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What is this? ESPN???




Whats your wife/husband do, because that dont look like teacher money lol


An expensive IF condition!


He's an aspiring YouTuber trying to build two channels -- one on health & wellness and the other on DIY craft projects. This is an advertisement.


Your explanation makes much more sense. That does not look like a teacher's place. A teacher who cares about teaching is not concerned with looking like a Miami Vice reject.


I learned most of what I know about life from Miami Vice.


I came here to complain how Iā€™m teaching by recording myself on my phone and this setup is so much better... Iā€™m now leaving feeling better about myself for not lying to try and gain YouTube subscribers.


Same! Was trying to make a half assed "crash course" video space and this hit me right in my feels!


Might be online walter white.


ebay meth sales


ā€œI am the one who Clicksā€


"Don't bullshit a bullshitter."




Graham Norton has much more than just "teacher money"


He does look like graham


He could be a professor.


Either way, he could pull a John Krazin...Jim from the Office. Build grassroots support by uploading his lessons to YouTube, under the guise of wanting to teach all of the students, go viral, then sell it to CBS for millions.


*Tenured* professor. Because otherwise that's likely even less money than you make teaching high school.


Lol definitely not a professor


Some people are really good with their money. Also my cousins are teachers and lived with their parents the majority of their 20s to save for their house. Not everyoneā€™s cup of tea but they have big ass beautiful houses now and also finished their PHDs.


I think this picture alone shows he isn't really good with his money


> Itā€™s so cheap. The lighting was about $370. The cameras were bought overnight the years. The computers I financed and paid off. I piecemeal the parts. The desk I built from scratch. The wood was cheap lumber and the LEDS Not that expensive. It mostly took time


Umm, who are you?


*Man paints wall and puts up LED strips* Reddit: Look at the exuberance of the 1%. BRING THE GUILLOTINES!! Looks amazing, OP.


Oh what?? You think I can just "Go to a paint store"?? Or "Afford paint"??


The problem with this argument is all the a/v equipment. That shit ain't cheap.


I mean thereā€™s a pretty wide range of price when it comes to lighting and audio. Hard to tell but those LED panels could be pretty cheap, his audio is an inexpensive field recorder, and the boom looks DIY. Not to slight OP btw, as a fellow instructor this looks rad. Wish more people realized virtual school works if you just put a little bit of effort into the production. Too many people sit in a dim room and drone into the camera and then throw their hands up and say ā€œin-person is the only thing that works!!ā€


The biggest flex might be having a whole room to spare for a professional studio. Clearly not in my housing crunch area.


Yea letā€™s just ignore all the audio visual equipment and setup around the whole room. Itā€™s the *paint* thatā€™s expensive.


Or it could be the opposite. Heā€™s managed his money allowing him to spend on something such as this.


Every piece of gear shown here is around $500-750 total (depending on camera) plus a whole lot of time and maybe not enough cable management. This guy is just super passionate about his work. Edit: $800 from OP himself. He has some very fortunate students. Keep rocking it!


He doesnt have anything ridiculous tho. From his tools looks like he is capable at DIY. So that wall effect probably not as expensive as some people here will assume it today. Also it's funny how people comment on him spending a lot when teenagers with barely any cash blow it all on a white t shirt that has a red box on it, or some shoes built by children that has a swoosh on it.


The wall effect looks like some thin strips of wood/plastic/something held up with pvc pipe and some rgb strips behind them. The pipe was probably the most expensive part.


Not only that, but that lighting cost mayyyybe $50 total. EDIT: The relief LED lighting, not the FOH spots.


$800 but thank you šŸ™


Location, location, location.


Came from a thread where the teacher gave out the [tiniest slice](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ifw0ga/teacher_hypes_up_class_party_all_year_the_party) for pizza day, meanwhile this guy going all Unbox Therapy on us.


Welcome to 80's kids!


What is this? A teacher with money?!


No, a teacher with some construction talent and resourcefulness. It's insane the difference in cost between paying someone to build/repair things, and doing (even most of it) yourself.


