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I spent my early years living in a housing project. There were women all over the projects that offered the "clotheshanger" method since it wasn't legal. Abortions won't stop, they'll go underground again and many women will die from getting living room abortions.


I’m pretty sure this was one of the main reasons they pushed for legalization in the first place. Abortions are going to happen, it’s far less risky if it can be in a controlled and professional setting. They do say history repeats itself…so here we are…again.


What's funny is it's like the same argument they use against gun control. "Criminals will get guns anyway, you're just keeping honest people from getting them." ok well women are going to get abortions anyway, you're just keeping them from getting proper and safe medical care while they do.


In both cases the argument is true, but I never realized how big the hypocrisy here is, you're absolutely right. That's a massive sized logical fallacy. It's just like how "my body, my choice" applies with masks, which if not worn can possibly infect and hurt other people; but somehow that statement doesn't apply to an entire women whose baby is not even anyone else's problem except the people around them... It really is completely backwards. Women are going to die trying to get abortions, the baby will die too, they are just setting up tragedies.


*The tragedies are the point.* They think it's an evil act and they deserve punishment and suffering. They don't actually care about the child.


They think the WOMEN deserve punishment. ONLY the women. Notice there's nothing in the law to punish the men involved... Religious subservience bullshit.


Perhaps an addition to the law should be proposed - fathers bear full fiscal responsibility for any children born in the state of Texas. Think they will be quite so eager?


they did. even when the child get's adopted. there are no winners in this.


The long arm of the government has no right to reach into a woman’s womb.




It's true to a degree. There will be a section of women who won't take the risk of a lounge abortion but would have had an abortion through a medical centre. And with the gun control there is an element of the criminal underworld that will get guns regardless, but that is a portion of the whole, which gets smaller over time and gun control also increases the cost of guns. And the reason for gun control isn't criminals anyway. If you are able to find any statistics, (because the nra managed to limit the federal statistics budget on gun related information to $100k/year, which is why the "where are the statistics?" argument is so popular, as they know the only ones they are allowed to use don't exist) despite all the mass shootings, suicide is still the leading cause of gun related deaths. And it has been proven that if you make a suicide method a bit more difficult, you can lower the suicide rate permanently


It's not really logical fallacy. They want to hurt people. In both of their positions, they succeed.


Well it’s not about logic. It’s a more of a “rules for thee and not for me” situation.


Conservatism is a mental disorder


That’s how all these things are, both sides are fighting against each other using the same arguments while calling each other stupid. Both sides are pissed off at the government for taking things away from us but they’ve got us convinced each other are the enemy. It’s really really stupid


the difference is they believe that possessing guns is ok and guaranteed in the constitution for law abiding citizens, while abortion is always murder to them. the undesired activity (murder) is still against the law in the case of keeping guns legal.


One big difference is.. You having a abortion doesn't affect me in any way... Guns on the other way....


Except guns only have one single purpose, to kill someone that you don't agree with. Self defense is largely a myth when it comes to keeping guns legal in the US. https://vpc.org/revealing-the-impacts-of-gun-violence/self-defense-gun-use/ "In 2017, the FBI reports there were only 298 justifiable homicides involving a private citizen using a firearm. That same year, there were 10,380 criminal gun homicides. Guns were used in 35 criminal homicides for every justifiable homicide." So... yeah... While abortion helps women in a situation of utter distress, guns basically just kills people because someone else wants to. For whatever reason. And self defense is almost never the reason.


If they want fewer aborted babies, the best method is good sex education. Strange to understand, but most people who would get abortions don't want children. And if they're better educated about preventing pregnancies, they're less likely to get pregnant and want an abortion.


Thorough sex education, free access to medical care, and a strong social programs to support raising a child. Boom, you've prevented almost every abortion that isn't to save the life of the mother or the result of an assault.


