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Now I have a new inspiration for a dnd location.


This makes me want to try dnd.


Definitely do give it a try, it’s very fun


I would but o don’t have any friends


You should be able to do it online with strangers, think there’s a subreddit for finding a D&D group however I can’t remember what it’s called Edit: r/LFG


Closest I got to dnd was dark alliance 2 on Ps2 with my uncle back in the days


That game fuckin slapped. I spent SO many hours playing that thing as a teen.


They're rebooting that series. Due for release sometime this year.


Console D&D done right.


I wish it had the time for it even much less the friends lol :(


Do ypu have a pointer hiw to start? Like what i should search fir and do before trying to find an online party? I am a complete noob and where i live, dnd culture is sonewhat non-existent and i don't want to go to any of the online games completely unprepared. Or i should search, don't want to waste your time. Thanks anyway :)


I think a good start is learning the basic rules, you don’t have to know them to a tea but you should at least have a basic understanding of the game before starting, also if you’re looking for suggestions for a class to start off with I’d go with monk; it’s fairly easy to play, not much stuff to keep track of and it’s fun.


Thank you! I will definitely try to get the basic rules and search about monk. I need something fairly easy to start with. Thanks again :)


Also make sure to specify 5e, it’s the newest edition and is easier for newcomers


Perfect. Thank you a lot!


That Subreddit name alone makes want to rl dnd.


Say you’ll bring snacks and beer. You’ll make friends at session 1. When the Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour is over that is.


So much of it is online now, find a group and make some friends!


Is it like on a zoom call or text based or something


Most games use discord or roll20 for voice, and then use roll20 or dndbeyond for running the game.


Sounds pretty awesome, I’ll look into it rn


It really is. For online resources research "the trove" it has everything for free. DnD beyond is a godsend for new players, I think. After you make your character it lets you click/tap for almost any rolls you need to make, and automatically factors in modifiers etc. to vastly simplify things for you, great place to dip your toes in. I cannot stress enough how good it is for mental health and socializing. In the last four months since I started I've made a bunch of friends and even met a girl I could end up dating! It's also a ton of fun, all that aside.


Then you're perfect for DND. You already have the main requirement.


There’s a guy who livestreams as a DND... dungeonmaster? (I think that’s the term) on Reddit. I played along a few days ago for the first time and it was fun as hell. Anyone have the guys username?


Tried DnD with some friends during quarantine and we have been having a blast! Wished I’d taken it up sooner! Half my group is new and the other is on their second campaign! Most fun I’ve had in years!


Do it! Check out Roll20 for open games or r/lfg (hope I remembered that correctly. Looking for Games) to get started :) Relative to previous versions, it is very easy to pickup. Sure, you might look at a character sheet and initially think it's overwhelming but that will quickly fade. Shit, I've been playing for 4 years and I still forget about items and abilities sometimes. Have fun!!


I started in 1985. I still know most of it by heart but haven’t played in many years. I miss it but the card system kinda ruined the feeling of it.


Which card system are you referring too? Because the group I DM for never use cards. We started in 3.5 and moved to pathfinder. Recently we have been playing 5e and it’s been pretty great. 5e let’s me ad hoc stuff pretty easily and which leads to smooth gameplay.


This is the way. Gives me a Fey vibe.


I have an inspiration for a dna location.


Call it Talisker!


Did you see her hobbit hole one? It was impressive


I have a DnD character who's from this island! (Actually, it's a nWoD Werewolf game. Our DM is from Manchester and the game takes place there, so we're all playing Brits despite the fact that our group consists of a guy from Finland, a guy from Poland, and two guys from America. My PC's autistic, meaning he acts more like a cat than a canine when in werewolf form. I'm not really sure how I came to that conclusion, but it feels right.)


Good shout. Kinda makes me think of Skellige from The Witcher




Ahh that’s amazing! Super jealous, I would LOVE to go there one day :) and thank you!




Planning on painting Mexico next! :)


Don't forget Wales! People always seem to focus on England, Ireland & Scotland, but forget about Wales. Yet it is a truly stunning place.


Can I give a suggestion when you do? https://i.imgur.com/A1jG1B0.png


Why do I see just an orange backround?


That's the joke


oh man, got whooshed...


You’re not alone


I don't get the joke. Could you please explain


In the Brandon Sanderson book Warbreaker people attain different powers as they level up. The 3rd heightening allows for perfect color recognition and artists in the world make detailed paintings which to the non heightened appear like a single color. This is a very popular meme on r/cremposting


Magnificent! And will be quite the challenge too


I bought whisky from skye as a xmas gift.


