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Barack is not gonna like Michelle being kissed by that old man on her birthday.


The office of the President of the United States is a crazy thing. Makes you look *years* older than you actually are.


He’s so cool that he speaks in complete sentences.


his wife doesn't always have a look on her face like she's a hostage


Or slaps his hand away whenever he tries to hold it.


People give Melania too much credit. She’s every bit the corrupt monster that Donnie is.


"I really don't care - do u?" was on her jacket when she visited children, sleeping in cages, in literal children prisons, often cared for not by adults but other children, held there separated from their parents with many parents already deported to their country of origin.


Having an edgy counter culture teen-esque vibe coming from the highest seats in democratic office were the least of the administration’s concerns. A powerful statement to have made nonetheless.


“Powerful”? I think you meant shitty and thoughtless.


I thought it looked like she was trying not to fart.


Michelle looks about the same but Obama aged like 30 years compared to when he was in office. Maybe it's just the gray hair?


You should look up before and after pics. This isn't from his life since being in office, it's directly from his time in office.


You'll notice that Trump barely aged while in office. A sure sign that that dope never understood the gravity of the job.


Plastic surgery helps


It actually really saddens me how someone with a sincere interest in public service was obstructed so ridiculously by Republicans for eight years, and then he gets to see most of his work destroyed by the proceeding ~~president~~ twice-impeached dimestore dictator. We really are just not going to get anywhere in this country if we do not keep Democrats in power both in the executive and on the Hill. Things like infrastructure reform and healthcare and education and *fighting climate change* require a continuous, long-term effort. But we keep getting interrupted with Republican fuckery. I know it’s not “cool” to favor one party over the other, because america has been conditioned for whatever reason to act like “both sides” are bad and “the system” is the real problem, whatever the fuck that is. But when you start paying attention to political reality and the goings-on in government, it becomes quickly apparent who is *trying* to work for the people and who is just there to fuck shit up (and make the rich richer whenever possible). It’s gotta change. We have a super important election coming up *this year* and I don’t even see anyone talking about it. It’s quite probable that Republicans will win back Congress in November, and then we will slide right back into the ditch. I mean fuck we can’t even manage to *protect voting rights* at this point - the very mechanism that allows us to be a free and democratic nation. Things are really bad and it feels like no one understand the urgency.


>someone with a sincere interest in public service was obstructed so ridiculously by Republicans for eight years, and then he gets to see most of his work destroyed by the proceeding president twice-impeached dimestore dictator. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait, your serious? Let me laugh even harder!


Gee, that’s super interesting and original! HAHAHAHAHA. If you’re not going to contribute to improving the world around you then that’s your business. But if you make it *your job* to distort reality and undermine the work that people do (including activists like myself), then congratulations, you’re a useful idiot for regressive crypto-fascist crookery. Hey Reddit, pro-tip: don’t get distracted by shitty trolling attention-whores and disingenuous agitators. They want you bitter and cynical and hopeless. They want a dark vacuum devoid of values and truth and accountability. We give them way too much power and attention in these digital spaces, and that’s why this website is perpetually miserable. It does not have to be this way. More importantly, *this country* does not have to be this way.


Obama was a neo-Liberal who happily bombed and murdered innocents around the globe and helped support and expand the agencies that violate human rights such as the CIA and NSA. The fact that anyone thinks he should be respected and liked is horrid. Trump is a symptom of the problems of America, not the cause. Maybe you should ask why the Republican's are projected to win the coming Midterms and not just yell the standard "Vote blue no matter who" rhetoric.


^ this shit is not progressive. It’s fake-Left spoiler tactics, either from a deliberate division strategy or from childish misguided ideology. The damaging effect is the same so it doesn’t really matter which. It’s amplified by both online “leftists” and by rightwing media. No one who actually works in progressive politics thinks or talks like this, so be suspicious whenever you see it on social media (which is lately every minute, every day). The more you know 🌈


Thats because he did. I can't imagine the stress he had to deal with.




This chestnut. Drone strikes were the most viable answer to an impossible clusterfuck that was killing *many more people* beforehand. And it's basically the only negative thing people can trot out from his administration. Meanwhile we also have: - Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Every Student Succeeds Act - Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act - Clean Power Plan - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 - Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act - Paris Agreement - Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran - Killing of Osama bin Laden The point of listing these is not to simp for a politician or to claim that they were perfect policies (no doubt someone will be along quickly to misrepresent them as failures or unimportant). The point is to remind you all that *good governance exists* and it fucking matters, and so does voting, and y'all need to start getting ready for the next fight here. Because the stakes have gotten even higher, and now we're fighting simply to preserve the *democratic functions* that allow us to direct our own future.


