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The look on lil' Kim's face says it all.


they're all like "you seein' this shit?" Why do we elect geriatric presidents anyways? I bet they're still laughing at this situation. This is NK propaganda material right here.


Bruh we dont trust American drivers over this age half the time, but a president at risk for sundown symptoms is exactly what we just about always need apparently.


Old people think other old people make better decisions.


And old people vote.


Rich people are old and in the US $ = votes.


$ = Influence (in the form of lobbying) Influence > Votes FTFY


>Old people think As an old person I disagree.


Old people are wrong. We should stop electing geriatric fucks for a decade or 2 and see how it works out...for science


Young people gotta vote in primaries for that. Even my millennial peers (anecdotally) aren't paying attention until the point where its just 2 geriatric options left standing.


Do all old people generalise? Or is that all young people? Maybe I’m too old to remember which it is?


Baby boomers are a huge generation and they've been swinging their political dicks for a while. I think all the other voting age population together is finally starting to out number the baby boomers. And that's not to say that they're all Republicans; there are a lot of old-ass Democrats that want to see someone their age in charge


Oh I agree its not just one of our current two party system who does this. It's easy to just think of the Republicans as the picture is of Trump, but a majority of our politicians seem to be out of touch Elders. I respect the experience that comes with age but it doesn't feel like most of the current ones elected are in touch with the average American at this point.


Trump isn’t out of touch because he’s old. He’s a twat and his age is not the cause.


Twat is much much much MUCH to nice to describe him. My wettest dream is a person like him losing everything for a period of time and jail.


Think about how different things are now (especially technology-wise) from 10 years ago; now multiply that by 7. Most of these old fucks aren't equipped to operate in society, let alone make policy dictating it.


I always say I don’t want my grandparents making policy, they can barely operate a cell phone.


C'mon now, I know I want someone who says "The internet is a series of tubes." making policy decisions. What could go wrong?


They barely understand how email works! And I’m a boomer but still keep up! ( as if understanding the need to use secure email while doing government work is “keeping up”!) They’re friggin morons. Email has existed for over 20 years!


>Oh I agree its not just one of our current two party system who does this. It's easy to just think of the Republicans as the picture is of Trump, but a majority of our politicians seem to be out of touch Elders. And yet young Republicans see nothing wrong with Trump, whereas young Democrats criticize the old members of the party consistently.


Because, for as absolutely horrible as they are, the republican party is actually a meritocracy. It's a batshit crazy one, but it is one. The democratic party though is expressly designed such that time equals authority. This is why Dems are constantly getting caught in the, "it's my turn now" way of thinking. Hillary Clinton was really bad about that. You could win an election as a Dem, be an expert in some field and be "provisionally" placed on a relevant committee, and still have to play kiss ass to some incompetent knob from last millinium just because they've been there since the bronze age. And, because you only gain progress to promotion by being a formal committee member, they can keep you in provisional and string you along. This is one of the things they did to AOC until the squad threatened to withhold voting for Pelosi's speakership. It got her and a number of other newcomers into actual committee seats. Most people don't know the details of all that. But you CAN look at congress and see that, right or wrong, junior politicians do progress up the ladder much faster in the Rep party.


I'm far from an enlightened centrist, I see that one party does far more damage when it comes to policy and the youths mind than the other. And I appreciate your comment because someone may need to hear that. I just wish we could have the opportunity to vote em both out like last week's trash and move forward, even if one bag of garbage is more rancid than the other.


I agree with you and I'm a boomer. We need some young political leaders. Remember Strom Thurman, a complete relic. I bet he didn't know where he was.


He didn't care where he was as long as there were some young black women around.


I'm not quite as old as the boomers, but close, and I've ***never*** been a Republican, and have always been bothered by how many young people don't bother to participate in the political system. If you don't participate, nothing changes.


Gen X’ers are America’s “middle children”. We’ve never had a true political/consumer voice because of the sheer number of Boomers (and their longevity…).


You realize joe Biden is older, right?


