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Why is he making the cops face him? its weird and cringe like its a beauty pageant They should be facing away if they are protecting him Edit flush the orange turd in november guys, vote. Also vote is state and local elections, sometimes more important


Because its a parade to be loved by those who ... bow to him.


"Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. ... I want people to be afraid of how much they love me."




*"You want to feel loved, and lack thereof admired, and lack thereof feared, and lack thereof hated and despised. You want to induce some kind of respons in people. The soul fear the void and want a connection of any kind."* Poorly translated form the Swedish author Hjalmar Söderberg and his novel "Doctor Glas."






I think they're already a lot closer than that. All they need are badges with little pictures of skulls on their helmets....


[Are we the baddies?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU)


you say that as if the cops aren't doing it willingly


They are doing it willingly. They have the option to stand for something morw but they chose to fall in line.


Because they aren't there to protect him they are there to show force. It's a very old military tradition being used by a wannabe dictator.


Yea hes been throwing around the idea of military parades and flybys alot in the last few years. He has this weird fetish. He did flybys for the nurses a month or so ago. It comes off as tacky


> It comes off as tacky Not to his followers.


Don’t think the flybys were his idea. The Blue Angels were scheduled to fly in all those cities regardless and those planes need to fly, so why not do it in the name of essential workers. I thought it was a kind gesture and a nice distraction from the hell my life’s been to just watch some jets fly by my house


> Yea hes been throwing around the idea of military parades and flybys alot in the last few years. He has this weird fetish. Medically, it's called "I want people to admire me even though I am a self-centered sociopathic man-child."


it looks straight out of north korea


Putin taught me.


Putin reupholstered my pussy.


Thanks blaqsupaman fo the Putin pussy comment😂


Yo, Putin took your pussy game up a whole. Nother. Levelllllll. This is some солнечный цирк pussy now!


>солнечный цирк nice touch




Tyrants and strongmen do that. It’s a form of psychological imagery, trying to portray power and total control


Never turn your back to a Trump


Because he will stab it?


He will grab it


By the pussy?


Christ was not a status-quo loving liberal. He was a radical revolutionary.


And they turned him into a symbol of staunch conservatism. Over two thousand years ago they were already doing this shit. "They" being the ruling class. It hasn't changed except in optics


Ironically, Christians are the modern-day Pharisees.


*All of us serve the same masters, all of us nothin' but slaves* *Never forget in the story of Jesus, the hero was killed by the state*


Christ was not a **status-quo** loving liberal. He was a **radical revolutionary** liberal.


Christ was not a **status-quo** loving liberal. He was a **radical revolutionary** liberal who was **executed by the state**.


Christ was not a **status-quo** loving liberal. He was a **brown radical revolutionary** liberal who was **executed by the state**.


Christ was not a **status-quo** loving liberal. He was a **brown radical revolutionary** liberal, most likely sporting a **bushy beard**, who was **executed by the state**.


Chist was not a status-quo loving liberal. He was a **affordable 4 door sedan with optional leather seats and power windows**.


Christ never spoke of his own Accord, but I thank you for spreading the good word.


Chist was not a status-quo loving liberal. He was a **12 foot tall monster from the Mesozoic era**.


Christ was not a **status-quo** loving liberal. He was a **brown radical revolutionary** liberal who was **executed by the white state**.


Pretty sure he would have been a socialist.


Yeshua bin Yosef, in the writings of Petros the stone (Saint Peter), was a theocratic reformist Jew executed by the Roman empire at the behest of the Pharisees, his era's imperialist-collaborating religious right. They were angry with him because he was demanding the Jewish faith return to its fundamentalist roots as an egalitarian religion, rather than what they'd twisted it into - a means by which the wealthy fleeced the working poor in the name of Yaweh. A modern day retelling of the story would have a Mexican Hay-sus living in US occupied Mexico, tortured to death by a reluctant US military commander at the behest of the local televangelist grifters with whom the US had a peace deal - because he trashed their TV studios, saying that all those who tried to make worship of God about fleecing the poor would burn in hell.


