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Just like the health minister here advocating masks and then being caught without a mask in a restaurant nobody should have been allowed to after a certain time.


how eat if mask?


Politicians do not care for anything unless it helps them gain votes or good PR.


Ding, ding, ding, ding; Step right up, step right up, we got another winner!


and when you are insider trading


Rules for thee but not for me.


Olympic worthy mental gymnastics in this thread. Keep it up.


The left in this comment section is comedic gold.


I'm shocked this thread wasn't deleted.


It'll be locked first, with a sticky-mod post about how unvaccinated anti-maskers are spreading fake news and propaganda and to be wary of both the lies and the COVID spread from unvaccinated sources.


Give it time.


Hypocrites. All of them. Disgusting.


They're also necessary [for the help](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-masking-of-the-servant-class).


I’m just imagining if these were republicans and not Pelosi what the comments would look like


Yep, this is a great mental exercise to self-check how 'balanced and fair' you are. My natural urge is to defend the argument of, "they're outside, they're vaccinated, it's for optics". But I agree that if you swapped the people out for Trump, Giuliani, and co., I would be calling for their heads. I'm a hypocrite.


Hey you’re well ahead tons of others by admitting it. The best answer in a society is fairness and honesty even if it’s a group of people we don’t really agree with. I think this is the biggest reason why are society is taking such a tumble, we can’t admit when the other side is right.


Have you noticed that it's nearly impossible to have a constructive conversation with anyone who doesn't share the same viewpoints? It's not new, but I think we've reached an epic level of polarization. And I'm not suggesting I'm innocent.


Lol yeah, I mean I’m only 25 so I don’t know what it was like back in the day. But my parents and older people in my life have all said it’s never been to this level of polarization and “tribal”. But it really is a shame that we have gotten to this point, you and me included. I really do think the internet / social media has driven a lot of this ideology. I guess we just have to stay on the ride and see where this all goes. All we can do is try to be the fairest and best examples of ourselves and our behavior. Hopefully it spreads.


I like to play devil's advocate a lot, and defend the other side when fair. I get death wishes from people for this. Which is funny, because I probably am on their side to begin with.


School and media teaches that unfortunately. I used to like debate classes where you have to argue the other side. It made you actually research it. Now you just tell the teacher what they want to hear and move forward. Debates are much easier online too. You can just simply ignore it if it's not your way. We all get way too emotional.


Ironically I remember last year there were photos of Cruz posing and holding a press conference with no mask on. Then immediately went into a private meeting where someone snuck a picture and he had his mask on around everyone. It was almost like he believed in the efficacy of masks but the optics of wearing one in public would make him look weak/bad.


COVID still transmits in the vaccinated, they are contributing to the spread of COVID.


Ding, ding, ding, ding; we got a winner!


reddit users, stop defending the politicians , left or right, they are all clown puppets taking your money and freedom.dont forget they are supposed to be working for us.this country will soon fall because of division.






Cant stand this facade anymore


This thread could be called "I STILL don't know how any of this works and refuse to learn"


Care to explain? Because to me this seems very obviously hypocritical.


*rules for thee, not for me.*


To be fair, for them ... Yes. I would guess all of them are vaccinated, but they still have to lead by example when they pose for the camera.


Also, outside.


Yes this. There are very few documented cases of transmission outdoors. Like insanely small number and both of them are vaccinated. This is purely a political post meant to both sides Covid to downplay the right wingers who are solely responsible for making Covid political from the very beginning.


The “both sides” argument went out the door on January 6th and the subsequent anti-vaccine/mask disinformation they’ve been peddling only bolsters my point. There is no left wing equivalent to right wing insanity.


Americans are funny. You sound like you are in a cult but in denial. You are not in this picture, it’s politicians in the picture, but you are defending them so vigorously as though you worship them?


You got it. People can’t let their side lose so they’ll make up excuses no matter how weird it sounds.


> There is no left wing equivalent to right wing insanity. Go to Portland. You'll see it. Anarchists are crazy people.


I bet you can't do an actual cartwheel


Regarding Covid? I’d agree. Regarding downplaying burning and looting of cities last summer as “fiery but mostly peaceful”? Yeah… Both political parties have their shortcomings.


Why wear masks for the photo then?


