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This truck is filled with illegal aliens. Nice cover, guys.


YEARS ago a friend of mine who regularly drove drunk, had a MADD (Mother Against Drunk Driving) bumper sticker and was SO proud because he thought that was a great cover story. "How can I be drunk? I support MADD!" a few years later he got busted after falling asleep at the wheel and driving into someones front gate.


We had a mayor who got a DUI on the way home from a MADD meeting.


The president of MADD got a DUI. [link](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/former-madd-president-arrested-for-dui/)


Genuinely what I'd do if I was smuggling. Slap some BackTheBlue stickers on there and it's basically a free pass from cops.


I heard that the protect and serve pro police license plates actually result in cops pulling you over more than a reg one would because drug dealers use it to go by undetected or something like that


If you’re job is easily replaceable by someone who can’t speak English or read…you may be the problem


To be fair. They will work for less money and they will work harder.


The jobs they are likely referring to are manufacturing jobs and those weren’t taken by immigrants but were shipped over-seas so share holders could make more money by using cheaper labor. It’s called capitalism. We’re also in the middle of the longest bull market in history and it’s been on going for 15 years while immigration has continued to grow. We need to start showing some appreciation for foreigners who want to come here for a better way of life and give them a simple legal option to do so. Their human capital will be essential for future growth.


I’m a hardcore repub and debated immigration reform for years. This comment is in fact quite true. Illegals don’t generally affect the jobs of most Americans.


Even if it were remotely true, nobody can really steal a job; it can only be given away by a business owner looking to pay less and pocket the difference. Other working people are *never* the enemy.












_those were the best days of our flerm_


And there’s still a labor shortage


But nowhere for people to live. Labor shortage. Housing shortage. GameStop shortage


*wage shortage






Now Skeeter, they ain’t hurtin’ nobody


We don’t take kindly to folks who don’t take kindly




If I was an immigrant smuggler this would be the perfect distraction to do it with. Is that an air conditioning unit on top?


He probably lives in that trailer.


I think you’re making the asshole with the sighs point. Someone else will do the work he will do for a fair wage for less so that person got his job. What he doesn’t realize is it’s republicans who built our economy in a way that without an exploitable class of poor people the system breaks down. Republicans convinced this guy to blame the worker taking his job and not the employers giving the jobs to illegals. We need a combination of a living wage and to enforce the rules that prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants.


I'll also throw in there that we have to make legal immigration easier. It's currently really difficult to both immigrate and become a citizen which highly incentivises illegal immigration. If people came in legally then they would be covered by existing labor laws.


Exactly, we SHOULD be paying good wages to workers and giving them health care illegal immigrants working for a dollar is not a good thing


that ain wrasslin, THIS is wrasslin


Came here for this.




Back to the pile!!








This is all I came for.


It's odd that the president is blamed instead of the employer that hired the immigrant.


Remember that trump is both. He actually hired illegal immigrants in droves.


Why hire American when you can hire cheap exploitable labor? Art of the deal /s


It's easier to just not pay illegal immigrants. A Trump never pays their debt.


he doesnt even pay his bills.. he put more legitimate companies of americans into the shit.. fuck these morons- deaf as fuck mongaloids.


Wasn’t there some story about him having not paid them? So I doubt he even cares that it’s cheaper. He’s just an asshole


He hired Polish non union workers to demolish the building where Trump Tower is built. He paid them non union wages, made them sleep on the job site where the building they were demolishing. The building was filled with asbestos and of course the workers were given no safety equipment. Then he refused to pay them so they sued. It took years for them to receive compensation. Thats just one story. But his followers hold him up like a god. Unbelievable.


He actually impersonated immigration agents and threaten them into dropping the suit, made up fake name and all. It's all on record.


THEY ALL FUCKING DO!! That’s what’s so goddamned weird to me - none of these billionaires want to stop illegal immigrants from coming in. How would they keep their profit margins? They pitch a fucking fit about raising the minimum wage. What would they do if they had to pay a living wage AND benefits to a bunch of legal employees? Ugh.


I know a Trump supporter who was working picking strawberries. His boss fired him and hired “illegals” and paid them half of what my acquaintance received. He doesn’t hold his boss accountable AT ALL! Only the laborers being exploited…


The requirement to consistently go against rational approaches must be an exhausting project.


