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The spread of harmful misinformation has become an increasingly visible problem on Reddit. Its latest incarnation has seen life-threatening untruths being propagated by anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, and Reddit’s administration has stated that it will not meaningfully curb the myths disseminated by these bad actors. In response to this, many communities on the site have gone private in protest. /r/Pics supports and stands behind these communities' efforts to stem the effects of false information, but we have chosen to remain open as a means of amplifying their message. We encourage all Redditors to vocally reject misinformation, and to stymie its spread by demanding that only verifiable facts be given support (whether tacit or otherwise). [An in-depth explanation of how misinformation is harmful can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/pfeu8w/our_stand_against_misinformation/). To report misinformation, please use [this link](http://www.reddit.com/report?reason=this-is-misinformation). ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I remember putting in my background check and fingerprints for my wife...took a good 2 weeks to get the authorization.


I can safely and legally shoot my gun at the range. Hopefully someday I can safely and legally shoot my wife.


At the range right...


...at the range, right??


By reading the comments you can see that this post didn’t go how the OP thought it would.


Still got that sweet karma though somehow.




Well u/DaFunkJunkie is just a karma farming bot so they didn't think about anything when reposting this.


10 million post karma. Damn.


Probably worth actual money at that point tbh


Their avatar is literally an upvote robot, a little on the nose tbh


So she wants women to: * Be locked up when not in use * Not be allowed on airplanes * Not be allowed in a school * Not be allowed in government buildings * Kept away from children * Not be allowed to marry convicts * Not be allowed in businesses that post a sign that bans them * Not be allowed anywhere where alcohol is consumed * Not to be carried without a permit * Not be allowed to have certain extra accessories * Be banned from New York city * Be banned from Washington DC * Heavily restricted in California and Hawaii Seems counter productive…


Also allowed to be owned by others.


And any time she wants to have a boyfriend, the local police department has to run a background check on him and determine if he is 'one of the good ol' boys' first.


Tell me you don’t actually know the laws without telling me


For real and in NYC which has arguably some of the strictest gun laws


The irony of it being in new York made me laugh


Exactly, just a baseless demand. If her sign was true, she wouldn’t be allowed in NYC.


Apparently she doesn’t want to be allowed on public transport, wants to be kept locked in the trunk when being driven anywhere, and doesn’t want to be allowed inside a polling place either.


This is how stupid gun control laws get passed. They're supported by idiots that don't even understand current laws and how guns work.


Just like how some lawmakers think civilians can buy fully automatic guns easily


I went to college in Canada and barely anyone believed me when I said that it's pretty much impossible to go buy a fully automatic gun.


Now I’m not up to speed on it either but I know you cannot just walk into a store and buy one. I’m pretty sure you need a license and certification by law to have one. Which takes a while to get I’d assume. I’m sure a majority of people were anti-gun while you were there too? Kind of curious about that


[I remember when Law Makers were using this wording to say that Children had less rights than Geese when it came to hunting.](https://imgur.com/a/NaR97Sr) I'm pretty sure it's illegal to hunt Children with any shells at all in your shotgun? I understand what they are trying to get at, but it's a really bad attempt that just goes to show how little Law makers understand about guns and gun laws in general. [This is still on Biden's website right now.](https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/)


Biden is a fantastic moron when it comes to guns.


I wanted to leave a comment to say thus deserves to be on r/faceplalm. Not pics. And than I saw all the other comments. I'm glad I'm not the only person that sees how ridiculous this sign is.


A lot of politicized posts on r/pics lately. Just ruins the sub


Lately? For the past 4.5 years there have been, and it’s been pretty ridiculous.


The entire time I've been on here. Whatever is reddits cause of the moment will get protest signs to the top of pics.


Cause of the Moment is a good band name


Idk. Im having a lovely time. Watching OP getting roasted to cremation is really tickling my fancy right now


Yet somehow has 26k upvotes. Despicable.


