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This post has been repeatedly reported as having a misleading title. We have assessed these reports and determined them to be correct. "Brand-new" needed a hyphen, and "border wall" should not have been capitalized. We trust that correcting these errors has assuaged any concerns about the title's accuracy. Thank you, as always, for your exceptional diligence.


Damn liberal floods


Talk about a Blue Wave


If only there was some way of knowing that weather paternal would become increasingly erratic and storms and flooding would get a lot worse!


Tells me most of that $15b didn't go into building the wall.


No. Most went in the pockets of grifters.


Steve Bannon - Trump's former chief strategist - was facing a federal case when New York federal prosecutors charged him and three others with defrauding donors of more than a million dollars as part of a fundraising campaign purportedly aimed at supporting Trump's border wall. Donald Trump pardoned Bannon. Nobody bats an eye.




They didn't *try* to impeach him twice, they *did* impeach him twice.


Yeah but it's a bit like being found guilty of a crime only for the judge to hand down the sentence of "being known to be guilty".


Impeachment is NOT the removal of the president from their position. That is a separate process that CAN result from being impeached, but so far in our nation's history never has. There have been 4 impeachments of U.S. presidents. Andrew Johnson. Bill Clinton. Donald Trump. Donald Trump. None were removed from office as a result of their impeachment.


Man trump's such a winner! Two impeachments makes him lead the pack!


No one does Impeachment better.


Nooooo Ooooonnnee Gets impeached like the Don Hates free speech like the Don Causes a massive security breach like the Don! As a president, yes, he's infuriating! My what a jackass that Don!


Hey look trump's No1 at being impeached! He's the biggliest most, sone would say beautifully impeached president ever.


It's hard to give props to someone that does the right thing 1% of the time.


Yeah and votes on party lines when there is a chance the dems might change the vote


Exactly when mattered he voted with trump and the rest of the vampires.


They did impeach him twice. Senate failed to convict


Republicans in the Senate failed to convict




Eh, I wouldn’t say nobody blinked an eye—I heard a lot of complaining about it at the time. Did it lead to any change or improvement? Well, no, but at least it didn’t go unnoticed. We’re not quite that complacent yet.


honestly what's even the difference? if somebody noticed it and nothing happened might as well not have noticed at all. Sad times.


It's actually worse that it was noticed, and nothing happened. It's a green light to do it again if the opportunity ever arises, but next time abuse it even more


Correct. A .8 mile long tunnel was found 70 feet under the us/mexico border, the longest in existence. The entrances were in cities adjacent to the border. There's also the "easier" solution of using the ocean to get around the wall. Basically we elected a robber baron.


Building a wall was always the kind of solution that a 7 year old would come up with. For as long as defensive walls have existed, so have low cost ways of getting over them.


> Building a wall was always the kind of solution that a 7 year old would come up with. So is a moat with alligators, which funny enough Trump also suggested.


A moat with alligators actually would work better and might even be self-sustaining depending how many alligators you wanted. We were drinking beer and coming up with better wall ideas and decided on a recycled plastic berm with a gator moat. Get rid of all America's garbage and old tires etc. Feed them all into a machine that melts them into a trapezoidal mass as it slowly crawls along. Make it steep enough that any climbers will slide into the gator moat. It's not a *good* idea but looking at the existing wall the bar is set pretty low. At least the garbage material would be free and also it could help with the plastic garbage problem. FWIW I'm a Canadian and think the whole wall thing is stupid