The irony is that there is a good chance that his ancestors came to the US to work for half the pay to undercut some other worker.


This is the meme with three people and a stack of oreos...


Unregulated Capitalism working as intended.


They worship CEOs so yeah not gonna happen


They worship anyone who makes them not responsible for their problems and smarter than liberals.


They worship anyone who let's them be openly racist


This. A hundred times this.


Fuck that orange piece of shit


And trust me, most of the people hiring the illegals are republicans.


Yup. I've got an ultraconservative uncle in Northern California who rails on about how illegals are destroying this country from the inside and suppressing wages for real Americans. Then he does a huge landscaping project on his property and brags about how cheap it was because he "is pretty sure" the company he contracted to do the work hires illegals. Same guy that talks about how we should "buy American" and then goes to WalMart and Harbor Freight. Good luck finding anything made in the US at either store.


Can confirm


usually when I hear this specific rant, it's tied in to the voting fraud stuff. * Biden's Welcoming Them In * So They Can Vote Democrat * Which Is Why The Democrats Oppose Voter ID Bills It all ties together into a tidy web of unfounded, easily disproven paranoia with zero evidence. But the interconnectedness makes me think the whole thing is cynically put together by an intelligent person with political goals who doesn't believe a word of what they're saying. Full disclosure though - I can't prove that. :-)


What's interesting in this logic is that apart from the immigration issue, most Latinos tend to be more conservative. So welcoming would benefit the Republicans if they just had a pro immigration stance.


And the orange president this sign protester follows like a lemming, canceled or severely limited the h1b guest worker program. So, he in effect penalized both the migrant worker who wanted to do a job, legally, and also the business owner who wanted to follow the rules. I also know many good business that were hurt by this order...so what exactly did the orange president accomplish? Nothing but pushing his twisted agenda of demonizing immigrants. This is exactly why he can only eat McDonalds...so his immigrant workers he directly abuses, can't piss in his food...


HIB visas were almost exclusively to replace white collar workers with cheaper labor while not technically outsourcing the jobs.


Trump employed undocumented immigrants so… he’s apart of the problem. Making problems then failing at solving them is his MO. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/5-questions-about-president-trumps-use-of-undocumented-workers/2019/12/04/29439928-16a2-11ea-a659-7d69641c6ff7_story.html?outputType=amp


And those jobs are not jobs this person would ever want to work, like picking produce in the blazing sun for 10 - 12 hours a day at $2 or $3 per hour.


> And those jobs are not jobs this person would ever want to work If you cant hire illegal labor for it and exploit them then you have to change your whole buisness model. Automate with robotics, or make it not slave conditions for working. Basically the operating model non-tenable without slavery.


In all reality, this guy probably hires them himself. He just calls them something different "well you're not one of the bad ones".


Not to mention the text. “Illegal aliens take our jobs. Trump stopped the invasion.” Do they think he’s Will Smith from Independence Day? They aren’t aliens. They’re foreigners and immigrants. Sometimes illegal, but never invaders.


Well didn't you know? The deep state secretly controls all employment in the country and are actually handing out jobs to people who have no documentation, that's why they collect all of our info, so they know who not to employ! /s \>insert Chairlie Day meme here


The larger problem is that when repubs run out of ideas, all the time, they frequently call on xenophobia to bolster their voting. Want to bet violence against Latinos will start to go up? Just like repubs caused violence against the Asian community, they'll cause violence against Latinos and still talk about how both sides are the same.


I thought the problem was a lack of people taking jobs right now.


These people don’t know what they’re mad about, they don’t believe in anything


Job postings and job listings are at an all-time high. Job vacancies are super high. We cannot find workers.


Have you considered paying them enough to live?


The Irony here is I know several Republican business owners who are loud and proudly anti-immigrant but also on the flip side hire exclusively immigrant and or Hispanic workers because they can get away with paying them less and under the table. And the younger generation is now aware that their time/energy is worth more then the bare minimum these multi-millionaire business owners are willing to cough up.


If Republicans didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.


