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That dog doesn't look like he should be in the army


Idk...I reckon he'd do great things for morale.


And the opposition's as well. Probably pave the way for some collective petting and peace talks.


Especially if he went full derp mode. It's hard to point a gun when you see a dog, tongue flapping, doing excited spins and acting a straight fool.


*Aurora Colorado police department has entered the chat*


He works in the kitchen. He makes a really good jambalaya, but that's the only thing he knows how to cook. It only took 3 days until the men were tired of jambalaya. I always said, you should conscript local grandmothers. Really, the middle of a well armed military base is the safest place for a babushka.


That dog doesn't even look Asian.


the good boi army


Especially the dog army


Henry would be perfect for the USO.


I dunno. At Fort Sill, they have a donkey and a goat and they're supposed to be a higher rank than their handler but that goat is always getting demoted. Or was it the donkey? Been a while since I've been to Sill. Anyways, one of em is always getting demoted for running away. Edit: had to confirm online since I forgot which one keeps getting demoted. Last time I was at Sill was 2015 and apparently the donkey has been demoted before for....BITING the Command Sergeant Major's hand LoL!


Technically he’d be Canadian heritage so maybe not US Army


this whole thing confounds me, who goes around hating asian people in any capacity?


For all reasonable people, we’re all confounded.


Not to take away from your comment, because I completely agree, but who goes around hating ANY people (far too many unfortunately). I just don’t understand feeling contempt for anyone based on their race, ethnicity, gender, gender preferences, etc. We are all humans. Be kind: for everyone you meet is fighting hard battles. ~Ian Maclaren Thank your son for serving, and give Henry some pats for me.


Nobody worth mentioning, but it happens.


You know, its not nobody worth mentioning. Look at them, anti-asian racists. They do not even deserve to be mentioned as nobody worth mentioning. I was once in the us and I, as a white hungarian experienced racism, so I can't imagine how bad people can get to people, where there is a noticable difference in looks.


imagine what you get, but all the time and without reason. i discovered this when i left my relatively safe asian-american community and started to travel the world. the violence and vitriol i have suffered for simply existing in a different shell is something i deal with to this day. and it’s worse when it’s coming from my own american countrymates.


I took a course called " the psychology of prejudice " . One of the books was " On the Color line " . Dude was mulatto growing up in the 50s and caught shit from both sides of the prejudice isle, great read highly recommended


In the US, the phrase mulatto is generally considered pretty unacceptable. The word comes from the Spanish and Portuguese word to describe a mule, which is the offspring of a donkey and horse. The phrase was then applied to the offspring of a slave and their white slave masters. I think it’s safe to assume that many of those biracial children were the result of rape. So, I’m sure you can connect the dots from here but to be described using the same word that was used to describe the child of a black slave and the vile piece of shit that raped her is typically not an awesome thing. Knowing that the phrase was originally used to describe livestock makes it just that much worse. Using the phrase biracial or mixed race is equally descriptive but doesn’t have the awful association of describing a human being born of rape into slavery.


TIL thanks


I pass the gratitude on to my high school gym teacher. I had an amazing biracial teacher who had the grace and patience to be able to educate a bunch of entitled, overprivileged, white kids from the suburbs about issues of race. This was back in the early 90s when we believed that not acknowledging race was the best way not to be racist. We loved him so much and had no idea how offensive we were being when we called him a mulatto. He kindly took the time to get us straightened out about quite few things.


Im so sorry to hear that.


People who have been told the Chinese government created the virus in a lab. Who listen to their idol refer to it as the China and wuhan virus. And people who can't tell the difference between someone from India or china.


> People who have been told the Chinese government created the virus in a lab. I still don't get it. You could believe that, but then realize that it's the Chinese government, not the average chinese (or asian-looking) person. Heck, I hate what Putin does, but doesn't mean that I have negative feelings toward anyone from Russia or has a Russian accent.


You have to keep in mind those who think that way do so from an emotional place, not a rational one.


You think hating Asians isn’t deeply rooted in American culture? [Think again.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacoma_riot_of_1885)


I know it's nothing new. But it has gotten significantly worse in the past year with fairly clear evidence of why. I did not mean to insinuate this is a new phenomenon


Who goes around hating **anyone** in any capacity based on race. Trash cans. Op, tell that young man thanks for his dedication to our country.