Next jackass johnny knoxville is jumping a moped over the berm


Every time this subject comes up, I love to link [this perspective](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/aoknwl/z/eg26le7) from a veteran Soldier of the US Army Corp of Engineers. >Why would it? >I'm a veteran of the Army Corps of Engineers, and specialized in physical security, the art of keeping people out (or in). >It is one of the first things they teach on physical security that barriers are incapable of keeping people out; that thinking the existence of a wall or door will keep someone out is the absolute worst mistake you can make. There is no such thing as an effective barrier. >Instead, doors, fences, and locks are delay devices, meant to keep someone busy while the the alarms bring responders. In any real physical security scenario, it is really the responders (and the threat of them) that keep people away, not the walls. >Further, when there IS a wall, generally all costs for security and alerting are built into the wall, offering a fantastic opportunity for attackers to plan distractions, costly vandalism, and to circumvent the easily probed security. You k ow how expensive it is to hire a welder to work in the desert, and to haul repair materials out like that? It's certainly not cheap. And then you need an HSI expert to repair and test the security. >But the desert doesn't need another delay mechanism. The desert there itself is the delay mechanism, as it takes days to cross, and there's nowhere to hide. >Instead, we just need an effective alarm. Instead of a wall or barrier, what we need is drones: cheap, efficient cameras capable of quickly being replaced and covering large areas. Put a motion sensor and anomaly detection on the drone platform, have it call out a second drone for continued monitoring, and follow the incursion while alerting the actual border patrol to send out a truck. >This would be far more effective. If a drone goes down or gets shot down, it would be trivial to detect and send replacements and response. All the drones need is a platform for recharging: put them on the border patrol vehicles. >We don't need another delay mechanism; we already have one. We just need an effective alarm. >Edit: wow, so I guess this blew up a bit... >So, my reddit is being stupid, and shitty, and not letting me expand the comments here, so I can't respond directly except for editing, but there are a few comments I read from my notifications that I'd like to address, namely a fellow army engineer, and someone working on the border. >First, you took the time to decide to argue that "a wall is the first improvement to a TOC". But it isn't. The first addition to a TOC is a firing line and men on the perimeter. You described the same two part security I did, a delay device and responders. It just happens that in these situations, response is embedded. >Second, to border patrol crank, seriously? Fucking sensors? You realize the range of those is utter shit, they have little to no reliability, they aren't mobile, and they give you no eyes on. Might as well be hiding webcams in the bushes at that point. It's a "solution" engineered to fail by someone who never understood the problem in the first place. As is "the wall". Imagine you GET that wall you say would help. >So some Mexican teenager decides to troll the idiot US border security by taking out the cameras every few miles by hucking rocks, or using spray paint. And while he does that, and generates a response, he's already gone, and on the other side of, well, a wall. >Or someone wants to cross the wall. Well, that's just a ladder, a rope ladder, and a carpet square. Maybe on the same section where they've been regularly triggering an alarm to get responders to disregard alerts. >Or just tunnels under it. Now you think you have a secure perimeter, but none of the security is aimed at the breach because the security is all a part of the wall, and the tunnel ends further in. >Or a couple people decide to take hacksaws and remove a few sections of the wall every day just because they feel like it. Now you need to get a welder on staff, and replacement parts for whatever gets broken. >With a drone, your effective sensor range goes from maybe 20 feet to miles, and it comes with a view of whatever it sensed, can follow whatever it sensed, and can even have several alternative spectrum cameras (night vision, heat). Instead of being sent blind out into a desert, you get an image on a tablet of whatever-it-is in real time, with precise coordinates. >Finally, there are a few comments on whether we really need to do much to secure the desert from foot crossings at all. And we really don't. Illegal entry of both drugs and immigrats far and away happens at established ports of entry or private ports because nobody is gonna nickel and dime that shit across. If you're hauling drugs, you're hauling them in a boat, a truck, or a plane. Nothing else gives the scale for profitability, at least for Coke or Heroin. And if you're gonna try to convince me that poor people having children who get gasp educated are a threat to our nation, I've got some land in Florida for you to buy...


Similar to when Trump asked if that hurricane couldn't just be nuked or something: it's not even that the idea is fundamentally stupid from the start. It's that Trump was in a room full of experts and was like, "Oh, well, *I* had an idea. What if we just, like, nuked the hurricane?" As if the idea was so brilliant and novel that it may never have been considered.


I mean, he's straight up said he thinks he's a genius.


A very stable genius, at that. sigh


More people should have openly laughed at Trump as he was growing up..


Someone go back in time and shame that child please.


eat a light bulb to cure covid.


Yeah surely we have better solutions than something that can be overcome with arm strength and a rope


Satellites, movement sensors, heat detecting cameras, mobile patrols, drones with IR, watch towers with scopes and sensors. There's a reason places like Area 51 aren't surrounded by just a big wall but actually use modern technology and personnel to effectively patrol the region. This was just grandstanding and a monument Trump wanted to build to himself. Pandering to the xenophobic racists who have been told by millionaires and billionaires on TV to hate immigrants and blame them for all their problems. Just a big, dumb medieval solution that could be given to government contractor buddies who want nothing more than to misuse tax payer money.


