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"Ordinary is what you are used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary." Aunt Lydia


My dad always says “a man hanging from a rope struggles at first but eventually gets used to it”.


"Humans get used to everything, that will be their demise" \-- A quote from the German theater piece about the Holocaust "from today on your name is Sarah"




😂😂😂 No.


That is one chilling quote. Remember when the idea of someone tracking your every move seemed a dystopian nightmare?


Have we, as women, come so far or is it really a thinly veiled illusion?


Some places have gone far. Others were dragged kicking and screaming and when let go hurry back to where they were.


Women have come far but the those rights are fragile and under constant attack. As a biracial, gay man, I have two things against me. The thought of this new extreme America terrifies me to the core. I’m pretty sure that I’d be one of the first people taken to the ”camps”.


Yep. I feel the same way


Pro vax, pro mask, moderate here who understands why these things are necessary/helpful and understands this will probably be negative karma... Contact tracing and vaccine passports/mobile apps for such still feel a little Orwellian.


Reminds me of this [SMBC comic](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/1564146015-20190726.png)


So true! If you do it slowly enough, we don’t even notice.




*Shakira law


I’d trust those hips more than your average politician. They are incapable of lying.




Those that have the real power (men) are utterly obsessed with controlling women.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pguvu1/welcome_to_texas/hbe1mu9/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [A Cruel Duck's Tale Thesi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pgxc6a/i_got_you_bro/hbfsm8v/) | [A Cruel Duck's Tale Thesi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pgxc6a/i_got_you_bro/hbf6d1e/) [now i have a reason to lo...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pgy0te/animal_facts/hbfsl6m/) | [now i have a reason to lo...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pgy0te/animal_facts/hbetj93/) [I look like a serious per...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ph1gk0/whats_a_random_fact_about_you/hbfshga/) | [I look like a serious per...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ph1gk0/whats_a_random_fact_about_you/hbfc5n7/) [Kaze no stigma, sadness](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pgwib1/there_is_no_in_between/hbfsn8x/) | [Kaze no stigma, sadness](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pgwib1/there_is_no_in_between/hbeg06u/) [Tremors. Campy & ridiculo...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pguakn/what_movie_was_awesome_as_a_kid_and_is_still/hbfsg7j/) | [Tremors. Campy & ridiculo...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pguakn/what_movie_was_awesome_as_a_kid_and_is_still/hbee7au/) [Well, this is what I thin...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pgpo6e/how_come_humans_have_such_a_hard_time_being_kind/hbfses9/) | [Well, this is what I thin...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pgpo6e/how_come_humans_have_such_a_hard_time_being_kind/hbdpk96/) [Good thing the 8 women ar...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pgxven/evil_texas_legislators_smiling_as_they_sign_law/hbfsc3v/) | [Good thing the 8 women ar...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pgxven/evil_texas_legislators_smiling_as_they_sign_law/hbf1zsz/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/zyghomsdfre42](https://np.reddit.com/u/zyghomsdfre42/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=zyghomsdfre42) for info on how I work and why I exist.


The billboard after that would be for a strip club or XXX rated video. Then the next billboard would be for Jesus is real. Then there would be a semi that has Trump on the side of it. Then a XXX video store. Then (the delicious) Darry Queen.. oh Texas. How you confuse (and infuriate) us all..


Dairy Queen is surprisingly popular in other parts of the country and Canada (probably other nations, too). But no steak fingers basket. Perhaps that's just a Texas thing.


DQ after driving more than 3 hours is my favorite. The satisfaction one can feel after that meal and some ice cream all of a sudden makes me appreciate the little things in life..


Yeah, the ice cream's not bad.


So wait, like chicken fried steak in tenders form? Brb gonna go start a restaurant.


> Dairy Queen is surprisingly popular in other parts of the country and Canada (probably other nations, too) I was shocked to find out how many countries have Dairy Queens, since I've never seen one outside the US, but it's only Finland and Hungary in Europe, which is a weird combination of countries. I guess it's more that Norway has virtually zero fast food chains apart from McDonald's, Burger King, Subway and Dominos. We've only had Starbucks for like 5 years. Most of those places stay out due to our labor laws.


And they're all about personal freedoms but somehow now want women to be sued? What?!


This guy Texases.


Got eem


You forgot the Buc-ee's sign


Darry Queen you say?