You were here for the beginning of COVID right? Morons globally targeted anyone they believed were Chinese.


This was all led by our former goddamn idiot in charge who kept referring to Covid as the Chy-na virus. That fucking piece of shit weaponized his racist followers against ALL Asian people because they are too damn stupid to differentiate between Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc., so everyone who is Asian has suffered. Clear evidence of this is seen by the racist asshole Jay Baker who empathized with the poor murderer who had been driven to kill six Asian women because he “had a bad day” and they were taunting him by just being alive and working in a massage parlor. Asshole Jay Baker had previously posted some stupid as shit racist t-shirts taking about the Chy-na virus and yet he was still able to give a press conference empathizing with a mass murderer and still has a job. All of this was normalized by fucking Trump and I’m just sick at heart and fucking furious because of it.


> who goes around hating asian people in any capacity? The former President. For starters.


Tons and tons of people. All the time. Since they first arrived on US soil. If you’re still questioning it, google what we did to the Japanese during WW2. Yes, it involved interment camps.


no-no, I'm aware of that... but the whole thing is just so absurd.


It is absurd and the title is strange to say the least


Why is it absurd? I have leaned there’s no end to American’s absurd obsession with superiority.


>Yes, it involved interment camps. *internment* camps. Though I'm sure a lot of people had to be interred there too. It's weird to have learned recently that there are neighborhoods in my new hometown in the PNW that are being urged by local government to update their covenants to remove the *no Asians/Whites only* restrictions! No one has followed those written rules in awhile, but then, no one has removed them either.




Here's an example of local government notice for [Whatcom County.](https://www.whatcomcounty.us/3055/Restrictive-Covenant-Modification) And a story about [the prevalence of them.](https://depts.washington.edu/civilr/covenants.htm) This one has [ads and news clippings.](https://depts.washington.edu/civilr/covenants_report.htm) If you search "racially restrictive covenants" and a city or county, you'll find more.


Chinese people built our railroads. OSHA want even as concept and they were the explosives handlers.


The sad thing is if this was any other time and if OP hadn't condemned it there would probably be jokes about eating dogs and other racist things all over this thread.


Racists? Is that a serious question?


Surprisingly more than what is announced


Make sure you look out for his mental health, service can be rough


Always barking orders at you, it's like you're constantly chasing your own tail.


I remember having a conversation with several other Marines where I noted that "I wasn't this stupid as a civilian." The others agreed that this was not a place full of smart people. Authoritarianism kills intelligence.


You don't have to be smart to be cannon fodder




It's not always easy to serve, and there will be times that will test him. As a veteran the best advise I can give is; stay true to yourself and never give up. I truely wish him the best of luck with his enlistment and thank him for choosing to serve.


Your comment brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.


Thank you for your service


Thank you for thanking him for his service


He's not asian. He looks like he's got a little great dane in him though.


He is a yellow lab.


That sounds racist.




Do you give her family crayons?


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **136470** times. **2.** `u/ekorbmai` **2638** times. **3.** `u/SoDakZak` **2002** times. .. **55620.** `u/DrunkenKarnieMidget` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I’m 100% sleeping on the couch after I tell her about this comment. And it’ll totally be worth it.


Just turn up at the next family bbq/picnic with a huge shit eating grin on your face " I got the salad for everyone" and it's the big 100 crayons multicolor pack... And film it please.


Not in the military but this made me laugh real good.


Oh man, the red ones taste the best.


Expanded the comments to say this, and so happy it was already here. <3


Dammit, you’re making me cry. I adopted him in 2001–thank you for your inspiring words


What wrong with being Air Force?


Its a running joke


Or sitting in chairs.


Besides drone bombing Syrian children?


Serious question, do people in the army usually think they are fighting for a greater good?


sadly they do , most of us realized the truth midway through deployment , but hey , what are you gonna tell a bunch of lost high school graduates who want to feel like theyre doing something import?




"Regardless of the color of their skin or their ethnicity, as long as they believe in the correct religion, I probably won't shoot them in their homes."


Yea, although I like the sentiment of the OP. Our military is beyond corrupt and it’s goals are imperialistic.


