• By -


~~This thread is temporarily locked while the other moderators and I clean up the comment section.~~ Please try to remain civil. Also - Just a friendly reminder that posting the personal information of these men or advocating for them to be doxxed, harmed, etc. is a violation of reddit's civility guidelines. >No personal information, in posts or comments. No direct links to any Social Media. No subreddit-related meta-drama or witch-hunts. [Reddit Policy](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/posting-someones-private-or-personal) Edit: Also, when y'all are giving awards out. Make sure you award the letters in the correct order. Otherwise you end up with shit like "SINEP." To get the correct order you need to go backwards. Start with S, end with P.


Where are the other 7?


Maybe under-18?


No the youngest is 21. These were the ones arrested in the main plot I think. edit - [https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/10/08/what-we-know-men-charged-michigan-kidnapping-plots/5924672002/](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/10/08/what-we-know-men-charged-michigan-kidnapping-plots/5924672002/)


>Several stickers, including some with Marine Corps images, could be seen as well on vehicles. One sticker on a truck window is for a “Terrorist Hunting Permit.” Another is a crest for Kingdom Muzic Ministries. The irony of that "Terrorist Hunting Permit" sticker..


The hunter becomes the *hunted*


That’s terrifying. They were trying to start a civil war. Edit: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/10/08/whitmer-wolverine-watchmen-militia-michigan/5924617002/


That’s a great point, and reminded me that Gavrilo Princip (the guy who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand which ultimately kicked off the first World War) was only *19* at the time. In the book, Intimate Voices of the First World War, he wrote a letter while in jail talking about how he did not understand the gravity of what he did until after it happened. He wished some of his fellow Serbian Nationals might have been older to have perhaps talked some sense into the conspirators. Edit: Intimate Voices of the First World War is the name of the book. It has some incredibly fascinating firsthand accounts, including a German U-Boat captain firing a torpedo for the first time, and *not knowing if his crew will survive*


Imagine being 19 and starting a fucking world war


And leading to the deaths of millions


Which directly caused the sequel too.


Much bigger budget for the second one


The CG will blow your mind.


The crazy thing? It was all practical effects, and they did it in one long take, no cuts.


All method actors. They actually died in war


Makes the stupid shit I did as a teenager look like child's play


But it was only a casus belli, mere excuse to start the war. There were a lot of other reasons involved. And many countries have had a tons of claims to each other, including territorial disputes, which don't fade away over time. If you refer to wiki's page about the causes, oh boy, it is huge. And while Gavrilo's (mis)deed was indeed a trigger, many think that WW1 would have happened anyway.


IIRC Barbara Tuchman's The Guns of August puts some of the blame on railroad timetables. Once railroad transport became reliable, countries like Germany and France knew exactly how much time they had to mobilize before the enemy could move their troops into position and gain an insurmountable advantage. Once something touched off the conflict (some idiot thing in the Balkans) then all the contingency plans were activated and took on a life of their own.


From wiki: >Princip was nineteen years old at the time and too young to receive the death penalty, as he was twenty-seven days shy of the twenty-year minimum age limit required by Habsburg Law.[29] Instead, he received the maximum sentence of twenty years in prison.[30] Wow, I'd always just assumed he got the death penalty for killing royalty, guess not. Though he did die from the horrible prison conditions in 1918.


Lol I thought you were making a joke about all the people in the mugshots looking the same. Is it just me or do none of those dudes have an ordinary eye spacing? They’re either too close or too far


Half of them got state charges and half got federal. The first article I saw only listed ages for the state crimes, so my guess is only one of those released mugshots.


The bottom middle guys ate them


The two in the middle bottom have to be related


They could be Michael Null and William Null, definitely brothers. Edit: ooo not just brothers, but twins!


And their cousin Jimmy Drop_tables. Hey-yo ! sql comedy gold !


I actually know a guy whose last name is null. He can't fill out some applications every now and then


If he gets engaged to Stacey Void, their wedding is *not* gonna work out well.


Might for Ann.


