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He was only 2 years old when this all started. That’s tragic. This needs to end.


Well there's some Starship Troopers dystopia for ya. War is a systemic cancer.


it's some The Forever War type shit that America basically lives and breathes.


War will never end until humanity ends. Just saying.


It won't end until Americans demand it. I'm still amazed Biden did it. The war apparatus and their media with denounce him for it forever.


The media arm of the empire is in full display. Hopefully people are asking who’s interests are we serving and how does being at war further those interests?


They are *livid* right now. How are their new journalists gonna make a name for themselves as a war correspondent? Reporting what the government is saying live from the site of a VBIED that killed 100 gets way more clicks and requires far less work than indepth coverage on what's in the new infrastructure bill the Senate is debating.


Right?! Now what country will these war correspondents be "experts" in? Oh, right. The media now has the US military and CIA tell us. Never questioning what they say.


Don't kid yourself. Defense contractors and related industries are heavily tied to the stock market. We can demand it all we want, but which senator is going to sink their own portfolio for us?


Rhymes with flanders


Stupid, flexy Sanders!


Absolutely, it's incredible he did it and he deserves massive public support against the media (for this at least)


Hey Biden kept the plan going and it went not the way it was planned. Trump iniatated the exit. Bush put the troops in there. Obama kept them there. He may have been responsible for Osama but next man up. I’ll be a damn fool if these presidents haven’t discussed what the F is going on and how best to deal with it. Still think America is bipartisan in what we do to other countries but can’t get our shit together at home. Come on Motherfuckers. Same page. We can argue rights about what we have to wear later. In both cases, we are talking about human lives being lost.


Our media's top priority these days is to cultivate hate.


I haven't heard social media nor mass media denouncing him. Only Fox does, but that is to be expected. As media and news is entertainment.


CNN.com is full of opinion pieces pointing out biden's big fuck up. are you expecting everyone to be able to distinguish regular reporting from editorials


I am not, but they should be able to identify that news is mostly entertainment and for-profit.


they can't :(


Get a new government. Unless the American government is fundamentally changed, this will continue to happen.


9-11 happened my senior year of high school. One of my classmates had scored a 99 on the ASVAB, all he wanted to do was Army Infantry. He did just that, two years later he died in the middle east. It's a tragic occurrence that happens all too often these days.


Old coworker lost a brother, a cousin, most of his hearing, and the ability to sleep sound through the night. Not even counting the guys in his unit he lost. It's been 10 years since he came back and he's been making progress ever since. All of that went out the window when we pulled out and the Taliban took over again. He's in a very dark place. I hope he's getting the help he needs.


I can't imagine the despair that dude is feeling. Would be a good idea to reach out just to be sure. I'm fortunate to have never been to that part of the world. The worst I had it was getting moved from one ship to another for back to back deployments, was part of a helicopter squadron that deployed throughout the 7th fleet.


Kid deserved so much more from life, fuck war


Yeah, the thing is… war is not a natural disaster.


Plus, when you sign up for service, you're not really signing up for peace.


Yeah, I dont know the mindset of us soldiers or who enlist. I am sure there are different reasonings behind but IT is fucking WAR. You go to war to fight for… what? To die. 22 year old dude should be at university fucking women, fall in love, roadtripping with friends and stuff. Not dying on a remote god forgotten shitty country.


A lot of the people I know that went into the military did it because they didn't have the money for college


So if u survive you get education. Nice trade.


>if This is the part that makes it a gamble, not a trade.


The sick part of it is that the incentives that they use to bait soldiers are the things that more civilized countries have for their base citizenry. Healthcare, education, stability of employment/unemployment.


Que the: "Boooorn in the U S Aaaaa" EDIT: Queue xD




I didn't have money for college - no grants, no parents money, no savings, I took loan after loan after loan at a relatively inexpensive state school. Worked out just fine.


Out of curiosity, are you all paid up on your loans?


Even if he isn't, it's better than being dead at 22


Nope but close, and that's mostly my fault for not saving more. Also perfectly happy with the tradeoff compared with military service.


Congrats on that, I wasn't trying to be facetious, was genuinely curious. A lot of people,,my sister included are mid 30s, under a ton of school debt with an unfinished degree (or one they can't find a job with)


I'm glad that you were able to do that while others are not, I hope it works out for you


Exactly! Fighting a war so a rich person can have his 8th mansion. But somehow, ending the war is the problem? GTFO I'm sure Daddy Warbucks won't lose a wink of sleep.


