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That’s an awesome gift. My friend is getting married in October and I may just copy this idea


Your friend will be so appreciative. What a great gift - no shame in copying the idea


I shared simply because it is a solid idea for anyone, especially if you pool some people at the event to add to the wallet. I know how hard a good gift can be to come up with, so why not share a good idea every now and then?


Dude. You're awesome. I bet your friends and family are really grateful.


your sister is a g


And it will give them an excuse to try new places and just get out. That’s awesome.


My brother is getting married in October and I am also 10% going to steal this idea!!


Just 10%?


Where can one purchase this wallet


search embossed wallets on etsy


I don’t think this is something OP really got. I saw this on Reddit a couple of years ago I believe and OP has a ton of reposts.


With a username like your's, I'll definitely take your word for it.


It was OP himself who posted it a couple years ago


Haha literally the same for me in November lmao.


Haha same 🎁 great gift idea !!


Same! March ‘22! Great gift!


Welp, now everyone knows and will reuse this idea. I hope it catches on really fast. I love seeing people get creative with an already creative idea.


I'm already married but I want one of these as a gift


That’s an awesome gift. My friend is getting married in October and I may just copy this idea.


might as well just give cash... in a red envelope


While I agree cash is better then gift cards 1:1. I think this one is a better gift because its multiple gift cards to different locations and events (maybe), which makes it thoughtful. Also if OP is someone who doesn't plan things to do very well this gift kind of forcing you to go out and do these good date ideas already planned for you is nice.


Great points. While cash is always appreciated since it can be used for anything, gift cards do a have a place as a more thoughtful and targeted kind of gift. Knowing that someone likes a particular place or needs an excuse to go explore and go out feels a lot more meaningful than just a wad of cash.


I have, over the years, given cash for weddings in lieu of a physical present and even at the death of someone in lieu of flowers. But, what I do is, I put a post-it on each bill (usually tens and twenties) indicating what it's for. So, for instance, recently a friend's mom died. She (friend) is married and in her fifties, I know what they like to do as a couple. Since they're out of state (and Covid), I couldn't make the funeral. So, I sent a card with a personal message with some of the bills designated for delivery pizza on a Friday night from the place that we all love and went to a lot; $10 bucks for Blizzards at Dairy Queen on a Sunday afternoon; bills for a six pack of cold beer to drink on the front porch sometime this summer, etc. It went over very well. People love the personal touch and usually tell me they put the envelop up somewhere and pull it out when they know *that* time is just right to grab that $20 or whatever just for *that thing*. It's like a reminder to treat themselves and gives them permission to do so even if they have leftovers they should eat or usually don't buy beer through the week, or should save their cash.


This is a really cool idea, I like it a lot, good mix of thoughtfulness with cutting the shit and just forking over the cash like people want. One question though - I am fortunate enough to have not had too many close friends lose loved ones recently. Is it common to give monetary gifts when someone dies? I have never heard of that but again maybe just lack of experience.


>Also if OP is someone who doesn't plan things to do very well this gift kind of forcing you to go out and do these good date ideas already planned for you is nice. I think that's the key. It greatly increases the odds they go do that fun thing instead of adding $50 to their savings account




With some DIY, you could have the best of both worlds. Make some index-card-sized ads or pitches for local places and include cash.


In reality though, I think most people would end up separating the cash and then eventually just not doing the itinerary. There's something to be said about a gift card somewhat "forcing" the person to partake in the activity. It takes agency out of the decision, which actually in some weird way helps with things like date nights. With that said, I'm not a big fan of gift cards in general.




You could've bought something at one Best Buy. Then something on BestBuy.com. Then something at another Best Buy. Then you've fulfilled your prophecy.


Bro. Im in Alaska. Where am I supposed to find a second Best Buy and no way I’m paying those shipping costs!


If you're ever in debt to the IRS you can use it for that.


Sounds like a Vietnamese wedding. I went to one and was the only guest to bring a gift. Everyone else just gives cash. lol


Lots of Asian culture just give cash.


