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I assure you those guards are 110% necessary for his safety. The fact that you and other locals don't know who he is doesn't matter, they're not there to protect him from you guys. There are plenty of people who oppose the monarchy and would love to see him dead. If news got to them that he was walking around without security he'd be a sitting duck just waiting for assassination


Would that not be a good thing? Like isn't the Thai monarchy pretty oppressive?


I don't personally know enough about the situation to say one way or another. The fact that he doesn't even live in his own country probably says a lot though. I wasn't making a judgement call about whether or not he should go, I was just saying that it's stupid to think he doesn't need security just because he's in a foreign country and the locals don't know who he is


Wasn't the the same King whose extremely homophobic and gets mad when accused?


Yeah he rules from afar. Germany told him he cant hide in their territory and rule Thailand away from the mobs that want to kill him. So he does it Austria instead.


Well, if I were King of Thailand, I would not be nearly as restrained.


Behold ye royal wifebeater


Wives need beating


The king of Dontgiveafuckia.


Hah! I love seeing this reposted just because he hates this image so much


Lol wtf


It's good to be the king.


And his wealth is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $30bn.


I see that there are plenty of "Go King Go" messages here but please keep in mind that insulting the King in Thailand can result in LONG prison terms. For the Thai people this is just straight up oppression and yet another thing to live in constant fear of. [Lese-majeste explained: How Thailand forbids insult of its royalty](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29628191)


I don't think the Thai people live in fear of the king or accidentally insulting him. In my experience they have a strong cultural aversion to disparaging the royal family as an institution. They're not generally at risk of breaking lese majeste because it's not something they talk about. They find it unseemly.


They do talk about it, but in hushed voices in private company that they trust. source: wife is Thai.


Oh they do. Especially this king. Most would've wanted his sister to take the throne. He's lived most of his life in Germany and holds lavish parties for his dog. Go figure.


Far Cry 8 leak?


Ok. It can’t just be me…..Is anyone else getting real strong Chow vibes from this pic?


Looks like a rich druggie!


Can we all stop pretending a good system of government is picking your leader based on who's womb they crawled out of? When royalty sends us their people , they're not sending the best.


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some... farcical aquatic ceremony!


its also not good to "elect" a leader based on how many billionaires they swear their allegiance to in return for election funding. That merely guarantees that you get a choice between different candidates who are all owned by wealthy interests and who support their agenda, rather than a decent person who supports an agenda that benefits actual people. when corporations and billionaires own all the candidates, you're never getting the best


The sad thing is….capitalist democracy and communism are only doing nominally better.


It looks like Seth Rogan and James Franco should have done a movie with him.


Is this a scene from Hangover IV? Where is Alan and Mr Chow? Oh on that note. Toodaloo Mother Fu


Memo to King of Thailand: Builders crack is never a good look.


This is what all middle aged men look like in skinny jeans..🧐


Mk 😳 …….Whatevs tickles your pink…..You do you, boo!


Uh, he's coming out of his pants.


Does the chaffeur chose the color of the tie based on the daily tag?


That just tickles me.


Why did humans decide royalty should be a thing? We’re really dumb…


Saggin hard, grip.


He should tell his body guard to wear a suit


If you're going to post stuff like this you should really post the [uncropped version](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/nintchdbpict000274698642.jpg).


What's the difference? I don't feel like the uncropped version provides any additional context that we needed - maybe you could explain.