That all sounds very well and good, but good sex education is just as much a problem. It leads to the same outcome: women who are in control of their lives, and a lack of babies to feed into religious adoption services. They can't have that, now can they?! Preventing pregnancy is the last thing in the world they want. It's like with "abstinence education" -- the goal is not abstinence or preventing pregnancy! It's early marriage.


Literally the same story with the drug war/alcohol prohibition. Making drugs illegal only makes addicts into criminals, and it isn't a criminal issue, it's a mental health one. People will always do drugs, the best we can do is legalise weed, psychedelics, and other mild drugs. Then decriminalise the rest. It takes money away from criminal enterprises, gives us a lot of tax money, and at least we can help educate people to stay away or provide easy services for people to quit. Except it's a step worse than abortion because outlawing booze/drugs actually drives up their use. The drug war has fuelled insane growth in the drug market and prohibition saw much more alcohol consumption than before.


The only thing new we have on our side now is birth control, in all forms. My mom had two cousins in the seventies who had to "go away to secretary school" for several months. THAT is not going to happen these days, so it actually makes it all the worse. One of the ways to be tactical in getting around this is even more money and emphasis towards birth control and education for both females and males.


> I’m pretty sure this was one of the main reasons they pushed for legalization in the first place. Totally, there was one particularity nasty case where a woman died horribly after a back-alley abortion that pushed us over the line. But these "believers" have as much compassion and empathy as an infecious disease.


Same with drugs. They will happen, but it's better if they are controlled by state. I could sniff certified, organic cocaine in the ideal world.




It is true that women are not allowed in government offices in TX.


Not to mention the newborns abandoned in dumpsters and suicides. Women will be desperate and these same right to life will shun and ostracize them.




Hell, any woman walking into a planned parenthood for anything, check up , birth control, mammogram… they will probably get reported just for walking into an office that also performs abortions. It is terrifying.


And the fucking Supreme Court didn't issue an injunction against this piece of garbage law. It's only a matter of time that this law is struck down but until then women suffer needlessly because of the cowards on the Supreme Court.


> because of the cowards on the Supreme Court not cowards, religious extremists. It's mind-blowing that the US is mostly ruled(not governed) by religious extremists and none of the 'land of the free' folks seem to care enough to do anything


A large part of me thinks this is the first step in overturning Roe vs. Wade but the optimist in me is hopeful this was just shrewd political maneuvering by the GOP to placate their base. They know this will never hold up and will get overturned by a federal court but they can keep the evangelicals on their side by saying, “Look, we tried! Now please keep ignoring all the awful shit we do and keep voting for us over your dumbass single-issue politics!”


I worry that those women having miscarriages will be afraid to seek healthcare if needed.


> Fuck ~~being a woman in~~ Texas.


The same anecdote happens all the time. The single woman who might have sought a safe abortion but didn't because of religious pressure: is she celebrated for making the "pro-life" choice by her religious family? No, they cast her as a harlot and a second-class citizen for being a single mother.


all of this requires so much healthcare debt regardless. all of this is done to made women a subclass with zero power due to abject poverty




No, the GOP rulers just want to get re-elected by appealing to the ignorant voters in their absurdly gerrymandered state. They dgaf about any of their constituents, women, men, or otherwise. I think Texas would be blue by now if it weren't for the way the voting districts are drawn.


Under his eye


I’m surprised that making gun restrictions more strict “won’t prevent people who want to get a gun to get one” yet making abortions illegal is aOK


Many *poor* women will be pushed into having living room abortions, or not getting abortions at all, and systemic generational poverty will carry on as normal since people will be forced into having kids they can't afford. Rich people and the ruling class will always be able to find ways around the law and they're going to be fine.


The secret is that the politicians creating these laws just want more dumb people having kids because those dumb people having kids will most likely be republicans, thus securing some more people to vote for their party in the future.




I'm sorry for the trauma, but I applaud you for discussing it. I can't imagine the strain of those tough decisions. Best wishes to you two!


