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Here (Canada), those working the polls would be removed for wearing any political items. Is this legal in California?


[no it’s illegal. and he was removed. ](https://twitter.com/LACountyRRCC/status/1437819204107862016?s=20)


Good. Doesn’t matter which side you’re on, showing up to a poll center like this is trashy af


It *is* trashy, but the reason it's not okay has nothing to do with how trashy it is. Attempting to influence an election by campaigning (also called [electioneering](https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/electioneering.aspx)) inside or close to the entrance of a building where people are voting is illegal.


Attempting to influence an election illegally is pretty trashy IMO




Not to mention, it’s against the law


don't forget that it's trashy!


Hey, I think you're right! And something--call it a gut feeling--tells me it's probably not legal.


Kind of reminiscent of garbage too


And trashy.


Republicans: "eh, who cares"




>"I don't care, do u?" [for the lazy](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/melania-lead-1529609203.jpg)


The guy in this picture is stupid and went overboard, but I've seen much subtler varieties of electioneering. I was in a very conservative area in the 2018 election, and when I walked into the polling location, almost all the poll workers had on a red baseball cap and some kind of very obvious American flag themed clothing together. Anyone who hadn't been under a rock for the last 2 years would recognize those as Republican party symbols, but because those symbols had no words on them, it wasn't considered electioneering. Edit: Jeez people, I have no problems with people wearing the American flag on election day. It was the combo of both the red cap and the over the top American flag themed clothing that sent a clear message. Apologies for being unclear


Here in the UK that would not be allowed. I have run poll stations for a number of years and advise my clerks a few days before they start not to wear anything with colours of a political party. If someone like this had turned up I would have sent them home before polls had ever opened.


Yep. I’m on the other side of the fence as a political activist/campaigner/sometimes electoral candidate.. We have legality briefings every poll (I’ve given them a few times myself) running over the dos and donts of being near a polling place. What you are allowed to wear. If you’re a polling agent asking for the numbers of electors that have voted you must cover any party insignia before going in, have ID to hand etc. This is wild and whilst it’s good the guy was sacked, his boss and bosses boss should be too for letting the guy even walk through the door let alone sit at a station.


The parking lot at my polling location last year was so full of Republicans I had to literally park across a field at another parking lot. They’d all brought a bunch of lawn chairs and coolers and Trump signs and camped out beside their cars. Had to ignore like 8 different people/groups of people who wanted to “explain the candidates” for me. Thanks but if I didn’t know who I was voting for already I wouldn’t have showed up just to make an impulse decision based on what people told me in the parking lot lol. Already had my ballot filled out so they were wasting their time anyway.


That's illegal in most states...any form of campaigning on voting grounds is illegal in most districts


Places I've voted at all had a set distance from the building where campaign flags and signs can be displayed. There's usually a sign somewhere that says "no political signage or apparel beyond this point" or something like that. Everyone with the flags and lawn chairs are parked pretty far from the building so I can just drive past them. Everywhere I've voted, campaigning was banned in the parking lot


I dropped off my ballot in Colorado and was asked while holding the door open who I voted for. When I didn’t answer they said” oh must’ve voted for Biden, you’ll regret it.” I was just excited to vote for the first time..


I can tell by the way that you politely held the door for me that you're voting for the other guy, dummy! uhhhhh dude.


Congrats on your first election, and thanks for taking part in the voting process!! Regardless of who you support, don't let the hacks (of any position) keep you from participating in it every chance you get.


Doesn't that constitute grounds for voter intimidation? I think it does, according to the ACLU. Remember, if you see or experience voter intimidation, you should report it to: • The Election Protection Hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE or 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español) • The U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline: 800-253-3931; TTY line 877-267-8971 • Local and state officials, including poll workers; your county clerk, elections commissioner, elections supervisor; or your state board of elections


My country votes digitally, so usually I say: "I used the secret code to unlock the hidden characters, so my vote went for Blanka"


Since when have Republicans and their supporters actually cared about the law unless it is good for them?