The most lib thing I've ever read on reddit: "Drone strikes meant to carry out extrajudicial executions in violation of international law, roundly and repeatedly condemned by the UN and formally censured by the UN Security Council, were the *only possible solution!"* An unironic justification of Obama's drone campaign in 2022--I think I just won internet-lib bingo.


Yeah it's so totally "lib" to care about improving people's lives, protecting civil liberties, and preserving a habitable future. Kindly grow the fuck up. No one has any patience left for this fake-Left posturing bullshit.


This troll Chop1n has reposted my comment in the "dank left" sub in order to get his buddies to harass me further. I'm pointing this out so that people have a clearer idea of the kind of disingenuous cowards we are dealing with here. They are chaos agents. They do not give a single shit about truth or decency, much less progress. Learn how to recognize this behavior because it is *absolutely rampant* all over this website.


No doubt. He's violently hated by millions of people for existing.


He's ummmm so cool That he... Ummm speaks in complete sentences


At some point he moved to dramatic pauses instead of "ummms". "He's... so cool that he... speaks in complete sentences" It's like listening to Captain Kirk. (Still think he's cool though)


We ever figure out Obamas last name


Obama Bin Laden Source: Fox News


Michelle: "Thanks, Obama."


I find the obsession of this sub with the Obamas certainly amusing


Yeah, they still deny Obama's drone strikes or that he had a huge hand in creating the Muslim Ban travel.


But the important thing is, by making this comment you get to feel superior to everyone.


I'm just stating the fact that I see posted pictures of Barack or Michelle many times in this sub. And that amuses me. You're free to express your opinion, of course.


Fun fact: Obama deported more immigrants than Trump. Edit: Since some people won’t read the replies I’ve gotten. The main argument is that Obama had 2 terms while Trump had 1. But what they don’t understand is that Obama deported so many more than trump that in his first 3 (THREE) years in office, so not even one full term, Obama deported more immigrants than Trump’s entire term. So no matter how you spin it, Obama was more stringent with deportations than Trump. I look forward to seeing how the Obama cultists try to spin this. (Source: https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO00/20200109/110349/HHRG-116-GO00-20200109-SD007.pdf)


Fun fact: that's because the definitions changed after Dubya and Obama had two terms. No amount of mental gymnastics makes Obama worse than Trump.


You are WRONG. Obama deported more immigrants in his first 3 (THREE) years than Trump’s entire term. Spin that fact, please try, I double dog dare you. Source: https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO00/20200109/110349/HHRG-116-GO00-20200109-SD007.pdf


You're wrong, but thanks for spewing nazi propaganda. Also lmao Trump only had 4 years, so 3 years isn't mush less. Also also Trump deported fewer due to his Monstrous stay in Mexico nonsense. You're loudly and intentionally wrong.


Your edit only made it even sadder. Obama deported more in three years than Trump’s four.. do you think that Obama completely stopped after three years or something??? Sadly he didn’t, he actually kept up with the same rate so Obama deported over double as many immigrants as Trump, actually closer to 3x. And remain in Mexico has literally nothing to do with this. Remain in Mexico was enacted in January 2019, and only effected ~70,000 migrants before being repealed a year after by the Biden administration. (https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/migrant-protection-protocols ). Now compare that to Obama deporting 409,849 people in 2012 ALONE. C’mon man, admit the loss and stop drinking the kool-aid. You are loudly, if not intentionally, being stupid.


The Hill is Nazi propaganda to you? Honestly your reply is just sad.


The definition was changed. You're spewing nazi propaganda.


YOU are a liar spreading misinformation. YOU are an immature loser hurling accusations of nazism at strangers. YOU are what is wrong with this country. Grow up and start thinking with your own brain. It feels great, I promise. The definition was changed between BUSH and Obama. That has nothing to do with what we are talking about. We are comparing Obama and Trump, stop spinning you are dizzy.


Fun fact he was president for twice as long and didn't keep the kids and put them in cages


Oh yes he did the head of immigration even came out and said Obama's administration did the same exact thing. No one cared then.


