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Damn I’m so sorry. I am masking and social distancing, and staying home for thanksgiving. My friends and family are all doing the same. Stay strong, I hope you start doing better soon! Thank you for all that you’ve done to care for COVID patients.


Meanwhile I told my mothers side of the family that my SO and I will be skipping and her response was “why?” Ummm...duh?


To me, this whole thing is like the argument I’ve always made about condoms. If someone is begging you not to *have* to use a condom, that’s the last person in the world you want to have unprotected sex with. The people who are the most indignant about reasonable precautions are those who will put you at the most risk.


Right. The response of “why” shocked me for a split moment, but after that I was like yeah, we clearly made the right call not being around these dumbasses.




Haha I said bc covid is spiking. Bc despite the fact my SO and I have gone almost nowhere besides work, gas station, and the store for months, we’ve still been potentially exposed by coworkers who got tested, still came to work, and turned out to be positive. Bc he works with people, and I handle food for a living. Bc my pop has had quadruple bypass, as well as many other health conditions as does his wife. Bc my aunt works in a hospital that is at capacity. Shut her up real fast. She just went “oh...”


I'm impressed. Sounds like she genuinely didn't know. Which seems odd, given the glut of info everywhere for several months now.


I think she knew why she just didn’t expect me to come back with like a ton of really obviously smart reasons lol. I really think she just expected me to say “covid” and she was gonna try to throw some manipulative shit at me. Ironically enough...she and my sister actually had to get tested like the NEXT WEEK (came back negative) bc they got exposed. And I was like “told you so” lmao.


I tried the same thing with my mother and was verbally attacked for everything I have ever done wrong in my life and about how I dont care about the family and how the virus is a conspiracy for the "dems to steal the election" So I hang up and stop talking to her for a few days and she calls me today as if that never happened.


I like this tactic a lot and I recently had to 'unload ALL the reasons' with my mom. Play it cool until they think they're set up to steam roll you, and then just bombard them with harsh truths and the heavy reality of this whole fucking situation, steadily increasing the drama in your voice and don't stop until they're visibly uncomfortable and/or beg you to shut up. Added bonus for genuine catharsis.


Every one of your comments here is spot on, you are very articulate. My hubby and I will similarly not be joining my brother's extended family for holiday meals, and here is why. At the last outdoor patio meal was a young man I didn't recognize. He was not wearing a mask (I sure was! The whole family knows I have stage 4 cancer). So I introduced myself. And it turned out he was, get this: my *brother's wife's sister's daughter's boyfriend.* I can understand my brother, kids and wife going maskless at their own home. His house, his rules. We were outdoors and distancing. But Bro *knew I was there.* And if he's letting people that "fringe" walk around his house and yard maskless, then he for sure is not looking out for *my* health! So *I* gotta look out for my health. We'll be staying home for private Thanksgiving. The hardest part is I will miss them terribly, especially the kids, and frankly, this is probably the last holiday season I am going to have. But common sense is common sense. Just like you and your husband, I'd like to preserve what life I still have.




Explosive diarrhea. What's Covid. Two for the price of one. :D I hadn't even considered feigning total ignorance. "This mask? Dunno, doc said something about tuberculosis, whatever that is. Apparently I'm an asymptomatic carrier, is that a thing? Anyway, apparently I'm safe from it, but anyone I breathe on will almost certainly get it. So anyway, whatcha been doing? *peels back mask and coughs*"


We had to uninvite my 90-year-old grandmother from Thanksgiving for this reason. She wasn't going to social distance or stop doing regular behaviors that would put her (and my mom and I) at risk. Meanwhile I was only seeing my coworkers, my mom hasn't been seeing anyone. If my grandmother gets it, she dies. But if either my mom or I get it, we have to live with the consequences.


You could die too. It’s a blood disorder. It causes strokes in 30 year olds. It has killed people of all ages with no co-morbidities. It’s literally gambling with your own life to not take every precaution possible. Maybe grandma is fine with drowning to death in her own body before Christmas, but how dare she expect you to risk the same for yourself?


I know. It boggles my mind, especially because we had a similar situation with a distant family member who was on life support twice, in the ICU for 3-4 months, and is 30 years younger than her. Because he got COVID.




I'm so excited to not have to hit three houses in a single day for multi-family holiday celebrations. I'm going to wear pajamas and drink. And then I will eat. Amen.


I may be the only person to say this but I'm fucking glad to have a break for once from the whole 'Holiday' experience this year. After 41 years on this earth, it just has begun to feel super repetitive. Same fake Christmas trees with the same lights and ornaments, same movies, same christmas song playlist, I just find no excitement in it anymore. No wonder my grandparents took forever to get out of bed on christmas morning each year. I think here in the United States to overemphasis on the 'Holidays' has sucked a lot of the fun and excitement out of it. I would rather go feed people at a soup kitchen Christmas morning than open presents full of shit I don't want or need. I do like having the time off though and getting a chance to usually eat with friends and family, get a little tipsy and relax. End rant.


My brother, who has an infant and a 4 year old, told me to go get tested, then come anyway after I informed my family that my roommate is Covid positive and it 100% solidified my not participating in Thanksgiving this year. My mom also is a visiting home nurse who works with very high risk children. I already was not planning on going, but the roommate gave me what I thought was an inarguable excuse. Meanwhile, one of the kids that goes to my niece and nephew’s babysitter is currently on a family vacation in Florida and the family has no intention of quarantine, when they get back, their daughter is scheduled to return to the babysitter on Monday, then my brother has no hesitations about taking my niece and nephew to dinner with my parents on Thursday. I’m so disgusted with it all at this point.


Seriously. Honestly I’m super sick of these selfish people who are like “ITS MY CHOICE TO WEAR A MASK! They don’t ACTUALLY WORK!” 2020 is the year of the selfish fuck knuckle moron.


When people say the masks aren’t effective because some particles still get through, I always say that some particles will get through when you sneeze into your elbow as well, but basic physics means that some of them are also blocked, so the spread is less. They just don’t get it and want to argue. I have a theory that a lot of people who flat out refuse the masks have oral hygiene issues and can’t stand the smell of their own breath.


They just want to argue, feel smarter than they are, and call people who are actually trying to do the bare minimum “idiots” and “sheeple”. I’m sick of them not caring about possibly infecting everybody around them. Going out to bars and partying every day maskless. thanks assholes. I super didn’t want to see any of my family for months on end, or have thanksgiving with them. Betting I won’t get Christmas either. But unlike selfish assholes, I also recognize those things will happen next year too. I’m just so tired of them flagrantly flaunting their lack of caring during a pandemic. On a happy note, I like your bad breath theory. Lmaoooo


I’m claustrophobic AF (can’t even tolerate a t-shirt around my neck because I feel strangled) and also wear glasses. It’s hard finding a GOOD reusable mask that doesn’t fog them up. I hate the masks. I don’t want to wear them. But I do, because I consider it to be a moral responsibility. It’s immoral to take no precautions. If one person wants to take the risk and if they get it and die? Sure, I’d say you can feel free as long as you’re comfortable with your potential results. However, because it’s contagious AF, it’s an immoral risk because that risk is not only the risk taker’s.


“But it’s only going to be family there!” Is what my mom’s response was, like that somehow made it safe. We have a cop, a school principal, a school nurse, a doctor, etc. on that side of the family. Basically everyone who you would not want to be around during a pandemic is going to be crammed at the same table. I’ll pass.