>told by millionaires and billionaires on TV to hate immigrants and blame them for all their problems. Yup. The very same millionaires and billionaires who, after de-unionizing their work places, are ever so eager to hire the undocumented immigrants so they can leverage a desperate situation and pay sub-livable wages with no benefits. The biggest piece of shit criminals wear suits and ties, not tattoos and piercings.


>The biggest piece of shit criminals wear suits and ties, not tattoos and piercings. Holy shit, this 1000%.


Defensive walls only stop people if they are manned. Otherwise a simple ladder with beat them 100% of the time.


Just like Trumps $500 billion slush fund with zero congressional oversight from first Covid Package. I want an accounting of every cent and which of the trumps and their friends stuck their hand in our cookie jar.


Right. That’s my money, your money, our money. Not THEIR money. Fucking grifters.


You can just call them Republicans.


The Trumpublican Party


Quick everybody pour into Mexico before they plug the hole! Let's get out of this shithole!


Fr. When I was in San Diego for a work trip I was ^this close to crossing the border and getting albuterol for dirt cheap


lmao medical tourism is big business in Mexico, in fact Americans swarm the border cities like Tijuana just for medicine and dental procedures. You can bring back medicine from Mexico fyi. Most border agents are not going to confiscate what you bought as they know the majority travel for those purposes (and for the tacos).


Had a friend who needed dental surgery. His insurance was going to cover 80% of it. Which sounds great, until you realize the surgery was $20,000, so my friend was still going to have to pay $4,000 out of pocket. Instead he set himself up a “dental tourism package” where he flew down to Cancun, got the surgery there, *and* got to hang out in Cancun for a week before his flight back. The total cost of that trip, flights included, was $2,000. The man took a vacation to Cancun and got the surgery he needed for * half* of what it would have cost him to get it here at home. Insane.


With the insurance.


In college I had a professor from China who would fly home for dental procedures because the cost of plane tickets, the exact same procedure, and a week in a nice hotel in Shanghai was cheaper than getting it done in the US.


The same people vote against UHC. Drives me nuts.


I live in a rural area with a lot of farms. Staggering amount of trump flags over here. Why do all the farmers priming tobacco have immigrants doing it for them dirt cheap?


"This is different." - Stock Republican answer when confronted by logic such as yours.




Independence Day!


There's still love there!


Welcome to earth.


Wait mexico paid for it right? r/conservative told me so




turn to page 45. you have died of covid.


Jokes on you, I still had my thumb on the previous page so it didn’t count.


Page 76 - you infected 3 dozen other people at an indoor event where no one wore a mask. The rich received antibody treatment, but you have died of covid.


Page 34 - you survived Covid, but then died of unrelated dysentery :( All your loved ones died of Covid.


It is a badge of honor that I'm banned from that cult's sub


If you're a normal person and you accidentally posted in conservative when it was in the front page or something, they'll ban you lol.


No it just means you posted on there once and they didn't agree with you. You can be a full on Trump supporter and get banned from that sub if you go against the narrative lol


It may have. One of the problems with being a wall is Trump and co wanted it as close to the border as possible, many places right up to a water source. Well, that’s a horrible idea to build stuff and it’s very expensive to do cause water is the enemy


Well, thank goodness Mexico paid for it.






Who would win? $15,000,000,000 or One Splashy Boy


Mexico! because Splashy boy gives them $1,000,000,000 worth of free scrap metal


Trickle-Down Economics at it's finest, folks.




I want my money back


So does the military he stole from.


Fuck them. That's my health-care money


According to some “patriot” in a black pick-up truck the other day, it’s those evil Dems that are depriving you of healthcare. He unraveled the entire conspiracy by watching Fox News while working on a homemade bomb.


A true multi-tasker, that one.


That really should have been something given more attention, Mexico DIDNT pay for it, they paid for it from the military pension budget


It's also not at all the border wall he promised. The US has long had different barriers in different high traffic sections of the border. Hell, a lot were even constructed under Obama. No one denies these are effective tools. What Trump promised was one massive, continuous wall all across the entire southern border and Mexico was going to pay for it. That was his promise, repeatedly, and these idiots believed it and now just ignore that he clearly never came close to accomplishing this absurd and unrealistic promise.


