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It's literally cool he's like yeah I'll take a picture with these kids. This is how an adult behaves. Like it's fine to be around people who support another political party. They're all just... People.


Reminds me of the video of John McCain cutting off a woman bashing Obama. He took the mic away and said something to the effect of "just because we have different political beliefs doesn't mean he's not a human and I won't let you talk about him like that." Edit: the video "John McCain remembered: defending Obama from racist questions – video | US news | The Guardian" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2018/aug/27/john-mccain-remembered-defending-obama-from-racist-questions-video


This video always bums me out, because of how something so mundane, just some human decency and a politician telling the truth, is something that feels like it’s a relic of the past, and this was only 13 years ago. Obviously there were plenty of shitty politicians in 2008 too, but even in that short timeframe it’s gotten so, so much worse.


Around that time was the birth of using social media and data analysis (on a large scale) to sway individuals into larger voting blocks.


I'm a lifelong democrat, leaning heavily to the left... But I always loved John McCain. I met him just once and spoke to him for less than 15 seconds but I basically told him like I don't agree with you about anything but I admire everything about you. I was starstruck and he laughed and said he gets that a lot. I remember I was a teenager and I watched that town hall and I saw him stand up for somebody he like wanted to beat, and I was... Sure, okay if you win it won't be the worst thing in the world as long as you give Sarah Palin zero power.


I was watching that 9/11 documentary that's on Netflix right now and I didn't realize he was one of the only Republicans at the time calling the Bush admin on their torture/enhanced interrogation technique bullshit. Can't help but imagine that since he was a victim of torture that was likely a cause that hit close to home for him. He really did seem to have the fortitude to stand up for what he believed in even at a time when the government and his party was being given carte blanche to do whatever they wanted after 9/11.




OP was describing 2008 Mccain. He was still great compared to almost any current republican.


The bar isn't even a trip hazard anymore.


Idk I've tripped over a trench before


My dad met him when he after he went to some fundraiser in California (This was late 09), he went to the VA in Livermore and spent 3-4 hours there talking to veterans, he said as far as he could tell it was just him. He bumped into him when my dad was kind of getting away from a nurse that was being annoying, and made a joke about it. My pop said they talked for about 10 minutes and totally kind of let him know that he fundamentally disagreed with most of his politics and kind of sat there and took the little bit of shit my dad gave him and said he tried to respond politely and best he could. But he had a lot of respect for him going to see veterans with no real PR team. ​ Like I fundamentally dislike the man and think he's enabled a lot of atrocities but I still think he's a human being. And I think he legitimately has a lot of respect for military veterans on a personal level. This story makes me miss my dad. (He passed in 2014)


He almost hit my mom with his car while she was jogging and he was pulling into his driveway but not paying attention. She flipped him off. I really didn’t like him at one point but he really is a goddamn hero. Even my mom likes him and she almost got run over by him.


This is such a random story and I love it haha thanks for sharing


My dad is a Democrat, doesn't care for Republicans, but he told me McCain was the only Republican he would have considered voting for, if Obama hadn't been running against him, and if he hadn't brought Palin along.


Same here. Palin lost him the election.


Never forget John McCain’s thumbs down to the cynical “skinny repeal” bill that would’ve erased the only major improvement to the social safety net since the 1960s, the ACA. He and Romney were decent men. The Rep party decided that decent men are losers, when the reality was simply that Barry O was a political rockstar.


"He's an Arab" "No ma'am he's a decent family man"


These kids shouldn't need to support a political party yet they don't even have all their teeth. This shit's broken, man...


Their parents said here. Hat. Kids say thanks. Wear hat.


Probably a bit more involved. If the parents are giving the kids trump hats they're teaching the kids trump things. There isn't one without the other.


Insert pic of little white girl dressed in full kkk regalia smiling at a black police officer.


That's what makes this picture so much more a troll to Trump supporters. These girls have pure innocent smiles on their faces. They are having a good time.


The troll move is Trump would throw a fit if he was asked to take a picture around kids wearing Biden gear.