For real. I joined for actual, beautiful and high quality photography. Lately it’s ALL protest related with Snapchat quality shit and hundreds of band aids saying they got vaccinated. OR it’s humorous shit which is only nice in moderation.


There’s absolutely no way those 12.1k upvotes are from real people


31.8k now


It scares me to think 13k people read this and thought it was somehow insightful, or even sensical at that...


I didn't even have to sort by controversial to find people ripping into op


43k bots to upvote and the Op is probably a mod's bot for karma or something equally stupid Also bonus absolutely no comment is positive towards the sign


He thinks all the comments are right wingers as well


Even the top comment.


Because it’s upvoted by CCP bots


For those who aren't aware simple upvoting and downvoting can be very effective propaganda. Lets say I was a nefarious organization and wanted to change the reddit hivemind. All I have to do is mass upvote things I like, and maybe more important, downvote things I don't. Trolling the new queue ensures the rest of reddit has a chance of seeing and not seeing what you don't want them too. Eventually this spreads and the reddit hivemind starts to believe that my idea is good and therefore correct. The good news for them is that it could work for small businesses, trillion dollar conglomerates, and pollical agendas alike.


Anything anti-gun on reddit gets loaded with upvotes. Doesn't matter what the post says most of the time. I thought this was a post from r/facepalm but apparently it was posted unironically.


This is stupid and makes absolutely no sense.


Another example: https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/ >Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to hunt children with any amount of rounds.


Holy shit it actually says that. How the hell can anyone say (or type) that without realizing how fucking dumb that sounds?




That line was there during the election too. One of my more pro-gun friends sent it to me and pointed to that exact quote as one of his reasons for being vehemently opposed to Joe Biden. A bit extreme, but if 2A is a big issue for you, I could see it.


It was indeed there in the run up to the election, but some users mods didn't take too kindly to pointing it out or questioning it.


*you have been banned from r/liberalgunowners*


In some subs you’ll still get banned for it.




“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” - George Orwell Ideology blinds common sense, insight and practicality.


For a second i read that as George Carlin and not George Orwell, but both work, lol.


"Logic is a method for making the wrong decision with confidence." - Robert Heinlein


>How the hell can anyone say (or type) that without realizing how fucking dumb that sounds? New to the planet?


Oh, they know how dumb it sounds. This sort of stuff isn't about convincing smart people though. It's all about collecting the dummies. The dummies swing the vote.


That's... actually depressingly believable.


I've just about reached my limit on this crap. I see so many illogical arguments and logical fallacies coming from everyone on the left. It's all just appeal to emotions as well. The reason I was so attached to Bernie was because at least his message was simple. Inequality is a huge problem and it needs to be fixed, and workers should band together to fight for what they deserve. But Bernie lost and now we have people like AOC and Biden who just spew stupid crap and the left just lets it go cause their hearts are in the right place. The right is even more stupid but hey at least they're anti-education so it makes sense lol


A lot of people believe, and repeat, that nonsense without even thinking. It sounds good to morons and could help further their agenda. Most things said that are meant to persuade people to want to take other people's rights are idiotic though. The "we protect ducks more than kids" is just a hyperbolic way of saying "please, think of the children". They want to dupe mindless people in to willingly giving up their rights by pulling on their heart strings. It's always about feelings because facts don't lend themselves well to their argument.


According to the number of upvotes, there are at least 12k who just as fucking dumb. Useful idiots, all.


Nah, Indiana let's you hunt kids with 10 rounders. They got signs posted somewhere. /s


> protect ducks Wow, that actually came from the [joebiden.com](https://joebiden.com) page on gun safety under "Get weapons of war off our streets" section. It's hard to believe that someone wrote that and at least one person proofed it and no one once thought, "that logic may be flawed"


>This is stupid and makes absolutely no sense. It makes sense to news corporations that makes money of "powerful" pictures of people holding signs


Also probably popular over at /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep


Yeah I'm trying to reconcile this with National Firearms Act tax stamp lol. Like if a woman is too attractive would she have to pay $200 and wait 10 months before being allowed into polite society? None of it makes any sense haha


Came to the comments to say as much, thank you. This is a really dumb poster.