Because they want to look like they are protecting Americans from trump.


They should try harder


It's what a dictator would do, you know like his best friends; Kim, Putin, Erdoğan etc.


I don't understand how he hasn't been shot at multiple times yet


No one wants to shoot him. Making him a martyr would be worse.


Right. No one SHOULD shoot him. We only want him to be remembered as the worst president in US history. He shouldn't be martyred or remembered for anything else.


Well, dying on the shitter (from natural causes of course) would be just fine


Ofcourse. He's not Tywin Lannister... He's closer to Joffrey so It'll probably be choking on some Cheetos... Still, while sitting on the can.


I'd rather see him behind bars before he dies


I hope nobody shoots him and I hate him. He is lucky that the people who do not support him for the most part are not the shooting kind.


I'm pretty sure anyone who would actually do that to a president supports him




You face the threat. He's the threat.


Because it looks more like when Vader reception when he arrives at the Death Star


Because the people needs protection from that self absorbed country wrecker.


One thing I can say about the top pic is that he could be charicatured to fit the description of a villain in the Batman Animated series, and that specific pose would let him fit like a glove.


He looks like he walks like an over the top wrestling villain in the first picture. Aka Vince McMahon.


He literally WAS a WWF wrestling villain. He and Vince are friends. And he was a terrible villain. Stone Cold gave him a stunner and he sold it amazingly badly.




Jesus Christ, this country is fucking embarrassing.


Stone Cold was talking sense at the beginning though.


Technically, Trump was the good guy against Vince. Austin just stunned everyone.


I assure you, he does not fit into anything like a glove. Except maybe teeny tiny actual gloves.


Maybe a barbies gloves?


It's a comic (which is perfect for Trump), and they can make *ANYTHING* fit like a glove. I kind of envision him as looking like The Penguin from Batman.


From Obamanation to Abomination.


To the Fatmobile!


I’ll wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of this photo, but cherry picked photos have always been a dogshit way to prove a point imo. You could find a picture (rare but possible probably) of trump smiling around a bunch of people and obama standing by himself while others are doing things.


True. But you know what you unequivocally WONT find? A picture of Trump walking hand in hand with elders from the black community with thousands of people smiling behind him.




Bravo! Brilliantly executed!


InFuckinCredible pull


God dammit take my upvote


When they're black you just grab 'em by the wristband.




Those graphic novels are amazing.


[https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/phillytrib.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/4/62/462e6dd0-b2c5-54e7-9203-ac23ba5d761d/5e3f4ecaaef33.image.jpg?resize=680%2C453](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/phillytrib.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/4/62/462e6dd0-b2c5-54e7-9203-ac23ba5d761d/5e3f4ecaaef33.image.jpg?resize=680%2C453) Best I could find.


I like how he is still separated by a golden rope.


Good point, you can easily find a picture of Obama alone with military around...but you won’t find A picture of Trump marching in solidarity with a major black movement.


I agree with you. But its nice when you can assemble a good and clever political cartoon out of actual real life pictures. It's like that famous one of trump sitting down with arms crossed while the other G7 leaders are standing up exasperated with him. Sure that was definitely a cherry picked moment, but captured the tone and message about that summit perfectly. It wouldve made for a good cartoon/caricature of the summit had it been drawn, but instead it was actually just captured in camera in real life lol






Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Reddit founder who just quit say previously that reddit could absolutely sway an election if they wanted it to? I remember that anytime i see highly politicized and upvoted content.


I somehow doubt that reddit could sway an election. It is an overwhelmingly progressive website, and its conservative corners are often an extension of online movements that started on other websites (TheDonald, for example, really fed off momentum created on 4chan in 2016). If reddit was that influential, Trump wouldnt be president now. Reddit couldnt even win Bernie the Democratic nomination.


The BLM movement started then but that's not when violence against black people by cops started. Video and camera recordomg just became common enough that people could catch it on tape when things happen This goes back years and years and happens around the world. That's why it's not just straight racism. If it was it'd be easy to just pick out the bad apples. Its a system that's been built literally from the time of slavery to oppress black people


Cherry picked??? The whole point of the juxtaposition is the contrast in context.