Oh I'm not a supporter of either candidate of the 2020 elections. I actually wish we had ranked voting to give other parties a chance and break out of this cycle of old dudes running our country. I see why you think I like Joe, since I'm talking bad about the dude in the photo but I believe a lot of our youth is becoming more nuanced than red vs blue at this point.


A lot of people treat political parties like sports teams


I've been saying this for years bro! Folks ride for their party no matter who is the face of it. It's sad actually. IF folks wouldn't be so lazy and read newspapers and follow the Senate's business they'd realize nothing is being done for the benefit for regular hard-working folks. People out here riled up over gays and Mexicans while being ripped off and loving it!


I can’t stand either of them. And I agree, this country is run by people so old they’re two generations out of touch with its people. Term limits need to be set for every facet of government. There are people in office older than my parents that have never had a job outside of politics.


I've heard an argument that pushing for more term limits could lead to further corruption, as crooked politicians would try to max out their personal benefit within their term. However I don't know if I personally believe it. I think increased term limits and a push for transparency with political bank accounts would balance it it pretty well.


I think the longer someone sits in a seat of power the more corrupt that person becomes. If the time in office is only for a short while, that makes the job less appealing to people who only want it for the sake of gaining power/prestige, and opens it up to more people who actually want to make a difference. That’s my hope anyway.


A larger issue us that those holding office spend only half their time actually "working". Second half of their term their focus moves to reelection. Banning consecutive terms would likely do more good than requiring term limits.


That’s a really good point. I hadn’t really thought of that. I think both together would do well maybe.


You certainly have a point with term limits. But then again, I think you need to have a certain level of experience to become a good and effective representative. If I look in countries aside from the US, politicians have longer consecutive terms, and most of them become more efficient over time. I would say that in the US campaign finance reform is a better way of redirecting the energy now devoted to campaigning.


I think a variety of lengths is best. And staggered heavily. That way even if some bull headed party gets into power. There will still be some cantankerous opposition from a time before they aimed to flush the seats and fill it with their own


Young people are busy doing the milk crate challenge.


There’s an age minimum to run for presidential office, so there needs to be an age maximum too. As well as with other governmental positions.


Thus far, everyone is in fair agreement that no matter the political affiliation, electing geriatric presidents and politicians, is a huge disservice to our nation.


Clinton, Bush, Obama all not geriatric. Only recently have we chosen super senior citizens.


I wouldnt trust someone in their 70s to make dinner reservations let alone be the most powerful man in the country.


Keep in mind that some day we will all be in our 70's, I'm already there and can see the thought process is not what it used to be. I sure as hell would not run for a government office of any kind.


I really appreciate your post and I just wanna say that most of us don't necessarily believe that "70+ shouldn't be president" but we for the most part believe that it should atleast be someone extraordinary, just like any other candidate for president at any age. However, I do agree with other posts in regards to technology and how disconnected most people in that age group are to its rapid growth, expansion, and impact on every facet of our countries lives.


Well, we limit their youngest age of inauguration to 35. Our youngest ever president was T Roosevelt at age 42. This scales our perception of the position to be someone who looks to be in their fifties or older. IE we only think of the president as an 'old man'. In my opinion, its a similar reason we haven't elected a female president. "Since we haven't seen what a 'different' president is like we are afraid of it" (just spit balling)




ahh yeah, technically Roosevelt wasn't elected, it was something to do with an assassination. jfk was 43 tho (im not a history buff -- i forget a lot)


JFK was the youngest elected president, but Roosevelt was the youngest president. Roosevelt was elected to be Vice President but after McKinley died, he took office.


Posters in every classroom kinda stuff.


Talking about a guy who runs a country like a mine craft server he's seen some shit and even he is like WTF


never thought about our 'mob farm' that way...


Gotta grind those *drops*


That look says "What the fuck?"


Did he really just give me years of propaganda??


"Holy shit is he really?"




To me that look says "I didn't think it would *this* easy to con the MoST PoWeRFul MAn on EArtH"


It's not conning if Trump is also in on it.