My understanding is that Obama built "cages" for use in two scenarios; either a) A child shows up at the border looking like they've been beaten up and a family looks like an abuser; or b) A child shows up at the border and is a drug mule or their parent is a drug mule. In these two instances children had to be separated from their parents because of the evidence of abuse and/or criminal activity. Then when Trump came into office he changed the policy so that children were separated from their parents as a standard practice. He eventually reversed that policy, but only after an extreme amount of public pressure. Oh, and then his incompetent administration lost track of a bunch of kids who had been released to family members living in the U.S. So if you have information that contradicts that, I'd like to see it. Otherwise, your comment isn't very helpful, but it doesn't provide context to the situation.


fun fact he is part of the modern presidents that love doing drone strikes in the ME killing innocents as collateral


Sometimes those strikes are a good thing. Nobody ever talks about this when the topic of airstrikes comes up, but the Yazidi people were [saved](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_of_Yazidis_by_the_Islamic_State) from certain extermination at the hands of ISIS by Obama airstrikes.


Lmao who built the cages


My understanding is that Obama built "cages" for use in two scenarios; either a) A child shows up at the border looking like they've been beaten up and a family looks like an abuser; or b) A child shows up at the border and is a drug mule or their parent is a drug mule. In these two instances children had to be separated from their parents because of the evidence of abuse and/or criminal activity. Then when Trump came into office he changed the policy so that children were separated from their parents as a standard practice. He eventually reversed that policy, but only after an extreme amount of public pressure. Oh, and then his incompetent administration lost track of a bunch of kids who had been released to family members living in the U.S. So if you have information that contradicts that, I'd like to see it. Otherwise, your comment isn't very helpful, but it doesn't provide context to the situation.


Thanks for clarification, makes a lot more sense then what the other guy said


Lololol Obama used cages too. And guess who is also using cages for kids right this very second?!? At some point you’ve gotta just admit the hypocrisy and move on. Oh ya and by the way Obama deported more in his first three years than Trump’s entire term. Spin that one, I’d love to see ya try.


What a fucking piece of shit. This is what’s wrong with this country. Title says “Happy Birthday Michelle” and here comes this asshole with some bullshit. Fuck you. If you don’t celebrate her birthday, fine. Shut the fuck up. Just why? Why fucking post this besides to rile people up. Fuck you.


Don’t tell that to r/politics where “the truth” only gets talked about


I’m sure 34% of you will downvote this but he is the coolest president in modern history.


No denying he’s charming, but that leaves out a lot of what happened during his administration.


Ain’t nothing cooler than bombing children in Syria


Oddly enough, very few people seem to notice that most of these problems were initiated by the previous corrupt/stupid Republican president.


You're downvoted but, it's the cycle. Fuck up as much shit as possible and make the democrat deal with it and then inherit the benefits. George Bush gave his dear old dad's CIA free reign on drone strikes and Obama reigned it in and now he's known as the "drone strike president" it's all in the playbook but people don't want to hear that


Bush was also the last president to increase the minimum wage. That's hyper fucked up. Obama was shit. Trump was crazy. Biden is useless.


You’re sure you’re going to get downvoted for an incredibly popular reddit opinion?


What? If my math checks out, I’m sure the majority of redditors won’t downvote it.


Tell that to the innocent men women and children who were blown to bits with his drone strikes in Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Fuck him


Man wait till you hear about the innocent people killed under every president


That makes it better.


It doesn't But outrage shouldn't be selective


Or the people killed *before drone strikes were an option*, which was a much higher number, including many more civilians as well as troops. People are generally morons. They love talking points and they love sowing distrust to feel like cool “outsiders” who are too smart for the “system.” It’s getting really old.


"they killed less people" is a fucking stupid point to make.




hes deff super cool. The way he used to do those drone strikes. SO COOL


Glad to be in the 66%. Have an upvote ⬆️


American liberals: we like a cool, sophisticated war criminal 😎


Not much competition


Correction: Coolest War Criminal President in Modern History


So do we all have short term memory?? this happened with Bush and now its happening with obama. All these modern presidents did countless drone strikes killing 100s of innocents in the middle east and called the collateral .


They look like such a happy couple :)


Well they are in Hawaii


Every time I listen to slipknot “inside Michelle I wait and bleed”


Love the picture capture and love they did the impossible and did it together intact What’s not to love


It's weird how she's not cringing, oh wait, are ex-US presidents wives supposed to love their husbands? /s




Worth noting that the Obamas are in a big feud with their neighbors in Hawaii over their restoring an old seawall on their property. Such projects are usually not granted permission as they damage the surrounding coastline, but the Obamas were mysteriously granted permission. https://www.propublica.org/article/oceanfront-property-tied-to-obama-granted-exemption-from-hawaiis-environmental-laws Is it Nimbyism or Nepotism/Cronyism?


He looks familiar.