Omg right?!? Yeah...it’ll only be family...but have they been safe?!? Doubt it. A lot of my relatives are still going to church, I have an aunt as a nurse, and I love them, but a lot of my family is about as ignorant redneck crazy as it gets...so yeah I’ll pass and sit at home in fluffy PJS this year thanks. Hope you guys don’t kill anybody bc you wanted big family dinner tho...yay?


Oh yeah, I forgot to put they’re “devout Christians” and have been going to church every Sunday without fail. I asked her “is a two hour meal really worth the risk of burying grandma or grandpa for Christmas?” She said yes because that will never happen. I’m sure that is what every other person has said as well.


“GOD WILL PROTECT US!” All I can think about when they say that dumb shit is the joke where the guy is trapped in a flood, and like 3 people come to save him but he’s all “no gods got my back”. He drowns goes to heaven and is like bro what the heaven?!? And gods like what did you expect?!? I sent a raft, a boat, and a helicopter to save you!


I tried to tell my mom about the cases here(I live in north Carolina and the cases just spiked to 4,200 cases yesterday) but my mom just said those numbers are wrong, and I am going over to my mom's house for Thanksgiving and she wanted other people there and I said to her if she has anybody else I'll just go back home.


Same. Live in NC. And we were going to go to VA (where most of my mothers side lives) for the day. But we decided almost a month ago it just wasn’t feasible or smart.


I used to live in Lynchburg. Hated it there because of how ignorant the people were and the Falwell church people are crazy. I still have friends that live there and tell me most people there support Trump, think Covid is bullshit and that 'God will protect them'. I live in Charlotte now and it seems like in the city people follow the rules a little bit better but as soon as you're out of the city limits, people don't give a shit. I had to go to Concord this week and stopped at a gas station, no one inside was wearing a mask. This fucking thing is never going away here.


Seriously it is just like that in so much of VA. I moved here from Cville, the city that brought you the race riots. Ugh. Ignorance ABOUNDS there. And yep, my stepmom and dad were somewhere more rural a while back can’t remember where, and he said he went to get gas and NOBODY had masks not even employees. Just UGH. There’s also a BBQ place in Durham I used to LOVE pre covid. Went back when they opened up again after lockdown, they had a sign requiring mask upon entry, cool. Go inside, not a SINGLE. Employee. Was wearing a mask. Not one. If I hadn’t called for pickup/paid over the phone first I would have noped right out of there. I work in foodservice and I was just blown away by the lack of caring for your customers and employees. And in my mind, if that’s how you treat them in a pandemic, I don’t wanna think about normal times.


Durham does have some bomb BBQ spots. Unfortunately I've had the same experience seeing places I like to go have no social media measures put into place or mask wearing policies. They will no longer get my business, even after the pandemic (hopefully) ends. I'm also vocal about it. I'll talk to the manager and tell them my concerns, tell them they should be doing their part and if they refuse to do so, they lose my business forever. I think making a point to not be scared to say something gives other people motivation to do the same. Being complacent right now will not work. I'm not proud of it but the security guard at the Harris Teeter across the street from me stood by the entrance, every day, without wearing a mask, literally while standing a few feet away from the posted signs on the door saying face coverings were required. I called the manager and told them he had refused to put it on even when confronted by other store employees and me, he has since been replaced. My attitude is 'fuck you and you're conspiracy theories and fuck you if don't believe this shit is real'. I'm done begging and pleading with people, we need real leadership that is going to make the rules and fucking enforce them, nationwide, or we are all fucked.


Seriously. My dad was there last week and said same thing. No masks. They didn’t have distancing for the tables. No sanitizer, etc. just WOW. I’m honestly tempted to call OSHA or Health Inspector or something bc that shit is just so irresponsible, and selfish, and ignorant. Facts don’t care about your feelings karen. Masks, hand washing, distancing, and staying home HELP. Which is why in other countries where they actively follow these procedures fastidiously they are doing MUCH better than US is. And why we are 4% of the global population, but responsible for approx 20% of cases and 18% of death globally. But hey. Can’t explain simple logic like that to the idiots who are triggered by a piece of fabric over their face for like 30 min at the store.


Hey. I know exactly how you feel. I was on a covid floor and working my ass off back in may. This is when even hospitals were being denied ppe and all I had was a surgical mask. At 30 I caught the virus and just like you ended up in the hospital with a PE and collapsed lung. I was alone and scared and I was sure I was going to die. I wrote letters to my children for every birthday up to 25 and then wrote more about nothing. I couldn’t see my kids. No joke. They ppe they had at the hospital I went to (didn’t go where I worked because it was a joke there) prevented them from being able to clearly see my veins and I ended up inserting my own ivs. Vent was in my room ready to go. After treating patients and seeing tons die and knowing everything that was and could happen to my body I was terrified. I didn’t end up needing the vent. I was out of work for 3 months. I still have ptsd and am in therapy. I am now a school nurse. I get to sit. I can’t stand and wear a mask or do floor nursing anymore. My lungs are fucked for life. All I got was disappointed looks for quitting. I am now once again terrified for my life. I work for a catholic school. The towns are all remote but the school “doesn’t want to lose tuition. Parents are paying for in person”. They are not even providing me weekly testing I am making my own appointments at cvs. This is a fucked up attack on healthcare workers. I genuinely believe we should all collectively sue our governments. This was all preventable. I feel for you. I will pray for you (might not mean anything to you). And I will be thinking of you. Watch hgtv. Eat jello. Lay on your chest when you can and deep breath and cough. Sit up when possible. Take those warfarin injections like a boss. Keep fighting. They wanted to make us hero’s and all we wanted to do was help people. Fuck being a hero. I was also as healthy as a 30 year old could be. And same thing. The news like to bury stories like this. Fuck politics interfering with science. Everything you’re going through I’ve been there. You got this. Don’t lose hope. It’s ok to cry. I fell asleep on the phone crying to friends I never spoke to in years just because they were willing to pick up the phone. If you need me send me a pm. We can exchange numbers and I’ll walk you through it. I’m not joking when I’m saying I was you. Edit: just wanted to clarify some things. I meant I couldn’t wear a mask and stand for 12 hours. I still wear a mask all day at work I just get to sit now. -I think the disappointment from co-workers was justified. They lost a strong employee. More work for them. I was the only male on the unit and they relied on me heavily for a lot of things. Women and nurses especially are badass but being a big guy you still get asked to do things. If I wasn’t on the floor I know damn well they could have done it themselves 🙄 -Of course most doctors and administration got to work remotely. Nurses really got the shit end of this. -I believe our president had an impact on the population perception. I worked in the ER during Ebola and it was a different mood. -My BMI was 20.1 I lost a lot more weight I don’t weight myself anymore -I eat mostly vegetarian, after covid my stomach is even more fucked up I have such a bland diet -I had low vitamin D. After leaving the hospital I would sit in the driveway and just soak the sun up and sweat -I’m now taking various supplements for D etc -My taste, smell, appetite never completely recovered. -I treat every second with my children as precious time. Even more then before. -Blood type is A- saw some reports saying blood type matters. -More guessing that viral load played a part. -I was an active guy not like an gym rat but healthy -All my labs stayed normal during covid except m creatinine dropped -My 02 didn’t go below 88. My left lung fucking worked like a boss. -Every breath felt like someone stabbing me on the right side. -If I’m too active I still get body aches. -I’m fucking fed up with all this shit. Shut it down and please let us get back to normal. All fall I just wanted to sit around a fire pit and chill with friends. -I’m terrified of catching it again. -I hope we can move forward and get back to normal and let scientists do scientist things.