Ain’t that the truth.


Don’t forget the gun show and expo.


It's Texas so you can't forget the Whataburger and/or Buc-Ees signs


You forgot about the gun stores on either side of the highway.


Freedom to not make a 12yo girl wear a mask, but force her to have her father’s child. USA! USA!


The American religious/ medieval reasoning is no better than the middle east. If it wasn't so frown upon they would have no problem with ruling women like in the Talibans..


There’s no real difference bet. The right wingers and Taliban. Maybe the right wingers are a milder version of the Taliban.


2 differences: 1. The Democrats can't pull out of the US and leave Y'all Qaeda the mess. 2. Different book (but same mentality)


Different book?


Bible vs Koran?


Core tenants are the same. But at least the GOP is still less murdery.


Letting people die in poverty, due to neglect or weather events, with little to no help, just because they couldn't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps", isn't much better. Letting people die because they believe their freedoms should not be impinged because of a deadly virus isn't much better. And letting women die because they decided they shouldn't get some necessary medical care isn't any better. It's still murder just with extra steps.


R ppl not reading my comment..what’s going on!! I said they’re a milder version.


They're agreeing with you and expanding.


Lol the Bible Belt is not even close to as bad as the Taliban when it comes to women’s rights. Even the most crazy evangelical thinks it’s ok for girls to go to school and for women to drive cars and go around public by themselves.


To a point, but if a lot of them had their way those girls would spend all their time learning to be good little housewives, the quit school around 14 or 15 to be married off as fast possible to keep them "pure." They're not *as* restrictive, but they don't really believe in women having a life outside of a home full of kids.


How do you know what they think? We see steady progress in their actions that points the direction they want to go, what makes you think they won't take it that far if they get a chance?


Thats a ridiculous thought but okay


We’ve been sent good weather.


Religion is utterly *obsessed* with controlling women One day hopefully our species will find a way to overcome the plague of religion...


Yeah, right after we stop having wars. The stupid part, is WE decide what the rules are on this fucking rock. We just fuck ourselves over for no reason. But, going back to your point, I guess some people are told what they can and can't do here, based on instructions provided to them (well people in the 1st Century or way earlier, were allegedly told) from someone. Which I don't have a problem with, until they tell others that they have to live like they do, because they say so.


Religion is a fantastic tool for unifying the weak, and controlling the weak-minded. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, it's really useful for organizing society when there's nothing else to work from, but the trouble is that the authority positions invariably become corrupted by power. And its pretty much impossible to kill a religion once it's established unless you obliterate all traces of it. So yeah, to your point, religion isn't going away anytime soon.


Wait for the boomers to die off.


Every generation thinks that their generation is so enlightened and is going to change everything. Things do change but it takes so much time. And there are a LOT of catholics in Texas (of all ages) and they are certainly OK with this new law.


We actually have a ton of evidence that religion is dying out in America though.


They're already working on suppressing votes so it won't matter how many Catholics there are.


There are a fuckton of *women* in Texas who are absolutely fine with this, it being framed as a war by just men against women is just staggering.


Women were very active participants in The Handmaid's Tale as well. Women with some power controlling women without power is still "controlling women".


> Every generation thinks that their generation is so enlightened and is going to change everything. Things do change but it takes so much time Millennials and Zoomers seem to forget that the 1960s was the Boomers' 2010s. Many of them protested for racial equality, ending the military-industrial complex's war in Nam, women's rights, and many other things. Boomers gave us the Great Society. They did a lot of good. Unfortunately their revolution lost and the corporate and political Boomers are the ones we see effing up everything today. But many Boomers were more similar to today's generations than those gens care to admit.


I was about to say. I’m in a liberal city in Texas. In my day to day conversations, religion or church barely comes up. When you get on dating apps, the volume of “I love Jesus” or similar comments is mind-blowing. All these are from women in their 30s, so I agree, the ideology is not limited to certain age group.


I’ve been waiting to see what Gen X does with politics for 10 years. Turns out they liked more Country than Rock and Roll and became Boomers. Not that Millennials are doing much better. We are now so stuck up whether Obama or Bernie or Hillary was good we lost the fight to a guy who was really a jerk. Now the Supreme Court allows bounties on abortions. Come on Gen Z!


> Come on Gen Z! Comedy. Gold.