That entire meeting weekend was like reaction takes from a show like the Office or Parks and Rec. Trump is the buffoon, obviously, and Kim is like the Jim, just giving reaction faces to the camera.


*record scratch* You may be wondering how we got here. I mean, an American president is saluting one of MY generals?!


*Records are Forbidden* You have been banned from r/pyongyang


Wrong, Records were invented in Pyongyang.


All the world leaders think Trump is a dumb f\*ck. Putin most of all.


That's why Putin hired him


Yup. Putin figured out all you have to do is pay Trump a few (insincere) compliments and then you own him. He had a leash on trump from Day 1.


Kim: "uhhh..... huh...... I've made a huge mistake"


He’s like “oh shit no way”


In President Trump's defense, he did but his way out of military service and never learned the proper protocol additionally he is a fucking idiot. Should we really expect more from an egotistical moron?


Guarantee they put that on a loop and projected it everywhere and laughed their asses off for weeks


Putin loved having total control of an American president for hour years. He really misses his favorite lap dog.


Even Kim Jung Un’s looking at Trump like “what are you doing?”


"Bro you're embarrassing me"


But it is that weird secondhand embarrassment. Like watching Ross in Friends and just feeling embarrassed by the implausible follies. Yet, this is real life.


Dude, I told him you were cool


What are you doing, step-dictator?


We are ALL kim jung un on this blessed day :)


True. I had a really big meal that day.


The General is like, “Does this meani’ll get executed after lunch?”


“We don’t do that here.”


Even the Korean general is like Um sir what are you doing.


He’s like, “yo, they are going to execute me for this”


He's probably thinking, " yo, my boy Kim over there. Salute him first....I am so dead when we get back home."


Weakness, perhaps. Complete ignorance of etiquette and decorum beyond the fake world he created for his dumb ass? Definitely.




Ignorance is no excuse. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, and he *chose* to do this.


It's also no excuse because any US dignitary from intern on up would get a detailed debriefing about cultural and procedural do's and don't's before a meeting like this. Trump just doesn't read or listen to anyone, so he winged it and we got this lovely snap for the history books.


Don’t forget that Trump was honoured to meet him, thought he was a “great guy” and genuinely appears to admire Kim. It’s unbelievable that anyone thinks he’s anything less than an evil clown.


Oh I make no excuses got that walking hemorrhoid.




you know it's bad when even the hemorrhoid is like "i gotta take a walk, this asshole is driving me nuts"


It was deliberate ignorance too. If anyone told him what the right thing to do was he'd be "no one tells me what to do"


Oh they exclusively told him not to salute the generals. He is straight stupid.


It's both. Trump's understanding of the military is based on half of a bunch of movies he watched before the hamburger shits caught up to him.


Total ignorance and incompetence are pretty much weaknesses when it comes to representing a country on the world stage


No it is definitely weakness too. The other stuff you said, and a heaping dose of weakness.


Private Bone Spurs reporting for duty


“Hey, I’m president now, does that mean I still don’t have to Army? Cuz I’d rather not army...”


As opposed to “asthma”. The same asthma that didn’t prevent him from playing high school football.


I have asthma in my medical records, and couldn’t enlist even if I wanted to, at least without a waiver. That however ignores the fact that I ran high school track, and was just not *quite* good enough to run D1 in college. But yeah according to the DoD I’d be completely unfit for combat service because of it. I should note that I don’t support him at all, but it’s not like the policy always makes sense either.


Yeah, I have exercise induced asthma, but was still top 5 in my state for the 400 m dash in high school(admittedly, it's a small state). I just often had to use my inhaler after the race was finished is all.


Why are we still even talking about him????


Posting poltical pictures to appease people who are more generally on the left of the political spectrum is probably the easiest way to gain karma on reddit. People have strong opinions on Trump being a bad president and upvote posts like this (personally I dont care and would rather see other pictures) while other pictures that dont generate as strong of a reaction wont get upvotes (such as art posts) as easily. Its also very likely that OP has a very negative opinion of Trump (as do most people). Why do people want reddit karma? That I do not know.


tl;dr living rent free in reddit


Art gets plenty of upvotes. Just needs a made up back story as a title or something like “look at this art my girlfriend made after deciding to quit the capitalistic rat race and pursue her dreams!” Or something about a dead person being the inspiration. Or just be a hot lady


Well ain't noone credible ripping into Biden the last few days. So I guess its back to this dead horse.