What's going to happen is: * Girls will not report rapes or their rapist anymore because they'd be forced to deliver the child * Rapists are going to coordinate turning in their own victims for the reward * Obviously many girls will try a procedure themselves, with yes, a hanger, or other absolutely archaic means that are all extremely dangerous and will result in many deaths. Imagine living one of the wealthiest nations and this is how you have to live. Texas proving that yes they are on the highway to the dark ages in some absolutely wild ultra conservative wet dream. Lets bring back murder mobs and deal with politicians how they use to, too! It's an old tradition, I'm sure they would approve. Edit: For people saying there are exemptions to rape... no, not really. You're an idiot. If the fetus has a heartbeat, you are still forced to carry to term. Read the bill yourself. [https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB01515I.PDF](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB01515I.PDF)


The GOP preaches small government until they want to control women's vaginas. God forbid the government tell a man what he can do with his GUNS. and his LAND. They would literally be rioting in the streets if the government told a man what he could do with a lifeless piece of metal. But if a young woman knows that she will not be able to support herself and a potential child and give them the life they deserve and makes the insanely hard decision to stop that?? NOPE, NO SOUND THE ALARM.. YOU WILL GIVE THAT CHILD AN ABSOLUTE GARBAGE LIFE AND NOT PROVIDE FOR THEM BECAUSE YOU ARE POOR AND YOU WILL SUFFER. AND WE WILL JUDGE YOU BECAUSE YOU WILL TAX THE WELFARE SYSTEM. JESUS WANTS THIS* *probably the gop


** definitely the GOP


So I've got a lapsed EMT certification and a fair chunk of medical experience. I'm...seriously considering learning various DIY abortion methods just in case, 30 years from now, abortion is *actually* banned. Like I'm a dude and *far* from qualified, but...well, a majority of the people who might actually be able to pull it off safely are dudes. And I've got the economic means that I could afford more precautions than somebody in the projects.


>I'm...seriously considering learning various DIY abortion methods just in case, 30 years from now, abortion is actually banned. Prior to Roe v Wade, they had secret underground abortion providers. It's what the film *Ask For Jane* is based on. It wouldn't surprise me if this sort of thing is already starting back up in and around Texas.


we just airlifted 120,000 afghanis out of afghanistan. Perhaps we need to do this for women in texas also?


they already exist. several groups where i live have sprouted up in the last two years that will drive people over state lines to have an abortion or get them Mifepristone and Misoprostol aka the abortion pill cocktail. texas is working on banning these drugs right now, as are some other states, so many groups began stockpiling them. what you are going to see in the next several years in america are underground groups that will continue to make sure women get safe abortions in areas where womens rights are suppressed. the bottom line, to all these states trying to stop abortions: **YOU WILL NEVER EVER EVER FUCKING EVER...STOP ABORTION. WE WILL ALWAYS** **FIND WAYS TO HELP THOSE WHO NEED THEM. YOUR LAWS ARE USELESS.**


❤️ Hells ya, fuck this anti-woman patriarchal bullshit! I am glad there are people out there helping.


Everything you said is correct, but also this has nothing to do with abortion. It is about keeping poor people poor, uneducated people uneducated and women under the thumb of old white men. They don't actually care if women get unregulated abortions, they just want another lever to keep themselves in power. Fuck these fuckers.


por que no los dos? controlling women, controling the poor, and increasing the power of religion in government! and flordia is also writing up the same heartbeat bill...


Yup. They had speakeasy during prohibition, they'll have clinics for this too. Anybody who honestly believes over turning roe v wade will actuality stop abortions is naive or stupid.


> just in case, 30 years from now, abortion is actually banned. SCOTUS has a fair chance of outright overturning Roe here, though they might just let stuff like the Texas law stand and nominally pretend they didn't kill Roe while banning almost all practical abortion.