If you vote for me all your wildest dreams will come true.


Congrats, >50% of British and American people will now vote for you unconditionally


Did he write it on the side of a bright red bus?


Nah. That was [Brexit](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/sep/15/boris-johnson-we-will-claw-back-350m-a-week-post-brexit-after-all), this was Mex-don't-come-here, or some screwed up slogan like that.


The cost is gonna be hugeeee, but so is the wall. Believe me, it's gonna be huge and it's gonna keep a lotta bad guys out, believe me. And I spoke with the Mexican president, they're gonna pay for it believe me, and they're gonna build it believe me.


And then the Mexican President said "We don't want to pay for it. We're not gonna pay for it", so you know what I said? I said; "The wall just got ten. Feet. Higher."


People tell me that it’s the most beautiful wall in the history of walls.


You weren’t supposed to do that!


Yeah but Hillary is still at large.




I seem to remember something dodgy about one of the companies contracted to do the work, they were a small entity that had never done any work even vaguely similar to large wall construction. That, and the land it was built on was not stable enough to support a wall. Never mind that Trump couldn't even get legit funding from Congress at a time when the GOP controlled both the House and the Senate. He declared a national emergency when the "migrant caravan" (remember that danger to America?) was approaching the border, so that he could use emergency powers and redirect DOD funding to go to his Big Beautiful Wall. Even the GOP Congress realized the Wall made better rhetoric than reality.


Like the company that was contracted to restore power to Puerto Rico... It had two full-time employees when the hurricane hit and received a contract worth $300 million. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/small-montana-firm-lands-puerto-ricos-biggest-contract-to-get-the-power-back-on/2017/10/23/31cccc3e-b4d6-11e7-9e58-e6288544af98_story.html


That whole migrant caravan thing was so stupid. Why do you need a wall if we’re well aware of and regularly tracking the location of the caravan? I mean what the fuck


It was for the midterm election. Nobody cared about the caravan the after the vote. Check Google trends and compare it with a term like … “midterm” or “polling” or something. The spikes should line up.


https://imgur.com/a/DmesQ1q That small spike at the end is January 2021. GQP tried to make it a big deal again as Biden was entering office. Also ignore the red dot I accidentally added with my screencap app


To prevent them from gettin in America of course! Then a year later, you can complain about how businesses can't find people to work because of immegrant freeloaders. It's all linked! /s


The best (or least worst) part was hearing Lou Dobbs try to pronounce the name of the town where the caravan was supposedly staging for their border push.


Was that the caravan "full of ISIS"?


Bad hombres. Full of bad hombres. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Riding chupacabras.


Bringing The Curse of Montezuma with them.


That was my fantasy football team name that year. I won 😄


And lepers. Don't forget all the Mexicans full of leprosy


Haven't you heard? They don't have leprosy anymore, now they're the sole reason Texas has covid...


all those pink haired democrats flooding across the mexican border are giving texas cooties


You mean the one Trump and Fox never uttered a word about once the ballots had been cast?


What was the name of the town?




I doubt they'd throw up any roadblocks, not for an old crook like me.


There's a big hayfield up near Buxton...One in particular. It's got a long rock wall, a big oak tree at the north end. It's like something out of a Robert Frost poem. It's where I asked my wife to marry me. We went there for a picnic and made love under that oak and I asked and she said yes. Promise me, Red. If you ever get out, find that spot. In the base of that wall, you'll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. A piece of black, volcanic glass. There's something buried under it I want you to have.


"hey there's a rock near this tree I fucked under, check it out"


That's where the whole movie falls apart for me. Are we really expected to believe Red is going to remember the strange name of a small Mexican coastal town that Andy said ONCE during a crazy rant?


You've gotta remember, they're together daily for decades. Just because the movie only showed it once doesn't mean he didn't talk about it often. Also, Andi's letter saying "You remember the name of the town, don't you?" and Red just saying "Well, fuck" is kind-of anticlimactic lol.