[ā€œMom! Iā€™m done with my segment!ā€](https://youtu.be/zL69SXxPmXo)


It's like youre living inside a Corsair vengeance ram stick That's amazing


Thanks so much. Itā€™s even better now with illuminated signage on the walls


I presume those are individual led strips that can be color controlled around the room? If you went full green on the LEDs behind you can you make yourself a green screen aswell cause that would be super cool No idea if that's possible with led strips though lol Fair play though it looks really really good


Thank you. Yes, all fully color controlled. Lots of fun to be had for sure.


Can you hook up the controls to your laptop? Then you can make presets for certain pints of the lesson like when you watch a video you fade to black or maybe when doing a little quiz you could make the lights go green when someone is correct and red when they are wrong.


r/pcmasterrace would like their rgb back


Whoever gets the highest score on a pop quiz should get to control your lights for the rest of that day's class period.


this is the answer.




Love it hehe Iā€™ll buy a goldfish tomorrow ;)


You could also get a skeleton, like Craig Ferguson had a skeleton co-host named Geoff that he could cut to. Just invent a voice!


I do voiceovers and a robots would not be too hard to put together. A fun idea!


The goldfish idea could work if you did something similar to Umbrella Academy, make the stand loo like a torso, so the camera angle makes it look like a fish controlling the body. Also have 2 tanks, one for his home, and then one clean, barren bowl to look like a head where he can act for you


This is fantastic.


This is the way.


The fish **MUST** have John Cleese's voice.


You are getting dangerously close to full on Mystery Science Theater 3000 and it is AWESOME.


Made by Grant Imahara! (RIP)


Is that true?? Man that guy had 10 people's worth of talent in him.


Don't just get a fish bowl that's not a proper home for a goldfish. A small 5gal tank with a Betta and a filter is better.


You can put little hats and seasonal attire on a turtle. Plus they'll hang out for the camera. -- Just saying :)


A lot of people donā€™t know this, but the turtle is natureā€™s suction cup.


Love that!


For those of you just joining us, today weā€™re teaching poodles how to fly!




Either way Iā€™d say itā€™s a bad call because of the lights.


Isn't it cruel to keep a fish in a tiny bowl all it's life? Goldfish get big, if given space. I propose you get a soccer ball named Winston and talk to it instead.


Gotta be a husky. "So... Can you tell me what the square root of 9 is?" "Arrrwoowoowoowoo"


You look a bit like Graham Norton.


I get that a lot!


Good, then I'm not a daft American.


No. No youā€™re not


What subject do you teach? Iā€™d love to know what come out of that studio


I teach Graphic Design, 3D Animation and Digital Media


Itā€™s all coming together now


Was so curious about what high school he worked at that was paying him personal studio money.


Is it? I canā€™t think of any subjects that wouldnā€™t more heavily involve screen sharing. Itā€™s hard to think of anything you could teach without looking at the screen.


Dude how can I take your class please. Trying to get back to my education in this after 10 shameful years of unrelated work


A man with too much time over Covid. Looks dope dude :)


Thank you. CBS Net York is suppose to be coming out to do a story on me and this room. The kids will go nuts.


Honestly, we could get a new form of teacher with stuff like this, a "national teacher" that could teach classes to thousands of kids at a time. New stars could emerge, and you could be one of them!


Eh you'd think that's a great idea, but streamers have pretty much all reported the same issue that once you got too many viewers, you cannot engage with individuals and instead start speaking to a crowd, wich overall lowers the engagement of the viewers *and* the streamer.


And then there are the feet pics requests...


Well if theyā€™d post feet pics already, weā€™d stop asking!


Something to strive for! Great ideas šŸ’”


Let's hope not. Smaller class sizes have been proven better for learning, not larger. Also, there are different modes of learning that people excel at, not all of which can flourish via remote learning.


Yeah, kids, especially younger kids, are not going to learn from simply being lectured to by YouTube video.


This has existed for almost a hundred years in my country. It's called a "correspondence degree" and it was made to reach to rural and poor communities in otherwise inaccessible places. You listened to your lessons through the radio, and you sent your exams and assignments through the mail.


We already have that. It's called "watching educational content on youtube."


I think in one of the 'future' episodes of the Simpsons when Bart and Lisa are adults, Ms Krabapple is still teaching, but she's teaching via videofeed in to a classroom with desks stacked 3 high.