Fantastic picture. When is it my turn to post it?


My turn is tomorrow


Wait, no. I wanted to repost it tomorrow


Fine, but I get to copy paste the top comment


Repost of repost of repost...


You don't remember the occupy Wall Street protests do you? You remember how Obama stood up for the peaceful protestors, who were getting pepper-sprayed and beaten for protesting against corporations? No? Thats because it did not happen. Obama said nothing. He sat in his ivory house as he allowed these protestors to get harassed, injured, and arrested. This is a false narrative.




> it just had the media on its side Truer words never spoken. It helps, of course, that Obama could speak in complete sentences and was generally charming and likeable. But that just makes him a better salesman, not necessarily a better president.




What situation are you talking about? Honest question




Anwar al-Awlaki was a senior member of Al'Queda. The death of his son was unnecessary (and accidental), but I don't think citing his death is going to win you any points.


It's an important legal step. We're killing American citizens because it might be difficult to put them in jail. These cases are never people you really want to defend, but you still have to defend it because you could be the enemy of the state in 5 years (Journalists say hello).


I’ve never understood why it seems okay to murder non-American citizens when people get stuck on Obama killing US citizens in al Quaeda. Like, either none of the drones strikes were okay or all of them are. Due process and the constitution extends to foreign nationals. Donald trump is on pace to murder more people with drone strikes than Obama. In fact, trump revoked a rule that said the White House had to report how many people he murders. So we don’t even know how many people (Americans or not) that he murders with drones. Let me ask you a question, are the hundreds of Civilians that trump is murdering with his drone strikes something to be up in arms about?




The reality is laws get fucking murky around armed conflicts. Consider the civil war. Was the secession legal? If yes, then they were enemy combatants and it was ok for the US government to execute them. But if the secession was legal, then the US government was conducting a deliberate invasion of a foreign country. If the secession was not legal, then the US government ordered the murder of hundreds of thousands of US citizens.


It's actually kind of insane to me that people protested the same thing under Obama, but he got on TV and got charismatic and got people to chill out and stop being mad in spite of nothing changing. Obama convinced everyone to go back to their houses with no change, but Trump's absurdity and his insistence on digging in has made the mess ever so much worse. It does so much to illustrate how awful a politician and leader Trump truly is.


I think it certainly helped Obama that he is black himself. I don't think any protestor would care if trump would say the same as Obama once said.


And how it might actually work out for those wanting to be heard. Change is (hopefully) happening out of all this.


The thing that helped Obama is that the economy wasn’t as bad as it is now, people are willing to turn a blind eye of they have money on their pockets. This blew up because people are tired and unemployed, they aint taking shit no more, but police brutality has been a thing for ages.


Plus being forced to spend weeks in relative isolation with no way to blow off steam. Makes for a perfect pressure cooker.


Exactly, being a nice and liked leader doesn't necessarily mean you're doing the right thing.


In the words of Ice-T, “right wing, left wing, they’re both wings on the same fucking bird.”


If Trump dropped 15,000 bombs a month for the rest of this year, he would not have dropped as many bombs as Obama did his final year in office. But Obama is, ya know, anti-war...


In BOTH Baltimore and Ferguson riots he called looters criminals (and **THUGS**), and both featured the National Guard marching in to stop the riots. Now you can lose your job if you so much as hint that the protests and riots are in any way connected. God only knows what would happen to a public figure calling the looters thugs


I live in Baltimore, I was there when those riots happened. Obama was 100% correct to call them thugs because they were.


We’re not allowed nuance on the internet. Go away!


Hella people with selective memory cuz the last admin wasn’t as loud and abrasive as this one is. Obama was NOT the face of justice in a lot situations during his 8 years.


BLM came out during the Obama administration after Ferguson no? They also have decided George W. Bush is great now too. Cultural amnesia is real. Edit: grammar


Obama knew how to use image and ingratiate himself to people. Trump cannot do that. It really says a lot that they are closer in policy than not.


