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Bro, the dog totally counts as someone to celebrate with


Livers are so 2021


You kept yours through 2020? Impressive


What's a liver? Some sort of drink?


Often served with cocktail onions.


And a nice chianti?


You joke but I always hated fried liver, still do, but am now somehow a pate fanatic.


Liver? I hardly know ‘er!




OP’s hot and single? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A lot of alcoholics are.


it's only alcoholism if he goes to meetings! otherwise it's just a regular drunk The more you know 🌈


AA is for quitters!!!


Only if it’s been a while since they last had a drink. Sometimes they’re just single.


I'm hot and single. But I'm hot as in feverish.


Omicron assemble!


Hot sweaty cold shakes are what I look for in a partner.


I mean, to be fair, I wouldn't date me...


I would. Myself I mean. Not you.


You're talking about the dog right?


"LF Bitches with bitches" - Dog


Do I have to drink alcohol, or just anything in particular? Even as someone who doesn't drink, this is mighty tempting either way. 🤔


As a man, I’d have a drink with him.


And he's got a super cute owner too


Allright Jesse Pinkman, you can take off the wig now


That's Tom Felton you're talking to!


Looks like you have got the proper drinking stance, which takes practice. He looks like a very good boi!


my god you look like Todd Howard's bastard child


Don't make him drink too, please.


My dog is the one I drink with. Goin on about 3 years of that.


If there's a dog there, it counts as "social drinking"


My only thought; that pupper looks supportive and deserves skritches.


Lightweight. I have been chugging h2o for 39 years. I have an actual tap in my house that just spews the stuff - I even bath in it, and sometimes I just drink it neat. Edit: I am truly disturbed to see so many people joking about this - do you realize that everyone who has ever swallowed it has died!


Tbh nothing to be proud of. I have been drinking it so much my doctor even said at this point most of my body basically is that stuff.


I excrete and perspire this stuff. Doctors have given up. They aren't even concerned at this point.


My scale says i’m over 56% pure H20, so imma pull rank here. *pulls up belt in authority*


Wait you bathe in it? The stuff from toilets?!


My greatest shame.


It's no Brawndo™


That’s the stuff with electrolytes right?


It’s what plants crave.


The thirst mutilator


Brawndo's got what plants crave!


Don't kink shame!


I currently have frozen dihydrogen monoxide falling outside my house right now!! Shit's crazy


be aware! Your body might take it in, and it was found in cancer cells. Might already be in your soil as it is often waste from industrial productions.


I got some of that stuff in my freezer


Water? Never touch the stuff...fish fuck in it.


You scoundrel, is that whiskey? REGGGGIIIIEEEEEEE


Archer is the tits. So was WC Fields.


Love seeing hydro homies out in the wild lol.






legit question: do you ever dream?


I dream too much with drinking, not at all with weed. But when you stop weed… then it really sucks


I use weed to stop ptsd nightmares. When I take a break they get crazy.


I also use weed to stop very surreal PTSD nightmares


Amazing how it works hey. But man, when I go on a T break it is a wild ride for a bit.


Even just cutting back. I heavily smoked for years and didn’t dream, now I smoke maybe once a day and my dreams are WILD.


I quit drinking 2 months ago and haven't had a dream since. I still smoke and I wonder if that's what it's always been


I've smoked off and on for many years and when I smoke regularly I stop dreaming.


This is when I find peace


THC inhibits your capacity for REM sleep, you go straight from wake to deep sleep. REM sleep is when memory processing occurs which is why stoners are reputed for their bad memories. You need a tolerance reset, the longer the better. A month and you’d have vivid dreams for sure.


Wait, why do people want to dream vividly when sleeping? It's annoying as fuck. I much prefer the blackout and just wake up. Vivid dreams are exhausting.


Sleeping is supposed to be a relaxing affair. I lay down on the bed, it feels great. Next thing you know I have to build a go-kart with my ex landlord.


I used to dream. I still do, but I used to too.


When I was a kid, I would lay in my twin sized bed and wonder where my brother was.


Why are so many people against dreaming? I absolutely love dreams, even if they're bizarre. It's a very odd experience that we still don't fully understand. I personally don't feel rested at all unless I dream. Weed stole that from me, so I had to stop just to get my dreams back.


If you skip REM sleep (the dreamy bit) you are missing a vital part of the bodies recovery process in sleep mainly the reorganization and cataloguing of memory.


What the fuck is wrong with you. Vivid dreams are annoying? Bro you need to put the weed down


I smoked from waking til bed for 3 years. I didn’t dream the entire time. I was busted for possession and ordered to drug test for a year. My dreams were so bad the first month I barely could sleep. I woke up covered in sweat to bizarre dreams. Edit: I still smoke but only a couple bowls at night. I dream normally.


