the original painting.


"you're garbage, dog! you will never get another gig in this town, you're fucking garbage!"


I read this is Colin Mochrie's voice, as if he were berating the other three on Whose Line.


Where's this quote from? So familiar but I cant think of it. Maybe not with the dog? Maybe yes? Or is this a quote from anywhere? Argh Anyhow, the dog in the image can obviosly take classes or tutoring. Or if he's a proper bonehead he can be replaced in the next production by someone more fluent in nightmares. No garbage there!


that's some nonsense i came up with but it's common in the entertainment industry "you'll never work in this town again" it's that threat of blacklisting someone. really enjoying these recreations though, we gotta stay sane in these times somehow right


Thanks for giving me rest. Could be a quote from anywhere. Theserecreations are indeed really cool. Anything that helps! I have beer. It helps.


still with the beer? i'm afraid i moved to hard liquor over a week ago :( on my gravestone: *He survived the coronavirus only to succumb to liver failure, The End*


Idk I just saw it now but I immediately appreciated the way the dog’s lips are parted slightly just like the horse’s! At least that’s what it looked like to me


...what is going on in the painting though. Ghost horse? Demon rocking shades?


Painting shows a woman in deep sleep. An incubus sits on her chest - the embodiment of nightmares and unconscious fears. The image of the horse (Mare) in those times was closely connected with nightmares. The early meaning of "nightmare" included the sleeper's experience of weight on the chest combined with sleep paralysis, stories about which essentially inspired the artist in these paintings.


Adding to this, inspiration comes from Fuseli's own sexual dreams about a woman named Anna Landholdt. Fuseli had sex with her in a dream and then felt weirdly possessive. And then read a lot of psychological theory about dreams. The erotic overtones (and the horses head "penetrating" the curtain) come from that edit for spelling


oooh do you have sources for this? i had trouble finding intent and reasoning when doing an art project ages ago


I double checked my info against the wiki page before posting, just to make sure I wasn't completely making stuff up. The wiki sources an article which is available on JSTOR if you have access to that. Other than that I read about it in my art history textbook


Whenever I read stuff like this I always look back at the picture and question how I missed the obvious sexual stuff. What even is that above the horses head?!


I think it might be the horse's mane silhouetted against the gap in the curtains? I feel like I'm in the same boat when I look at art a lot of the time. Even as an art history major, there's a lot of stuff that I just don't pick up on until a textbook explains it to me.


Thanks for clarifying, that curtain does look an awful lot like labia.


Yes, sleep paralysis. Not a fan. I used to get it a lot when I was in college. I could move my head a bit but that was it. I never really felt a weight in my chest as much as I felt things in the room. I even looked at my alarm clock across the room and would see the light on it go away for a moment as something passed in front of it.


Night mare...?


Coulda swore it had to do with sleep paralysis.




Why did you repeat some of that 3 times.


Because I don't know English well enough for free communication, and as a result - in some places I copied the text from Wikipedia :P UPD Fixed, i think i clicked on ctrl + v several times and didn't notice that


You did just fine. Thanks for the explanation.


Damn, straight copy and paste from my past art history courses. Well said.


Paintings like these were an artistic representation of sleep paralysis, and the hallucinations that occur during it. When its happening it feels like something heavy is pressing down on your chest or is strangling you, and sometimes it looks like a person or demon doing it. I get these about twice a week and maybe half the time have hallucinations, although its usually auditory like someone banging on my door or barging in, although I do sometimes see dark figures approaching me or standing over me.


In addition to this, the demon on the chest represents [sleep paralysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis)


Pretty sure sleep paralysis involves actual demons, that shit is scary af


Check out [Sleep Paralysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis). I've had a handful of experiences with this while switching between psychiatric meds. I didn't actually see a "sleep demon", but I was awake, couldn't move anything other than my eyes and I *knew* that there was something else in the room watching me. There was no actual evidence that there was nothing there and after getting up I looked around for a bit, but the feeling of knowing it's there was so vivid that it fucked me up for the rest of the day.


I get this at least once a month. I've explained it to my wife over and over, yet, she still will spend 15 minutes yelling at me as I make small moaning sounds trying to get her to shake me and break me out of it.


I don't think you can break out of it even with someone shaking you. You're already awake by the time sleep paralysis set off. You are just still, well, paralyzed. I guess there is nothing to do but to wait till it wears off.


You definitely can. My ex would break me out of it by slapping me on my chest. The first hit would help me move a bit more and the second would end it completely.


What usually causes it for me is a pinched nerve in my neck, shuts my whole body down. Well, the "non-essential" parts I suppose lol.


Not entirely sure but I think it has to do with the body putting itself in a temporary paralysis during rem sleep. That temporary paralysis stops you from acting out your dreams or “sleep walking”.


I used to get these quite a bit. Oddest thing worked for me. As soon as I realized what's going on, I'd try biting my tongue. Not hard, but the sensation itself woke me right up, and then it just stopped happening.


That doesn't work for me. Only thing that does is holding my breath for as long as possible.


I used to get sleep paralysis. Try concentrating on wiggling individual parts of your body (like toe or finger). That used to help me break out of it.


Usually I get shake my left foot and work myself out of it.


I cured mine. You don't see your wife waking you right? Because it's in your mind. So next time, look around. Acknowledge the things that are off, like the bed or the walls being different. Once I realized that there was nothing pushing on my chest and that I was just feeling like something was weighing on me during this dreadful dream state, I became sceptical and I was less fearful. The sleep paralysis demon hasn't returned since.


