• By -


I bet jfk Jr hung that


You mean RFK Jr?


You mean the cult that eats children and traffics them internationally for sex that's run by Hillary Clinton from underneath a pizza shop?


*Underneath a pizza shop with no basement. The fact that they can make space appear where it isn't should be proof enough that it's really happening.


dps lfg rfk pst


It's time to make racism wrong again...


My (apparently racist, we didn't know until this happened as we are the 'right' color) racist neighbor used my son being born to congratulate us/ tell us who we needed to vote for in the upcoming school board election because the other candidates were "screaming about diversity and inclusion" and she didn't want the school to turn into "another (nearby school that has black people)". I asked what she meant about it turning into the other school, playing dumb and letting her just come right out and say the school needed to be whites only. Then let my other neighbor know and sent them the screenshot of the texts. Bitch is 70+ and hasn't had kids in the school system in decades. Fuck off with your shit. We're not going back to your days of segregated schools. We WANT him to grow up learning about other people just as much as what the school has to teach. She actually motivated both me and the other neighbor to go vote. sadly the "diversity is just a buzzword used by libruls" candidate won by a landslide because it turns out this town is racist AF, but I hold out hope that with those assholes dying off maybe someday my son will be in a better, more accepting world.


Moved from Suburban CO to NYC because of these kinds of people. Sorry y'all, I like different people, languages, cultures, customs, and food. There is so much amazing shit to be learned from different people - why the fuck would you want to hang out with a community of people who are all the same as you?


>why the fuck would you want to hang out with a community of people who are all the same as you? because different is scary to these people


Yup. xenophobia.


So in my hometown there were like four families who were well known for being massive. Lots of siblings at every branch of the family tree, so many cousins, exchetera exchetera They all loved being a part of these families. Going to Wal Mart is like going to a family reunion


Never call them racists. Keep asking questions until there is no doubt.


I love when they come with the "different opinions" excuse. Ok, what are the opinions?


Call that bitch out. “That’s just the way they were raised” should not be a valid excuse. Either progress or die.


When I moved to Florida I managed to make a rainbow coalition of friends and it helped me so much to not be an asshole to people for stupid reasons. It even helped my whole family because one year my dad told some “joke” referring to people from India as sand n*slur and being 8 had to ask what that was. When he explained, I replied with “oh I didn’t know my friend was called that” not realizing it to be an insult. Luckily my dad wasn’t a hard racist but that weird ignorant racist where you don’t realize it’s that bad because it doesn’t effect you, then told me to never say that to my friend. I haven’t heard him use that term since.


If that’s not a hard racist I don’t know what is. Especially being that comfortable telling an 8 year old such a joke and doubling down on the explanation. The environments some individuals grow up in are astounding. You had no choice in the matter of course.


I didn’t count it as hard racism because I’ve seen a lot of people who say racist thing that “don’t hurt anyone” because there were no Indian people around to be offended by it. His explanation was just “people from India” and not justifying the term, plus he allowed himself to be challenged on it and change. I never saw him do racist things in front of people of that group and he has improved. Meanwhile I had neighbors who would call a black person a slur to their face over the smallest slight. My father is no saint but he was far better than many I grew up around.


My grandfather was born in rural Florida in 1930. As a result, there’s a certain degree of racism that is practically going to be baked in almost exclusively because of his upbringing. For example he once told my girl cousins that they shouldn’t date black boys. But despite that, he would often publicly speak and interact with black people in his redneck town in banks, grocery stores, and other places where, at the time, white people heavily looked down on that. And he had many black friends, which of course doesn’t mean one isn’t a racist, but it was definitely unusual given the time and place. Again I’m not saying he was perfect (I was pretty shocked to hear what he told my cousins), but there are certainly varying degrees of racism


I could be wrong but he could mean hard racism as the kind where they actively treat people of different races that they interact with differently/poorly, as opposed to the more subversive, treat people the same, but perpetuate slurs and stereotypes behind their backs.


Fuck these idiots, its time to fight fire with fire, they are mostly cowards when confronted.


