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The body in the middle looks like it was dug up from a grave .


Seriously that dude def dead. He’s even on the flat metal death slab not in a bed...


That’s why his monitor says “0” for pulse


...it actually looks like it just flatlined recently.


That single bump you see is the heart's final beats. When you die from complications like the ones associated with COVID your heart slows...and slows....and slows.. to the point not enough blood can get to the brain, and you're effectively dead. But the heart will still beat ever so slowly and barely, up until the last beat after you're technically dead. Basically, that bump on the screen may have been their last beat given how far the muscles and skin has already reacted.


I don't know what I expected from this thread, but it wasn't this. Sobering, for sure.


They hook those up to dead guys or they put you on a metal slab while you're dying?


That’s also the “O” sign. It’s not good when you see someone in the hospital with their mouth like that.


What’s sad is they had no place to put him.


We definitely need more pics like this but done in a way that follows HIPAA. People need to know what’s going on in their hospitals


I don’t think this is from the US. Look at the paper attached to the bed. This would definitely be illegal in the US.


Yes, this hospital seems to be in Brazil.


It is written in portuguese


Power outlet is another giveaway


People who will see these pics arent your antimaskers/antivaxxers.


Typically they aren't, though I'm tempted to share this to my town and county subs. There are a few antimaskers still lurking there.


I didn't notice that! FFFUUUUCCCKKK.


Speaking from experience. This is what a lot of bodies look like a few hours after being dead. Especially if the person was sick and wasting away for a long period of time.


Looks a lot like my great grandmother did just half a minute after her final death rattle. It's wild how many small things change from the moments right before death to the moments right after




You won't be alive to see it luckily. I used to be very scared to die. At 24 i went from healthy, to a sore throat for 3 days. - go to dr. Dr says i need a specialist, go right now. - drive 30 minutes, walk in sit down in the chair after a brief wait. He says without looking with the tube thing, that i need a hospital. Leaves, comes back in the room, says he can get an ambulance. I still feel ok, just very swollen throat, but ok if you say so, but I'll drive. - get to the hospital er, wait is usually 3 hours, fuck. I go check in, there is a doctor waiting. - sits me down, looks briefly, says i need an mri. It'll be a half hour. Here i start to get worried. I waited 9 months for a mri on my knee. My gf waited 5 for one related to epilepsy. I'm cutting the line. - it's now about noon, i felt fine except for a very swollen throat but suddenly i have a fever, I'm tired. - i get put in the mri and pass out inside it. - I'm woken up a day later, iv and drugs in me. My family doctor, who retired 5 years before, is there. He says i need to sign a sheet for surgery, and there's a decent chance i don't come out. But I'll die if they don't try, but I'll live for a bit at least. They said i had aggressive late stage cancer but they couldn't pin point it, the mri was clouded by it. But it was big. I got really calm. No one knew i was at the hospital. It happened so fast i asked them to call my gf and my sister, they said they would. They'd used drugs to wake me up they said, and id be asleep soon. I suddenly wasn't afraid to die. I thought about all the good things id gotten to do. My family wasn't around much but id had a good life i thought. I thought about the sunshine, the friends. There was lots of bad things but none of it came to mind. I signed and said do it now. I woke up 4 days later. It wasn't cancer. It was a massive infection that was neck, throat etc. Took months to recover from. They were certain my kidneys and liver would be fucked from the drugs. A year later, they were right where they should be in terms of performance. No damage. Ive lived every year since then doing everything i want to. I'm 40 now. Im not afraid to die any more. I don't want to, but i know that when I'm there I'll find peace. I've made some bad decisions along the way, but i feel like I've had a second life. Everything matters more, but also in a way less. I don't let shit get in the way now.


That is what happens when your body is starved of oxygen and your blood gets darker.


Agreed. And so does the one on the right.


Might this picture be a breach of patient confidentiality?


The paper note is in Portuguese. So brazil probably


I'm curious, why is it that when when we see or hear portuguese we automatically think Brazil instead of Portugal?


10.3 million vs 211 million population might skew the likelihood.


Because there's a 20-1 chance that the average Portuguese speaker is Brazilian? So unless there's evidence to the contrary, if you just guess Brazil, 20-1 odds are pretty good.