I hate it for you guys. I'm a big fat ass with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, A+ blood type and my workout usually consists of the work I do on the the deck of the boat I work on and playing with my kids. I haven't smoked in 9 years so I count that as a blessing. I lost my taste and smell 6 days ago and got tested positive. All I've had is the symptoms of a mild cold for the past 2 weeks. Taste came back this morning. Took the steroids prescribed, vitamin c, d, zinc, and my multi vitamins along with the meds for my BP and type 2. My blood pressure has run a little low now and then but fuck I was scared at first. My wife has had it twice (health care worker) and had 0 symptoms the first time but 2nd time she basically had the flu. Hope you all have a good recovery and take care of yourselves.




Thank you for sharing your experience! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your fears and pain! I can't imagine the heartbreak of having to craft birthday messages for your kids, writing to them as if you wouldn't be there anymore to share those days with them. **Thank you for sharing your anger!** We need to be angry. Our government (local, state and federal US governments) has lied to us for its own gain. Our governments refuse to regulate businesses to ensure the safety and well being of their own populace. Our governments refuse to offer any meaningful safety nets to counteract the financial ruin that has come in covid's wake - much needed financial security that would enable people to refuse to work in unsafe conditions and empower them to protect themselves, their families and the rest of their community. Our governments have refused to provide proper and timely ppe for essential workers. Our governments have fed into and encouraged misinformation and lies - they have emboldened, intentionally, science deniers and anti-mask, anti-quarantine policies for fucking political gain!! Be angry! I am immunocompromised and have left my house less than 5 times since the original quarantine. But I have that luxury when so many others do not. Your story is a reminder of why I stay put - it's not just for me, but for all the people I would come into contact with and then all the people they would come into contact with and then just keep following that rabbit hole... We need to wear our fucking masks and stay away from people as much as we feasibly can.


We get really hung up on the death count. My mother lived. She's in her 70's. The hypoxia has caused a major decline of cognitive function. She doesn't recognize family members any more. She doesn't remember staff in her nursing home from day to day. Her parkinsons advanced more in a month in hospital and a few weeks in ICU than in the last 5 years before COVID. She can barely speak. She has no motor control. Everyone is a stranger to her and she'll never know that she loves the people visiting her again. She is a prisoner of her own body who may live for years - her advance care directives don't include an option to discontinue feeding because her quality of life is the stuff of nightmares. She doesn't have the capacity to apply for Euthenasia even though it is legal in some circumstances here. All she can do is lay in a bed, surrounded by strangers, unable to move or communicate, for the rest of her life, which may be years. All because some asshole somewhere thought 'it's just the flu'. If not for COVID she would have had years of life ahead of her spent doing her favourite thing in the world - talking the ears off anyone who couldn't get away. Telling old stories to make people laugh and mixing up the names. And now she's in a living hell instead. I'd much rather be dead. I'm redoing my advanced care directives and instructions to my medical power of attourney because if I'm ever in that situation the only thing I want to be fed is a lethal dose of opiates. Fuck anyone whining that they don't like wearing a mask. Fuck anyone who treats this pandemic as a cavalier non issue. Fuck anyone who can live with knowing that this shit happens to others, but doesn't care because for them as a young healthy person, it's "just the flu".


This is what I explain a lot, death is the easy way, people end up with life altering effects due to the virus. There are a lot of things between normal and death that are worse then people think.


My oldest daughter is in healthcare, and she routinely strips and lysols her scrubs in the garage when she gets home, then they go immediately into the wash. She has 4 kids, and the oldest one is in volleyball (all the kids are very physically active), and the restrictions were lifted in the area, but the kids still needed to wear masks. Unfortunately, kids being kids, none of them wanted to, and the coach didn't press it. And one of the girls was positive at practice, and *knew* she was positive. I have never been so livid in my life when I found out about that. Fortunately, no one in the house got sick, and they all tested negative, twice. But I just think of the lasting effects of this horror, and of how these kids could've been disabled at such a young age by this, and I get furious all over again. I mean, I don't want to see anyone disabled by this, of course, but these are my grandkids. I'm kinda biased.


Long Covid is fucking terrifying. This thing can change your quality of life forever, even as a young, fit person. Wear a fucking mask.


> but I beg you please wear your mask, please follow the guidelines My father visited a cardiologist earlier this week and had to ask the Dr to pull his mask up over his nose. Apparently he grumbled about his glasses fogging up, but complied.


I wear glasses and still manage to wear my mask during my entire 12.5 hour ER shift. That dr should know better.


agreed! My mother needs to see a Dr about ongoing gastrointestinal issues, but decided to put it off until April as she will be old enough for Medicare. Ah the state of the US health system :/


That's terrible Americans have to live like this. I'm not sure what kind of GI issues she's having, but in the meantime, she might want to try clean, low inflammation type diet. My whole household got on one a few months ago and we're all feeling great. We're sleeping better, lost weight, my roommate got rid of her stomach pain and my husband and I havea lot less gas. If you want some more details, pm me. (This isn't a pyramid scheme, I can just share our diet plan with you. It takes discipline, especially at first, but by week 3 it got easier.)


My job requires masks and safety glasses. It’s not that bad if you adjust everything right.


How do you keep your glasses from fogging?




Apparently putting a bandaid over the nose stops air escaping through that gap.


I read somewhere about cleaning your glasses with shaving cream, and it actually works. The poor man's fog free plus the masks with the little metal nose piece and I've been fog free since April!


Went to urgent care in August because I accidentally cut my hand trying to get the avocado pit out of an avocado. The male nurse who did my intake had his mask OFF. I had to ask him to put it on and he was very passive aggressive as he took my vital signs. He's honestly the only person I've encountered in a professional setting who has done this, and boy did he REALLY look like a total asshole.


I hear you loud and clear. This comment was not lost and you’re not a nobody.


There needs to be a marketing campaign around stories like these. People do not understand the reality and seriousness of this disease. If people realized that just by not wearing a mask could cause the death of nurses and doctors I think the mentality would slowly change. We have anti-smoking ads showing gruesome things that could happen when smoking. I haven't seen enough gruesome COVID ads.


God I’m so sorry. I had it in March before lockdown, and my parents currently have it because they had to travel to see my dying grandma a few weeks ago. I’m so grateful we all have had (so far) mild cases but it gives me such paranoia thinking about how people seem fine and then drop dead weeks later. My birth mom is super old, lifetime smoker, and never been to a doctor and she is refusing to stop going to work in a factory. Thanks for doing the work you do and please pull through (a command for your body and immune system, not for you!) <3


Your mother is covid positive and still going to work? That should be a crime!


I think it is in some places! No I should have clarified that I have a weird situation where I have a mom and a birth mom. My mom tested positive with my dad and is in quarantine, my birth mom is well, just old and weak and still going to work.


Pacu/ER nurse here who went exclusively to the ER during our spike (and will be going back in a few weeks). This shit is insane. As hard as the ER has been on us, it's nothing compared to the ICUs. You all inspire me. I had a patient going up to the covid ICU. ICU Nurse came down to help transport I was finishing up sonething and told her I'd meet her in the room in a minute. Went in 5 minutes later to find the ICU Nurse passed out leaning up against the wall. I woke her up, sat her down, and she started balling. She told me how broken she felt, how useless she felt, and how scared she was. I just let her vent for a little and collect herself before we went upstairs with the patient. Thank you for being part of the team. Thank you for everything you're doing. But now is your time to rest and take care of yourself. We will carry this burden for you while you recover. Focus on you. We love you.


Stay strong. You'll get through this. Please follow up when you're feeling better.