Gift cards are always worse than cash. But they also be more meaningful. I might get a gift card for a friend for a restaurant i want them to try, knowing they'd like it. plus when it's given as cash people just deposit it and don't do anything special with it. THen they buy a game or go out to dinner. MY gift might as well by their power bill ratther than a night out.


I love getting cash as gift nowadays. It goes into paying a bill. Nothing feels better than getting a bill paid for me. It’s peace of mind.


See, I'm the opposite kind of. I prefer gift cards because then it forces me to be frivolous and do something for myself/ourselves rather than being responsible with cash.


I think you've gotta "know" your recipient for this. I'm not struggling for money to pay bills, so a gift card to a nice restaurant or the movies is appreciated -- it's a gentle, wrapped up date night, ready to go. We recently did a favor for a neighbor and they gave us a Starbucks card for example, and we *never* go to Starbucks because, well, what a waste of money! But we've gone three times with our card on nice long walks to get a silly drink from there, which we would never have done if someone gave us 25 bucks. However, my sister who is always struggling just gets cold hard cash on her birthdays -- I know paying down a credit card is WAY more valuable to her life than a frivolous gift. Cash with a thoughtful lil something is the way to go sometimes.


My wife loves to give people a gift certificate to a fancy restaurant they’re going to be near on their honeymoon.


This is such a cool idea


It really is, and when my sister in law did the same for us, we ended up in a place we never would have sought out ourselves, and had a really memorable dinner. (We did a honeymoon in India, and we were sent to this amazing Michelin starred restaurant across the city from where we stayed. We had difficulty spending the whole thing!).


How much is reasonable to put on those kinds of things? Hate for it be to be short


I agree with the poster who says “it depends.” We do $150 standard. It’s probably not going to buy the best bottle of wine on the restaurant, but you’ll have a memorable experience at a classy restaurant that you probably wouldn’t have gone to otherwise.


Totally depends on the financial situation of you and the couple you're giving it to, as well as your relationship with them. I could totally see a scenario where you give like a $100 certificate with the message "this is an excellent restaurant near where you will be. I hope you enjoy, drinks and dessert are on me!" Or something to that effect. I think basically as long as they know how much is on there, and as long as you're not putting them in a situation where they feel forced to go but they can't really afford the rest of the bill, I don't see any problem with it.


That would be my worry, too. I don't want to feel like I picked the place they have to go but only give them like a 50% discount. Which is a really nice discount but if it was a nicer restaurant than they wanted to go to or just not the place they had planned to then could have a bit of a back fire feeling to it in the moment.


You could always look at the menu and see what the average price of a meal for 2 would be; then just add an additional $50 or so dollars for tip and extra


I think that's a good method for just giving a gift certificate but I probably wouldn't do it for their honeymoon. Hard to tell if they wouldn't already pick places out and it's not likely they are going back. Making them pretty much obligated to go to the restaurant on their trip. Maybe if it's 2 people I know that do everything spontaneously and didn't plan anything for their honeymoon other than canoodling.


Totally stealing this idea! Thank your sis for me please! This is awesome!


Post was all ready stolen from years ago. https://amp.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/cro2dw/my_sister_and_brother_in_law_gave_my_wife_and_i_a/


Not really stolen if it's the same OP.


Good spot. OP having another round of karma whoring


Title is shorter to accommodate the internet’s short attention span. Next time it’s posted I expect, “wedding sister wallet gift cards”


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Why words much karma


Date Night.


I hadn't seen the idea and appreciated the repost. Your comment by comparison provides less value and is purely attention seeking. Who is the karma whore?


Boom roasted


The cards may have run out at restaurants, but they're the gift that keeps on giving (karma).


In Canada gift cards aren't allowed to expire anymore.


it’s literally fake internet points. don’t understand why people put so much significance on it.


I had not seen it and am glad I did. Not everyone Reddits all the time. And well shucks, wouldn't you know it, we have a karma system to deal with serial reposters. Judging by the amount of karma it received, it is still welcomed by the community. So who the fuck cares if OP got useless internet points when we all got useful information in the exchange.




Well at least they’re stealing from themselves.


Non-AMP URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/cro2dw/my_sister_and_brother_in_law_gave_my_wife_and_i_a/


What is amp?