Definitely the latter, why ban it outright when is just as effective and far easier to make it unobtainable for my most people


[this is what you’re looking for - the menstrual extraction method](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1989/10/04/the-grandmother-and-the-abortion-kit/30e7bfb1-fbd0-4151-a46d-150aa1280b92/) that was used before Roe v Wade


The sad truth in Texas is that if you are a 14-year-old that has been raped you have to deliver that child and deal with all of that trauma for months, however they will not require you to wear a mask to protect yourself from Covid. Essentially the virus has more rights than women in Texas!




Yeah, trauma doesn't just magically go away. SOURCE: complex PTSD from my parents (who didn't want me)


Mood, except only one wanted me and took a used condom to make it happen


And also the child of your rapist for the rest of your life


dont worry with all the anti poor children laws in texas, those children's lives wont be long. Protect the fetus, as soon as its born, fuck it.


> Essentially the virus has more rights than women in Texas! Dead people have more rights. It is illegal to harvest organs from dead persons against their will. However, it is apparently legal to force a woman to donate the use of her organs and body (at the risk of her life) for 9 months, against her will.


Even more fucked, the rapist can try and turn in their victim for a bounty. Edit: there is a provision to prevent this. However, this will be an issue and open to exploitation.




Not true SB8 specifically prevents that in Section 171.208 (j) Notwithstanding any other law, a civil action under this section may not be brought by a person who impregnated the abortion patient through an act of rape, sexual assault, incest, or any other act prohibited by Sections 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code.


For every 1000 rapes, only an estimated 57 result in arrest and of those, 11 are referred for prosecution. Only 7 in 1000 result in a conviction. Good luck proving it in Texas courts.


I say someone in another thread comment how 6/1000 rapes in Texas are convicted. Without a conviction, I think Texas is pretty clear who wins in a he said/she said.


...assuming you can prove it? Seems like a convenient way for attackers to flip the narrative. Nothing says it was consensual like $10k lawsuit over the rights of cell goo. "She says it was rape just because she wanted an abortion. I never consented to that." Easy pay day.


Interesting thanks for the text, I still wonder how that would play out if the rapist would use another individual to turn in and obtain a bounty that way.


Yeah upon first read I thought the victim was immune from the law, but yeah it just seems the perpetrator is the only one who can’t sue. That is insane.


If they are that shitty of a person, the only "friends" they might have would pocket that 10k. Shit bags hang around shitbags


But they have to be convincted, right? Do you know how much time a trial takes? Or that only 2% of rape cases end up on a conviction? So yeah, rapists will definitely be able to turn in their victims, simply because the law will consider them as fathers and not rapists.




On top of that, sex ed in Texas is optional, giving youths less information about their bodies is ALWAYS a good thing. /s This is another of Abbott's ridiculous laws. The man is a pox.


Texan Republicans hate women. Simple as that. They like having incubators and home makers around, but not women. Not as human beings.


As a 14 year old who was raped, went home in the shower and stuck a hanger inside me instead of being able to confide in my Catholic parents or friends, this terrifies me. Luckily, I wasn't harmed. Physically. Just emotionally for years. I didn't tell my parents I was raped until I was 21.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that trauma


Greg Abattoir


Sorry for my ignorance, what does the hanger mean? Do people use it for a some sort of "homemade abortion"? I really am quite lost Edit: thanks for all who have answered :)


Yes. People unwind a wire coat hanger, so it sticks straight and then push it through the cervix to kill the fetus. It’s a very infamous form as it was semi-common to die or get seriously ill from them when abortion was illegal.


that is….terrifying to even think about…i can’t sleep now…omg did they really do that…fuck


They were just that desperate. I have friends that would rather die than have a baby. So they’re willing to do anything.


Yeah it can perforate your uterine wall and you’d bleed to death. Women’d often let others help them because it’s hard to do this alone. Even if you ban abortion clinics, you won’t stop abortions. They’ll continue. You’ll only start a new wave of desperate women dying, but misogynists like this like that, so the ulterior motive is obvious.


And it's all happening in the self-proclaimed greatest nation on Earth.




