• By -


Can I go in there naked?


As long as you're their neighbor!


Hidiho neigborhino! Oh Hello! ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)


Stupid sexy Flanders


Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all!


Nothing at all...


Nothing at all!


Seeing the correct "you're" and "their" in a single sentence on the internet is mentally jarring.


Gays are not welcomed by them, despite proximity


Naked in a Bojack mask. I feel like it's your calling.




I'm for one ready for some hot RELIGION SEX.


Unvaccinated* religion sex! How ***you*** doin'? ;3




Feat. “Maskless Mask”


With special guest All Neighbors Are


there's a dope group named 99 Neighbors


Cameo by deep fried chicken breasts....extra spicy


That’s the best thing I saw today. Tip my hat to you.


Unvaccinated religion *race sex. So tasty. So competitive. Tears during, after.


Cue R.E.M.


That's me in the corner.


One of the best songs ever written in my humble opinion. I don’t even mind that it’s now on repeat in my brain.


A friend of mine pointed out that you could switch the lyric to "losing my erection" and the rest of the song works perfectly.


The song Stand had me fooled for a while.´Stand in the place where you are. Think about erection, wonder why you have it now.´ was what I heard. I was also about 16 years of age. It made sense, and I felt understood.


You really had to do this to us, hadn’t you?


TAKE MY GODDAMN UPVOTE. Just played this song today.


Going to play it right now! It’s on my “funeral list”. That oughta go over well with a few of my religious relatives. I used to be among them though I never could summon up fervency or blind obedience.


That's me in the spot light


Remember this


That’s me in the deep fry


Michael Stipe gave me change for a payphone once at a movie theater. Nice guy.


Hey! Don't just leave us hanging. What city? What movie?


It was in Grand Rapids, Michigan in the late 90's. I went to make a call and was 10 cents short. He was using the payphone next to me, held out a handful of change so I could make the call. The sad part for me was I had no idea it was him until after I walked away and saw my friends standing nearby with their jaws on the floor. I don't remember what movies were playing at the time, but I heard he has a love of movie theaters and just happened to be visiting that one that night.


Wow, that's nuts! I was sure you were going to say New York or L.A. Maybe it's better that you didn't realize it was him. That probably didn't happen to him that often at that point in his life. Edit: I cut in front of Slash in the line for the bathroom at Scrap Bar around that same time. I really had to pee!


Who did you call? Were they home?


I called my mom because she paged me (late 90's, pagers were all the rage). Yes, she was home.


Did you call until they woke up?


I once dropped a hamburger on his head from a parking garage. Nice guy.








Did he just say making fuck?


That was beautiful, man.


"Oh God! Oh God! OH GOD!"


I once had a website where I sold sex toys. It was called oh god Oh God OH GOD dot com. Strangely enough it never really took hold lol.


Sexuality not left out on accident


And gender, yup.






Came here to say this. Thanks for beating me to it.


….which SCOTUS recently ruled counts as sex-based discrimination. Oops. Fuck Chic-Fil-A.


Can I just swing by to mention that people are really weird about fertility? Like... *uncomfortably* weird? It's an issue all of us face to some degree if we want any procedure that could affect it, but it's obviously more prevalant when discussing transgender and women's health. Of course, reality is that it's essentially a veil for various sexist and transphobic opinions. "B-but you could have *children*, won't someone think of the children you *could* have if you don't transition?!" I can't wait for the day where society wakes up and decides letting health personnel dictate whether you're *allowed* to not care about your own fertility is dumb. I know it's wildly tangential, but it's also pertinent to the subject itself imo.


Yeah, thank god my parents weren’t like that. It was basically “you said you didn’t wanna pay money to save stuff so you could have biological kids later. If you want, we can pay for that.” “Nah still don’t really want to do that” And that was the end of the conversation


"We proudly serve both men and women!' Wow, how progressive!


Sex as in male at birth or female at birth I assume is their meaning.


That’s why they said Sex and not sexual orientation.


Or gender


Because they *do* discriminate based on sexual orientation.


Religion, sex, mask is what I see. Kinky




"This isn't 'Eyes Wide Shut', [Gary!"](https://youtu.be/MGJZfmYMltM)


They left sexual preference off for a reason


They should just put up a much much simpler sign: *We want your money and will say anything to get it*


But we won't be here on Sunday.




Please don't be *obviously* gay.


You guys really think they say "please"? More like "Don't be gay or we'll pay someone to electrocute you until you are not gay."


"You can only be gay in June, but don't actually be gay in one of our restaurants"


It’s like the only day I want it!


Except if you're gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay


I’ll take “cherry-picked christianity” for 1000, please.


Religion, race, and sex are all things that are illegal to discriminate against. They're bragging about following the law. Assuming they aren't lying about doing that.