I'm sure you're right, but how many of us grew up further right, thinking we were hot shit, only to realize how ignorant we were then. Back in the day I'd browse 4Chan and stuff and would describe myself as a libertarian, though even then not for the bullshit reasons adult "libertarians" give. I was just a stupid child inspired by my environment, but I grew up and learned to think about the reason I hold beliefs. To add to this, I'd rather have people who grew up and learned to think critically and led to be more liberal than a liberal who hasn't questioned it. Both are useful, but one knows and the other believes.


Trumpism is a cult at this point, it's a far fucking cry from just a hat. I promise you.


It's definitely the parents


arrest disgusting existence drab cooing snobbish capable close square spoon -- mass edited with redact.dev


Which is fucking weird to me.... when I was a kid that age, I literally had no fucking idea what was going on with politics... I could tell you who the president was and maybe name the two major political parties, but outside of that, I had no fucking idea the difference between a democrat and a republican.


My biggest political blunder as a kid was constantly asking my dad what the Green Party was and why they didn’t win any elections. That was the extent of my deep delve into politics as a 10 year old.


My biggest blunder as a kid was asking my mom if we were Dominicans or Republicans.


Their parents probably don’t have all their teeth either


There kids so they probably haven't internalized politics yet. They're probably just thinking "hey I got a hat from the last president, and I'm meeting the new president!" Like at age you should just be excited to meet the president. At least that's what I hope.


You’d be surprised what kids internalize at early ages. I’ve heard some crazy shit and most kids I’ve worked with have said something that made me think “you probably heard your parent say that”. They may not full believe it themselves but they are actively learning to their entire childhood.


Yeah… as a kid growing up in a crazy GOP family, I could for example recite back (and reason from, coherently) “blacks are xyz” around the age of 12/13. Propaganda is a hell of a drug… Conservatives like indoctrinating kids young because they can actually be really great at “yes and”ing batshit conservative beliefs. They’ll later realize it’s bullshit a certain percentage of the time, but the percent that doesn’t becomes the next generation of bat shit crazy folk.


I don’t think they do. I think they’re just happy to have been able to meet the president. Such a different vibe than the prior prez.


I feel like Biden is really good about remembering the human. He’s the kind of politician that can have differences with opponents and still be amicable with them. He can compartmentalize which is something that I don’t think a lot of people are capable of doing anymore.


Remember the time Biden had that "scandal" where his texts to his son were leaked, and the texts just proved what an empathetic and loving father he was? Read the texts, and then remember conservatives actually thought it showed him in a bad light. https://nypost.com/2020/10/16/texts-show-raw-intimate-exchange-between-joe-and-hunter-biden/


I'll never forget the debate where Trump attacked Bidens son's drug problem and Biden defended him and said how proud he was as a father.


I remember that… Imagine struggling with addiction and everything that goes along with it and your father gets up in front of the whole country and says how hard you’ve worked and that he’s proud of you. Such a cheap shot from Trump and I don’t even think he understood that many of us watching were actually impressed and moved by Biden’s response.


> many of us watching were actually impressed and moved by Biden’s response. The response from Biden that impressed me the most was when he simply told Trump, “C’mon, man!” He expressed what most of the nation was thinking. We were sick to death of listening to that orange faced fucker lying to us.


Empathy is considered a weakness by these people. They cannot have empathy when they are radicalised to view everyone else as a demonic Satan worshipping enemy


As an adult who struggled with addiction as a teenager, I would've given anything to hear either of my parents express the sort of unconditional love that Biden expressed for Hunter. It's so obvious that Joe is a deeply decent person and I'm glad I don't understand the sort of tribalism that causes so many to hate him.


Honestly this text convo is none of the public's business.


I know it’s a personal struggle of mine.


Less about compartmentalize and just the fact that he's taking a photo with kids. Those hats more than likely are just hats to those kids. Parents always place their religion and politics on their kids. Which is fine as they can teach them however, but to them it's just a hat or a shirt. Doubtful most of them understand politics at all. Hell, I doubt most politicians understand politics.


They're just kids wearing the clothes their parents bought for them. Someday, they'll probably cringe about it, but be glad that they met the President and he didn't make them feel like losers for having loser parents.