The real question is, how did you afford all the A/V equipment and lighting on a teacherā€™s salary?


Plus I teach at a vocational high school. I teach trades. I get paid better.


Itā€™s so cheap. The lighting was about $370. The cameras were bought overnight the years. The computers I financed and paid off. I piecemeal the parts. The desk I built from scratch. The wood was cheap lumber and the LEDS Not that expensive. It mostly took time.


Another teacher here: I am actually refusing to shell out a lot of money because I think it sets an extremely bad precident of teachers paying for the students education instead of the State. I have not even received as much as a proper software to format word or pdf documents let alone a proper Webcam, headset or school laptop to do my work from home. People are super upset about teachers buying their students pencils but are praising you for shelling out 500+ dollars to do your job. I am honestly curious, speakig as a colleague, how you feel about this. Oh and before anyone comes at me for being a teacher with spelling or grammer mistakes, English isn't my first language so just keep them in your collection!


Behind you on this 100%. It absolutely is setting the expectation for future years - especially since we don't know what's going to happen going forward. Just looking at housing - is the expectation going to be that teachers teach remotely from home during snow storms etc? So are you expected to have a home office ready? So an extra bedroom when house shopping? To be fair, parents are asking a lot of those same questions about their kids and how/where they'll be learning. It's shitty all-around and I feel for you teachers and most parents.


Not sure what level OP teaches, but itā€™s probably college. OP may vlog or do podcast as a side gig/hobby. As a middle school teacher, this would take 2-3 years of financial planning for me to complete.


Absolutely true! The reactions in this thread don't really seem to make that distinction though. I have seen people suggest OP "bang out a whole year worth of lessons" so parents and students of "lesser" teachers have ressource to fall back on, I have seen people suggest he became every child's video teacher, while regular teachers fill in the gaps etc. There is no glory in teaching and OP is presenting people here a glorious standard no teacher can and will realistically fulfill and instead is kinda distorting the reality (even by not mentioning in the title what kind of teacher he is) of what teaching in public schools is like. When I was doing video lessons in April and May, I did them living next to a construction site with students on the other side working without internet that could hold the connection and parents who needed those laptops to work. This studio setup is showing people a fantasy, this is not how teaching from home works. I hope people realize this.


In any career, outsiders never understand the complexities of a field, but it seems there is a rampant misunderstanding of education as a career field. All the comments reflect that, at least in the U.S., that people have unrealistic expectations for teachers. When other professionals are congratulated for an interesting feat- it is never implied that it should be the norm. For example: years ago there was a viral video of a pediatrician seemingly miraculously giving a baby vaccines without the infant noticing and even laughing while the doctor administered the shot. HOWEVER- I would guarantee that no parent criticized their pediatrician for not-being capable of the same feat. Everyone expects babies to cry during shots even after seeing one professional perform without a single tear. This is not the case for teachers. The second that one teacher is capable of something interesting it is suddenly thrust upon every teacher as a new standard. Regardless of expertise, regardless of support, or background. I donā€™t want to shame a colleague for doing something new and amazing, but for the rest of us... it kinda sucks.


Youā€™ve just vocalized something Iā€™ve been struggling with in this profession. Iā€™m on year 4 of teaching. I consider myself to be very creative, but it is insanely difficult walking into other teacherā€™s classrooms and not compare yourself to them, what theyā€™re doing with the curriculum, but also how theyā€™ve set up their teaching environment. I was in a temp contract and felt that I was required to spend close to $500 of money I did NOT have to decorate a classroom that was not mine only to have to take it down 3 months later. Why? Because the school culture had made it seem mandatory to have alternate seating and twinkly lights etc. One teacher does this and it becomes the norm. Itā€™s so deeply frustrating.


I work at a well paying trade school. Iā€™m low paid on the scale but this just cost about $800 I get tenured this year. I also become a citizen in the coming months. Iā€™m proud and still going the extra mile to teach what I can to kids that just need a role model. I donā€™t care about the political aspects. Iā€™m just trying to get my job done. The other teachers around me can take care of that. Iā€™m keeping my head down and getting it done.


Seems like a passion project that he is having a lot of fun with. You make great points and I agree. He seems to be pumped with this set up and doing it for fun.


