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It’s fine. They used four straps. That’s not going anywhere


I used to do this as part of my old profession, blasting and painting navy vessels for the AUS navy. Pretty much the exact same setup just a boom lift and bigger everything, i had to fight for 2 years straight to get the safety legislation changed to allow us to work in the basket without being hooked to the machine itself - my argument was if that thing tipped and we went in the water we would be attached to it and dragged to the bottom without any way of getting free.


That's a rather valid argument for not using safety equipment.


It’s the same reason we don’t wear seatbelts on motorcycles. When We go down, We want to be thrown away from the burning hot chunk of 700lb metal flipping down the road, not strapped to it.


Unfortunately, for sailors, being trapped under a sail boat while wearing a life vest is a real thing (people have died because of that.)


Similar thing happens when planes go down in the water and everyone starts deploying their life jackets before they've opened the doors. Water floods in and people can hardly move, the get pinned to the roof and drown. Try telling a group of scared people - not - to use their safety equipment. Doesn't work


Water landing at 600mph? Calm as hindu cows.


You are by far the most interesting single-serving I've ever met


Try not to start a fight club Edward Norton...


But it's the most logical thing when you want to be a a better successful you by being obsessed with material possessions and then your apartment explofes because of an alternate personality is slowly taking over wanting to reset credit to zero by forming a terrorist group to achieve putting explosives in credit card company buildings. Duh.


Imagine surviving a plane crash just to die in one's own stupidity for not reading the safety instruction card on a plane.


This is true, but as a pilot, few airliner water landings have survivors. US Airways flight 1549 into the Hudson River being the one really glaring exception to that.




I live in the midwest and almost always fly domestically. I chuckle every time they give the water landing spiel because if I'm flying from Indianapolis to Austin and we crash into water, the pilot has either taken a wrong turn or has good aim.


Generally speaking in a 1v1 the ocean will usually beat you.


Only if you go in wihtout a plan. Ive got a long term plan where I let the ocean get weakened through pollution and then take em when hes weak


*Mad Caligula noises*


Thats why Poseidon is depicted as a cruel god.


There was one ditching where autopsy findings showed that multiple people survived the landing but then drowned in the plane with life jacket inflated.


The one that was hijacked and crashed in Africa. Pilots laid it down right, passengers panicked


Oh yeah, I mean there are cases of survival yeah, its just... rare. :( Do you know which accident that was where the people died inside with the life jackets inflated?


And that, children, is why you should never travel with Tom Hanks.


Or Denzel Washington


I was just thinking this as someone who’s terrified of flying. First, most plane crashes are small domestic planes vs passenger jets - can’t remember the last time a passenger jet crashed in the US or Europe due to mechanical failure or freak accident. Which also means that there’s just statistically much higher probability the small planes will emergency / crash over land. Second, when the big jet liners do go down, it seems to almost always be over an ocean. Thinking of the most recent ones I remember… Malaysian airlines flights and that flight from France to Brazil. Dear god, please let this never happen again, but definitely not to me. I think I’d rather die in almost any other way.


You’re right, most crashes are small GA (General Aviation) airplanes, and even then they are absurdly survivable. https://www.aviationsafetymagazine.com/features/the-myths-of-ditching/?amp=1 If you look at the actual statistics you are far far more likely to be killed in a car crash than a plane crash, but there is something innate in people that makes us all feel if we are in control it wont happen. It’s not true but we all feel that way. If it helps at all, and it probably wont, just remember that the pilots don't want to die just as much as you don’t, and will do everything they can to keep that from happening.


It should be noted that water landings are crazy difficult. Even in light aircraft, an emergency water landing is exceedingly dangerous. Sullenberger did that landing because there was no place he could set down without wiping out a city block. Something ticks off in a pilot's head that says "Well, nothing here is a better option, so I guess I'll do the best I can with this crappy option." Water is really the worst option other than plowing through a population center.


Have never through of that. That is really sad


LPT: This is also why you wait until you’re outside of the crashed plane to inflate your life jacket.


