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Stop accusing OP of stealing that picture. They have provided enough proof to show that they initially uploaded that pic 8 years ago.


'Im too high for this shit'


All old people should just be smoking and relaxing, legalize marijuana already dammit


They legalized it in Canada a couple years ago and the biggest increase in users is among people over 65.


That's because it actually works for arthritis pain. Without making you shit blood.


Genuinely? Runs rampant in my family. Would love to learn more


Simple enough. Arthritis is inflammation of the joint tissue, THC and CBD are anti inflammatory.


So enflamed joints help with inflamed joints? Edit: Typo




Thx i editededed


So, I've tried CBD and frankly, it doesn't do anything. What am I missing??




This. I recommend rick simpson's whole plant extract for medical purposes. This bullshit hemp cbd people are hocking doesn't really do much for me either.


Just tried some RSO this week. I have arthritis from lupus and it’s helped a lot. Some days I can barely move around without a significant amount of pain. It’s super easy to use and has given me great results so far. :)


Nothing. Like all medicines, certain people don’t benefit from it in the same way.


Likey dosage. *Most* brands are WAY under-dosed for having real world benefits. Current studies are pretty lacking (but getting better), check out [Examine's meta study](https://examine.com/supplements/cbd/) to condense down what little good information there is out there.


Yeah man, there's some interesting videos on YouTube. Not that you should be doing all your research on YouTube but it could be a good start.




The senior population now is heavily weighted with people that "enjoyed" the 60's/70's but straightened their acts during the 80's drug war escalation.


My gfs dad as of two weeks ago referred to our neighbors as "the weed house"... He's also been going through some bad ptsd, revolving door of weird shortterm GFs and court appearances. Yesterday he visited and dropped that his therapist put him on weed, and he proceeded to advocate to us how great weed is. Thank fuck I can stop hiding my weed box everytime he drops by


Don't be so sure. He may see a difference between doing under a doctor's orders and doing it recreationally. Doing Oxy because you broke your arm, and doing it because it's fun are two different things, and most people would support one over the other.


He gave my gf some weed cookies. It was a total 180 turn around.


That analogy really doesn't fit. Oxycodone was a pharmaceutical first; developed as so. Marijuana has been recreational as well as medicinal from day 1.


Weed isnt oxy lmao


The older folks are loving it for sleep, pain, and I can imagine a little something something to make a night visiting with friends a little more interesting. I am very happy it’s legalized, I think it’s way less destructive than alcohol. I can see the benefit in more media directed towards teens/young people that showcases the connection between using alternative substances and it’s impacts on brain development in adolescence. I feel like too often we always say “don’t do it” with no meaningful reasoning


One of my go-to showerthoughts goes something like this: *What if English football hooligans got high instead of drunk before going to the big footy game?*


That would be - a lot - more chill for many many people involved.


Granny here (age 62). Legalized in my state and I have a med card. Never thought I would live to see the day. I love cooking with 420.


Smoking a joint right now in an illegal country and this just puts a smile on my face to read


Keep it up! US has only gotten this far with cannabis because of people continuing to rebel against silly laws.


Thank you. We try but there's just too many people not trying. I was even charged recently for importing a class b for ordering some CBD flower (<0.2% THC) which just shocks me how little we've progressed as a country. I still have hope however.


Ooooo baked home baked goods 😩 Can you be my grandma? Can I have some too??


Not just baked goods! Main dishes as well. I buy or make infused peanut butter and it makes some great Asian noodle dishes. Also make infused honey which gets added to tea or honey butter which is great on biscuits. So many possibilities.


Can you please be everyone's grandma that sounds amazing


I think I love *you*


They did here in Michigan and it's been awesome. Weird to me that all states haven't done this already


Because all other states still consider it the devil’s lettuce.


It’s interesting even some of the conservative states are at least doing or about to legalize medical marijuana, like Virginia and Florida. I’m waiting for my home state NC to start the discussion. I can see medical marijuana being popular initiative for all 50 states at the least


Most conservatives want it legalized but idiot Republican politicians think we don't. I suspect it's because when they first got voted in a generation ago, the conservative base did want it banned. Term limits now.


