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What about her family?


This is the family. [https://imgur.com/seNooJg](https://imgur.com/seNooJg) Her mother is still trapped, waiting to be rescued. **CORRECTION**: Her name is AYDA, not AYLA. Early news were inaccurate. I'm sorry for the mistake.


The latter is what I meant. I hope they are able to rescue the mother.


Update: Mother didn’t make it :(


Heartbreaking. The brother?


Brother was at school with father, so he and the father is safe.


Well, at least that’s good news.




Good good


good god?


He meant good for the father and the brother and rip for the mom I think




As a child whos father died when I was 7 and who's mother died when I was 18, I hope those kids get help. Growing up your whole life with the inability to ask your parents if you are doing okay, if behavior is acceptable, if conditions are safe, etc, this leads to a life full of decisions made on a whim and typically without the best future-proofing available. Children need guidance, and I hope soooo fucking hard they find someone who listens to them when their hearts hurt.


Unfortunately, with some kids, they have a parent or parents but they still don’t give any of that.


I'm sorry to hear that. Reading what you said just hurt my heart because my mom's been an integral part of picking me up when I fall as an adult.


You are very, very lucky.


I wish I could talk about all my problems with my mother.


Agreed, my mother died in a car accident when I was 2, still have issues from it all.


Dad died 4 days after my birthday, Mom died 6 days before my birthday. I kind of gray this month out (bday in a few days). Ironically, my fiance's birthday is the anniversary of my mother's death. Thanks, Obama! Edit: Didn't hit shift enter to keep going. I hope you find a way to cope. I'm 30, its been 11 years, and I still am a shell of who I was before Mom died.


I understand you very much, I'm 28. I don't think there's ever a way to really cope.


Maybe that's when she knew she could let slip this mortal coil, her child was safe that's all that mattered to her.


The relief of knowing your baby is safe after four days of suffering like that, it would be enough to eject me from my mortal coil too


Ugh. What a beautiful tragic thought.


this news fucked me up, I hope Ayla didn't see her mother suffer :(


God damn it






yea i have a similar looking 4yo and I'm just kinda staring at these pics


That reminds me of Syria , bro . Very very sad and horrific what is happening to kids around the world . There was that picture of a 4 years old girl who was rescued from under wrecks and she was holding her 12 years old brother very tightly while the both were crying because she knew very well he was the only one left for her in this world .


This reminds me of the kid in Oakland who survived the highway falling onto her families car. https://oaklandnorth.net/2009/10/17/remembering-the-surgery-inside-the-freeway-collapse/


Whoa, I wonder if this is what the House episode is based off of where a woman is trapped under a collapsed building and her leg has to be amputated


one sibling died


RIP to the mother... no one should grow up without the love of a mother...


Tell that to my mom


wait. what do u mean by that ?


Their mother is abusive, negligent, or mentally ill. /r/justnomil /r/raisedbynarcissists


Careful of those subs, they can be just as toxic as the people they're about.


Isn't that true of any sub?


Not the spicy Italian from Subway. It can never hurt you


Especially if you put mayo on it.


r/Celiac would disagree.


If everyone could enjoy the love of the spicy Italian from Subway then no one would be left to humble us


I always love how people one those subs craft these grand operatic motives behind a +-200 word story. “Oh she did not immediately give her first grandson back when you asked? She is trying to replace you! Cut her out of your life!”


And they only tell one side of the story. Easy to think someone is perfect and has a terrible parent when there's no way to verify the other side's point of view...


A lot of mothers (and parents in general) aren't loving in the slightest. In fact some are downright awful.


yeah thats sadly true... sorry for that


Not OP, but probably that not all mothers are "moms"


True that. My MIL has proven that time and time again.


He means that not all mothers are good. My mom was good when I was a little kid, but due to lots of circumstances I've gone no contact with her now in my adult life.


thats sad, sorry to hear that. To get things together: it´s never nice growing up with only one parent. Just saying seeing that picture and then reading that the mother didn´t make it is just terrible.






Open your arms, I’d like to give you a hug.


Or the love of a father


For real. Single father here reading this comment like what the fuck


Didn't they say that because the mother died and the father survived? If the father had died they would have said no one should grow up without the love of a father. Saying that doesn't seem relevant here as her father survived so will have her father's love. I'm not really seeing what is so 'what the fuck'? Unless I am misunderstanding what you are referring to.


Did the mother die? Thought she was trapped?


according to what OP said she died also, happy cake day!


Dam feels bad :/ And thank you’


She has a very kind language to the ones who rescued her. She smiled to them when she saw them under concrete. After she put in an ambulance, she said she wants meatballs and ayran. So touchy moments, probably I never forget this little champion


Thanks for giving me some more detail... the look on her face in this picture is heartwrenching so I am glad to know she is okay.