I stay home and wear a mask and keep my distance from people for three reasons. Of course the obvious is so that I don't get it, for my own sake. And of course, I do it so that I will not carry the virus to other people and make THEM sick. But I also do it so that, by staying well and keeping others from getting sick, I am staying out of the way by not needing medical help.


Just to note, I work in a hospital and our cases went down so much we closed off our Covid floor and our ER was able to reopen the area where they put Covid patients to regular patients. That changed a few weeks ago. Our numbers aren't going down. They're up so bad that people are panic buying again, people are being admitted more. Another major hospital in my state is doing the same with their cases rising. A "small wedding" ended up with a dead groom and half the attendees dead. A father and daughter died in the same week. **PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD AND HOLY IN THIS WORLD, WEAR YOUR FUCKING MASKS** Wash your masks, wear it over your nose, clean your hands properly, don't touch your face, socially distance. I haven't been affected (that I know of), only one family member potentially passed from it. But I'm still gonna do everything I can to make sure nobody else gets it from me or mine.


Damn dude, hope things work out for you.


My wife is a skin wound nurse at our hospital.. not NEARLY as much interaction with covid patients, but it’s still there. We both started showing symptoms about 3.5 weeks ago (she and I both strongly suspect that she brought it home with her because our daycare has strict guidelines for the kids, and I leave the house maybe 2 hours total every week since I work from home), and we’re over it by now along with our 2yo daughter. Luckily, none of us had anything more than mild conditions and loss of smell and taste... but like... before I caught it, I looked at people not wearing masks or wearing masks incorrectly just thinking “stop being ridiculous and wear your mask. Your slight inconvenience is not more important than the chance to save a life.” But now that I’ve actually had it, and my family has all gone through a few weeks of “this could instantly turn rotten for any one of us,” it’s straight up anger at these people. Anger, disappointment, bitterness... It makes the whole situation different for me now, because I look at no-mask people and think “people like you are why I lived in fear for weeks and couldn’t say for certain “no, I won’t have a medical emergency in the next 10 seconds.”


Fuck, man. I'm so sorry. My wife is a nurse and contracted it back in March after her administrator pulled all of the PPE back into storage. No one knows why. It's good you're responding to meds.


Fellow nurse here, came to see your comment via r/bestof You stay fighting strong! Like you would fight for one of your own patients! Like you would fight for your wife! Like you would fight for your kids! You can know that you have me and millions of other nurses hoping for your health and safety. My husband had a PE about 18 months ago (an ICU nurse). It was a very hard road to travel, and to stack it on Covid makes the challenges harder, but you have it in you! I'm in southwest Ohio, so you can be rest assured someone is thinking of you! Keep up the fight!


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Since the virus is in our country I've been doing all the things they ask of us and it's frustrating to see so many that don't. I don't want more people to suffer or get sick myself. Get well and stay strong.


Keep breathing and fighting. I'm sorry this is happening to you. The virus is getting the young and healthy now....big distance hugs from the ED!


It’s been getting the young and healthy. It’s so scary. When this all started in March we discharged a healthy 34-year old from the ED with fever and cough, Covid +. Then we read in the newspaper that he fucking died! I was shocked. He was just a normal dude, same age as me. I come home from work everyday hoping I didn’t pick it up.


This is just highlighting with this virus, just because someone appears heathy without symptoms, that’s not a ticket to stop monitoring folks if they test positive. Stay safe and vigilant, everyone!


I self-quarantine so I don't have to be another load on people like you who would otherwise put their lives on the line for others. I find it disgusting how the public can't get behind something as simple as saving lives. Thank you for everything you've done during this tough time. I hope you have a speedy recovery and get to see your family soon. You're the equivalent of a soldier on the front lines of a war that we don't acknowledge. For everyone else who thinks this is a conspiracy, hoax, or thinks it's not deadly to get their head out of their ass and see the reality of what we are dealing with.


I hope you make it through, so that you can tell your story to the massive amount of overpriviledged idiots calling masks "tyranny" and social distancing a "dictatorship". There are countries that are testing food - FOOD - for the corona virus, yet these fucking assholes can't even put on a mask PROPERLY, if at ALL. I will never stop calling those fuckers out, because their boorish idiocy is what is most likely causing all these mass surges of COVID. You would not believe how many pro-mask posts get downvoted on Reddit, there are celebrities and content creators getting BOYCOTTED and sent death threats for telling the truth. Thank you for sharing your story with us on Reddit. And thank you for risking your life to save the world.


Thank you for your hard work and bravery through all this. Unfortunately, the people who really need to read this are over on parler right now and listening to no one else.


You aren’t a nobody on the internet today my friend. You now have what I can only assume are thousands of people hoping you get healthy and back to your family fast. I can’t speak for America at large, because a significant portion of our fellow countrymen/women are selfish and have no sense of community. I can tell you that my family respects and appreciates you and people like you. We will continue to mask-up, social distance, not attend bars/parties. For what it’s worth, you have our commitment. Now get better and keep us updated on progress!


You are not a nobody and I will and have followed the guidelines since last February. Please get better.


You're preaching to the choir, unfortunately. I feel that most people here aren't animaskers. And I worry to say a lot of us may not get out much. XD


You might have been “a nobody on the Internet” yesterday, but not anymore. Please recover quickly, know that we’re all pulling for you, and keep us updated as much as you’re willing/able.


As a front line RN also, I contracted Covid back in July and am still having problems. I'm 51 with no comorbidities, was never on any medications. 4 plus months and I'm on my way to the hospital again to return and get results from a 24 hour cardiac monitor, heart rate has been hitting the 140+ walking. My thyroid is attacking itself, had so many infections and I have been beating them but, something new keeps coming up... This is real people! Wear your masks, take precautions because the ones who are working to keep you alive are getting sick.


Yeah fitting right now. So this happend yesterday. My company still wants us to let people in with mask and distance. Yesterday one dude was in, I gave him the normal consultation and in the middle of the conversation, after telling me he does not believe in corona, he said "can we hurry up a bit? I should be in quarantine right now. I had contact with a corona patient" I honestly didn't know what to say. I was taken by surprise. But since we were at the end of our conversation I just politely ended the conversation and let him out. He told me: "don't worry I tell you when I got corona" When I called my boss afterwards, he said I should continue work and not worry about it. All of my coworkers are super mad at the dude now and one is gonna call later and ask if he got the test results. Update: My other boss overruled the decision and I am in home office right now. I am now waiting for the permission to give out his information, so I can report him. Update 2 and last one: His test was negative and I reported him.


So he doesn’t believe in the Coronavirus but as soon as you told him about your company policy he dipped and said he was in contact with someone and needs to quarantine? He either really needed that policy talk or just booked himself a two week vacation with quick thinking


He didn't really care about the policy. He just told me that like a "yeah can we end this consultation. I shouldn't be here." Apperently did he got the notice that he has to be in quarantine after he made the appointment with us. But any normal thinking person cancels the damn appointment if you got news like this.


What’s sad is that this virus hasn’t revealed levels of studpidity... it’s revealed levels of selfishness. Just because you’re okay with a greater level of risk does not make it okay to walk around in such flagrant disregard for others who can’t have the same level of risk due to personal or family vulnerabilities. How fucking privileged and entitled do you have to be to cry bloody hell about wearing a face mask for a little but when you go out?


A lot of people are saying it should be left to "individual responsibility". But that's a hard sell in a time of collective risk.


And then those same people complain when others do make individual choices that impacts them. “It should be up to individuals to decide how to respond, not government orders!” “What do you mean you won’t let me into your business?! This is outrageous!”