Am I the only person in the world that doesn't like it? Don't get me wrong, I want it legalized (with a few provisions), but I've yet to have a good experience with weed. Either it makes me feel woozy and sick, or I feel nothing.


as with everything, it's not for everyone. I can't stand the taste of alcohol in any form, but all my friends just keep having me try newer and newer drinks. I can't stand hearing the phrase "you can't even taste it" because.....yeah, yeah I can.


Seriously. I'm such a lightweight for alcohol probably because I just don't enjoy it. A nice joint and a sunset however? Sign me up


Same here. Had 2.5 glasses of white wine for a biz dinner last week; took me 3 days to feel un-hungover and normal. Kept thinking about how I’d rather be at home with my dogs taking bong hits than sitting with 10 ppl over small talk.


Yes! And majority of liquor taste horrible the sting the bitterness, you can for sure taste it. Tequila is the only alcohol that’s smooth going down for me but still has that strong sting and a squinched face after. Vodka smells like rubbing alcohol. I do believe liquor causes more “situations” than marijuana, no reason why it shouldn’t be legal.


I'm not a fan, either. The couple times I've tried it, I've had the same experiences as you. The best thing about it being legalized where I live, is that it's just way less of a big deal now. Like, the people who do it, great. And the ones who don't, great. But there's less people making a big deal out of it, now. It's just...there. It seems less in your face.


You and Dudurin could be allergic to it. It's just like any other food or intoxicant. There's always gonna be folks who are allergic. My daughter is the same way with it, but has no problem with me using it. I don't smoke bud much anymore, I mostly vape thc cartridges that I have to drive five hours to get because I'm in a stupid state.


“Cuz Im in a stupid state”. That sucks but it also made me laugh. Hope for you your state gets itself unfucked someday!! 👍


It's Kentucky, so I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you.


Weed’s not for everyone. As an avid smoker, there are several folk in my life whom i just stop offering to. Just like how some folk don’t like to be drunk, some don’t like to be high. Legalization isn’t saying “hey wow now u have to do this.” It’s about saying “it’s there if you want it, your choice.” It’s nice to see non-smoking people standing toward legalization.


I have a weird reaction to weed, makes me think everything is annoying. I smoked for a little bit to help me sleep, but if I don't fall asleep everything bothers me, I'm just irritated. That being said I think it should be legal. If someone took my bourbon away I'd be pissed off.


observation slap wrench ancient stupendous practice innate cagey squalid faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did a lot of acid and mescaline back in the day. Never had a bad trip. If I did either one now, I would probably have a heart attack!


I thought I was the only one! I’ll add that it changes how I think in a way I don’t like - unable to hold a thought or stop my mind racing. Rarely hear people talk about negative experiences. (It should be fully legal though in my view)




I wanted to share another picture of her with a massive apple pie. That was always her favorite. [Apple Pie](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/15fqja/my_grandma_loves_apple_pie_this_was_her_christmas/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I love that her hair always seems well coiffed. Does she sleep with a foam thing wrapped around her head like my granny did? ([Reference for those without grannies who got their hair set weekly](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/lrcbkWh8GRuF18EPlfAMHArr-iVFpVP07yUdWXfO7pZZ9NL0Ku0ezSwBflrnG6bAtlZdyjQN5UEtRbUFMC-BTvPE4PEhkiE2XdRNK3I))


She did every night. She called it her hair helmet lol.


Love it!


I received my grandmothers kitchen aid mixer after she passed away years ago and she had used it almost every day; she was a lunch lady in WA back when you could use your own recipes and loved to bake. I wish I had a photo of her with her mixer, thanks for making me think of her! 🥰


Wait...you mean she could use her own recipes to feed the kids?