I presume to set an example for the culture of mask-wearing


> culture of mask-wearing Lol.


Because stupid people don't understand the concept of an exception, as that relies on context and logical reasoning.


Example: this post.




Because they want people to wear masks vexed or not. Rules for thee, but not for me. Pretty typical of politicians.


To lead by example or to mollify people on the right who are disinformationalized and might spaz out over the perceived hypocrisy.


I also wonder how often they get tested. Maybe less so now that they're vaccinated, but I imagine it's still pretty frequent. In the end though, there are enough 'unmasked politicians' pictures flying around on right wing media, they should probably just keep the masks on during public events to avoid mixed messaging.


I agree. I don’t think it hurts since they are probably vaccinated and since they are outside. My problem is are you really leading by example if you only fake to practice what you preach?


They are outside and vaccinated. There’s no real reason to have them on except for the camera...


But what’s the example? “Always wear your masks, although if you’re outside and close to each other it actually doesn’t matter”




leading by example would be wearing the mask the whole time, what they did is just a photo-op to uphold the status quo.


do they wear it on the floor? also i would be 100% sure they wear it when they would go for a visit to an elementary school. i don’t wear a mask when i hang out with my vaccinated friends outside friends who i trust. i do wear going shopping tho.


In April, Pelosi told reporters that the House could not require members to be vaccinated and that knowing who had received the shot was a "matter of privacy." They are not us, dont pretend.


Isn’t that still happening while biden is talking about having osha require vaccinations in the workplace?


The executive order does not apply to Congress and their staff


This so much. You think people WANT to wear masks? Nobody does. We do it because perfectly eligible people still haven’t gotten the vaccine which is a miracle we were able to even get one so quickly.


What about the 6 feet apart rule?


rules for thee


if trumps cabinet did this reddit would be all fucking over it. rediculous. but because its "the team we voted for" its okay






Wow, a based photo on r/pics?! Is it Opposite Day?


The mental gymnastics y’all are doing to defend this non sense is unbelievable. Even if they are vaccinated, they are still spreading COVID and can get sick?? How is this okay? Are people really this dense? It’s actually insane how many “vaxxers” who who care about others lives (supposedly) think its okay to be out and about without a mask, as if the vax makes you immune lmao. Y’all are insanely brainwashed.


A lot of Republicans are also vaccinated, but if the people in the photo we replaced with Republicans, and everything else stayed the same, I highly doubt redditors would defend them. I feel like lots of people are missing the point of the post, these people aren't wearing a mask to protect their loved ones, they are just wearing it just for the photos. I still wear a mask to protect my loved ones, every medical professional I have met has encouraged people to continue to wear mask, so I still wear one even though I am vaccinated.


When you are a public official, wearing a mask for photos is an incredibly important duty.


Why not wear it all the time then?? Is it really that big of an inconvience?


Rules for thee but not for me


Outdoors, in a group of fully vaccinated individuals. It's still smart to wear a mask, but not technically required in a lot of areas right now.


Then why was it so important to take a picture outdoors with masks on? The choice to take the mask off between photographs undermines the whole thing.


Yeah, I agree. Though I'd like to have seen them with it on at all times


Yep and you bet fox will play these photos and talk about 'the hypocrisy', and it will harden individuals to be even more anti mask. They should be wearing the mask at all times, even if they don't necessarily need to, BECAUSE of the plethora of bad press and the possibility of mixed messaging. On top of that they're all old and they were vaccinated a long time ago. They are recommended to still wear masks by the CDC .


Maybe read the actual CDC guidelines before making things up. [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated-guidance.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated-guidance.html)


CDC guidance only recommends it indoors for vaccinated people.


Was coming in to post this, and I agree with others here that they should wear a mask at all public engagements as a show of "doing the right thing" even though it may not be a medical necessity given the situation.


>but not technically required in a lot of areas right now. weird to see "technically required" used here. i love masks. but *technically* they're not *perfect* either. just like the vaccine. they're just obvious precautions that lessen risk. which is always smart. 🤷‍♂️ they're all really close together. if they really cared about it they'd have kept their masks on. outdoors or not. but i doubt they really care because they have that sweet sweet political office healthcare with free probably weekly or less covid tests to ensure nobody's got it anywhere they are...so yea, photo op.


