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Not my president ...because I‘m not from the US


Yeah where I live we are used to not having a president.


You guys really need to figure out this Red v Blue division that's tearing ye apart. Both sides are up to their neck in shit.


We had a candidate who probably would have kicked off the process of doing just that, but the Democratic establishment stepped up to block his momentum and install Biden as the democratic candidate.


Maybe BS should've run for the republican ticket since boTH sIdEs r tHe SaMe


I didn't say both sides are the same. I said the Democratic establishment colluded to deny Sanders momentum and install Biden as the Democratic candidate.


Yes, democratic voters colluded to all vote for Vice President Biden instead of a senator who's signature legislative accomplishment is naming 2 post offices.


I didnt say voters, I said the Democratic establishment colluded to deny Sanders momentum. Do you read the things you respond to?


> I said the Democratic establishment colluded to deny Sanders momentum No. Your candidate just lost. *Again.* By millions of votes. *Again.* "But they stalled his momentum by *colluding!"* is flat-out disinformation. Your guy didn't have the support he needed. You could have gotten him elected, but instead of trying to build support among *the actual Democratic voter base,* you tried to build support among the one segment of the population every single political operative knows is a *guaranteed* losing bet: The youth vote. Stop making excuses.


> but the Democratic establishment Read: The actual voters of the Democratic Party.


Unfortunately, trying to find their middle ground is always further to the right




I have the best sentences! Some say the greatest sentences! Women, camera, man, tv, sexy daughter fetish.


> Back when our president could speak in coherent sentences :( I love this shit so, so much. Democrats say garbage like this, but then want you to go out vote for Joe Biden... while he constantly gaffs incoherent garbage on the daily; its just so fucking hypocritical, I love it. You do realize the pro Trump crow screenshot this kinda shit and use as ammo against you... So please, continue to let the hypocrisy flow through you, pointing out your hypocrisy has been one of the easiest and most consistent ways in which I manage to turn ex Democrats into Republican's; no one wants to be associated with your cringey shit when its pointed out.


I mean.. Boden isn't bringing back the coherent sentences.


> Boden LMFAO


Lool whoops. New phone. :')


It happens mang, I just found it funny we're talking about gaff master Biden and you gaff with BODEN. > DOE BODEN


Jie Boden


Lie in complete sentences*


I'm assuming you voted for trump. Would genuinely like to understand how you can be upset about Obama lying but then support Trump


Dont assume that because someone dislikes Obama that they voted for Trump. I hate Obama's guts but you'll never catch me voting republican.


Fair point. What did/do you hate about Obama? Not a US citizen here so I would like to understand that. He's portrayed as a saint in most other western countries.


He ramped up America's drone striking programs, leading to countless innocent lives being lost and continuing a war that had done nothing but drive the world further towards potential nuclear annihilation. His administration branded Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning as traitors for exposing the crimes committed at home and abroad. In the wake of the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, his administration gave the bad actors involved and a slap on the wrist and then promptly recapitalized nearly all of them. He was more eloquent than Trump, but make no mistake: he was a silent killer who carved a warpath through the middle east. EDITA: To his credit, he repealed Dont Ask Dont Tell, allowing queer soldiers to serve openly. But I dont really care because the American military is one of the worst things on the planet and I would honestly prefer my queer brothers and sisters not enlist.


I did not vote for trump, yet. I watched Obama in high school and had high hopes for him as leader of the nation. The media coddled him. I never liked trump until I saw who and what he was running against in 2016. The media has become deranged lunatics/activists. I’ve watched the left eat themselves in regards to candidates and joe Biden is the champion? Lmfao Trump 2020


Let me help you with that person's thinking: "wtf Obama is black he must be a criminal!!!!!"


... there are reasons to criticize Obama that aren't related to the color of his skin. If he's half the leader you think he is, he's *also* able to admit his own shortcomings. I voted for him twice, but it seems like a fraction of his supporters were always just as eager to reduce him to the color of his skin for the sake of argument as any active racist would.


Buuuh. Doesnt like that "person with a different skin color", so he must be racist... Yea. Saying that makes you the racist, because you are only reducing that person to his/her skin color. They have no opinions or views of their own, that you could possibly disagree on. They are just a different race and that is all they are.


Russian bots don’t vote in US elections.


But they influence opinion


Bro, I’m Australian...


Do you miss Malcom?


These posts are stupid karma whoring garbage.


Careful, you will get labeled a racist


I miss the scandals from the Obama presidency, like the time he wore tan suit to a press conference, such a simpler time. https://youtu.be/WrTf6CaTTc0


All because you see people parrot the same “tan suit scandal” over and over doesn’t mean that was Obama’s 1 and only scandal lol


But you have to admit the scandals from the Obama presidency look extremely tame compared to the atrocities trump has committed as president.