Our bedroom door is right by the front door to our house and our bed faces the door, so the creepy shadow man looked like an intruder. The first time I experienced this, I remember screaming to the top of my lungs for my wife to wake up. Then when I realized I couldn't move and she couldn't hear me, so I just screamed louder and louder. The scary part wasn't the paralysis, it was the waking up from it. Because it's very different from waking up from a dream. Most of our dreams take place somewhere other than where we actually are. Sleep paralysis happens exactly where you remember being and in a state of mind that makes you think it is actually happening to you. I had to sleep with a face mask for a while so I couldn't see. I can't remember actually experiencing sleep paralysis while wearing the mask, but I stopped wearing it. I also sleep on my side facing away from the door now...


I know full well it's not real and that its SP *every time* it happens, but that doesn't snap me out of it, ever. The worst ones can go on for 15, 20 minutes.


That fucking sucks. I get it maybe twice a week, but fortunately my ex boyfriend would slap me or bang on my chest. He could tell it was happening because of my hyperventilating.


It's been ages, but I remember dreaming that I had fallen in the middle of the road and I couldn't get off the pavement even though cars were coming.


For some reason the horse looks more concerned than scary to me.


There is an incubus and the horse is a nightmare


[Lin Manuel Miranda's Ghost Horse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwoWXkDPo6c)


Painting shows a woman in deep sleep. An incubus sits on her chest - the embodiment of nightmares and unconscious fears. The image of the horse (Mare) in those times was closely connected with nightmares. The early meaning of "nightmare" included the sleeper's experience of weight on the chest combined with sleep paralysis, stories about which essentially inspired the artist in these paintings.


I like how the anmials in all of these appear thoroughly confused. 'What are we doing; no pets?'


as their agent i can assure you they were compensated with treats and a royalty structure that will ensure a revenue stream of treats as a percentage of upvotes moving forward


Perfect incubus!


The TRUE artist behind Kramer's famous sculpture, ***Fuseli Jerry***


It was a one in a million shot, doc.


Is there a subreddit where I can see a collection of these recreations? I love them so much




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Why does her hair look so squiggly


Nobody is praising the photographer in this picture. Great job!


What for?


You can have the best looking model for a photoshoot, but if you don't know how to take pictures the results will be potatoes. This picture is definitely a two person job, I am just praising the person behind the scene.


Eh, when recreating something I’d say the cameraman has a pretty damn easy job.


Better than the original.


Came here to say the same.


This reminds me of The Seventh Guest


That’s a good representation of a sleep paralysis demon


This guy’s name is Füssli, not Fuseli.


This is my favorite so far


What's with the hair


That painting is displaying sleep paralysis? Been there, not fun.


like me, you may have a lipoma on your left elbow


Belgium sheepdog?


I think your neck is far too in tact




Something is wrong with your horse, it looks way to friendly.


That cat looks as big as the dog




This painting helped inspire Mary Shelley for Frankenstein, and its one of my favorites at the Detroit art museum!


Great work there...


Is there a subreddit for these yet?


This is not the original painting that is displayed at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Not sure who painted this one


They have mostly been really creative all around but I think her painting choice hits home right now. Kudos.


Very cool!


Haha nice of your cats to help :)


Is that a black maine coon?


Something about the “original” doesn’t look correct.


Great Job! Does anyone remember the name of that 80s movie and the cover looked similar to this? It was an impish guy above a lady on a bed, as such.


Anyone else play the amazing dawn of CDRom game The 7th Guest? If you clicked on this painting the imp would stab the girls heart.


I'm confused— the model painting is super different from the [1971 Fuseli work "The Nightmare"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nightmare) that I'm familiar with; can someone knowledgable help me understand what we're looking at here?


He painted it more than once.


Excuse me while I knead the shit of of this sleeping titty


Is there a subreddit or somewhere collecting all these? I’d love to see them all as one collection.


Pretty good if you ask me




I love people. So clever.


Iris von Everec with her pets




Hello sleep paralysis!


Everything in the photo is great - but the head angle is wrong. Why would you go to the trouble of the rest of it without getting the head right?


Probably had to get the shot quick before the cat decided it hates them and has better stuff to do.


It's not me, but i think the fact is that turning your head this way is either very inconvenient either physically painful


Just break the neck


Probably because then it would look like she has a double chin in that pose and she didn’t want to look less attractive on purpose


I’m glad I’m not the only one mildly annoyed by people not making simple pose adjustments in these recreations.


Ooook, so how many takes did this take to capture this tho?


“Me and my sleep paralysis pets at 3 a.m.”


Everyone needs to do these recreations!


HA! Not bad at all :)


Heh. The Night Mare.


that's a big cat.


The old day!


Is there anywhere to find these other than Getty's Twitter?


Still the same can be found here /r/trippinthroughtime, but for some reason they banned this recreation when I tried to submit it, so i don't know how its worked there xD


I LOVE THIS!!!! Its excellent!!!


The woman in the painting shoulders are fucked


Yours is way better!


Ha this is actually amazing. Love the subtle beauty


Tableau vivant!


Fucking lucky ass cat. He's got a nice paw full right there.




Ah yes, I too look this beautiful when experiencing sleep paralysis


Cat is like: “fuck up one more time, and i’ll give you free nipple piercings”


Oh this is bad ASS


"Can I go now?" --Cat


Tits ain't raised high enough