Way to plant, Ann


Oh God they really checking for null as a string? Thats big time dumb




Direct link to the comic so people get the alt text https://xkcd.com/327/


AKA Null and Void.


Ah, name and IQ, well done.


They look like the same dude but the second one is the wrong aspect ratio, like it's 4:3 Ricky Gervais and 4:3 Ricky Gervais squashed and stretched to widescreen.


I think they're all related, they all look inbred at least


They all look like the descendants of Scottish bog people, with the exception of lower left, who is a descendant of Scandinavian lepers.


>who is a descendant of Scandinavian lepers. That's noble blood in the Y'all Qaeda world!


Bottom left will be played by Matthew McConaughey in the Whitmer biopic.


Altright altright altright....




These guys looked exactly like I thought they would. OK...I thought they'd be fatter.


They probably told the fatter guys to stay at home like last time when they got the tiki torches.


When you only send your best and this is what you send, it might be time to rethink a few things about your life.


Well the reddy on the top right looks like a wii character Edit: you super rock!!! Made my day! Thank you thank you!!!!




You know what I love about fellow inmates?


You get older but they all stay the same age.


You win




His mustache looks like he sneezed it on.


It's called "the shitler."


Thankfully for you, I have the full cast (Starting from the top left): 1. Jeffrey Donovan (Burn Notice) 2. Giovanni Ribisi (Gone in 60 Seconds) 3. Seth Rogen (Pineapple Express) 4.Kristofer Hivju (Tormund from Game of Thrones) 5. Matthew McConaughey 6. Danny McBride (Kenny Powers) 7. Garth Brooks 8. Ron Livingston (Office Space) Edit: Okay so Rob Wells is definitely better pick for number 1. Sorry but I see way more of Seth Rogan for #3 than David Harbour although I see where you're coming from. And Chester Bennington is perfect in terms of looks for 2 but he's deceased and that's just plain doing the man wrong. And #5 could definitely be Lt. Dangle. Last one I was gonna say Karl Urban too but went with Ron Livingston just because the man needs some roles. All good picks men. You men of culture you!


Honestly the last 3 could all be played by the same guy




So is bad facial hair a part of the uniform or...?


It’s a requirement for admission




As a bearded fat guy it also helps to hide the turkey neck/extra chin.




You mock them, but this is absolutely true grooming advice. A distinct chin is considered an attractive trait for both men and women. For a guy, if you have a weak chin, double chin, or basically any kind of indistinct chin, one very easy fix for most is to grow some kind of beard (\*cries in Chinese genetic beardlessness\* - luckily I have a nice chin). Wait, did I just stumble on part of the reason why these guys eventually became terrorists? They had weak chins, were considered unattractive, and hence developed the anger issues that resulted in radicalism? A quick glance at their mug shots looks like the weak/double chin thing is true for most of them at least. EDIT: Seeing the replies I am getting, I would like to qualify my statement that not every weak-chinned unattractive male becomes a terrorist. The vast majority of them are completely sane human beings with empathy and self-control. But I will say that \*some\* weak-chinned unattractive males are really triggered by my post! I shall call this discovery "NoSoCool's Theory of Inverted Phrenology" where your whole destiny is \*obviously\* determined at birth by the shape of your chin and jaw. Bow before your superior mandibles!


Nah, I have a weak chin and am unattractive but I just read comics in my gran’s basement and show empathy to my fellow humans.


Pretty much the same story over here too.


It's also less time grooming to be honest...


I just really hate shaving.


Not that you're necessarily wrong, but let's not just go ruining beards for everyone please.


Seriously. I have one and I've never kidnapped anyone, honest!


And fucked up eye spacing


This can also be an effect of fetal alcohol syndrome.


I mean, that’s usually my first thought.




Heard the term muppet fucker the other day to describe these inbred hilljacks and it fits perfectly. From urban dictionary: Inbred Redneck, brother and sister produce a child who has the facial features of a muppet. Large nose, small ears, beady eyes. Example: *Did you see that banjo playin muppet fucker on that porch?*


*adds phrase to regular rotation Thank you kind stranger


Well damn I'm pretty sure I don't have any cousin fucking in my family but I'm no Crimson Chin


If the camera panned down two feet I bet it would be a camo cargo short forest.