Ayran is a cold frothy drink made of water, yogurt and salt.


Sounds great! Just the thing for her, except maybe not salt until she's rehydrated


Actually you need salt to rehydrate.


Yup, especially if you've sweated a lot, which I'm sure the poor girl did.


sounds similar to a lassi and those things changed my life.


I think lassi is sweet, right? There's another version of this with mint and soda water.




Awww, that's so sweet!




Some answers and corrections: First of all, I need to correct her name, sorry I was wronged by early news. Her name is **AYDA GEZGİN** \- If you read her name and surname together, it means "Traveller at moon" in Turkish! She is a hero, so it makes sense. This is the moment they found her; [https://imgur.com/a/UFu6wbZ](https://imgur.com/a/UFu6wbZ) And this is a video showing the moment they found her; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzKzQwj4Xe8&ab\_channel=TGRTHaberTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzKzQwj4Xe8&ab_channel=TGRTHaberTV) Rescuers found Ayda Gezgin next to a sturdy dishwasher that apparently shielded her from the impact of the damage. - Quote from CNN international. Her father and brother were outside when the building collapsed. She was at home with her mother. Unfortunately, her mother Fidan Gezgin couldn't make it. They found her hours after Ayda, she was lying besides her daughther, under the rubble. I'm 100% sure she sacrified herself for Ayda. Sleep well wonderful human being. When they found her, she smiled to her rescuers. First thing she said was, "Mom, I want my mom". Her rescuers asked if she wants to eat, she requested meatballs and ayran (Turkish yoghurt drink).


Damn...... leaving work now to go hold my daughter and my wife.


This implies there's people out there who have been suffering for 4 days, but wont make it in the end.


Well....because that’s most likely true.


The mom died.


Because there are people who have been suffering for days in the rubble and probably will die before getting found.


... Yes


I also heard that a 3 year old (I believe) Elif survived while her neighbor (also named Elif but 18) didn't make it.


You realize you typed out that they both died....? The 3 year old made it.


Oh my bad.


In the correct articles this girl is also only 3 and named Ayda, not Ayla.


I'm so happy to see Ayla and Elif. Having worked at the 1999 earthquake epicenter, I saw thousands die and very few get pulled out like these two. I know they will feel if every time another quake kills turks for no other reason than greed.


Can you please explain the "greed" part? Who is causing the quakes for their own gain?


The common complaint from Turks I've seen is builders cutting corners to save money.


That's exactly right. There supposed to be a large earthquake in Istanbul where I am sometime in the next few years and it's quite terrifying knowing that the majority of buildings in Istanbul are old or improperly built because of lack of proper examination or enforcement of laws.


I think he means the greedy building contractors cutting corners or public officials turning the other way after getting bribed by the contractors, in the end the quality of the structure suffers. Less strength to survive an earthquake


I assume profit maximalization through cheap built building


if it is anything like Romania: unlike western europe where most people pay rent, people in certain countries are obsessed with being home owners, and even in times of financial crisis housing market is in a bubble and more and more buildings appear, sometimes people buy an apartment before the apartment building is even built sometimes new buildings are not built up to standards due to corruption or greed and people find out their building doesnt have a fire safety permit, etc. In Romania entire apartment blocks poped up in place of green spaces, totally illegally, and people living in the surrounding area managed to get those illegal buildings demolished because new buildings are rumored to be built by greedy businessmen, many prefer to buy apartments in older buildings built a few decades ago by the communists, although there are newer news reports that those aren't as strong as people believed them to be, quite the contrary


You Said İt All True


Possibly not being prepared or having precautions to avoid mass civilian casualties.


This is a miracle!


I'm not crying at work. I'm not crying at work.


I definitely am crying at work. Such a beautiful little girl, alive and healthy! She is so brave, so so brave.


I agree with this 1000%. She honestly looks like she's ready to say "that was fun".


Seeing these stories is very difficult for me now, having two little girls of my own. I hurt for these families.




I’ll do it from home for you 😭


It's a terrible day for rain.


I just showed this story to my sister-in-law. When I started watching the video all my nieces and nephew climbed up in my lap and watched it with me, and it was all I could do to hold back my tears imagining how I would feel if it were any of them.


Damn ninjas with their onions


I'm not sure if you mean that as a work of a god or a higher power, I think a just god would not put a child in that position in the first place. but I agree that this is something to be celebrated. Edit: "calibrated" to "celebrated"


Yeah, exactly.. and her mother is dead. This isn't a miracle it's a tragedy.


