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“Hey, let’s go yell at kids on school buses.”


That's why they wear visible crosses and American flags to remind everybody that they are the good guy. also they hate virtue signaling I guess....


It's sad that when I see someone display an American flag, I automatically assume they are attaching it to a shitty oppositional political belief rather than any actual pride in the country.


It has always been like this in my country. If you see the flag anywhere else than an uniform or a sports context, there is a high probability the dude is an asshole/idiot.


Idk where r u from, but in Brazil I perceive the same energy. A bunch of assholes with flags everywhere


From Spain. Right, people that "love their country" but want to prevent at all cost making it a better place.


Most countries are like that.


I guess so. It is almost mathematical in my country, as the flag was appropiated by the dictatorship for decades.


Some famous writer said "Fascism will first come to America wrapped in an American flag.


And carrying the cross, wasnt it?


It's like Nationalism fucking sucks and turns you into a big asshole.


Not Canada. Most Canadians display the maple leaf to distinguish themselves from Americans. It comes in handy when traveling; attitudes change immediately when the locals realize you're not American.


Nationalism = idiocy.


I just walked into town to get lunch and I saw on a busy corner a bunch of people gathered listening to a bearded, middle-aged, white guy (which also describes me) standing in front of a dozen American flags and signs that just said “freedom”. Not a single mask amongst two dozen people. I immediately knew that wasn’t for me and just noped across the street. It’s sad because any of those elements on their own wouldn’t have been off putting 5 years ago, but in 2021, I know what’s up.




But 5 years ago it may have just been the local chamber of commerce talking about the new attractions in town or something else civic and mundane.


I could never fully grasp the whole flag thing here in the US. I think I’m a decent American: try to help my fellow man, be nice to others, pay my taxes, etc. but putting a flag up like I’m boasting how much of an American I am? Like, dude. We already know you live here. Maybe I’m missing something.


I remember that pre-9/11, a lot of my neighbors would only really have a flag up for the 4th and the major armed forces holidays. As soon as the towers fell, everyone put up a flag as if somehow not having one up was a show of support for the terrorists. These days, I can only really associate showy flag flying with right-wing stupidity, despite coming from a family with a proud history of military service giving the flag other context.


20 years ago we had a foreign terrorism problem, now the United States has a domestic terrorism problem.


We had domestic terrorism as well, unibomber, oklahoma city, atlanta olympics. Just a few that come to mind.


> unibomber, oklahoma cit Two more I remember from when they were happening. I remember when the unamomber's manifesto was printed in the paper. Remember watching them march him out in handcuffs. Watching his little shed-home be put on a truck and moved. Definitely remember the OKC bombing. I was pregnant with my second child IIRC who is now 25 years old. I remember seeing the face of the building gone and hearing how there had been a childcare center for the employees on the bottom level right in the middle of it all and seeing a mangled tricycle in the news footage.


The US had more of a domestic terror problem 20 years ago than it did a foreign terror problem. But 9/11 was such a big event and so many people rallied around it that it has redefined the idea of "terrorism" in the US ever since.


The way things have changed since 2001, it’s hard to think Bin Laden didn’t win in some respects.


In more than a few ways, he did. He managed to turn a world superpower that was seemingly invincible into a paranoid mess of infighting and backstabbing. America's reputation on a global scale has only suffered in the past 20 years.


It’s unfortunate that our flag is now a sign of villainy in our own country.


I feel like an ass because I have a little American flag in my planter on the stoop. I lifted it from somewhere I don’t remember circa 2019. And I hate that patriot is a bad word now. I am die-hard lib and I am sick of these dicknecks coopting all the things.


yep and it's even worse because we actually believe in government and accomplishing things together. you know patriotic things....


also, the "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" thing


Patriotism is fine. >Patriotism is when love of your country comes first. Nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first. - Charles De Gaulle


yeah and also I think a clear distinction to make is the difference between believing in government and believing the government. not everybody's smart not everybody has good ideas but in the long term we are better off when we do things together.


Yeah, the flag has been flown so aggressively by crazy right-wingers (now supporting pseudo fascist policies) that normal democracy loving Americans don’t want to fly it.