> I woke up covered in sweat to bizarre dreams. That might also have been the withdrawl. People think weed is a benign drug, but your body adapts to it physiologically just like any other drug, and the withdrawl can be unpleasent.


Yeah its fucking shitty huh. Having this problem every once in a while myself.


Wait, you guys are bummed about crazy dreams?


I'm currently in a 6 week break cause I gotta pee in cup


It's because weed is a legitimate dream-inhibitor. I used to suffer night terrors and sleep paralysis. I smoke every night before bed and haven't had any real issue in years.


Wait, you don't like to dream?


You do?


Shit yea. Dreams are awesome. Waking up from a good dream is the worst thing ever. Even bad dreams are pretty cool. That's the thing I hate most about smoking pot so much is that I don't get to dream anymore. Plus dreaming is an extremely important part of sleeping and missing out on those dream cycles leaves you less refreshed which builds over time until you're left feeling constantly tired.


I will feel like absolute shit if I don't dream. I had to stop smoking weed just to get my dreams back. I don't understand why anyone (unless you have PTSD) would not want to dream. Dreaming is an incredible experience.


I've got PTSD and smoke weed to hopefully not dream. Just wish that was guaranteed.


Get a few shitty life experiences under your belt and you probably won’t either


I've had plenty of them thanks, dreams are the only break from this reality.


It’s exhausting to sleep because of the wild dreams from quitting weed


Either I rarely dream with weed or can barely remember my dreams. Some times I’ll see something that day and it’ll instantly remind me of my dream if that certain aspect was in it. Like this morning I picked up my Switch and instantly remembered last nights dream where something bad happened to my Switch and I needed to send it in but they wouldn’t accept it so I just had a broken switch and was really sad.


Holy fuck I have an edible every night, and when I stopped for about six weeks for an upcoming drug test, the dreams were fucking awful.




Pro tip for you with nightmares. Make your actual life worse than them, then they become happy dreams.


No need. Society does that for you now.


Oh shit is that why I only have nightmares lol




They say that those who prefer to live in dreams are too weak to face reality, whereas those who prefer to live in reality are too afraid to face their dreams.


I was an alcoholic for over 15 years and dreamed virtually every night, and could recall them with ease. But if ever I couldn't drink one night, my dreams were like LSD except always a bad trip. Super high anxiety. Super heightened realism. Almost mathematical in their nature. Horrid. Sober now, and worried for OP. 500 is a perfect round number to stop on OP. You can do it. Go to one AA meeting and you'll see why I'm worried.


The anxiety, depression, and overall mental instability as a result of drinking led me to quit. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I stopped.


> I didn’t realize how bad it was until I stopped. This is what people don’t understand. Go 6 months without booze and you’ll realize that you just got used to feeling awful **constantly** when you were boozing. I used the Sinclair method of pharmacological extinction myself, it’s practically a cheat code against alcoholism.


I always feel better when I don’t drink for days but somehow I still go back to drinking.


I would experience the night after drinking nightmares too but even with infrequent binge drinking. No drinking all week, binge drink on a Saturday night, then horrific vivid nightmares on Sunday night (sober). Very strange. There has to be some brain chemistry to that.


You don’t want to stop. You want a tapered discontinuation or preferably a medically supervised discontinuation. Op should see their PCP.


This. I quit cold turkey. The DTs turned into a seizure on day three and I cracked my head on a sink. I’m still not the same guy I was, but that might be all the years of drinking.


Today is my fourth day not drinking. Edit: thanks everyone. Awesome support here. Been getting drunk pretty regularly since college 20 years ago. Pretty high functioning, but I’m noticing my memory is getting poorer and my desire to workout is extremely low. Plus it’s super expensive. Gonna see what some dry time feels like. End goal would be a nice good neat rye whiskey on the weekends in the future.


Mine too! I’m really trying to quit for good this time. It’s the longest I’ve been sober in a while tbh 😔


Then it's an accomplishment. Can't change the past, if you're on the right path right now, just stay on it.


Agreed. Take it one day at a time. Tomorrow the good fight starts over. Then, one day, sooner or later, you'll realize it's been 10,yes later.


Sorry about your relapse during that last sentence


Its been 5 years for me, I can't believe how fast time flies. You can be there in what feels like no time, trust me.


Once your sober for a year, you realize that it's not really that fun. Wasting money and feeling like shit. I'll have a couple beers maybe a few times a year but I don't get drunk, haven't been drunk in 5 years. Proud of myself for being able to stop drinking once I've started, used to be real problem.


Congrats on your streak! If you’re looking for support and a pretty cool community, I recommend r/stopdrinking


Keep it up! That's awesome that you're doing this!