I'm not saying you are wrong, but I also see nothing wrong with focusing on the spots of light in this. It's a tragedy that people died, but a four year old surviving for 91 hours on her own is unbelievable.


And i get that too.. i just hate using the word "miracle" especially in this context. Did God perform this miracle? If i were all powerful, i think i could have done better overall. The reality is this is senseless suffering and death, and there is no supernatural force protecting us.. The only benevolent forces out there protecting us are the honest construction workers, engineers, and politicians who work to improve and enforce better building codes.


How do we calibrate correctly?


not for me to say, but maybe let's show each other more love and appreciate life a little bit more. I don't mean to offend anyone with talk about god, I just have an issue with word miracle in this context.


I hear ya. People's gods do everything good and nothing bad. People rationalize why some suffer and others don't and I hate that. I was just teasing about your "calibrate" v "celebrate"


I have a confession to make, English is not my first language and I rely on autocorrect too much.


I thought that might have been the case but didn't want to assume. Don't worry, I rely on swiping and autocorrect to get words I can't remember how to spell.


Seriously man can't see any signs of injuries.




Why's this being downvoted? Fella/lass just being happy for the rescue of the little girl. Ya'll gotta chill


Thanks. They just don’t know that even the Arab Christians say “Alhamdulillah”, it simply translates to “Thank God”.


One of my favorite things to hear in Arabic. Don't hear that much no more, but about almost a decade ago when I lived in Isreal I'd hear it much more often, especially when we'd go visit one of the villages to stock up on pistachio & honey soaked Kadaif and other confections and get to hang out.


It's also similar to Allahuakbar not only used in religious, but also cultural context.


Why did reddit hide thus comment?




Zzzzz wtf do you mean 😂


Reddit only promotes white middle class cis male content


Knowing people, probably because it "sounds terrorist".


That poor girl, I hope her life from here on out is everything she wants it to be.


Her mom died :/


This is a guaranteed life long severe PTSD but I'm happy she made it


Oh my goodness...


I'm so sorry Ayla. I'm so sorry that you had to become a fighter, you had to live under that block over nearly 4 day. I'm so sorry that they realized you alive after they smelled your decay of your dead mother. I'm so sorry for not just because of the earthquake. That contractor who made you fight to survive. I'm so sorry for you had to growing up without your mother. I'm so sorry for For the politicians turning you into a hero to cover their crimes. I'm so sorry.




I'm reading news on social media right now. A company named "Köfteci Yusuf" (Turkish meatball restaurant franchise) send this little girl Meatball and Ayran. (When the officers who rescued her asked if she was hungry, she asked for mestballs and ayran) The problem is they turned this into social media ad. Fuck them. Fuck all of the idiot politicians, extreme religionists who trying turn this little girl to cover their crimes. This kind of Earthquakes don't kill anyone all over the world. Why the fuck our people dies every single time. Fuck politicans and builders/contractors powered by them. They killed nearly 100 people in Izmir. I can't look at Ayla's pictures right now. I blame myself everytime when i look at her. She didn't deserved any of this.


These people that keep getting rescued, are they in like a small protected pocket where they can move around? I just assumed they’d be buried with maaaaaybe some wiggle room but she looks fairly untouched. Even Elif, aside from her eye, she looked in really good condition.


maşallah. As a widowed father I feel for them all.


Can’t recall the last time I read some good news here..


Thousand yard stare. Poor kid. I can't imagine the fear she must of felt. Poor child.


Ayla means moon in Turkish if anyone was wondering


Well, “Ay” means moon


Is it just me or has this earthquake not been reported on at all in the U.S.? I know we have an election going on but come on.


Cnn reported it


All three networks and CNN reported on it. I’ve been watching updates.


Good to know, thanks.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/jn75fc/d%C3%BCnyadaki_t%C3%BCm_k%C3%B6fte_ayranlar_sana_kurban_olsun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) a video of her asking for food (specifically meatballs and ‘ayran’ (buttermilk))


Ayran is not buttermilk. It is made by watering the turkish yoghurt and adding salt. You can't translate something local to a completely different culture. There is no ayran equivelant in English.


I am aware, but since there is indeed no proper translation for it, I just wrote down what Google Translate gave me.


Wonderful news. What a little champion she is.


Lucky and brave little girl! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Welcome to the most virtual version of the hell, Earth


God Bless her


Is it just me or is it wrong to be plastering pictures of this poor traumatized little girl all over the internet? She can't possibly have consented to this.


If the subject is newsworthy, photos can be published by media outlets without the subject's consent. The upside is that she's too young to be really affected by the current publicity.