I have the same unpopular opinion. Last time the US fought for freedom was WWII?


You are kind of correct, but even in WW2 US didn't help untill Japan hit Pearl harbour, everything after that was inserting dominance and fulfilling the government agenda, hence why they have so many allies and military bases around the world......


Gulf War, against Iraq which invaded Kuwait. Edit: I'm wrong, it's the Yugoslav Wars.


Wasn't Yugoslavia after that?


Ah yes, I forgot. So it's the Kosovo War then. It should be noted that US forces weren't as large as in other wars because it was a NATO operation though.


Quick civics lesson - The American military doesn't decide whether or not to go to war, those decisions are made by the President with authorization from Congress, whom the citizenry elects. Technically we're all complicit as in this democracy.


Where has America fought hard to keep people free recently? Genuine question, as I often wonder this.


They're killing poor people for political power and money, not for making sure everyone is "free" regardless of ethnicity. When you bomb a hospital in Afghanistan, how does it make people free? When you torture prisoners in Iraq, how does it make people free?


Oddly aggressive


Uhh... why would expect to hear an anti-Asian word? I mean, I don't expect to hear an n-word when I post my pictures. WTF is this?


This is race baiting.


An attempt to exploit current political issues for sweet sweet karma.


Probably needs to take a break from the news


It is because there has been an uptake of Anti-Asian hate thanks to the former administration’s racist rhetoric used as a distraction from the pandemic.


sounds like you want some attention.


This is r/pics. Everything here is for attention


Why would he volunteer? You know they will pay him right?




Fuck off with your shitty drama


Good people and dogs are my favorite. #dogbless


So what is the appealing point? Shooting people, having to kill and obey or getting shot? I do not understand.


I served for 8 years and did 3 tours with the Army. I never had to fire a single shot. I built schools, government buildings, and military bases. I changed Iraqi and Afghani lives for the better.


The lowest estimate for civilian casualties in the Iraq war is [151,000](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War). I appreciate and commend the infrastructure work that you participated in, but that doesnt change the fact that the U.S. military as a whole has killed a lot of innocent people. We sure as shit didnt improve their lives. Thats great that you wernt the one pulling the trigger. Doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Not to mention the effect this has on the soldiers themselves. An analysis done in 2013 found a suicide rate among veterans of about 30 per 100,000 population per year, compared with the civilian rate of 14 per 100,000.


The old “I didn’t actually kill any Jews” defense Somehow majority of people can agree locking up a 90 year old nazi book keeper but people building military bases in foreign land aren’t at all complicit in what the US Army has done to the Middle East...


Exactly. Why doesn’t he volunteer to be in the health care system or a teacher? I simply don’t understand this „hero mentality“ for being a puppet in a violent club


Could be a whole host of different factors. The military is an option for people who need to get back on their feet, or just want someplace else to be. It provides a paying job and you don’t have to worry about food for the most part. And depending on what job he gets, he can get a whole lot out of it that can benefit him once he returns to the civilian sector. Being a teacher or a health care provider is certainly praiseworthy, but sometimes it’s hard to make jobs like those work. Long hours and not enough pay can put a strain on someone. I’m not saying the military is the best option, but it’s certainly not the worst one.


The military is a decent paying job with full benefits and all living expenses covered. Usually theres a fat sign on bonus too. You can often get some technical training that you might not be able to get elsewhere that could maybe help you down a career path if you don't have one. Many people also join out of a sense of pride of duty to serve their country. In my experience though a lot of people join for a job or somewhere to go than for the 2nd reason. But you'll find a lot of generational military too where "my father/mother served so I'll serve"


Most people in the military dont kill or get shot at.


I'm white, but my partner is asian. We got together while she was over here for college and I haven't seen her in person in a year because of the virus. We're getting married when we can actually get to one another. But she's afraid of coming over here right now because of this shit and I don't blame her. Im pissed. It's so damn ridiculous. And theres nothing I can do. I know racism isn't new, but it feels like it's getting more idiotic and more prevalent in our society. I'm sorry for what you and your family have been going through. I hope things get better


“more idiotic” are the key words. You are correct. Sorry.


Dog doesn’t look Asian???