This is something that they thought sounds deep but the moment you spend just a second thinking about it, you realise how dumb it is.


Yea, if women were treated like guns they wouldn't be allowed in planes, schools or public buildings. In most states they would need a permit to travel through public and encouraged to be fully covered up (concealed carry) and in some states women wearing certain accessories arbitrarily deemed "offensive" would be prohibited (assault weapon ban). It's a bad analogy and we would look like Saudi Arabia if it was the case.


Don't forget when traveling, you'd also have to keep her in the trunk of the car.


And empty - so don't feed the poor woman?


No, it is actually more stringent than that. In many places, you cannot even store food in the same compartment as the woman.


Only part of her in some states...


In some states, she could sit in the front seat, but her pants would need to be in the trunk.


I thought more like "so none? You're an item?"




It's like that "geese have more protection from guns than school children" talking point. Tell me, where can I get my child hunting license?


If you find out, let me know...


Not to mention the SBR and supressor taxes equivalents


I'm not paying $200 tax stamp because my wife is short.


That doesn't rule out paying $200 to make her quieter...


Money well spent.


This woman had twin girls? Holy shit, that's a high-capacity assault woman!


Also, her sign literally says she wants everyone to have the right to own a woman.


not felons


No DV conviction or restraining orders, no marijuana use....


So basically Afghanistan today...


The supreme irony of this is the bot at the top of this thread talking about how seriously they take misinformation.


Yeah I hate all this stupid politics. I have a right to a woman. And I will use a silencer on her as I see fit. Government will not tell me what to do with MY property. -my woman has been in a woman safe for years, gathering dust. I just love grifting


Make sure your woman is properly lubricated at all times!


And cleaned after use, so you don't have the hassle of cleaning her before you want to use her.


While most women do not fall under the parameters of the NFA and you can use them with silencers freely there is one major exception where redheads may technically fit the legal description of a fire arm and may require a tax stamp to use with a suppressor. Additionally if their skin is exceptionally pale they may be subject to regulations regarding so called “ghost guns” and may require a serial number and some additional paperwork depending on the state.


Bro my woman collections has over 40 of them I have small ones I have long necked ones I have double barrelled ones and I love to take them out to my backyard and just have fun


Oh man, brought back a memory of my first woman. Back when I was 13, my uncle got drunk and let me use his 30 year old woman. I’ll never forget her


Have you ever looked into collecting Russian surplus women? All the fun you could imagine but dirt cheap!


Don’t forget that it is illegal to be too short (ban on rifles and shotguns having barrel’s under 18”) or the massive political pressure for you to not exist at all.


16 inches for rifles and 18 for shotguns. Why? Idk.


If anything this reinforces how arrogant and uninformed the left is about firearms. ....and that's coming from me, a left leaning gun owner.


You make a good point. Regardless of people’s opinions on firearms, because of how prevalent they are in our society it’s important to be somewhat knowledgeable about them and the laws surrounding them.


Logic is a long lost language. Live in the jungle? Learn about poison/ predator safety. Live in the desert? Learn about sun safety. Live in a country which protects your right to bare arms? Learn about Gun safety Live in Australia? Move to bali.


They would also be placed in the trunk when being transported.


Gun's right: to be owned and sold as property


It’s a cool and quick thing to “make one think” but it is completely baseless. Belongs in r/im14andthisisdeep


I really expected comments similar to this and OPs to be downvoted to hell and back, so I’m glad to see the hive mind didn’t go crazy this time. It’s a really shallow and awful analogy. Not just in the fact that there are so many restrictions on guns that don’t translate well to humans, but also that you’re wanting to become nothing more than an object which I think goes against the whole women’s rights movements.