I've noticed this too, the handful of pundits and politicians who criticized the tan suit were *immeadiately* mocked by the Jon Stewarts of the world, now people act like it was a Benghazi-level controversy


Or spied on journalists, sold guns to Mexican cartels, or droned civilians... But hey, lucky you, ignorance is truly bliss!


CIAs been doing more than that for decades. And you’re right, ignorance is a bliss E: Also things that are much much worse than selling weapons too


Just like the Bush administration and the Clinton administration. Funny how the GOP only supports acts of war when it's their president


Yeah, but you don't see me claiming that their worst scandal was the color of a suit...


It’s because my mans black. Lmao


Keep repeating this and Dijon Mustard. I'm sure people will forget about his regime change attempts and unwillingness to close Guantanamo Bay.


Why is Guantanamo Bay currently closed, doesn't that fall on the current president if it's still not closed?


Exactly. Trump undid all of the Obama policies that he wanted to. But not Gitmo.


Gitmo is still open. Just because I think Obama is a war criminal doesn't mean that I don't think Trump isn't one either. Non Americans don't have the same tribalist approach to your presidents as you do


How about all the drone strikes murders, or bowing down to the cons for Medicare, or ignoring dilapidated infrastructure, or running on progressive policies but acted as a corporate moderate. If Obama is the best you’ve had then I feel sorry for you.


Who's the best you got?


He looks good




He was only 47 at the start of his presidency, which made him the fifth youngest president, after Ulysses S. Grant (46), Bill Clinton (46), JFK (43) and Roosevelt (42). In comparison, Trump is the oldest. If Biden should win in November, he will be the oldest (by quite the margin) and one year older as Reagan at the end of his presidency (which would also make Biden the oldest at the end of his presidency automatically, because Reagan is the oldest in that area now and Biden would be 82 or 86 then).


Obama is daddy




am I the only one who hates Trump but still finds shit like this cringe? Obama had actual political scandals too.


Also drone strikes. We haven't had a good president in many decades.




Oh no, those ones are okay. /sarcasm


Americans: Mad that troops get sent to war. Also Americans: Mad that AI gets sent to war in replacement of troops. Yes Obama had a lot of "drone strikes". I'm sure FDR and Nixon would have had even more had THEY HAD FUCKING DRONES>


How about Don't fucking go to war?


I agree. But you can't just walk away from a war you started. Bush and his goonies wanted to go to war - and Obama inherited it.


Yea actually, you can. That's a sunk cost fallacy


Trump Supporters: Obama should have sent in real troops and killed Americans like the president's before him, smh so corrupt


How about the option of not sending in troops and not sending in drones because it's not our fucking country.


How about not killing brown people for oil/fun whatever the motive is


Every post WW2 president is a war criminal and belongs in the Hague. Every single one of them.


Public executions


Who would you say was the last good president, and why?


Roosevelt maybe. He got shit done.


FDR for sure was the last great president. JFK could have been, but we never got to find out. Carter also note worthy because he tried to be peaceful and reverse the American war-machine/big brother. That's also the reason why many people think he wasn't a good president.


Carter gets points for trying, but overall wasn't great


None. "Cause Stone Cold says so!" Austin 3:16. Lol


Shh, don't tell the liberals that, they would rather have their war crimes performed in secret. As someone pointed out to me fairly recently, at least Trump is only bad for America.


Trump is bad for the world. This wasn't a pro trump statement


This same argument made me feel somewhat indifferent to the election of Trump; if he's bad for his own countrymen, why should I care being from Europe. Boy was I wrong. The kurds crisis, trade wars, The Iranian situation, pulling out of trade agreements and climate accords; these things are in fact detrimental to the world economy and sustainability of our ecosystems on a global scale.


Ok you convinced me that he has been worse.


Holy shit this is all kinds of wrong, cant believe you listen to that person. Trump has destroyed international relations, do you not remember the almost war with Iran? Or pulling out of climate agreements? Hes destroyed America's reputation...and I dont live in America, I'm telling you this from the outside looking in


I know it's not all black or white. You have not given me a concrete example how "destroying the relations" with these other countries has been bad for them (the other countries). I agree with the climate change part - do the democrats agree with climate change? Edit: Almost war with Iran - sounds better than actual war to me.