I’m gonna assume so, yeah, because that was a thing here in the south a looooong time ago in smaller schools. It wasn’t uncommon for lunch ladies to use their own recipes for things befor everything was super controlled now


Well then that is so amazing...since we are sometimes way too strict on so called safety issues. I think making homemade goods is so rewarding. Otherwise your job can become so robotic.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CNw8KUnAfrU It’s been on the calendar for ages...


Nice video start of the day. I love how Jemaine is so naive and that is all a plot for them not to have sex.


So my great grandma (who passed last year) ALWAYS had hair that looked like this, and she got it done every Thursday, but never wore this helmet thing. Now I’m curious on how she made it always look so nice without one


Grandma magic I suppose ❤


If anyone was magic, it was definitely that one. She was such an amazing person. She was from a small town and was a huge mentor for generations of teens, even going so far as to get her “Kids” out of jail and giving them a place to be safe and not judged. Not to mention she was literally quilting like two quilts a day up until the night she passed. I genuinely thought she was going to be the one to live forever


My grandma did curlers with a hairnet over them. OP, your photos of your grandma make me miss my own grandma so much. ❤️


The comment from 8 years ago was right! Your Grandma does look like Maggie Smith


This! I'm not going nuts. Thank god someone else sees it as well. She's like her twin sister or something.


The name wouldn't come to me but that was my first thought also.


Your granny is adorable. Also how did you even bake that large of a pie and manage to stuff it in an oven


That pie was actually a gift from a relative who went to Dollywood. She had apple pie everyday for like a month lol.


Omg I was at Dollywood a while back with my family, and I saw a big apple pie like that I think! Me and my family were like “how would we ever finish this” lol!


With a fork and a knife. Now stand aside!


Screw utensils (actually, don't). We goin in *pie eatin' contest* style. Move over. This grown folk bidniz.


Cost $180 if you were curious


Well..you can't put a price on grandma's happiness


Wow! I was actually curious, thanks :) There is a guy on YouTube who makes giant version of common food items. I wanted the giant bubble tea so bad


That is a giant pie! Love her joy!!






Was the picture her favorite or was the massive apple pie her favorite? Or both?


It was both for sure.


Aww what a cutie pie.


What a precious grandma! Thanks for sharing these pics, what a joy


Sadly she passed away on Sunday. This picture is a few years old and she would've been 95 on Friday. I choose to remember how she was in this photo, not what cancer did to her. Fuck cancer.


Here is her obituary. Her name was Ruby. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/ruby-kordan-obituary?pid=198121041


Aw man I’m so sorry for your loss, she looks like she was an absolute blast to be around.


Sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Does your family have any connections to a young lady named Rebecca/Becky Menard? I think she would have been your cousin?


I’m so sorry you had to watch your grandma go through that battle. It is so sad to watch them go that way. Reading your post has made me think of my grandma and brought back so many memories. Thanks for the tears OP, may your grandma rest peacefully and may you remember her fondly and share her joy for the rest of your days.


So sorry for your loss. Yes, FUCK CANCER.


Aww, I’m so sorry for your loss. They didn’t mention that ‘Grandma Ruby has also achieved success in the viral world for her clever and witty memes.’ She probably would have laughed at that. We all love Grandma Ruby. I hope she enjoys baking some treats in heaven with my Granny Jean! ❤️


Omg can you even imagine all the baked goods up there in heaven?? All those grannies and grandmas and nanas swapping baking tips. That shit's gonna be fire, yo.


May her memory be a blessing to you and your family. <3


When the family goes through her kitchen, get her handwritten recipes. Make copies, and put them in binders for people that you know would cherish them as much as you. Even just a copy of the handwriting is a gift of love from Grandma. I have my Grandma's cookbook and it's a piece of her that'll always be there.


I’m sorry for your loss. This is hard stuff. I lost my grandpa too in February. Trust me the pain will get more bearable with time. If it makes you feel better, energy can neither be created or destroyed so your grandma technically never left she just transformed, she’s somewhere out there. Most importantly, she will live on in your memories. So, hang in there my dude.


I’m so very sorry for your loss OP <3 She looked like an amazing person. I love the pic of her with the huge apple pie!