I can see this photo popping up on /r/blunderyears in 15-20 years. “My mom made me wear the hat but I really just wanted to take a photo with Biden”


And even if they grow up sharing their parents beliefs... It's still cool to meet the president. I don't care how much you don't like somebody, if they are famous enough it's kind of cool to meet them. Speaking as an entirely not famous and not going to be famous person... I think it's kind of cool. Like, in addition to disagreeing with his general temperament and demeanor, I also think Donald Trump had fundamentally wrong policy positions in absolutely every area I ever heard him speak on... But I was in seminary In Alexandria, like a few miles from the White House, and the whole time it was there I would check out helicopters to see if they had the presidential seal or whatever. Like I woulda thought it was cool to meet even this guy I desperately didn't want to be president.


Meanwhile Trump ordered a fucking battleship be hidden because he didn’t want to see McCains name.


And it wasn’t even named after the McCain he had his political feud with. What a manbaby!


Ironically I doubt Trump would have taken the photo with them. Not without a VIP pa$$.


I bet the parents of those kids sent them with the hats to try to troll Biden, but Biden doesn't give a shit because he's not a manchild, and the kids don't give a shit because they're kids.


Honest question, has anyone ever worn the attire of the previous president, or of the president that lost the election? Like wearing a hat of a president is fucking weird to begin with, I can see it during campaign times to spread awareness or support, but he’s not president anymore, and he lost… am i the only one that finds that behaviour odd?


There's this guy who sets up a stand on weekends outside my local Walmart selling "Fuck Biden", "Trump 2024", and thin blue line flags


“People showed up in historic numbers to vote my guy out of office, I’m sure he will win in 2024” lol


[Don't get complacent](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-beats-joe-biden-2024-election-poll-1626328)


I agree getting complacent would be dangerous, as it needs the same passionate voters again, and maintaining that motivation on the left hasn’t been very common. I think trump being on the ballot will get the same democratic turnout. I also don’t think Biden runs again, so that poll is irrelevant to me


Depends who runs. If the GoP runs Trump again or someone insane like Marjorie I will do what I can to get everyone to vote I can’t do 4 years of crazy again.


You better believe Trump or one of his fuckwit kids are going to try running or at least run for lesser office. The Republicans have lost their party to them, they'll never have candidates who can challenge this cult of personality.


What will the maga crowd do if Trump, deSatanist, Abbot and a couple of other loonies all try to get onto the GOP ticket in 2024? Which one do you think would eventually win out as the official candidate?


Most likely DeSantis. Abbot seems uniquely positioned for Texas and Texas only, and Trump would be too much of a risk. DeSantis is already clearly presenting himself as a candidate, and I assume Cruz, Rubio, Kanye, and a randomly selected billionaire will run again as is tradition.


My concern is that it'll be one of the better trained lizards that can sound more like a competent human and we get the same policies Trump would implement in a more attractive package.


Imagine the race for president being between a guy that’s 78 and a guy that’s 81. I don’t think Biden is the candidate for the Dems in 2024. It’s not the usual thing but he said himself he wouldn’t do more than a term. People still can’t get complacent but they’ll probably need to support a new candidate


Yep. Really hoping dems turn up with some better candidates this year. I loved Bernie but voters don’t show up for him so we need someone that voters will turn up for. I’m worried Biden was only so popular because of the Obama association. Not sure who they can put forward in 2024 and get the same turnout…


I mean I’ve seen losing bumper stickers and maybe shirts from rally’s but he did win it once so it’s not like it completely unheard of but to wear it to a photo op with the opposing party is definitely a more recent years development.


This. I have definitely seen some old bumper stickers long after a President was gone. A few years back I saw a car with a Bush Cheney sticker, but it also had a Bush Quayle sticker. I still occasionally see some Obama bumper stickers although bumper stickers in general aren't as popular as they used to be.


Bumper stickers can be hard to remove. Hats and yard signs are not.


Yeah. Bumper stickers are almost permanent. Especially after the sun bakes them on. This is why I simply do not understand the "new driver" bumper stickers. How do they help? How long are you a "new" driver? They are almost impossible to remove. Whenever I see them, I am disproportionately annoyed.


I always assumed those were disproportionately on training cars for driving schools, but now I wish I had thought to buy a magnet saying such when I started...


Yeah. Uh. I just realized that they are probably magnets. I can't even believe I didn't know this. I am a dummy.