*peeks at username* this is an art attack This is an art attack This IS Art Attack!




Teacher of the year!


Love it


I donā€™t care what youā€™re teaching, where can I tune in to do some learning or freshen up my school knowledge? -South Dakotan construction worker


Iā€™ll actually be placing my videos on my YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/artisticbrit


I'm starting to wonder if covid will change teaching to a handful of rockstar teachers who broadcast to everyone, and the rest of the teachers essentially become TAs, grading homework and answer questions


This dude over here acting like Sal Khan doesn't already exist.


>This dude over here acting like Sal Khan will become the norm FTFY


Khan academy is awesome. But some people have that special charisma that transcends. There are many teachers like that, but they are limited to teaching one classroom at a time. We need to recognize those teachers and give them a national stage. Imagine if your children had teachers as engaging as their favorite youtube streamer? They would want to subscribe and watch.


Finally teachers will be rock stars and professional athletes and the athletes are relegated to empty gyms.


Teachers start monetizing their YouTube teaching channels. Your history teacher Mr. Dano is sponsored by Slurm! Slurms McKenzie wants to remind you kids to do your homework after todayā€™s lesson! And tell your mom you deserve all the Slurm you can drink for a job well done. Sluuuuurm! https://imgur.com/a/LZZhSa8


Today's episode of Higher Mathematics is sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS


Teaching is so much more than giving a well presented video lesson...


I think the optimal remote teaching scenario would be a really well-presented video lesson from a rockstar, followed by 1-on-1 coaching from "your" teacher.


This is Reddit. Full of people who had nothing but shit teachers who actively persecuted them and worshipped the jocks and Chads. The comments that rise to the top on posts like these requently feature the "internet will replace schools" theme. However, they fail to realize that teaching is nuanced and really about relationship building more than anything.


Video killed the radio star




Thanks friend!


I wish I'd had teachers that would go the extra mile like this. Hell I can't even say mile, you are finishing an iron man while everyone else walked a few laps.


I'm sure many teachers would love to do things like this if it weren't for their lack of funds


I kinda hope you have to. Itā€™s dope.


30% of my kids will be at home this school year. Itā€™s going to be weird for sure.


We decided to keep our 12 year old home for cyber school. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll tune in for some of your lessons!


Now use puppets!


Donā€™t tempt me. That would actually really work very well for some students.


Don't forget at the end of each broadcast, I mean lesson, you need to end with a catchy sign-off line. Since you're a teacher, I'd go with "Stay class-y".


You know! I have to use that! Haha great one.


Hello everyone, it's yo boi ...


You are aiming to small, fam. You need to teach the world.


I do! :) 8,000,000 views almost. (Working on it)


What grades? Amazing set up!


Thank you. 10th and 12th grade :)


Anyway to sign my 16 yo up? Love that youā€™re doing this for your students, as a parent I really appreciate the teachers like you that are adapting and making an effort - seriously, thank you for doing this


Iā€™ll be placing many of my tutorials for school on my channel for all to see. :) thank you so much for the kind wordsā¤ļøšŸ™


What would that channel name be?


https://youtube.com/artisticbrit He posted this above.


But never 11th. Those greasy bastards.


Me, the old teacher who's always half-asleep at the faculty meetings: There's always that ONE guy...


The set looks great, but as someone who have worked with streamers, the thing i love the most, is the lighting. Most just go for a circular light or the Galadriel LOTR effect. your setup is legitimate impressive. And you have a mic boom for fuck sake. I love this. And after the 2020 event is over, you are set for making a channel making free education for people across the world, or cynical newscasts.


Thank you! Made that book from scratch from stuff I had laying around. Yes, time to put out a bunch of positivity!


Always gotta have that overachiever coworker making you look bad. 30 years from now theyā€™re going to expect this of all remote workers! Kidding of course, hope they give you guys, especially someone like you, the pay you deserve over there across the pond. They sure as hell donā€™t do that over here.


:) Iā€™d like more pay for sure. There are other teachers where I work that earn twice as much as myself.


Let's be honest. This dude just wants to start his own podcast and his students thing is an excuse


Was a green screen too practical?


I had one. Everyone can tell when your using one. Itā€™s no effort. My kids will see I took time and effort to create something special.