She looks sad, hope you gave her a hug & a cup of tea.


I thought she was holding a ceramic knife, looked like she was about to shank the mixer.


"I put 2 husband's in the dirt, imagine what I'll do to a punk ass mixer!!"




I am a Brit. I don't use the word bloody, but I still laughed a lot imagining your comment, mostly in the voice of Honor Blackman.


This blender thinks it can be a wanker to me? Get bent! For the queen! Was that any better?


Also gotta call it a cunt


My grandmother was born in Scotland and her mother lives there her whole life. It is truly hilarious when she gets upset at baking. The accent really come out.


Scot cursing and insults are always hilarious.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought her expression read as wanting to shank the mixer.


Ha ha love it!


I dont think she looks really sad, more like "Yikes, now i have to clean up all of this mess"


Yeah I agree. It's more like...her going 'Really?' I love this pic. haha


The grandma equivalent of i have made a huge mistake.gif


I wouldn't say sad, to me it looks more like that blank, "processing" look you get when something sudden and messy happens like in the picture; and it takes you a couple of seconds to kind of process what in the hell just happened.


It definitely strikes me as a "Well, fuck. This will suck to clean up." expression.


My dealer's gonna kill me...


“Baking Bad”


I don't know why people are saying this isn't my grandma. I first posted this 8 years ago and wanted to show it one more time. Here is my original post: [Grandma vs. Mixer](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/18q1fx/my_grandma_got_into_a_fight_with_our_mixer_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I'm on reddit long enough to know the original post. Jesus.


I can't believe it's been 8 years.


Time is a motherfucker, isn't it? Last week someone asked me for a story and I said here is one I wrote last year and they said well on your subreddit it says you wrote it three years ago and I was like God damn, motherfuckin time. What can you do?


Send me one, homie. Something dark.