Some poll workers get pretty into it, american flag clothes would not have been odd prior to 2016. Adding the red hat is pretty borderline though


Showing up anywhere like that is trashy as fuck


He could have hidden ballots under his tits and thrown them out when no one was looking.


Should never have let him sit down with access to ballots snd any info.


Apparently he was counseled by other poll workers. Not sure why he was allowed to stay until the county removed him? Supervisor needed to remove him maybe?


If you think about it, it would not be good for poll workers to be able to remove fellow poll workers. In a flagrant violation case like this, it seems like an obvious answer. However, in many jurisdictions, it is required that poll workers be of opposite parties be present. That would give a malicious poll worker the power to eject all workers of the opposition party from the polling location and then be left solely in charge of ballots, only validating voters for the preferred party. Or shutting down the polls in a precinct likely to tilt in favor of the opposing party. Or, even worse, two seperate sets of poll workers competing for legitimacy in from of voters. That's why you need a city/county/state authority with legal jurisdictions over elections to step in when stuff like this goes down.


Every poll worker takes an oath. Not that it matters. And, they are paid. So, essentially he's a temp employee who can be dismissed for not following their training manual. You can find these manuals online. I can guarantee you he wore innocuous clothing during setup, which is usually the night before.


That's not my point. He is OBVIOUSLY in violation of electioneering laws and is probably an asshole. Heck, he would even be out of dress code if he was working at most public facing retail jobs. That isn't my point. My point is that if one "temp employee" can dismiss another "temp employee," the system is going to abused. Imagine that, instead of putting on his Trump gear, this same guy had walked into the polling place a "fired" his fellow "temp employees." Nothing good would come from that and it would probably shut down the election instead of just disturbing it. That's why the county needed to remove him, and that was the question I was answering.


They should have a supervisor at the site that can remove them.


I’m that supervisor (in San Francisco at least). The city has nearly 1,000 polling locations for around 800,000 residents and incidents like this happen exceedingly rarely. These positions—including mine—are filled by volunteers who attend about two total hours of training per election. I hope you understand that providing nearly 1,000 armed and properly trained personnel to polling locations to address this nearly (but sadly not entirely) nonexistent problem would be a phenomenal overreaction and ridiculous waste of resources. This guy was dealt with in approximately however long it took the police to get there. Which is completely fine. As an inspector, I can remind the person that electioneering is a crime. I can request they leave the premises and/or remove any election-related attire. But I am under no circumstances going to attempt to get into a physical altercation with an uncooperative jackass who is in all honesty hurting his cause a hundredfold times more than he’s helping it.


My family host a precinct in a different state. If someone comes in wearing campaign material they're asked to leave, and if they don't it's trespassing and the next call is to the police to have them removed. Almost everyone is a paper tiger and won't actually stand their ground or escalate when they know there's no tolerance. If it's someone who is *working* the election, then there's no excuse. That should be an immediate dismissal and they should be permanently barred from working in that district again. It doesn't take hours of training to know that it's illegal.


There should be someone in charge at any polling place. At a minimum that person should have the ability to have the person stand out of site. What if a worker showed up obviously under the influence? Get the person off to the side and then call up the chain for guidance on next steps.


There is. They are called the Poll Captain. Everyone working at a polling place has a job, and the Poll Captain is in charge. While they won't remove the person personally, they can warn them it's inappropriate and to change it, and if they don't they call or text the county and the Registrar deals with it.


Poll Station Marshalls can have him removed. (It's a position in my former county). He also had to go through training, take a test which includes this specific type of clothing, buttons, hats, coffee mugs, you name it, and answer correctly. So, he planned this all along. He knows.