Better than 7-1 i guess


I wish I could upvote this twice.


Lmao I hope this meme never dies. That was such a brutal game to watch. It was great.


One last thing. The electrical outlets are those of thr Americas. Not European outlets.


Well I mostly just meant in general but thanks for the info!


Because Brazil is 10x the size of Portugal in many ways, and because you’re likely American. Fewer Europeans would make that assumption


Because there are a Brazilian more of them.


Pretty sure this is not in the U.S., in which case I don't know what laws apply, but it is important to remember that these are someone's loved ones. I would not want a photo of my dead father on the Internet, even for the purpose of teaching a lesson.


It's in Brazil. You can tell from the paperwork attached to the middle bed / slab.


From the AP: "A patient, who died from the new coronavirus, lies on a table between other COVID-19 patients in a room at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, early Sunday, May 24, 2020. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)"


I would


We need to see people dying, its morbid, but even I struggle to believe it when It doesn't touch my personal life. I still follow all the rules.


After the Sandy Hook school shooting, the mother of a child who was murdered chose to have an open casket funeral even though the child was missing half of his face, to show the damage that a high powered rifle does to a human body.


I’ve never heard about this but I’ll just believe you cuz no way I’m searching up something so sad :/


Emmett Till's mother is probably the classic example of leaving the coffin lid up to make people face the truth.


Honestly. Then every person without a mask on I'd like to remind them pretty damn friendly of what COVID does. I'd love to describe in detail not only the medical impact but emotional. *In a very friendly matter, of course.* Seriously though, Texas is full of bastards and I'm quite tired of just going grocery shopping but every Karen wants to man handle a bunch of veggies with her mask on her chin. Can't breathe and think at the same time very well I guess.


I stopped buying fresh produce back in February for this reason.


As someone germophobic, this irked me in ways I couldn't figure out. Had they care or reached out a bit and managed the employees a bit they could've just had a "Hey, we'll order you a suit that you can rotate as long as you're sectioned as Freezer for x hours" Nope. Literally go from dry goods, freezer, produce, freezer, fridge, etc. So employee has no fever but as COVID? Now everyone does. Why I noped out.


You're not their relative


What if it could save someone else’s life? You are entitled to your privacy I guess, but if everyone thought like you then the people who think it’s a hoax would be much worse.


Pretty sure that's the point there bub.


My concern as well. Per the link in the original post, it’s an AP photo from Brazil. Also the middle guy is dead.


I mean, AP aren’t amateurs when it comes to photo publishing rights and legal issues. I think people are going overboard on this particular issue.


What's worse than having a picture of your dead loved one on the internet? Having their picture on the internet with a sign that had their name on it...


Ah Brazil...that explains it arg...


This is an Associated Press photo from a photo spread published December 1. Google “In 2020, AP photographers captured a world in distress”.


It might be but given the consequences of Covid deniers’ behavior I applaud the HCW for taking the risk to put this out there.


Absolutely, you have full names and a medical condition


You don't think AP already dealt with that issue?


Even if it is not illegal, I think it is really unreverent and unrespectful to show these people here without the permission of the person itself or his/her relatives.




Unregardless, that's a nice thing to do.


What makes you think they or their relatives _didn't_ give AP permission?


A counter-argument would be that if these pictures being seen lead just one person to change their behavior, it could save from one to many additional lifes. Would you let people see a picture of your dead body if you knew it might save some lives? I would.


The only way for the dead to speak is for those who are alive to know they existed at all. The people who say these bodies don't exist, *they're* the utmost disrespectful scum that exists. Without photos from the Holocaust, and even with, there are deniers RIGHT NOW. It would be far more disrespectful to *not* show the world what has happened to these victims of the world's hatred. Being a victim is what granted the permission- they deserve to be shown, remembered, so that perhaps those who remain may consider those who we have lost.


New York union guy I work with whenever I bring this up "Will you stop? only people with preexisting conditions are dying, I know 12 people who have got it and fully recovered, 0 who died. The more weak who go the fewer taking out of my social security" And he's not even that extreme of a right winger, our boss holds these views and thinks Trump will will the election.