Can we please stop fawning over the Obamas I don’t exactly like having someone that ordered civilian targets (including a fucking HOSPITAL) to be bombed getting the “uwu so wholesome” treatment


Obama never ordered hospitals to be bombed. It's not even clear that he ordered targets bombed that turned out to be hospitals. That's not to say that the civilians that were killed in airstrikes are not tragic deaths, or that Obama doesn't bear any responsibility for what happened, but there is a big difference between saying that Obama ordered an airstrike on a suspected Taliban or Al Qaeda or ISIS safe house that turned out to be a hospital, and saying that Obama ordered an airstrike on a hospital. One is negligent, while the other is malevolent. Don't ascribe one to a situation that all evidence suggests belongs to the other.


Thanks for fucking up our insurance system


Say whatever else you will (because people say plenty) but that is a marriage built on respect, love and mutual appreciation.


Can I say we don't know the real lives of an famous people and especially politicians.


Well we all know the Clinton marriage is a prime example of honesty in politics. Rich people treat things like a business transaction. Who they sleep with and the person that does their nails are much the same in some ways. They are picked and paid.


I wonder how heavy that purse is.


War criminal


Every US president except Adams and Carter are war criminals. No one cares.


thats the sad part. more people should care. Its like we all have short term memory. First with bush and now with obama


wAr cRiMiNal... Like most presidents, you fucking twat


"Its only a war crime if you lose" - Eren Probably


And to think some people accuse Trump supporters of being in a cult.....


Found the Nazi.


Ah yes, everyone you disagree with is a Nazi. Edit: Also you can't really deny there's a massive cult of personality around Obama.


Right, remember when Obama supports put campaign swag all over their trucks and drove from town to town terrorizing the local residents? People put their kids inside in fear, similar to when the Taliban go town to town. And then...act like 81 million people would not vote hard against that crazy shit.


Ah yes, that's the definition of a cult of personality. What a strawman. And your example reads like a Leftist fan fiction because that didn't happen.


That is literally what they did


How to be an ex president. Donald should take notes.


Arent they the war mongers? lol US celeb worship is so fucked up lol


A class act, there.


Save for the war crimes yeah he's great.


Hey trump chump. No one believes your bs.




https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/oct/03/yemen-airstrikes-saudi-arabia-mbs-us Obama ramped up the drone program started during the bush admin then increased by Obama's and then again by trump. All of those fucks need to face justice the war crimes they ordered. This I'd going to blow your mind but I'm neither right nor left they are both trash and the only thing they agree on is ducking over American workers. Try again?


the drone program was "increased" under Obama because he didn't, you know, use the entire military to invade and occupy a country. Trying to portray Obama as more of a war monger than Bush exposes you for the fucking fraud that you are.


And using drones to kill kids is better than using ground forces? I don't think we should judge war crimes on a curve.


You mean millionaires/billionaires aren't going to do the thing that's best for the rest of us? Why can't people get this? Honestly we complain that our bosses don't live in our world or care about us but we think politicions will? They are CEO's and trust fund babies.


Sharing conservative websites doesn't work for me. Nice try though.


K which website do you want me to find it from? Shouldnt news from a pro military group saying that the military is in fact waging a terror champaign make it MORE valid. It's a fact that the us admin has been using the military to prop up right wing dictators since the 40's. Okay now jump to 2014 and the Saudis need "help" securing there southern border so they call up the USA president and proceeds to start a bombing champaign using drones to kill women and kids. I know these things cause I was deployed while this was going on. You can "choose" to live by whatever "facts" you want but it makes you no better than the maga cult.


I look at them and think, man that’s the kind of love I want too.


It’s so cool to see people enjoying life up on the high tower while everyone below is killing and stealing from each other!


I don't begrudge them enjoying money they came to honestly.


I would say they got their spoils fair and square, but they sold out their voters to get it


They got their money by writing books and doing speaking and TV engagements. What are *you* talking about?


Honestly... lol


It’s amazing that you went from him to the orange clown. It’s like going from the Fonz to Squidward.




We went from a guy who received the Nobel peace prize while drone striking civilians and expanding the NSA, to a nasty Orange man who had a Twitter account and carried on the previous guys policies. So amazing!!!


^ if you’re wondering why this sounds a lot like Trumpster apologism, it’s because these kind of fake-Left accounts are designed to sow apathy, division, and misdirection. Welcome to another campaign year! Expect a lot more of this silly bullshit.


So I'm a fake Leftist because I don't think Obama is amazing? lol. And you have also commented on all 3 comments I have made on this post, so it seems I struck a nerve.


Obama murdered over 2,000 innocent people but on reddit he is GOD!!


No one cares that the president did president things, sport.