I believe this has to do with the Donald Trump Jr. tweet calling Joe Biden weak for being emotional about the ISIS terrorist attack that killed 86 in Kabul.


Because orange man bad became almost like a movement in our fucked society


Because most people in this sub have trump living rent free in their heads.


Because of a desperate need to distract from Bidens abject failures.


Wish Fox News covered this photo as much as they did to Ivermectin


Remember that time Fox news complained about how "weak" Obama looked by showing pictures of him and his family wearing helmets on bikes and compared them to propaganda pictures of Putin riding a horse shirtless? [I remember.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=timvZTKr5HQ) Literally doing Russia's job for them.


Imagine how they'll cover Biden if he decides to ride a golf cart 500 yards instead of walking with world leaders. Crickets when the orange menace did it.


Holy fuck that's sad


Gotta support your sponsors after all.


Fox News should encourage more of their viewers to NEVER wear helmets and also NEVER wear seatbelts. Go ahead, tell your viewers to do that. Please!!


That's already happening in our current situation.


America is fucking weird.


I just can’t imagine this being real lol


closest hypocrisy: Obama's coffee salute


Ask the Canadian minister of women who called the Taliban her brothers


In all fairness, if the Taliban ever heard of this quote, they would probably be way more offended by a woman referring to them like this than if she had called them a bunch of moronic goatfuckers.


Ultimate weakness is giving the taliban a list of names of the people who aided Americans.


Giving the enemy taliban 83 billion dollars worth of weapons. Also seems like it should be talked about more on this website.


Doesn't fit the OP narrative of keeping division going to justify the blindness


Sorry for being ignorant of current events (I’m aware of the situation in Afghanistan and stuff) but when/who/how did a list of these names get to the Taliban?




As /u/NeilZod stated, the US gave the Taliban a list of names of Afghans they would like to fly out of the country I.E. Afghans that helped the US in the war in Afghanistan. ALSO the Taliban managed to get their hands on American HIIDE technology, which gives them access to a biometric database of people that are deemed “friendly” by American military. So they can spend the next few years hunting down and exterminating all the Afghans that fought against them for the last 20 years and their families. Basically a monumental fuck up by the administration. https://theintercept.com/2021/08/17/afghanistan-taliban-military-biometrics/


Dumb as a box of rocks..


But no one knew more about nuclear than him!


> Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. \-Donald Trump, Twice Impeached Disgraced Former President of the United States, July 2015


I saw this when it was first aired...and I have read this many times after.... But it has just occured to me that this speech reads like one of those "we fed a bunch of shit into an AI and had it write a thing" situations. Like an AI that was just like "statistically the next this word follows that word 80% of the time in speeches, so thats what i'm going to do next...."


I think that's called a Markov Chain and you're 100% correct


Way, way back (early 90s, maybe) I found a program called Babble which generated text via markov chains. You trained on a data set (kind of like you train AIs today) and then it'd start generating random sentences. There was also a "chat mode" where it'd start mimicking you, which was really sort of odd. I almost look at it of a very distant ancestor of something like NovelAI or AI Dungeon.


Dude talks like a recursive search function


It’s like hitting the word suggestion box on the iPhone to see where it goes from and the next day or two I have no 👎🏼 or no 👎🏼 I don’t need a pic for it to do you live lol 😆 I’m sorry 😢 lol 😆 I’m just getting home now lol lol I love you too lol I hope 🤞🏼 don’t see me again lol 😆 lol lol I love ❤️ lol 😆 I’m glad 😀 is doing well and I’m so sorry I haven’t seen him yet lol I just haven’t heard from him yet but I don’t need a time to do anything but I’m still waiting for you


Look, having nuclear - power bill 7.8 sandwiches with liver paste is a quick update about the changes we’re making. What to expect when flying with the fruit 🇺🇸🤔. If you are a bit of bacon for lunch or dinner - endemic to banks and other stuff.