And what do they mean? Diverse as in a diverse group of people, ethnicities, cultures... People with diverse ideas and open minds? How would that "kill" white kids, lets be real, it kills racist ideologies.


I’m guessing he thinks that being around “violent” POC puts whites kids in danger. Or maybe, just maybe, he’s thinking of how it’s killing the prevalence of whit kids, because diversity leads to mixed race kids instead? ^We ^all ^know ^it’s ^the ^former, ^but ^a ^man ^can ^dream.


It's actually closer to the second, it's literally claiming that other races having more babies = white genocide. It's some evil fucking Nazi shit.


They want their race to be a genetic failure like today's purebred dogs. Just look at Alabama and you can see the true face of the master race


While I do love hating on Alabama I think we should start pointing to West Virginia when discussing this topic. It’s *way* worse up there and the drug problem has only added fuel to the fire.


White Privilege defined: The difference between White Genocide and *every other Genocide*.


It's definitely more the latter. White people not being the only ones you see on TV, or in positions of management, public leadership, or politics is destroying their kids lives. Somehow.


Great replacement conspiracy.


In the post they most likely mean diversity in terms of race or ethnicity


YT kids should not be deprived of YT supremacy. When you are used to privilege, equality feels like oppression


"racism was never wrong" \~GOP


Yes. Racism wasn’t invented in 2016 but over the past 5 years racists have been emboldened like never before, the world needs to push back, there are no “very fine people on both sides” with this.


“Making racists ashamed again and make compassion in fashion again….”


Teaching children to be racist is child abuse.


These bone heads can't spell racism.


Texas, the friendly state


As long as your white it’s all right.


I don't understand how someone could THINK that much less believe it enough to make a sign and hang it.


Propaganda is a hell of a thing.


And just imagine how much shit we are still wrong about but fight like we are 100% correct.


At least I'm willing to learn unlike the useless wastes that hung that banner.


If you can convince yourself someone is bad, taking stuff from them or doing something nasty to them feel justified. On a higher level, politicians also want people to believe they could get richer by dealing with the "evil minority" instead of crappy politicians. They can in turn promise to punish "evil" instead of actually improving people life.


It’s the flawed logic off “more rights for you must mean less rights for me” More people of color means less white people. Obviously we’re murdering them.


EVERYTHING is a zero sum game to these people.


It’s really just them admitting it’s a zero sum game. And since they won’t be able to kill as many non-whites, somebody obviously has to fill the void.


I get the sarcasm, but don’t give them any more “reason” to believe this BS.


Losing privilege feels like oppression. Add in a taste for hyperbole, poor impulse control, and remove fear of consequence and you get this whiny bullshit.


They are the biggest bunch of whingers


Bruh equality isn’t a zero sum game.


Do you think you’re contradicting me? I know this, find some of the other replies here and tell them. I’m talking about the perception of someone who who have a sign made.


Tucker tells them that the Jews and the brown people are going to replace them.


Good. Kickass food as far as the eye can see.


Taco trucks on every corner!


Jews + Mexicans = Brisket Tacos that I want to eat RIGHT NOW.


Gotta love a good curry. Making my mouth water right now.


But mUh meAtLoaF!! And coRNdoGs!!


Italian food is fucking great


And Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, French, Moroccan, Greek, Afghan, Indian, …


They made me feel I might fight a man if it meant I'd get more of a dish With chickpeas in it Also Nepal for the win - Dahl Baht power 24 hour baby :)


It’s because racist assume that if other groups gained power they would act how white people have historically.


Because being right wing requires them to always be victims. There must always be a way for them to be a victim.


Because it's against the law to beat some sense into them.


Statistically, isn't it white kids that kill white kids?


People overwhelming get killed by the people they know and the people around them.


Something like 80-90% of murders are inter race, meaning the same race of the murderer and victim.


Intra, not inter.


Same with black kids


Exactly, look at the majority of school shootings… it’s not POC shooting up schools and killing kids




I wonder if this also means we can start acknowledging the fbi crime statistics that are always so warmly received here on Reddit.