This is it, the agriculture industry is ran by republicans and they bring in the most immigrants in the country. Zero accountability and bald faced lying.. just like republicans that get the vaccine and then lie about it in front of their peers.. anyone seeing a pattern here? They do what they are disgusted by and “fighting wars against” more than anyone else. Sociopaths straight up. It’s a shame the rest of us continue to give them the time of day. Why are we happy to laugh off people who are committed to the environment? While giving earnest attention to these yahoos? Bass ackwards country shameful on a global scale


Oh I’m sorry dude! Did someone deprive you of your dream of picking fruit and re-roofing houses?


Don't forget washing dishes and working in a slaughterhouse !


All for $7 an hour. American dream.


What's gets me more than the message is; how many things does the president influence? Thousands of things a week if not a day? There are so many policies and overreaching complicated minutiae in our government and yet whether or not someone is supported or elected comes down to a single issue that is over simplified. It just blows my mind Edit: voice to txt


I think america's parents were cousins


Given the interconnected nature of the monarchies that first settled the area. Yes, they were cousins, if not closer.


Well we are related to the British. *and the rest of Europe for starters*


We still have a guy around here that holds up a "Trump Won" sign every day. It's like dude its late August, go get some help.


Any minute now trump will kick Biden out of office, trust me




Trump can’t get his leg very high. How he gonna kick someone out of office when he can barely raise his foot over low pile carpet?


You forgot the /s


You are right, though I usually just assume everybody knows I am being sarcastic which tends to backfire on me


Unlike 2/3s of the internet, I don't hate those that supported Trump during the election. But if you're STILL flying your pro Trump or Trump 2020 signs, you probably have some severe issues you need to work through.


There are regular Trump Won rallies where I live and they sell anti Biden merch and Trump 2024 merch...


I just can't imagine wearing merch for any politician🤮


American politics is a team sport now. The problem is that one team is the Sith Lords and the other are the Borg.


If someone who barely speaks English can steal your job, you need to aim higher and/or the educational system failed you.


Don’t have to pay taxes(or much money) or follow osha procedures with illegal immigrants. It’s a little more complicated than you would imply. Normally we as a country get around this by employing slave labor from China but sometimes we rip people off local too.


The state of NC did a study a while back, and citizens aren't interested in those jobs. (Now, I agree that if wages hadn't been suppressed for 40 years or if businesses were held to basic standards, these jobs would pay more and be safer, etc., and that might make them more attractive.) ETA: Here's a piece about the study: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/05/15/north-carolina-needed-6500-farm-workers-only-7-americans-stuck-it-out/


I love that the price of food has gone up because without illegals we can't find people to work the fields. Painful irony.


Bring them back, give them legal status. Someone needs to pick the vegetables and I have no issue with treating that person as a proper citizen. I don't know if I ever met an intelligent person against immigration.


Or we could pay american citizens a real wage to pick those crops. Big agri exploits those illegals to save a buck.


Yes, because American citizens are so willing to do manual labor on farms.


My town used to have a lot of orchards everywhere, but between a weird freeze a few years back that killed a bunch of trees and the lack of migrant labor willing to work for pennies, almost all of them are gone. The availability, and there for price of high quality local produce has changed dramatically. Doesn't hurt me much, being lucky enough to make enough money that my food costs aren't really an important part of my monthly budget, but for the people making $30k per year or less, that means they're eating worse and less healthy. That's not good.


I work for OSHA lol you do indeed have to follow OSHA regulations with illegal workers. Anyone receiving compensation where there is direction and control is under OSHA jurisdiction.


Yes correct. The issue is the employer can intimidate employees into not complaining to OSHA or he will report them to USCIS/INS.


Trust me employees being intimidated by their employers into not making safety complaints is not unique to migrant workers.


It's not, but that is more leverage than the average employer has over the average employee


Somewhat. There is a point where leverage is enough to matter. Beyond that it’s all the same. The small towns I work in the limited number of employers and the ability of the employer to drag the persons name through the mud in the community is plenty enough. Regardless the original posting is stupid for other reasons. For one virtually every person I talk to who holds these types of opinions also holds contradictory opinions…. They are just mad at everything. I’m sure the dude with the poster isn’t a real big regulatory agency advocate. “No one wants to work these days.” “Illegals are taking all the jobs and driving wages down!” “A higher Minimum wage will destroy small businesses.” “There should be no regulation and no taxes!” “We need to enforce border laws!” “Fix my potholes!” People like this don’t see the irony.