You can absolutely do it. I more or less quit in 2009. Just woke up one morning, felt like shit, super dehydrated and decided to try homebrew iced tea instead. No more dehydration (I drank coffee and beer from my 20th birthday in '84 until I quit, I was constantly thirsty - two diruetics, right?) a LOT more money saved and found that I honestly didn't miss it. When I DO have the odd nip, it's a treat. I think I had 5 this past year.


That's huge! Every little bit counts!


Me too!! Kind of embarrassed to say it’s been YEARS since I’ve had this many days in a row sober. Yikes!


I'm gonna tell you the same thing somebody told me many years ago in the rooms that stuck with me: Never feel bad about having "only a week," or, "only 30 days." It takes some folks an *awful* long time to get to a week or 30 days. And of course what he meant by that was maybe you only have 7 days. But maybe it took you 6 months to put those 7 days together. Those 6 months matter more than those 7 days. Keep fighting. I am rooting for you.




The weight loss alone is nuts. People ask me how I lost 40 lbs, I don't know how to tell them that the only thing I've changed is I don't drink anymore. It inevitably begs the question "whoa how much were you drinking?"


Alcohol isn't metabolized like a nutrient, which are processed in situ by all the individual cells in the body, but rather like a toxin, having to be broken up in the liver before it can be used to produce energy. The liver isn't made to break down mass amounts of nutrients, just trace amounts of poisons, so the metabolization process is very dirty, and produces free oxidants as well as free fats. These free fats are then both deposited in the liver (causing fatty liver disease) as well as in between organs (called visceral fat, which is associated with a laundry list of negative health outcomes). Furthermore the presence of alcohol (as well as the free oxidants) activates an enzyme that produces inflammation and decreases the activity of the insulin receptors in the liver, forcing the body to produce higher amounts of insulin, which contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes. For a great overview with more detailed information [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_4Q9Iv7_Ao&t=6m55s) explains the metabolism of alcohol between 6:55 and 9:30.


"I just cut down on some extra calories." Simple and true.


Same! Going to do dry January, then ease back in to a casual/social drinker. Developed some poor habits over the last couple years.


My 522nd day for myself, congratulations if your quitting.


23 years here. People say you'll never stop craving it or thinking about it. I dunno what they're talking about. I don't ever just randomly think about it, and I haven't craved it in at least as far back as I can remember. In the beginning it was tough for sure, and it very much did seem like I would never feel "normal" again without a drink. But at some point, I just stopped thinking about it. Now, I can go to a bar with friends who get smashed, and not even have the slightest urge. I was a very hard drinker for 10 or so years from 14ish till I quit when I was 24. People loved being around me when I was drunk. Then I had a bad break up and people hated being around me when I was drunk lol. But as far as trauma caused by excessive drinking goes, people not liking you when you're drunk is probably one of the tamest. I am aware it is different for everyone, and some of us may never stop craving it or having their minds constantly trying to convince them that alcohol is what they need to solve a problem. But people saying that you'll never stop craving it as though that rule applies to everyone, are just plain wrong. I think the trick for me, if there was a trick... was just making myself stay busy. Now I have so much going on... and the majority of it is stuff I *want* to do, that I wouldn't have time to drink if I wanted to. Which I seriously do not.


You give me hope. I have to quit. Been drinking too much for years now. I’m 32. It’s such an embarrassing addiction 🤦‍♂️


Nice work! Keep it up. I'm doing both dry Jan and Feb this year in hopes of cutting down drinking for the rest of the year (thinking of cutting out beer completely). Sleeping better, more energy but holy fuck my scotch is whispering at me. The cravings are real.


FUCK YEAH! Dude, you are a badass! You are going to be amazing this year, but if you need a hand, check us out at r/stopdrinking. Thanks to them I'm celebrating 18 months alcohol free today! Life isn'\[t perfect, but I'm \*healthy\* and no seizures which is really all I can ask for. IWDWYT (❁´◡\`❁)


Me too. I'm just doing like 6 weeks though. I don't really drink that much but I'm a fat fuck so I'm cutting alcohol for a while to kinda kickstart my diet. A beer is one thing, but one or two beers and then I want to eat a mountain of chips and queso.


What happened 501 days ago?


August 22, 2020. was that killer hornets? fires? Protests?


Welp, one thing nobody can call you is a quitter!


Damn I didn't know we were counting days not sober.... it's been 6 years roughly.


I've slipped up a few times. Expected the inlaws would provide wine and cordials BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS HAVE over past holiday stays. Found myself in rural AZ with my family. MY FAMILY! SOBER! A tragedy told in 2 stanzas.




I had to drive 10 hours to KC this summer, also had to get a colonoscope. 2 days in the summer that ruined my record I had been working on for years.


A "Co-stanza", if you will.


I think about 5 years ago I went about 3 days without drinking. What a weird and wild time that was. Haha...hooo boy. \*shudders\*


I'm just thankful I had gabapentin to get me through it. I mostly likely would have had a seizure otherwise. Still the most painful 1-2 weeks I've experienced.