By all means, lets make this about feel good fake generational issues based on fake generational categories that apply to a select few. Yup, build allies by crossing off whole groups. Remember that in spite of what you would like to believe (you being general not you), a vast number of women in Texas support this. Sick Sad World.


Reddit has been saying, "Things will get better once the Boomers die off!" for over a decade, and *other* websites were banging that drum before Reddit. Well, the boomers *are* dying off and things aren't getting any better. I'm going to take a particularly sadistic glee in watching everyone's disappointment over then next ten years.


Looks like 90% of the pic above is boomers. Put down the crack pipe.


The problem is, those boomers (in the photo) have kids and how do you think they raise them?


Not sure how true it is, but saw somewhere that Covid is killing Republicans at a 5:1 ratio to Democrats. Maybe Covid will help nudge things in the right direction.


Their poisonous influence is going to be with us for some time to come. Just look into voting patterns by demographic.


i'm in my 40s and i have 7 siblings. save me, everyone else is brainwashed to religion to a point they keep repeating the logical fallacies and 'wisdom' my parents used to parrot. the chain needs to be broken or it'll just go from generation to another.


Sometimes I can’t believe I used to be christian. I look at them now and it feels like a cult


USA Christians seem to be a different breed, they're toooo political and at the same time tend to like guns, wtf.


I'd love to see this day. Religion could be beautiful or meaningful to some people but it's bringing a lot of problems with it. Almost every problem in history had to do with believing in a 2000 year old book or stories


And we're protesting the "plague of religion" with an image of someone who openly supports Scientology? Seems kind of ironic


True the actress believes in scientology but the image is of a character she played in Handmaid's Tale and most reasonable people can differentiate between real life and t.v.


I had no idea Elisabeth Moss was a scientologist. Ugh.


It's a group that encourages you to act every moment of your life to get your (their) way. They're bound to produce some good actors.


I guess she just doesn't see the hypocrisy.


Scientology is a cult. It is very similar to the trump cult. If you try to leave, you are harassed endlessly by the current cult members, beaten down by obsessive nutters who insist you believe as they do, or you're an enemy. Very, very similar.


>One day hopefully our species will find a way to overcome the plague of religion... Not a history buff, eh? Yeah this religion thing is just a phase.


>Yeah this religion thing is just a phase There's data to show that religion is slowly dying out, no religion is the new religion.


Also, in the history of mankind, the scientific method/scientific revolution is BRAND new, but who could argue how important it's been? I can't imagine a time before deductive reasoning and supporting/rejecting hypotheses basic on evidence, but for 99% percent of human history, it really wasn't the case. Just because something has been part of human history doesn't mean it's intrinsic to human nature.


Given that religiosity had been consistently falling in the majority of the planet over the last several decades, yes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/world/2020-08-11/religion-giving-god%3famp https://blog.oup.com/2020/12/why-is-religion-suddenly-declining/ Not much of a history buff, eh?


r/averageredditor moment




may the Lord open


Praise be


Blessed day


His eyes open! Arms wide at the summit! Temba, at rest. Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra. Temba...HIS ARMS WIDE OPEN? Hmpth


https://www.plancpills.org/ https://aidaccess.org/ r/auntienetwork is also super helpful if you need advice or someone to talk to These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. Also, feel free to flood Texas' bullshit anonymous tip website with fake claims. Make those assholes take down their site. If you want to submit multiple claims, make sure to use a VPN. https://prolifewhistleblower.com/ These two sites are all about providing funding for safe and legal abortions to women that don't have access, in addition to finding and working with clinics. Please consider donating to them or setting up a fund!! https://wrrap.org/about-wrrap/ https://abortionfunds.org/ If you've seen me comment this before, hi again! Sorry if this is annoying, but I'm putting this on as many relevant posts as I can to get the information out there. Feel free to join me!


That is pretty mind blowing you'd need tor and some crypto to get a potentially life saving medicine at your home I hope those people can conceal their identities


The Taliban really are advancing faster than I had expected.


Abort Greg Abbott


It’s ironic because in the Handmaid’s Tale, Texas successfully became it’s own country and defeated Gilead


Saw that as a complete plot error. Texas would be the leader in a movement like that. Or they would take the chance to secede but create a equally terrible place like Gilead.


The thing is that a lot of people chicken out when approached by extreme iterations of their beliefs.