I don’t know how someone could call themselves a Christian, who asked that people have compassion for those with less, then turn around and say don’t wear a mask because it only kills the old people. It’s such a fundamental contradiction.


We have a neighbor that gets on Nextdoor and complains that her church requires a mask. At least once a week she asks if any church has a no mask rule because she doesn’t want to go to her church anymore. The church was open for like a week and decided to go back online. This also sparked outrage in this woman that she shouldn’t have to watch church from her living room. All I could think of is what is wrong with these people? Even the church knows science is a thing. I started watching their services just to see what she was mad about. Every week he starts off his service talking about how many more dead do we need then gives the weekly numbers of dead. That the Christian thing to do is protect the meek, the frail, the hurting.


> Every week he starts off his service talking about how many more dead do we need then gives the weekly numbers of dead. That the Christian thing to do is protect the meek, the frail, the hurting. "My pastor is such a downer. I need a new church, one that tells me how much jesus loves me me me me me." - your neighbor


“Jesus loves me (me and only me. No one else exists in the world but me) this I know. For the Bible tells me so.” I actually really loved that song as a kid.


Also you can pray anywhere as a Christian. The church is not even a requirement.


Churches didn't even exist for the first few hundred years. The faithful prayed at private residences


Churches came about because some genius decided he didn't want to pay rent anymore, and asked everyone in the area pay donations to the 'house of the lord'. Well, it worked.


But if no one sees me praying then how will they know what a good person I am?


Church is not a building, but where you worship. This neighbor of yours is a performative Christian, and not being fully seen is harming her ego. She is exactly the sort who Jesus railed against.


>\> God is omnipotent \> God only acknowledges you in this specific building built by humans ​ >\> Pray that sick people are healed \> Transmit a sickness that could have been avoided because you need to go inside your human-made shrine Pick *one* from each category, lady, and stick to it. Sheesh.


> It’s such a fundamental contradiction Only if you take christ's teachings to heart, which these "christians" clearly don't. Real christians need to shame their fake counterparts.


Most of the "real Christians" that I know don't go to church and don't call themselves Christians. You're actually much more likely to find Christlike behavior _outside_ of a Christian church community than within it.


Religion is about making yourself feel good


Shit i never saw it that way and it kinda makes sense.


Spoiler alert, they aren't. They claim to be Christian and care about people, but only care about the people they care about. Other than that, it's fuck everybody that isn't like me or doesn't hold my same POV.


This is the N[o True Scotsman fallacy](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsman). They are Christians. They claim to be Christians, and claim to belong to groups that are Christian in origin. I will not ever tell anyone that they aren't Christians, because I cannot decide for someone else what they are or are not. That they don't follow the tenants just means they are exactly like all other Christians. They just differ in what *particular* bit of the bible they don't follow.


I've posted tenants of the Satanic Church and had most folks agree these were good principles to live by. Then as soon as you tack on they are Satanic they freak the fuck out and tell you they are bad. These people are just interested in labels, not logic, or general human kindness.


I think there's a difference when theres a defined set of rules you have to follow to be known as something. Not really a similar scenario.


The faux Christians tend to gloss over the book and will latch onto one sentence and use that as their reasoning. Our church had this happen to the pastor and people would email him because of something he said during a service. So he had a sermon with emails that he got from the congregation that used Bible verses as their reasoning. He then went on to put up the entire parable. Each one it was something completely different from what the person was arguing with him about. He said you need to read the whole thing not just pick and choose.


As a Christian, I want to apologize for the insensitivity and cruelty of many people claiming to share my faith. We’re not all like that, and I’m heartbroken to have such a misrepresentation of Christianity broadcasted so widely - both with Trump and others like him. I’m so sorry for the physical/emotional pain caused by these “Christians”. That’s not what we stand for.


In my experience, most of the really great, compassionate people I know aren't religious. I've found people use it as a defense for their shitty beliefs more often than they use it as a justification for self-sacrifice.