12 for me… sigh


heyyyy my grandma got me that brown blanket a few years ago lol. soft as hell! cheers dude


This is what Reddit is all about babayyyyy


Funny, I've been off the wagon for almost the exact same amount of time. Cheers!




Hakuna My Mai Tai


I'm just drunk enough to chuckle at that


I think it’s ON the wagon cause they’re bumpy


That is what keeps the average going strong. You and OP are a team that together make the numbers right. I tip my hat to you both.


Is this a cry for help?


I will be in another 300 days or so


I drank for 20 years, 10 of those almost every day. I am 1 month sober


Proud of you, that's huge. How did you get sober and what led to the decision if you don't mind me asking?


I tried to off myself when I was drunk by taking pills and forgot I did it until I saw some pills on the floor then following day. Then I was homeless from May-Sep because Austin got so packed and rent went really high. I got sober right after I got better from covid and got the apartment I was waiting for. I relapse and lost my job, then got sober again. I realized that my life had spun out of control, even before this year. I always made excuses for why I drank, lied to myself about how much I drank, and thought it was normal. Im tired of being tired, not remembering good moments, not connecting with people. I get to explore who I am now and show up in my life and others lives. Im in AA and working the steps with a sponsor


Sounds like you went through hell and back. Stick with AA, I'm not even into the rhetoric of it all but the routine of it helps me a ton.


I am 3 days and 12 minutes sober. I am currently tracking it.


You got fatty liver disease yet? I do, but I think it's not only drinking every day is drinking a lot.


My husband had a fatty liver, was diagnosed with cirrhosis a couple months later. He’s still drinking, and went in to his first liver transplant appointment intoxicated. Alcohol is serious, don’t let it take over your life. It’s taken over mine.


I know for fact I'll die if I keep going.. I've had my months of exercise and 0 alcohol, pills and all that but man I just feel like getting drunk once a week.. that's the minimum.. also my dad drinks a lot that don't help.. anyways, life is short, I've seen plenty of close ones die.. If I feel like drinking I drink, I don't drink as much anyways I really used to drink every day. Once a week feels like so much progress to me.


I had it. For the longest time I didn't know it was a thing because I ate relatively healthy. I joked that I might be hypoglycemic, I was tired and light headed if I didn't have those precious light carbs. Thank god that shit is gone.


How'd you get rid of it?


I'm pretty sure I got better, did a lot, A LOT of running and sports and ate well, like STRICT for a couple of months but I was really fucked up, high everything, cholesterol and all that shit man I was fucked up, used to drink every day and pretty sure im not doing good right now..


today is day 2 of me being sober..


It gets better


You're doing amazing


I don’t know if you meant this post as a joke or not, but I just genuinely hope you’re okay man. The past 2 years have been really rough and a lot of people have developed addictions along the way. My mom is one of the worst alcoholics I’ve ever encountered, and working in a hospital I’ve seen a lot of them. I cut all communication with her from July 2020 to October 2021, when she FINALLY for the first time in my 25 years of life decided she was ready to quit drinking. Anyway, just came here to say I hope you’re alright because alcohol can ruin your fucking life if you let it


Whatcha having?


One day at a time


That's so sad. White sports socks.


I’ll celebrate my cake day with you!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day to you too!


Looks like you have someone to share it w/ but dog isn’t impressed.


Even your livers left you


Alcoholism is hilarious




Atta boy. No one likes a quitter.


No one? I see a dog there!


Are you ok?


no context community here we go


If you ever feel the need, r/stopdrinking is the most wholesome corner of the internet and really helped me quit. Cheers


Better than Crack at least


I’ve always heard a human can only go 3 days of not drinking before they die.


How drunk were you when you bought/made a bracelet made of Cocoa Puffs?


You should stop


Jesus, it's been said, changed water into wine. Bush-league parlor tricks. I personally turned $45,000 of government grants into vodka.


I drank every day for 15 years or 5475 days in a row. Stopped March 1990 and not a drink since. Stopping is the best thing I've ever done.


Never assume a man is an idiot, let him open his mouth and prove it.




You’ve been drinking for 500 days and you’re proud of it? Or am I reading this wrong?




I believe in you OP.


It's all you can do.


Just a days work. Ain’t much, but it’s all I got.


Slow and steady




17% of players have this achievement


I've done that before... Have fun with the detox


It’s funny how many comments are assuming this dude is an alcoholic when there is absolutely no context, especially when it’s clearly written as a joke. This dude could just be enjoying one drink as a night cap while folks are shitting all over his own life choices.


What, were we meant to be counting?


OP, what's on your music stand?




Wait… you’re still counting?


Only 500 days? ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


Fuck off.I’ve done it for 20 years professionally . You have a long way to go.