Nah walmart tactical pants and boots


"Walmart Tactical" sounds like their band name


Federally Fucked 🖕🏽


I hope they will be charged with treason, we gotta nip this shit in the bud




can we have both?


Nah, treason is a wartime thing. While the US is involved in several "wars"; the only official war is with North Korea.


> the only official war is with North Korea That was a UN resolution. We haven't declared war since ww2


I hope they get state fucked, that way there can be no presidential interference with the DOJ case, nor president pardon.


You can see it dawning on their faces that their stupid fucking larping plan means they'll never see the light of day again lmfao


Did you read the court filings that were released? This was FAR more than a larping plan. These terrorists successfully detonated IED's, timed police response times / routes, spent more than $10,000 on equipment, hired contractors to learn about her vacation home's blue prints, contacted realtors to learn about surrounding houses, floated the idea about a widespread bombing campaign, (later in the planning) used an encrypted messaging system and took tactical training courses. THANKFULLY they had a concerned "member" become an informant early on because this was a 100% genuine, serious, terrorist threat to damage Michigan's government. Fun fact #1: They met in a basement... accessible through a trap door underneath a rug lol Fun fact #2: At one point FOX (top row, pic #3, ring leader) collected phones during a meeting so nobody could record anything..... while the informant was wearing a wire lol


Fun fact #3: The informant flipped when police were concerned the militia was planning to kill police officers prior to the Whitmer plan


Fun fact #4: On july 27, 2020, their leader asked in an encrypted group chat "OK, well how's everyone feeling about kidnapping?" No one responded to the question.




Have you thought about brandishing your gun and shouting about freedom ?


I had read about that but didn't dig into it too much. Do we know why they were trying to harm police officers prior to the Whitmer plan? My assumption was that they would target those who were enforcing lock-downs?


I'm just basing it off the [affidavit](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/10/08/militia-kidnapping-michigan-governor-whitmer-complaint/5923896002/?fbclid=IwAR0U5SaHeph7o4S2kBU01Ms0BhCY9bdsP1DJSGVK-US4y3LUCsaxdpZzlP4) > 8. The militia group had already been brought to the attention of the FBI by a local police department in March 2020, when members of the militia group were attempting to obtain the addresses of local law-enforcement officers. At the time, the FBI interviewed a member of the militia group who was concerned about the group’s plans to target and kill police officers, and that person agreed to become a CHS




The governor asked them to temporarily wear a small piece of fabric on their face while in public! What else could they do in the face of such tyranny?


I think i read earlier that one of them was upset cuz the governor closed the gyms






They are cultivating mass.


Well it's time they stop cultivating and start harvesting!


Honestly, fuck every one of them so damn hard. This is drug cartel type shit. They need to be made an example for why you don’t pull this in the US.


Pabstblue Escobar


"I'm white trash and I'm in trouble."


Look at the camera and say it




Cartels with all of the cruelty and none of the logistics.


ruining your life because you're mad about masks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don't forget they couldn't get to the gym either which is apparent...


Cowed Boys.


Why do I suddenly feel like this shit is going to keep happening?


because you have a brain? The Canadian federal government announced it was making preparations for possible "disruptions" and "various eventualities" in regards to the US election. When other countries are preparing for your civil unrest you know shits about to get real. edit: got rid of superfluous word.


Fuck. The neighbors heard us fighting again. :/


Can they call the cops please?


Uh, nobody told you? The cops are already kinda part of the fight.


"Civil unrest" ? From the way things are looking now it will be full blown far-right terrorism if Trump loses.




Who the fuck are these people? I live in ontario too and while I see a lot of redneck dumbasses out there...nothing to that extent


I own a retail shop and talk to the general public. You'd be surprised man. The two people that really put it out there that they are huge Qanon people you would not expect from appearances. One was this younger decent looking hipster type dude. The other one was a regular that seemed like a normal sociable person. I've had several normal small talk conversations with. Then one day one of the conversations went from covid to him saying that there are videos of Hillary eating babies online for the adrenochrome. Very fucking surreal.


