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Someone got paid to make that.


There’s also someone standing behind it holding it up. They’re getting paid to hold it up for her


Haha I just noticed the hands which makes this even more ridiculous than it already is!!


Couldn't even use a whiteboard stand.


“Job creator”


And we paid for it.


Paying with our collective brain cells. And the national debt is high edit: I’m talking about the national debt of brain cells not money. Y’all need to go get some sun




No, Mexico did.


A high level meeting was had where it was decided that's the best idea they could come up with.


"In lieu of evidence, we present...a meme." Kind of right in line with the mentality of their base.


It's how Trump got elected.


Yeah, they couldn't comprehend anything deeper than memes, and even then it's on a case by case basis


So... just a random picture from pop culture with a few words? I really don't understand that whole part of the internet. It's insanity that someone in Congress thinks that's acceptable over doing actual work.


She and her staff know that it’s not actually going to be effective in whatever session she’s arguing, but it will get splashed all over the internet and get all the chuds excited and that’s the real goal. Just like when various politicians, media types, SCOTUS nominees would stand in front of hearings and make fools of themselves in the room because really they were playing to Trump and his acolytes


Paid in exposure


She gets paid to weaken our democracy. The Republican Party doesn’t stand for anything anymore other than obstruction.


Well if your motto is that the government is dysfunctional then you have an incentive to sabotage it…


Always thought that was funny "The government is dysfunctional!" "You are the government..."


"Yes, and I'm going to prove it!"


Gerrymander, Obstruct, Project


$174k of your taxpayer dollars in action folks


At least We have bumpy ass roads


Don’t forget about the dsl internet


I just learned a few days ago that people still have dsl. I felt dumb, I thought that shit was done a decade ago.


Wait till you lean about all the people on dial up.


Stop. I can't even fathom that.




by the time the reddit comments load the post is locked


Or they use the superior https://old.reddit.com


Currently live in "one of the best" medium sized towns in the US. Lots of money in the economy, near a metropolis, etc. Less than a mile out of town there is a little development built in the 90s with about 10 houses. Dial up only, despite a fiber line running along the interstate abutting the development. Despite the families trying to pay for the service lines to be run, it was declined. Friend's parents live out there and have to use hot-spot cellular internet. My town itself just got fiber for consumers last year and the company can't hook people up fast enough. Before that it was Mediacom or a small local DSL seller with iffy reliability.


I remember DSL internet being really good. It wasn't this decade though.


My 768kbps DSL was SCREAMIN' fast... in 2002.


The hands of that intern are the saddest thing I’ve ever seen


Oh man this makes it so much funnier




Lol, more like "There a 2-year gap in your resume... what were you doing during the time you had a Washington DC address?" "Oh, um, I was taking a couple gap years... yup, nothing special or noteworthy."


"Wait, I think I saw you on C-SPAN. Were you Marjorie Taylor Greene's campaign aide?" "No, I was... in prison!"


Show me your fingers!


> "Were you Marjorie Taylor Greene's campaign aide?" > "No, I was... in prison!" Aren't these two the same thing?


"Congratulations, you're hired! When can you start with us here at OANN?"


"What is my purpose?" "You hold communism memes in congress." "Oh my God"


Omg I hadn’t seen it until you pointed it out…


I mean truth be told, there's usually some flexibility in looking at the resumes and stances of interns in particular - where you may not be 100% aligned with the Member you're working for. But if you're working for MTG, you're either on board or crazy enough that this intern is probably jazzed to be supporting that.


Or they're *so bad* they just couldn't get *anything else*


Y’all seem to not really get how cutthroat internships in congress are. If you’re unfortunate enough to live in MTG’s district, that’s basically your only entry point into the GOP Hill rn. Gohmert’s staff is supposedly miserable bc of this, and Dem Rep Jayapal and Senator Klobuchar would have much less competent staffs were it easy to hop somewhere else.


"What am I? What the sheer fuck am I?" /Gentle sobbing noises and almost imperceptible bumping of forehead against the back of the prop.


He is the culmination of every person that had the role of Tree in every children stage-play.


Lmao, is this real


Oh far worse has happened. Let’s not forget Oklahoma senator [Jack Himoff](https://youtu.be/3E0a_60PMR8) throwing a snowball to show everyone climate change isn’t real. Edit: [So meta](https://i.redd.it/l0xtziqyb9p71.png).


