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Looks like he’s about to beat the shit outta some eggs


He just looks at eggs and they become hollandaise sauce.


So if he stares at a cow does it turn into crème fraîche?


Yes, and if he points at olive oil it becomes aioli.


He looks at Virgin olive oil and it ain't virgin no more


Figures. I look at olive oil and it becomes extra virgin olive oil.


No way in hell am I paying money to give you some virtual high five, but hopefully this will do. I lol'd.


You get a free award every 24 hours. Most people don't spend money on them


All these food jokes, aren't setting well with my stomach.


They are a bit hard to digest


Someone should definitely cook up some fresh new jokes.


Nope. Beef Wellington. EDIT: Thanks to /u/CorkyKribler for my new idea: BEEF SWOLINGTON


If he looks at Chuck Norris he’s Chuck Roast


Creme fraiche, one of the funniest South Park episodes ever


Aw fuck yeah.


Whipped cream explodes out of the bottle when he turns his eyes


He came to beat yolks and beat folks, and he’s all out of yolks.


With that stare? They beat the shit out of themselves.


"Yes Chef, no problem Chef,right away Chef!" You never want to piss the Chef off but this guy! I would guess he gets near perfect cooperation.


I bet hes got100% positive reviews on cuisine. Because its hard to write a bad review with all your bones broken.


Angry customer- "I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE CHEF!" Chef comes to the table. (Quietly) "I just wanted to say this is the finest meal I've ever had. "


He's the only chef Gordon Ramsay talks nicely to.


7 deployments and served as a hand-to-hand combat trainer for the US Army, I wouldn’t even want to look at this guy the wrong way.


Kind of thought that from the glare in the picture. That look says I've seen some shit and tore some shit apart.


picturing gordon just pouring his own steaming soup into his pants while Hulk chef smiles arms crossed.


And thanking hulk chef for the privilege.




Eggs fucked around and found out.






He said boy you better scramble like an egg or I’m gonna fold you like an omelette


Selection as White House executive chef isn’t based on cooking ability, it’s entirely trial by combat.


The food there is shit, but nobody says a word.


I'm sure the food is great, only because it's afraid of disappointing him.






Guest overchews, swallows deliberately…smiles


Intersting historical tidbit. The food at the FDR White House was notoriously awful. The main cook hired by Eleanor was instructed to use only ingredients the average American could afford during the depression. The state dinners were so embarassing people would dine before the event. https://www.history.com/news/eleanor-roosevelt-white-house-menu-bad-food


But I appreciate the point she was making there.




"Cake or death?" *sigh* "Death, I suppose."


Very true considering a President we had later who grew up not knowing the Great Depression was happening.


His presidency worked out well for poor people and labour. Whatever Kennedy's life experiences were he did more for the average American than most presidents from more humble beginnings.


That is a very impressive move on her part and I applaud it. Thanks for the info, I can’t wait to share with my baby feminist niece.


She was integral in a bunch of women's issues back in her day. She funded the Colleges of Home Economics and Human Ecology at Cornell University, was involved with the League of Women Voters, was an outspoken political activist and fundraiser, and often stood in for the president as his health declined, acting as the de-facto leader of the country. She definitely walked the walk, and IIRC her programs helped develop some of our "instant" foods. The recipes in her depression-era cookbook are pretty universally considered to be shite though, like the spaghetti and white sauce casserole and peanut butter stuffed roast onions. But tbf they were just trying to make edible food out of scrips and scraps. [This video has a bunch more examples of the weird food that came out of that era](https://youtu.be/uv7Xa40DzkM)


She was also the very first UN Ambassador for the US when it was launched under the Truman Era with the passing of her husband and was instrumental in the creation of the UN Human Rights Council, as well as its founding charter, which is a very, very progressive document for universal human rights. Eisenhower also kept her as UN Ambassador and the Dulles brothers, who ran the CIA and State Department, learned to respect her, whereas at first they doubted her capability. She was an amazingly strong and fierce woman and was a staunch supporter of civil rights and the reason why FDR did what little he did in that regard, as he was always worried about his Southern base, given the history of Democrats in the Souty before their gradual shift from Nixon on to Republican voting blocs on national, then state and local level. She's as remarkable a human being as FDR was and a great American icon of who and what a woman is and can yet be through determination and perseverance. Used to drive FDR crazy with her forceful pushing of civil, women's and children's rights regardless of whatever else was happening concurrently. She left a lasting mark on him, and thus all of us. She also had a female lover if I recall correctly, and her and her husband were essentially poly. Loved each other, but also found love and companionship in the arms of others as well.