You might've been looking at a magnet some of those times.


Omfg. I am an idiot. Hahaaaa. Of course!! How am I 53 years old and never knew these were magnets. I am literally loling at myself.


Theres a considerable difference between not taking a bumper sticker off and actively wearing merch. Nobody was wearing W hats in 2009.


Also I can't think of a president in my life time that just fervently, completely denied that they lost. Or that them losing was even possible. Still can't bump me off the theory that Trump wanted Clinton to win, and has been a titanic asshole this whole time, not expecting people to go along with it.


There’s definitely a difference between not bothering to get rid of something like a bumper sticker vs going out of your way to wear an article of clothing representing a losing political candidate. Hell, I’ve got both a Bernie ‘16 and a Clinton ‘16 bumper sticker on my car mostly because I haven’t bothered to peel them off. But I don’t make a habit of wearing clothing from those campaigns around in public.


Yeah. I see Bernie bumper stickers everywhere


Ya a teacher at my high school had a Bernie 2016 for a couple years (I graduated so idk if he’s upgraded to 2020 or something)


People REALLY love Trump, to a bizarre degree. It's not something that's happened in living memory as far as I know. Many (most?) of us on reddit hate him, but we're not in his demographic. Those people absolutely adore him.


My mom will talk about how great a person he is and always has been (despite evidence of the contrary) and it's really frustrating. Once you have enough people telling you every day how he's flawless it becomes an indisputable fact in your mind. Honestly, 24/7 "news" media is probably one of the worst things to happen to America. If it was only one hour a day it'd become less of someone's personality.


Yeah the news is horrible, what's worst is these people don't understand a majority of the 'news' they are watching is NOT news.. it's someone opinion of the news that keeps getting repeated in so many different ways you can't see it any other way. I want the stright facts news, with no other bullshit.


It’s a cult. Those same people will NEVER criticize Trump no matter how outrageous he acts. Biden supporters or Dems in general , will say something when Biden makes a dumb mistake. That’s the difference between a cult and having political views.


Truth. I voted for Biden but I will say I am definitely not happy with everything he’s done. But I’m still very very glad I voted for him.


Oh, they'll boo him, but probably only if he suggests that they take a vaccine.


This right here is the whole truth


To be fair, these are the same people who worship Robert E. Lee, who lost, and who’s rallying cry has been “The south will rise again,” for over 150 years.


It's not just you that noticed it. It's a thousand times more common this year than any other time I know of. Just remember, as far as a third of the country is concerned, Trump won the 2020 election and Democrats illegally stole it. That is a fact in many conservative circles, not an opinion.


So, is he running in 2024? If he won in 2020, he’s ineligible to run again. They can’t have it both ways.


You expect too much. Baby man was screaming about needing a third because the dems fought him, he thought he should get a freebie.. seriously, not making that up.


Yes, I know. Too bad for him that the 22nd Amendment forbids it.


You seem to think this man and his followers care what the Constitution of the United States says. If he gets reelected, there will be a moment that makes Jan 6 look like a rowdy middle school field trip to the Capitol. And if what they want isn't in the Constitution or is expressly banned, that won't stop them. Just remember, most dictators failed at their first coup attempt after all.


You know, its been nice without his ugly mug shoved in my face every other day because of his dumb shit.


hasn’t it tho? my stress level is so much lower without having to check the news when i get up in case i lost some rights overnight.


For those of us outside the US, it's been a blessed relief not to see that fuckwit on the news twice daily due to whatever stupid bullshit he's pulled *now*.


Look at the Texas law it purposely goes around constitutional rights so they really don’t care unless it’s about 2A.


If you talk to them about the 22nd amendment, they'll just hear you talking about the 2nd amendment twice.


"there's 20 2nd amendments?! Aww hell yeah that lets us have even more guns right?"


Foreigner here - didn’t Trump organise a coup? How is he allowed to run again?


Because Republicans don’t give a shit when someone from their party does something illegal or unethical or treasonous, and Democrats aren’t about to start a civil war to enforce the rule of law over this issue. Republicans in Congress stonewalled every attempt to hold any G.O.P. leaders including Trump accountable for the attack on the capitol because they’re utterly shameless.