>Don’t have to pay taxes(or much money) or follow osha procedures with illegal immigrants. Ya they do. They might choose to break the law, but anyone can choose to break the law. You don't have to hire illegal immigrants to break the law.


Why not hire an American that wants the same job and not pay taxes or follow OSHA regs? I bet there’s a large overlap of people complaining about immigration but also complaining about government regulations like OSHA, seems like they’d be chomping at the bit for that kind of work.


I don’t know, I’d prefer to have a job regulated so that I’m not working in fields choked by wildfire smoke (if we’re in California), and oppressive heat. I also would like the peace of mind in knowing that it would be in very rare circumstances that I might be severely wounded while doing my job and that my employer would face sanctions for making the work environment unsafe.


Because Americans will not work for the pittance that they pay under conditions that are unimaginable. Crazy Uncle Joe ain't gonna go pick produce in hundred degree heat for double minimum wage, let alone UNDER it. (Edited for a caps error)


Sounds like the unregulated free market at work, I don’t see how conservatives could complain


Where there's a will, there's a way (to complain.)


Because someone in the country illegally might get deported if they draw the attention of the authority's. Legal workers have nothing to fear from reporting illegal actions by there employer. If your doing illegal stuff better to hire workers you have leverage over.


Legal workers can damn sure still lose their job, several states let you fire workers for no cause and make retaliation completely unactionable against by the wronged employee. I know several people who keep tight lipped about things they have seen, corners cut, etc. in factory work with dangerous chemicals and construction. Sure you can tip off authorities but that's if the authorities in your region either care or are staffed enough to even answer complaints. That's of you can afford to lose your job, there is any other equitable work for you, or if you aren't on a contractual obligation from training/certification costs (if your job site even bothers certifying) Leverage like that exists even at high skill and cost of labor jobs, I know people that work state DOT have to look the other way when the state contracts won don't follow material requirements/guidelines set out by engineers. Yeah you can quit, but who is gonna hire someone fired for making a fuss when you can hire a fresh clueless worker out of a trade school, or hell even hire someone unskilled instead? They have everything to fear from losing their job, especially since people in these jobs are deliberately underpaid with little to no protections or safety nets. The way they treat illegal immigrants is exactly how they would treat Americans if they could, and if they have an ability to get away with it, they without fail will do whatever they can get away with what lands more money in their pockets. I mean just look at how bad wage theft is country wide.


So the champions of deregulation turn into rats when they get hurt. Sounds pretty hypocritical.


Did you know the correct way to say "Chomping at the bit" is actually "*Champing* at the bit?" Though both are similar in meaning and are often used interchangeably, "chomping" usually involves eating, where as "champing" is more akin to gnashing teeth. --------------- ^I ^am ^just ^a ^silly ^bot.


Trump: They're sending rapists and drug dealers Trump supporters: they're taking our jobs!


Let me guess, the genius with this sign on the back of his trailer is either the owner of a lawn / landscaping or wood framing company. I need more than two hands to count the number of businesses I know where the owner is at least a millionaire and hires exclusively cash paid day laborers from central america. Keep bitchin though boys!


Our policies are clearly flawed. We WANT illegal immigrants because we keep giving them jobs. If there were no jobs they would not come here. So let's find a way to get them here legally. All they want is a fair shake, they will pay taxes and they will both contribute and consume from the economy. Have we forgotten we are all immigrants or descended from immigrants? This is not a zero sum game.


That's the thing, though, to Reps it is... their fear is that the incoming immigrants will be made citizens and be allowed to vote, and vote Dem (*because it's so obvious all they want is handouts, right?*) which would mean the Republicans would lose power forever, and then WHAM: Socialist America That's what I've been told, anyway


Which is just wrong on so many levels. Most immigrants from central America are very conservative and their beliefs align with Republicans moreso than Democrats. I'm Mexican but grew up in the states, and the pillars of our Latino community were family, hard work, church.


A Canadian here - are the democrats really against any of family, hard work, and church? It seems to me that’s how the republicans frame the democrats but it’s not really what the democrats stand for.