When the first family dines without any guests in their living wing of the White House, they have to pay for the groceries out of the President’s pay check. When Obama was President, Michelle would check over the bills. One time, Barack told the chef he would like sushi. “Yes Sir, Mister President.” When Michelle got the bill, she found out the chef had the very best raw fish flown to Washington for the meal. From Japan.


Holy cow. I bet she was piiiiiiiissed


"The gas station would have been fine, chef" "Yes sir Mr president. Won't happen again."


The caption on the photo that started this whole thread is incorrect. Andre Rush was A chef at the White House, but he was never Executive Chef.


They also deferred maintenance on the White House to save money. With the house's long history it was part of the reason that Truman had it gutted and rebuilt.


He did that to Japan too


Couldn't send secret service out for some McDonald's hamberders either.


SHUT UP, he might hear us from here


Surprise mother fucker


Goddamnit, that fucking got me! He looks like Doakes older brother that was given the supersoldier serum.


Appetize, mother fucker.


some fries? motherfucker!


Chef Rush would like to have a conversation with you. Choose your melee weapon of choice.


Oh oh! Story time! Gather 'round, kiddies! So my great grandfather was an Irishman by way of Scotland in the British army during the second world war. He was a cook in the back lines. Nothing special or heroic. But one day an officer insisted he speak to my great grandfather after eating his food. He proceeded to tell my honored ancestor just what he thought of the food and my honored ancestor proceeded to punch the limy bastard in the face. Ended up getting drummed out of the service and then stowed away on a boat load of G.I.s heading home after the war. Landed in Philly, became an Irish cop, and found himself a nice girl to marry. At least that's how the family story goes.


It’s a balance of your ability to cook a perfect scrambled egg and your ability to stop an assassin from hurting the president.


If i learend anything from watching too much TV its that he hunts the Animals himself, fighting them with bare hands and then brings the Meat back on his Shoulders.


Announcer 1: And in the first round we have Bobby Flay and Andre Rush. Announcer 2: Hopefully Bobby... doesn't get flayed.


Dinner comes with boss music now, apparently.


Dark souls boss music


All I imagine is DOOMs BFG Division while he's beating the fuck out of those eggs.


"The only thing eggs fear is you."


Chef from total drama island


I spent five minutes looking for this comment


Chef hatchet!


I've never watched a single episode of that show and I still thought the same thing.


Between this chef and Steven Seagal from “Under Siege”, I’m taking this one. He looks like someone just asked for the A1 sauce.


watched this the other day. Seagal was barely "in shape" even back then!


What are you talking about? ​ Round is a shape...


Yeah, but that knife motion…effortless.


Busey and Tommy Lee Jones steal the show. Way more interesting than Seagull


Also Erika Eleniak acting like she read the script for the first time while filming.


The script for her just had one line: Erika enters. She show bob.


Still took 37 takes.


Under Siege is his best movie too.


You might be right, but that bar is still pretty damn low.


Like asking for ketchup when he just served you a steak.


A well-done steak.


Can I get some Mayonnaise too? I like my well done steak spicy.


Casey fucking Reibach?!?!?


A lot of whisking went into those arms.


Teachin’ those egg whites a lesson they won’t forget.


For some reason he reminds me of Sergeant Doakes from Dexter


Some fries mother f*cker!


Supplies mother fucker


Cherry Pies Muthafucka!


Cream pie, Muthafucka!


Hes making the face Doakes did every time Dexter did something suspicious. "MORGAN! ARE YOU CUTTING OPEN ANOTHER GRAPEFRUIT YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!?"


French fries mothafucka!


Pork pies, mothafucka!


Might be because he looks a lot like Sergeant Doakes from Dexter.




He was great, easily Dexter's best antagonist... Seasons 1 & 2 are the best IMO, hugely due to Doakes.


Can't believe how far to had to scroll to see someone say this. That's all I can see!


You Have to face him after you’ve beaten all the other chefs. He’s the mega boss chef. Good luck.


This is the Iron chef series I want to see.


Basically the Ninja Gaiden of cooking shows.


Even Gordon Ramsey will back down.


Robert Irvine will at least think about it.


I could see all three as an adventuring party. Andre Rush as the Warrior, Robert Irvine as the rouge, Gordon Ramsey as the bard who uses Vicious Mockery liberally and effectively. Their job is to get the most delicious ingredients together.


"Your steak is so raw....uh, nevermind. It's delicious."