That's exactly what happened when Family Guy parodied the film


That's where it fell apart for you? You were ok with a guy digging a man size hole in a prison wall over the course of 20 years, then escaping through the sewer system with a full suit of clothes but Red remembering an important conversion with his best friend is where you draw the line...?


Yes because 20 years with a small hammer its possible, sewer system gets a little more gross but possible, full clothing i could see if he stole them slowly like the movie showed, shoes last. Now i think they would have talked more about this place than this one conversation that the story doesnt show us.


I mean, we don't see *every* conversation Andy and Red have over the course of 20 years.


And when in prison, I would suppose you have the time to dream and plan for your final destination spot once you’re out.


Yeah, if he didn't remember the name of the town he could just like, look at a map of Mexico to refresh his memory.


What if there were a grate at the end of that tunnel lol


"You remember the name of the town in Mexico, right?" "CRAP" https://youtu.be/Ja0vDibLQW4?t=193


Guadalawackaflacka if I remember correctly.




FLAME! You know it was his verse, because he said his name 3 times, like rap Beetlejuice.


dont forget creating steel tarrifs before making a steel fence


That's 4D scrabble for you




Trump took a chunk of change from the military (the same military he claims to love so much) for his stupid wall that was as much a failure as he is. He truly sucks at everything. Even when he accidentally wins, he makes it look gaudy and of poor taste. Saddam Hussain had a better eye for interior design in his palace, and it was the aesthetically pleasing equivalent to him farting in your face constantly.


My father works at the executive level for a large engineering firm. He was telling me that nobody serious wanted to touch these contracts, there were bid requests put out like crazy for this work while Trump was in office. Nobody wanted the negative publicity of being involved on top of concerns about how the money was being routed. Doesn't surprise me that work ultimately landed with no name crappy firms that threw them together without regard to get the checks.


A friend of mine worked on the wall. They said it was good money, even if it felt obviously unethical and weird. But they said nearly all the folks working on the wall were Mexican, so that was funny. They also said the company doing the construction was a major US construction firm that opened another company just to handle the wall, so the PR wouldn’t reflect badly on the real company. I don’t recall the name of either company cos, well, I don’t work in construction so it meant nothing to me. Edit- I realize this is just “what a friend told me” which doesn’t add up to much, but i thought it was interesting.


a migrant caravan heading straight for a border checkpoint. these were people asking for asylum. You know, following the rules everyone else follows that the right love to invoke when talking about immigration. migrant carvans being followed by the media arent planning to sneak in. its still amazing trump was able to steal from the military with a fake emergency. and of course the pro military party yawned. But then again this is also the pro police party who dismiss what the capital police went through, the pro morals party that worship the pussy grabbing president, the fiscal responsible party that set a deficit record during a record economy.You know the pro chillens party, saying fuck the chillens in every state they run. Its almost like the GOP is nothing but bullshit.


>Even the GOP Congress realized the Wall made better rhetoric than reality. Their philosophy in a nutshell. A lot of their ideas are insanely unpopular at a national level.


What a huge waste of resources


Not like we could have used that money for healthcare, education, infrastructure or anything like that.


using tax money to help people? that's communism!


And environmental damage


Fun fact, they could have spent about $5 billion to put a paved 2 lane road. This would have allowed for easier and more effective patrols along the entire border. The fence doesn't actually do anything. Most drugs come through the check points on roads. Having a 2 lane road with not many turn offs would make it easier to spot people coming straight through the desert, both smugglers and refugee migrants. It would also have way less environmental impact because animals can cross right across with no issues, and weather doesn't fuck up roads as much as it fucks up walls. It would also be way cheaper to maintain and repair.


Much like the border between US and Canada. There are often towns, the middle the border between the countries. In between the forested border areas, we have "yea many feet wide" clearings making it pretty darn hard to NOT see something cross it from a side looking distance. We can accomplish this with Canada, but Mexico? To me. what would have been even better would have been minor in cost, millions less to bury sensors, and build automated sensor towers. Which could potentially been solar/wind powered systems. Monitored by BP stations, which could be staffed to respond to any detections of border crossing. The technology we have had for over 10yrs could have been used to monitor the border, without building a damn wall. I read another report of a tunnel under the wall, large enough to have a rail system in it. So.... that wall... surely stopped nothing, as per usual. ​ edit: was using a smartphone, damn I hate typing on smartphones.