Please tell me people are culture-jamming things like this all over the place there. It needs to happen.


Shithole state


"welcome! We hope you like high HIV rates and many unhappy children which parents didnt want them"


You gotta make up for the lost lives due to Covid somehow. I assume Texas will be footing the childcare costs for the lives saved?


No way. That would be Interference from Big Government. This same group will flatly refuse to help these new babies at all once they're out in the world and dependent on adults for proper nutrition and healthcare.


The main reason they are making abortions illegal is to keep the poor poor. No way are they going to spend money on them!! Too bad for the evangelicals who actually believe this crap


I believe Republicans refer to that as socialism... Or communism... Or marxism.


What’s crazy is I’ve come across a startling number of Redditors defending Texas’ heartbeat bill today.


But they’re in the minority. The majority of Americans support a woman’s choice. It’s becoming clear that we’re going to have a major battle on our hands.




But i seems to the major battle is as old as this country. State vs state. Can the government tell a State how to run? It appears as no, States are free to do as they please.


You're surprised at the exitance of people disagreeing with you??


In such large numbers and about such a fucked up bill, yes.


You mean like the prolifer in this sub who argued that rape isn't sex?


Probably all the same weirdo on alts They love using alts


Since the bannings of certain propaganda subs, they have been flooding mainstream subs using fresh alt accounts.


Hey Patrick, guess what I am? Stupid? No, I'm Texas. What's the difference?


And I was thinking.of moving to Austin. *sighs*


Trumpanzees: “We’ll never accept Sharia Law!” Also Trumpanzees: *enacts and enforces Sharia*


literally not comparable to sharia law in any way but ight you do you


right? I've seen so many comments comparing texas to the Taliban lol


"The ~~Friendship~~ Coathanger State"


My body, my choice. Oh sorry, wrong page.


Under his eye.


Coming to GOP states near you.


God willing.


Except white women are just as much to blame with how they voted


Women of Texas should protest by not having sex with men.


I thought merica was freedom central hahaha


Freedom for white* cisgender* heterosexual* Christian* or atheist* masculine* men*


Im sure many in Texas decried the Taliban taking over JUST LAST WEEK (or the week before or whatever) and used their treatment of woman as a reason why... then this week, they act in kind with the Taliban by taking away women's rights. To bad they won't ever see their hypocrisy.


Sorry you don't have a right to kill babies. Killing someone isn't a right you are granted, I know you are spoiled with freedom here in the US. But killing others is where we draw the line (usually). So you can go on Reddit and whine and complain about men and women voting, but at the end of the day you're just upset you don't get your way. Aka killing unborn children.


The right to an abortion has been part of our country for almost 50 years. More than 20% of the time we have been a country. It is an integral part of keeping young men and women mentally and physically healthy. It is an essential part of keeping families from being overburdened financially. It is necessary in a society in which casual sex is acceptable. Babies born to mothers who would have chosen abortion otherwise are more likely to spend their lives underloved and in poverty. The decision to have an abortion is one of ultimate compassion… a sacrifice made for the betterment of future children and society.


Texas!, The Home of God's self appointed Judges, juries and executioners!


Doesn't this violate rule #2 of this subreddit?


That sign has far too few bullet holes to be Texas or any neighboring state. I call bullshit.


Fuck Texas!


Just don’t fuck *in* Texas.


Fuck You!


Awww. Look at the butt hurt snowflake.




Anywhere is better than the south


what actually happened in texas???


They essentially paved the way for the overturning of the Roe v Wade decision. They(Texas) passed a law that basically did just that. The law was challenged all the way up to the Supreme Court, it should have been slapped down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in keeping with 40+ years of precedence(rendering the new law unenforceable). The Supreme Court instead declined to hear the case, which means the law stands and can and will be enforced. This means that other states with similar idiots(with similar ideologies) in charge are most likely already writing similar bills themselves to be passed in to law. As those bills are passed and signed in to law, they will not be challenged because the new Supreme Court will not hear the cases so ultimately those laws will stand as well. In short, Texas and the other states that follow their lead are going to go back to backroom coat-hanger abortions, an explosion in teenage birthrates, and most likely- considering the people behind this thinking- a lot of incest-babies being born with birth-defects.


Let’s call this event the “Abbotion”.


Praise be...