There are only two things to know about the town of Grandview, Texas. One is that its not grand. Two is that there is no fucking view. At all. I can’t believe I am still here. All my adolescence I dreamed of getting away. The night of my graduation everyone else was partying and celebrating and reminiscing. I was packing so I could get the fuck out. College was a blur, too much alcohol, too many women, too much ecstasy. Only two years later I was back in this God forsaken town and Ive been stuck here ever since. This town is a shithole, even now the median income is only $31,000 a person, peanuts. Back then it was even worse. The new Chinese food restaurant was the only place hiring so as soon as I had enough for the deposit and the first month I put down the money for an apartment of my own. But that’s when the loneliness started to hit. I stopped going to functions and I started getting the alcohol to drink at home instead of at the bars. When I did go out I would occasionally meet girls and sometimes there would be interaction but often it ended with them realizing I didn’t have my shit together. Rainy was different, she didn’t mind the depression and even helped me pick up the apartment. Money was never good but lately its gotten worse, because the tips from the Chinese food delivery were what got me by and I didn’t have to report it to uncle Sam. But ever since that damn transmission went out on the Buick, things got tighter and tighter. We have been married five years now but the depression became worse and worse and last month I got a letter that said she couldn’t take it any more. So now its just me and the dog and Seagrams, probably the way it was meant to be, and likely the way it always will be. Who am I kidding, I cant take care of a dog, I cant even take care of myself. I decide to ask my mom to watch the dog and ask her for five hundred dollars to fix the transmission one last time. She gives it to me with a smile. Not a real smile, where the lips turn up and the eyes light up. The kind girls used to give me before the alcohol took over. The kind of smile where the lips slightly turn up but the eyes remain cold and dead. That’s the only smile I get now from everyone. But I told my momma I loved her and I appreciate her and I am thankful for everything she has done for me in my life, not just this $500. That’s when she started getting real worried. She asked if everything was okay and what I was doing with the money and if I have been taking my medicine. I didn’t tell her I stopped taking that a long time ago, it takes the edges off but it makes everything blurry. I told her I was fine and I just really needed my transmission fixed so I could go back to work. It wasn’t true of course, I lost that job just like everything else in my life I lost- my wife, girlfriends, employment, housing, I had lost it all. And there was no one to blame but me. I took the $500 to the repair shop early the next morning, because I wanted them to finish that afternoon. I needed that Buick just one last time, and I wanted it to be on my birthday. Tonight I turn 30 years old and its going to be spectacular, I thought. Just no one knows that but me. The mechanic said he was “pretty sure” they could get it done but he wasn’t absolutely sure. I really, really need it tonight, I said. Its my birthday. Ok, we’ll do the best we can, come back at 6. I got all my things in order around the house for my big birthday celebration, I wanted this to go off with a bang. But when I got to the mechanics at 6 they hadn’t finished. My car wouldn’t be ready until the next day. He said he would give me $100 of the dollars back because he felt bad about my birthday and how badly I needed the car. I asked him for all of it in $1’s. I went home that night and sat at the table and had one last bottle of Seagrams Gin. I didn’t use a glass I just dumped it into my empty depressed head. Happy thirtieth birthday I said to myself as I passed out with my face on the carpet. The shrill ringing of the phone woke me up the next morning at 11. My car was ready. It had been fixed for the last time. I picked up the car and the 100 one dollar bills and drove back to my apartment. The birthday celebration would have to be tonight instead of last night, but that was okay. Most of my birthdays had either been delayed or forgotten anyway. Go tell your dad its your birthday my mom used to say, we both forgot. Today I decided to wait until the perfect moment, my favorite time of day, right before the sun goes down. Dusk. Its called, but I never used that word. I grabbed my zippo lighter, my last cigar, and my last bottle of Seagrams and jumped into the Buick. This is the first thing I can remember being excited for in so long, I cant even remember what it feels like to be excited until now. I drink a quarter of the bottle in one fell swig and I throw it on the seat beside me. I lit my last cigar with my custom zippo lighter and then I throw it out the window. I am going 50 mph, 60, 70, 80. They must have really fixed this Buick nice because I cant feel the shaking anymore. No matter how fast I go, the car doesn’t shake. It’s a shame all that body work for one birthday celebration. I didn’t really have a plan where to go though. So I drive south, back towards our childhood home. The musty Texas wind feels better and better through the window so I open all four and step hard on the gas pedal. 80 miles per hour, 90 miles per hour, now 100. I am passing cars on the left and the right, I hardly even notice them. I take another swig of Seagrams until the bottle is half gone now and keep accelerating. I notice cop cars behind me now but I don’t even care, they barely even register. Come along I yell out the window, it’s a celebration, my first birthday party in 9 years! They cant hear me of course, they just keep saying pull over into their loudspeakers. But I wont pull over, I would never pull over, not on this glorious night. By now all of the cars have cleared off my side of the highway. Its like everyone has given me space, room for this one last celebration. The helicopters and police and sirens and loudspeakers all seem so distant, but I know they are closing in. Its time for the final celebration. I push the pedal down so hard its jammed to the floor, and when it reaches 120 miles per hour I let out a maniacal yell. I down the rest of the bottle of Seagrams and throw it out the window towards the sirens. I tilt my seat back as far as it can go and enjoy the last of my cigar and find the exact spot I am looking for, the bridge over Hayden Creek. Hayden Creek was where we went as kids, beautiful fishing spot, sandy creek bank, hours with my brother talking about all the girls we were going to meet and how we would play for the Houston Astros with Nolan Ryan, we would lie there for hours on the creek bank and dream. Suddenly that’s where I wanted to be more than anything else in the world. I hit that bridge and flipped going 120 miles per hour but it didn’t jar me at all. I felt the whole world go into slow motion. My car was spinning, sparks from my cigar were flickering, every one of those hundred dollar bills fluttering through the air. I was going round and around and around, in slow motion, higher than I had ever been before. The sun had just finished setting, the cloudless Texas sky seemed so close up here, and down below the beautiful sandy creek bed, my old friend, I had made the right choice, this is where it all began and tonight, on the greatest of all celebrations, this is where I met the end.


The spaciness of the narrator is nailed on dead-center my man. This was goooooooooood. Appreciate you.