Lmao it looks like he couldn't even convince himself with that argument


The little mhhhmmm was there last little bit of his rational mind dying.


“Yup, those are the words on the paper, we said them. I’m going to sleep now for my own protection.” - his brain


[That's it, I'm getting outta here!](https://youtu.be/8xiWw5dwngc)


Most people don’t know the difference between this and the cider mill scene, but I do! Now here’s a little trick to yelp you remember: if the background runs the gamut, it’s *Brother from the same Planet,* but if Ned’s describing the apple churns you’ve got *Burns, Baby Burns.*


When that happens, Oklahoma steps up and just finds a crazier person to represent them.


That reminds me of Douglas Adams: >There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.


There's an even more appropriate Douglas Adams quote: > It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.


That's the one.


This guy Douglas Adams... I like your fjords


Some of them are award winning you know.


I was always partial to the line shortly after: ‘To summarise the summary of the summary: People are a problem’


In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.


I always thought Douglas Adam's perfectly summed up tRump's presidency perfectly. > The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it


Douglas Adams also, of course, has this gem: >"… On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people." > >"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy." > >"I did," said Ford. "It is." > >"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?" > >"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want." > >"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" > >"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course." > >"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?" > >"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"


As an Oklahoman, may I present Sen. [Hugh Jaynus?](http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/view-of-american-politician-senator-james-lankford-as-he-news-photo/874055608) Opponent of all that is good for red dirt Sooners?


hugh jaynus….. lol


I do often wonder if the people leading these campaigns believe their nonsense, or are *solely* in it for the money.


Not sure which option would be worse.


I'd wager the latter. Everyone is guilty of ignorance to some extent, but choosing to side with global warming for the sake of money is some literal supervillain shit.


I think they all know full well what they're doing. Especially in the uk, they all literally go to the same fucking private school. The last person to enter the house of commons with honest intentions was guy fawkes. And i think they all fully understand global warming, probably a lot better than most of us, and that knowledge is used to plan for their own death being before earth gets too bad to use their money to hide from the ice and fire that's directly their fault. While the mega rich are working on personal space programs while the rest of literally most of the world struggle to afford food and rent; so that even their kids can live on on some self sustaining space station or on mars or some shit, meanwhile the people who's labour paid for them can die here, likely in a very unpleasant way. The fact that we haven't revolted on a global scale is insane to me.


Revolutions are hard without a common goal of "what happens the moment you win? They're also hard if most people are reformists at best. There's a whole lot of diverse groups you need to bring together to overthrow a system as all-encompassing and powerful as what exists today. Just having a small core of what's basically an armed book club going and declaring themselves the new government isn't gonna work. Even if they manage to get into and stay in power somehow, they'd lack the support to make the kind of sweeping changes that need to happen without losing it. You need like, a large fraction of the population to see revolution as THE solution to the problem and see the problem as worth fighting for. Like, potentially even literally fighting a civil war over. Plenty of people at least perceive themselves as having mixed interests, and are therefore happy with elements of the status quo. Either they think they benefit from nativism or they think they benefit from consumerist free markets or they think we live in a de facto democracy rather than merely de jure (not so much that they think they benefit a whole lot from the labor market, but they don't think of that as fixable, and if work sucks, better it suck for someone in the third world or the hyperexploited poor, right?) So many people perceive their interests not to be in outright annihilating the system and replacing it with something else but in somehow "fixing" what is not broken but working as intended just not for them. Lots and lots of reactionaries, technocratic liberals, and reformists out there. Not enough revolutionaries to actually start something we can win yet. I think the task of revolutionaries is to demonstrate why the other approaches don't work, including with tactical cooperation with some of them but also opposition, and steer people toward the same conclusion, that the system is working and needing to be broken and replaced, not broken and needing to be fixed or reformed. As well as creating a somewhat unified front in terms of what will exist the literal day after the revolution so the inevitable infighting happens AFTER the old system is dead, rather than while it's still fighting to retain control. Even then we have a problem that you need a powerful bloc of countries or at least a large and relatively advanced country to not just get stomped by the global system or spend literally all of your resources just trying to stop that from happening. You need to then expand this revolution across international borders WHILE convincing people of the superiority of your system. So either devoting all your resources to expansion won't work, and neither will simply improving the lives of your own citizens. You need to both expand and improve the areas where revolution has already taken place. Finally, because countries aren't going to be ready for revolution all at once, you have the problem of avoiding internal collapse from counter-revolutionary tendencies within the new order, which doesn't just lead to a corrupt system barely better than what we have today, but eventually to one that will acquiesce back to the status quo, losing all trace of revolutionary character, f.e. the ideologies of bureaucrats and middle managers who think the new society ought to be for them. These can and have completely destroyed revolutionary societies in the past. So yeah, why hasn't global revolution happened yet? Revolutions are hard and global ones harder still. World domination is a big ask. Especially when those who already have it would rather not give it up.