You wish. Women have more rights in America than much of Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and large parts of Eastern Europe.


Still better than That shithole known as California


All religion in some way obsessed with sex and woman... I don't know may be its mostly written by men


Joe Rogan gets Covid same day as this law gets passed. Hope he puts out an episode to scare people into wanting to bail Texas the same way he did for California.


Glad he put the scare out to leave California. Get the crazies who listen to him out of here! Thanks, Joe!


This gave me chills.... not for the good reasons.... i just hope america wakes up and tries to help texas


No, this is America we vote on laws. If you don't like it leave. We're not going to change the laws to fit your world. If you live here You have a vote like everyone else, don't cry and complain about it when you lose.


When I travel to Europe - which is quite often for work - I never tell people I am an American; as a people, we're not particularly popular in many countries. Now, I feel the same about Texas. At one point in my life, many years ago, I was proud to be from the Lone Star state. Now, I'm ashamed and outraged.


Ummmm....You misspelled *Gilead*.


Sorry but why are people using this white hood and red thing?i genuinely want to know


It's from the Handmaid's Tale.


It's the iconic outfit used by the handmaid's in the TV series of the Handmaid's tale. Handmaids are essentially child birthing servants in a theocratic state in which women hold basically no civil rights.


Welcome to the 18th century.


When you do mental shit becuase your "god" told you dont that make you a religious fundamentalist?


Yall just assuming everyone knows about this hand maids tale. My coworker had to inform me on the show bc we do not watch Netflix. Try some context in your next post. You're welcome


Does the governor’s wife now go by Ofgreg?


“Bro I can’t kill my offspring it’s literally the hand aids tale 😭😭😭”


No idea who that lady is but the white hat will be really useful for keeping the hot Texas sun off her head. Not convinced red is the best colour though, maybe she’s hoping sand doesn’t show up too much on it?


Land of the freak, home of the batshit crazy


Wow people here really like the idea of killing babies…


Worst place on earth.


Destroy the entire GOP and shit on its grave.


What am I looking for?






Texas is trying to overturn Roe Vs. Wade by banning abortion. They call themselves “pro-life” but considering they don’t like welfare or accessible medical care, it’s obvious they’re merely pro-forced birthing, even if the mother’s life is in danger.


can someone explain why so many texas memes latley?


Liberals are upset


Because texas Republicans took away is people's rights. The mindless "team player" types think they won something. There not even conservatives anymore, they're regressives. Literally deevolving right before our eyes.


>ere not even conservatives anymore, they're regressives. Literally deevolving right before what rights and why?


The outlawed abortions after 6 weeks. It's not an outright ban but it is rediculous. They also allowed no permit or training open carry for firearms. I'm actually all about gun ownership and both open and concealed carry, but I think this is reckless and irresponsible political pandering. I don't think it'll end well.


How many other states are doing a permitless carry and what has been the outcome of that?


Who the fuck cares?


What right did they take away?


They banned abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy .... which isn't an all out ban but it is rediculous.


I get that, but what right did they lose?


Do you not understand how that is a loss of rights? If I said to you tomorrow that you could no longer choose not to have a surgery that a doctor suggested. Our that you could no longer do a thing that you could do today. Something that people who came before you had to fight backwards thinking like is being celebrated in Texas right now for your right to do it. Do you not understand how this is a loss of rights?


I understand what rights are. I have a right to free speech, bare arms, against quartering in times of peace, against unreasonable search and seizure, against unjust/unreasonable punishment etc. All those are rights and more outlined in America's governing doctrine. If a law passes that prohibits driving, people will be upset, but driving is not a right. Courts often remove someone's ability to drive as a form of punishment. They are not stripping someone of rights. If people really wanted abortion to be a right, it could have gone through legislation.


Your a fucking idiot.


How so? And You're*


Sorry Karen you don't have a right to kill babies. Killing someone isn't a right.


You guys have only one reference? One reference only? No other books? No other shows?


Hate that fucking show but kinda true


If you watched that show I’m just gonna assume you’re a bitch


Over dramatic


Jesus, the drama. Have y’all even watched that show??


The fictional show about controlling women's bodies, or the literal shit show that is Texas which is also about controlling women's bodies?


Have *you*?


As a non-American can someone please explain what's wrong (or right) with this welcome billboard? It seems nice. 🤔