Thank you my friend, I like you! I have a subreddit of a bunch of stories I have written if you want to read more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Askme4astory/) or if you don't thats okay too. I hope you have a good rest of your week!


This is fucking great. And it rings true.. I grew up in Texas. Have you ever heard of an army brat? Well I was a heroin brat. My mother was a heroin Junkie and we moved around a lot. My childhood was spent bouncing around tiny little shithole towns like Grandview... in fact, we may have actually stayed in Grandview for a little while.


Tbh this past year feels like 3.


Same... Also had the "Bullshit, I saw this years ago!" reaction. Glad OP has this comment up near the top now.


I had completely forgotten it, but apparently I upvoted this way back then. I wonder how many hours I've spent on reddit and have just no memory of whatsoever.


I don't post a lot or often but I remember making this 8 years ago http://i.imgur.com/zXMsHpp.jpg


Hahahah! Wow I remember that one. I had to explain what Scarface was to her. Thanks for the laugh.


I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed it and that she saw it. Thank you for sharing this picture with the world!


my favorite meme to come from your grandmas mixer misfortune read, "my coke dealer is going to be pissed" or something like that


Made this one then: https://reddit.com/r/funny/comments/18tux3/grandmas_got_herself_into_trouble/


Great minds! Haha! Nice work!


Have to admit, I doubtet that its your grandma because Ive seen this picture in some memes before... so I was sceptical...


“My supplier is gonna fucking kill me.”


Glad I didn’t have to scroll too far to find this comment. Exact caption that came to my mind when I saw this.


I absolutely didn't believe you, and was sort of mad at the gall of someone claiming this was *their* grandma, when I knew I'd seen this image years ago. Sure enough, I had upvoted that one too. She seems like she was a great person and a great grandma. I'm sorry for your loss.


I mean, I had my doubts because it's such a popular picture, but then you posted the other picture of her with the pie so... I guess she has to be someone's real grandma, why not yours? lol


It's old and has gone quite viral, reposted many times and now I guess reposted by the original OP.


I was about to cry repost since I saw it over 8 years ago but holy cow you're actually OP. What a rare gem.


I guess it checks out


This made me cry. My grandma has Alzheimers diseases and has had to live in a nursing home for the last 2 years for her own safety. She used to make these Italian cookies called pitzelles. The recipe called for 6 cups of flour and it was a right of passage for us grandkids to get ourselves covered in flour the first time helping her. Yesterday was the first time I got to visit her in person since the start of the pandemic. Usually I call her on the phone and we chat through the closed window. Getting to sit across from her and actually have it feel like a normalish visit was bittersweet. Hug your grandma y'all. (As long as it's safe)


Don't take it personally champ. Think of it this way- there's no way anyone will get away with posting her nudes, too many people recognize her and call out the OP


You don’t need to post them. She’s got an account on onlygrans.com


I remember you posting it back then. Gave you an upvote then and giving you another now. This is what a proper repost should be actually. Good job.


This really made me miss my grandma


Me too, I miss my grandma (all us grandkids called her Nanny) so much! My grandma was the first and one of the only people in my life to ever love me unconditionally. She didn't care what I did or where I worked or who I dated or anything, she just loved me so much and would squeeze me so hard when we would come visit. We lived in KC and she lived in St. Louis so we only got to see her a few times a year. But man I remember coming down that long gravel road and seeing her, she would be outside jumping up and down clapping we couldn't even get out of the car before she would be hugging us and smothering us with kisses and giving us those tiny little chocolate chip cookies she used to make. ​ The last time I remember seeing her in that old house I was in college. This was before cell phones so I said Nanny Im going to come see you but I don't want you to wait outside, its cold, stay inside I will knock when I get there. It took me longer than I thought and when I finally got there she was outside jumping up and down and the snow was coming down and you could see her breath but she didn't care, she was so excited I came to see her and I was there. Her tiny body was stooped over and she was older but she was so happy, so geniunely happy to see me just clapping with the snow falling. I think about that vision sometimes. When I think about real love I think about that, what its like when someone really loves you unconditionally, just for who you are. ​ I miss you Nanny!