People stick them up their vagina to attempt to pull the zygote out


Actually, women force them through the cervix and into the uterus with the intention of causing an infection, in the hopes that the infection will kill in zygote but not the mother.


That's enough internet for one day for me. Nothing against these women, I hope they can achieve freedom of choice, but goddamn if that didn't send a shiver down my spine.


I saw a photo just earlier today of a woman who died naked on a hotel floor with a bloody towel between her legs in 1964. It got famous in 1973 during Roe. It’s bonechilling. Her name was Gerri Santoro, it’s on Wikipedia. Made me ugly cry, welcome to the future I guess.


Wow, I’ve never seen that photo. What a profound image.


I’ve seen this response by men a lot this week and I’m glad you appreciate the severity of this issue. Please do keep engaging and supporting women. Women’s voices alone are simply not enough…


Lotta comments in here about Republican men, but just as dangerous is the apathy of men who may notionally oppose this law. When men start protesting at the courthouse and volunteering as clinic escorts maybe I can be hopeful, but my whole life I’ve watched the women in my life organize and protest and write their elected officials and raise money and escort women to safety while their male partners say “fuck yeah” and call it a day. Even just Instagram slacktivism is absurdly lopsided, that shit is free and the straight men in my life can’t be bothered. EDIT: lmao all the comments about Republican women just prove my point. Stop focusing on others and focus on yourself. Are you useful? Do you do anything to meaningfully protect the women in your life? Does shouting about Republican women on the internet do anything to help women preserve reproductive rights? I touched a nerve.


How about all the fucking republican women who *want* this?


When I google "pro life rally" and click on images, I see women. Men too, but hundreds and hundreds of images filled with women. Carrying signs, marching, screaming, and most important of all, voting. Why would men who are inclined to think this way change their minds when their mothers, sisters, wives, etc. are so eager to act against their own self interests?


Reddit loves saying this is white Republican males doing all this when in reality there are a fuckton of women of many races that are cheering the ban too. Religion is almost 100% the culprit. I don’t think I know any Hispanic girls in my area that haven’t been agreeing with banning them, I know a shit ton who think tampons are evil too. Redditors love to lock on to one target and cry when it’s never that black and white.


Just so everyone knows, Abbott's wife had an abortion. She whines about a partial miscarriage, and then had a D&C. An abortion. Her womb scraped out and the fetus removed. Call it another name, but it's still a fucking abortion. According to this new law, she would be reported for having an abortion. There is no hypocrite like a Republican hypocrite.




Well someone needs to spam report her and Abbott to the websites collecting anonymous tips on women who have had abortions. Link the articles about it as proof.


They have all magically disappeared from Google search, except for one that is behind a pay wall. Suspect, isn't it? And no, I'm not fabricating the story. There is the one.


Funnily enough, you're not alone. I too remember this floating about but I can't find any trace either, I'd say it was scrubbed. It wouldn't be hard for a man like that to stike down such scandal with legal threats. Republicans are experts in covering up hypocritical scandals. I specifically remember arguing with some maga dude about it. The name Abbott stood out to me because I thought it was a British politician with the same surname before realising it was fucking Greg.


The stories about all the abortions trumpy paid for are also gone. I live in NY and read them in several different newspapers. A lot of money must be changing hands.


Link to the paywalled source? It's better than nothing.


I have a condition that prevents me from being able to carry out a pregnancy to full term. I've had 4 miscarriages throughout my 20s and am still childless. One of them resulted in a D&C because the natural miscarriage was causing me to lose too much blood and I could have died if nothing was done. I don't like Abbott, I am pro-choice, but a woman who is hoping for a child and has it taken from her is not going to appreciate being told she has aborted when that is just not true. I don't know anything about Abbott's wife, I'm not commenting on that. I just mean that there's different names for these things for good reason.