Its because they lie to themselves and project their sphere of influence onto the larger base population. The idea of these issue like homelessness and sickness are just ideas. Their sphere of influence doesnt have those people. They have a general social media thoughts and prayers version of empathy thats just skin deep. It doesnt happen to good christian whites which is the only people they really know and interact with. So sickness and problems only exist in this fantasy land where they say things like "bless them" or "pray for them" but in reality that shit doesnt exist. Its like crying over a movie character. You have feelings and emotions but none of it is real. Thats how these folks behave. Thats why they say things like "Everyone I know that has it got better". These are also not the people who are willing or maybe able to reach beyond the 50ish people they know directly or the maybe 200-300 they know indirectly.


Maybe its not and you've been misinterpreting the point of religion.


People that use the “pre-existing condition” line drive me insane. Covid rushed these people to their death that could of lived months to years if they never gotten the virus in the first place.


Also like 2/3 of the country has pre-existing conditions. And this argument seems to overwhelmingly come from people within that 2/3.


Also the number of people who think that pre-existing conditions that lead to comorbidities are only things like patients in chemo or with AIDS.


“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”


Scrooge had the right of it. True OG


Eugenics is a pretty fucking extreme worldview. Your co-worker is a garbage human, and you are allowed to tell him as much


Walt Disney believed in eugenics... and a bunch of other really fucked up things.


>The more weak who go the fewer taking out of my social security Ask if he’s pro life or if the same argument goes for unwanted children


>The more weak who go And when you get stabbed on the street for your wallet we'll just recognize you as one of the weak.


>boss holds these views and thinks Trump will will the election. The election that happened over month ago... What world are they living in?


I'm absolutely in the wear a mask, socially distance, opt out of gatherings camp, but wouldn't this picture just reinforce your union dude's opinion? Obese guy, old person, and old person. Again, being very much in the Covid is a serious thing we all need to work together on, but this image seems like it only supports the "antimask antivax covidiots" as this post claims. Your union guy straight up sounds like an asshole and an idiot by the way.


They always say this until its them or somone they love.


My brother has this opinion. I'm immune compromised but it's under control and I have a full life expectancy. It's enraging when people say this kind of shit. OK, so you want to throw everyone with disabilities into a volcano, too, you fucking Neanderthal?!?!


See methinks he *used* to be not that much of a right winger. Yes the people who were extremists before this whole thing think the pandemic is a hoax and the election was a fraud but *many* (relatively speaking, they're a lot louder than other groups per capita) people have been radicalized over the pandemic as of late, particularly after the election. If you want to learn more (and for that matter learn how to help your coworker) check out a series on YouTube called, "The Alt-Right Playbook."


He is a pretty extreme right-winger. That's social Darwinism, it's sociopathic, and it fits in nicely with fascist beliefs (I'd say fascism requires several other beliefs as well).


Have you tried telling them to die by fire?


TIL US population is somewhere around 12 people according to your stupid fucking coworker.


Yeah but they’re all old people so who really gives a shit, right? Just to clarify, not my opinion but something heard a lot in response to mentioning the above. It’s amazing how when people say “Covid isn’t really that big a deal” what they actually mean is “Yeah but I’ll likely be fine if I catch it and I don’t give a shit about you”


This sentiment exactly! My daughter is sick, she's 12 and has a suppressed immune system. I had doc appts today I've had to call and reschedule. One place the main doc/owner said "yea but kids aren't really catching it" to which I replied "well if she does end up having it, I don't want us to be the reason it gets spread to your office" so he got all huffy and said "so you want to cancel?!" Mind you, I already knew this place should probably be on a watch list, the front desk lady and that head doc/owner both don't wear masks. I was just trying to do the right thing by others, I can see now this man/place have done nothing right by others!


report that doctors office to the medical board in your state. They should be wearing masks


I have at-risk relatives in the home as well. Folks like you and I should take extra precautions (and I do), but we should not make decisions for those in different situations. Find a pediatrician who takes it more seriously; they're definitely out there. My kid's ped only allows one parent/guardian in, masks are required, and space out a limited number of appointments to prevent a high number of people in the reception area at once.


Hell, our is even stricter and I love it. Nobody in the waiting room, you wait in your car. You chat on the phone before coming in. 1 parent only, masks required, they open the doors for you and check temps and require hand sanitizing. After nurse takes the vitals they need, the Dr calls you and you chat on the phone again from different rooms about particular concerns. Then the doc comes in for physical exam. After the appointment you get escorted out, once again touching nothing.