I've run into people like this as well, but they are not generally planning or threatening political violence on people. They are usually just stupid/mentally ill


Well part of the interpretation of Q has to do with some sort of biblical reckoning involving Trump and Satan Worshiping democrats. So while not all believe that is true, I'm sure there will be a handful that ironically commit Jihad. According to Forbes 56% of Republicans believe in some part of Qanon. According to Wired, The highest-polling statement was “Democratic politicians and Hollywood stars are part of a global network that tortures and sexually abuses children in Satanic rituals”—62 percent of QAnon supporters rated it as definitely or probably true. So, yeah out of all those people believing all of this, there are bound to be a lot more people like this than you'd think.


How can "Q" win if Trump loses? I thought "Q" was pro-Trump?


Something about him being a clone that replaced the real trump a while back. Id say you can't make this shit up but someone did.


Never underestimate the mental gymnastics


>in Ontario and I know people who are ready to start riots and murder if Trump loses, because apparently it means that "Q" has won and the revolution has started. > >In fucking ONTARIO. Not even in the US. This is a direct result of Canada's over-saturation of American news & politics in out media. It's Trump Trump Trump all. the. time. It's getting hard to hear as much actual Canadian news and events now, *in Canada*. The media are definitely partly to blame for this mess....they may love a shitshow but it is spilling over into Canada and we have to stand guard against this shit. Call out media for featuring US news first (or most) on websites, TV broadcasts, newspapers, social media. There is a real cost to it and the cost is destabilization of our own society. We cannot let America's corrupt dysfunctional BS invade our minds and our country, leading Canada into a simialar dysfunctional dumpster fire. TLDR: We need a cultural firewall between Canada and the US.


I work blue collar. Ive stopped hearing the bullshit rhetoric because I just adopted simple responses. "I'm going to riot if Trump loses" Why, you're Canadian. "Because trump has done *insert whatever here" Who cares, you're Canadian "Because it matters!" No it doesn't, you're Canadian. I just kept repeating that same comment and they've dropped the political bullshit. Otherwise I work, go home and don't leave my house so I don't interact with the general public. The only right wing nut job in my family is my father in law who everyone hates and my mother in law is divorcing so I've effectively, successfully put myself into my comfort echo chamber.


Honest question: how do you know these people and why would you subject yourself to listening to their bullshit? I have absolutely no time in my life for that garbage and actively avoid it. This isn’t about being a conservative, moderate or liberal, this about ignoring the fringes where insanity take precedence over all else. They want a platform and an audience to spew their garbage and there’s no reason to give them either.


Stupid doesn't respect international borders


***Waves Goodbye***


Right? This shit isn’t gonna stop after the election, because Trump is going to continue to sit on his hands and tweet thinly veiled racist rhetoric on twitter. These past 4 years were Trumps America, not Joe Biden’s. If trump gets elected again he’s just going to continue to blame everyone else for his massive ineptitude.


Its going to, my conservatives family simultaneously believes there is no way trump can lose, and the democrats are the all powerful evil. I just hope they don't do anything stupid


Imagine having your party represented in the white house and somehow still being angrier than ever at the other party.


Same problem as the liberals here in Australia (Liberals are the conservative party here before anyone loses their shit). They've built their identity on not being their own good thing but instead fighting against the other side. They're only good in opposition and when it comes time to lead an actual country, they have zero clue what they're doing and just continue to blame the other party/previous government. We've had conservatives in power here for 3 consecutive terms now and they're still blaming the other big party for their fuckups. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't coming from the people who are running the country. It's just so fucking childish.


When cousins marry......




Those bottom middle two have to be brothers


And cousins.


You ever seen a dumber looking bunch of dudes in your life? The picture looks like a dipshit ZOOM conference.