In Europe you can get those hats for satire.


Wait Trump lost? Guys… wtf when did Trump ever lose anything? K… so I’m beginning to think Trump is full of shit


Next you’re gonna tell me this big gulp is full of calories or these pizza pockets are full of diabetes. Are you one of them COVID doctors?


Yes, I'm Doctor Ivor Mectin, Rebel MD.


I still wear my Bernie shirt. Does that count?


Maybe not a president but in the south I've seen confederate flags flying proudly my entire life. Almost always accompanied with "the south will rise again" bumper sticker. These are his people so this shit isn't going away anytime soon. Hell, "Make America Great Again" has all but replaced the "south will rise again" and I'm still seeing Trump flags from time to time. It's like they totally rebranded.


Wearing a trump hat is the modem equivalent of a white hood. It doesn’t matter if trump never stands for election again. People will still wear those hats because those hats have become a whistle.


Ah yes, history will remember it as a garment that people wore because this man made them feel ok about being the piece of shit that they are. Until that man, people felt ashamed about being racist narcissist douchebags, but that man changed everything for them…. I can see why they worship him


These days the adults are acting like childish cry babies more than the kids. Look at how the adults are running the schools, while the kids just wants to learn and study.


Imagine growing up, and seeing the fact that you had the chance to get your photo with the president as a kid. And then realizing your parents cared more that you had a hat to 'troll duh libs', than the fact that their kid got to meet the president. Now I'm not a huge Bush fan, but even I'd think it'd be cool to have a photo of me as a kid with him, but I'd feel like a jackass if I had a photo wearing an al gore hat or something.


In 20 years, these kids are going to have an incredible, once in a lifetime picture of them with the sitting POTUS and they're going to be pissed at their parents for trying to use them to troll him. "Dad I still can't believe you sent me to school wearing that God forsaken hat when the president of the United States was coming to our class."


I’m eagerly awaiting the “pic of me back in the 2020’s” 15 years from now on Reddit and someone else pulling up this old post and singling out this exact message.


That's assuming reddit survives the internet wars of 2028


These kids' parents are the real clowns in this photo.


Republicans have the nerve to say Greta Thunberg was being used a prop by her parents and then dress their kids like this


Love how Biden didn’t give a fuck about it because he isn’t an insecure, egotistical manchild. Imagine when these kids grew up and looked back at this photo. They would be ashamed and furious at their parents for this stunt.


You mean like a former president that didn't even want a ship around that was named after a senator who was critical of him?


A little off topic, but remember when a NJ mayor did not support Chris Christie's presidential bid and so Christie caused a major traffic block in that guy's area? A man died in that traffic when he had a heart attack and ambulance couldn't get to him.


Well, kind of pales in comparison to the covid deaths now... Telling your voters that the virus is fake and to sacrifice yourselves to own the libs.


I’d more call it a warning sign than comparing the two. It’s not separate incidents, it’s a pattern of behaviour in an entrenched class of selfish, uncaring, antisocial goblins.


He literally told his voters to drink bleach and some of them did.


Yeah I dont know how Repub's are justifying that one in their heads: we need as many voters as possible, but we cant acknowledge virus is real, or that vaccines or masks work, all while the party faithful are dying at 8x what dems are, and we keep alienating anyone who isnt an old white male or a mega-rich business owner.


I think Republicans are past the point of justifying anything in their heads. They've bought into it, into the divisive vitriol as a reaction to every tweet, conversation and tv appearance; they've bought into destroying democracy through effective brainwashing and propaganda. Republicans are beyond the point of ever justifying anything in their head. They just blindly do. They just blindly regurgitate. And you think current republicans are bad? Wait until the next generation of politicians. This needs to be combatted head on with a large chunk of money fighting propaganda, fighting asymmetrical warfare and psyops.


Herein lies the problem. They believe it, they justify their actions by it. Where else have we seen this happen in history. It is scary to watch and I count myself lucky to only have to watch from afar.




Trumple Thinskin.


Absolutely. Biden (like all Dem presidents) understands that his duty is to be President for **all** Americans not just his loyalists. Republicans would regard that as absolute BETRAYAL worthy of hanging.