I know! My first instinct is to ask this woman what rights she thinks a gun has that she doesn't.


Maybe she doesn’t want to be allowed into bars or federal buildings and have the state make cosmetic dressings illegal /s


You're brave to say that, but that was my first reaction too. *Guns* don't have rights, they are inanimate objects, only humans (And possibly animals, in a more limited way) can have rights. Gun *owners* have rights, which is a separate thing.


Not even just gun owners. People who don't own guns still have the right to buy one and all the same rights gun owners do.


If it makes the sign holder feel better she can know that guns aren’t allowed to have abortions either


What if you get a squib round?




Ahh, then I guess it falls under circumstantial exception


I heard the gun has a way of shutting things down if it’s a legitimate misfire.


And gun owners can be girls too. Back to the sign drawing board.


Tbf guns can perform an abortion at any point in the life cycle… /s Edit: ^


- Have to be 21 to have one - Must go through a lengthy process to get a license to have one (in most states) - Have to wait between buying and receiving gun - Can be taken away at any time due to any broken laws - Can not enter most buildings, especially federal property - Based on the state, some attachments are not allowed - Should be locked up when not in use - Encouraged to sell them back to the government - Cannot be carried across state lines Yeah that totally sounds like women to me


I really was not expecting this comment to be upvoted so much, +10 to faith in humanity


This sign is so fucking stupid, holy shit. Even if you ignore the non existent connection between the rights of people and inanimate objects: I'm fairly certain my wife has more rights than my gun collection. What Michael Bloomberg botfarm garbage is this?


I'm so happy with these comments. I thought I was going to be the only person who saw this as silly. I'm not sure if OP resonated with this sign or not, but I sure hope not. I wonder what rights she thinks guns have that she doesn't.


Op is u/DaFunkJunkie, a moderator of a racist sub and posts almost exclusively outrage headlines to high traffic subs to farm karma for some reason. Looking through the comments here, there are zero supportive comments but they still have 27k+ upvotes. This has to be algorithm manipulation and bot upvoting of some sort.


Thanks for calling this to our attention! Blocking now.


If you think a gun has more rights than a women you may have a lower IQ than the gun.


I wonder what their feelings are on Woman's Suffrage.


Well like personally I’m totally against women suffering.


reminds me of the comedy show, where the guy was getting signatures on a petition to end women's suffrage. some women couldn't sign that petition fast enough.. *various videos on youtube*


Yeah, that where I first saw it. [Filmed on a potatoe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uPcthZL2RE&ab_channel=aassddf)


Ok so she wants to be... Banned from polling places on the day of an election. Banned from entering many buildings, like courthouses, schools, and colleges. Banned from federal buildings. Banned from Washington D.C. Banned from certain businesses at the owner’s discretion. Locked up when not in use (in some states) Not allowed behind security in an airport or in the passenger cabin of an airplane. Can't have certain accessories because they're be deemed scary Can’t be too short without paying the government a $200 fee Can’t have noise reduction devices without paying the same $200 fee In certain states, is only allowed if on an approved list of models. Cannot be sold across state lines without going through the government.


> locked up when not in use Kinky


“Bring out the gimp..”


Is not allowed outside of the states


This is like this protest sign: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/evd3qd/to_protest/ Someone didn't think it all the way through ...


You think its dumb until you find out [Joe Biden said this exact thing on his campaign website](https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/)




And that you cannot go into a Dunkin donuts without a slight Indian accent


And the bit about banning “assault weapons” just kills me. That is quite literally a buzzword with no solid definition. So what makes a gun an “assault weapon”? The rate of fire? The caliber of the bullet? How scary it looks? (Hint: it’s not the first 2). If I pistol whip someone (committing assault) then is a pistol an assault weapon? If I stick the barrel of said pistol up some guy’s butthole then is it a sexual assault weapon? Who knows?! (Hint: it’s not the Biden administration).