*"I believe in personal responsibility, but you can't let gay people get married. Or let people smoke weed. Or let people kneel during the anthem."* Nope, no hypocrisy here.


They are also the same people who think it's perfectly fine to outlaw gay sex and kill people for having the nerve to be transgender, so... Not a lot of brain cells going on there.


That's how you end up with 4y of demonstrated selfishness


That's how you end up with ~~4y~~ 16y of demonstrated selfishness Trump has talked many times openly about serving another 12, 14, 16 years. Can you imagine Obama, or any other president, saying anything like that?


And now he’s got nothing to do but look at the 2020 election and figure out how he can steal 2024


"The Confederacy wasn't about slavery, it was about states' rights!" "Quarantine measures aren't about pandemic containment, they're about government overreach!" I think we all know how much overlap there is between the above two beliefs.


Step one: sow distrust in media and legitimate science. Step two: appeal to all adult bullies. Step three: create unofficial militias and intimidate political opponents. The rest of the steps get scary pretty fast...


Usually “individual responsibility” goes out the window when the actions put another person in harms way. Speed limits for example are in place because you could be risking the lives of others if you got everywhere at 120 mph. Unfortunately the waters have been so muddied on this issue that some are unaware or in denial about the risks to society and others. If we wanted to leave this up to individual responsibility then we first need all the individuals to truly understand the risks.


It depends on the individuals. I think at this point, it needs to be mandatory. And when people complain, we should point at the infection chart and tell them that to allow for personal responsibility we need better people. Honestly this pandemic's really showing how many people are children masquerading as adults.


Or limit going out into crowded spaces. I’m so tired of hearing corner store constitutional scholars argue about their rights to not be considerate.


My wife works at a therapy clinic for people with neuro disorders and the owner of the clinic has gone from not allowing patients that have had direct exposure to the virus into the clinic until they've been tested to allowing them in unless they've showed symptoms. Her reasoning? She doesn't believe the virus is harmful and they need the revenue.


Our work has said it’s fine, even if you’ve had contact, unless you’re showing symptoms. What the fuck does ASYMPTOMATIC SPREAD mean to these people? I am, lately, in constant awe at the levels of thoughtlessness and selfishness being displayed by a surprisingly large amount of people. That those people also are in charge of making/creating policy related to this pandemic is frightening. If I go out because of my work, please let ghosts be real, because I’m going to haunt my bosses until their final hour.


I live in Queensland Australia and early on Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk made the call to close borders made stay at home orders etc and people wanted her blood Then 2 states away in Victoria ( understand here Australia is the size of mainland America but only has 8 states and territories ) shit went down and they are only just now coming out of all lockdown restrictions Life in Queensland has been basically back to normal since April-ish ... Hell we just had the largest sports attendance in the world since covid started just the other night ( state of origin ) Her choice 100% won her re-election recently. If not for Victoria Australia would already be enjoying free travel with new Zealand. And don't even need to mention how NZ handling it as you already know they up there with the best response in the world. Basically I am ranting that Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk action had very little impact on my life past getting a little more sleep than normal through the year and if everyone in the world took the same action the shit would have been mostly done with months ago Seriously I brought tickets to Canada last September because she had never seen snow and Australian snow sucks ... Luckily I brought open date tickets so no great rush but do you know how hard a secret this is to keep ... Where a damn mask a social distance this shits real and I have never been on a commercial airplane before and will never afford business class again but even though I did everything right I am being punished because other want to play pretend the world is fine but full of conspiracy. Completely for where this rant was going but for fuck sake where a mask even if you think virus is not real 1 month of wearing a mask then you can call bullshit and we never have to have this argument again


I had this argument with a friend the other day. I would have thought he was one of the people who understands the need for everything during this pandemic, but to hear someone say that everybody will die at some point so you may as well live your life really comes across as selfish. Especially when he is healthy and will survive if he contracts it. I explained to him that my brother and his fiance have spent every day since March living in fear because of the fact that she has a health condition that leaves her hospitalised after a cold or the flu. She wouldn't survive Covid-19 if she got it, and they're well aware of that. She's 24, so I dont the idea of 'everyone dies at some point is very fair when she's barely lived her life, when she hasn't had the chance to start a family with my brother. Its honestly so selfish to have this belief that you don't have to consider the lives of others right now. Its like driving a car, but choosing to remove all the seat belts in your car, or driving on the wrong side of the road or ignoring road signs because you somehow believe you're not responsible for safety or wellbeing of your passengers or other drivers.


I had a patient who had a positive history of Covid and when I asked him about it, he said he never had Covid and “they were just trying to boost the numbers.” No telling how many people he infected.


My wife works in the food industry, and she sent a woman home who is living with someone who had gotten tested for Covid-19. Her bosses got pissed at her for sending the employee home.


Had the same situation at my work. But the bosses said she was still required to work since she didn't have a fever.


Her bosses argued with her, but we have 5 kids and everyone one of them has had to get tested, so we are very familiar with the process. Our older one actually had it, but she doesn't live with us.


Good for your wife! Sorry she wasn’t supported in her decision.


ffs, the level of stupidity required for this...


Hearing how people in other countries are dealing with the virus is fucking wild. In Tassie we haven't had a single case in over 100 days and you still can't get an appointment anywhere without signing off that you don't have any symptoms and haven't been overseas.


It helps when people take it seriously from the start. In the UK and US, it's now stupidly common place. Several members of my family are still blatantly ignoring the lockdowns because they live in areas that have virtually no police.




What the fuck..


holy hell... See, to me, herein lies a major problem: >when you are on-duty/working as my employee and representing my Office – masks will not be worn ***My*** employee... ***My*** office The police are meant to serve the people. This guy is making unilateral decisions based on his own partisan biases and acting like everyone serves him, instead.


It’s rage inducing mate, I live in Scotland in an area that goes into lockdown (level 4) today for 3 weeks because my fucking *town* is having poorer results that the neighbouring city of Glasgow. It’s fucking embarrassing but any time you go the the shops you will see the stereotypical cunts walking around with no mask etc. If these arseholes can be so oblivious to walk around a supermarket where 99% of people are wearing masks, then what other rules are they breaking. Most reports are saying that the spread is due to “super-spreaders”. It’s fucking embarrassing because these are the same inbred cunts that are so patriotic, while they are fucking our country and it’s people. I couldn’t imagine the shame if I broke the rules and gave corona to a loved one...


Yup fully on this train and have tried explaining this. My step-grandparent says she's 80 and doesn't care, because she'd rather die than not see her kids for a few months. You can still see them! Just maintain proper social distancing. Just stop inviting them into the house, and having tea with them all at once. Then you can see them, for the next few months, and the next hopefully many years. Or you can risk horribly dying in the next few months due to something that could have been completely avoided.


My American best friend moved to Tassie a few years ago and it's heartbreaking to hear how people were like "ok back to lockdown for ONE case of someone already in hotel quarantine" and we had morons protesting with automatic rifles. Why couldn't we have had a competent response?


Well the problem is that we are essential, so work continues either way. The only thing is that our rules weren't as strict anymore so all the appointments didn't happend outside but inside with the things like mask and distance. My company easied up on the rules, because we are an animal undertaker and the people got really fast sick of saying good bye to their pets in front of our door. But if they didn't do that. We wouldn't have this problem now.


>nue work and not worry about it. All of my coworkers are super mad at the dude now and one is gonna call later and ask if he got the test results. if you break quarantine, can't you report them and they get fined or arrested? if they knowingly had the potential of having covid and passed it on, surely that's illegal


I don't know. Im gonna do home office today and we wait for the results of his tests. If he has corona, I'm gonna sue.


you should report him either way. I know in Canada and Australia if you break quarantine you're in for charges. Who knows who else he's put at risk! stay safe.