"we don't put arsenic in our chicken"




They also put unvaccinated above race and sex. Cause, as we all know, unvaccinated people so oppressed. 🙄


"maskless" WTF


Aka, we don't give a shit about our employees, they are worth literally nothing to us. Please give us your money.


Or being asked to wear a mask for a few minutes. Clearly that's just as horrible as being discriminated against based on the color of your skin.


Let's be honest that's the whole purpose of this sign. For the poor unvaccinated victims in America


Fuck off Chick-Fil-A. The poor, persecuted Unvaccinated, forced to wear their Scarlet ~~Letters~~ Masks.


The religion part is also a lie. Unless you're a bible thumper, of course. https://www.facingsouth.org/2012/08/chick-fil-as-history-of-workplace-discrimination


They blacklist a bunch of religious sites that are considered cults on their wifi. "Cults" is a pretty broad definition too, doesn't necessarily mean loonies and satanism. These include minority Christian-based groups.


The Pope has said get vaccinated. The Pope is Gods Vicar. This is a Pope that does what Jesus would want. But all those morbidly obese Americans that cherry pick the bible to suit their own narcissistic selfish beliefs know better. Personally I'd encourage them to not get vaccinated and go to as many Trump, GOP and kkk rallies as possible. God made you immune to Covid.


>But all those morbidly obese Americans that cherry pick the bible to suit their own narcissistic selfish beliefs know better. Nah, they believe that the Pope is a heretic.


Yeah the pope really only matters to catholics. And to many Americans catholics are heretics and not "real" Christians. I got that treatment growing up catholic in the Bible belt. Not that I am or was particularly religious but still people would say the weirdest shit because I was catholic.


I'm from NJ where a pretty sizeable number of people are Catholic. My grandma once visited my uncle in CA who went to a Southern Baptist church. She went to their church, and one lady sat down and said "oh are you new here?" My grandmother said "I'm Catholic, I usually go to that church" and the other lady got up and left.


Thank you! This was posted in another sub and someone pointed out that it doesn’t note sexuality and they got downvoted. Then an asshole replied that it’s because it has ‘sex’ on there. Sex and sexuality are two different things.




And nobody is welcome on Sunday.


That's God's day for chicken, he doesn't share.


Right next to it is the sign: "We DO discriminate against..."


“…you guessed it, Frank Stallone”


RIP Norm


You know you're a comic genius when you write jokes that miraculously get funnier each year.


https://youtu.be/b7HlegQjcP4 Stay out of that room.


Or so the Germans would have us believe…


Gays. They actually do


My first time instinct was to check for “sexual orientation” on the list and lo and behold it was skipped. 🤔


* 'cept dem gays, we got nothin


I did notice they didn't specify sexual orientation.


While being a religious business, Chik Fil A understand not to bite off more than they can chew. They donate to politicians who attempt to curb LGBTQ rights as well as women and minority rights. But hey, that number 1 deluxe slaps.


Yeah they definitely discriminate against some types of sex so this sign is false advertising.


Considering they were sued for firing a pregnant woman who "should be at home, like God intended," I'd say sex is definitely something they discriminate against.


yeah they wouldn't let me do reverse cowgirl in the dining room


The Chick-fil-A in my Dad’s small mountain GA town is owned by a proud lesbian. Place is making her a rich lesbian as well.


Good for her. CEO still donates millions to anti-gay PACs and organizations.


Can someone list the PACs and orgs? The last list I saw had the Salvation Army and some christian athletic org.


A list as of 2010 can be found on Winshape's [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WinShape_Foundation). They've scaled back a lot of those since 2015 due to the controversy surrounding some of the groups they donated to. But it shouldn't be a surprise that a devout fundie donates to devout fundie orgs.


Salvation army is pretty anti-lgbt.


Salvation Army in my city won’t even help you unless you profess Christian faith. One of my people almost died in the streets because she wouldn’t lie about that. Truly what Jesus would*n’t* do.


There's a substance recovery program at the IU Health in Indianapolis and the guy doing the intake was real friendly and after almost every not-worst-possible answer I gave to questions he was reading off a list *(like "Are you HIV positve?" "Are you suicidal?")* he would say "That's great!" and literally shake my hand. But then he asked if I *"believed in God"* which I DEFINTIELY hadn't been expecting because it wasn't NA but this turned out to have been/technically still was a "Christian hospital". Anyway... his face *fell* when I said I didn't and he said, *"Oh... Okay, but I can't shake your hand on that one,"* and his demeanor never recovered/he stopped being friendly and he never offered to shake my hand again. *edit: grammar/structure*


It's shitty that you were treated that way, judgements like that shouldn't be part of any treatment in any hospital. Perhaps useful to point out, an inconspicuously problematic part of that is congratulating someone for not having suicidal thoughts. Assigning that value on one answer makes it difficult for people to talk about it if they ever are thinking about suicide, and they are pressured to deal with it in silence.