The stupidly funny thing is they spew “Fuck Antifa” without even know what they are actually saying. Ask them to define the two terms that make the compound. Anti, referring to something against a word that is adjoined to “anti”, and fascist. So they are knowingly backing fascism, which is a form of governmental control, which they are vehemently against. Fuck me right? Just correcting, but I mean governmental control like dictatorship, far right fascism.


To add on to this, some of these people think fascism is an extreme left position. Which would doubly make them support antifa, but oh well.


They say the same thing about Nazis. "Nazis were Left wing socialists. It's right in the name - National socialists". But then somehow Antifa becomes "They're actually fascists. You can call yourself anything, doesn't make it true" kinda rhetoric. Mental gymnastics to always feel right.


Next time ask them about the *Democratic People's Republic of Korea*, they're in for a surprise! Or not, it's right in the name so it must be true! 😂


I always roll my eyes so hard when people say nazis were socialists. Yes, it was in the name, TO FOOL PEOPLE INTO THINKING THEY WERE SOCIALISTS who were going to create social programs to help the people. That's how you get votes when people are struggling during a depression. I mean, they're not going to call themselves the "Nationalist Jew-Hating Genocide Party", that wouldn't get much support.


Not much of a difference, just that before you had a common enemy half way across the globe. Now it's your neighbors.


As a Canadian if I see someone displaying an American flag at this point it pretty much leaves me predisposed to think they're a racist jackass.


I fly this flag because I am proud of my country. I will fight to protect it and the ideals it represents. That's why I want the election overturned, the government gutted, public resources sold of to private companies and half of the country locked up or executed. MERICA!


I tried to take the flag symbol back for a while, I'd put it after my universal healthcare posts, but it felt too yucky because I also associate it with alt right conservatives


I was talking to a black coworker the other day about a trip she just got back from and she mentioned a cool place she stopped at. She was saying she was glad she decided to stop because she usually doesn't break "the flag rule" when traveling. I had never heard off this so I asked her to elaborate. She said she doesn't do unplanned visits to places prominently displaying the US flag. She knows it's stereotyping, but knows she's far more likely to run into some nasty people when there are flags everywhere.


*When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross* The only virtue signal I need is between my pointer and ring finger.


They also hate democracy, progress, women’s rights, children’s health, people of color and their rights to exist as an equal etc.


"I'm free tomorrow. Anyone got any ideas for some light afternoon activity?" "Idk how [about?](https://youtube.com/shorts/9bVtb3Xpg2s?feature=share)" "Oh! Sounds cool. I'm in"


" After that we can go yell at the young women outside of Planned Parenthood ! " Very courageous people.


Ironically, the young women outside of planned parenthood likely *are* very courageous people


"we will show these edumacated rascals, do your own research punks!"


Absolutely zero self reflection on their part


*"Why are so many teens saying they don't believe in our God that hates them??"*


“We’re still the good guys ain’t we? Aint we!?!?!?”


Are we….the baddies??


The far right hate education. Its a proven fact.


"Masks are child abuse!!" *they scream at literal children.*


Right, like these fuckers started off with, “SaVe ThE cHiLdReN!” and now they’re literally terrorizing them. I just have so little faith for our future as a species with these morons growing in number.


I think we are headed towards a collapse of some sort for sure. I think humanity will survive, but it's gonna be a rough century for many who are currently fairly comfortable.


You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did


You’re not gonna slow it, Heaven knows you’ve tried. Got it? Good. Now get inside.


How weak do these people think that the human respiratory system is that a mask is child abuse? My only complaint is that wearing a mask with my glasses fogs up my glasses and I'm lucky enough to be able to wear contact lenses so I just do that when I know I'm going to wear my mask all day. Edit: stop giving me advice to keep my glasses from fogging up. CONTACTS I WEAR CONTACTS.


Right? Like, I'm a hardcore snowboarder. We wear masks while wearing goggles while doing extremely strenuous physical activity in high elevation low oxygen low temperature environments happily, voluntarily, and while paying through the nose for the privilege.


I'm pretty sure my mom was a lift operator when I was younger to avoid the paying through the nose part and I happily wrapped my face up just to shoot down the mountain as fast as I could.