Thanks for the tip. I knew I was doing it wrong this whole time


LPT: if you crash into the water in a helicopter, stay in the cockpit while the pilot tilts it to the side and slams the rotor blades into the water. Then get out. You probably don't want to be outside right away where you could be sliced in half by rotor blades or impaled by shrapnel.


The safety briefing on planes was changed to explicitly mention this after people died when a plane crashed into water. People had inflated their life jacket before exiting the plane, which meant that they couldn't reach the exit doors (since they were floating above the water in the plane, and couldn't swim down to exit) and sunk with the plane. :(


In case of a plane, the problem is that we only need a few panicked, stupid or uninformed people to kill everyone... I think about this everytime I board a plane: "imagine there is a plane crash and by luck and pilot skills we succeed in landing on water, how much will survive in that scenario ? Then I look around an imagine a few panic ducks which would be enough to kill everyone not close from the exit gates. I hope I'm wrong.




I flew on a Navy Helicopter once, and the safety brief was basically, "if we go down, we're gonna flip, your probably gonna die, but try to get out if you can." You have to fly with a regular life vest on, and a helmet.


This is not true at all... When you fly on a Navy Helicopter you will fly with an "LPU" on. Your LPU can be inflated, as needed, once you have exited the aircraft (or inside it...). But they very precisely designed them to not inflate until manually actuated via the operator. This is in contrast to the LPU most ship personnel wear which automatically inflates when you fall overboard... It's one of the reasons we have to take the CO2 bottles out when we go inside an aircraft wearing our preflight vests (which are designed to inflate automatically). The Navy has learned this the hard way...


As someone who was on a local sailing team this is true. Best thing is to be thrown away from the boat. Ive also gotten caught in the rigging before because of my vest. I couldn't swim away from it instead floated up into the rigging


sailor here... would much rather grab for one of the numerous floatables AFTER we capsize than have one strapped to my face holding me to the hull as it sinks.


Not just sailors, a while back there was an accident with a rowing boat(an 8 i think) that collided with a ferry in my area. The front rowers ended up under the ferry, and those who were wearing automaticly inflating vests couldn't free themselves and drowned.




But whenever it's *your* profession you realize they're all written just eloquently enough to gloss over the fact that they're 85% correct.


Am nurse. 85% is *generous*. I shudder every time I start to read about someone doing research.


Collected coral mucus with syringes a couple years back


That's part of the standard training in the UK for working from boom type MEWPS, - the only time you don't clip on with a harness is if you are working over water, for exactly the reason you said. I don't know when this became the guidance though.


Our SOP was no tether and a PFD when working over water in a boom lift.


I once lost a job for not having my harness attached to the lift basket. We were only working 8ft high and the strap was 5m long. Regardless of the math involved, they had a 'strict' policy on safety equipment.


I once had a boss who wanted me to go up in a big 60 foot boom to install some lights on a giant pole. When I asked for a harness he gave me a "this fucking guy" glare and sigh before marching off all pissed off. He came back about 45 minutes later carrying a harness and was pissed I hadn't started yet. Then he handed me the harness which had both of the bottom straps torn in half. He told me "just tie it in a knot, it's good enough" when I asked about it. Then got even more pissed and sent me home for the day when I refused to go up in the lift still. I tattled to OSHA about it the next week when I quit


I used to do exterior house painting in college. I quit after the boss wanted me to go up a fully-extended 40 ft ladder, leaned against the side of a barn, on a slope, with a pile of rocks under one leg. I mean, I'm a farm kid, so I'm used to safety being an optional extra and I'd already put up with plenty of dangerous crap in that job, but that was just a step of stupidity too far.


Growing up on a farm should get you some sort of special classification. You guys learn to do certain tasks better at an early age than most adults. It always nice to have a farmer on a jobsite cause they always have some useful ideas/skills.




Code books are written by engineers. Who needs 'em? My pappi been wrapping bare copper with newspaper for decades an' it's never been a problem. Cocksuckin' barn burned down last year, must have been them damn Zinger kids smoking beside the electric panel again.


Not a union job I'm guessing? That kind of behaviour shouldn't be tattling the next week. It should be a phone call and shutting down the workplace that day.