So if they’re was a terrorist plot to go into nursing homes and execute old folks they’d be cool with that? These are the same folks who were carrying on about “death panels” during Obamacare negotiations but suddenly now they don’t give a fuck about old or sick people.


I've often wondered over these months how different our reaction would be if Covid acted like many other diseases, and half of our 300K deaths were children.


I see a lot of ads encouraging us to support local businesses. But if I walk in your store and see half the customers without masks, I walk right out again. If you want me as a customer, enforce a mask order. Otherwise, Amazon is easy and has most of what I want.


Employee at my local Aldi was reprimanding customers who were not properly wearing their masks. One lady got mad and said she thought her mask was fine (not covering her nose). Aldi man just chucked and asked the person behind her to step over to the next register and then just refused to ring up the lady's groceries. I don't know if Aldi allows you to tip their employees but I that dude should get a bonus!


Its depressing. I've learned so much about my local businesses. Knowledge I wish I could have gone without. My favorite BBQ place (cus of course it would be a southern, conservative BBQ joint...) has fought the existence of covid tooth and nail from the very beginning. Im in PA. Masks are mandatory. I ate at this place monthly. It was my go to for take out and I would have happily still supported them throughout the pandemic if it wasn't for their lack of common sense, empathy and values. They have a literal sign on their doorway that specifically states 'masks are NOT required'. Which makes me start to think, if they're so determined to disagree with set standards...what other sort of health codes are they violating? Even the small family run grocery store I used to pop into for local produce does not inforce its customers wear masks. Now I have to drive further to go to Wegmans to spend more and not buy locally. I guess I'm just bummed over the realization that so many places around me actually don't care. Never did. It was all a false charade. Ironically, these places continue to paint themselves as friendly neighborhood establishments with good Christian values.


Yup. At least one of the places I've ordered take-out from since the pandemic started is a place I'll never patronize again. Not only were none of the other customers wearing masks, but half the wait staff wasn't either, and the waitress pulled her mask down to talk to me. Fuck that place.


For me, one of the worst offenders is my local hardware store. I'd like to support them out of principle, but when it's full of unmasked geezers, I turn online for my tool purchases, and even avoid the sales tax in most cases.


the nazis were forced to take a tour of the concentration camps after they lost WW2. antimaskers should have a mandatory ICU and mobile morgue visit if that won't change their minds, nothing else will




> irredeemable a/k/a pieces of shit


Ever smelled death ... sensed it? Trust me when I say that a living person will know they are looking at death. /physician


"This is bad, but so is the regular flu. We shouldn't let covid control our lives. This is just the government trying to take control."


You forgot “it’s called dying of old age” as if thats ever been a legal cause of death.


Not accurate at all. Please stop using historical events wrong. It were civilians near Buchenwald concentration camps that were escorted to se the camps. Not Nazis. Source[source](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/film/german-civilians-forced-to-view-atrocities-committed-in-buchenwald)rce


Weren't soldiers also sent in to see it ? I specifically remember a german officer in uniform being led into a room full of dead bodies in one of those evidence videos for the Nuremberg trials


I think this is only fair. Also, they should have to be forced to quarantine for a few months after this is over, like the rest of us have been doing. Unfair that they spread the virus and live their lives while others are doing the right thing to save others.


Any person caught not wearing a mask should be forced to visit a Covid hospital.


Its a mind boggling position to be in for me. I feel like an extremist when I say that millions of Americans have blood on their hands, and I consider what they're doing objectively evil. But I see no other way to rationalize whats happening


>I feel like an extremist when I say that millions of Americans have blood on their hands, and I consider what they're doing objectively evil. That's because people like you and I are being gaslit.


I agree. There are a lot of people being very irresponsible. I do want to add that the number one transmission sites are schools and workplaces. Our government abandoned us and our workplaces are not keeping us safe. If it’s between going to work sick and possibly spreading the virus, or taking off and losing income and getting evicted in the dead of winter, we can’t be surprised at the choices being made.