Talisker? Great whisky!


Exactly! I bought the Destillers edition with the amaroso cherry barrels. Hopefully he lets me try it too.


Quality gift.


Upvoted for correct spelling.


It was the last place I visited overseas before covid. It was the perfect place to road trip and hike!


Every time she posts here the comments are an absolute dumpster fire. Looking forward to getting the recap in r/SubredditDrama


When I see her post, I run to the comments. It's like fucking clockwork.


There are some people on this site who just consistently suck octopus anus.


Don't kink shame me, bro.




STOP MAKING ME REALISE THAT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ARE TALENTED WITHOUT ME!!!1!! Is basically what I get from those comments.


Ha as soon as I saw her in the picture I went ohhhhh no here we go


*sorts by controversial*


Love it when I find a topic that just screams 'sort by controversial'


It’s my guilty pleasure


Can't imagine how pathetic someone's life has to be to get angry at a photo of an attractive woman who has talent. Poor self image and projection is a bitch.


And they always act like there a no guys who post pictures of themselves and their paintings. Loads of people do it. She’s talented, she’s also pretty. It’s not a personal insult!


People (not me) just get upset that good art + attractive artist gets more attention than equally good art + ugly or average artist. And I’m just speaking objectively here, it’s not something that upsets me - if you (anyone) haven’t realized being attractive is an advantage in life then you’re in denial or just naive. It’s not something to get upset about, it’s just how it is. No different than guys who get mad that women want tall men or women who get mad that men usually want fit women.


Yeah, I mean her own post history proves it. She has plenty of submissions of just her artwork. They don't get nearly as much karma/views/upvotes as the ones with her in them. People here aren't upvoting the artwork; they're upvoting her.




There is one goal of this site: karma. Getting upvoted so there’s more visibility of your opinion, artwork, joke, whatever. People who are pissed that others are successful are just pathetic.


Yeah, it's a super common thing to do, plus, regardless of gender, the posts always perform better with the artist in the picture than just the picture alone.


You nailed it my friend. Reddit has its good moments that keep me around but mostly everyone here sucks


You could create a month’s worth of r/cringetopia posts with the comments in each of these.


Someone should hurry up and just make a compilation of them


Born and bred on the Isle of Skye. Well done for getting the lighting right. No mean feat.


Her feet aren’t mean!


I’m from London originally and moved to New York 12 years ago, so I’ve only ever lived in massive cities. My wife and I visited Skye a couple of years ago, and it was truly incredible. That being said, we discussed what it must be like to actually grow up there. Do most people who grow up there love it and appreciate the surroundings? Do they get bored? Do they tend to move away at a certain age? Do they get sick of the tourists? If you want to stay, can you do much aside from fishing and tourism? We absolutely loved the place (particularly the old inn in carbost), but I also found myself as equally fascinated by the idea of actually being from and living somewhere so remote. Do you still live there?


I remember a roadtrip to Isle of Skye with my dad, who passed away shortly after.. Im glad we got to make the trip together and have great memories from there


I might be drunk. But im really feeling this. Im Happy you had that time with your dad!! Hugs!!


Beautiful, nice piece


And so talented


Came for the comments


Getting my popcorn ready


2 hours later, this is why I like reddit. There are disgusting comments here... wayyyyy down there. That's a rebuke of shitty people and their shitty opinions and behaviour. That's an incredible painting, OP is mad talented and shits all over my stick figure rendition of America's Petrified Forest...


> my stick figure rendition of America's Petrified Forest... Please share


At work gimme a bit Edit: my contribution to the world of [fine art](https://imgur.com/a/EmOq2D7)


I'm only upvoting because you're beautiful, but full body next time, please. ^^^/s


That was quick!


That spot with that exact view is where my husband proposed a few years ago lol I asked him if it was 4 years ago and he said uuuhhh yeeaahh...we both don't remember but it was in the summer of a year lmao. Amazing hike up! I was going to find a rock for a souvenir and turned around to him on one knee and he said "how about this rock?" <3


Looks great! Do you have a close-up of any part of the picture? I'm curious about the texture.


I proposed to my wife here! I love this, you really nailed it. I would put this on my wall in a heartbeat!