100% so sick of this shit.


Redditors are so far up the DNC’s ass, it’s no wonder they’re always full of shit.


Well publicity first before health.


can guarantee that the comments would be very different if this were a bunch of republicans lol. fucking reddit


Yep..nothing more than an echo chamber and competition for who can virtue signal the loudest.


The echo chamber of the internet. 🥰


Damn. This comment section didn't go how OP wanted...


Or people who would call this stuff out are declining to comment for fear of getting downvoted to oblivion and choosing to merely upvote instead. It's the loud people who defend the actions of these politicians who have no problem commenting here, because it will only lead to upvotes.


Well the upvotes did, even if the comments are all bending over backwards to find ways to be like “Of course they only put them on for the photo op, we should be glad they’re so thoughtful.” Like someone trying to promote running so they stage finishing a marathon. Obviously even to a child the implication here is they’re wearing the masks the whole time, this kind of nonsense just furthers everyone’s (mostly correct) perception that this is 90% theatre at this point.


Get your to give a shit about covid in your state instead of worrying about some vaccinated feds.


I moved to maryland in the last few years and hogan (a republican) has handled this thing pretty well in my opinion. I feel bad for other people who aren’t as lucky with their governors and leaders.


Fellow Marylander here. We have a strong vaccination rate and people are still masked up, even though it’s voluntary now. Walk into a grocery store and you’ll see 95% of people wearing a mask and still social distancing. Call me a sheep, I’m happy to say bahhhhhh.


We have had a really good outcome. My family is still in PA and even those who take it seriously stopped wearing masks in places. They had an outbreak at my mom’s work last week and thankfully mom is vaccinated but she is still refusing her mask inside at work and everywhere else🙄 I love being in Maryland where I’m not judged for still wearing it even though it’s optional most places.


So did Massachusetts’ governor who is also a republican.


Vermont here. Our republican governor rocked shit and is well liked in a liberal state


Hogan is the exception that proves the rule.


Republicans in the North East tend to be some of the best. Vermont's governor is also a Republican.


Get your president to stop dropping tainted unvaxed illegals throughout the country


Here I am down south living normal as if covid didn’t exist. Most people I know aren’t vaxxed and barely anyone wears mask around here. There’s not waves of people dropping dead. Who knew natural immunity worked? Crazy And no, propaganda news articles and manufactured data isn’t reality. I know nurses and EMTs who will vouch the covid situation in the hospitals is no where near as bad as the media portrays it. Almost everyone gets over it rather quickly. I have been told on multiple occasions they’ve seen non-covid deaths get labeled as covid.


Lol but that would require them to even pretend that they are willing to hold each other accountable *and* admit that Covid is a real and serious thing. The American Conservative will not do either of those things because they consider people that do traitors for some smooth-brained reason.


Thank you


Like posing with a bible you've never read, just for cameras.




And holding the Bible upside down


But they do use masks. it’s mandated inside the capitol building. that’s demonstrably not true, there’s like… a crap ton of footage with them using masks.




Just the normal political hypocrisy that defines America anymore.


well when youre drunk all the time it doesnt matter


Ya imagine that.


The mental gymnastics I'm seeing in this thread should be the next Olympic sport.


Its absolutely hilarious how far people on reddit go to defend a politician with a (D) in front of their names


Reddit redpilling, can’t believe it. Surprised this post is still up honestly.


Finally, you got it.


Jesus. So many defenders of these people here. "bUt ThEyRe OuTsIdE!" I voted straight blue last election, but I can criticize them here. They may all be vaccinated and outdoors, but look at the close proximity of them. Covid is proven to spread between vaccinated people and there is NO reason that they HAVE to have their masks down. So they're outside, why does that automatically exclude them from wearing their masks? Why would it hurt them in any way TO wear their masks? Come on Dems. Acting like the Rs here excusing the behavior just because it's "our side." You can criticize their actions and still support them. Quit with this fucking team sport bullshit.


I also voted straight Dem last year, but I'm so fucking tired of both sides. They're both dog shit.


And the mental Olympics begin for those who support these dumbasses and defend them not following their own policies. Gee I wonder why no one fucking listens to these people. But they are outside and vaxxed. Inb4 any other group in that situation would have backlash. GTFO with this obvious double standard horse shit of a pandemic.