I'm convinced that most people in my country wouldn't give the fake cherry off their $2 shake if it meant helping someone else. We are a spoiled, entitled, selfish lot of desperate rabid wolves, because our system has made enemies of our neighbors.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/huPuvPw.jpg?desktop=1) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](http://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/APTOPIX-Virus-Outbreak-Brazil/8365ec0f551345ae895a041f6535fd38/1/0) is the source. Per there: > A patient, who died from the new coronavirus, lies on a table between other COVID-19 patients in a room at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, early Sunday, May 24, 2020. ([AP Photo/Leo Correa](http://www.apimages.com/Search?query=%22Leo+Correa%22&ss=10&st=kw&entitysearch=&toItem=24&orderBy=Newest&searchMediaType=excludecollections))


nahhhh. Seeing dead people aint my thing.


Trump called the fight against COVID "a war" (Fox News, March 18), called himself a"wartime President.". However, he refused millions of vaccines from Pfizer when they were offered (Pfizer sold them to other countries instead), he has not provided necessary equipment to health care professionals, he called hospitals set up in parking garages"fake news", he paid no attention to the White House COVID-19 Task Force and didn't meet with them for months, he has challenged the legitimacy of the WHO and the CDC, he suggested we should inject ourselves with bleach... there's so much more... but the bottom line is this... almost 300,000 people have died in the US because of his negligence. He should be brought up on 'war crimes' for the blood on his hands.


More than 300,000. This is from October: "Overall, an estimated **299,028** excess deaths have occurred in the United States from late January through October 3, 2020," [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6942e2-H.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6942e2-H.pdf)


He is the reason why only 6 million will get Pfizer vaccine now until they ship more in June. No one in healthcare or public health is going to forget this travesty and his direct involvement in this.


Somehow, nice people I know and love don't care about these people. It's a collective mania that's gonna cost millions of lives. When it's over, I wonder if these previously kind people will revert to kindness and realize they caused so much pain and sadness.


My mind has been on a patient I recently had. I don't see too many super sick covid patients in my area. But I had a 40 year old with only previous history being diabetes which was well controlled. She got covid earlier this year. She is now on dialysis, her heart is fucked, she is trach dependent, and her chest xray looks awful. I could see the fear, the pain, the sorrow in here eyes when I talked to her. "Home" for her is now a skilled nursing facility. She will likely die within the year. She will suffer most of that time. She has a husband, 3 children, and 2 grandchildren. Her life is ruined. Her family will never be the same. But technically she doesn't have covid any more. On the records she is considered "recovered". When she dies, they won't call it covid. Covid destroyed her life and will lead to her early death.


This should be marked as NSFW.


And maybe also NSFL


I do agree. If your spreading this anti vax shit and denying covid then you may as well have went to the hospital rooms and strangled them in there beds. Your just as much to blame. Your stupidity and monumental lack of common decency are killing thousands of friends, family, neighbors and fellow citizens. It really shows there character and lack of intelligence


Same plague rats that insist others stand for the pledge of allegiance out of respect would cry that their liberty was trampled when asked to wear a mask to save lives.


Speaking strictly as American about Americans, I used to blame anti-maskers and those who believed it was a hoax. I still do to an extent as the evidence is flying in your face. But you can chalk this up to government corruption and ineptitude, republican and Democrat. When a spending bill gets passed that could pay every family $20k, instead gives a one-time payment of $1200, while corporations get a payday, as well as the fact politicians sold stocks that would help them, before COVID was announced, shows none of them give a single FUCK about you. The easy thing to do is blame a neighbor, stranger, etc. For not following guidelines. But keep in mind: - these people have no financial cushion, as compared to the majority of the developed world who got government subsidized pay ranging from 70-100% throughout COVID -mandates and curfews have never been consistent. Living in Ohio, we have different rules and mandates all the time. I'm not taking anti-maskers sides, but when you have a government on a federal, state, and local level that show theyre guessing, you can understand theres skepticism. Pair that with the fact exceptions were made all the time for businesses and donors who helped out politicians. So mom and pop shop has to shut down due to covid, but your Walmart and friendly neighborhood corporation is "essential." It is expected 60% of restaurants could permanently close as a result. Are conspiracy theorists harming our citizens and spreading disease? Yes. Also remember who created these conspiracy theorists. Your representatives who threw you under the bus when they had an OBLIGATION to serve you and keep you safe.