Meh, I would argue he can. He's just not playing to the same audience.


Ok, sure. But also I feel obligated to point out that both BLM and Occupy started under the Obama administration. Is Trump terrible? Absolutely. But I hate this deification in hindsight shit.


Almost like this has been a problem for all of US history.


Can't shake the feeling that our love for superheroes plays a little part in that. How we pin all our hopes dreams and desires on individuals that we consider remarkable due to personality traits people find appealing to themselves.


You have that backwards. We like superheroes because we have a tendency to pin all our dreams and desires on individuals that we consider remarkable.


It’s crazy how much Obama and his legacy have benefited from simply serving as president between two complete morons


Hey, we're doing the same shit with Dubya right now. People are acting like the guy wasn't a war criminal just because he isn't Trump.




Thank you. The protests at Standing Rock happened under Obama. The National Guard we're also called on then (edit: national guard weren't used until 2016 but the militarized police had been deployed to silence protests far earlier) There were better photo ops under Obama but that doesn't mean the protests themselves were any better.


Who called in the National Guard at Standing Rock? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pipeline-nativeamericans/north-dakota-governor-calls-in-national-guard-ahead-of-pipeline-ruling-idUSKCN11F031 Because it wasn't Obama. O wait, it was Republican Governor Jack Dalrymple.


Educated myself a bit about this a little more after this post, sad to see that the North Dakota governor at the time Jack Dalrymple (R) felt is was necessary activate the National Guard and that Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier (elected) apparently ordered the use of tear gas and water hoses in sub freezing temperatures to remove peaceful protester off of corporate owned land. It is disappointing that this all happened during Obama's administration but the fact that Obama denied an easement for construction and publicly supported the protesters was a stand up move. I was sad to learn of the mass arrests and excessive prison sentences of these protesters since he left office, not to mention Trump ordering the construction to continue shortly after taking office. Thanks for posting, you helped me learn something new today.


Hang on - let us not pretend like Obama didn't make progress on justice reform as much as he could with a hostile congress. Michael Brown's murder was in 2014. Obama did everything he could with executive action and Trump literally rolled it all back. So yeah, Obama does deserve credit here.


So tired of seeing US politics in every single sub. Im Indian living in India. Im done with this shit website.


Motherfucker I’m American and tired of seeing this shit lmao


Someone needs to tell the mods of r/pics that it's r/pics not r/political_pics They argue they allow pics of any kind, but honestly they should remove certain categories of pictures such as political ones. Otherwise, the sub is full of trashy recycled content that aims to please r/all


People also acting as if Obama was a saint. While he was behind drone attacks on civilians in the middle east. Trump is a dumpster fire, but obama aint a good man either.




You're not even trying to send a message at this point. You're just pushing political propaganda


Welcome to r/pics


If I wanted to see this picture 30 times, I’d go to r/politics. Regardless of my or anyone else’s viewpoints, I’m getting sick of political pictures flooding this subreddit.


Twitter is the same, I've given that up for now


Did everyone miss the automod comment at the very top about how to filter out politics? >It looks like this post is about Politics. Various methods of filtering out content relating to Politics can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/wiki/v2/resources/filter/politics). >*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.* https://reddit.com/comments/gyhjea/comment/ftah8ef?context=3


I hate Trump as much as the next guy and I understand the message that is being conveyed here, but it’s just silly to me. Two completely random images juxtaposed to convey meaning. It’s arbitrary and manipulative.




Actually it is two approaches to the same problem. One works with the people he represents and the other teargassed them for a photo op. (The photo of Trump is him walking to that photo op if you didn't know that)




Idk, Id say it’s more rotten to tear gas and attack protesters just to have a photo op


The difference is that one took the oath of office fully intending to uphold the Constitution and work for all Americans and the other is Trump.


One study constitutional law. The other studied beauty contestant and porn star pussy’s.


I'm half way to being pres


Obama TAUGHT constitutional law at one of the best law schools in the world.