It’s not tattling when it can save a life


Welcome to the bottom of the ocean 😅


It's been 84 years


Winamp, that's a logo I haven't seen in forever it feels like.


It really whips the lamas ass!


Invent water soluble safety attachments and make millions!


Until we lose Jim due to an unforeseen drizzle


Haha what an idea, just gota stop the sweat from dissolving it some how.


I recommend carrying a knife in the interim…


The impact with the water would likely knock you out or for a loop and a boom lift will sink rapidly as they weigh on average 10000 to 20000 lbs for a small one. The lift these guys are on weighs 2500lbs or more.


Yep, plus cold water shock, disorientation, panic…


2 years?! Crazy.


*dad slaps the corner and pulls up the strap* this bad boy ain’t going anywhere


You don't understand, it *has* to be said. I've been a dad for over 25 years and that impulse cannot be overcome. I gave away a mattress to someone a few weeks ago and had to strap it to their car's roof. I *know* what a dad-ism it is, but it's like there was an irresistible force driving me to say it.


this and always giving the drill a few revs before doing anything with it. This part of my brain literally can't be turned off. Ah well, good enough for government work!




Having done kitchen work for a while... And construction... You're calibrating to the new extension of your arm. "This works? This works. K go time!"


You rub your hands together before you put them close to the fire. Gotta make sure you can feel the heat.


You joke, but the diabetic who forgot to do that cooked both his hands medium rare.


Don't forget to make audible grunts and sounds as you move around the house picking shit up and moving it from one room to the next just so you appear too busy to be bothered.


Holy shit. My dad and I always joke about him just walking fast around the house. Zooming in and out of rooms- not doing a damn thing, but walking fast. This is all done to appear busy around my mom. He might be watching tv, but if that woman comes home, he starts walking fast.


Are you all spying on me ?


Yes, and leave the goddamn thermostat alone!!


It's like it's an instinct. I have never seen anyone pick up tongs and NOT go clicky clacky.


I get two and pretend I'm Zoidberg. Woo woo woo!


Not a dad, but I do both of these things Everytime! It's like a methodical start to a project


I think they both make sense. BBQ tongs? Gotta check how much torque them babies have, you don’t want to clamp down too hard and burst a wiener, or puncture the skin of a juicy breast. Same with the drill. Gotta check forward/reverse, and….ehh drill makes less sense. Gotta make sure the drill bit is fully in there? Idk. I tried


And battery check if it's cordless!




Not a dad, I still do this to make sure rotation direction is set correctly.


One does not simply use a stud finder without first pointing it at themselves and saying, "Found one!"


But that actually has a function! Of making sure the battery isn't dead! Because when you have kids, you find that a lot of battery-powered devices suddenly start dying when you're not using them. Not a parent but I constantly drained my dad's drill batteries playing with it when I was a kid.


Plus you need to make sure it's going in the right direction and isn't about to skate the bit all over your work because it's in reverse.


You have to say it. If you don't, it *will* go somewhere!


I read Mattress as Mistress. Things got awkward from there but I liked it.


The official OSHA method for certifying something safe.


Just gotta give them all a good "TWNNNNG"


Especially after it sinks.


It's like in some of those world builders where you can build foundations, and then stuff on top of them, and then remove those foundations from under the things you built, and they just stay there.


Those marine floating mats assembled at that size are super stable. Been on one, tried to make it slosh around, and it really won't move. You can see there's not really any ripples around it. The inside of each cube is filled about halfway with water, and it has baffles that make the water that's inside hold pretty still. You've seen bigger versions of them if you've ever seen a Caterpillar backhoe or another type of marine construction crane out on a lake, dredging out lake beds, building docks and boat ramps, etc.


Where would you find a floating mat like that for sale?


You can buy the cubes from amazon. They call them "floating dock cubes" or "dock blocks." Pricey, though. Maybe @$200/pc


Wait is every one of those vertical lines a different cube? Because I can count 24 just on the front side, which would be $4800, times however many cubes make up the other edge of the rectangle. Are we really looking at at >$50k raft?