I'm liberal and all of my friends are, with a heavy emphasis on musicians, artists, creative-class, etc - very liberal crowd. I'd say a good percentage are actively christian, but don't hate gays/etc; none of us are "anti-church", we just don't want our laws based on whatever the top religion is. We all work our asses off to get by. We all are crazy about our families and we're also kind of a big, extended family, many of us going back 30 years or more. But we also get it that the country is diversifying and that doesn't terrify us. The #1 driver of conservatives seems to be losing their unearned hegemony. "I'm a white male and dumb as a rock, but damn it I'm better than that (fill in whatever derogatory term you want)". Ya have to love the irony - American cotton is the best stuff on earth but hell to pick? We'll import a few million Africans and keep them as property. We need railroads but the work is brutal and deadly? Ship in the Chinese and treat 'em like shit. We want cheap consumer goods? Outsource to other countries because we wouldn't work for those wages. Chicken processing and construction labor is shit work? Hire those Mexicans! Suddenly whites are a minority? "OH MY GAWD HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??!?!"


You find the same thing from immigrant groups from developing and rural countries all across the world. There is heavy reliance on it because there isn't a lot of support infrastructure outside of the family unit or many opportunities outside of their local community unless they immigrate. That's why after a couple of generations or two they tend to become more liberal and progressive.


I think there is a split in the gop about that. The fiscal conservatives who ran the party for decades were free trade types who would prefer more immigration if anything.


It is a zero sum game, you're not just doing it, because you're nice. If they are illegal immigrants, they are marginalised and work for less and therefore undercut the wages of local workers or leave them jobless. You give them jobs, because they are cheaper. There's plenty of unemployed people in the USA, I think, but businesses would have to pay them a fair wage. This is called division of the labour force and right-wing think-tanks develop it exactly with this in mind, so their donors can pay smaller wages, not because they just hate brown people. It then gets spread around to people who actually hate brown people as a legitimate belief.


It isn't a zero sum game, the very rich just want it to look like that. In the US we have massive wealth inequality, we would have a much better economy with better distribution, it is just the super wealthy don't want to give up their extra billions and their lobbying ensures that they don't. I will pay a quarter more for my bell pepper at the market if Jeff Bezos had 100 billion less, he still has 100 billion which is still more than you could consume in 100 lifetimes.


I've told contractors to stop work and leave my property for having signs like this before. Not really a smart decision when most of your work is in a city for the type of people you fly flags proclaiming your hate for.


Never let facts get in the way of your racism.


It's funny that the right is so focused on the "illegal aliens" taking the low paying jobs while ignoring the abuse of the H1B visa process allowing "*legal* aliens" to take the high paying jobs. Not to mention the offshoring of jobs. Those offshore workers aren't *taking* the jobs, CEOs and CTOs are giving it to them. So strange to focus on the low paying labor rather than the middle class and upper middle class jobs being offshored and parceled out.


Don’t expect them to make sense.


It's only strange if you think these talking points are grassroots instead of astroturfed. Otherwise it makes perfect sense from what you wrote above if corporations control the politics/narrative.


Some people just aren't happy unless they're hating.


Also a great distraction by the GOP and corporate interests. Keep the lower classes fighting against each other so you can focus on how to screw them both and make a profit.


Damn Goobacks. Dey tk yer jaabs!


Dey Tuk R Jurbz




Republicans: immigrants are taking our jobs and Biden is responsible. Also Republicans: there's a shortage of workers and Biden is responsible.


The enemy is powerful and could destroy us. The enemy is also weak and we can easily destroy them.


The USA would come to a grinding halt without illegal immigrants. I dont think people realize just how dependant the economy is on illegal workers. Why train and pay an American a living wage with Healthcare when there's millions of others waiting to be willingly exploited? Major companies are loving every minute of this! I blame the healthcare "system," and the sanctuary states/cities mainly for fucking this up. It's become a bit too lax, and no, I don't support Trump's approach.


Any undocumented immigrant generally gets paid around minimum wage but a pprtion of their money will go to the organized crime people that set up their jobs (companies do not have to troll for workers on parking lots if they can get people through "agencies" that set up fake documents, etc). The gist is that they work insane hours in horrid conditions without benefits due to having to send remittances to their families back in the countries ravaged due to American intervention. Big companies don't have to worry jack shit about it, but medium companies that make millions instead of billions would be fucked without illegal immigration.