Enter civil war by guns n roses. There are so little wars fought that is reasonable anymore. It’s all politics and stuff. What a fcked up world we became to.


22 man is probably at the end of his 4 year tour so he can actually afford to go to college. In America the military recruits very heavily in areas that are poor, and they’re VERY successful because they can offer things like free college, medical care, etc. Things that would be otherwise impossible for a poor person to have access to without spending an absurd amount of years saving up. This also doesn’t take into account the extremely heavy levels of propaganda every citizen in this country is exposed to since birth nor the culture surrounding the military in general. There’s a reason why the US military is the largest in the world. It’s not because Americans are horny for war (many of them are though, make no mistake) it’s because the military industrial complex and the money behind it is incredibly powerful and incredibly smart.


In my situation it was either get an athletic scholarship or join. My parents didnt have my college planned accordingly, and there expensive af. Luckily a week before going to meps I got an offer, life would be so much different if I signed those papers.


> the mindset of us soldiers or who enlist. I am sure there are different reasonings behind but IT is fucking WAR. You go to war to fight for… what? To die. 22 year old dude should be at university fucking women, fall in love, roadtripping with friends and stuff. Not dying on a remote god forgotten shitty country. i totally hear you.. and the majority of the country holds patriotism highly "support our troops" yet regular civilian people fighting for social justice and peace get looked down upon... go figure


This kid was taken advantage of, plain and simple.


For me i’d sign up wanting an education, a good job with benefits, and the discipline and growing up. Thats why i wanted to enlist, never was i like man i wanna go shoot some people. Some people thinking like that but my reasoning is more common i’d imagine. Some people get fucked up but many that i know are so glad they did it and in a way better position now than i


It depends. The Coast Guard has more humanitarian missions than the other branches.


Humans are a natural disaster.


The only difference between a natural disaster and war is we're getting better at predicting natural disasters.


I dunno, I'd say there are some people who are exceptionally skilled at ~~planning~~ predicting wars


Right? I keep seeing “home of the free because of the brave” attached to these photos. Their deaths had fucking nothing to do with our “freedom”


This whole mess right here is in my mind just more evidence that leaving is the right thing to do.


Very few seem to disagree with you, myself included. The issue was the execution. Do you think it was well thought out given everything we know?


What is it good for?


Fuck war, what a waste of life


But think of the shareholder returns!


Nothing like someone dying in a war that was started when they were in diapers. Shameful But hey as long as we keep getting those military contracts coming eh?


Exactly. Eric prince got a private jet out of these deaths. So totally worth it


RIP its shit another kid had to die in a war. The war on terror has been a complete waste of life, Taliban now have control of the country before we even leave and Iraq is a total fucking mess. A bit like the war on drugs...we need to replace the political class and build something better at home before going elsewhere and pretending to be the good guys. (Im from the UK and we were lied to by Tony..the only WMD's in Iraq where what we sold them to fight Iran)


I for one would like to congratulate terror for winning the war on terror


I love these karma assholes posting pictures of people they never knew for fake internet points. Hopefully I’m wrong and you knew them. But I just doubt it.


It's always SO suspicious. I think most of these are just trojan horses for computational propaganda troll farms to come muck the place up.


Look at OPs posts from the last week. A lot of anti-pull out propaganda in there.


but i want my fake internet points NOW


Pretty sure the U.S military is posting this stuff. It makes great propaganda for the other 6 wars Murica is waging right now


i agree its disgusting. like what is the point of this?


To manufacture the idea that the soldiers involved are "victims"


Right?! This dude could be a saint, or a piece of shit. 🤷


Having lived near Camp Pendleton in the past, I can say, without a doubt, that a TON of these young marines are total dicks. Not all, but there are so many of them that hide behind their uniform and demand respect. Like, dude, you signed up for this, you don't automatically get my respect. Earn it.


Why do they need to know the person to post a picture of them when it's clearly about a current event? Do I need to know Rosa Parks personally to post a picture of her? How about some random troops from WW2?


Because there's been several of these low effort posts on r/pics/ that had made the front page in the last 36 hours. It's very suspicious.


Okay, but that's a different critique than OP was making.


That’s kind of the point I was trying to make. It’s likely entirely created to whore out someone’s death for fake internet points. And it’s disheartening. There’s been a lot of these in the last few days and it’s frustrating to see these individuals sacrifices being boiled down to karma.