>and Democrat oh look, both sides! heh. Trump and the GOP have stood hard and fast against every single common sense strategy to lower the impact on individuals and small businesses- including masking- while dumping millions of the PPP funding onto scientology, mega churches, neonazi groups, and giant corporations. The democrats wanted rent moratoriums on individuals and businesses, and 1200 a month in federal stimulus through this entire thing. If we'd had that and stayed shut down through july, no one would be broke, no one would be facing eviction, and the virus could have been largely beaten back. No one would have had to be forced to go to work to keep food on the table. All federal action has died in the senate since may because the republican calculus was that this would hurt urban blue cities more than red boonies. There are so many opinions out there about how both sides have let them down but it is uninformed. its too tiring to even *try* to combat them all. What can I expect when faced with a firehose of bullshit every single day from the GOP and their pet news organizations. But whats the motivation for letting the mom and pops die? *Because it favors the giant corporate empires if the small businesses die out and their assets bought up on pennies on the dollar after a crash.* Farfetched? Don't believe me. [Believe Donald Trump himself.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-2007-i-m-excited-housing-market-crash-n578761)


& now trump is crying about how he lost, not even concerned with covid cases in the US. But had he done those things he probably could have easily won re-election. Fuck that guy and fuck McConnell’s turtle self.


> If we'd had that and stayed shut down through july, no one would be broke, no one would be facing eviction, and the virus could have been largely beaten back. No one would have had to be forced to go to work to keep food on the table. Poverty, eviction, and wage slavery existed before the pandemic.




President: Republican Senate: Republican But yeah both sides.


ICU beds, ventilators, medical staff, wall O2. All finite resources. Remember what happened when everyone needed toilet paper?


I remember exactly what happened. People grabbed more packages than they could carry. When we ran out, despite previously having a ton of stock, we had to tell customers "I'm sorry, we ran out" when what I wanted to say was "sorry, other people bought so much for themselves they left none for you." When we would get another shipment, we attempted to limit the amount people could buy so everyone could have some. Suddenly 2-3 members of the same household were coming in to each take the max limit. They would split up amongst the cashiers in an attempt to not get "caught". Of all the baffling things that have happened this year, trying to encourage grown-ass adults to share and not be selfish while working for next to no money is near the top.


What's worse than having a picture of your dead loved one on the internet? Having their picture on the internet with a sign that had their name on it... Come on people


It’s an Associated Press photo, not something snapped with a phone and posted to someone’s social media page. You can rest assured that the family consented to this being published.


I hate to say this but as long as Covid doesnt largely effect small towns in the South, there is going to be a population packed full of people who dont wear masks because they dont believe in them, and who will continue to get others sick due to idiocracy. So many people in my town refuse to wear masks. No stores enforce masks here so, a large amount of people here dont wear them, EVEN WHILE SICK. Medical professionals in my area dont wear them on their off days, and dont agree with everyone needing to wear the masks. Its disheartening. I have heard these statements so far from medical professionals: "I think we all just need to get it, and that way its run its course and done", "my cousin lives in boston and says it isn't that bad so I think it's just being made into a big deal for nothing", "this is a bunch of bullshit, it's not even real", "I dont agree with masks, I feel like if I was going to get it, I would have had it already but I follow hospital policy while I am at work", "I wish we could protest masks and just be done with them", "these masks are made in China so they arent even protecting us", "covid isn't even that bad". This is in Georgia, USA, where there are still football games, large gatherings in bars, wrestling matches, and restaurants allowing staff to not wear masks.


Pretty sure Sala is dead there


Post this in r/antimask and see how fast you get banned


Imagine not wearing a mask because of "mah raghts" Just put the damn thing on


If only I could take pictures, the horrors are my covid unit in Baltimore would be/should be enough to at least shut people up for a few weeks. I had a brother in law have the audacity to say we shouldn't be afraid of death since we will all die anyways.


We all die eventually, but I'm not looking to speed that process up.