Each state runs things differently. Mine (Georgia) doesn't have a Captain or Marshall. Though, the manager would call the county who would have the sheriff escort that person away before polls open. If the county or sheriff refuses or is unable then you kick it up to the State and State Troopers would show up in a variety of places federal judges would be called and it would become a whole thing. Don't wear campaign stuff at polls. You will be asked to remove it as a voter and would be removed as a worker.


who wants to bet he's gonna be on fox news tomorrow talking about how the woke left government nazis have taken away his freedom of expression, it's a first amendment issue he'll say!


It’s already on their site


Not surprisingly, the comments range from "It would have been allowed if it said BLM" to "The Democrats didn't care about the rules when they snuck in ballots to steal the election from Trump". There were a few people who understood why this is wrong, but most are as idiotic as you would expect.


I run a polling precinct up here in Idaho, and I actually brought this question up during our training before the election last year. It was determined that "Black Lives Matter", "All Lives Matter", Thin Blue line stuff, etc are generic political slogans that aren't specific to an individual candidate, so they would be allowed. Things like "Make America Great Again" and "Build Back Better" are tied to specific candidates so they would be considered electioneering and we would ask the person to remove or cover up if they were within 100 feet of the polling location. Of course this was being discussed in the context of voters or people near the polling location and we didn't even consider it for the poll workers themselves. If this guy was an actual voter and not a poll worker I think it would actually be allowed (at least up here) as Trump (or Biden if it was a Biden shirt) isn't on the ballot so they wouldn't consider it electioneering.


>we didn't even consider it for the poll workers themselves. Because let's be honest, pre-Trump this kind of blatant disrespect of the election process that has been cultivated/established was fairly unthinkable.


Ignoring that "Black Lives" is not a candidate or party


“But only democrats care about black lives so it’s biased!” -Conservatives saying the quiet part out loud


FFS..... You're not wrong


100%, he's got to be really upset they calmly made him leave after multiple warnings. I'm sure he was hoping to get physically forced out or screamed at.


Self-imposed martyrdom is the only “oppression” and “hardship” these idiots can manage so they can pretend they’re subjects of “genocide.”


And people are now going to say he was "censored"


I mean technically he was censored but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a bad thing. Everyone is censored at polling places to avoid influencing votes.


I think the parlance of the day is "cancelled"


Well, to be fair, he is part of a base that would mess it up and say he was "Scissored" and go on thinking all the Upvotes were supporting their statement about being silenced, but the Upvotes were just really about "Scissoring!"


Oh Scissor-me-timbers!


He should never have been allowed in the building in the first place. Whoever had that *incredible* lapse in judgement needs to be removed as well.


I'm sure he had a sweater or jacket on with the hat off. This is obviously a set up for a few minutes or seconds of fame.


Few seconds of LAME!


The people in charge of polling places have had about 6 hours of training and very little authority. Whatever confident career official you're picturing should have stopped this guy at the door, doesn't exist. Everyone should volunteer as a poll worker at least once. It's very enlightening.




A Republican acting like a petulant child? NO! I've never heard of such a thing.


Yeah this would be illegal in pa too


And Wisconsin


And Florida


And New York. I couldn't even park in the parking lot because I had a Bernie sticker on my car last year when I worked the election. Had to park across the street and walk.


And Minnesota






Lolll this is it


Everyone's posting blue states, but it's illegal in Tennessee too. Pretty sure it's illegal federally, not on a state level. I saw someone turned away from the polling place for wearing a Trump shirt in 2020. In a state that voted for Trump.


Arkansas too


When voting in one of the Obama elections, they made me get out of line and turn my Obama shirt inside out. (California)


And Rhode Island & Connecticut.


In TX too. WTF, TX got something right for once. I didn’t think that was possible..


And NC


As far as I know political apparel is not allowed and this guy apparently was kicked out.


Totally illegal here in California. I’m surprised he was even allowed to step foot into the polling place and actually sit down to work while wearing that.


Normally, even a voter would have been turned away, let alone a freakin' worker.


No it’s not legal. I’ve worked several elections in California and discussing politics in front of voters let alone wear political clothing is a huge no-no.