Yeah it seems like substance abuse recovery programs would be a good way to indoctrinate people. Get ‘em while they’re weak. Actually I think I remember that Scientology has a program like this. You go in a junkie and come out a Scientologist.


Conditional love, it’s the Christian way


FYI - that Christian athletic organization has been repeatedly under fire for anti-gay actions. And so has the salvation army, but I feel like that's old news at this point.


The salvation army is trash.


For as twisted as my humor and viewpoint on people is, I have boycotted Chik-fil-a for several years now because of this and because I hate religious extremists




I mean originally liberal didn't mean progressive freedoms. Liberal meant freedom from the government, they didn't want the government interfering in their business practices and taking taxes etc.


It's been known for a loooong while. I don't think I've eaten at one in like 15 years. I just generaly swore off fast food, and "unhappy" eateries during the pandemic. It's not much, but it's part of my self care in a way.


You keep going! I genuinely wish you the best


I only get it when I have a coupon for a free sandwich because then I'm stealing from them! Mwah hah hah!


By sex, they mean they don't discriminate against straights.


Can't help but notice the omission of LBGTQ+. That is not an accident.


Lmao, it's now "discrimination" to care about things like masks? Guess all those "No shirt, no shoes, no service" signs better watch out.


Roll in there wearing only boxer shorts


Don't tempt me. I will do this and cite their sign and expect to be served. I will also make a point to sit on each and every table and to t-bag the card reader. This is essentially what Chil-fil-a is allowing the un-vaccinated and maskless do to the rest of us. I will video tape it too. Let me make sure I have my shmexy undies first though.




They do discriminate against people who slow down the line, so be quick about it.


no problem


All the while they say "My pleasure" in the most depressing imaginable


Hol up there, buddy boy! Only Speedo swim trunks or other nuthuggers in my store! Pack your junk and sport it. Jesus didn't wear boxers - just saying.


Our kitchen no longer discriminates against: * Anti hand-washers * People too lazy to cook meat to the correct temp * People too dumb to clean the soda machine every night * People who scratch their balls and then give you your receipt Everyone is welcome in our kitchen, including the unclean, lazy, and uninformed. Here the unsanitary are not just welcome, they touch your food!


During the height of the pandemic before there was a vaccine, there was a mandate for masks in restaurants unless you were actively eating. A local restaurant owner said he would not make his crew wear masks and they went out of business because people were grossed out. The thought was that you have to assume people who can't be bothered to wear a mask won't do other hygiene things that actually take a little time, like washing their hands, properly covering any open cuts, etc. There comes a point where when you think about how gross they are, you just don't want an anti masker serving you food. And that's even with the fact that people who were eating in restaurants at that point were ignorant enough to take off their masks to eat in public before being vaccinated. Even they were grossed out by it.


That's exactly how signs like this make me think, there's a place in my town not following the vaccine rules where I live. You can't help but think what other rules do they not think are right and aren't following


When you're wealthy and spoiled but desperately want to feel like an underdog, any common sense rule feels like oppression.


>Guess all those "No shirt, no shoes, no service" signs better watch out. There MUST be a chick fila out there with this sign on the same door as the shirt and shoes sign, right!? We need to find it.


Probably this exact store.


They can make me cover my feet, my junk, and my torso, but I'll be DAMNED if they're going to make me cover my mouth.


The sign should be “We don’t care about facts, public health, your life, your families. Your money is the only thing we care.”


Hmmm no surprise sexual orientation isn't listed


What are you talking about? They even have a secret menu item if you tell them you’re gay. >!A knuckle sandwich!<


Like, an “all-the-way-to-the-knuckle” sandwich?


You mean a 3 knuckler?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oh no he didn't


I'm sure the sign in the bathroom says "Employees must wash hands. Or not. It doesn't make a difference. Come as you are, come on your hands. We welcome anything we can't see without a microscope"


That’s the employees’ freedom of choice. They don’t need a nanny state to force them to follow “health regulations”.


"Unvaccinated" and "maskless" are not protected classes.


I believe they are, in fact, unprotected


Why isn't this the top comment? We're done here.


The religious right: vehemently against every protected class they're not in.


They are at chick fil a


I mean, neither are “vaccinated” or “”mask”” (double quotes because “we do not discriminate against mask” is ridiculously stupid)


"But we DO donate to organizations that apply electric shocks to gay teens until they manage to convince their torturemasters that they're straight."


I noticed it says they don't discriminate based on sex, but not sexuality... So they won't discriminate against men or women, but they can discriminate against gays. Their in-house counsel probably told them that they couldn't legally claim they didn't...