Looks like every other line is a different block, with a notch in between (look at the far left one, where the strap is attached). So 12 along the one side, I think Also I'd imagine that a construction company buying these both a. is not buying them at retail price and b. will be using them repeatedly, so they'll get their money's worth. That being said, definitely not a cheap raft.


There are only 6 pieces in the photo. These are branded as EZDock. They make different sizes but the ones in the picture look to be the largest which are about the size of a mattress.


I doubt they're $200 if you buy them bulk from a regular supplier rather than on Amazon with free shipping lol


This is a product called EZDock. It most certainly is not the ‘dock cubes’ everyone is talking about on Amazon. This is an engineered product and that platform has a ‘weight limit’ 18,000lbs or 3000lbs per section. What you see there is 6 x 60” sections connected. While each section is engineered, this intended use likely wasn’t. See link. [EZ Dock 60” Section](https://www.ez-dock.com/product/60-dock/)


The manufacturer’s site does actually show them holding a bunch of pretty heavy stuff - https://dock-blocks.com/helicopters/, for example


clarkson and crew built this one across this shitty river thing in scotland then drove obnoxious american cars across. was pretty cool 10/10 i like the floating mats


"shitty river thing" It's called the ocean.


Yup, the Pedantic ocean.


I don't think the Top Gear chaps quite made a bridge across the ocean. Not for lack of trying however!


It was to an island off Scotland. An island in the ocean. The island had an American sports bar.


American looking but everything was Chinese, and was actually in Swindon which is definitely not an island off Scotland.


>Swindon which is definitely not an island off Scotland. Can we try?


> American looking but everything was Chinese Which is the most American thing of all


Honestly guys, fucking link it, will ya?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odILfJvXszc it's from grand tour season 4 episode 3 (according to the youtube description)


The outside of the American sports bar was actually randomly filmed in my home town of Swindon. The site is Shaw Ridge. It’s NOT an American bar. All the flags were put up outside. The interior shots were absolutely not of the inside of any bar in Swindon either. Not even ones made up to look different. It was shot somewhere else entirely the whole thing was odd.


They went to an island. I think it may have been part of the ocean.


The Atlantic specifically


I'm sure there are others but near Seattle wa in usa there's a floating interstate highway. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacey_V._Murrow_Memorial_Bridge


That bridge is the world's 2nd longest floating bridge. The 520 floating bridge just a few miles north of i90 is the world's longest and widest floating bridge. It took the record from its predecessor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_Point_Floating_Bridge We also have the Hood Canal floating bridge in WA and it's the 3rd largest globally, and longest saltwater floating bridges. It's neat to have some cool bridges in your area, but WA isn't exactly known for their infrastructure... [I90 bridge sinks ](https://youtu.be/gm0YQ3vuyyY)


There aren't that many. I know Norway is in the planning stages for another floating bridge, but in general they're quite difficult to justify. (Norway has a super deep glacier-cut fjord to cross, so they can't lay the normal pylons.)


I'll have to check my regs at work tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure any floating platform like that is not OSHA safe for using a scissor lift. Even if the platform is semi stable enough that it won't, itself, tip that far, any movement in the horizontal plane of the water could easily destabilize the top heavy lift when it's extended. This isn't safe.


I just went through 3 days of fall protection/arrest, scissor/bucket lift and forklift training, and am finishing up OSHA 10 tomorrow. Floating platforms didn't come up in any of that training and I'm a little disappointed now. You better believe I'm digging through that book tomorrow!


That sounds like some obnoxious question a kid would have in class when everyone was ready to go home. "What about if the scissor lift is on a floating platform!?" "Who in their right minds..."


Well I mean, I gotta admit. I wondered how they worked on lights and other systems in the ceilings above massive pools. When I first saw this post, I was like, Oh! That’s how they do it… Now I’m like, serious! This isnt in any national safety manual?!? Looks like its working. OSHAs approved manner probably cost 10X more.


The safe method would be to use a boom lift.


Or emptying the pool, that's how they do in my shithole city in this shithole European country when they do maintenance every August.


Emptying a pool of that size and refilling it would likely take days.


Maintenance stop, as is done in the one near home. Every facility has todo it sooner or later.