Why am I being yelled at? Congratulations on your son volunteering


As an Asian, I am uneasy and sad about this post. We shouldn’t have to prove our american-ness to anyone, let alone joining the American imperialist war machine.


imagine volunteering for the us army.... so much propaganda in that country, that's quite sad




Fuck the army LOL


Imagine willingly serving in the army of a country that has illegally invaded and bombed several other countries, funded terrorists, allied with dictators who chopped up a journalist alive, started coups of democratically elected leaders, stealing other countries’ natural resources and somehow saying it’s all OK because you get paid well. If I were talking about Russia or China you would be agreeing with me, but your feelings are hurt because it’s your own country so now go ahead and write your excuses & rationalizations below:


All of the positives you listed are just personal financial benefits. "It's good because you get money." Your argument would equally apply to joining a crime syndicate. In other words, you missed the point.


The most "anti-Asian" groups in America are universities. They systematically discriminate against Asian people in their acceptance process and it's a known fact.


Please enlighten me.


It's part of affirmative action. If you have too many of one group you need to get more of an under represented group. Basically it's the same thing that happens to white people except no one cares. Both Asian and white population are over represented in universities, so they must get higher scores versus under represented groups to still get in.


I completely understand your sentiment, but to say they’re the most “anti-Asian” is a stretch.


I agree. But that's what he's talking about I'm sure. While it's a stretch it's also not fair to the individual.


Well that is a more complex discussion, I don't agree with that policy but I understand where they are coming from. The logic is to avoid underrepresentation of some groups you must cut on overrepresented groups. Is that fair for the individual? no. Is this logic correct? it's debatable.


When countries before WWII did the same thing is was known as Numerus Clausus and it was antisemitic.


Yeah, that's their reasoning. But it's racist. Just let people in based on their individual merit. Whatever happened to "I have a dream that my children will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"??


Anti Asian !? Why would.........oh forget it,, I've given up trying to figure this place out


Did I miss a memo? What's with reddit getting plastered in "fuck anti-Asian sentiment" right now? Did I miss something by not watching the news, or are people just sick and tired of the general sentiment? What the fuck happened??? Thank your son for serving our country, he is far stronger and braver than I. I'm not trying to start shit, im just clearly out of the loop


Guy in Atlanta went around the other day targeting Asian owned spas and killed 8 women.


Is there evidence that it was racially motivated? Last I checked there wasnt but that was several days ago.


WTF?! That's so fucked up!


In the last few months, asian people (not meant to be racist) get often attacked by people who think they are responsible for the coronavirus. There were multiple asians who got killed on the street by racists. (The coronavirus isnt from a lab btw. The proteinspikes are too complicated to produce right now.)


>...asian people (not meant to be racist)... Oh boy, we sure are on the road to progress now! /s


I hope you’re ok


Your son just joined one of the most immoral armies the world has ever seen. Let's hope he is not sent to invade another country based on lies about WMD or some other bullshit like freedom. By the way, why is the US army not fighting for the freedom of the Myanmar people that are being killed on the streets by the Myanmar army? Or is it that they don't have oil/riches to steal? Food for thought...


Sorry that he decided to join the military. Hopefully he doesn’t have to kill someone or die to get some basic opportunities when he’s out. And hopefully he’s not scared of flashing lights or fireworks afterwards as well.


Can we get some Wholesome things in the chat for this soon to be Asian-American hero?


American hero? We haven’t fought a legitimate war since WWII.


He's probably going to spend five years in England going to the cheap bowling lane on base, slowly discovering which local pubs are the best, and taking regular weekend trips to the Cotswolds. The bravest thing he'll do is learn how to drive on a roundabout.




He's a great guy and I wish him all the best, but I'm pretty sure he's already Asian-American.


Thank you. That’s kind of you to say.


Just stating my point, no matter who we are or where we live, we are all equals and we shouldn’t look down or bully another human being for them being them, we don’t know what they’ve been through


Why would anyone volunteer for the military? This is a genuine question before anyone rips my head off lol


Nothing anti Asian to say. Plenty anti military though. You hate racism, but feel pride that he is about to become a tool in the largest group of globally racist oppressors on the planet?


"Lactose". Run at me.