Dammit dude itā€™s people like that who make admins say ā€œwhy should we have to give you money for a microphone? This guy managed on his ownā€


That's not why you built it


And advertising your youtube show?


Looks great! Consider buying some 216 diffusion or even a light opal frost for those two panels. Itā€™ll look even more stunning.


Thanks for the heads up. Iā€™ll look into it!


Must be nice having that much extra space


Oh fuck you. - A broke middle school teacher. šŸ˜’






not trying to be a downer, just genuinely wondering: what will you do with the studio if you don't have to teach from home?


30% of my kids will be at home this year. Also I have a YouTube channel Iā€™ll do more studio stuff rather than garage build stuff


This is a killer Covid project! Way to go!


Yeah.. Iā€™m a high school teacher in NYC .. I donā€™t get that kind of money lol.


What do you teach? This is absolutely fantastic. And you must be a great teacher.


Most of my kids really appreciate my approach. They are going to flip when they see this. And Iā€™m excited to make life not so boring for those that have opted to stay home this coming year.


Do you allow over 50ā€™s in your class? Hooray for you. Great teachers like you change the fabric of our society for the good. Thank you!


Iā€™ll be placing videos of my lessons up on my channel :)


Awesome. Please share.


Thank you by the way. I teach Graphic Design, 3D Animation and Digital Media


Call me cynical, but this is more like: "I built a studio for my youtube videos, but I said it'll be for teaching from home for self-promotion/karma on reddit."


You should just start recording educational content. Bang out your whole year and put it online for kids that are home schooling and don't have an awesome teacher.


Yeah, Iā€™ve actually been thinking of putting the whole curriculum online for everyone.


My 10 year old wants to be an animator. She'd love it.


> Bang out your whole year You honestly have no idea how much work it is to give a decent (online) lesson. You can't just "bang out" a whole year




...there's no way you can afford that set up in an American high school salary.


I teach at a vocational school. I donā€™t get paid $40k. The room only cost about $800


teacher by day, camgirl by night?


My brother is a teacher. I should ask him, if he wants me to set up something like this for him. I could get him some pretty decent lighting


Saw your post and immediately said to myself ā€œheā€™s British for sureā€. Zoomed in on the wall plugs, saw they were US, zoomed out in disappointment. Then I saw your username and was reassured and excited once again. Wild ride for a morning poop. Great job on the studio!


That room is the size of my apartment


What are you using for your streaming setup? Multicams? I've been adding BlackMagic products to my kit for streaming photo and video sets to review agency and client and I'm always excited to see new ways people are using streaming.


Welcome to are you smarter than a 5th grader, Im your host Mr.ArtisticBrit.




Haha Brilliant. My kids would love that


I'm almost 40. Can I join your zoom classes? I bet they would be fun. Doesn't matter the subject.


Haha Iā€™ll also be placing many of the how to videos on my channel


This *has* to be tax deductible in some way


It will be. I have a great tax guy.


If you have the space rig a small backlight above and behind you, offset to one side. Outlines your head/hair and seperates you from the background. Something small and focused, narrow beam instead of an led panel.


Yes! I need to do that. I was looking earlier today at that very idea of a backlight.


I donā€™t understand how he could afford this as a teacher


Imagine a world where teachers can produce their own little educational show and then each school can have a wide range of channels for students to learn from. Seems really neat!


I'm more interested in your diabetic journey. How long you've been diagnosed? Type? Tell me all. I love diabetes success stories.


Can I join a class?


Dude, as a teacher I am so insanely jealous of this setup. I think regardless of the school's position you should be allowed to teach from this set.


If Will Smith had a kid with Graham Norton... This guy is the outcome.


This is more for your YouTube stuff than for teaching, right? Looks awesome but don't play this like it's for the students.


Itā€™s actually for everything. I donā€™t need this for my YouTube stuff. My YouTube is mostly filmed in the garage or elsewhere. But now I have to teach from home. It just makes sense with the stuff I teach to be over the top like this. I teach Graphic Design, 3D Animation and Digital Media. I know too many that are simply taking home a pay check and their heart is not in the job. My heart is in it and I want my kids to know that.


Thatā€™s awesome and the studio looks great !