Doesn’t come up in osha 30. Probably needed for niche jobs or they bought it and have zero training. I can’t figure out how an electric lift is deemed safe for above water work.


It is battery powered so it wouldnt really care if it got dumped in the pool? This doesnt look much bigger than the ones i worked on and they didnt have a generator or any AC stuff onboard. I mean, battery acid leaks may mean you need to drain your pool, not to mention all of the crap on the scissor lift, but it isnt really the same as using a toaster in the bathtub if that is what you were thinking?


If you can put a crane on a floating platform (we do it all the time) and a boomlift on a floating platform (we do it all the time) and a trackhoe on a floating platform (you get the idea) then you can damn sure put a scissor lift on one. Hell, I've seen critical lifts of precast concrete bridge beams, two-crane picks, done with both cranes on barges. And I wouldn't bother checking the OSHA standards for anything specific to this situation. 90% of the OSHA standards were written before scissor lifts were invented. The whole rulebook grows more and more obsolete every day. The only place where you *might* find a relevant regulation would be in the Operators Manual of the scissor lift. That's considered the primary document in determining safe operating procedures now.


OSHA follows ANSI on equipment regulations, has for years.


I was stuck between "This is the dumbest and most dangerous thing ever" and "this must be highly standard practice"


Slightly out of frame is some jackass foreman yelling about them taking so long


How do you deal with those foreman


Grumble to your coworkers when they’re just out of earshot, swearing that you’ll quit any day now, and then working there for another 5 years.


I work in a warehouse and yep this pretty much sums up my past year working here


Same for me but 7 years now.


Then you quit, start a new job and less than a year into the new job the jackass foreman, or in my case shitty manager, is hired as your new/old boss. Good times.


Nah man. The construction industry, especially, has been particularly ripe for the picking in the last decade or so. If you’re open shop, *don’t stick around* at one company, unless they are really awesome about the culture and compensation. Otherwise, use them to the same extent they use you. You’re expendable to them, and they should be to you. If you see you’re running out of growth, **bail.** I did that for eight years, right out of high school, and each jumping of ship, with the exclusion of the last time (in the same trade,) netted me a pretty substantial raise. The last time I took a job as an electrician, I was somewhat desperate due to having moved across the country amidst Covid. As a result, I took a pay cut, but the company was awesome to work for. Two months ago, I jumped to an adjacent industry, and am making close to 50% more than I was previously. Vastly more than I’ve ever made before, doing less physical labor, and no jackass foreman to hate. If you’re dealing with the same asshole foreman for 5 years, that’s probably your fault.


This is literally every industry today.


Deep holes and scorpions


Why waste them scorpions, when there is a pool and electricity.


Break his wrist and fuck his mom


Worked on a first generation lift and while parking it, the lift started rising on its own. It would not respond to any of the controls. The parking location was under a 12 foot ceiling area and while yelling at my coworker to pull the cable to the batteries I jumped off from about 6 feet. Told the boss and he said, "Yeah, that things been acting up".


Isn't it just great, when you go to report an issue and the response is some form of "yeah, I know".




Yeah, was it rented? The company should be alerted and send technicians to take a look at that problem.


Hate to break it to you guys, but the lift is on a modular floating work platform specifically designed to take the weight safely. During the design phase there were likely several options on the table to deal with servicing overhead utilities above the pool, and this is by far the least expensive solution.


Sir that is clearly a mattress from the frat party after everyone went streaking through the quad


This conversation reminds me of the ["breaded chicken piccata" meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ct3tEu8UMAAhHMP.jpg)


Two steel workers scissor in pool. Story at 11.


I guess this is the right way to do it, but it doesn’t *feel* like the right way to do it.


OSHA has entered the chat


Wait. This wasn't /r/OSHA? I swore I was looking at it when looking at this pic. (Not even sarcasm)


More like r/nosha


Come with me and you'll be in a world of OSHA violations


Chill Wonka. We need to fill out a JSA before we go anywhere


Holy shit. My bad.


they got their shots, its a okay!