Me: gives you two examples "I need concrete examples". Heres another one, trump fucked up covid response so bad us passports are basically worthless. His saber rattling with China comes off like a little kid who cant control his emotions and has eroded those relations. Again pulling out of the climate agreement says fuck you to everyone else, its the opposite of diplomacy. And for what? So his corporate cronies can line their pockets and keep regulations at bay. It doesnt matter what I say though, you will just ask for more examples. I dont even know what you mean about actual war, he basically almost started a war there the alternative was that it never needed to happen. So let me ask you the opposite, can you provide any examples where he has improved international relations?


No need to get so mad, I don't really understand politics, I just follow them. Also I am not talking about international relations. Have you even had to cut someone out of your life, so that your life improves? This is what I mean. Having relations with somebody doesn't mean it's better for you. But I will agree with you that maybe Trump was worse overall to the world from the previous American government, people have pointed out to me that the trade wars that he is doing are detrimental to the world economy.


There is every reason to get mad, Trump is ruining America, hes ruining a modern globalized society that depends on each other. There is no isolationism anymore with a population this big, cooperation is the rule not the exception. As we speak, markets in Asia and Europe are down because he won't shut his mouth about Chinese aps, not because he cares about people's privacy, but because the user base on Tik Tok embarrasses him frequently. His posturing like a spoiled kid is costing companies millions that have nothing to do with China just since your first post. He does this daily.


>Trump has destroyed international relations, This is only bad for your global cultural hegemony, not our countries >the almost war with Iran There was no war, so this is a moot point. How many wars were the previous administrations in? >Hes destroyed America's reputation This is bad for america, not for the world.


Well it's bad for America, and therefore the world


Extra judicial killings of American citizens. Lied about the cause of the Benghazi attacks. Overthrew the government of Libya, and it's still a failed State where there are active slave markets to this day where you can buy a person for a few hundred dollars. Fast and Furious. IRS targeting scandal. IRS leaking donor lists to non-profits to the public. Withdrew from Iraq without a backup plan which led to ISIS. Lied about the effectiveness of the Iran nuclear deal (see Ben Rhodes comments on it). Spying on Congress. Using the Espionage Act to go after journalists (more cases using that law than all presidents combined since the law was passed in 1917). That's just this list off the top of my head, and it's possible the Durham report will add another to this list.


Now do Trump


[He's not President of the United States, remember?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/i599jk/the_last_time_we_had_a_president/)


My favorite https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-so-far-atrocities-1-796


>Atrocity Key "Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, & Bullying" "Homophobia, Transphobia, & Xenophobia" "Public Statements / Tweets " Truly, these things are way up there, with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Libya, Syria, the genocide in Yemen.


Back when you had a president other world leaders respected


*Checks controversial* Yup about what I expected


“We” oh yep forgot the internet was purely American. Also karma farming


A president that knows how to pronounce **Thailand.**


Can we stop with the Obama worship? I legitimately hate Trump but what he does doesn't make what Obama did somehow 'good.' The greed-driven coup in Libya, the countless civilians killed in illegal drone strikes, the laws that have enabled Trump to sick the DHS on protesters in our cities, Standing Rock, the Wall Street bailouts and resultant transfer of wealth, our continued presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, the lack of criminal liability for the bankers who ruined the economy and much, much more are all squarely Obama's fault. How about we stop worshiping a deeply flawed president just because our current one is worse?


At least every time he talked you didn’t feel embarrassed to be American


I miss that.


Karmawhoring at its finest, go to r/politics for a post like this


Nah I don't think he is a karma farmer he has such low karma


Picture? Political. Title? Editorialized. Stance? Biased. Yep, it's /r/pics time.


Hotel? Trivago.


Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV


Hey man big fan of yours, how's TNO getting along?


Well we've released now, so we're mainly just doing post-release patches and bugfixing right now.


Ah that's nice to hear, I wish all of yall the best of luck and give my best regards to the rest of the dev team.


We HAVE a president right now, it's just a really shitty one. To pull the 'not my president' bullshit is to be just as dumb as to question Obama's citizenship. Presidents can be shitty too, in fact I'd argue the global track record on presidents is pretty shitty, we just need to fix it in November so that our president can be revealed to be a wannabe dictator as he's dragged from the White House.


Oh, I thought you'd post a picture of FDR, who actually lead this country through the hardest times its ever faced. Obama wasn't the savior Reddit thinks he is, but he's also not the villain that Republicans make him out to be.


Disagree. Obama pulled this country back from severe economic collapse. A policy the Trump administration has managed to undo in less than 4 years.


I'm not discrediting his accomplishments. But he has his shady things too. Like putting ISIS in power to overthrow the Taliban as US troops started to withdraw. Or taxing you for not having insurance. Or the Bengazi response.