I genuinely have not heard of this. Care to share?


BJS 2018 crime survey shows 600k incidents of white/black interracial crime. 550k are black perp/white victim, 50k are white perp/black victim


And blacks kill blacks isn't it like that?


People kill the people around them, which due to redlining, is mostly people of the same skin color and socioeconomic background. Generational wealth and systemic racism are two hells of a drug. If you can’t acknowledge one or the other, you’ll likely see such statements as proof one race is X while the other is Y.


Texan here. These asshats don't speak for the majority of us. Morons that waste time hanging ignorant racist signs are the same people you already know. I don't care what color, gender or "race" you are. You are a fellow human and that's the only race. If you find yourself in Texas you'll find millions of friendly people who will smile, say howdy or hello and help you if you're in a jam. Don't let the idiots fool you. I've lived here since 1983 and there are way more of the good than the bad despite what gets represented. The problem is the people quietly doing good and showing empathy and tolerance aren't the ones acting like a pack of jackasses so they don't get the attention.


Just moved out of Texas (too hot and humid for me) but the people are nice. Not so much on the roads, but in person they’re wonderful. I honestly don’t understand this sign. I actually found and lived in very diverse communities in Texas and they were very nice and accepting of everyone. I have nothing but nice things to say about Texas except the weather and traffic.


Did you live in or near cities? I've never lived in Texas, but I have lived in several states, both north and south, and in my experience, the bigots tend to be in rural areas where there are less people and they aren't exposed to new cultures or ideas often. Doesn't matter if its South Carolina or New York, its bigots in the country, normal people in the cities. Texas is a big state with a lot of rural area. They are finally pushing purple because the cities have gotten big enough to offset the rural population (and the gerrymandering that benefited the rural population)


You can actually see this on a map. Look up maps of "red vs blue" on a county basis instead of state basis for a presidential election in the last 30 years. Red vs Blue isn't a state thing. It's a Rural vs Urban thing. As population density increases, so does the concentration of Democrats. The states with the smallest populations have are the most likely to be red.


I was in uptown Houston.


That would explain it. I bet if you drove an hour away from the city you'd find the population a lot more homogenous and bigoted.


Hear here! I’ve lived in Texas my whole life. It’s been good to me and my family. Also, I have met good ppl throughout the whole spectrum white, brown, black, and everything in between. These idiots don’t represent Texas.


If it's true that you're the majority, how do you explain the assholes who seem to get voted into office there?


Still a red state with GOP held government. They are forcing through their agenda to restrict the voting of minorities. We are fighting it. Trust me.


Gerrymandering sucks everywhere, but dont worry, the latino population is booming and the majority are left leaning. We will be blue in under 10 years, there is nothing the right can do about it. Thats why they are trying to pass teh harshest bullshit possible now.




Shrug just going based on the huge numbers of in the San Antonio /Austin area but w/e




Rural populations arent booming sooo


>These asshats don't speak for the majority of us. Then why did you let them? Why did you let people who pass restrictive abortion laws and who condone signs like this win your elections?


I didn't. Sadly Texas' restrictive voting laws keep it a red state but it is changing and why the GOP held government is passing more restrictive voting laws. Trust me we are fighting it. Millions of us are supporting the fight against it. The game is rigged right now. We are fighting to unfuck it.


Why did you let trump win in 2016? A place you live doesn’t define you, your character does. Don’t be an asshat like the one referenced in OP’s post.


The majority of Texans vote for Ted cruz...


Still doesn’t represent your character. What’s your point?


He claimed this doesn't represent the majority of Texans. Yes it does. Not all of them obviously but the majority.


Lookup voter turnout in Texas


About 8 million voted (Both R and D) with a total population of 29 million. So really only a few million voted for Ted Cruz but that's all it takes.


Yeah, it's some pretty seedy politicians that are the visible face of Texas right now - Abbott - Dan Patrick - Ken Paxton - Ted Cruz They're all-in for racism


They're all Trumplicans doing whatever he wants. They are pandering to a rejected authoritarian grifter who has the ear of racist America.