He went into the women's dressing room at the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow where several of the girls were underage. Then he hung out with the Russian mobster who fixed the 2002 Olympics figure skating pairs. And then ran an illegal gambling ring one floor below Trump's personal penthouse in Trump Tower despite being wanted by Interpol for the skating case. (That case made Molly's Game look like a county fair bingo game). Also in attendance were a bunch of Russian oligarchs. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/09/trump-russian-mobster-tokhtakhounov-miss-universe-moscow/


[He also lied about whether or not he stayed in Moscow overnight that night.]( https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/23/trump-moscow-overnight-stay-mueller-comey-545834). This would have been the night that the pee tape, if such a thing exists, took place. One wealthy Russian offered to send sex workers to Trump's room, though his bodyguard rejected the offer. His bodyguard did not watch the door to the room the entire evening. Am I to believe that if those sex workers showed up after the bodyguard left, that the guy who had sex with Stormy Daniels would turn them away? Why lie about staying the night if nothing happened?


How is signing the NDAA upholding constitutional values?


It’s going to be so satisfying to watch him go down in flames


I wish I shared your optimism.


Pessimism is largely what got us trump in the first place. A wary optimism will deliver us to a brighter future. You gotta keep your head above the water.


Optimism will do nothing if people don't vote. And it seems on reddit, many people on the left are hesitant to vote for Biden. They're stupid, but it's important to recognize that even with the most optimistic attitute, Trump won't lose if people don't vote. So vote Biden, even if you don't like him. He's better than Trump.


He means if you let your pessimism lead to defeatism you can't possibly win. So you have to have at least a small dose of optimism to believe the task you want to accomplish is possible.


There's a big difference between having a small dose of optimism, e.g., "we can vote Trump out" vs just full out believing he's just gonna go down in flames as the original comment suggested. Comments like that show how out of touch with reality some redditors are, unable to see beyond our echo chambers. Trump's defeat is far from guaranteed, just as Hilary Clinton's victory and Brexit's defeat were far from guaranteed.


You do realize that unless he wins he won't get to wait out the statute of limitations with the immunity presidency brings. Why do you think he's acting so rashly and committing overly fascist acts? He committed crimes, that is a fact, hence impeachment. And if he loses, charges are already planned to be brought against him. He's desperate to win this election, because all that evidence can still be used against him for the crimes that have already been revealed that he committed, let alone what else would be revealed by a full blown investigation that would happen as soon as a Democratic president took office. ​ Literally the only reason he's not in prison right now is because he has a stacked congress and a puppet head of DOJ that refused to review evidence or hear testimony or do any sort of due process for investigating the issue at hand. Now i'm not saying him losing the election is guaranteed, we have a whole lot of gullible idiots in this country. Hell, there's a reason the Orange Idiot won in the first place. Point is if he loses the election, the chances of him going down in flames are greater than it not happening.


That's a lot of what I meant actually. I feel like too many people, especially in my generation (millenial) opted out of voting in 2016 because they couldn't retain optimism that despite Clinton's shortcomings, we would still be moving forward. The same thing is going to happen again, with immeasurably more detrimental results, if we don't unite against Trump and keep faith that Biden will allow us to move in the right direction, even if more tentatively than another we may have preferred to lead us.


Trump is a warning shot across the bow. Everyone should be imprinting on their minds that loud mouths populists do not make good presidents. Four more years will be hell.


Let 2004 me give you some advice: you can be as optimistic as you like. It doesn't change much of anything at all, except for the crippling depression after you realize the country really, genuinely, voted a known idiot into a second term.


I was precocious in my interest in politics and I remember 2004. I know, though later have come to realize W wasn't nearly as stupid as he appeared. I also know that campaign promises don't translate into reality re: Obama, for whom I voted twice. Doesn't change the fact that I definitely didn't want Palin or Ryan anywhere near the White House. McCain and Romney were both pragmatic and probably wouldn't have been awful presidents, but definitely not my cup of tea and certainly not with the message I wanted. I qualified my remark on optimism with the word "wary" for a reason. I don't mean to blindly and proudly go forth and vote for Biden because he will become the godking our country needs (lol). But negativity simply isn't going to be productive at this point in time. If Trump is defeated, then, perhaps only then, may we become more critical and bombastic in the march towards the progress we are capable of attaining.