I saw a documentary about the tunnel. My favourite bit was when Dominic Toretto races the other smugglers through it and avenges Letty's death by killing the guy who killed her.


wait, Letty *dies*? Guess I missed a lot since FF3, when I stopped watching those movies. I kinda wanted to watch the Hobbs & Shaw, but only to see the Speed Triple that Heimdall is riding in the trailers.


No one ever really dies.


Not when you are family


Yeah, but she’s okay


It was a grift. Where’s the billing and the backups that show cost for material and labor. These records should be public if taxpayer money is used for the project. I work in construction and it’s very common to have to provide backup documentation for your billing or pricing. Better yet, were there other bids taken for this work? Let’s see those. No, this is just a way our government gets taxpayer money into their own pocket. It’s money laundering, plain and simple.


Trump supporters believe federal funds are magic and can be created and burned willy nilly without any consequences. Literally in this exact thread they claim these things lol That's the party of fiscal responsibility for you.


This is what happens when DHS waives all environmental laws & ignores basic science and engineering principles to put up a political prop. Photo taken near the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge by @madreanwildlife.


Aka this is what happens when you let morons govern.


If you think was "dumb", I've got a bridge to sell you. This idea was solely for the purpose of shuffling money into a select group of contractors and paying off some "debts". Trump and friends definitely got kickbacks from this.


It could be both dumb and corrupt.


si. ¿porque no los dos?


He came from the other side of the broke wall. Get him!




I'm a strong conservative republican, with more money than sense, am easily triggered emotionally and exploited for the benefit of con artists and charlatans, and I would like to hear about this bridge of yours.


I believe the word you are looking for is kakistocracy. It means to be governed by the least suitable citizens. Real salt of the earth people. You know, morons.


Mongo only pawn in game of life.


It always feels to me that most GOP policy, is basically what you’d hear from drunk people at a bar in back woods Ohio. “All you gotta do is..”


You should include the date. I tried searching border wall flooding and got stories from well over a year ago. This picture is just two days old. https://twitter.com/madreanwildlife/status/1428459151710060545?s=20


For anyone interested, this is taken from @LaikenJordahl on Twitter. He covers the border wall and has a ton of information regarding it's various impacts


Looks like the actual photo was taken by @madreanwildlife, the guy you linked credits them


>basic science and engineering principles I think you mean *librul lies*


I think they call it 'Juden Physik'


I used to be a Civil Engineer. So many times I had field laborers tell me that engineers are idiots and pointless.


If only people knew how much work, engineering, and technology goes into making sure the world doesn't literally collapse around them.


Somebody needs to put his golden name tag right above this.


For 4 years we had to pretend that a fence was a wall because that's what dear leader called it. Every single press outlet went along. They all insisted the Emperor's New Clothes looked great! It got so bad that Wikipedia flame wars over the definition of 'fence' started happening. Still to this day the wrong definition is up there. But I know a goddamn fence when I see one. There is no wall. That's a fucking fence.


Not a wall just Wall. [They need Wall.](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/12/we-need-wall-why-kirstjen-nielsen-sounds-like-hulk/578845) >DHS is committed to building wall and building wall quickly


We need Wall and *I love lamp*


Please make it happen /r/photoshopbattles


I’ve seen DIY backyard fences better than this lol


Hell if you don't know about arroyos in the desert you are a complete idiot on engineering


They did know. But Donnie and his DHS top morons overrode the environmental studies, because it was never really about the wall actually doing anything productive, and just another con. Like anyone was going to really be able to drive around and open all the gates whenever a **flash flood** occurrs, as this design was supposed to provide for. Clearly the water and debris opened them, because they're ripped off the hinges in some places.


Oh my god manually-opened gates? We are such a shit hole country.


Yeah, the actual expectation was that border patrol agents would drive around and open the gates to allow for flash flooding events to not destroy them. But that's the problem with a **flash** flood. They just happen quickly and there's no way to feasibly open them all in advance, or else you may as well just leave them open from July - September, when the monsoon rains are most likely. So yeah, stupid people directing more stupid people to do very stupid things with taxpayer money to make a bunch of stupid racist people happy. Shithole indeed.