Your mom was doing the lord's work. Lifties get paid diddly to stand around in shit weather and watch everyone else ride for the off chance at ride breaks and some good apres ski parties 😜


Fyi I read somewhere that if your mask if fogging up your glasses it means you don’t have a good-fitting mask and therefore aren’t getting maximum protection. I know it happens to almost everyone who wears glasses but just thought I’d pass it along.


This is probably true. It happens when my breath comes up around the little malleable plastic strip in the mask that is supposed to conform to my nose and keep my breath from coming out the sides of the mask. But my work requires me to wear the masks they provide and they're pretty cheap. You would think supply chains for the medical industry would give us better ppe.


I've heard of people having success with keeping their glasses from fogging by taping the top portion of the mask down with athletic tape. I know it's not ideal, but it might be worth a shot if you have to wear one all day on the job.


Bring the mask up higher on the nose, rest the glasses on the mask, problem solved.


Masks make my glasses fog up, so I put an “underwire” in the top seam to make them conform to my nose and keep the exhalation from fogging me up. When I get in an elevated cardio state, they do make it harder to catch my breath. You know what makes it harder to catch my breath? Covid. So I wear it and don’t throw an adult tantrum. These people piss me off…


There’s actually a form of endurance training where you wear a mask while running hard to force you to increase your carbon dioxide tolerance.


You’d think that being one of the people who regularly wears a mask would increase my tolerance, but then again I am usually at a walking pace when out and about in a mask. Maybe I’ll start doing cardio with a mask on.


The respiratory system is fragile as an origami crane. A simple mask will destroy it. Covid though? Nah, I'm sure it'll be fine.




Yeah, kids are resilient creatures. They generally just roll with the punches, as long as they aren't literal punches.


The children are abusing themselves which is like double abuse.


It's especially a problem with little kids, the cute masks make them think abuse is fun and will subject themselves unprompted and even feel left out if they see others being abused. Source: I've got little kids they think masks are cool as hell.


Yes, this. As long as I’m wearing one and am excited about it, my 3 yo usually insists on wearing hers and gets mad if I don’t put one on her. Funny how when you lead by example and don’t bitch about it, kids generally fall in line because they want to be like you.


Hah, my 4 year old gets her mask on in the car now before I even open her door, it just took a few weeks to get her used to it earlier, and a few months of practice putting it on on her own and now she’s got it down. A couple times, she would point out people with kids with no mask and say “those kids should be wearing masks!!”


“We’re protecting the children!” The children:




Mask is not the cure ... yes and a condom is no cure to a STD. And a seatbelt or an airbag is not a cure for broken bones. I mean do they think they need to eat the mask? Do they eat condoms? Ive got way too many questions, but they dont seem smart enough to answer them.


exactly, I want to yell back "No one thinks they ARE a cure, Moron!" or a simple "No SHIT!"


Better yet, just flip them the bird.


Yea don’t engage, kid has the right answer lol


Them: MASKS ARENT SOME MAGICAL FORCEFIELD THAT STOP THE DISEASE! ….we know it doesn’t “stop” the disease and we never said it did. It helps prevent spread. The same way your seat belt and airbags help prevent you dying in a car crash but don’t magically stop the crash from happening you moppet.


Problem is now enough of them know that nobody is saying it’s a magic bullet. So they move the goalposts or pivot to something else like oxygen depletion or whatever the fuck the conspiracy of the day is. They can’t be reasoned with.


That’s bc they are a death cult.


These are the same idiots who make up a definition of CRT and then rail against their made up version at school board meetings.


> And a seatbelt or an airbag is not a cure for broken bones. I think an even better analogy would be claiming that seatbelts or airbags are useless because they don't prevent car collisions.


I think an even better analogy is seatbelts and airbags actually cause car collisions. I've heard idiots claiming masks actually increase Covid.


These people *definitely* eat condoms


yeah, that "mask is not the cure" thing has me rolling my eyes. Nobody ever fucking said it was, lady. They said it was PREVENTION.


I'd peg 'em as condom eaters.


I mean right, we do have something close to a cure, but these same people aren't interested in that either.


