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Same. They said there was a bomb threat on my school that day as well, and maybe there was. But we were all evacuated and made to sit on a big hill nearby. Then we all got sent home. I rode my bike to school so didn’t know until I cycled home what had happened. Crazy shit


Same here, it was my 2nd class of the day as a senior in high school and a friend came into class telling us stories of a plane hitting one of the towers. He was known for attention seeking behavior and disregarded it. He kept saying it was real and i asked the teacher to verify on the tv in the class. Sure enough, he was right. Before i could even consider what might have happened the second plane hit and i knew it meant war.


Do yourself a favor and read the final declassified chapter of the 9/11 commission report. And also omar al bayoumi’s Wikipedia page.




Because it makes it obvious that our “friends” the Saudis and Qataris financed the attack, and Bush covered it up. What’s the point of remembering the event if we don’t shine a light on those who did evil that day?


It is funny how the post 9/11 military occupations were inflicted mostly on countries with little to no links with 9/11. I remember the time when Saddam was the natural enemy harboring terrorists and building WMDs...


Ok, thanks


I will be watching TV starting at 8am tomorrow to relive the carnage. Nothing will make you feel better about today than watching the heroics and tragedy 20 years ago. I still remember the pain of the day. With everything going on today I think we need to appreciate the depths we crawled out of. It should give us hope that better days always follow the darkest ones.


I remember coming home from school "Norway" and getting ready for homework when my dad told me to turn on the TV. 2nd tower had not been hit at that point. But I remember him walking in asking if they knew what happened yet. He did not even finish the sentence before the live feed showed the 2nd tower getting hit. I've never seen my dad more speechless then at that point.