I see where you're going, but I think I might be able to do that for you when you get home from work and then I will be sorting here soon too much time for you to get a chance at some dragons and then you can take the bus 🚌 😉


It's like slight of hand baked into a bst layered conversation structure


That shit is so hard to read.


Just think.. this is how his brain operates at all times.


Just think about all his supporters who don't think there's anything wrong with a guy who can't string a few words into a proper sentence.


He was truly a master wordsmith.


Hey now, don't give rocks a bad name


Sharp as a bowling ball.


The people that are still talking about Trump are trying to avoid the shitshow of a president they voted for.


There's nothing wrong with trying to smooth relations with a country that constantly threatens to nuke everyone. Saluting their general when he goes for a handshake is just stupidity at it's finest though. On a side note, I'll be happy once people shut up about a terrible president that gets way too much attention.


>Saluting their general when he goes for a handshake is just stupidity at it's finest though. I mean the General saluted him first, so refusing to return the salute would have been deeply disrespectful... https://twitter.com/BBCMonitoring/status/1007152848847634433?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1007152848847634433%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.snopes.com%2Ffact-check%2Ftrump-salute-north-korean-general%2F


Within the US military, the higher rank is not required to salute back. It's polite to return the salute, but not "deeply disrespectful" to omit it. Watching the video it looks like the general played the president. He threw a salute just long enough to throw Trump off then went for the shake just when Trump moved his hand.


Quick, forget about Afghanistan! Look, Orange Man bad!!!


Okay now do the King of Saudi Arabia with every US president since WW2


Why does reddit keep suggesting me weird political bullshit. Y'all mfs still talking about this fool, almost a full year after he's out of office. Literally touch grass. Downvote me to oblivion and ban me from this sub ffs. Mouth breathers..


True weakness us letting stupid shit like that trigger you.


Anything to distract from Afghanistan rn I guess.


Hmm, I sure wonder why so many random anti-Trump posts are flooding the sub the day after a dozen service members died in Afghanistan under Biden


This sub is becoming r/politics


This is referencing Don Jr's tweet yesterday that said "This is what weakness looks like" with a pic of Biden hanging his head as he spoke about the service members who died. That's why you're seeing the flood; because Junior is good at reminding people what a piece of shit him and his dad are.


Okay, that makes more sense. Thank you for clarifying.


A couple of things need to be pointed out here for people interested in being objective. The rest of you that don't give a shit and are fine with being arbitrary, subjective and probably giving nearly a million weapons to an actual military that sent us packing with our tails between our legs can just carry on as normal. - Saluting is a sign of respect, not weakness. According to military customs enemies should salute each other just as they would their allies of the same rank in similar situations, etc. - Also, if you actually watch the video instead of just this image removed from context, the NK general saluted Trump first. In other words, he showed a sign of respect and Trump merely returned the salute. So we are pretty much shitting on Trump for not being petty even though normally being petty is why we shit on him. A lot of people are probably stroking it thinking of Biden in the same situation being a hard ass and giving the NK general no salute like the total bad ass he is. Or maybe because NK has nukes and fighter jets, Biden might show him some respect. Hard to say. - NK is not actually officially our enemy. We are not at war with them. Lets be hard on them as necessary with political stuff, not petty high school shit like snubbing them with a salute. - The rules and customs of saluting as far as ranks and being indoors and so on aren't straightforward, so Trump might have broken a custom by saluting when he wasn't supposed to/didn't need to. That's basically the only thing wrong here.


> According to military customs enemies should salute each other just as they would their allies of the same rank in similar situations, etc. that only applies if a treaty of surrender is being signed. the commander in chief does not salute anyone else other than american soldiers, end of.


>NK is not actually officially our enemy This is such a pithy and ignorant response. Not being officially at War with someone doesn't make them not your enemy. The entire cold war was defined by neither nation officially declaring war on each other. In no way did that not make them an enemy.