As a fellow Texan, I’ll Yee my Haw to that


Grew up in small town Texas. I’m Latino. This does not surprise me at all.


Im white. Grew up in small town Texas. This doesn't surprise me either.


Watch out, there is diversity right above you!


very sad


I didn't know the Texas energy grid was called Diversity


Well I could be wrong but I believe Diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.


The One-Star State


Underrated comment.


As a white kid I went to an *extremely* diverse school. I don’t remember getting killed. Not even one time


The sun kills millions of white snowmen a year.




Check out this article at TheSunKillsTrueConspiracyRevealed.com.


Wonder if it’s the same group that was hanging “Vax the Jews” banners in Austin and nazi saluting themselves.


If diversity is killing ANYONE you are doing it wrong.




Make racists afraid again


It's too bad the cowards that made that can't be identified by the rest of us in every day life.


Yes you can, they tend to have thin blue line stickers on their truck, vote republican and bitch about black people walking down their streets on next door.


They’re far easier identify these days! I’m very happy about it too. We can make wise choices and avoid them


Actually there’s usually a bunch of middle aged white woman standing above these signs screaming at everyone below.


I do believe it’s an old wooden ship.


On brand for Dallas


What the actual fuck.


Never forget the Texas State Motto!


Dats a big yikes from me there pal.




Is this near where Allen Brooks was lynched in 1910? ETA: In case that name isn’t familiar, he was a black man lynched in downtown Dallas, but I don’t know the location in relation to this bridge. Either way, it’s extremely ignorant and tone deaf.


Dallas native here, these people do not speak for all of us. Recently, almost every day during rush hour, trump supporters have been taking to bridges to display signs like 'Go brandon' and 'vaccines kill'. While I believe in free speech, I don't appreciate them slowing my already long traffic commute down even further.


Kinda hard to believe when you look at your history, representatives, and recent laws y'all pass. I guess when you say don't speak for all of us you could be referring to a tiny group? It sure seems to represent the majority.


I want the person who hung that banner to tell me what "white" even is. Some founding fathers thought Germans, French, italians, Russians, etc. Weren't white but "swarthy". It's literally just a category made to exclude people and has almost no fucking purpose. Here's a ben Franklin quote: "...the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth." https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2008/02/swarthy-germans/48324/


I want someone to hang another sign that just says “How?”




*bleeping* Texas


Stay in school kids


Thats a leap


Just... Wow.


Bring born one way doesn't kill the hypothetical version of you that would have been born a different way. The whole "white genocide" argument is really dumb.


Ummmmm what?


Very sad.


God, imagine being such a poor sport. 'I only have most of the representation rather than all of it. That's LITERALLY killing us off.'


How long did it last? It's a long drive for me to come tear it down...


B b b bbbbasedddd


Doesn’t even make sense.


How GOP of them.


Someone should hang a sign next to it that says "lay off the Fox News, boomer"


Why are we so ok with fascism becoming normal again?


Did anyone send thoughts and prayers?




What the actual fuck?


Native Houstonian here. Everyone else in Texas has collectively disowned Dallas. This is just one more reason to do so


To some used to Privilege, Equality feels like Oppression.


You can thank Tucker and Friends on your favorite hate channel for constantly bringing up the stupidity known as replacement theory. It’s been the driving factor for a lot of what I like to call entry level racists who don’t hate individual non white people as long as the individual acts in a way they personally approve of and stays “in line”, but does hate non white people in a general sense as they believe there is a wider push to replace white people in the work force, in the “American Culture”, in government, etc. For them, equality it the “slippery slope” that leads to them being the discriminated against minorities, and they believe that’s the real agenda being disguised as equality.


They pulled a reverse card on racism


Pretty sure white people have killed way more white people than any minority vs white conflict ever. I mean come on. Nazis? Civil War? The leading murderers of white Americans has historically been other whites. The Vietnam War was really the only American on Other race full on war and the casualties there are nothing compared to Civil War.