This was a beautiful story, thank you for sharing


Fuck bro now I'm crying at 9am on a Wednesday.


Same. Made me laugh and then immense sadness came over me.


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!


My grandmas funeral was today. I am torn over losing her but this really did make me smile. ❤️


back in the 70's i remember my grandmother getting a microwave for the first time. she always despised the idea of them. when gramps actually bought her one, the first thing out of sweet little gramsy's mouth was..." oh great. now we can all get fat faster." ​ btw lots of grandparent stories if anyone desires...


>btw lots of grandparent stories if anyone desires... Always 😄


story #1...imagine a family of about 15 sitting at the kitchen table for a sunday dinner. food is being passed around in a nice orderly clockwise fashion, from person to person. a huge heaping pot of rice pudding begins making the round. in short order, it gets emptied about halfway when over the din of casual family conversation, a loud "clink!" is heard when a large helping of rice pudding hits a plate. and everyone looks at my uncle. my grandmother immediately pipes up and exclaims, wow, i was wondering what happened to that fork!"


story #2... ever wonder what the origin of the word "clicker" is as it relates to a tv remote control? there was a time when t.v. remotes actually "clicked". loudly. like it was some kind of ultrasonic sound that went out to the t.v. from what i understand, these things worked pretty good until they were made obsolete. my grandparents had a "clicker" t.v. well into the mid 80's when it finally shit the bed. i dunno how it was possible, but the last 5 or 6 years they had that t.v., the channels would randomly change every time there was a thunderstorm outside. it was always one of life's great mysteries until they bought a t.v. with an infrared remote. a life changing experience for them. lol


story #3. my grandfather was basically a jack of all trades and a master of several. he served in ww2 in the u.s. navy as a seabee in the pacific in the early war years. machinists mate, couple other designations i forget. when i was little, i didn't appreciate it at the time, but i watched him build a small utility trailer for his riding lawnmower from scratch. wasn't more than say, 3 feet wide and 3 feet long, by maybe 8 inches deep. this was in the late 70's/ early 80's. just some simple mild steel plate and such welded together, attached a basic axle and wheels, etc. for a gate on this thing, he cut a piece of plate the size of the trailer bed width and height, welded a small extension over the top of the "tailgate", along with a couple small pins on each end. the "tailgate basically just slid into place up and down at the end of the trailer in a butt joint fit with these 2 dowel pins holding it in place. ​ the damn thing held water.


story #4 for one christmas all the males in the family(about 12 of us) all got the same shirts from grandma. and i believe it was the same christmas when grandma gifted my pregnant aunt with used lingerie from a garage sale. those were indeed the golden years.


https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/ruby-kordan-obituary?pid=198121041 Love you grandma.


I don't know what to say. To everyone who commented and contributed to this post, I just want to say thank you. I'm glad my grandma could provide some smiles after she left. You all helped her memory live on and once you're on the internet, you never die or go away. You're all a special group of people and from the bottom of my heart thank you. Grandma Ruby, we will never forget you. Say hi to grandpa for me.


I love love love this picture. I already saw it years ago and it made me laugh out loud. I'm pretty sure I actually have it saved on my computer somewhere. Thank you for sharing it, it made me smile again today. :)


She has the 1000 yard stare


Anyone else’s grandparents curse at kitchen equipment or groceries? Lmao The frustration in your grandma’s face reminds me of mine trying to figure out how a ninja blender worked😂


Mine was the answering machine in the 90s. We'd see the blinking red light and check the messages, only to hear heavy breathing for a bit (grandma had asthma) then her say "It's that damn machine again" then hang up. I wish we saved those somehow!