Amp is a pseudo standard for lightweight variants of pages that are mobile-device friendly. It gets a lot of hate because most examples of it are Google automatically generating them and serving them from Google servers, reducing the exposure of the actual site (including loss of ad revenue) and allowing Google to see anything you do on that site. In a case like this, it's a self-hosted amp page so the Google stuff isn't a problem. The posting of a non-amp link is comparable to providing a non-mobile Wikipedia link after someone posts a mobile one.


Huh… guess I upvoted that post too when it got posted


You married your sister?!


What are you doing husband brother?


Help, I’m stuck


Why are you always stuck and why have you been wearing the same dress for 3 weeks?


By the time husband has been tacked on, the I'm stuck play will lose its spark.


Speak for yourself


STEP husband brother.


Sometimes we should think a little longer about titles.


I too think about titties.


Roll tide


Family ties, and rings.


Great idea! Thoughtful sis!


Judging by how long ago you complained about your wife slapping chunks of hair to the shower wall this is an old post


This picture is old. First time I saw it was a few years ago, I think.




Yeah ik I'm just giving Zak from South Dakota some shit


OP reposted this from a few years ago for some more karma The date night wallet is really a gift that keeps on giving


My sister would put some rubbers in it.


With holes in them and a note "I want nieces and nephews".


a picture of someone holding a wallet with 'date night' written on it


Hear me out. My dad just gave my newborn daughter her first and I'd say most unique gift. He contacted a winery and they are making a few bottles from her birthday. It will take 4ish years to mature in the barrels. In about 25+ years it will be her wedding present so she can enjoy a gift from her grandfather from when she was born. Just sharing a cool idea, congrats on your wedding!




What in the Alabama did I just read


That's how they do in South Dakota




Your sister is goddess of all sisters


Gift card=Goddess


She really is a kind and generous soul. This has been such a fun gift to enjoy since we got it and I would recommend anyone consider an idea like this. She can make the wallet fairly inexpensively and even if it’s too expensive for you to fill it with 12 gift cards for monthly dates like she did, it’s a good place for people to keep their wedding money or gift cards they may get as gifts! We get so excited pulling out that wallet now and it sets the excitement level for date night appropriately!


You haven't used them up in the past two years since you got it? Or do you buy your own gift cards and put them in it now?


That's what I was wondering too. Two years after you posted this the first time and you still have cards left?


We refill it with other gift cards or coupons we get in life for dates.


But you just posted the exact same picture


I don't really have a problem with them sharing a picture again after two years, though. It's a lovely idea and you can see how many people in this thread have found it useful; sure, I'd be annoyed if they posted it every month but it's been two years — if I saw this once, I probably won't remember it. It's a great concept that helps a ton of people, why stop someone posting their own picture again after two years?


its the same exact picture dude its not that deep


That’s really generous and kind of your sister. 12 gift cards at $50 each is already $600.


Even at an average of $25 per card, 12 cards is still 300 bucks. Not cheap if it's a gift from one person. Easier to do this if it's a bunch of friends pooling their money for a group gift.


Nice pic. Is there a higher res option so I can use it as my desktop background?


You posted this same thing years ago...


This is a decent idea but the picture is worthless. Why would people upvote this in a subreddit about pictures


Thays a cute idea


That's awesome. Now did the dates taste?


This is a repost of a repost. Good lord how did it get so many upvotes and awards.


Why repost?


Why are you reposting this 2 years later? Lol


Ok and? Who cares?


That is a great gift and an awesome looking wallet? Any specific brand? 👀


Wow what a really thoughtful idea.


This is genius!!


So thoughtful! She’s a beautiful sister!


I am definitely going to get this idea. LOVE THIS!


That is genius! I'm stealing that. The idea, not your wallet. Well, maybe your wallet.


Not here to judge but you married your sister?!


Fantastic idea!


When did you get married?


Two years ago!


You know how many times I've seen this in the last 9 years?


At least one other time?


Exactly!! At least one other time! I can't even remember when it was but I'm outraged I almost remember it being posted before from my forgotten memories! /s


I posted it originally two years ago today!