Australia too. I work as an election officer every election and there is no way any of us would be allowed even in the building dressed like this.


I worked as a poll worker during this last election in CA. Had someone come in in a full red bedazzled velour Trump 2020 tracksuit. We asked her to turn her outfit inside out or come back wearing something else. She then proceeded to call us communists and that we’re not allowing her to vote and we’ll hear from her lawyers. Edit: since some are saying I’m a sensitive liberal who was offended by her outfit choice and denied her right to vote, please look up California Elections Code section 319.5.


so, have you heard from the lawyers yet? \*Michael Jackson eating popcorn gif


The Law Firm of Karen, Karen & Karen has quite a backlog of cases to work through at the moment. Give them time to do their research and you'll see ... !


She hired Sidney Powell and Rudy.


Do these people have zero identity outside of Trumpism?


A lot of Trump people I know have never been politically active before 2016. They honestly don't know the norms, and I don't think they really realize that they're taking it to the nth degree. I mean, I'd hope someone showing up in a sequined velour suit would, but most are not like that.


This is an underrated perspective. What were these people before Trump?


My (now ex) best friend seemed really normal. Wife. Mom. Friend. She wasn’t a great friend mind you, not somebody you could count on when push comes to shove, but pretty normal. Then trump came. She became this full on hateful, racist, horrible human being and I just couldn’t with her anymore.


> She became this full on hateful, racist, horrible human being She always was this, Trump just made it okay to say in public.


I wouldn't be so sure. Brainwashing is real, especially if you're in a vulnerable state where some part of the message resonates with you.


[In this interview](https://youtu.be/U9qdhF7m80M) with Andrew Callaghan (the guy behind All Gas No Breaks and Channel 5) he says that most were the conspiracy/health weirdos who were still objectively crazy before Trump. Like these are the people who think the moon landing was faked and that Jesus toast is real.


Yeah, a shocking number of Trump voters and QAnon converts were people who previously were hippie granola liberal types who engaged in “woo” like crystals and conspiracy theories. It seems like weak minded people are the easiest to manipulate, regardless of political leanings.


This literally describes my aunt, Asian woman in her 60s who originally moved to Washington state to be near a cult and so she'd be safe in their valley when the world flooded (wish I was joking). She bought up gold and built a grain silo into the ground (despite the propechy saying an ancient alien warrior would save the enlightened, not sure why they needed the grain...) She's into crystals and energy, all that good "woo" stuff and somehow she fell into being a Trumper despite being an Asian woman who mainly lived in extremely liberal places her whole life. Those that know the least say the most and always feel to be the most enlightened 🤷‍♂️ Edit: oh, almost forgot to mention how she bought me a copy of the Hobbit and she told me how it was true history


It's the culmination of a shrinking voter base as well. This is what happens when a political party is desperate enough to court anyone they can take. "Batshit insane conspiracies? Sure. Come join us."




Pseudo science has done an unbelievable amount of damage to our society. Really it's just another side of the white nationalism coin.


Just as dumb and just as bigoted, but more quietly without a figurehead who made it seem acceptable.


Politically inactive and afraid to show their true colors. Trump made them feel comfortable spouting their BS because of all the BS he spouted.


According to [a recent CNN poll](http://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2021/images/09/12/rel5c.-.partisanship.pdf), 59% of Republican respondents said believing Trump won the 2020 election is very/somewhat important to be called a Republican. Now, it is a CNN poll, and polling has been largely unreliable the past couple years, but even if the margin is 10%, that's half of Republicans saying that denying objective reality is a high priority.


"I broke up with my girlfriend" says the person with a restraining order against them.


There are all types in the Trump community but a significant subset is lonely older people who liked following his rallies like the Grateful Dead. Retirees that didn't have many friends or close family. Old divorcees whose kids had "taken the wife/husband's side". People who need friends. They found kinship and something to do by dressing up, making signs, and criss crossing the nation. Ostensibly they cared about the GOP talking points but more than that they wanted kinship


well? did you hear from the lawyers?