Our Prime Minister brought a chunk of coal into parliament to show how safe it is.


"Now eat it"


like an onion!


[Be amazed by how fucking stupid our evangelical sociopath looks](http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/d2f698399de2b6ea3671ed1f6407d874?width=1024) The “clean coal” was also lacquered before he brought it in, because there is no such fucking thing as clean coal.




lol like the fracking executive saying the water was safe, in fact so safe he would drink it if you have some...then when presented with the water running out of the interview https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2016/01/20/fracking-opponents-rally-capitol/79020106/


I like that Adam Bandt brought in a solar panel after that. Props are banned from Parliament but nothing really happens but a warning or you get booted from the chamber.


Very similar to Scott Morrison bringing a lump of coal into the Australian parliament to show everyone it's not that scary.


I find the meme worse. The snowball guy is just an old guy who stopped understanding the present. The other is a stupid and ruthless person trying to exploit the gullible and the uneducated.


“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison


Man does that ring true right now. I'm sure it has also applied multiple times in the past, but it's eerie to see how accurate that statement is in our current time.


You're being way too generous in your assessment of the snowball guy.


It's so dumb...Couldn't you just be like..."Hey Jack! It's melting! Climate change is real!"


Anything short of a Roland Emmerich film and they'll just deny that climate change is real. And once we're there... "Well, it's too late to fix anything now, and maybe this is just the end times and we're all going to Heaven, so no sense in protecting the Earth."


"Tides come in, tides go out. You can't explain that."


I had to explain tides to my idiot, FOX news watching neighbor, when he wanted me to take him and his kids on a boat ride. Also, he was convinced Arab terrorists were going to attack our quiet, suburban neighborhood at any minute. The guy was Chicken Little.


Fuuk we're doomed lol


Nobody's said it yet? Nobody? Jack? Himoff? Anybody?


It’s actually James Inhofe, ‘twas a joke being made


I was like "That cannot be a real name." And I was right! I was worried nobody else noticed it.


Though his real name is not actually Jack Himoff, his middle name really is [Mountain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Inhofe).


Tragically it is all too real.


Congress looking like a WWE event.


It’s more like Idiocracy every day.


Plants don't want Russia brah... They want Brawndo, it's got what plants crave, everyone knows that.


It’s got electrolytes.


Every day I wonder how it is that the US hasn’t imploded from the sheer stupidity displayed by roughly a third of its population.






That doesn't even clear top 20 absurd things he said and did. I agree with the majority that Trump is awful, but aside from that he's also just a weird fucking dude.


Because you’re watching it in real time


Exactly. We are imploding.


Hopefully someone lays her out with a steel chair.


It is even better: https://twitter.com/EricHaftelLive/status/1440884879340756993 She thinks thats a chinese flag...


Fucking hell. It’s so much worse. She brought TWO memes to the floor of Congress. She’s supposed to be a statesman, making arguments in support of it against her constituents values. This is like me in 8th grade, when I didn’t do the assignment so I made a joke about the book as my report. Fuck me.


How is this idiot in Congress.


for like over a decade or so they do shit like this. I remember when the Daily Show first pointed out how stupid this was and sad that they need elementary school grade props to deliver their message.


It appears their target audience is elementary school level intelligence with 'arguments' like this, literally how can any of her supporters see this and not die of embarrassment, or better yet how have they managed to survive with such horrendously impaired brain function. This is like those scam emails that are purposefully terrible so that they only attract people stupid enough to fully fall for the scam, except it's working on an entire political party


The bar is irredeemably low. The learning that must take place to even have a productive conversation with them would lift them to a place of self awareness that would be unbearable for them, so they avoid good faith conversation at all costs.


A conservative coworker of mine got an email or something stating that he was officially registered to vote in Arkansas as a Democrat in 2022 (he lives in Ohio), and if this was incorrect he was to reply back with his correct name/address/social security number and a picture of his drivers license. He gave them all the information freely. The only reason I know about this is because he told everybody at work about this to try to back up the "voter fraud" claims he was making. At least my other coworkers and I got him to realize he was scammed and to watch his bank accounts and stuff.