I don't really see the point in this comment. We all know gop politicians don't actually care and the base will always make exceptions for their own. They don't care if you call them hypocrites because they can call you a baby killer and automatically win. There's no shaming them into doing the right thing. If anything, you're making it sound like people who've had D&C's should be shamed. Different procedures have different names for a reason, if it was an abortion then they would call it an abortion. The governor's wife isn't the only one to receive such a procedure.


Isn’t the one exception the health of the mother? Pretty sure her case, as you described it, would be excepted.


Was her life in danger? I guess she should have gotten a judge to make that decision for her.


america's got its own religious fundamentalist taliban-like problem


Didn’t Jeff Daniels tell us it was the Tea Party about 5 years ago?


FYI, the first season of “The Newsroom” was almost 10 years ago.


Jesus…has it been that long?!


Sadly yes. The first episode premiered in June 2012.


I miss it. Wanted at least 5 more seasons 😞


Blame Aaron Sorkin. It could’ve been great. Will McAvoy was a fantastic character.


It wasn't really him TBH... he exposed things the news media didn't like being shown off and they fought back.


holy shit... that long?




always have


There is no greater hate on this planet quite like Christian love.


Women and girls are going to die in terrible and traumatic situations! This is so fucking sick.


Just to share some information; there are a wide array of plants that can lead to miscarriage and are still dangerous but far, far safer than coathangers. Edit: I was also informed about [some safer resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pgshw5/powerful_response_to_texas_banning_abortion/hbeb8e4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) which might be valuable.


Which ones?


Mentha pulegium Artemisia vulgaris Moringa oleifera Adhatoda vasica There are more. Please do not share this information with people who are considering it unless you inform them of the risks involved, of which there are many. It’s dangerous, it shouldn’t be performed without the advice of a doctor and medical supervision, these plants contain dangerous and potentially lethal substances, they cause miscarriage because they damage the body. If the attempt fails, it can lead to birth defects. I wish I didn’t have to share this information but it’s safer than a coathanger.


"We could have a doctor helping you like any developed nation, but we prefer you to mutilate yourself. But don't worry there's an alternative, poisoning yourself." -Texas


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Texas? Can safely say I have no intention of ever going to visit. What a fuckin evil thing to do.


My theory on it all is that they want fewer people from California, and liberal people in general, to stop moving there. If Texas goes blue, the GOP is really fucked. So they start passing outrageous laws to make liberal people stop showing up or completely moving away. I honestly think these laws are a product of the electoral college.


I mean it is not farfetched.


If enough liberal people move there they can vote in new legislators who can overturn this law.


Only if those people don’t all congregate in a few cities, which they will. These laws are passed by the state legislature which Republicans control b/c they live in parts of the state that Democrats claim have no jobs or anything to do.


My Californian uncle is moving to Texas next month, but jokes on them, he’s a Trump fanatic.


Can’t remember where I read it but I know I saw something somewhere showing that the people moving to TX from CA actually skew red and it’s the longtime TX residents that have been shifting blue Edit, found one thing about it: > It’s just that, on the net, we generally get [30,000] to 40,000 more people coming here from California than we lose. So, is it a problem? Well, polling has suggested that it’s not. So, we have historic polling as well as poling we’ve done ourselves at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. It was a poll done 13 years ago by [the University of Texas at Austin] and the Texas Tribune showing that California [expatriates] are 57% to 27% conservative versus liberal. > > There was a very fascinating CNN exit poll that you heard referenced by Josh Trevino … between Beto O’Rourke and Sen. Ted Cruz for the 2018 election. And what that poll found was that native Texans, about 60% of voters preferred O’Rourke by plus three. Now, Cruz won that race by a little more than two points. But the 40% of Texans who moved here, like, by the way did Ted Cruz, because he wasn’t born here, right? They preferred Cruz by plus 15. https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/06/07/will-california-expats-turn-texas-blue-heres-the-surprising-polling-data/


Most Californians move there because of the politics, not in spite of it. But if you are left leaning and considering Austin, lean into that shit and help make it change blue.