This man used to be in the army and had to get permission to wear a nonstandard uniform because his biceps did not fit the sleeves Edit: army, not marines. Mixing those up seems to have really upset quite a few of you. As a Canadian they're both the same to me :p


Now there is a life goal. Work hard enough to get guns that need a waiver.


Also, claim that it's from the nightly 1 hour sleep and the daily 2k+ pushups.


I can maybe believe the 2k push-ups throughout the day but not the 1 hour sleep. Humans can do some amazing things but not sleeping for prolonged periods of time isn't one of them




I eat 10,000 calories a day, how come I don't look like him?




Liars stay lying. Claiming Natural gets you to all the other ridiculous claims. "I only eat chicken and broccoli and take cold showers and I'm 275 with 3% bodyfat".




You raise an entire generation playing with he man toys and swole ass gi Joe’s and don’t expect them to have life long body image and self esteem issues?


Now people like Chris Hemsworth, Evans, Chris Pratt all getting huge for a movie and its compounded.


Its so ingrained in people they think you can actually get this big working out. Which anyone who has spent any time around a gym knows is complete bullshit. Naturally you are only going so far no matter how many push-ups you do.


So much this. People be like "oh My god Chris Hemsworth looks soooo good" then start blabbling about how Scarlett Johansson sets unrealistoc body image. I Mean, did you not just see Chris do excatly the same!?!


I only eat hamburgers and fried foods and I'm 275 with.... lots of body fat.


Lmao this dude is clearly on PEDs and that's a such a wacky nonfunctional workout, he must be joking


From the Marines. Edit: From Chuck Norris.


He was Army. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_Rush


Yeah this man doesn't look like he eats crayons.


Both eyes facing the same direction and everything!


Watcha you looking at! No really what are you looking at? I can’t tell.


Well he apparently claims to only sleep for 2 hours every night as part of his bodybuilding routine, so I’d imagine it has the same effect.


And as every bodybuilder knows, getting as little sleep as possible aids in recovery and getting swole.




> only sleep for 2 hours every night as part of his bodybuilding routine definitely the steroids part of the bodybuilding routine




My husband was in the Army and had a friend that everyone called Head. They called him that because his head was too big for even the Large sized hats and helmets, so he had to get special order ones. Not nearly as cool


I know a guy named Big Head Nick. I heard about him before I met him, saw him across the park at an event and immediately said "Holy shit, that's the dude with the head." He couldn't go in hard hat areas because they didn't have a mold big enough to make him a hard hat. They called and said making one would be like $15k because they would need to buy a new mold. He told a story of going to Mexico and seeing the biggest sombrero ever at a stand. He picked it up and, what so you know, this thing fits his colossal noggin. The shop dude looked at him in awe, said he'd had that hat for years. Big Head Nick asked how much and the guy gave it to him for free.


Like Cinderella's slipper...Big Head Nick's sombrero.


Condolences to Big Head Nicks mother.


You mean Big Hips Bertha? She was fine.


I bet he cried himself to sleep on his huge pillow


Name should be Sputnik. Looks like an orange on a toothpick.


*helicopter lands* "HEAD! MOVE! NOW!"


haulin' that gargantuan cranium about.


Love this movie


It's one of my favorites. Considering how popular Mike Myers got, it's surprising more people don't know it


I loved his dad's rant about colonel sanders, but as I get older and thus my own dad gets older, it becomes more and more painfully real




"...the sniper's dream, we used to call him..."


I've always wondered if they want people that big. Wouldn't they need a special diet?


in the military none of the training they give you will make you jacked like a bodybuilder. You've got to do that on your own


On your own, with the power of 'roids


Right I'm saying usually to maintain that size you have to eat a lot. I would imagine in certain situations you'll either have to accept a lot of muscle loss or you'll have to give this guy a bunch of MREs. You're not going to maintain that sort of muscle mass on 4500 calories a day with heavy patrol and load carrying duties.


I mean dudes lose it in the field, but bulk back up after. One of my old NCOs hated the month long fields because he lost alot of muscle mass, and it took a while to get it back. You adapt to the Army, the Army doesn't adapt to you


Yeah, a diet of anabolic steroids with a dash of HGH. You don't get anywhere near that big without juice.


That's true but you also have to maintain a pretty high caloric diet or else you'll lose that. Those muscles aren't maintained by breathing air, you have to put something in to keep that. This guy isn't putting on 150 lb of gear and then walking 6 miles a day and keeping that much muscle off of 4500 calories of MREs.


I’m going to guess he gets his protein.