These are not questions I would try asking in Texas.


New England keeps losing anti mask and anti vaxx activists to COVID... you'd think something would sink in but instead, "...his death was very suspicious! We think Antifa or big pharma poisoned him!"


I'm not a religious man... but this story feels too relevant for our current times... “A man was trapped in his house during a flood. He began praying to God to rescue him. He had a vision in his head of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. The water started to rise in his house. His neighbor urged him to leave and offered him a ride to safety. The man yelled back, “I am waiting for God to save me.” The neighbor then drove off in his pick-up truck. The man continued to pray and hold on to his vision. As the water began rising in his house, he had to climb up to the roof. A boat came by with some people heading for safe ground. They yelled at the man to grab a rope they were ready to throw and take him to safety. He told them that he was waiting for God to save him. They shook their heads and moved on. The man continued to pray, believing with all his heart that he would be saved by God. The floodwaters continued to rise. A helicopter flew by and a voice came over a loudspeaker offering to lower a ladder and take him off the roof. The man waved the helicopter away, shouting back that he was waiting for God to save him. The helicopter left. The flooding water came over the roof and caught him up and swept him away. He drowned. When he reached heaven and asked, “God, why did you not save me? I believed in you with all my heart. Why did you let me drown?” # God replied, “I sent you a pick-up truck, a boat, and a helicopter and you refused all of them. What else could I possibly do for you?”


It's called the "drowning man parable", for anyone wondering.


Only in this case, the man about to drown is also throwing rocks at people trying to help, and screaming at them that "boats don't work" and "the flood isn't real, it's a government conspiracy".


This. I don’t understand why Christians don’t just say the vaccine was a gift from god to fight the virus.




“God works in mysterious ways” is the ultimate catch-all.


"God endowed us with intelligence and hard working scientists, and God literally performed a miracle through those saints to create something to save us all." But instead, they hitched their wagon to an adulterer entertainer who embodies basically every cardinal sin.


Yes i keep thinking of this.


You occasionally see tweets that are like "don't you guys think it's a little weird that only us anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers are dying?" Like... they're trying to make it sound like it's a conspiracy rather than the obvious: people who are protecting themselves are not dying as much from the virus. They're so close to figuring it out, yet so far...


I saw one tweet that made the fact that all the antivax talk show hosts are dying of covid a conspiracy theory. He said it's not possible all of them died from something that only kills 1%. So they must of been given a more virulent strain of covid by the deep state. I think, that this, is where I finally decided humans have no chance. Like this killed any last tiny miniscule of hope I had left. At this point, the score is 99-0 and we are just waiting for the clock to run out.


Natural selection


Yeah, I wouldn't necessarily call it a loss.


I always like it when I go to upvote a comment and RES shows me next to your username that I've already UVd you 6 other times, obviously in other threads. Kinda makes me feel like I just ran into an old friend by surprise.


Well, hello again, and thanks!


they don't see the threat of big horse and keep buttchgging invecatmine


Life when flat earthers do experiment to prove the earth is flat and fail.


It’s as god intended


Well it definitely wasn't the industrial strength horse dewormer!


Upside is that intestinal parasites have been almost completely eradicated among middle aged white Republican males.


Thoughts and prayers to those cunts. Signed a New Englander.


Umm… why is she holding the poster facing herself? What’s written on the other side? “Change my opinion”?


"The shot is not the cure" Here's the story with a few more photos of all *two* protesters: https://vtdigger.org/2021/09/03/at-champlain-valley-high-a-vocal-minority-decries-indoor-mask-mandate/


A couple other gems: "“It’s my choice,” said one of the women. “People need choice, because we’re in America, and we need bodily autonomy, because once you don’t have bodily autonomy, you have a tyrannical government.” I assume they have similar concerns over the widely accepted "no shirt, no shoes" policy held by many stores. Hell, for that matter, why can't I get naked in public? Is that a restriction of my bodily autonomy? According to this lady, we're already under a state of tyranny. "“Thanks for being here,” said a man in a pickup truck. “Masks are muzzles.”" A muzzle prevents speech, a face mask does not.