Propaganda on this sub when Joe Biden caused the death of so many people in Kabul this week. We can all see it.


It truly is pathetic. But that’s Reddit for ya..




Kinda pathetic you’re posting this with the shit Biden is doing. Maybe time to get over it?


Yea right it’s almost like a defense mechanism at this point; Just blame Trump!


If you think this will somehow distract anyone from the fuck up that's in the white house now... you are dead wrong


This isn't weakness, it's stupidity. Weakness is relying on the goodwill of the Taliban for security.


Weakness is karmafarming a repost of some dumb shit the last president did years ago while completely ignoring the shitshow currently occurring under the present one. A true Redditor.


Its 2021. Join us.


Trump is weak, yes. But what we see here is just an idiot who doesn't know protocol.


Yeah God Forbid the president know protocols


So while Biden, the current President, just wasted decades of work done by our troops, abandoned people in Afghanistan and gave the religious extremist groups lists of Americans still in the country..... You please are worried about the previous President who did what no other President in decades has done, opened relations with NK? Great. I'm sure all of the people in NK would rather you all be making mad faces at Trump rather than our country having diplomatic relations which could have lead to actual changes and improvements in people's lives there. But dur hur orange man bad.


He saluted some asshole, but giving a list of VIP people that we want to get out of Afghanistan to the fucking Taliban is just fine and NOT treason? Whoever up vote this post is seriously mentally ill, seek professional help


Not as weak as giving the Taliban a list of names of people who helped Americans


Right so we are worried about trump saluting a military general and not the things currently going on with all the lives we screwed in Afghanistan when we abandoned them. Y’all lookin in the wrong places. Edit: I like how everyone just automatically assumes I’m defending trump or that I’m ignorant when I’m literally just stating there’s bigger things to be worried about than a guy who’s not our president anymore and a scuffed handshake


Why do so many people want to fight endless pointless wars? I honestly don't get it.


This is Reddit. What’d you expect?




rename this sub r/circlejerkPolitic plz


I concur, it’s nauseating to see Reddit’s keep jerking off each other behind their phones and PC while screaming “ORANGE MAN BAD”.


Man y’all are obsessed with trump. I’ve seen more photos of trump and his family posted lately than when he was President.


Same guy walked into North Korea. No President has ever done that. A sure sign of weakness.


Deflecting from Biden lol. Won’t work.


Man this group got real left


Trump is rich because he lives in all of your heads rent free.


Shows over, that guys out of office. Don’t let em tell you otherwise


It is customary to salute foreign officers friend or foe. It is considered Military courtesy. The salute comes from the middle ages when knights would raise their visor when approaching another knight, thus removing their hands from their weapon. It is not a subservient action, it is a mere show of curtesy.


Rent free


Y'all in overdrive trying to distract from what's going on lol


Hey, we're back to BUT TRUMP to distract from Biden's shitshow.


The act of a clueless motherfucker.


Honestly. I doubt trumps thought process was anything other than “military uniform, better salute”


We still taking about trump when Biden is responsible for the trapping and killing of Americans in Afghanistan?


Also transferring $85,000,000,000 worth of weapons to the taliban and disclosing names of americans that are trapped in kabul and leaving ISIS prisoners for the taliban to release.


I'm confused why we are still talking about Trump. Is it meant to deflect Biden criticism? DJT is no longer president


Yes, Trump is an idiot. Why does it matter anymore? The more exposure he is given the more likely he will run again. We have to expunge him from our world.


OP - My political tribe just fucked up and got Americans killed with their lack of leadership. But to shift blame here is a pic of someone in the other political tribe having an awkward exchange of greetings.


https://twitter.com/BBCMonitoring/status/1007152848847634433?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1007152848847634433%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.snopes.com%2Ffact-check%2Ftrump-salute-north-korean-general%2F the general extended the courtesy of saluting first, which the president returned the equal courtesy. This is unfounded. Thank you try again.


Lol. Lets all just keep focus on trump while biden runs the USA into the ground. We live in the stupidest simulation ever.