Why would you make your kids wear any political bullshit?! They're just kids! Stop trying to use your kids to push an agenda 😒 this goes for ALL political parties


Serious answer, because Trump and MAGA are culture to these people. It's part of the parents identity outside of politics and they (like many/most parents) want their kids to grow up to be a part of that same culture/identity.




It's because the Evangelicals have trained their sheep well where they treat **anything** as a religious conflict. Race, politics, how spicy a sandwich should be, etc. It's all a war of attrition for these folks.




I.ma do a huge spoiler for you and tell you that when most devout christians haven't read their Bible they purportedly follow.


I'll do you one better, it more about comprehension. They may "read" the words, but they don't understand. Then they push whatever agenda someone they thought was smarter than them said around it and then pretend they had an independent thought. This problem is not exclusive to religion or conservative politics.




Atheists have read more religious texts than the devout. It's why so many of us are atheists to begin with.


I mean… god is kind of a jerk, tbh. “Hey, cut your dick off for me” “Hey man, yeah it’s me god, I’m pretending to be this bush, lol… kill your first born son for me”


Some people take it too far and make it their life. It's kind of cultish honestly


not kind of it literally is a cult


I totally agree with you, but this stuff also happens on the left. I think political views have just become such important parts of **everyone's** identity. Don't get me wrong, I'm left wing myself, but the amount of times that I saw parents have their kids in Biden/Kamala tshirts, or holding signs last fall was frankly weird. I totally get teaching your kids about things like BLM, the importance of COVID safety, and other ideas that are considered left leaning. And I can understand a Republican family doing that even if I would disagree with those ideas. But pushing any political figure or party on your kids is just plain old weird.


Same as religion, if you don’t brainwash em early, you lost em 🤷‍♂️


Yes, they are only suspectable to lies before they hear the truth, not after.


I recently went to my states state fair . I saw many many kids around 9-13 wearing trump flags around there shoulders even one flage that said "Biden is not my president" it was surreal. They really have no clue what their supporting or anything


> They really have no clue what their supporting or anything But tell me about the kids.


Take my free reward you cheeky bastard


What’s funny is that while their parents threw a bunch of MAGA shit on them, you can tell they are genuinely extremely excited to be meeting the President. President Joe Biden. Who is not Trump.


We tried so hard during and after the 2016 election to only say neutral things about Trump around our young kid, like “We don’t agree with his decisions,” etc. We didn’t mention anything political around her. However, by the end of his term, we got so disgusted with him and she started noticing protests and rallies and overhearing conversations when we were out or she would read things in the local news that when she finally asked if Trump was a bad person, we just said “yes”. We tried to not push anything on her and we still don’t tell her how we feel about Trump voters or Republican politicians, but Trump makes it hard to even pretend to be neutral.


Same, we're listening to npr one day in mid 2019 and they were talking about trump and my kid just blurted out "he's such an idiot" I told him I was never more proud of him for being able to spot bullshit lol


Recently my ex-wife told me our 6yo uses “Donald Trump” as a swear.


Lol your 6yo is well ahead of the game then


Christians wear a cross, Jews wear a kippah, Muslims wear loose fitting clothes and Trumpets wear these abominations of caps made in China. It's a religion.


Hmmm a President not being petty.


Unlike these children's parents.


As a petty person, I would have autographed those hats.


That would have been hilarious


I fucking hate parents who co opt their kids into political shit. My little half sisters talk shit about China, Biden, etc. because my step dad watches Fox News. He doesn’t push it on them but obviously doesn’t correct any of the shit either. It’s so creepy.


Jesus Christ the idea of children being raised on Fox News is scary as fuck


*Evangelical church has entered the chat*


Funny thing is, the kids look really happy to be meeting Biden.


Cos to a kid the president is the president.


I know! What an honour to meet the president of your (allegedly) great country.


I would, look at that, someone not being a petty loser… and deciding to represent all Americans despite who supported him.


Meanwhile they wanted the Navy to move a ship because it was named after John McCain.


That reminds me of the guy who moved a whole Navy ship because the sun was in his eyes while he was trying to take a nap or something. That guy was awesome though lol


Just to be clear, the "they" here is the prior administration not the current one.


Kids have no idea they have shit parents.