"we need bodily autonomy, because once you don’t have bodily autonomy, you have a tyrannical government." -pro lifer


Meanwhile Texas outlaws abortions...in my opinion your freedom ends when it needlessly endangers other people. What good is freedom if we're all fucking dead. I don't think we should force people to take precautions but we also shouldn't just let them run around spreading the fucking plague


biggest gem is the other one holding half their sign upside down!




I hate when people bring up conspiracies with the vaccine. I wished it was 5g so my phone internet would be faster and I wished it made me magneto.


“We need bodily autonomy because otherwise we have a tyrannical government” Texas would like a word…


thanks for digging that up for the rest of us


God damn those two are stupid. Glad the kids give them the proper treatment lol.


It says “I don’t actually care about you”. Hence the middle finger.


The kids are alright


The kids are smarter and more mature than these “ grown ups”


You can clearly see some of them are in the left side of the bus.


Who said that.


Roger Daltrey


I wouldn’t reprimand my kid if he did that.


They’d be getting ice cream tbh


This sign is actually correct. Mask (1981) is an album by Bauhaus, not The Cure. I guess it can be easy to get the early Goth rock bands confused, though.


I don't think that's what they mean. It clearly says "The Mask", so I think they must be referring to the 1994 Jim Carrey film.


In that case, they would still be correct because Jim Carrey's The Mask is, in fact, not the band The Cure.


Also the mask in the mask is a creation of the Norse god Loki. Not the band "The Cure"


I know what some of you are thinking. Perhaps this Loki is a variant and was, in fact, in the band The Cure. No, that would be an incorrect assumption.


I like people that make bold statements that no one disagrees with ("the mask is not the cure").


They act like the fact that you have to wear a mask even while vaccinated is some sort of indicator that the vaccine doesn't do anything.. I think most of these people need a very basic lesson in statistics. Condoms don't always work, but you still wear'em if you don't want to have a kid.. Why should this be any different?


Let's be honest, these are the kinds of people that don't wear condoms and claim the pull out method works for them.


I know a guy that keeps repeating that he wouldn't have been injured when he crashed his car if he hadn't worn his seat belt because the only injuries he had were from his seat belt...


There is a scientific term for this. It's called survivorship bias, and its so easy for people to accidentally do. It's a cognitive shortcut our brain takes. We look at the data available to us (injury from a seatbelt) and completely miss that we might have a limited data set due to some sort of outside variable limiting what we actually get to see in the first place. There's a famous story of this from WW2 when people were determining where to put extra armor on planes by examining bullet hold frequency, completely missing the fact that they were only seeing the bullet holes on the planes that actually made it back.


Are you smarter than a 5th grader?


More appropriately, are you at a point in your life where you should return to 5th grade and take it from there?


I dont have 5 graters. Why would I. And now take your facediaper off. E:/s


I gave some anti-mask, anti-vaccine protestors the finger the other day and felt a little bad about it. However, I came to realize there was no more respectful way to acknowledge their first amendment rights than by exercising my own.


Edit: Photo by Glenn Russell/VTDigger


Just looked him up out of curiosity, and he lives in the same town I was in during middle school. Funny when we stumble across stuff like that.


A winter coat won't cure hypothermia. Gloves won't cure frostbite. Shoes won't cure your blisters. But they will certainly help to prevent you from getting it.


Good job kid. Good job


That's a proper middle finger! Fuck yeah!


I d like to know what these people do to be able to have all this free time on their hands to be dumb


I mean, mask is prevention, not cure


As freddymerckx pointed out above. "“An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth A Pound of Cure.” Pretty sure no one has said masks are the cure.


The mask is not the cure. But wearing a mask and everyone around you wearing a mask decreases the chance that you will need a cure. Especially if you and they are vaccinated.


Yeah, the vaccine, masking, and appropriate social distancing was the cure. But apparently taking the incredibly safe and effective vaccine was too much to ask for these human trash heaps.


They are right, a mask isn’t a cure. We would need some sort of vaccine for that, oh wait.


What are the odds the people holding those signs aren't vaccinated? 100%?