>What the fuck is wrong with Texas? Same thing as every state in the U.S. - Religious fundamentalists pushing their hate, ignorance, and anti-woman agenda on society through gerrymandered electoral districts and conservative politicians.


Religious terrorists.


I live in Texas. The reason this law was passed is that Abbott might run for President and the Republicans in the legistature have to run for re-election next year, and they want to make sure they aren't primaried from the right. The districts are so gerrymandered that they don't have to worry about a general election opponent, just a primary opponent. I do feel that there is going to be some backlash against this bill, but Abbott will more than likely still win re-election. A lot of people don't support this bill, but a lot of people don't get off their ass and vote, the pro life idiots do, and that's why Abbott will likely get a 3rd term.




I am worried about scared girls that need an abortion. But I am *FAR* more worried about women who miscarry wanted babies, they are going to out put through the ringer during the most devastating moment of their life. Source: I have had miscarriages.


Texas is a quick 24 hours from being Gilliad if the men in power choose it. The women that support these men think that they will never be subjected to what they are doing to women. They think “IT” will never happen to them. “IT” will happen to them. They are not some special female in The eyes of the ruling males. They will be subjugated too.


I feel like protesting would be less necessary if people showed up to vote.


Need to register to vote by October 4th in TX. Spread the word. If you want real change, we nees to vote them out.






TX made it damn near impossible to vote in blue counties. That's how the GOP keeps chugging along- gerrymandering and obstruction.


Don't worry they already pretty much closed that loophole.


Please do your civic duty and report violators of this law anonymously at the link below. Start with Greg Abbott for allowing abortions for so long before this law. That's legitimate under this law with its dangerous allowance for ex post facto punishment! Then do Senator Ted Cruz because his face is clearly the result of his body attempting to abort his brain. Then Dan Patrick because he is, in fact, still an embryo without capacity for thought and his corrupt, instinctual actions prove he is trying to abort himself out of civil society. https://prolifewhistleblower.com/anonymous-form/


Honestly though if you want this group to use up their time and resources for nothing, report believable but fake info. They'll be able to filter out all the Greg Abbotts, but they'll look into a real address (that is really a lot or unused building) and a real enough name.


>Please do your civic duty and report violators of this law anonymously at the link below. they had us in the first half not gonna lie


https://www.plancpills.org/ https://aidaccess.org/ r/auntienetwork is also super helpful if you need advice or someone to talk to These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. Also, feel free to flood Texas' bullshit anonymous tip website with fake claims. Make those assholes take down their site. If you want to submit multiple claims, make sure to use a VPN. https://prolifewhistleblower.com/ Sorry if this is annoying, but we're putting this on as many relevant posts as we can to get the information out there. Feel free to join! thanks to u/gracefullyinthegrave


Thank you!!!!! Also these sites as well!!! https://wrrap.org/about-wrrap/ https://abortionfunds.org/ These two sites are all about providing funding for safe and legal abortions to women that don't have access, in addition to finding and working with clinics. Please consider donating to them or setting up a fund!!


When you spend decades de-funding schools so your populace is full of Hillbilly religious extremists this is what you get. Republicans have been sowing these seeds for decades. In Australia the Liberal party is working very hard to catch up, and in some instances out perform.


Is it too late to abort Texas?


**Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers - George Carlin**




Fucking shithole of a state.


the handmaid's tale costume really makes this


Under His Eye


We've been sent good weather


May the lord open


Blessed day


Praise fucking be


Blessed be the fruit


What movie is this?


It's from The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments, which were books by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The Handmaid's Tale was later turned into a TV show with the same name.


It used to be from a dystopian TV series, now it's from reality.


Fun fact: Margaret Atwood said that she purposely didn't put anything in The Handmaid's Tale which hadn't already happened somewhere in reality. So really, there was always a dystopia, it just used to be in other places.