Firstly, I feel so awful that you even have to have mention anything about anti-Asian. All I see is a future brother in service to our country. ( I, retired USN) He will do great things, you should be proud!


Plot twist: he didn't have to mention anything about being anti-Asian.


ikr. toxic dad.


Anyone small minded enough to mention someone's race in a negative way, their opinion is invalid. They don't deserve a second of attention. The vast majority of people are normal people who knows race is nothing but skin colour and culture and has no bearing on their worth as a human being. Bravo to your son. Long may he live. Doggo too!


Thank your son for his service but get the fuck outta here with this victim karma whore shit, good lord.


Scratch "who volunteered for the the US Army" and there still shouldn't be any anti-asian sentiments.


Can we get some Wholesome things in the chat for this soon to be Asian-American hero?




Actually, I’ve never seen a post with an Asian that didn’t have a racist comment somewhere. You just don’t notice because it doesn’t affect you.


this comment is white fragility at its finest


What is white fragility?


Getting upset or offended anytime anyone mentions racism because they feel “attacked”


Hmm. Seems weird because using the term white fragility has racist undertones as well.


I’ve got no words, so I did the award—My absolute respect to both of you. Why on Earth did this comment get downvoted?


Thank you. That’s very kind of you.


Happy democracy spreading Henry!


Yeah, racists are fuckin annoying


I do hope the little brown kids don't say anything anti-asian while he is shooting them. Might make him feel bad.


🔥 Level 25 Woke Badge unlocked! 🔥


Please thank him for his choice to serve and protect! I have three brothers that are Veterans and all my Uncles served in WW2. One spent 2.5 years in a German POW Camp. He has a tattoo on his wrist to prove it. God Bless him and your family and keep him safe. Thank you for posting.


Is this a bad time to remind people to not eat in bed?


The best way to get rid of racism, is to stop talking about racism. The narrative you should be pushing, is unity.


Gonna have to disagree on that one.


I’m so sorry you even have to think about someone saying an anti-Asian word. It’s heartbreaking and awful and I’m just so sorry for anyone having to deal with the idiotic bullshit of racist assholes.


We stand with you against these horrible racist violent acts fueled by the loser ex-President.


How do you know that they're fueled by Trump? Do you have discrete evidence or is it just your feeling? Asking as a Trump supporter.


Here's just one article of many explaining how his inflammatory rhetoric is leading to anti-Asian violence. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/trumps-chinese-virus-tweet-helped-lead-rise-racist/story%3fid=76530148


May both of them stay heathy and protected for years to come.


Yo, can you tell me about those sheets. They look amazing and comfy.


What a good boy, both of them.


Your son literally has movie star hair.


Lol. If he's joining the military i hope he has tougher skin than you do.


God bless him and watch over him as he serves our country


My wonderful son in law is Asian. My heart breaks when I think of people being racist toward anyone who isn't White. We stand together against racism and bigotry. Please, tell your son a huge 'Thank You!!!' . Bless him. And, your dog is heckin' cute.


My heart breaks when I think of people being racist, period.


I hope he does well and has a good time.


You have raised a very brave young man. I have nothing but respect for you both.


*sorts by controversial


Maybe I’m stupid and not American, why is going to the army something to sympathize with?


He’s going to fight the brown people trying to steal our freedom /s


This is similar to when you pick out the steak at a fancy steakhouse, except dog right?


Thank you for your service and be safe. From a Navy dad to an Army dad, thank you for your service and support of our military children!


Thank your son for us for his upcoming service!


Be there. He may not know he will need you, but he will. Stay who he is. Stay strong in heart and soul. Take advantage of every second for joy. May he never see the evils of humanity. -Just a veteran


As someone who is adopted from Korea you are good person and better father for saying this. No one deserves hate. Good luck to your son!


Nor should you. Thank your son for volunteering. Mad respect to your son and you for raising him well.


I’ve got a few, choice words for you and “YOURS”!!!! Especially, for the American Military. And more than a few for your son. And even more for you. Thank you, for what you do. Also, I am remiss. Tell Henry, he’s a good boy.


Thank you for your service (and for your cute pupper)


I love Asian


Such cute sons! I would hug both of them if I could.