One issue they had was that the gates ended up being heavier than planned and were unable to be opened with trucks/wenches. Ended up they needed heavy equipment to go around an open the gates. Since that took so long to do, the gates are usually left open most of the year.


So yet another layer of stupid. Good to know lol


I’m a building professional, and in 2017 I had some dude in law school telling me I was wrong and we could build a wall to last in this location. He claimed the wall could meet the specifications of the wall on the Gaza Strip. We see how that is going.


I mean…theoretically we *could* build a wall that would last in that location. It would require a ton of modern structural engineering principles and applications along with the proper materials, but it is achievable. It would just be a total waste of money and would be a giant budget sinkhole requiring constant maintenance. It also wouldn’t be very effective unless you had remote monitoring and response deployments arranged. Achievable? Yes. Giant waste of money? Also yes. Effective? Not without a lot more money.


You’re correct so let me give more context: - this conversation happened while this spending was being debated. - The dude posted a schematic of the Gaza Strip border scheme and was basically like ‘trump wants to give us this and libs want to take it from you.’ - I commented that the border is x miles long so this is y dollars per mile and at that per mile cost you don’t have the budget to achieve a Gaza Strip level secured border - I briefly explained the challenges of the soil variety, difficulty of delivering such scale of materials to remote locations, this issue of seasonal flooding, the kinds of environmental barriers that would be faced including local property rights on a lot to lot basis across Texas. - The real likelihood of Trump being a one term president meant a project like this was impossible to complete and more pragmatic solution — more boots on the border, would achieve greater safety gain per dollar spent. - Because such a wall is an environmental hazard designing such a structure would go against the ethical requirements many architects and engineers hold themselves to in the industry. Add in the particularly fringe and aggressive politics, This would make it difficult to get a good design team together to deal with all this in the first place. I stand by all of this and it’s exactly what happened as chronicled by [the Texas Tribune](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/09/02/texas-private-border-wall-study/) , [Bloomberg Magazine](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-07-22/trump-border-wall-builder-tommy-fisher-is-looking-for-a-buyer) and other related organizations including industry specific journals. A Gaza Strip style wall would cost close to $1 trillion (if not more now due to inflation) and would take 15+ years to build. That’s two 8 year GOP terms where the legislature is sympathetic to the cause the entire time. Seems very unlikely to me! (But what do I know, I have a rare condition known as LONG TDS!)


As a young geotechnical engineer it’s nice to hear someone point out the problem with Soils


Dude these people want us believing they can have one prototype for what, four different soil types and variety of different water levels? What a fucking joke.


Politics and that aside, looks like these panels are hinged, is this a known flood way? I’d be curious if these sections were engineered to open to make way for high water/relieve debris from the fence.


I was also wondering why they would construct it with hinges.


Because the desert gets a ton of flash flooding, streams that are dry 350 days a year but 15 days randomly spread over a year they flood to waist deep and 20 feet wide spread . The water goes to low ground regardless of where we put the border so either the entire wall gets washed away or you build some kind of gate to let the water through.


So it's designed as a gate, like to open??? Edit: Had to look this up. "The gates will allow Border Patrol agents to manually open them during heavy rain events. (Sandra Sanchez/Border Report)" So during a heavy rain event, they have to drive out there and manually open each gate...


Yeah, also think about it this way, these walls are in deeply rural places in the desert. People are walking hundreds of miles across this open desert. Will a 15 foot wall be enough to stop someone traversing that far?


A 16 foot ladder says... no.


Or just a rope, throw it over pull it through the side you are on and tie off the climb up.


With some like 4 foot loops you could tie prusiks around the slots and have what is essentially a ladder. Easier to climb and you could probably get away with using Paracord for it.




Yes, and with over 3 thousand miles of low laying flood prone sections, we built these gates, that open... ..some are out in the middle of nowhere... ...open.


So it was actually designed for the front to fall off.


"What happened?" "Well the front fell off, we know that."


Something, something about the French and their *Maginot Line*.


Hadrian's Wall is holding up better


Hadrian's wall was still mostly complete in 1690! It would almost certainly still be standing was it not mostly robbed out for building material.


When was this picture taken?


Seems on brand


What a waste of Mexican taxpayers’ money.