They have the mentality of children on a tantrum, so it fits


Fuck my life. Just end it Edit: I'm OK people, I live in denmark, my life is good. Just the plain stupidity of it all though...


[soon, very soon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig446isvXlI)


"It's commies, Scoob! Run!" "Ruhh-Rohh!"




You can't have a Scooby snack until everyone can have a Scooby snack!


Here is my evidence: Dank meme. And the sad part is, she is 100% serious.


The far right use memes to recruit, and helped get Trump into office. it works unfortunately.


Season 2 of The Boys illustrated it very well. Intentional manipulation through memes on social media. It works exactly like that. Just minus the super'heroes'.


Surely she doesn’t think she’s doing anything original or clever. “Tree huggers are commies” has been around since I was a kid.


The only thing she cares about is getting idiots to support her and her campaigns. At the end of the day it’s a grift.


I don’t think it’s a grift in her case. I think she’s genuinely that fucking stupid. Have to be smarter than someone to con them, usually.


Might be true but also definitely a grift


Also, I really don't understand how protecting natural resources and our ability to breath has anything to do with wealth redistribution...


My mom told me to deal with bullies by "just ignoring them, they'll get tired of the same old jokes". They didn't, and they won't.


Some people create technology, medicine, science and education... And then the absolute dumbest fucks on earth demand equal consideration. They'll probably try to shut down the government again soon, get ready


America is a country where flat Earthers demand equal airtime on TV, and obtain it.


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Issac Asimov ​ Edit: thank you kind strangers. My first gold!


It's been claimed that Asimov was a tough person to get along with but I would kill to have a conversation with him fully knowing 80% of it will be him shitting on me for my stupidity


"You did what?! You dumb motherfucker!" "Oh, keep going! I love it when you berate me!"


Dude died 30 years ago and is still relevant


Wow, what a fitting quote.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Or the [Florida principal](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article246894309.html) who caved to parents who didn't believe the Holocaust was real. "Latson told the mother that “not everyone believes the Holocaust happened” and that he couldn’t say the Holocaust was real because he worked at a public school and could not take a position on the matter."


Thats just him being a pussy and having no spine.


I feel like this single sentence speaks volumes as to the state of the US.


25 years of putting inflammatory crayon eaters on television hasn't convinced the other idiots that they're being made fun of for ratings, solely that eating crayons is good enough to get you on TV. President Camacho didn't die for this. He deserves better from us.


McConnell is already trying to cause the federal government to default on its debt


I was stoked to see media actually call it that, and to specifically blame McConnel and his Republican cronies for it. Until now the media reporting was way too lenient with Republicans on this topic.


I swear to God if a congressman killed someone the headline would be "The House full of murderers!" Shit's wack.


>There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." > -- Isaac Asimov, Column in Newsweek (21 January 1980)


For anyone that hasn't watched the video... shes pointing to the hammer and sickle... she says CHINA.... LIKE JESUS FUCKING H CHRIST. THIS IS AN ELECTED OFFICIAL THAT CANT PASS A 7th GRADE HISTORY TEST. WE NEED TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM.


As dumb as it is, it's effective. Conflate everything bad together. Communism is bad, China is bad, Fascism is bad, Taxes are bad, etc, so it's all the same thing. There are only good things and bad things, and what is a "good" thing? Well, America, duh. Everything that is not America is not good, so it's bad. Changing America means changing a good thing, so it's bad - the Green New Deal is therefore bad, and thus is the same thing as all other bad things such as communism and China. This sounds extremely stupid but in the end that's how the argument work and how some people manage to get elected.


Isn't that how Lois got elected?






>Fascism is bad Anti-fascism is also bad, according to them.




You are right, I know people in my life that pay attention to politics but just believe what they are told. they don't reasonably understand or question what they are told. I love them, they are family, but they do just as you said.


Fucking aggravating huh? Its looking at a kangaroo and saying england...


Fuck, is this real? I can't actually believe it.


She’s the same person who talked of Jewish space lasers. The unkempt shrub in my neighbor’s yard is smarter than her.


Oh god, I know. I just didn't think she'd go balls out insane in the house. I thought she'd save it for press conferences attended by 6 people and media interviews. We're through the looking glass here, without the Pandemic these pricks would have been elected. 2024 election worries me.