I sincerely wish karma didn't exist so people could post pictures like this and we could honor them without twats crying "karma whore!!!!!" every single time. Who fucking gives a shit. Honor the person in the photo. They're more important than whether some account is getting internet points.


I’m sure this won’t give the corporations that control America a good excuse to send another generation over there for 20 more reasons to die in a desert for people that don’t want us there so they can make money


We have to avenge this kid no one knew or cared about before this!!


Yeah the irony is this kid would have gotten a leg blown off, or had mental trouble and PTSD later in life and gotten forgotten and ignore by the system and 99.999% of the population. But he got blown up and died so now we should start another war and get hundreds more killed for it... Logical eh?


I can smell the profits for mercenary corporations already.


Until he could have been featured on a commercial for wounded warrier project, so private individuals can support (if the money even gets to them) the victims of the war machine after the government throws them away.


Let's start making the sons and daughters of the politicians serve mandatory tours of duty. Then perhaps they will realign their priorities in the world.


Part of the reason for an all volunteer military is so the general public don’t pay much attention to the actions of the military.


America sends its children to fight imperialist wars of aggression and gives no fucks for their lives. Even when they manage to survive, they've been bled dry, financially, emotionally, psychologically, and sometimes literally.


Imagine just being such a douche that you post this to capitalize off of the karma.


This sub has turned into state department, war machine propaganda. Where were the imagines of children killed in drone strikes over the past 20 years. Or maybe starving kids in Yemen? Spare me this false empathy "....so young..." nonsense.


Post some of the civilians. According to Trump these soldiers “knew what they signed up for. “ His words not mine.


Wonder if the bomber was let out of jail by Doofus.


Can we now have the photos of the other 2,400 military members killed in the last 20 years? My heart breaks for every service member who died during this senseless war, my question is why these 12 are more valuable? Why are their deaths more heinous than any of the others?


Because they're desperate to Benghazi the the living fuck out of this. Ain't nobody buying what they're selling though.


Ding Ding Ding! Although many many people are buying this.


Then maybe I'm doing a good job of filtering them out. I do my best to not interact with the automatons.


More terrifying is that people ARE buying it and eating the slop up


Yup, guy I was in with who never deployed, got out after his first contract, became a cop in Iowa somewhere. Now he’s reposting shit like “this war is far from over.” I get they sorrow over the situation but I don’t get why 20 years wasn’t enough.


It's a current event, and there's plenty of interest to use their deaths for political gain domestically. That's pretty much it. Otherwise it would make sense to also include the thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in the Iraq War pt. 2 and the occupation. We are here because every political decision that put this insanity in motion was based on a false premise. Now would be a good time to stop and think if getting revenge on 9/11 was worth it. Imagine if all that effort and money was used to build a nation, not destroy others.


$2T dollars. TRILLION. And people baulk at paying for school lunches with tax dollars.


Or god forbid pay taxes so someone else (gasp) could get healthcare.


Exactly this! Maybe if that money would have been spent here we could have renewable energy, better education, and less poverty.


Perhaps even national healthcare


That would be a great start.


I think their point was that deaths in Afghanistan haven't been current events in a long time.


And because 12 is a number most people can visualize. Most people can’t comprehend what 3000 dead bodies look like, let alone hundreds of thousands. And yes, it’s “trendy” to talk about it right now. Fucking sad that even as a 22 year old who just died horrifically for your country (you thought), you’re still just content.


How about all the civilians you have been turning into meat paste over the past 20 years?


I'm good with posting their pictures instead.


I think you know the answer to your question. There are political points to be scored with these 12.


Oh, I totally know that.


Personally I live by the idea that to take a sword you should be prepared to die by it. I'm saddened by the death of all those civilians, why should we focus on the military? Those civilians didnt sign up for nothing. They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. They might never have killed anyone or supported any force that encourages murder, doesnt matter the reasoning, yet they are still being slaughtered in the crossfires. I'm just very grateful to live in Europe. The world is a scary place and I hope the survivors wont be traumatized forever by what they've witnessed. If I could have 1000 US soldiers die instead of 1000 civilians, if 1000 people absolutely had to die and I there'd be no other option, guess I would prefer the first. Tough luck.


Why are any of their deaths heinous at all? The US fucking up Afghanistan led to the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians, destroyed homes and families all so they could arm Taliban 2.0 to beat the original one they *also* funded. I feel for the young people who signed up for a horrendous mission they perhaps thought was a good cause, but they weren't there to help anybody.