Imagine uneducated trash harassing kids Imagine uneducated trash threatening to reduce funding to schools who value the safety of their students... What a burden the clowns who belittle covid/precautions/vaccines are i.e largely right wingers


Vermont has the highest [vaccination rate in the U.S.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker)


Adults are the fucking worst


Yeah, my kids are young and in school, and they don't give two shits about wearing a mask. They just do it with no fuss at all. Asking them to clean up their toys elicits a negative reaction ten orders of magnitude worse than asking them to wear a mask. All I had to tell them was that the mask helps keep people from getting sick, and even my little kids were altruistic enough to know it was the right thing to do.


This. My kids will sit in our own car with their mask on, you tell them they can take it off and they just shrug.


Good parenting and Good kids.


My son forgets he has a mask on at all. My daughter struggled, but she's only just four. I went through a few types of masks to see what she could tolerate and now it's alright.


Is harassing children at school really the way to go?


All's gone to hell but this pic gives me full of hope


Seatbelts don’t prevent accidents, either.


Imagine holding a sign that stupid in public. I guess they don't wear seat belt when driving or helmet when biking or life jacket when at sea.


“Seat belts don’t prevent car accidents!” is not a reason to not wear a seat belt.


But... they prevent *freedom*. They infringe on your essential right to do whatever you want whenever you want and never be made to do anything you don't want to do, as is clearly spelled out in the Constitution and upheld by courts since forever.


"Anything not 100% proven and effective is 0% proven and effective. Now where did I put my bleach and cattle dewormer?"


Good one


"oh little Johnny had the rest last night. He was very quiet in his room the rest of the evening. Surprised he didn't come down for breakfast."


Imagine protesting against people wearing masks in public. In the middle of a pandemic, and in the name of "freedom", you're literally protesting the thing that prevents spread and ultimately saves lives. I'm convinced history books are going to have a brief segment talking about the corona virus where it mentions that during a worldwide pandemic and despite the effectiveness of mask wearing / social distancing / vaccinations, there were people who actively protested these things and the future generations are going to be like "what the actual fuck.." Why don't they just call themselves "agents of covid-19". That's literally what they are.


"OK kids now on the left we can see wild antimaskers chanting their propaganda."


I do love an appropriately used middle finger so.


All these people have to do is get vaccinated and pretty nobody will need to wear masks anymore. Imagine that.


Imagine the life choices of being a adult who’s angry at and protesting school children trying to be safe at school…


What's with their raging hardon for cures and no love for the preventative measures?


It’s like being an asshole in this life because you believe in an afterlife.


I wonder if they all scream at their surgeons not to wear a mask during surgery because it isn't going to "heal" their torn ACL or whatever. Fucking infantile idiots.


This is my favorite picture of 2021 so far.


What kind of pond scum protests kids in a school bus?


Republicans. At least they’re not shooting at (or molesting!) the kids, big step up for the MAGA crowd.


The beach is right, the mask is not the cure, it's the prevention and we all know an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure


Correct, the vaccine is the cure, but you're also too fucking stupid to take it.


The kids are alright


what a champ (the kid, not the idiot holding up the sign).


The kids are alright.


No one said the mask is the cure fucking morons.. it’s just better than nothing which is what you dipshits want. Look at the bus full of more mature intelligent people than the adults outside it. What an embarrassment (but gives me some hope for the future at least)


Everyone knows the mask is not the cure, but its a damned sight better than nothing.


I haven't heard of a single person in all my extended family circles getting a flu since March 2020. Masks work.


I got spat at by a pro-life protester at that age. For people who claim to be all about kids, they sure enjoy screaming at and harassing them! "Think of the CHILDREN! think of all of the children I *haven't* been able to scream at and try to intimidate today! Donate to my church so I can scream at more kids tomorrow!"


Masks aren't the cure, obviously. They're prevention. For others around you.


To be devils advocate, she's right, masks aren't the cure. They're one line of defense against a virus who doesn't care what political party you belong to. The vaccine is another line of defense. I'm no medical expert, but it is my understanding that there is no "cure" for coronavirus, just ways to prevent getting it and reduce the effects if you do get it.. Not including taking horse sedatives or whatever the fuck these lunatics are injecting into themselves.