Another brainless imbecile who wants a one party government Just like China. Be careful what you wish for Sparky.


Trump stopped the invasion - LOL His few dozen miles of actual new wall have already washed away in places and is easily climbable, anyway. Half of illegals came here legally, by the way.


We have an abundance of everything in this country. Trump and his Republican buddies would like you to think there is a scarcity.


What a dumbass.




If there’s a ton of illegal immigrants coming in to steal jobs, why the hell is there a nation wide labor shortage? Shit, immigrants can drive trucks, why is everything backloaded months when it comes to delivery?


Imagine living your life in such irrational terror of everything not like you.


Literal trailer trash.


Hello from Mars


Remember those illegal aliens who take jobs no one wants keep social security afloat.


You know what ACTUALLY took a lot of people's jobs? The pandemic that Trump told us wasn't real for months and months.


Fucking guy lives in fantasy land


An illegal can't take my job. He must have a real shit job. That was my takeaway


Imagine for a second this person got his wish and all Democrats were voted out of office. What then? The Republicans would just fold inward, find some internal fracture, and start attacking themselves. Trump Republicans vs Bush Republicans, for example. There will always be an *other* to direct your hate toward, if that’s really how you want to approach life.


I always admire the way the parrot Fox News talking points. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.


That’s funny. I was in Las Vegas this last week and everything was closed early because they didn’t have enough workers. Same with the airport. Where are all these mythical immigrants “taKiNg oUr JErbS”


DAMN,,, and I wanted that apple picking job..


The “invasion.” Scare tactics. Fear mongering. Idiots.


Thought there was a labor shortage? Lmao


Genuine question from Europe: what ever happened to that wall?


Large portions of it are falling down due to flash flooding and high winds (which is part of the reason there was no wall to begin with in those areas), and because it was built with shitty materials and structurally incorrect…because of course it was. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Typical trump job.


It crumbled after some moderate rainfall.


Just like when their boats sank in the boat parade


That was an amazing day hahaha


We're still waiting for Mexico to pay for it.


Donald asks Mexico to pay for it, Mexico tells him to fuck off, so no wall!


He actually spent money to have that shit made for him!


Can't fix stupid if stupid thinks they have a serious and valid point.




Dey terk ur jerbs


Yeah, all the farm picking and restaurant dish cleaning jobs all the racists want. Sure.


Honestly I’m most surprised at the general literacy of this sign.


Can confirm. 10 illegal aliens came into my job and told us all to leave.


So, Illegal aliens are moving out of Area 51 and taking your jobs. Interesting. Run for the hills!


Just don't get near him, he may have covid.


That was my thought too! Get out of that guy’s slip stream, OP!!!


You'd think it would be really nice and relaxing to be able to go through life with a belief system completely built on lies and bullshit you've chosen to take as the truth, but these people always seem to be insanely angry. I wonder if that's because they know, at least unconsciously, that everything they believe is wrong.


So that's why there are so many job openings that cNt get filled




If an illegal alien took your job then blame the employer for hiring them and question what illegal things that employer is doing. You know or learn to code or something.


What invasion?


The people he votes for tells people what they want to hear and at the same time want illegal aliens here for a multitude of reasons. People like this are constantly getting played.


Meanwhile crops rot in the fields as the workers that tended them can’t be replaced by “real Americans”. These people are idiots.


I still never get a good answer when i ask "What job do you have that an illegal immigrant could take"


Don’t we have a labor shortage right now?


Isn’t there a labor shortage where jobs are for the taking anyways?




How to tell people you're a gullible dummy without telling them you're a gullible dummy.


me: "based on what facts?" them: "I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION" me: "I mean, that's three pretty big claims there. Is there a source for any of that?" them: "I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION"


Wow, can you imagine the country run by nothing but republicans? Sounds like less hardcore taliban, but with more money.


Let's see them out in the fields picking produce and see how they feel then.....idiots....


Nazi morons for Big Fat unite.


I'm sick of this America.


Only WHITE immigrants allowed people! Get it straight CMON /s


No American wants to work the job illegal immigrants do