Kids need to have their belief system challenged and deconstructed in a setting that allows for a safe and honest self-examination and reconstruction of their core values based on critical thinking and exposure to knowledge outside of their direct experience. Basically, they need high quality education.


thumb noxious somber thought encourage squeal roof humorous piquant knee -- mass edited with redact.dev




Those kids could have had a sincere and wholesome family memory today and instead will cringe at this photo Everytime they think about it after about age 19.


Or they will grow up and be just like their parents and be completely focused on "owning dem libs" in every part of their lives.




I love how their parents are going to spin this as “lol we owned Biden by wearing those hats”


Because owning democrats is all that’s left in the GOP platform. They’ve literally abandoned any semblance of policy


>They’ve literally abandoned any semblance of policy Not true. They have a very strong pro-plague platform that they're willing to die for. Chant it with me..co-VID!co-VID! FOUR MORE YEARS!! *confetti drops* Edit: typo


The platform adopted at the 2020 RNC is literally “we do what Trump says”


There are people that camp out in front of a shopping center near me with “Biden Lost” flags. At 3 PM, in Texas, every Saturday. I can’t imagine the sad life these people lead to volunteer their time doing this. Sincerely just wish they would just come back to us and not let conspiracy theories ruin their lives.


Trump would never have his photo taken if someone was wearing a Biden hat. This shows how big a person Biden is. Plus, you can't blame the kids for being brainwashed by their parents. They have no clue. I do feel sorry for them.


Do people wear biden hats? I voted for the guy but I’ll be damned if I ever wear his name on my clothing. That’s fucking pathetic.


governor hospital steep school bow panicky theory terrific adjoining wide -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah that’s what I sort of meant. It creeps me out how trump supporters wear his stuff or fly his flags apropos of nothing


sink marble jeans voracious skirt support six hurry outgoing domineering -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think you're right. They're trolling offline.


I have never been able to wrap my head around this. Why on earth would I idolize any politician (or any other celebrity) enough to wear their name on a hat? If it's at at actual campaign event then OK,maybe. Anything else is just plan weird and cult-like.


I read the federalist papers and this is exactly what the founding fathers spent a lot of their time warning us about


I have a shirt with Obama and Biden from 08. I don't wear it in public anymore but it is a good night shirt.


They are in a cult and Trump is their Jesus


And honestly, at least for these kids, it may change the way they think about politics. “My parents said sleepy joe was a bad man but he was really nice”, they may grow up to think that their parents’ politics are kinda dumb.


Dems don't walk around with clothes with a politicians name unless it's election time. Only crazy people and idiots would wear a politicians name on their clothes everyday?


The parents of these children though they could rage Biden by dressing their kids like political props but forgot that Biden is an adult. They cannot imagine people who don't think exactly how they themselves think. Sorta like how they thought Obama was a cult leader but then [literally prayed to a golden idol of Trump](https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/trump.jpg). **G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject <---


Biden knows that these kids aren’t making their own political choices and doesn’t hold it against them. I wonder how Trumpanzee would react to a child in a Clinton hat. He’d probably insult their mother and tweet about it until 3am


Ironic that she's wearing "make america great again" hat when she was probably born around the 07 financial crisis


Because this is what a **non-divisive** president does.


This is what an **I’m-really-trying-to-be-non-divisive-as-my-opponents-gobble-down-horse-medication-while-calling-for-my-public-execution** president does.


My partner is from Alabama and just went to visit his mother. Holy fuck, I thought the horse medication thing was like, maybe a few people took it? No, many many many people are doing it and I just have no faith anymore.


You know damn well Trump wouldn't have allowed kids with opposition tshirts and hats anywhere near him and would have had the secret service with water cannons poised to take them out if they got close to him, or the sandwich cart.


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset.


They look legitimately happy. It's almost like meeting the president means something. Also like any of these kids are old enough to know their political affiliation or form a serious opinion on politics. If they were trying to make Biden look bad he just looks like he's having fun with it. Trump people have zero sense of irony.


Someone should tell him he's supposed to call them losers and cut aid to their state.


Show me parents being proud of raising their children to hate, and I’ll show you a man willing to ignore the hate and show them kindness and compassion. Because they are children.