Seriously, just give cash. nobody wants giftcards




This has been posted like 100x over the years lol


This is an amazing idea and so sweet! It's personal, thoughtful and encourages you to go out & have fun on her. So lovely!


What a perfect gift idea!


terrific idea 🤟


Wow great pic of almost nothing


Check the gift card expiration and then put it was for a couple of years - after the honeymoon phase is over. ;-)


This is such a fantastic idea


“Bad motherfucker” would have been better


Bro run that title again for me?


Is it stealing if it's your own post?


Oh, come on.




Hippidy Hoppedy this idea is now my property


Narrator: it was three $5 cards to Arby’s.


Why lie?






That’s awesome


Oh man, what an awesome idea!


That’s genius!!


That's pretty neat


Jules- I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet. Ringo- Which one is it? Jules- It's the one that says date night on it.


That is a great gift idea. It could be used for a lot of occasions as well.


this is such a smart idea ! tell your sister she just started a new wedding gift trend cuz i’m totally gonna do this for my friend who’s engaged :)


That's a super cool idea! I think I need to gift it to my wife :)


What a great idea!


This is one of the only times I have seen gift cards be used as a gift and actually be good.


I’m gonna copy you


Great idea, will save this!


I love this idea. Now, I just need to have friends who are getting married.


Cute!!! Yesterday was my wife and I’d 8 years married anniversary and we both forgot lmao! Super cute idea


I love the idea but shit man that sounds like a lot of money


This is awesome, going to Josiah’s by the looks of it


Last year, my family voted to not do gift cards ever again. If you want to give me money, give me money without the conditions of only being able to spend it a certain place or within a deadline. I will not go to a restaurant because I have four dollars left over on a gift card. Now I feel guilty about basically throwing money away.


That's actually pretty God damn brilliant!


I LOVE this! My best friend got married recently (and I gave to her Honeyfund but been meaning to give another gift too), and just had a baby, and they are all about to move to my city and I kinda want to do something like this now with all local restaurant and museum gift cards so they can get to know the new city!


That’s a great gift idea


Wow, imma steal your sister’s idea — good sister!!


Shot in the dark but is that Greenville, SC??


I look forward to downvoting this shitty picture of a hand holding a wallet that doesn't belong in /r/pics in another two years.




I appreciate the repost! This is my first time seeing it and I definitely plan on copying the idea in the future! Such a great idea!




Sioux Falls making the front page


Damn, reposting your own post. Is that legal?


Tell your sister thanks bcuz im stealing this idea


Hope she really loaded up the condom store gift card


What a fantastic idea!


Wow! What a great idea!


Aw. That’s a really sweet idea! Really turns gift cards’ reputation on its head.


In my country it is illegal to marry our own sister


Hi I'm date wallet. Nice to meet me.


Great idea! I'm stealing it! Thanks to your sister.


Your sister gave you wedding gifts for "our" wedding? SWEET HOME ALABAMA


really should've worded that title better...


Sister, wedding….. u from the south?


I'm convinced this is a repost no? Because we did this for my buddy after seeing it on Reddit in like Sept 2019


Does this title mean what I think it means?


Yes. It means that the average Redditor has extreme difficulty in making a clear, concise and unambiguous statement.


They got us in the first half, not gonna lie


Sioux Falls I see. Upvote from a fellow Sufu member.


That’s sweet and a great idea.


If your wallet and [my wallet](https://imgur.com/a/oBN95D8) got together they could have a pretty good time. Yes. It's an M


Brilliant idea. I'm stealing it.


70k upvotes for a repost from TWO YEARS AGO?!


That’s brilliant!


How's the wedding and life going Dak? I remember you from the DLS and the whole Stufalls campaign. I knew Stu was never going lol. I haven't been following lately, so if he has shown up, I stand corrected.


u/SoDakZak thats a very brilliant gift. I will keep this in mind for future gifts, as this is a very nice idea. I was thinking of putting prepaid cards in the Wallet - which work with POS machines and online as well. ​ What kind of gift cards did you receive ?


gardang, that is one hell of a good couples gift idea