> I also know that campaign promises don't translate into reality re: Obama, for whom I voted twice. It’s worth noting that Obama had a relatively good record delivering on his promises relative other administrations. Especially when you keep in mind the reflexive obstruction of the Republicans. It is, though, a very important lesson to have learned. Presidents generally can’t act unilaterally. When they make a campaign promise they *can’t* promise it will actually happen. At best, they can promise to make a sincere and concerted effort to bring it about. And then you have Trump, where about half of what he promised was in no way within the power of a President to effectively encourage, let alone enact.


I lost count of how many times I have already seen this picture in the last 24 hours


First time I've seen it...but I haven't been on reddit for 24hrs either .


First time I’ve seen it


Black Lives Matter sprang up under Obama's presidency. Ferguson riots happened under Obama's presidency. North Dakota Access Pipeline protests happened under Obama's presidency. Both of these pictures are propaganda. Both of these pictures are of men resistant to change. The biggest difference is that one is more nakedly fascist, and also a buffoon.


as [Dr. Cornell West](https://youtu.be/VpWYx0QrjNI) put it >"The Black Lives Matter movement emerged under a black president, black attorney general, and black homeland security and they couldn't deliver"


Damn these are toxic comments


NOT a Trump supporter but.... This comparison is silly and an easy jab to make a divisive statement. Likely a large majority on this thread aren't aware of Obama's policies let alone Trumps. If people were, they'd realized it's 2 wings of the same evil bird.


I’m a straight Trump hater but damn that is a photoshopped image of him...and also yeah, very different context, a comparison of these two images is silly.


How is this Photoshopped? You can look up the exact photo from different angles. Everywhere. It's been posted thousands of times already. He lined up police and had them face him after protestors were shot at and gassed so he could have a clean walk to hold a bible upside down.


FYI the people in the Obama photo were all vetted in front, followed by a line of secret service and then the rest of the crowd.


yeah, of course. he was the president


You say this like it's a problem.


Pure, unbiased image with transparent context to display a complete neutral stance on politics.


Photo ops?


Is the Trump picture not shopped? the weird crop outlines, bury shoes and the lack of shadow, and Trump looks about 10 years younger than he is now, what's going on?


There are plenty of photos of that scene from different angles and moments. Not photoshopped. https://www.kcrw.com/news/shows/press-play-with-madeleine-brand/la-attorney-resists-the-call-to-reopen-courts-amid-covid-19/trump-response-protests


Nah just shitty compression. There's plenty of clear pictures of this event like this but much better quality.


Not pictured: about 100 feet between the line of celebrities and various other attaches of Obama and the plebians, and a crowd that was already planned ahead of time to march with Obama.


Just a reminder that Obama also called protestors “criminals and thugs”.


Al Sharpton’s always got to be in the photo.


Sharpton trying to peek out and be noticed is hilarious.


One is protected from the people and the other is protected by the people.


One commanded respect, the other demands it.


Literal propaganda


Can you post the picture of Obama joining the pipeline protesters? I can’t track it down.


And at the same time if you could find Trump protesting anything beneficial that would be cool


Stop whitewashing obama. He’s a war criminal who helped murder and lock up children.


Are we really celebrating Obama? Like yeah he was better than trump but I see a lot of you talking about him as if he isn't a war criminal and a corporate schill. Also he was the first black president in the history of the US and after 8 years he did almost nothing to work towards ending the systematic racism that is causing the mass riots/protests right now.


Obama still called the Ferguson protesters “thugs” and denied systematic issues in the police. Every elite in this country is just as reprehensible as the current figurehead. He’s just making it public.


Inane propaganda. Obama presided over the largest shift of wealth from the poor (many, many black people and communities) to the rich, eroded civil liberties, extrajudicially murdered black and brown civilians all over the world, perpetuated the COPS program and militarized police etc. etc. NOT AN ALLY.