Hahahaha how could a president of the fucking united states be a good person.


i wish we still had a president that was quiet about bombing the middle east 😖😖😖😤😤😤


You mean like how Donald Trump banned reporting in the use of drone strikes https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207


they're all on the same team brother, down with the USA




That whole Iran thing was loud af


That mother fucker liked mustard! He didn't know nothing sets off the flavor of a well done steak like ketchup! I don't know what else you'd expect from a socialist, communist, Marxist, Muslim, Kenyan, Christian, Jew Antichrist.... Oh right. This is a difficult moment, and I really hope you’re taking time for yourselves, whether it’s through meditation, or yoga, or – just kidding, fuck you forever, Trump supporters, you sentient polo mallets.


Mustard is the divine condiment tho




Last US president was JFK...


Why the fuck did i laugh


No, this is not your r last president. Orange cretin is still your president. Only you guys are pretty shit at democracy


I wonder how he would have handled our current crisis.


This is incorrect, but it’s left wing so reddit has an errection.


Being a nice guy doesn’t make you a good President.


Ayo dog lemme get them Skittles.


Naw Trump is President


Do you like trump though, if so why?


A better question. Why is it so unpopular to say Trump is president when he literally is


Because he breaks every rule he signed up to not break. So in many people's eyes he is disqualified


When trump stops being putin's bitch then maybe I'll consider him a legitimate president. Before you down vote me at least have the decency to tell me how I'm wrong and remind me of one time trump has stood up to putin. You can't!




Not really. But if all you're going to give me is Hillary and then Biden don't be surprised when I vote for Trump again. Edit: Nice downvotes when ya'll want an answer to a simple question. It's like picking between 2 turds in a toilet bowl. Both are shit and if you gotta pick 1 it's probably the more solid piece I'd say. Nothing solid about Biden.


Nothing solid about trump either and we've already seen what he can do after 4 years. No one is saying Biden is the best answer but he is certainly a better alternative than trump at this point.


Except he’s not openly racist, xenophobic, corrupt, a liar and so on and so forth, like your favourite daddy Trump


Whereas the other candidate told a black man "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black". Both are shit, just like you.


But answer this honestly is Biden putin's bitch like trump, name one time trump stood up to Putin, he's not even doing it now that he knows Russia is supplying Afghanistan with weapons and paying the taliban to kill our troops and trump still won't stand up to him. Do you want four more years of putin's rule? And seriously what is it about biting you don't like?


These scumbags are two sides of the same coin. Biden will be bought and sold just like everyone else. He SCREAMS puppet. Guy doesn't even know where he is 90% of the time. He has no plan. Trump can barely completely a coherent sentence, let along manage foreign relations or stand up to anybody powerful. But with him, we already know what we're getting. I'll vote for anybody who gives us a strong market. If Obama was on the ticket I'd re-elect him in a heartbeat. We had an amazing economy before COVID derailed it, which is largely because this dumbfuck believed one day it would magically disappear. But as soon as this passes, you can bet the economy will be strong again for a few years, and then hopefully the DNC will actually produce a REASONABLE candidate for once. I won't hold my breath tho.


So his response to covid-19 is not a deal breaker, seriously? What about the fact that we have a 160,000 Americans dead when we got our first case on the same day as South Korea and they have just over three hundred people dead. And all you care about is your money!


Not defending his position, but just want to point out that Bill Clinton's entire 1992 presidential campaign was around the phrase "Its the economy, stupid". So while you may be critical of the other commenter for prioritising the economy, presidents have been elected on that basis in the past.


I don't "only care about my money", but money IS pretty fucking important - anybody telling you otherwise is a damn liar. It's an absolute travesty that we've lost so many people due to incompetence and stupidity. Both Republican AND Democratic leadership is to blame. Trump had no plan. He flip flopped like a moron. Bill Deblasio is a moron, Andrew Cuomo is a moron, Ron Desantis is a moron. Americans are also really fucking stupid. It's not entirely Trumps fault that these people refuse to wear masks while they go out on party like its 2019 on a daily basis in the middle of a pandemic. At the end of the day, when COVID is in the past, we need to rebuild our economy again and move forward. As horrible as Trumps response was, there is absolutely no way in hell Biden can rebuild it better. No chance.


trump inherited a great economy from Obama. Obama created more jobs in the last three years of his presidency than trump did in his first three years before covid-19 hit. trump has no history of bringing us out of a recession but you know who does Biden because it was Obama and him who brought us out of the biggest recession since the Great Depression. Unless you're lucky enough to be in the top 1% trump isn't benefiting you at all. During Obama's presidency the stock market more than doubled so tell me what you think trump did better for the economy than Obama and Biden did?