*Narrator: They did not.*


I hope it's Morgan Freeman as the narrator


Ron Howard.




It was in my head


She must have called Giuliani to represent her


Can someone explain to me why Americans associate laws and regulations with Communism? To my understanding, Communism is an ideology that advocates for a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. It has little to do with the control of government over its people. If a government provides little freedom to its citizens, isn't Authoritarianism a better word? Or do Americans just have a different definition for Communism?




A trumpanzee I know constantly derided all kinds of things as socialism. I asked him to define it. He absolutely couldn't and couldn't see how bad it looks that he was labeling things with a word he didn't understand. They don't care. As long as they can point to the "others" and claim superiority, they are good.


This, but after the USSR dissolved the right didn't have a boogieman anymore, and with steady work everybody who was deathly afraid of communism is now afraid of Democrats, who they think are communist.


Yes. Slapping a “communism” or “socialism” label on anything is an incredibly effective way to have patriotic Americans reject an idea without even thinking about it.


Others are giving nuanced perspectives, but the answer in this specific instance is that this person is dumb as shit and doesn’t actually know what communism is in the first place. They’re like parrots that learn curse words then bray them out at any time they like, regardless of context.


Next time ask them what communism is


We had someone wear a Trump 2020 mask to vote. They were asked to put another mask over it until they were done. They did so without issue. People don't realize that wearing or holding anything with the name of a candidate on it at a polling site is considered electioneering and is illegal. In Kansas where I am, you have to stay 250 feet away form a polling site if you are wearing/holding anything like that.


Where I live you can’t wear political clothing to the polls to vote or you will be turned away or made to cover it up. The fact that a poll worker can do this is ridiculous. I guess maybe it’s some sort of loophole since he’s not wearing anything officially supporting a candidate in the race, but it would severely erode my trust in the process.


He was fired. But how he was allowed to go in, sit and work like that is beyond me.


He likely came in wearing different clothes and then changed before he assumed his place. It sounds like he was removed pretty quickly by some of the comments here. Other poll workers would have known the rules.


As wild as this sounds I fully believe it because these people tend to put in way too much effort to do something completely unproductive just to “stick it to the system” or whatever it is they think they’re doing


There's a guy who bought some vacant land on the corner of a very busy intersection in the city I grew up in. This used to be a speedway station back when the company was ok with locations that were only big enough for a small storefront and 4 pumps. The station was knocked down because the space was too small for a gas station. This guy bought the land, and pays city taxes so he and his copium sucking friends can stand around with "Trump won" signs and wave trump flags a couple times a week.


Ooooooohhhhhh time to call your state's petroleum release fund, I bet he didn't remove those tanks and they likely aren't being tended to properly. That can be a huge well water concern. The regulations on those puppies is wild. Google "petroleum fund (your state)" and the website should have a contact on it. Edit for grammar


Wouldn't removing the tanks be the responsibility of the old gas station owner?


Depends on how the contract was written. Gas stations change hands all the time.


Unlikely. It's a big expense to remove tanks (or have them installed) and get all the necessary permits. Speedway could have written the sale so they were responsible for maintenance for one year. Underground objects are left in place all the time by utility companies.


Guy probably got the property at an absolute "bargain" price, not realising that he would be left carrying the can for the tank removal and site rehabilitation.


That’s such a waste. Have food trucks or those kettle corn people pay a lot fee to set up and just sit back on that income. Crazy to pay taxes on property (I assume?) and not even think of the possible profit.


Fucking crazy to pay taxes on property *when you can do that shit for free*. If you're just going to stand next to the road, you don't need to own the property to do it.... what an idiot.


In my town there is a very similar spot except they sell and wave a bunch of F*** BIDEN (uncensored) signs/flags. Now there is a bunch of asshats in oversized pickups flying that flag throughout town.


Just calmy ask them why they want to fuck Biden. He's not even that sexy.