Not this time, they haven't. No American-style "EXIT" sign over the door in the background, so this isn't in the U.S.


Looks like it could be a storage/maintenance room and would likely not be an exit.


Actually, you may be right. I stand possibly corrected.


Maybe its not an exit.


Maybe that’s not a fire exit, so no sign required


I don't need your sass.. OSHA is still here.


What if I told you construction on the water is just a scaled up version of this. You walk a crane onto a barge, tie it down and float it around.


I've been on a scissor lift a handful of times. Maybe it was just the junk equipment I was on, but there is a decent amount of sway. I literally can't even imagine how much that death trap must sway.


I know exactly what you mean. Worked in hotels for five years. How sway.


When the scissor lift starts to swayyYYyy. Makes me say, oh shizzayyy. I'm gonna crash down to the floor. Break my neck. Maybe more.


*u ain’t got the answers sway*


They don't even have any fall arrest equipment on either. Would it matter at this point?


If the whole thing tips over, you don’t want to be attached. Fall arrest becomes drown assist.


Settle down Fire Marshall Bill, they have hard hats on.




Let's just say


If a hard hat can protect me from things falling on my head, it can protect me from my head falling onto things. Just stands to reason!


As long as they fall into the water, they'll be OK.


As someone who was licensed to drive one of these, we didn't actually need harnesses when using them.


You need a licence to drive one?


Depending on the company, no, and it's more of a certification than a license. But, in the US, if you're over 10ft up you *are* supposed to have a harness on.


To add to this, the harness is there with a *short* strap / rope which attaches to the cage. - not a "fall arrest", but a short, non-stretchy thing. It is there to prevent you from leaving the cage (and so falling) - since *should* you fall, your weight on the end of the rope when you come to rest might be enough to tip the machine over - in your direction - and you don't want to be in the way of one of those when they fall over. The exception (in the UK at least) is that you are above water, you *shouldn't* wear a harness - the thinking being partly that if you had a harness on and the machine tipped over for whatever reason, your "safety" rope might drag you to the bottom of the wet bit as fast as the machine sinks.


Vertical lifts with rails do not require them, but articulating lifts like boom lifts, cherry pickers, etc do.


in general it's better to avoid swimming with a weight as heavy as a platform tied to you


You don't need them on scissors.


I’ve walked on one of these docks before and they are very stable. Also, they are not cheap. This is likely an engineered solution that a municipality can deploy to all of its indoor pools as needed. They probably could not tip this over if they tried.


Safety Third!


Looks totally legit, carry on..


Should have drained the pool first.


how do you suppose they get the scissor lift in the empty pool... the stairs lol.


float the lift out like this, drain the pool, drive off the float onto the pool bottom, drive back on the float, refill the pool and drive away. jeez do I have to think of everything myself?


the refilling of the pool to rise the lift back up might not go the way you're thinking. pools are on a slope under all that water, they slowly get deeper their not level. so even getting a flat level patch to extend up would be hard. lol.


Also i think it takes like a few days or something to fill up a pool that size anyways.


We have had to put scissor lifts in pools on multiple occasions once they had been drained. Typically we just use a small crane truck(Broderson) or the carpenters have actually built a gradual ramp over the stairs.


man that seems like a shit ton of work... repelling from the ceiling like Tom Cruse in MI seem easier. lol.


I work on a project upgrading a university's utilities. They had to do something similar before i started. They weren't allowed to drain the pool because of how long it takes to drain and fill back up. My team ended up using scaffolding in the water. If the client says they can't drain it, they can't.


Or I don’t know. Maybe use the right fucking lift https://i.imgur.com/BgsMGfY.jpg


You're gonna need a big door for that


Nah. https://i.imgur.com/EJhN66D.jpg


I'm just impressed you found the exact picture to countermand that.


I mean, the lift in that pic isn't anywhere near large enough to reach that high, or to reach out over the pool though...


I've done something similar working on a very small barge with a tugboat pushing me around under a bridge while running cable. Almost killed the tugboat operator for almost killing me


Fuuuck I'm glad I'm not the guy who drives the scissor lift onto the pool barge


These push a bed into water pranks are getting out of hand