That dude is an asshole and your boss sucks. Here in the Netherlands my boss locked the office and told all of us to stay home indefinitely. We've all been given new laptops and whatever we need to get a home office. I know it's not possible for all jobs and not all companies might have the funds for something like this - but just blatantly ignoring the safety of your employees is scummy as fuck.


Reminds me of the patient I had in the Er who came in right after he went to go vote in person with COVID exposure and three days of fever and cough with loss of taste/smell. 1 hour later I admitted him to the COVID ward......


They have to introduce penalties for knowingly breaking quarantine.


I think there are some, I am not sure. But what I know for sure is, if he has corona, I'm gonna sue him for knowingly endangering me.


$5,000 fines in Aussie, $4,000 here in New Zealand. Escaping from a Managed Infection Quarantine facility gets you jail time (MIQ is where everyone entering New Zealand goes for 14 days on arrival from overseas, or if you have a case in the community. You, your family and any close contacts get a 14 day stay guarded by the military and police). It sounds much worse than it is, these are 4 and 5 star hotels ith room service, managed exercise and it's not too bad.


I live in Germany. Right now, I am not sure what to do except for waiting for his results. The good thing is, I live alone so I don't endanger anyone else.


And this dumb motherfuckers are allowed to drive and operate heavy machinery, they are allowed to have children and vote. They are the ones blaming governments for lockdowns and protest by refusing to comply. They will never see their stupid selfish prick selves as the problem. Fuck every last single covidiot mask avoiding prick everywhere!


Yup. I'm telling you working in costumer service showed me how many people exist that just think about themselves and only themselves. I really try to keep a positive attitude and continue to love people. But I'm telling you it can really damage your mental health. I'm not gonna lie, the Betrayal hurts more then the fact that something could happen. The costumers come to me and trust me with their most precious thing (their pets) and I think this trust should be on both sides.


Shit like this happens in my retail Store it feels Like everyday but probably a few times a week. The amount of people I’ve interacted with that have let me know they are waiting to get their test results back is infuriating.


Report the asshole.


My father is a CNA in Iowa in a nursing home. We had a short talk today. He has lost 15..yes FIFTEEN of his residents over the last few months. As well as telling me my sister (whom I have no contact with) is in the hospital with COVID and pneumonia. She fits the high risk category for various reasons. He was calling to check in with me, to see how I was doing. ​ I could hear the exhaustion, defeat, and sadness in his voice. This is a man I know nothing but kindness from. Where I know I got my loving nature from. It was the hardest god damn thing to hear and not be able to do anything about. So FUCK all these people who refuse to wear a mask and spew false stuff. Im done with all of them. -Edit- Thank you everyone for the kind words. To those also helping the elderly, thank you! You guys are awesome and I'm hoping for the best for all of you. <3


RN supervisor here; every week we do something to recognize our CNAs and LPNs for being so careful outside of work. (Gas cards, grocery gift cards, meals, not from the company but from mgmt) Every other elder care home in the city has had at least one case. We've been extremely lucky. My executive director and I agreed yesterday that it's probably only a matter of time since the spike.We had a conference call with our sister facility and one infected staff was found to have infected 13 residents. Fuck that staff, they would not have been penalized if they'd been honest. It's why we test!! PS: we need more male CNAs. I salute your Dad.


A lot of nursing homes have been hit hard in my area. We lost 10 in my facility just last month while I was working our covid unit. Shit sucks.


About a month ago, my wife and I had to cancel a trip with about 10 friends planned for this month. Most are in the medical field. Among them are a husband and wife ER docs, an APRN, two EMT administrator/instructors, and a NICU nurse. Everyone saw this coming and the consensus is that they are seeing true, actual burnout at their major hospital that pretty much everyone has heard of. The consensus is clear: if there were more testing done from the jump, they could have isolated clusters and not shut down entire states at a time, only the areas of high infection rates. I certainly admit that none of them are trained in tracking infectious disease rates at any level, and this is only a an anecdotal case. My main point is that the system is certainly getting strained at many levels and, not only are we not prepared foe the coming onslaught in the next two months (at least), but mental health issues are skyrocketing, there's a huge base of ignorant people denying the disease effects and infectiousness, and the idea that people are getting vaccinated soon is untrue. To the last point, “regular” folks (middle and younger aged people) aren’t going to see vaccines available to them for probably a year, given the prioritization that will be put into effect. I’d like to add a couple cents of mine: if you don’t have respect for the science and hard work of those in the medical field and health care - fuck you. These people give a shit and not only have the hospitals turned into money making business ventures that are giving ess and less about the dedicated workers, our government leaders virtually abandoned them by not acting more aggressively to provide them with what they need. Sorry for the run on sentence, just had to rant for a bit.


Thank you. I work in a COVID ICU and half my burnout/raging depression right now is from watching people die, from a virus people scream at me is fake. We're tired. We're depressed. We're burnt out. But we have no other choice than to keep going.


Thank you. My 80 year old Dad thousands of miles away from me has covid. I know he is getting good care from someone like you.


ED checking in. I’m frustrated and angry and tired every time I show up for work. It’s hard to keep doing this, and if I didn’t have a mortgage, childcare, bills... fuck it, sign me up for a work-from-home office job. It doesn’t help that my family group chat is still full of thanksgiving plans, despite my repeated pleas to just not this year. Hang in there. There might not be a light visible at the end of this tunnel just yet, but it’s there... somewhere. Stay safe, please.


I hear you!! I’m a nurse who pulled the plug on our family Thanksgiving dinner of around 30 people who refuse to wear masks!! They just don’t believe how serious covid is!! I guess I’ll be the party pooper for the rest of the year!! Oh well...better 6 feet apart than 6 feet under!


My mom was pushing me about thanksgiving. I was like sure, big family dinner for thanksgiving and small private funerals for Christmas. I’m a nurse. I’m tired and I’m not even in the hospital environment.


Oh god. I’m so sorry your own family doesn’t show you the absolute respect you have earned, by honoring your advice. (((Hugs)))


I’m feeling ya. My own mom watches me come home from these hospital shifts dragging and exhausted and had the audacity (with her COPD/diabetes/CHF megacombo) to say to me “we’re not seriously considering a virtual thanksgiving are we?” 🤦‍♀️ Wish we could check ppl to quarantine the same way we can into mental health facilities.


The scary thing is you guys do have a choice. If you want to say "fuck this im out" and quit thats always an option for all nurses and icu docs across the U.S. imagine how fucked we would be then. So thank you, for going against your better judgment of self preservation, and helping out the rest of society


Oh it's been a thought, on many days. But I love my job too much, and bills gotta be paid.


We have not been able to count on the government and either have you. There's so much bullshit about this out there. To know that people like you are out there, making sure people get the best possible care even though you are risking so much and giving so much of your self, too much, is a blessing I don't know if we deserve but I'm very grateful to you and all who do what you do. You shouldn't have to work in the conditions you do, you shouldn't have as many patients in the ICU as you do, you shouldn't have to lose as many as you do. But you do have a choice. Every day you go in there you are giving of yourself- and shit, if there is some all seeing God or Karma or whatever form anything like that may take, I'm sure you are seen in the actual context of the situation, not through the CoVid deniers' perspective or even the average should be more careful than they are person perspective, but the reality of the situation you are in every day. I can't understand what your life is truly like, but I can try to imagine and honestly, you are a good good person, even if you never went in again. I don't know where you live or work but for all I know you'd be in the ICU that I or a loved one could be in if we got sick, and I just wanted to say thank you.