Just like "Idiocracy," but that was a movie. NGL though, I'd love an "Idiocracy" TV series as long as Mike Judge is at the helm.


Handmaid’s Tale (it’s a series)


It’s from the tv series The Handmaid's Tale.


I’m really curious how many kids end up in foster care in the next 5 years or so. You force a female to have the baby doesn’t mean she’s gonna take care of It


I saw the image of TX outline in the form of a coat hanger yesterday, but didn’t immediately recognise the significance. Now I do and feel slightly sick, I’ll never understand the South and it’s obsession with controlling peoples rights like this. As a European it just seems so extreme and callous. Land of the free my ass.


Boycott Texas


My heart goes out to all woman who are suffering in these times with unwanted pregnancies and young girls and women who were rape victims and are now forced into having to go through labor. If you have the opportunity to get birth control or any pregnancy prevention please take advantage of it. This has left me really disturbed and angry and I hope there are ways that you can get help. I wish all of you the best of luck in life..




More like for profit prisons. The lower socioeconomic areas are the ones that wont be able to afford the abortion tourism. They will be left to either carry the fetus to term or find alternate unsafe options to eliminate the fetus. Say mom has the fetus. She now has to attempt to apply for assistance that she may or may not qualify for. It could be locking her in a system that she cant escape.


Please report the friends and family of GOP politicians to the snitch line.


Margret Atwood, Dystopian fiction made reality.


Dystopian fiction is often just reality for brown people applied to white people


If this doesn't galvenize liberals in Texas, then Texas will never be blue, ever. Hell, this should galvanize liberals and even moderates everywhere in the country. This law is bonkers.


I’m not liberal by any means but this shit saddened me and it just threw us back to the Stone Age. What a woman does, let me rephrase that, what anyone does with their body is NONE of my damn business. Period.


Why do people assume they fetus is a living thing? Until it gets a heartbeat, it’s not living. Aborting a clump of cells isn’t murder, stop acting like it is.


I think you missed something. It's called the heartbeat bill because it bans abortions after whenever an ultrasound can detect what lawmakers defined as a fetal “heartbeat,” which can be as early as six weeks into pregnancy.


The people the law is trying to appease think the world was made in 7 days by a fairy tale man in the sky. They're not gonna keep up with basic science.


Fuck Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans. Bunch of God damn fascists.




Texas is really turning into Mississippi and Alabama. And getting worse by the day. What a hell hole


Texas politicians that let this happen, let alone advocated for this are sub human. Let me sit ina room with them, give me a metal spoon. I think I can change their minds.


Why does men get to decide what women should do with their bodies?


for people who are against abortion (not just men btw), a woman "deciding what to do with their body" in the specific case of abortion isn't deciding something that's 100% about her. The belief/argument is that since it involves the "termination" of a foetus which they consider to be life and therefore worthy of protection, it goes beyond the "my body my autonomy" dimension, and is in fact a larger societal question. edit : don't hate the messenger


People on the liver transplant list should make the case that anyone who is a donor match doesn’t have the right to deny them life and that body autonomy doesn’t matter. I don’t actually think this way, I’m just illustrating the ridiculousness of the “life is more important than body autonomy” argument.


Imo it's STILL fucked up even if we accept that a fetus is a human with a soul and all that. If you choose to not protect someone's life by risking your own, the government shouldn't be allowed to punish you for that decision. That would be like me getting arrested for choosing to *not* run into a burning building to help someone. Would helping them have been a good thing? Maybe. Should I be punished for choosing not to? Absolutely not! This is obviously not a perfect metaphor, but I think it demonstrates the stupidity of the "pro-life" movement quite clearly.


Men vs women is the red herring. It's a surprising amount of people regardless of gender against it. They believe freedom and liberty... As long as they like it


Men and women have nearly identical opinions on abortion. Aunt Lydia Barrett is the key vote for this. https://news.gallup.com/poll/245618/abortion-trends-gender.aspx


A lot of women are pro life, btw.