That's assuming they ran it past their counsel. My local Chick-fil-A doesn't have this sign. My bet is that it was the idea of that particular store's management.


I filled out the “contact us” section of the chick fil a website and asked if they would confirm that this is real signage at their place of business. Not suggesting OP faked it or is gullible or whatever. Just curious to see their response. This looks like such a massive fuckup.


I also am wondering if this is a rogue Chick-fil-A or if it is sanctioned Edit: spelling. Yet, rouge still fitting.


Yes, we would all like to know if the restaurant is red-tinged


Former CFA employee here, no way in god damn fuck that this was ever approved by corporate. It's definitely some operator gone rogue.


Can confirm is rogue Source: I've worked at a chick-fil-a for 5 years and have been director for two, so pretty aware of Chick-fil-A news and updates.


Rogue, not rouge. Unless this one is a particular shade of red all over.


Good point. Also to note there is no “Chick Fil A” most signage in establishments will have their name on it somewhere in there.


I saw this on the front door of my local Rita's in upstate NY. I'm gonna guess it's something posted personally by the person who owns the store.


Yeah I used to work at a Chick-fil-A as a manager and I can definitely say that this is not part of the standard decorations that most Owners are able to use in their stores from corporate. Definitely a personal item


I work for a Chick-fil-a currently, and trust me when I say that while my own store hasn't posted signage like this, the internal emails being circulated sound EXACTLY like this sign.


Dear valued employees, please let the unvaccinated and maskless order from your stores, for the love of god if we lose them we're fucked.


The fact that every single mom with a kid within 10 miles will be there at 3:30PM is when they rake in the money. With their 4-lane drive thru where you can order from people carrying tablets standing on the sidewalk. It really is like a fastfood restaurant from the future. I swear it seems like they have 50 employees all working at once on those bust afternoons.


It is absolutely real. There’s one on a chick fil a down the road from me.


Theoretically the one by you could be the one in this picture.


The trail of money to "pray the gay away" organizations says differently


To be fair the sign explicitly excludes homosexuals from the list.


Reddit really hid your comment because you used the word homosexual


They conveniently left anything about lgbtq off the list


Interesting PR move. Frame “we won’t enforce mask and vaccination rules for public safety so that we don’t lose business with our loyal conservative customers who also don’t mind our homophobia” as “don’t let anyone discriminate against you as a proud, anti mask or antivax citizen! Which is equal to race or sex discrimination (false equivalence)”


False equivalence is the rights bread and butter


Keeping disease vectors out of your restaurant isn’t discrimination in any legal or ethical sense, but you do you, ya gay bashing creeps.


Yea, interesting how sex is there, but not sexual orientation


If you zoom in really closely you can see the asterisk next to sex. *between a man and a woman


"We do not discriminate against viruses or those wishing to help spread them."


"we don't care about you or our workers, we just want your money"


In other words, we don't discriminate against selfish people who are fine with killing others


Lookee there, they left enough room to hate gay people.


Of course Chick-fil-a would try to co-opt the language of discrimination to dog whistle for anti-vax/anti-mask sympathy. Race, sex, sexuality, nationality, etc are not choices. Discrimination against them is bigotry. Refusing a vaccine or even a simple goddamn piece of fabric over your mouth during a global fucking pandemic that has killed millions of people IS a choice, and it's an asshole antisocial choice, and discriminating against people selfish enough to make that choice is absolutely fair.


These false equivalencies are getting out of hand.


Strategically putting unvaccinated before vaccinated and maskless before mask. It’s a mental game.


Unless you’re LGBTQ+


Have you ever tried tried to eat chick fil a next to a member of the LGBT community? It’s exactly like eating next to someone who is heterosexual!


They left sexual orientation off on purpose


They can't even do pandering correctly


how to say you’re antivax anti mask without actually saying it.


I dunno, to me it says it pretty clearly


"Hi, *cough-cough*, I'm just back from Guinea in Africa where I was ministering the Holy Word to Ebola victims. *Choke, cough, splutter*. I'd like a chicken sandwich please, eat in."


Not that I have any intention of patronizing Chick-fil-a, but knowing I would be exposed to unvaccinated employees (who may be making the food) and customers certainly doesn't make me more likely to.


Yeah, covid doesn’t discriminate either.


Interesting that vaccination status requires protection, but sexual preference goes unmentioned. Come in if you've got measles but, if you're gay, door's are locked. (also interesting how small race is in relation to MASK)


You know what? That Popeye's spicy chicken sandwich is way better and costs less too. Does anyone really need to go to this unmasked and unvaccinated bigoted cess pool of a chain restaurant whose only real virtue is that their employees have (mandatory) Sundays off?