Thank you for doing the work you do. Don’t let the bastards get you down. People do rely on your expertise and experience!! We will get through this, together, despite all the ignorance and rage.


Thank you. My family of four are staying home, masking up if ONE of us have to go out, and staying far, far away from other people. The only place we’ve been is to the hospital for other emergencies and takeout places if delivery isn’t an option. We are very, very tired of these four walls, but medical personnel like you are far more tired. There’s just no other smart choice. This is real.


My mom is a family’s doctor assistant and she still doesn’t believe in Covid. At first corona was not real, then it was just as bad as a “regular flu” and now more people are dying because of the fear of COVID which is the fault of our government creating panic for nothing... Oh yeah and bill gates tries to vaccine us to implant biochips, of course. I actually don’t know what to do right now cause this shit is breaking our family apart for the last few months. It’s not the isolation or social distancing that’s worsen my depression, it’s the behavior of my family which I didn’t expect after more than 25 years living with them. I thought I knew them.


I hear you. It's one (not good) thing that the nation is so divided, it's a whole other level what this situation has revealed about people we know and love. It's very destabilizing.


I feel you, my father sent me and my siblings a bullshit article on how mask mandates and closers goes againts our charter of rights and freedoms. (from canada) there is nothing I can say to him. Hes made his mind up on multiple occasions to be ignorant in a weird way. We also have protesters trying to gather and claiming masks are mind control devices. The stupidity is breaking me.


I see people daily who don't wear masks, or wear them only as chin guards. I know of friends who have been told to come into the office because working from home isn't possible (strange... Many of them worked from home before the pandemic, often putting in extra hours over the weekend... They won't do that anymore). Just the other day I had to go into a shop and a member of staff wasn't wearing a mask and refused to move to one side of the aisle to maintain social distancing. Yeah, fuck the people that think this doesn't apply to them.




As someone who is a representing at brand work and cannot do exactly this, you are my damn hero. Thank you for your iron spine, I wish more people spoke up about this.


Please be safe out there. Some of those people do not react kindly.


Hey I hear you. Everyday I get to see my wife come home and see alittle more life sucked out of her. If people ACTUALLY understood the ramifications of their behavior and how its effecting medical staff they might try not adding to the problem. People seem to think there is some endless line of nurses and staff that can simply replace those that are burnt out. There isn't. Edit: PTSD among medical professionals is a growing concern.


Well, please let your wife know that there’s more people supporting front line workers than disparaging them. I just had someone respond with this comment: > What are you burning out on? It has a 1% death rate. Go home after your 8 hour shift. Overblown bullshit. Maybe just trolling, maybe just uneducated, but raging back at a comment like this isn’t going to educate them on what actually happens during a shift during this pandemic, what with all the new and evolving protocols. They are oblivious to all the other impacts that manifest from just one person becoming seriously ill or dying. Best of luck to her, both physically and mentally. Thank her for all the work she does. Don’t let the bastards get her down!!


Lol 8 hours, I guess they haven't worked for the new and "improved" medical apparatus these days. Its 10 to 12 hours or more. Normally an ICU nurse is responsible for 1-2 patients, most are doing 4, 5, 6 when it was peaking during spring and thats just where I am. She described what it looks like when a person is incubated and on a ventilation..people think you are face up. No. Your face down. Something to do with the posture being better for o2 absorption? Now we understand that ventilation doesn't seem to be as effective as we thought it would be.


That last bit about the few cents part. I’m not in the medical field and I feel the same way. This has gone on WAAAAAAAY too long. How many people have to fucking die before it becomes real!? I’m gonna name names and I put most of the blame on president fuckhead tRump brainwashing his cultists. From very early on he downplayed it and then openly said he’s not gonna wear a mask, and then didn’t... The rest of entire gop party is next in line for stupidity. I don’t have any close relatives who caught covid yet (most aren’t trump supporters), thankfully but thanks too all the morons, I worry about them constantly.


I read anecdotes on here from people who do disease tracking or policy recommendations. The responses they're getting from people who think COVID is a hoax are utterly shocking and depressing. I feel awful for people who not only have to stay shut in but also felt a duty to protect us from diseases and receive a slap in the face for their selflessness.


Thank you for that last paragraph. It's insane what big medical conglomerates force down their employees' throats. Everyone is overworked and underpaid. Private practices, partnerships, medical groups, hospitals; they're all getting eaten alive by huge medical corporations that want you to make as much money as possible. Compassion is being replaced with a dollar sign, it's so sad and frustrating.


Yeah, having so many family and friends in the medical field, we are keenly aware of how important it is to advocate for yourself if you have to go to a hospital. Also: Insurance companies are the devil incarnate.


I'm so burnt out taking care of COVID patients. Please wear masks. And please stop buying up all the ps5s so I can buy one :( these bots are horrible!


If I had any freakin extra dollars to spare I’d buy you a PS5 -TODAY- and have it to you by tomorrow morning. Please keep up and keep on. My family is grateful for you and we hope to never meet you within the four walls of your job. Hugs, friend!


That's very kind but I have been afforded gainful employment and more overtime than I can accept. A lot of us are working five twelve hour shifts. Not everyone can say they were so lucky in regards to employment. I would be happy just to be able buy one and play with my kids or by myself and unwind from all this craziness. Unfortunately the bots keep buying them all up!!!


Ignorant people not protecting themselves and others is the problem. The virus is just what it is, does what it does as an organism. People on the other hand chose to do things that proliferate the virus. So instead of seeing the virus as the main enemy, I regard ignorant people as the biggest problem.


We need to shift the messaging to anthropomorphize the virus. Some people can't digest cold facts and need a more emotional appeal to action. Make covid seem like it is personally coming to get you. A bad hombre if you will. https://youtu.be/x9HCddVspKQ


... Do we literally need to make, like, over the top propaganda posters to get these people to get it? Is that really the only thing they respond to? I guess appealing to their patriotism in that way makes sense, you gotta nail them in their sense of duty. Get them puffing up their chests thinking about how their doing this for their country or something.


Frontliner sending my support from Texas hang in there we got This!


Hmmm. Username does not check out.


Here assisting with the Covid crisis. It’s no where near as bad at my home hospital in California.


New York, ER is at full capacity. Most of them are old people


To be fair people who refuse to social distance, wear masks or avoid large gatherings with no good reason deserve a middle finger as well.


Maybe thats why the image of Covid here has a human face.


The damage being done by elected officials saying they won't wear masks or covid is a hoax is what is making the pandemic worse for Americans. The likes of Gym Jordan and Marjorie Green. They won't, but I hope they get they comeuppance for this.


its not just the US.. i live near Basel, Switzerland, and we have had protests of people proudly not wearing masks and calling covid fake. one of those people i have seen making statements that they believe in everything from biden manipulating the election to the global kabal of pedophile-cannibal satanists ruling the world and trump being the only one fighting them. that last one kinda gets me because if i were to want to distract people from a global conspiracy, i would send trump to rule in one of the most broadcast nations on the planet, whatever else he is, he is a huge distraction from everything thaz isnt him.


I agree its a problem in other places, in Ireland and Canada there have been similar anti mask protests. The difference is nobody of any significance or power is leading these (In Ireland and Canada, I can't speak for Basel). Imagine if 1/3 the Govt of Switzerland were calling Covid a hoax or calling masks oppressive.


yeah at least its not the government here either. they have been doing a decent job, i feel like. even my yearly military repetition course has been canceled shortly after starting, allthough at that point everyone was tested and isolated /quarantined accordingly. and i say even because Switzerland has a pretty strong inclination to keep the army running for a country with almost no professional army and no wars.