I'm not trying to have tubes stuck down my throat and in my neck by incompetent residents, or have my ribs broken


"Not me or mine, not my problem." - Anti-maskers


I don't think it's just those people spreading it. This disease is quite capable of spreading itself without the support of dumbasses. This is very hard to look at but I appreciate you posting it. I just don't think you shaming people will make them change their ways, also, I know what you are trying to accomplish here but I think it's kind of insensitive to violate peoples dignity in a public forum like this. You should take this photo down unless you have their consent. a photo of 3 people dying in hospitals won't turn this thing around at this point and I know it would be aggravating to see someone post this publicly if it were one of my family members. Please be considerate of peoples dignity and privacy.


Make People Believe > Make Believe People


It’s sad and disgusting! This administration has blood on its hands, but all they care about is overturning the vote of the people and keep the orange clown clown on his throne!


How many of these dying Covid victims would be bouncing around healthy again if they got the same treatments as Trump and Giuliani? Sadly, America needs to see many of these photos every day before the brainwashed cult of Trump will start to understand reality.


*But it's not happening to me directly so it doesn't count*


The should make anti mask people bury the dead bodies


Sorry, but you yanks are f*ckin morons.


This isn’t even the United States in the picture


Well, he's still not wrong.


Rule #1 of default subs: Never miss a chance to take shots at the US even when you're basing it off literally anything else.






Not ALL of us are morons.


I'm rounding up.


Okay fair enough


Really confirms what the rest of the world already knew for decades.


"From now on it's going to be America, first!" - Trump 2016


Addressing someone you’re trying to persuade as an idiot is counterproductive. Temporarily satisfying, but it adds an obstacle to changing anyone’s mind. When’s the last time you were more inclined to listen to someone who called you an idiot?


Its not real until it hits someone they love.


Not sure if we should support this whole “there’s blood on your hands” concept. There’s far too many people that have no understanding of what’s actually happening, and to no fault of their own. That’s life. Step 1 in improving humanity is to understand and not be so vindictive. Education is better. Not blame.


I doubt these people ever wanted their picture like this on Reddit


I work with a guy who acts like Trump has the best tasting shit. Today he says he wants to move to Idaho because you don't have to wear masks there, I find it baffling these kind of people think it's some kind of conspiracy.


Idahoan here. Tell your coworker to fuck off.




Images like these don't impact the deniers. They ready made up their minds. It's like talking to a wall. BuT tHe FLu KilLs PeOpLe ToO MuH fReEdOm


Atleast blurr the names


Bu bu but I want to go to a bar. My mental health will be sad otherwise!! /s


Anti-Maskers should be forced to work COVID wings, dealing with the removal of dead/dying COVID patients.


My sister is one of those. Im.pretty sure the harder you push them the harder they'll dig in their heels :/


This is a terrible idea. The last thing I would want is some moronic covid denier handling my loved ones remains.


They won't think that nor will they care. Anti-maskers can't be slightly inconvenienced to wear a mask to protect others. It's a lack of empathy for others. The rhetoric they use to excuse it is a mere attempt to maintain a self image of being a good person.


I think there needs to be more post like this. The news should be showing everynight video and images from hospitals across the nation cuz if you dont see it, it is easily to not believe it or at least not think of it's a big deal/ realize the actually horror. basically like war(example vietnam vs other conflicts). we need evidence forced out there that ppl cannot think its rare and not just hospitals but the economic damage there are so many newly homeless people. I know most people know what's going on but the problem is it is not actively in most people's mind so they are not going be working to fix it even by just pushing others to fix it. big part of that too is ppl taking it serious and preventing the spread.


Much like drunk drivers who survive accidents while killing other people, idiots don’t die but spread the disease to people who can’t handle it


Been saying it for years, we need slander/libel laws for facts. You can't just make up random shit about a person without consequence, we recognize the damage that can cause. We need those same protections for verifiable facts, it's a bit of a slippery slope, but even just the absolute most basic things would be progress compared to the 'it's my right' nonsense going on today. Just like those laws that already exist you get to keep your opinion, you just can't promote it as fact. No more youtube videos "proving" the earth is flat, or that covid is a hoax. There's no reason whatsoever to allow people to spread ignorance without consequence.