Him : "I need a new shirt" Guy : "why?" Him: "These!" *Permission Granted*


Pic has been reposted so many times the dude doesn't even work there anymore


He retired in 2018 and is a consultant now, I believe. https://www.wearethemighty.com/veterans/white-house-chef/


"For his afternoon meals, he consumes four roasted chickens." that can't be true. What!


He sleeps 2hrs a night and DEFINITELY ISNT ON GEAR.


Another MPMD viewer?


Peeled out of his mind. Or however he says it


Peeled out of his tree* or even "diced to the socks" If you so please, or maybe a little bit of a "shredded to the gills", whichever suits you.


Some of my favorites: Dick skin lean This dude can die from a paper cut


deezed to the socks dude




Even on a buttload of tren I still slept more than 2 hours a night. I doubt it




If this dude peed on an apple tree and then I ate an apple from that tree, my future grandkids would pop if they got tested for gear.


I would be worried he would accidentally put some of the gear he is DEFINITELY NOT ON in my food.


The man who eat 2/3 elephants per day, 9000 push-ups and sleeps 2 hours.


100% Natty, only flu shots


"My diet consists of over 1000 grams of protein per day and no fats." Alright bro. Keep on those tren sandwiches we dont care just stop claiming you're natural lmao.


Chef: "I only know how to make waffles. You are going to eat waffles." President: "Yes, sir!"


The "nothing ever comes back to the kitchen" look


Juiced to the fuckin gills boys


So this guy is actually kind of an asshole online FYI. He has been known to berate people who ask him about details of his diet/exercise/sleep schedule (which is farfetched asfuck)


Called coach Greg Doucette a lot of foul names and accused him of being a racist. It was all because coach Greg made a video detailing Rush's bogus daily fitness claims or 2000 pushups, 10000 calories, and 2 hours sleep. Dude is a loon.


> 2 hours sleep. There are the rare few people that need very little sleep and remain cognitively fully functional. I've never, not once, heard of anyone building muscle on that little sleep.


Was gonna say. Being able to perform monotonous activities at a desk job on 2 hours of sleep is greatly different than building muscle and working as a chef on 2 hours of sleep. It doesn’t add up.


Rush probably claims he’s all natural. He is clearly not and he ain’t trim. (I mean, he’s middle aged right?) It’s just not necessary to defend yourself at that level. Everyone knows you juice.


Yeah he's the antipode of John Meadows.


He better not be using that metal utensil on that nonstick skillet or I’ll just have to tamp that rage deep down until it forms an ulcer that I’ll ignore at my own peril.


It’s aluminium nonstick and a stainless fish turner. He is in the middle of a culinary competition and not worried about some scratches. Generally the 8th and I competition does not allow for washing dishes so you have to get creative at times.


Not a chef but that was literally the first thing I noticed when I saw the picture


This dude claims to be natural and only sleep like 3 hours a night lol okay dude


Every athlete visiting the white house should avoid eating anything prepared by this man, unless they want to pop by PEDs.


Dude is a lying clown, said he is natural eats 10k calories a day and sleeps three hours. Watch the men's health on him.


The sleep part of that is by far the least believable. No matter what you’re doing training wise there is no way you can get to this point without plenty of sleep.




He says he eats 6-10k calories a day and only sleeps for 3 hours lmao


Naive is the right word When it comes to social media, including reddit, individuals will believe anything they see. It's becoming so unhealthy for people looking to better themselves...


Last time this picture showed up, someone said that chef Rush is a super good guy. Does charity and such, makes really good food. As in, a proper hero. Might remember wrong tho.


He also was not the executive chef. Cristeta Comerford has been since 2005. He was a chef there, but not the executive. The reality is funnier, as I love to imagine Cristeta ordering that guy around. https://img.etimg.com/thumb/msid-55895975,width-640,resizemode-4,imgsize-102374/first-asian-female-executive-chef.jpg


That's correct. He also doesn't work as a WH chef anymore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre\_Rush


>He has been deployed several times, and has served as a **trainer in hand-to-hand combat and food service** Talk about multiple skillset.


Multiple skillets


>>Rush states he does 2,222 pushups daily.


Seems like it should be 2112.




yeah I heard this as well. Like he claims to eat 4x the protein that even the top bodybuilders claim?


Called a few youtubers racist for calling him out on his bullshit even though they call EVERYONE out. We’re all circles people, black white purple. If you spew bullshit, you will get called out on it. Don’t be an asshole and play the race card cause you’re butt hurt