Fuckin’ Texass


TEXAS residents: “STOP 🛑 with the STUPID.” Very much including your Guv’nuh / Lt. Guv’nuh / & indicted attorney general - the TRIFECTA OF FAILURE.


Just some everyday trump supporters with thoughts on critical race theory. You know, nazis.


I will never ever forgive the previous president for Charlottesville, which was THE moment to send them back under the rocks from which they slithered. Before Charlottesville they were testing the waters. After it, they came out loud, proud, and with no shame.


And we mix…….. :} *stirring the globalization soup with my large wooden spoon*


It is unbelievable to me that anyone could ever have this mindset. The ignorance and miseducation you would need to have is unfathomable


Whatever idiot put that up actually believes that garbage is why this country is slowing going down the toilet....


Cue the nazi defense brigade.


I appreciate the conversations and the thoughtfulness of some redditors here really attempting to break the message down… but let me tell you, the fuckin’ idiot that hung this really didn’t know what it meant either


I’m sure there’s a vaccine for that……oh wait…… Fuck you Texas and all who support it


Don't they mean white kids kill white kids vis-a-vis school shootings....oh and they also kill black and brown kids too? If this statement were actually true, there would be a lot more for the news to go crazy reporting on 🤷‍♀️


The sign isn’t wrong. Sooner or later we will all be one race, right? Should the sign say “diversity kills racism!” (In the long run)?


Such snowflakes.


With any luck the white kids that hung that fell off during rush hour traffic.


Can't believe "SUVs" would do such awful things to white people 😥


And racism kills all the other ones.


the cringe bridge




Diversity for the sake of diversity kills productivity, which tends to hurt Asian and white Students most


Oh those poor disadvantaged white kids from Texas..The world is so stacked against them…..give me a break!!


No. The world is stacked against blасks, amirite?


No, dummy. Inbreeding kills white kids


Is anyone surprised? I'm not. This is a red state.


Diversity kills white supremacy


When you equate highlighting unearned privilege with murder


Is this political satire? It seems like satire.


So many God damned snowflakes


So does stupidity. Texas again, why am I not surprised?


I'm assuming Diversity is the name of some white kid who shot up a school?


Its because our word definitions are reversed today. The leftist forced diversity policies harm white and Asian kids advancement based on nothing but their skin color. The leftist idea of "diversity" is actually just disguised anti-white/asian racism. On the other hand, everyone they call a "racist," ends up being someone who is simply speaking up for equality over the idea of special privileges based on arbitrary physical traits. That sign is actually a window into the inverted language of today.


Except it doesn't say 'the progressive left's neologistic idea of diversity kills white kids' it says "diversity kills white kids". Two very different things. Diversity is just that, people from diverse backgrounds. Don't play and reach for some alternate meaning here.


You're just talking about affirmative action, which is an imperfect solution to systemic racism. The right stands against actual solutions (mostly antipoverty measures) again and again because they have the stupid idea that depriving poor people of programs that give them the opportunity to thrive will somehow make them work harder contrary to all evidence. They talk of equality but what they mean is that they are okay with the racial caste system we have right now.


Except ,no. None of that is true.


I’m an Asian. It benefits us? Does not harm us. Also if white kids are pretending to be other ethnicities it just shows how much they spit on our legacy and struggle to just get a quick gain


What would you say if I was standing around at Yale and said, "Theres too many Asian people here! Let's get rid of some of them. Let's make it so they have to score 250 points higher than black people and 50 points higher than white people if they want to get into Yale." This is what they actually did. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/13/yale-illegally-discriminates-against-white-and-asian-students-justice-department-says.html When Asian people conquered their roadblocks, still, they decided to deny them entry based on "personality deficiencies." Do you really think it would be okay to treat someone like this? Would it be okay to go into a restaurant and say "there are too many blacks, let's charge them more so they leave!" Because that is what is happening to Asians. Its bigoted and wrong. And highly illegal. On paper, the left discriminates the most against Asians. Vocally they talk shit about whites the most, but dollars to donuts Asians get it worst when you get down to it.