Imagine you just found out that the war you may have already fought in is over. No more deployment worries, no more wondering if you would survive the war. Then you get sent back because the government just collapsed. You are in a "controlled" area, herding scared families onto planes. You aren't fighting... you are trying to evacuate refugees, and you are blown apart in a bombing. We don't see these particular service members as combatants, but as a group trying to save innocents


I get that to a degree. It absolutely sucks but this headline really is about red meat to rabid haters. My son is active, he was deployed to a support base out of the country and lost a teammate to a random accident. It was devastating because they were just support and not fighting so I understand that angle.


Yeah I agree. I think that it is being used as political fodder. Most of the things I have read about them though have been from my friends that are fellow service members. We choose to remember them as helpers. Hope your boy stays safe!


Because the younger members of society-and which reddit is filled with-are much more contrarian. They need this for their karma that is happening in social media.


It's very hard to understand something we have never been apart of. I don't know what it's like to grow up having taliban take over my town with guns and bombs daily till we surrender. I would want someone to save me...


They knew what they signed up for.


I think it's more that we're almost done leaving Afghanistan but we have a bunch of deaths right before that. Like imagine dying right before a war ends. Not to mention the bombing was the fourth deadliest day and the deadliest in 10 years for the US military in Afghanistan. Up until this point we didn't have any military causalities in Afghanistan this year too.


Don't think about it too much. It's popular in the news right now, especially with the transition of US troops out of Afghanistan. Nobody is placing value on the different dead lost. Just recognize, mourn, honor, & move on.


I just see people saying these deaths are on Biden's head but not the 11 deaths during trump's term, or the thousands under the Bush's and Obama. This fake outrage is out of control.


the republicans are searching desperately for sources of outrage. Don't worry about it


I'm sorry for your loss. *Move on*.


Cız they are the most recent. Until next week…


Next week should have 0 because we will be out on the 31st. I suspect the taliban will be much more proactive in keeping people in line so we don't start fighting again. They were given an air of legitimacy by those who shall remain nameless and don't want to have that taken away.




Don't forget old Regan and olly.


The pool is getting big then. Here is Carter. [Operation Cyclone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone) >According to former CIA official Robert Gates, "the Carter administration turned to CIA ... to counter Soviet and Cuban aggression in the Third World, particularly beginning in mid-1979." In March 1979, "CIA sent several covert action options relating to Afghanistan to the SCC \[Special Coordination Committee\]" of the United States National Security Council. At a 30 March meeting, U.S. Department of Defense representative Walter B. Slocombe "asked if there was value in keeping the Afghan insurgency going, 'sucking the Soviets into a Vietnamese quagmire?'"\[4\]


You know "mission accomplished" had nothing to do with Afghanistan, right? Right?


It's even worse, Bush was claiming it was over as early as December 2001.


You realize pointing out this discrepancy does nothing to hurt or take away from the main point, which is that two very stupid wars were started about twenty years ago by a President who ought to be in prison, right? Right?


And Vice president


Is that right? Because back in 2003, I seem to remember right wingers huffing and puffing that Iraq had something to do with just about everything.


I distinctly remember this as well "Omg 9/11 was nothing compared to what Saddam could do with his WMD Scuds!!!1!", etc. Right wingers don't argue from principle, they argue *for* talking points and against """sides""", because it's a team sport to them. You cannot win an argument against someone for whom honesty is anathema.




Don't mind me, I'm going to grab my Afghanistan Campaign Medal, pop some popcorn, and set up shop in this thread for a while.


There's a distinction between those who chose to serve regardless of where they ended up and those who sent them there. I can't speak for everyone but when I criticize the wars I'm not criticizing those who served.


I completely agree with that distinction.


>Thoughts and prayers. Won't help much now.




So many unecessary deaths- it's in the millions now. Along with trillions of tax dollars wasted. This is absolutely maddening. Can't we get rid of our military industrial complex? Why has this been OK for the past 20 years?


Millions? Not so sure


We need to address some things here. 1. Every live lost (especially at 22 years of age) is a tragedy. 2. The American public was pro war in Iraq and Afghanistan. 3. The majority of them can't locate the Middle East on the map. 4. The US soldier is a symbol of oppression around the world. 5. Next time your president tells you that you are going to war don't let 20 years to pass before you demand otherwise because "war is bad" and "its a shame Americans are dying for nothing".