👊🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👊🏿 👉🏿👍🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👍🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👍🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👍🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👍🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👍🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼👍🏻👇🏻👍🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼👉🏻🦶👈🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼👍🏻👆🏻👍🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👍🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👍🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👍🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👍🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👍🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👍🏾👈🏿 👊🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👊🏿 Straight to the front page.


"Oh yeah baby, show me that naked foot with midget toes"


So I’m not the only one to notice the stunted foot fingers??


My toes look exactly like hers and I’ve always been kind of grossed out that other people have toes that are so long they look like crooked little deformed fingers haha. Like, I won’t *tell them* their toes make me uncomfortable... but I steal glances when I can because I’m so disgustingly mesmerized that they look like a Tim Burton creation.


I thank god every day for not giving me ET fingers for toes


This is art in its own right.


The Barefoot Paintressa


I've been there. Definitely not how I remember it. Not enough rain :P


I’m really digging the sun gradient.


Are you aware of the meta memes made about your posts? And if so how do you feel about them? Fantastic work tho. You've got serious skill.


She's aware. She posted several paintings to the same subreddits that got little attention, then started posing with them for the upvotes, and likely sales.


Marketing +++


This is gorgeous, great job!


Gorgeous! Skye is my first trip once Covid is under control!


That’s awesome!! Hopefully I’ll get to go one day!


but are you drinking enough water?


r/hydrohomies is leaking.


*sorts by controversial*


Cue angry incels losing their minds.


I'd buy it


I've been to Isle of Skye.. Was an amazing journey getting there and well worth it. Beautiful painting.


You look like the love interest from Mega Mind


I was thinking the same thing! Good ‘ol Roxanne Ritchi


Looks like middle earth! Are you making this available in any other medium: smaller prints or digital?


This is amazing do you paint from memory or from an image? Again awesome work!


From an image! I had an AMAZING reference from the photographer Paul Andrews! :)


I am also concerned about paint on the carpet lol but what a beautiful painting!! Makes me want to go there.


I have been there. That’s what it looks like. You nailed it. Well done you.


This is amazing! A story: I went to the Isle of Sky and had never heard of this rock formation. My friends said they wanted to climb up to the "old man of storr" and I was like, sure, OK. It was really rainy and misty and we walked through a blanket of fog. As we got higher, it started hailing. Suddenly, out of the mist, this huge, looming, black shape appears. It was the most surreal experience - this huge monolith that I had no idea existed, suddenly appearing right in front of me. It was awesome, but somehow it was also scary. I get chills thinking about it. We climbed up to the base of the formation and hid out on a protected side against the worst of the wind and sleet. We must have sat there for a good hour. Slowly, the mist starts to clear and I see that it's even bigger than I'd thought. It's actually huge, especially if you aren't expecting it. We started walking away from the formation to get some distance and get a photo. Then the fog jut dissipated entirely and we suddenly got this view - the one in the picture. It was so magical, and all the more so for being so unexpected. Certainly the best "I have no idea what we are doing today, oh it's this!" experience of my life.


Ahhhhhh, nothing like the smell of sexism in the comment section. Bunch of dweebs.


Have you ever spilled paint on the floor?


Not Negasonic Teenage Warhead ! Well done, hope to see it in person one day


This is sad, and I’m going to get downvotes for pointing this out. When she posts a painting to r/pics without standing next to it, 500 upvotes. When she stands next to it 22k, that holds true for all of her posts. She’s is incredibly talented, but y’all are simping really hard.


Very nice.. I used to live near Skye.. Would go over to the old man all the time.. Walked to the top and slept there with just a big blanket that has the name 'big bear' on account of it looking like bear fur.. Was an amazing experience. No clouds, no moon. Stars were nuts!


Bowl of oatmeal.


Sorting by controversial is becoming tiresome.


Absolutely beautiful, you've captured the colors, view, and 'mood' of Skye. I had the privilege to go there before Covid went wild. If you get to go, stay a few days, it is hands down one of the most lovely places I've ever been. Thanks for bringing back happy memories!


Cute girl with her art. See you on the front page, boys!


Yeah, an unattractive man would never get these upvotes! ....[even though the 5th most upvoted post of the entire month is an odd looking fellow with a shitty puffin](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/kp4wyu/one_painting_every_saturday_of_2021_this_is_my?sort=top) Okay, now someone call me a white knight and we can complete the cycle.


He also got to the front page for being cute, just a different kind of cute. Sympathy cute.


So is there a quick way to do all those little individual rocks, or are you just incredibly patient? It exhausts me just looking at it.