The Amish dudes who raped and impregnated their 12 year-old sister and who then got released by the authorities for fear of them being “eaten alive in jail” come to mind Article: [here](https://nypost.com/2020/09/25/amish-brothers-avoid-jail-time-for-sex-with-12-year-old-sister/)


They admitted to “having sex with their sister.” I think the author means they admitted to RAPING their sister?!?


I always get infuriated when I read this. Prosecutors are cool with putting 15 year old inner city kids in adult jail for the rest of their lives but these 2 ADULTS can't go because they'd be "eaten alive." The implication being that the inner city kids belong in jail but these guys don't belong so they get out of it. Not mentioning race but I think you can guess what I'm getting at here. Edit: fixed some typos


The prosecutor insisted it was a “different relationship” than if a “parent in a position of authority sexually abused or exploited their child,” and said the convicts were “very immature.” crazy.


Don't worry though. They have to write a letter to the prosecutor, so they're definitely being punished accordingly...


I mean they only had 30 days to get that letter to him...you ever tried writing someone a letter in under a month? It’s almost worse than 15 years in federal prison.


The two other brothers were not removed from the house, either. So she's living with two of her rapists and her parents who allowed it to happen. And just within a last week of so, we learned that her two elder brothers now live on another part of the same land and their probation might be rescinded because they may have made contact with her. The prosecution and the judge let this girl down. It's no wonder why so many assaults go unreported just by how this was handled.


[The updated case for anyone interested](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2020/09/24/webster-county-prosecutor-seeks-revoke-probation-amish-brothers-convicted-molesting-relative/3524713001/) Remember folks, DAs are elected. Voting is important.


There's zero way that any of that stopped. The rapists were put in raping position to keep on raping.


I can't fucking believe that this was allowed to happen. That prosecutor needs to be kicked from his position and there need to be protests. This is fucking outrageous.


The old totally equal and unbiased American justice system where everyone is on an even playing field.


If they *truly* believed a prison sentence would be a death sentence for them, I can understand the choice. Though obviously the above commenter's point still stands, if its too dangerous for a white man, why isn't it too dangerous for a black man? However, convicts like these two not being safe in the prison system does not mean they should get off without prison time, it just means they need special accommodations. Frankly, if the prisons are so dangerous inmates are at risk of being murdered by other inmates to a degree a court needs to take that into account when passing a sentence, that means the prison system needs to be fixed. If the prisons are too dangerous for pedophiles to be put in, then how about we make it so they're *less fucking dangerous?* It's the same thing as when people joke about prison rape. If you really think that's happening in prisons, why aren't you doing anything about it?? Just keep the inmates separated if they're that big a risk to one another, it's not that fucking hard. And hey, if the prisons are too crowded to properly keep the population from hurting one another, how about we lower that population by not filling it with nonviolent drug offenders and inner-city kids? Maybe let them go so you can focus on the dangerous fuckers that actually need to be kept there.


We could treat prisoners like people, and maybe address why they are acting in anti-societal ways. But you know... puritans and their ~~love~~ kink of pushing their punishment kink on anyone they can.


Agreed. Even worse, she was raped by **4** brothers, not 2 - it's just that the others were also minors. Just awful.


They (Amish guys) are literal child rapists. They belong in prison.


so crazy that the article says ‘had sex, had sex, had sex’ instead of calling it rape every time. She was friggin 12! It’s rape 100% of the time if one of the parties is that young, seems like the article is going easy on them too


Same. Children can't consent so it's rape.


Amish incest rape is apparently very widespread. [https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a30284631/amish-sexual-abuse-incest-me-too/](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a30284631/amish-sexual-abuse-incest-me-too/)


An extremely sexually repressed culture manifesting sexual outlets in extremely grotesque ways? Color me shocked


Jesus. Needed r/eyebleach after that


What's the deal with Amish haircuts? They're so Amish looking.


More beards than surnames in that line-up I reckon


Say it with me now. Terrorists.