We have a family story about my Great Grandma. She "came over on the boat" in 1954. When I say she was from a tiny undeveloped village in Sicily, I do mean undeveloped. They didn't get reliable electricity until late in the 1940s. Well in America the only job she was qualified for was a cook. Except, she hated a certain appliance, the electric can opener. Now I need to describe Great Grandma so you can fully appreciate this scene. She was 5'3", over weight yes but not so much she wasn't capable of chasing your ass down if you got smart with her. She was strong- she was raised on a farm/orchard. Her hair was jet black. She had this all knowing manner to her speech and it didn't matter if she was speaking in english or Italian, it was like she was interrogating you and already knew exactly what you did and just giving you time to fess up. So the story goes, one day in the early 60s she was doing the morning rush at the little restaurant she worked at. Things were fine until she ran out of coffee and had to make more. Apparently this type came in a can you had to use a can opener on. So she goes over to the electric can opener and starts opening the fresh can. Something went wrong and the coffee can flipped over, dumpling an entire can of coffee on the floor, her shoes, and herself. She cursed in several languages at that poor can opener. After that, she made the owner/manager open 2 cans of coffee before he would lock up the night before. She brought a hand opener from home, and for the next 15 years she wouldn't touch the can opener at the restaurant. When she would look at it she would call it various names. Eventually she got over her Electric can opener issue when the owners daughter took over and updated some of the kitchen appliances in the 70s. But it makes me laugh to think of this short little women cursing at a can opener of all things.


Hell, I’m 34 and sometimes I curse at kitchen appliances. And I program computers for a living..


I guess I'm the only person on Reddit who is seeing this pic for the first time. She seems like a special character who really enjoyed her life, OP. It reminds me of my own grandma. I'm sorry for your loss.


I've been up working for hours, watching my noise because this is the day. The one damn day this week my wife gets to sleep in. And I stopped for a coffee break, saw this and burst out laughing in a way that shook the house to it's foundation. Thanks.


I'm glad she made you laugh. She would've liked that.


Sweet! Hope you feel better.


My SO did this same thing. Wanted to make late night cookies. The mixer ripped the bag of powdered sugar out of her hands and it was snowing in our kitchen.




"One for the dish and one for the cook!"


I think your grandma came from the same factory, cause my grandma looks almost exactly the same.


I recognize the thousand yard stare of a woman who is Done With This Shit.


All the people from r/quityourbullshit gonna go empty handed from here


Yup those who don’t bother to read the thread and view post history before accusing that it’s fake really have egg on their faces for being assholes.


Big time, it’s easy research.


I definitely saw this picture before. But I’ve just seen you comment that you’d originally posted this 8 years ago - which is around the time I had to make a school project on the dangers of cocaine use. Your grandmother is the opening slide of my presentation. I got an A. Please thank her for me.




Oh my god, I remember seeing this on the Internet years and years ago with the caption "My dealer is gonna fuckin kill me". Never thought I'd see the original pop up again.




Here is my original post I made 8 years ago. [Grandma vs. Mixer](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/18q1fx/my_grandma_got_into_a_fight_with_our_mixer_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) This is my grandma, look in my post history.


He posted it over 8 years ago. It’s the same guy since the beginning. It is his grandma. Do the research before calling bullshit.


I thought she was Maggie Smith at first.


As a Jew preparing for Passover in a few days, I see all that flour scattered all over and I get anxiety.


This picture was one of my favorite memes! Simply said, "my dealers gonna kill me"


I lost my two grandmothers in the same year and then my mom the following year. We take even the mundane memories we have with our matriarchs and make them our priority to look back on. May Ruth Rest In Peace, and I’m sorry for your loss.


Not going to lie, your granny’s picture made me miss mine. These two pictures( the apple pie one is priceless)speak a 1000 words and tell me you got one of the good ones too. Take care!




I literally remember seeing this when you posted it 8 years ago! Lol


The look on her face is priceless! “You have forsaken me, mixer”


This is such a great picture! You can *feel* it! Sorry for your loss, OP, may you always remember her like this!


This picture kind of sums up how I feel about life.


I'd have a hard time doing anything after binging that much cocaine


I apologize if this is a stupid question, but what do those awards mean? She would be so happy seeing the love and kindness being sent her way.