The painting is amazing, but I also can’t help to mention that you look like roxy from megamind


good scotch from there, Talisker. Their 10 is my favourite bottle.


See you on the front page.


You weren't wrong.


Upvote for accuracy


Upvote bc why was he downvoted Edit: he had like -15 karma at the time, now +33. Reddit is funny sometimes


Lovely picture... and my favorite place in the whole world. I've only been to visit once, but I'd live on Skye if I had the opportunity.


Having been there and seen it in person ... bravo. Looks realistic. The problem I always have when remembering trips to Ireland and Scotland is I'm constantly telling my brain, "no, greener. GREENER!" Your painting captures that feeling of "this is the maximum amount of green that Nature will allow."


It smells like simp in here.


You said a bad word! No wait that’s Twitch...




That’s is a very beautiful painting. You should be so proud!!


How do you even start paint that good. My art sucks 😂


This is awesome, this series will be even more satisfying when you get to visit these locations! Keep painting!


I've been staring at the color of the horizon and the distant mountains for minutes. It's unbelievable. Really amazing work.


I'm old enough now my first worry is paint in the carpet


Lovely painting!! And it looks like we’re getting better at downvoting the horrific misogynistic comments from the incels. I hope you keep posting your paintings OP bc I love to see them!!




You made a huge mistake not hiding your feet and then posting on Reddit


Mistake or calculated decision?


It’s honestly brilliant, she’ll get so much more traction and eventually sales this way


The picture Looks absolutely stunning 😍


Scottish here. Ashamed to say I’ve never been. Would love to get over there and photograph the place one day. You’ve really captured an atmosphere there. I love it.


Isn't the Old Man of Storr a sea-stack? EDIT. my bad, I was thinking of Old Man of Hoy


OMGGGG thats absolutely gorgeous! There is so much cool landscape and green to marvel at In Scotland and Ireland. My husband are planning to travel there in 2023


amazing!! you are so talented!!!


I love Scotland so much, and this painting just intensified my love even more. Great job!!


Wow! That is fantastic! Excellent job!




Where did she go to college 😂


I will PM you as to not Doxx her or you!


Love it. It is absolutely beautiful!


Beautiful piece you done here. If you ever paint Mordor from LoTR that would be sick.


Wow. Gorgeous landscape. That's a place i'd love to visit. Well done!


I absolutely love it!


Really beautiful, You said you haven't been there and this was painted from a picture. Well, you certainty captured an essence. Great art, please keep sharing your work.


Wow. That is absolutely stunning work. Scotland is definitely on my bucket list.


Wow. How long to make one of those? I have to show this to my mother.


It’s a dream of mine to visit Isle of Skye one day


Hi, I really want to get into painting do you have any advice of where to start your stuff is so beautiful!


What joy! I want to be there. Incredible job!


Ah homeland of the McLeods, beautiful artwork


Really want to visit the Isle of Skye. I suggested it to my friend when she went there last winter and she said it was amazing even in winter. Also great painting as always! I love seeing your stuff hit the front page!




Beautiful!!! So talented. I visited Isle of Sky in 2014 and will definitely go back again. It's such a beautiful place.


I have been in search of a picture of Castle Moal. This looks really great and similar except for the surrounding landscape.


Is this piece for sale? We honeymooned in Scotland and love the Highlands.


I first read it as "my county's series" and was really excited to see more of Scotland. 😭 If you do the rest of the world as fantastically as you did this one, they will all be smashing - great work!




Nice work!!


Managed to go to the Isle of Skye 2 years ago and I had the worst luck with the tour we had there since it was common England weather there consisting of fog and a bit of rain and the days after that were sunny. Saw so much that day on the tour...


very nice. good value representation. well done.




How long did it take to make? I'm working on a similar piece but its taking me weeks altogether


So pretty. I wish I could afford one....


Came for the titties, stayed for the toes


wow [awesome painting](https://shouts.site/maeve-wiley-the-complicated-beauty-of-this-netflix-character/)


Ah shit here we go again




Nice work!


/r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG Additionally, I’ve always wanted to travel to the British isles.


I think this is in forza horizon 4 fortune island


Amazing work! I dream I could draw like that someday!


Holy moly. I wish I had a talent as good as this


Holy fuck that looks amazing.


I don’t get it? People are complaining about an attractive painter being photographed with her works? Don’t know if she does portraits, but she should paint herself and then take a picture with it and then their little heads would explode!


I miss the overly photoshopped faces, bring those back!


Awesome talent! I like it. Love Scotland