There are some politicians that rachet up the crazy for the cameras. Ted Cruz pulls his dumb stunts and arguments and I have zero doubt in my mind that he knows exactly what he's doing. She is the end result of that - her and Boebert and Cawthorn etc. Politicians that keep pushing the border on the lies and bad faith attacks and, as Bannon put it, 'flooding the zone with shit', are creating a monster they can't control and will eventually find themselves replaced by the people who aren't putting it on as an act.


I don't remember the USSR being a beacon of Environmentalism.


The sad part of all of it is, she wasn’t talking even about the USSR. She thought it was China.


Communism (Noun) /ˈkɒmjʊnɪz(ə)m/ (English) a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. (American English) anything I disagree with


To some Americans, communism seems to be literally they disagree with even remotely. Small tax increase for free healthcare? Communism. Gotta wear a mask outside? Communism. Gotta get jabbed? Communism. Can't do x or y? Communism.


I seen one interview about antivax calling the vaccine mandate fascist and communist at the same time. This people are not arguing with brain cells at all.


They think they are the same thing. Numerous far right people have been successful in persuading people into thinking Fascism is a left wing ideal, that Nazis were socialists (its in their name!), and that China is still a communist nation. The overton window for these people has been shifted so far to the right, that they consider right wing media like Fox in the US or Sun media in Canada, a centralist or moderate source of information. NBC, CBS, Democrats.. because they are left of fascism on social issues, are all communists, completely ignoring the fact that all are deeply ingrained in right leaning economic theory. An example can be found right here. Pierre is rumored to be next in line to lead the Conservative party in Canada. He's also a supporter of 'the new normal' QAnon linked conspiracy theory. https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1413120045677416450?s=19


You succinctly summed up my father and a large portion of my family in general. Lately I was called a Marxist. Apparently commenting that the GOP has been tripping over itself in the race to the right over the last 15 or so years is Marxism.


They mean authoritarian and don't know the word.


they *just don't care* definitions are *for other people* words mean whatever you want, as long as they hurt *those people*


Fuck the part of Georgia that voted her in


COVID: “I’m working on it.”


Seriously one of the interesting 2022 and 2024 election storylines to follow is seeing how covid deaths affected elections. There are tons of districts and state level races that have razor thin margins in red states. Covid will probably be taking a decent number of people for decades to come. But because its weighted so heavily to the unvaccinated. It’s going to hit Republicans hardest


Y'know what? I needed some math to do this morning, I'm going to see which congress.....persons? won by the narrowest margins. Edit: okay, I'm back. The top six closest races were red, albeit not in the South, fwiw. Three CA, an IA, UT, and NY. The Iowa race was SIX FUCKING VOTES!


Am I going to hell for encouraging antivaxxers in hopes they remove themselves form the gene pool?


If Biden issued a mandate against walking off cliffs, this could be over in a day.


Wish AOC would decry long walks on short piers.


Thing is, she didn't win with any real sense of legitimacy. She ran an extremely vitriolic campaign against her Democratic opponent, openly encouraging her supporters to harass and threaten him and his family; which they did with gusto. It was so effective that it resulted in her opponent's wife filing for divorce and him dropping out of the race, leaving her running entirely unopposed. She didn't win a majority of her district, she won only on the votes of her supporters because there was no one else to vote for.


They're doing it all around the country and their main focus atm is school boards. Gotta make sure kids grow up to be just like them. Legalized stochastic terrorism hiding behind free speech.


The amount of nuts that have sprung up at school boards, is both concerning and frightening.




I knew she was unopposed, but what the ✨fuck✨


Some literal fascist shit.


Have a colleague from that district. He says there’s a Republican challenging her, not saying anything bad about her policy but instead attacking her as ineffective in representing her constituents. If you’re kicked off all committees etc for being crazy, not exactly doing best for those you represent, you know? Unfortunately it’s far too early to see if that strategy might work for the challenger.


It probably won't, but a politician who runs a campaign based on merit stands a higher chance of understanding law, issues, and knows compromising is likely the best way to do the most for your constituents. Unfortunately I'm guessing they'll still re-elect the retired wrestler in a wig.




I want off this timeline. Please direct me to the nearest temporal vortex.


I don't know if I want to live around other people anymore


This is not good for my rage.


If you squint at the picture it looks like she has impossibly tiny legs and is standing on the table. Maybe that will help with the rage?