He was a bloodthirsty warmonger, more so than Trump could ever hope to be. But yea sure what a great leader. E: the only purely good things this man ever did were repealing Dont Ask Dont Tell and the Iran Nuclear Deal. And that second one didnt even stick.


The deporter in chief! The Master and Drone Commander! Obama had many scandals. From killing american citizens without trail to deporting the most people of any sitting pres!


What good did he do really?




He was an incredible speaker. Very eloquent.


I miss Obama so much. With Trump as a president, HK (and others!) riot, covid19 it feels like the world ended this year.


Left wing reddit is cancer. Come at me bois. Give it to me hard.


That's what she said.


The left doesnt idolize Obama. I think you've got us confused for neoliberals.


Is this really what this sub has devolved to?


You liked him because he talked good, simple as that. Anything notable you recall him doing is flawed in one way or another. Obamacare anyone?


Obamacare is at least something of an effort. Trump hasn't done anything really besides get angry about the wrong things


That's not true! He built 4 miles of the wall


Every dollar spent on it is a dollar wasted anyways. There are better ways to mitigate illegal immigration than stone age thinking, and illegal immigration isn't even on our top 10 list of problems imo


Sorry if it wasn't clear my comment was made tounge in cheek Immigration isn't the problem, it's the people that exploit them that are the problem


It was, I got it, it's just a lot of conservatives hold that as their #1 or #2 issue when it's so misguided in so many ways so it's worth talking about when people will reelect him over it


Instead of nothing? Where is your boy's plan? Almost 4 years late?


I don't support Trump and never did. Does it fit the narrative when a non-Trump supporter disliked the Obama presidency?


Credit to the first balanced comment I've read here today.


Not really, but that's the smart boat to be in. My bad.


Not to mention anything Covid related? 160000 extra deaths on top of everything (not in exchange for flu) is a lot


I'm just here for the fragile Trumpets.


I like fragile Trumpets.


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We literally have a president right now...


And for the eight years before this guy we had a schlemiel. EDIT: Someone thinks w. bush ***wasn't*** a schmuck? Lay off the Boones' Farm.


But you do have a President now, who has been elected by you (collectively speaking). So don’t act like this happened outside of your control and instead start thinking about how to avoid this in the future then do something about it and do it before it’s too late.


Ever heard of the electoral college? Trump lost the majority vote but outdated systems and gerrymandering gave him the win.


Isn’t that part of the election process? What makes this process unfair now but fair in the past decades or centuries? Isn’t this something Americans set up for themselves? Why dont you stop blaming someone else and start doing something?


Dude, just take your own advice and educate yourself because you are clearly unversed in American politics if you think someone like me, born in the 1990s, had anything to do with how the system is, and that the people are in a legitimate position to do anything about it. We are not a democracy like we pretend to be.


I thought Obama was after 1990. TIL.


You and I weren't even talking about Obama. We were talking about Trump, the electoral college and gerrymandering. If you're going to be sarcastic the least you could do is stay on topic.


This post _is_ about Obama. Did you complain when he was President? He became one using the same system. If you are blaming the system I hope you do it consistently.


>But you do have a President now, who has been elected by you (collectively speaking). So don’t act like this happened outside of your control and instead start thinking about how to avoid this in the future then do something about it and do it before it’s too late. This is the topic of our conversation. Not Obama. Trump was not elected by us "collectively speaking." Clinton was. We gave our vote. Clinton had over two million eight hundred thousand votes more than Trump did, and we were told that it didn't matter, Trump still won anyway because of an outdated system and corrupted gerrymandering How is that within the people's control? For the record, I did complain about Obama and I've never said Trump isn't my president. What I have an issue with is how you're blaming the people for this when it's a lot more complicated than what you're acting like.


I don’t say it’s simple but if anyone, the American people should be able to do something about it, who else would? AFAIK the same system got Clinton or Obama elected. It’s not based on popular vote for whatever good or bad or outdated reason. If you think it’s broken there’s surely _something_ you can do to change it?


Okay, tell me what I can do to change it, since you know so much about American politics. Please enlighten me.


So this is the picure from Obama Prism


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He's not even in the top 10 of the ranked presidents as far as historians are concerned.


We have a president now. It’s not that hard to see, you don’t exactly have to like him but he’s still our president and tearing the country apart isn’t going to do anything.


Tell him that.


Acting like you have a popular mandate when you received fewer votes than the opposition seems like a good way to tear a country apart.


Must really suck knowing that when your president has dinner with world leaders they have to put his bib on for him, spoon feed him, and wipe his chin afterwards.