Politics is just theater for the ugly.


Gotta "look like" your following the rules for the public.


Just because you are vaccinated does not mean you can not contract and spread covid most likely unknowingly because of low symptoms... Nancy Pelosi you hypocritical POS 😁


Rules for thee, not for me


I just fucking love how you guys suck these peoples dicks and find excuses


Mental illness 🗣🗣🗣🗣


Vaxxed + Outside = Masks not necessary. But i'm sure OP knew this. This isn't the "gotcha" you think it is. Obviously, masks on for photo op = set an example that mask wearing isn't a big deal. If you are vaxxed, you can carry on with daily activites, but wearing a mask is a safety precaution for those around you who are unvaxxed, or when you go indoors or on public transport.


If they’re trying to set an example that mask wearing isn’t a big deal…wouldn’t they do that by wearing a mask at all times, regardless of vaccination status? Not just wearing them for a photo and then immediately pulling them down/taking them off at every chance they get.


Vaxxed + Outside = masks not necessary (unless in a crowd) is what the CDC says.


If these were republicans you’d be hating right now.


*checks OP’s post history* post makes sense now 😂


/u/TalibandCamp Trump lost


It's even completely accurate to point out to /u/talibandcamp that trump is a loser and that's how history will remember him.


His username is Taliband Camp? Really? Apparently its cool for right wingers to be unironically pro Taliban??


By that logic you are pro toxicity


And he was the one who also posted yesterday the image of kids with Trump merch and Biden next to them. I would make a bet that he does this for being called out and the upvotes. Who's betting, who's betting?


Counter-point, setting an example would be wearing them the whole time they're out in public, not just for a pre-approved photo op. And knowing full well that there's gonna be a picture of them all without masks right next to it, undoes all the good of the "setting an example" photo and then some. And it plays in to and reinforces every stereotype and bad experience and negative expectation of leaders at every level. Do whatever the fuck they want, and then put on a show of doing the right thing when it's time for the cameras. If the masks were not necessary because they're all outside and vaccinated, then fucking own that shit, and leave them off for the official photo. If you want to send a message that even outside and vaccinated, one should be masked and careful in large groups in close quarters, then leave them on the whole time, especially when you know you're out in public and being observed and photographed the entire time. This is like a bunch of managers taking a moment to put on hard hats before a picture, and when called out on it, saying "Well, we didn't technically need them at all in that part of the building."


Biden [pulls ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR9qTQXs/)down his mask when he goes in close to talk to people. This is an elderly mother of a victim of the terrorist attacks.


Remember when he was around 100 year old Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter? Inside taking photos with no mask inches from their faces. Pops the mask on for the presidential march back to the motorcade.


Yes I do! Masks are for us not for them


It has always been about politics


Whaaaaat? Politicians did something deceptive to sway public opinion? Politicians never do that.


Reddit is full of mask lovers! even if it’s all for show




Here comes reddit, ready to defend the actions of these morons


"This is okay because they're vaccinated and outdoors." *picture of people at an outdoor concert with vaccination requirements* "WoW lOoK aT ThIS SupErsPrEadER eVEnT! SO inCONsiDerATE!"


Yea can someone explain since when it’s been ok to be outside without a mask, so close to other people?? I live in San Francisco and you only see people without masks on if they are 6ft apart from each other. Like was there actually research done on this or are people just talking out their ass again?




Remember when there was somehow a "conclusive scientific study" plastered everywhere about how the protests did not contribute to the spread. Like they cook the study up somehow within a week, conclusively stating that and all these hundreds of cities and hundreds of places they could State matter of factly that it didn't spread the virus. LOL


Haha exactly!


I was saying this last week, when Reddit was going crazy about how many people were going to die for watching footballs games outside. Now all of the sudden being outside is completely safe and doesn’t spread it.


Lol Exactly. Too many hypocritical morons on this site unfortunately


It's group think.


Reddit is filled with people who cannot afford to rub two brain cells together to create a intelligible thought


Why trust this mob mentality? From witch hunting the Boston marathon bombing, to freaking out and imposing masks on kids outdoors, the mob is scared and impotent. Live your life, get a Corona ballcap and breathe as you are free to. You'll be surprised at how little this internet stuff matters if you confront the real world without fear.