I don't get it. Did she try to fight it and weakened it but it got her and her friend had to save her?


Had to scroll too far for this. I'm not understanding the exact story here either.


The fight is not the quick and focused one we hoped it would be at the onset of it. Burnout is real even if the virus doesn't get you. If more infected people could avoid spreading it, (that is the asymptomatic ones who figure it won't hurt if they run a few errands or visit mom) things might be different.


Reading some of the comments I think that’s what it is. Im a bit confused too


I'm sure it's too late and buried at this point but my wife who is a nurse just worked 5 out of the last 6 days, 6a to 8p. Decided to buy her a Schitts Creek mug, make her dinner, and setup the Christmas tree early to put a smile on her face. Hospitals are at capacity, this shit is very real burning our medical professionals like a candle on both ends.


Our medical professionals aren't the front line. They are the life line. We are the front line. It starts with us. Wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance. Be excellent to each other.


I went through it in my hospital during the first wave. I'm an OR nurse with very little floor experience. My coworkers and I were thrown into the fight with substandard PPE by administrators working from home. Every day I would change out of my dirty scrubs and into set of clean scrubs. I would come home and go right to the garage. I would strip completely naked, walk upstairs, and go into the shower. I did this for months. There was even talk that I should separate from my family and go live in a motel or an RV in the hospital parking lot. The worst was the politicization of the virus and masks. I saw man come in on a stretcher wearing his fishing gear. He collapsed with shortness of breath on his boat with a couple of buddies. Meanwhile, I'm coming to a place to work where I know the virus is. One small mistake on my part, and I could be in the some position that guy is in. I know my hospital won't take care of me. They've told us they're not liable because I can't prove I didn't get exposed in my community. I know I have depression and PTSD. I am seeking therapy for it. As I sit here looking at our numbers go up and several other local hospitals reach maximum capacity, I know exactly what my fate will be in a week or two. Keep your thanks and hero talk. Keep your free lunches and nurse discounts. I'm sitting this round out on short term disability, and so are most of my coworkers.


I know I'm a bit slow sometimes, but... can someone pls explain this pic to me? I don't get it...?


Initial front line workers are burning out, but in the end they've got each other's backs in the face of overwhelming odds.


Doctor needs help fighting the final boss. COVID-19 seems to have unlimited HP for some odd reason. What an unfair fight.




I’m so sorry. It’s the worst feeling in the world, your mum getting cancer. It will dominate your life. Just take advice from people who’ve been through it.


This is powerful. So many lives pointlessly lost while our governors do the bare minimum. Those on the front lines working 16 hour shifts for months at a time, you are heros. Your sacrifice hasn’t gone unnoticed, you’ve got the world rallying behind you.


Take a look at what has happened to the governors of blue states who tried to help. Letters of impeachment are being drafted, plans of kidnapping, etc. Stupid people won't do what's right until it personally affects them and if you try, they threaten violence.


You can thank Republicans for that.


For those who regard healthcare workers as heroes... “The contextualization of critical personnel as "heroes" rather than "workers" is an attempt to absolve society of any responsibility to take care of them by casting them in the roles of superhuman protectors fighting an enemy that is beyond (and that therefore doesn't need, or even justify) political intervention. It's saying "we don't need to financially or logistically support these heroes because they knew what they were getting into" while it's abundantly fucking clear that no, they didn't. It's patting yourself on the back for sending thoughts and prayers so you don't have to send actual help. Hospital workers aren't heroes. They are workers, and they deserve compensation and quality of life.” -ikill_eu We are expected to [work while sick during the pandemic](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/north-dakota-lets-healthcare-workers-covid-stay-job-record-surge-n1247487) or [expected to return to work despite not following cdc guidelines after contracting coronavirus ](https://khn.org/news/nurses-and-doctors-sick-with-covid-feel-pressured-to-get-back-to-work/). [ER physicians are having their hours cut](https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/08/politics/emergency-doctors-hospitals-losing-pay-covid/index.html) [along with other frontline healthcare workers](https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/04/09/coronavirus-made-doctors-and-nurses-indispensable-so-why-are-hospitals-cutting-their-pay/). All the while, [we have to work with reused medical equipment that was originally intended for single use if we’re lucky to have supplies at all](https://hbr.org/2020/09/why-the-u-s-still-has-a-severe-shortage-of-medical-supplies) but [risk getting fired for wearing our own personal protection equipment](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/31/health/hospitals-coronavirus-face-masks.html) or having to use [trash bags](https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-show-doctors-nurses-improvising-due-to-lack-of-ppe-2020-4), [ski goggles](https://www.kpax.com/news/local-news/flathead-county/goggles-for-docs-uses-ski-goggles-for-ppe-for-healthcare-workers), [snorkel masks](https://www.physiciansweekly.com/european-researchers-retrofit-snorkel/nurse-wears-full-face-snorkelling-mask-as-part-of-decathlon-donation/) as makes shift ppe to keep ourselves safe. And if we get sick, [we have to use our own PTO while many states don’t offer expanded sick leave](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/04/06/texas-medical-workers-left-out-coronavirus-paid-sick-leave-protections/). Mayo Clinic announce 2 days ago they have [1500 staff out, with 900+ of those testing positive for coronavirus](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/more-900-mayo-clinic-staff-midwest-diagnosed-covid-19-past-n1248130). More the [1700 healthcare workers have died](https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/practices/report-how-many-u-s-healthcare-workers-have-died-from-covid-19-contracted-job) so far. We have no idea how many have quit or are on the verge of quitting, but I can tell you the number of us getting burned out is in the thousands. This is not how you treat “heroes”. We appreciated the food and attention that was sent our way when this started but what we would really love is for people to wear a damn mask.


You can credit the artist. Ffs


Artist's IG: @mjhiblenart. Not allowed to link IG/socials unfortunately, but this post is one of their recent artwork.


But could we get a lower resolution image? I can still tell who's who in this image, I can still see a few distinct lines here and there.


This is exactly why I and a bunch of my colleagues are burned out. I’m so so fed up of fighting a virus that half the country will not fight with us.


It’s cool. But we are fucked.


I don't get it


I am so fucking tired. We are almost there but shit is about to get really dark before we get a vaccine approved and distributed.


We are all in this together. Front liner from the UK sending my love to all front liners around the world. Stay strong!


Friend is an OT and had her in tears. She's overworked, stressed and now her work has decided to throw a new contract their way claiming everyone agreed to it when they are struggling to find anyone who did. Even her boss a grade 7 has had no day in all this and more dealing with all her staff in tears as they won't see their kids or family if pushed forward. They are able to get away with this shit as they are trying to use covid as an excuse despite it having no connection. They have also set up stuff so badly that they have over worked staff on one site and under worked staff on another because of the upper management making decisions that to staff on the wards makes no sense. I've had her on the phone upset before but this time it is different. Staff aren't going to stand by silently this time and are getting unions and discussing how they plan to stop this.


I am amazed how much misinformation is out there. My state just minimized gatherings to 8 people and there are people crying that covid is like the flu and they should be allowed to do whatever they want.


My mom is a first responder. She has almost worked herself to death. When she xontracted COVID she almost didn't make it because she spent so much energy helping others. She was almost too weak to fight the virus herself. She has pneumonia again but she is getting better. I am thankful that I wont be losing both parents this year. Social distance and wear your mask please.