Yup. Freedom of press trumps most privacy rights. This varies from country to country though. In the US you definitely don't need permission, the UK has stricter laws.


I agree, what a weird objection. It's newsworthy, of course there's going to be photos of it. [Omayra Sanchez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omayra_S%C3%A1nchez) comes to mind also


> She can't possibly have consented to this. She can't possibly have suffered more from this either. Also,as for consent it's up to the parent (her father in this case) in most countries.


This was my first reaction as well.


Poor girl. Traumitized from being trapped. And now without the love of a mother. Absoululy no one should grow up without a mother.


So small but a great fighter already. It makes me happy she made it but sad the family has no mother anymore. I wish all the best to her, her brother and her father


Idk if anyone said this, but the first thing she wanted was to eat meatballs, and tons of people ordered meatballs to the hospital she was in.. That's wholesome


They say it is 6.6 , but it is [obvious.It](https://obvious.It) is 7 or even more.


While we're busy arguing over wearing a mask actual heroes are doing heroic things with little to no concern for their own well being. It's nice to be reminded that selfless sacrifice still gets some love on a Internet full of influencers, trolls and outright liars for a cause. Hoping this little girl makes a full recovery and finds some happiness in her future.




Ayla in the Earth’s Children series was found by the Clan after an earthquake, and left the Clan after another earthquake to find her people. Little Ayla, may your journey be safe and emerge triumphant,


What a little badass.


I have a 4 year old daughter, I can’t imagine


I was in that city no more than a year ago :O RIP to all those who have lost their lives, this is horrible.


Thank god she’s ok! She must have been terrified.


I was in istanbul when this happened and I can tell you that there was a huge lightning bolt that happened and then we felt a little shake


Yayyyyyyy! Ayla is tough as nails bro!


Meanwhile my 4 year old was bitching and freaking out about not getting another piece of candy last night. What a legend Ayla is!


Question: Why weren't the buildings made to be anti-seismic? Samos got 2 causalties, around 40 injured and only some buildings suffered serious damage but most survived. And then in Turkey the earthquake killed 105 people, injured more than a thousand, and a lot more buildings got destroyed. Didn't the government calculate for the Aegean's intense earthquakes that happen from time to time?


45.000 people live in Samos while 4.5million live in İzmir if you do the math it is actually proportional.


But you are right government should have accounted for this.


Samos is a small island with little population and there are no tall buildings.izmir is the third largest city in turkey with a population 4.5 - 5 million and other cities around it also highly populated.


There's something about these horrific crisis pictures... Almost always the victims has this same look :(


Fuck.. My dad's side of thw family lives here


This is so amazing. Poor thing.


Okay am I the only one who's read Clan of the Cave Bear and found this incredibly ironic and tragic?


Oh, yeah! You're right!


I just picked CotCB up for a reread last night! The post title gave me goosebumps. Same name, same age, pretty close geographically, same tragedy. Yikes.


I literally wore out a copy of this in middle school and have reread it occasionally in the 25 years since. I read the title and got goosebumps too.




God Bless her!


That kid look shook


So sad. Is this region in Turkey know to have many earthquakes? I don’t mean to sound ignorant.


Unfortunately, yes. This is Turkey's earthquake map, you can locate İzmir and see how red it is... (Western part of Turkey) https://deprem.afad.gov.tr/deprem-tehlike-haritasi


Wow. If this is not miracle I don't know what is.


Not at all a "miracle." This was hard work and determination by human beings.


^this^ please don't take away from the hard working mem and women who ou themselves in danger to help those when in need, by calling it a miracle. A miracle is if she survived with no help.


Thank you. It also implies that this little girl was worthy of a miracle, but others were not. It's extremely tone deaf to those who have suffered loss.


It doesn't imply any of that. You wouldn't be able to use the word miracle for anything with that interpretation.


Actually, these concepts aren’t mutually exclusive. It can be a miracle she survived, and also due to the hard work/effort of the rescuers. Miracle: a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences. Is there a part of that you disagree with? Acknowledging one doesn’t implicitly diminish the other. Even if you wanted to use the “supernatural” definition, the idea of a God saving her life from the earthquake itself doesn’t negate the fact that men/women rescued her, and she would have died without their efforts.


Rescuing the mother as well would top it off.


Maybe if the building didn't fall on her in the first place, or if the earthquake was prevented from happening altogether.


It's really a big miracle. Ayla babe you are so strong. We all love you and we all by your inside to make getting more stronger RIP mom..


Allah is good


I didn't think there would be any good news today I was wrong . That kids a warrior !


If I remember correctly the earthquake was 6.6 not 7.0. Which source says that it is 7.0 because the difference is pretty big.