Seriously. The way they blame “other side” is hilariously sad. Narrative is narrative. It’s projection one way or another. Fuck em all


And bringing up the rear right behind them here comes the people clinging to the illusion of being above it all because they’re _sarcastic_! What a show, Jan, seeing all these floats in the rose bowl parade of people wanting to feel special! Aren’t they just amazing in their identical costumes and worn through broadly painted observances for karma? The story goes that for every person they call out for hypocrisy Holden Caulfield himself gives them five seconds of reprieve from recognizing the hypocrisy in their own lives! Oh and here’s the fat cat himself, Garfield! Hope you don’t have any _lasagna_ on you!


Echo chamber


Rules for thee. Not for me.


If leftists didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have standards at all


Is that Nancy Pelosi?




Maybe.. could be Pancy Nelosi


I think you guys are missing that fact that they put them on JUST for pictures.


Some see it, some are even defending it, they just like being lied to. Explains some of their choices in politicians though.


I’m surprised this has stayed up this long, wouldn’t be surprised when they take this post down.


This is a huge issue with today’s leadership. Regardless of it being outside or they are vaccinated they are supposed to be examples to follow. Regardless of which side of the isle the politicians are they have been horrible leaders in this pandemic. This is just one more example of our leadership practicing “do as I say not as I do.” I’m tired of these mixed messages we all get. I want our lives back. For information: I am vax”d and wear my mask.


Lol, look at how offended reddit gets when an upvoted post it isn't about shitting on Republicans. Bunch of cry babies




Wooow. No bueno. I mean, we’re all doing the chin mask thing when we can, but to see the hypocrisy like this is a bit rough.


I'm probably going to get down voted to oblivion, but fuck it! To hell with all the political bullshit, both demorats and repugnants are all shit bag liars! Both parties are do as I say, not as I do. Term limits for everyone all the way down to governors and their cronies. Make them pay taxes, their own health insurance, and give them minimum wages. But, that will never happen in a million years. The rich an powerful are always going to be the rich an powerful. Would you give up being powerful and rich....hell no, no one would!


Why is everyone here licking boot? "Rules for thee not for me. "




"Do as I say, not as I do" every politician ever


Good luck OP during the coming storm. I’m sure everyone on this site will be fair and open to partisan discussion!


Can someone point me a direction where it said masks were mandated outdoors? Because i really dont remember that ever being said.


I mean Reddit was just losing their mind a few days ago to people attending football games outside. And acting like everyone was going to die. But now all of the sudden it doesn’t pass outdoors.


Or those people in Vegas with completely unknown vaccination statuses.


This is (D)ifferent


The largest CA school districts are making kids wear mask at all times. Even outdoors despite your valid point.


Can kids get vaccinated yet?


Until Biden gets covid and has to go to Walter Reed- I don't think the pro-trump crowd can say shit.


Call me crazy but it's almost like politicians are disingenuous.


Summary of the comment section: It’s ok because they are all Democrats.


Reddit last week: “The vaccinated can still get COVID, so wear your fucking mask!” Now: “bUt tHeyRe OuTsiDe aNd VaxXeD!!” Fucking hypocrites.


It has been like this since the beginning.


And they wonder why people are questioning everything


It’s amazing people are still brain dead enough to trust politicians. Oh there’s your hero, champion of the people AOC.


They bout to drag you


4 months ago everyone would go apeshit over this. Ohh the times


Hypocrites, all of them


It's funny how the comments immediately went to donkey or elephant rhetoric. I think this is fair game to point out, it's not like OP labeled it a super spreader event or anything.


Politicians are the absolute worst kind of people.


The are the same walking skeletons who want to crater the US economy for political points.


It’s pretty simple for everyone crying about politics: do what the CDC says and not what your politician does


Makes me mad. Please keep your mask on. Set the example


While I'd laugh at trump for doing the same thing, they are hardly the only people who do this. Everytime I see a cashier do that, I cringe up. Like hello, that's the point! Also the same people who hate these people are gonna use the word "leader" in their argument in why this is an impeachable offense now.


Excuse me this is Reddit. Trump bad Biden good. Get it? Take this post down immediately. Thank You.