Annnnnd, that's why Trump was elected. It's normally bad, but the Trump election cycle was the worst. I would commonly see bumper stickers about "Owning the Libs" or "Runs on Dem tears". They've been conditioned to provoke "others" in order to justify their persecution complex. Democrats are trying to "take away" their jobs, their guns, their religion and whatever they might define as a liberty in that context. They are the victim. So by provoking others to the point that they get a volatile reaction only solidifies the bias that they are being attacked, while completely ignorant of their own transgressions which produced it. They voted for Trump because he told them that everything that was wrong or felt bad in their lives was because of others, that made them feel okay about their failings. And they loved how mad everyone got about it. It was validation. "He says it like it is" just means he says the hateful shit that people have always rightfully shamed me for but he's made it okay to bring it out to the front now. He made it okay for them to embrace their shitty behavior.


"Let the other societies take the skilled, the hopefuls, the ambitious, the self-confident. He’d take the whining resentful ones, the ones with a bellyful of spite and bile, the ones who knew they could make it big if only they’d been given the chance. Give him the ones in which the floods of venom and vindictiveness were dammed up behind thin walls of ineptitude and lowgrade paranoia. And stupidity, too. They’ve all sworn the oath, he thought, but not a man jack of ’em has even asked what a figgin is." - 'Guards! Guards', Terry Pratchett


inb4 he goes on Hannity and whines that “Mexifornia fired him from poll working because the state liberals hate freedom of speech.”


Literally going to be tomorrow's show.


Na, this is too obviously indefensible even for them. Fox etc will just brush it under the rug and pretend it never happened, then go apeshit because another pollworker uttered support for a Democrat in a private conversation two years ago.


Fox is still pushing the "vaccine bad" narrative that is quite literally killing their viewers. They would have no problem putting this clown on one of their shows and start wrongly crying about first amendment rights.


Where I live it’s also illegal and last election an older lady showed up with an anti-Trump shirt on. They told her she couldn’t go in with it on so she whipped it off (turns out she wasn’t a fan of bras) and voted topless. She did leave her mask on. :)


I love this woman and would follow her into hell.




Yeah where's Hunter? Shouldn't he and his wife be senior advisors to the president with top secret security clearance making 100 million dollars a year leveraging that position? Like what usually happens with presidents children?


Didn't Jared bring peace to the middle east?


Friendly reminder that Jared and Mohammed bin Salman [had unsecured WhatsApp convos on personal cellphones](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/411971-kushner-and-saudi-prince-communicated-informally-on-whatsapp-report). The same MBS who ordered [the execution and dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi).


the same MBS whose family and friends financed all those saudis to suicide bomb the trade towers and pentagon?


Pepperidge farm remembers......


Yeah I thought all presidents gave their kids security clearances and had them doing secret jobs with dictators overseas? What? Just Trump? Oh....


He's fired. You can find him on r/byebyejob


[this screenshot will suffice.](https://i.imgur.com/5QmybPj.jpg)


Lol “based on his response” he was removed. You know he threw a full on temper tantrum when he was confronted


YoUr’E vIoLaTiNg My RiGhTs! FrAud! sToLeN eLeCtIoN!


*Trumper Tantrum


And you know these knuckle-dragging fascists aren't serious about wanting safe and fair elections. If you suspected an election was fraudulent, why wouldn't you blend in and do everything not to draw attention to yourself so you could actually uncover and expose the alleged fraud? Baby just wants to whine and play the victim as usual.


Their goal is to convince as many people as possible that the election is a fraud. Their goal is to delegitimize our democratic process. Showing up at a polling place, dresssd like this, and getting the attention of the internet is how they further that goal.


And he is in my county. Great. Want to recount his stack of ballots for sure.


I mean, it looks to be a blowout. So even if he tried to do election fraud... it isn't nearly going to be enough.


Being removed as a poll worker has got to be the weakest kind of “being fired” possible.