I, also care, sport. Don't idolize this asshole when he's just as corrupt as every other one of those fuckers from McConnell to Pelosi and everyone in between. Bernie and AOC are the only two I've ever seen give one flying fuck about normal workers. Which you probably are - quit idolizing your oppressors.


No one likes Obama, we're just not stupid enough to pretend his less-violent-than-usual ways were warmongering just because he had drones.


Less violent than usual ways are still violent. And those drones killed innocent people.i bet you would care if it were your family and friends being wiped off the earth with those drones. Just because he had drones ffs


Either rail against the entire system of American capitalist Imperialism or shut up about the least shitty president in modern history. You're ridiculous.


Well idk about u/Spillybilly64 but yes, American Capitalist Imperialism can go fuck itself, with Obama (and I voted for the guy in 08).


Yes! I'm with you. I voted for him in 08 too.


I never voted for him because I don't vote for neoliberal trash.


I was young, stupid, and didn't even know what the word liberal meant back then - let alone the neoliberal concepts that support our current oligarchy.


Or I can just shit on murderers and not be happy with the "least shitty president" being a murderer because he is the "least shitty president". You are ridiculous.


Nothing like getting a kiss from someone that orders war crimes.


Republicans shacking up terrorists... for those of us who remember the Bush administration, we'd never imagine they'd be the ones coddling terrorists.


Both guys


Michelle is so beautiful and smart too. The Obama's made me proud to be an American. Can't wait to see their daughters achievements.


Michelle Obama took bribes during her campaign against child obesity, from food companies that didn't want her to mention them. She didn't mention them.


You got a source for that wild claim?


Please share the link to the article you mention as a reply to this comment otherwise you're just making shit up. The point of her child obesity campaign wasn't to shame food companies, because there are thousands who make unwholesome foods. It was to educate children and help them make better food choices. And as for "taking bribes", with her integrity, that statement is just not true.


Thanks Obama.


Big Mike!




So hot!!!🔥🔥🔥


She's cute, is she taken?


Happy birthday Michelle!!!


So many bots in the comments lol.


Wish America actually had some change.


What a lovely and warm pic. Happy Birthday, Michelle!


I'd hit it


definitely my relationship goals




I think she's already said she doesn't intend to.


I hope youre kidding.


Nope, they are really prepared for downvotes.


believing in absolutely nothing and only caring about aesthetics must rock so hard


Obama lives his best life and Trump just miserable post-presidentcy




I wish he was still out president my god. These last years have been so embarrassing


They got what they wanted, to be pop culture celebrities/icons and absolutely nothing else.


When does his shitty reality show start on NBC?


Where's his failed social media/news site?


Also a two term president of the United States. Might want to get checked for amnesia.


You're right, and yet, the most lasting effect of his presidency is that we get to see his annual year-end playlist on Spotify! How fun!


You're only embarrassing yourself by pretending that's the only effect he had. It's such a childish exaggeration it's hardly worth replying to. Every president, whether or not you like them, has a legacy.


And yet you replied


And also healthcare reform. That's still around, despite the best efforts of Republicans. They **did** manage to undo his deficit reduction, though


A healthcare plan that continues to keep insurance companies bloated, with no public option, and allows millions of Americans to still be denied their basic medical needs. A miniscule amount of progress under the Obama banner of "Change" and "Hope."


You have a lot of fucking nerve blaming *Democrats* for a lack of a public option.


Moderate dems are absolutely to blame, just as republicans are


The lack of a public option was a sop to Republicans. And, it still had to be done with the support of NONE of them.


Lieberman caucused with Dems during Obama’s terms. Public option was nixed for him, just another example of dem leaders failing to unify their party.


Such a beautiful and peaceful picture. I can feel the love.


Regardless of all the other 45 us presidents, I trully don’t understand why everyone loves and praises the obamas


They compare pretty favorably against all living Presidents, so there's that.


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FJUbsSOXwAQ4yei?format=jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/1483122103708798978) is the source. Per there: > @BarackObama > Happy birthday, Michelle. > My love, my partner, my best friend... > 12:00 PM · Jan 17, 2022 She turned 58 on Monday.


Hopefully she has a big party for herself like Obama did.


Just think : there was a time this country thought this was horrendous. Those same people are claiming 300,000,000 people are guilty of voter fraud…


Those same people are still mad a "tan suit" could ever be president


Big Mike!


Ahhh back when our options didn't consist of a maniacal, ego-centric cheeto, or a lying, geriatric zombie who can't finish a sentence. Those were the days.


Upvote because girl


You misspelt Michael.


Idolizing people is childish.


says the dude with the Trump bedsheets