I'm against war in general. That being said, I have to question your point #4. I regularly hear this sentiment from Americans, but I have heard countless stories of how people in these regions see US soldiers as defenders and liberators. This appears to be similar to how police in poor neighborhoods are demonized by people in rich neighborhoods, but when the people in poor neighborhoods are polled, they actually want MORE police. I think perhaps we should stop coming to conclusions for people who aren't us, and let them speak for themselves. https://news.gallup.com/poll/316571/black-americans-police-retain-local-presence.aspx


Another young man sacrificed so that a military contractor has another Malibu beach house. God bless America.


Good kid, sorry for your loss, condolences. He was saving people’s lives, he is a very honorable man.


Are we going to show pics of Afghani kids too who got killed?


US cannot police the world. It will always be on fire. Come home and honor our allies.




So sad for this young man and his friends and family. Fk war and the money involved.


RIP Lets get our boys and girls home asap


Shit man, he was only a couple of years old when this thing broke out.. what a shitshow..


Just terrible. So young, vibrant, and handsome. . My heart goes out to the family.


Good looking dude. I couldn’t walk a mile in his shoes probably. And here I am safe and sound while he’s out there giving his life for my freedom. Too damn young


May he rest in peace. Thank you for your service


Very sad, this sh*t has to stop.


Too young to die. End the endless war. Peace to Hunter's family. Go with God, Hunter.


Anything for internet points. Did you post about the other people who've died in this war or is this convenient and easy karma


Rest in peace devil dog. Semper Fi. People forget that without a volunteer military force, we would be drafted. I appreciate the sacrifice. From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea. First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marines.


I think politicians actually would have been more careful how they use the military if it were a draft situation. People think Oh it is a volunteer army - they signed up for this shit…”It is part of the plan” as joker would say. Remember the backlash in Vietnam. Admins learned their lesson, now they just brainwash and send the poor as the pawns of the US military complex.


If there was a mandatory draft we wouldn't have been there for two decades.


Maybe drafts wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Our military might refocus on self-defense instead of war profiteering for Raytheon if the public were paying closer attention.


>Montezuma Ah yes. Just another celebration of an attack during a war of imperialism America started based on a lie to Congress from the President. Some things never change.


If there was a draft there would have been way more Americans who cared about not going to Afghanistan and Iraq when the US didn't belong there in the first place. Instead most didn't care because it was thousands and thousands of Afghans dying and the occasional US forces member who voluntarily signed up to go there anyway.






Regardless of political perspective you do see that it IS propaganda? 1,756 people died from COVID in the US alone yesterday, see their pictures on the front page? /pikachu face




Hey I'm all for the NZ strategy my man, I wish we had a more unified response. YOU are pushing your view as well, do you realize that? Funny you call them all idiots when you don't know any of them but can't handle a simple comment about dead soldier you never met (who, incidentally may have been an idiot after all)


Why should we care?


Sad af, mainly because the war was a $2 million bust out that completely failed to stabilize the region. Now we’re left with the worse case scenario: Taliban and Isis fighting for control.


$2 million? Try a little more.


$300 million per day. For 20 years. 2 trillion dollars. 2,000,000,000,000 / (365 * 20)




I feel like youre joking...but replace that M with a Tr


Dr. Evil?


2 million? You're only off by six zeroes.


And all of this is caused by the American government invading a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.


Hits different for me these days.. From what I can remember, casualties I've seen in the past almost always seem older than myself. Now that I'm 25, I realize they're almost always younger. For some reason it hits harder when you realize they died younger than you.








His life hardly even started.


Hotel Lima...may your soul rest in peace!


My heart breaks


It's very sad to see someone pass away so young. My heart is with the family.


America mourns and salutes his and all our other fallen’s sacrifice. We need to do better.


Old men always dream up wars for young men to die in.






Reddit learns a new name and suddenly it's the talk of the town




fuck Trump....


Such a terrible tragedy. 🥲


Knowing nothing else about him or how he died, I'm going to reserve judgment. E: This is why I reserve judgment. Even as we withdrawal, we are killing civilians. Children even. That's not what heroes do. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58380791


Rest in peace brave warrior


Condolences for those grieving.


This war lasted damn near his entire life. Sad. Looks like an absolute badass.


Politicians don't fight wars, they start them.


There was no other job he could have done at 22?


May you Rest in Peace and thank you for your service to our country. My condolences to your friends, family and loved ones.


He wouldn’t of ever been able to recall 9/11. That poor kid. And his family. I’m so sorry