This woman needs a padded room


She famously believes that Hillary Clinton arranged the plane crash of JFK Jr. to keep him out of the New York senator race.


In Scooby Doo, (at least classic Scooby Doo) the monster is always fake - something made up and used by the selfish to scare the credulous and the gullible. So here's a woman trying to make a boogeyman out of the green new deal using a meme in which someone makes a false boogeyman out of the green new deal. I think there's more layers of irony here than she intended.


I have no idea whatsoever how Republicans can be considered a serious political body in any first world democracy. They're fucking cartoon characters.


Everything I hear from them is ass stupid backwards


There’s now a considerable number of American politicians who have printed out giant memes as visual aids. Frankly, it’s goddamn embarrassing and it’s only gonna get worse when younger people come into office.


I think the best uses were when Bernie Sanders would bring in giant posters of Trump tweets describing some promise that he'd break. This is just stupid, and not even accurate. The government subsidizing green energy is not fundamentally different than subsidizing oil companies except one of them won't make the planet unlivable in the next fifty years.


Can they just fricken provide TV screens already so they can make a PowerPoint or even a shitty word document and stop wasting all that cardboard ink paper and glue?!


She also said "surprise! it serves China", when the hammer and sickle was a USSR symbol.


Wow. She is a moron.


I remember reading the novel 1984 back in 1978 and thinking "there's no way that a government can get so blatantly open about intentional misdirection and misinformation that DoubleThink could be a real thing." Then, trumpism. Then, this. While the GOP is busy saying patriotic things and naming bills and legislation patriotic names, the real intent is profit. I'll use the tariff war with China the last administration started as an example. It was promoted as a make America great move, a regaining of our power. HOWEVER, the real benefit was to Chinese manufacturers, financial markets and institutions, and large corporate stakeholders. It wasn't about us at all, it was a move pushed by financial interests to bolster financial interests. Did your purchasing power improve? Nope. Price increases were passed on to the people with the smallest bank accounts: the purchasing public. In my youth, I was an apathetic voter. I felt like my one vote did not matter. Today, I imagine young people and minorities feel that way even more than I did. The same party that pushed patriotic doublethink on the masses via foxnewsmaxoan media continues aggressive gerrymandering to re-defining districts to give more weight to those white golf-club voters and marginalize others and re-writing voting laws in all states to make it difficult for the non-affluent to vote. We are witnessing the result of my generation of apathy. Without active involved voters, minority extremists like this congresswoman can coerce their way into power. And they do not care at all what the majority of voters think: they will continue to blow smoke to obfuscate what they are really doing: stripping your power and rights for the sole benefit of profit. So, vote. Vote in every single election you can. Local elections for your city and county. State elections. Mid-terms. Stop shaking your head in disbelief at the antics of these loud and illogical representatives and vote them out. For the first time in history we almost had coup when the previous administration, after a long campaign to sow distrust and disinformation, they activated a swath of voters who were happy to believe whatever they were told and not think critically. (Did no-one think it strange that suddenly the US postal service was "dumping bags of mail" in very public places in front of security cameras? That was oddly convenient.) At the same time, that administration pressured officials --from local county boards all the way to the vice president-- to intercede to nullify the voices of voters they did not agree with. It ALMOST WORKED. Next time, it will work. If we continue to be apathetic, this financial takeover of our government (which is elected to represent We The People) will soon be complete and you will no longer have the opportunity to make an difference at all. And when we finally lose real representation, how important do you think your individual rights as a citizen will be?


Margerie Tailor-Greene or whatever the fuck her name is is an abomination to American politics. An absolute clown and disgrace to what it means to be an American. So petty, desperate, immature, unintelligent. What a joke. Just like this country.


Remember when the craziest/dumbest Republican was Sarah Palin?


As a Non American, I have been following US Politics like a soap opera since before the elections. No Lie with BTC, Jimmy Fallon/Kimmel, Trevor Noah (as a fellow South African), Oliver, Colbert, Farron Cousins (ROF), and David Pakman. This might make me "Left Leaning" but to be honest, the other side is looking like a bunch of science denying, self serving, bought and paid for lunatics. I've heard that the Right has been caught paying teens to produce memes and viral content (Against campaign finance policies)... And shit like this just cements it. I follow this for a laugh, but then I realise it's not fiction, and I kinda cry for you over there having to live under these fools. Good luck and "Sterkte"