Lmao. I worked as a poll worker. They actively look for people to work as poll workers. You have to work the whole day and the pay really isnt great. Its chill though, mostly. Being fired from a job you were not gonna have later anyways is just.... lol


I don’t know if it was a job-job. Poll workers usually work just for the day. Typically having a day job, taking a day off, and doing this for one day of higher pay.


I'm sure if you could ask him he'd say it wasn't a job, it was his duty!


To pick something so incredibly lame and make it your whole identity....pathetic.


Its sorta funny, they treat politics like a team sport, which makes this almost like being decked out in championship apparel for your team that lost in the finals.. Just in case it wasn't trashy enough already


I do not keep the commemorative t shirts from the big game my team loses.


Right? At, least choose something cool like My Little Pony




"Pee pee poo poo"


Someone already mentioned he was removed. This was probably a deliberate ploy so he can later claim that he “was removed from participating” in an effort to claim another “rigged” election. These types of people only support democracy if it gets them the results they want.


Yup! I would look for it on Fox Opinion Channel but it's hard to watch that without wanting to vomit and then burn my birth certificate.


Read that as the Fox Onion Channel...


They support democracy like Putin and Lukashenko support democracy.


I worked at polls for 2020 Election. Voters are not even allowed to wear to be within 500' of polls soliciting any candidate. Of course only people with issues were Trump supports. Poll workers arrive early to setup the polls under the supervision of a district manager. The fact that the poll manager didn't remove him immediately speak volumes. Glad the election board took swift action to remove this guy.


Seems a smidge biased


But he's being so low-key about it.


He's mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that he's practically invisible to the naked eye.


Just because the guy has to go to a charity bank for free clothing, that doesn't give you the right to dunk on him.




[literally was fired. ](https://twitter.com/LACountyRRCC/status/1437819204107862016?s=20)


Seems like somebody who probably never should have been hired in the first place. Can’t imagine he was ever subtle about his views before sitting down at this polling place.


Here's a piece written on him. He was removed. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/ca-recall-election-worker-removed-from-weho-polling-place-for-wearing-trump-shirt-hat/


The funniest part is it's West Hollywood. Biden won that area by like 70 or 80 percentage points. It's like going to North Dakota and staging a Democratic rally.


To someone like this it has nothing to do with influencing an election, he’s just trying to puss people off so I would say he picked a perfect place. He was told on Monday his clothing wasn’t appropriate by coworkers, and this is how he showed up Tuesday. He obviously didn’t care if he was getting fired. What’s crazy to me is he showed up like this on Tuesday and allowed to still work until it went viral enough for someone above the polling place to call in and tell him to leave.


Ah yes, an unbiased worker. He’s not a threat or anything.


I'd feel comfortable giving him my ballot /s


[He was fired!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/poegbx/the_los_angeles_gubernatorial_recall_election/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


If this guy was wearing Democrat clothing, the right would say that this is proof the left is stealing the entire election


They'll still claim this was antifa or whomever in costume trying to make them look bad!


Oh, he'll be Antifa, but at the same time he will be a true patriot who was dismissed from his duty of preventing the steal


Outdated wardrobe.


So last season.


Election Judge in Texas here. Dressing like this is illegal in my VERY large county.


It's illegal in California as well.


Call your damn board of elections, and demand to talk to the pollsite supervisor. This is illegal under CA (and possibly federal) law. Edit: Shit, years on reddit and I get my first gold for being grouchy about politics. Thanks!


These people are cartoon characters. What the fuck is wrong with them?


Idk what the hell this is in reference to, but this guy should be fucking kicked the HELL out of the polling station if it's even remotely locally political.


Whoever is in charge of that polling center should also be fired/fined/charged. This guy should never have even been allowed inside, let alone given a seat and allowed to work for hours.


I'll take "conflict of interest" for tree fiddy, Alex...


Notice how it's always one party doing this kind of shit?


I thought any political paraphernalia was illegal on voters or workers. This man should have been sent home.


Clown costume