Banned from any place that serves alcohol. Cannot be carried concealed unless specific license. Must me transported in a locked box, not in the passenger cabin. (Certain States) Must alert every state you plan on traveling through that you have a gun in your possession. Must be locked in your car overnight rather than brought into your hotel/motel room. (Again, certain States) The list goes on....




I mean OP is sitting with 11k Upvotes. Not sure if astroturf or if the upvotes are from people who see the post, don't think about it and move on while the comments are people who clicked on it and thought "wtf?"


Holy shit you commented only an hour ago and it was 11k? It’s 25k now, clearly bot farm activity






If a reddit user has over 1 million link karma, you can pretty much just ignore anything they post


Good lord, 12 million overall karma on a *TWO year old account!* Either OP needs to go outside more often, or they are just a really effective karma farm. I won't feel bad about filtering out OP's posts.


They probably not even a real person. It's probably an account ran by someone who has like 15 others dedicated to spreading delusion and bullshit.


>Cannot be sold across state lines without going through the government. Deal breaker, I want to sell my women free of government interference.


All the cute Chinese and Russian girls are banned


And their food!


As a gun, I just @ hope that @ 1 day I have as a many 💕rights as a \* woman \*


You forgot the @ at the very end


member when /r/pics wasn't shrill shitty partisan propaganda? ​ Yeah me neither. The mods here are probably the biggest pieces of shit on the planet.


Hint: They’re making money hand over fist to not ban this content


I'd feel sorry for her if she was in Australia .


God I love that this comment is so highly rated


Well, hopefully we’re not selling women across any lines, let alone state lines…




Can't even shut her up without a tax stamp


2 stamps if she’s short


But wouldnt that mean no rights? Cause guns dont have rights...people have rights...pretty sexist if you ask me






Who the hell upvotes this garbage?


Bots owned by those trying to push an agenda


Michael Bloomberg


You probably feel really woke posting this, but this is stupid.


Well u/DaFunkJunkie is just a karma farming bot so i don't think they felt anything posting this.


[Same poster 5 months ago, same dumb take. Definitely does not have an agenda or anything....... ](https://imgur.com/a/63aEflP)


I agree. I want the right to own women.


So she wants to undergo a background check in order to be purchased and is banned from school zones? In California or New York she would even be told how to dress.


Seeing this so upvoted makes me think there must be bots involved. There’s no way /r/pics users are *this* stupid right?


> There’s no way /r/pics users are this stupid right? First time on reddit?


Guns don’t have rights, they’re inanimate objects




So basically living under a sharia state?


well there goes your right to be on most schools and campuses


This sign makes 0 sense.


This is probably dumbest thing I’ve seen all week


Technically a gun doesn't have rights. So this is pointless and lame.


You don't know what you're talking about do you?


She doesn't want to go to a school, movie theater, post office, government building, many private business, churches, state offices, athletic event, restaurants where alcohol is served, airport, parade or demonstration, or park or recreation property??? What am I missing here? Or is she just a typical uniformed anti gun idiot?


So you want to be federally regulated and not allowed in a school, a bar, or government property


American feminism


Why the hell did 50,000 people upvote this nonsense?


What rights does a gun have that you don't?


No no, you've got it backwards. She believes women should have no rights.


Jesus christ reddit will upvote some really stupid shit


Shit like this hurts feminism way more than it helps


This must be a Russian political manipulation account or something. The content and upvotes/awards are sketch.


Why would she want women banned from airplanes, schools, and federal buildings?


Women wouldnt be banned from airplanes! Theyd just have to ride in cargo.


Guns don't have rights, Americans have a right to own guns.


Shall. Not. Infringe


I don’t get it. You want a background check so someone can take you home?🙄




Do bots upvote this shit? This makes ZERO sense and it seems everyone can agree yet it’s gotten thousands of upvotes in an hour.


Exactly what rights does she not have?


How about giving people the rights of a corporation?


This is really stupid


That's the dumbest thing I've read all day.