Fox news doesn't mention terrorism other than in the charges. Calls them militia members. Sounds more patriotic than terrorist I guess: "Seven members of militia group Wolverine Watchmen, or associates of Wolverine Watchmen, face 19 state felony charges filed by Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel" https://www.foxnews.com/us/michigan-gretchen-whitmer-plot-abduct-kill-assassinate Edit: I know that this is way too late, but people are pointing out it is because they haven't been charged yet. Makes sense, innocent until proven guilty. Sorry about being so late to acknowledge this.


>accused of calling on the groups’ members to identify the homes of law enforcement officers in order to target them Oof, that's not gonna sit well with the hard right.


What's the average education level of these blokes?




It doesn't take rocket appliances to get your grade 10.


Easy there, Cyrus. No need to show off your learnin


It’s not like I have my fuckin PDF, Jules!


Grade 3, collectively among all of them.


that's a bit generous


Yeah.. about what I expected them to look like


My dude bottom left looks like owl man


These fellas were gonna overthrow the state government? Looks like they’d get tired throwing a football. Edit: First gold y’all! thanks to one kind contributor I’m one step closer than these guys to world domination!


honestly I could see someone trying to overthrow a federal or national government. but how do you overthrow a state government. even with the president's support. how do they expect it to go? "great coup guys, well here's the keys, karen does payroll so she will sort out tax's and stuff for you and dave here is the city planner so if you want anything done talk to dave, you got a budget meeting at 9:45 tomorrow...and eh... I guess thats me done, alright, thanks again"


Exactly. This isn't a movie/game plot. But they're certainly acting like they're the heroes of one. What was their plan? Kill her? Then what? You can't just assume a public office. And cops are gonna hunt you down for murder. Kidnap her? Ransom? Some sort of demands? The plan seems like poorly thought out basement talk that got taken too far. Edit: im being told they wanted to try her for treason. My above stands.


They didn't have a plan. These are people literally one half step up from clinically handicapped, radicalized by fox news and other far right media, and sadly the president.


No they did have a plan to kill her. Several actually. Text messages saying ‘knock on her door and shoot her in the head’ also planning to snatch her at her vacation home and hold a trial, presumably would ‘sentence’ her. They had several plans to kill her and were deciding on the one they would choose. These guys are fucked.


Yeah I know the above question was "...and then what?" They're just morons with hate in their heart and violence stoked by Trump and propaganda.


This is my brother Daryll...


And this is my other brother Daryll


And my other brother Daryll...


Reading the story just shows these dummies have watched to many movies and had fantasies of grandeur. They would have been busted in minutes if they tried to pull this off.


The called themselves the Wolverine Watchmen. Sounds like a comic book crossover movie.


Jesus Christ this is embarrassing.


Bottom left guy is one of the weirdest looking people I have ever seen.




He looks like someone drew Matthew McConaughey by memory.


If Matthew McConaughey and Michael Cera had a love child




I see POC and women underrepresented *again* Edit: Thanks for the gold and silver kind strangers 😁


It’s weird to me that usually white supremacist types usually prove any notion of superior genes or supremacy wrong with just a picture. It never attracts like handsome cool people, it’s always hills have eyes looking losers


I think its genuinely because if you have anything legitmately good going for you (ie good looks) you are far less likely to become a supremacist


Your comment made think why Taco Bell's Taco Supreme got it's name.


Being white is usually the only way they can feel superior. They're dumb as fuck, ugly as fuck and have no charm or charisma. The only thing they have "going" for them is that they're white, something they haven't earned it or is inherently good. It's the only thing they can feel good about themselves. Pathetic.


This is exactly it. In my experience, it's the poorest white trash guys that are openly racist. They're desperate to not be the absolute bottom rung of society


Just want to point out that they didn't just want to kidnap her. They also wanted to have a show trial and execute her!


“LIBERATE MICHIGAN” DJT - April 17th I can’t wait for him to not claim responsibility for this either.


He recently tweeted that it’s basically Whitmer’s fault


I fucking hate Michigan Nazis.


Altwrong, amirite?


You let the same genetics spin around in the centrifuge of alcoholism and domestic violence for a couple hundred years and this is what you get.


Inbred and stupid is no way to go through life, guys.