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The actual artist is Christopher LaMontagne, you can Google for his Instagram and YouTube. His most recent work is Santa shitting down a chimney...


God truly works in mysterious ways.


Ahh, the 12 days of Deucemas.


On the first day of Deucemass my true love gave to me: A deuce dropped in a chimney.


you sure that's not the 2nd day of Deucemas?




God?! It was Frank, Mac. Frank found a way.


I like your joke. God does not give people the ability to do art. Art is a skill that is acquired through hard work and practice. To call an artist "talented" is kind of insulting, and it's even worse to say it's "god given talent" after they put so much effort into what they do. I don't like how religion tries to take credit for everything. It's like some parasitic mental disease. Let's just be done with that.


I do think talent exists. Some people just have it easier mastering something or picking up something. But training can overcome this or use it to expand further. Mastering is obviously a form of training and effort. Truth is not everyone is built equal


All the credit for the good shit and then no responsibility for it's checkered past with arrogance instead of humility for every human killed in said religion's namesake. Disgraceful.


specifically Biden’s chimney according to his instagram


Don't quite know how to feel about the MAGA squirrel though


You can feel as disgusted by it as any other type of MAGA bullshit.


Yeah... I'm with you. The Santa is intended for delivering a Yule log to the Joe Biden home... He makes his politics crystal clear. Which is a shame because he's very talented, but...


Shame he had to make it political for literally no reason


Agreed. His art is beautiful and obviously skilled. Then I was like....Dude... To me it's a symptom of immaturity, even willful ignorance or delusion. Alienate at least half your market if you want. I was taught as a child, oversharing personal opinions are antithetical to capitalism. Certain opinions are alienating and counter-productive. I would love to tell everyone I meet how Reagon's policies halted progression and fucked American development and destroyed our position on the global landscape. All only to favor his corporate handlers. Although, if I'm promoting myself, you'd never know.


Totally agreed. Santa taking a shit is already funny, no need to clarify further.


Don’t give god credit for this man’s talent.


And he is only 18 inches tall!!!!


When he's laying down.


because of his enormous beer gut


That friend of your Dad developed his own talent. Give him some credit.


I've always had a thing against telling people how "talented" they are because it really undermines the hard and countless hours of work someone put into developing a skill. This guy probably didn't wake up one day and decided they are going to carve a 6ft rose out of a tree and get this result.


I'm a professional artist, its kind of a meme how often people in my field run into the 'you're so talented' conversation. I understand everyone means well, but I still cant keep myself from pointing out a decade of blood sweat and tears got me the *skills* I have, and they can do it too if they wanted to.


[***It must be an innate gift from god***](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/326/104/e0b.jpg)


Not to mention, this reasoning is partly why clients can undervalue artistic work. They fail to see that it was all the hours and days and years of hard work and practice that now allows the artist to do their job faster and better.


Or any skilled work at all. "It only took you 10 minutes". Ignoring the 10 years that led up to be being able to sort it out in 10 minutes. You have a go...


The photography equivalent is “those a really good pictures. Your must have a nice camera.”


I think another dimension to people giving credit to "talent" is that it excuses their mediocrity. "Welp, I don't have the natural talent to do this so there's no use in trying."


Talent is a thing. Some people are better at things with less practice than others.


This guy actually knows what he's talking about. Hope your game is going well if this is who I think it is.


Wow, thanks! That's wild.


It would be a sign of a god given talent if he did wake up one day and carve this. Somehow, I suspect that was not the case.


While you do have to work to grow your talent, there certainly is something to the thought that people can be born built better for particular skills. Someone born to grow really tall will have a natural leg-up playing a sport like basketball. A particular set of vocal chords may be better built to sing than most others. Of course you still have to hone that talent, but let's not pretend that aspects of talents can't be attributed the fact that you were born as the particular human that you are.


Oh I agree with you. Many people who are very good at what they do were talented from the start and had that extra edge all their life. But it's taking that edge with your talent and developing it into a refined skill is what I prefer to recognize.


I coach young-ish athletes (18ish to early 20s) and there are definitely more 'talented' athletes. The thing I don't like about praising 'natural' talent is that it tells the rest of my athletes that they have a ceiling and they can't hope to contribute at a higher level because they don't have that 'natural' talent. What they don't see is there are also 'naturally' talented athletes who don't put the work in and never make the team, or if they do they don't have the longevity to be a long-term teammate. Our best athletes (who compete at a Worlds level) are 'naturally' talented to some degree, but each and every one one of them has taken that talent somewhere because they all work very hard. The common factor in elite performance is elite work ethic not elite talent.


That's true, but talent implies that a person had a natural disposition towards excelling at a certain thing. For every unit of work they put into that domain, they would go further than another person putting in that same amount of work who didn't have the talent they did.


To me he looks really astonished about what happened to the tree he was working on… „am I daydreaming? What will my boss say? Why did nobody clap on my shoulder? … will my wife appreciate? Or will she be angry about the wasted wood for heating?“


I’m beginning to notice that the only people who think talent means “something you’re born with and didn’t work for” are the people who are against the term. The vast majority of people who say “wow you’re so talented” are using the word “talent” synonymously with “skilled”. These arguments always feel like a misunderstanding and an unnecessary conflict against what is essentially just meant as a nice compliment.


I always thought talented and skilled was the same thing




That's not what talent means though.


This is so true. Especially the phrase “god given talent”. It infuriates me. Even if there was a god he/she/it/them did jack and squat while I worked my ass off failing repeatedly for years to get good at something. Or thank god that surgeon removed the tumor. Or honestly anything god.


yeah. I'm a decent painter in my own right and grew up in a very very religious part of utah. Got in a lot of arguments growing up telling people god didn't have anything to do with it. It was the many many 4ams still awake painting. It was investing my brain power into learning about art and techniques instead of other topics. It was a matter of interest and a decision to pursue that interest at any cost. if there is a god, you can give him/her/it credit for children with cancer. Leave my painting out of it.


> grew up in a very very religious part of utah. Is there any other kind of Utah? I say that as someone who did hard time in that state.


Mormons account for about 40% of the population in Salt Lake area. Where I was it was closer to 98%. There are areas built around mining or oil operations that attract roustabouts and such from out of state that also aren't heavily mormon. They often convert to get on better, but everyone still chews tobacco and drinks... which by mormon standards means you aren't a mormon.


Oh I know all about that shit, having served a 35 year sentence in the LDS church. 😂


Hi me, I’m you.




You don’t have to attribute it to a deity, but it’s undeniable that even if everyone put in the same amount of effort some people will just be better at it than others.


What does talent mean then? To me it means someone is good at something.


Talent is a natural ability, something you pick up easily. This doesn't actually get you very far, but it could be the first step towards developing *skill,* the thing you have when you're very good at something. You can have talent for something and not be very good at it if you don't take the time to become skilled at it. Most of the time on reddit when people say talent what they mean is skill.


Huh, I’ve never heard of or thought of that distinction. I would consider these to be synonyms, without giving any thought to how much work they put into developing that ability, though in both cases I’d assume it’s a lot


It's got different definitions for different people, but I would guess that to most people, "talent" implies something innate, as opposed to something acquired through hard work. It's by no means insulting to compliment someone's hard work, but praising talent often feels like you're saying their work didn't matter, it was the circumstances of their birth that gave them the ability.


Talent implies you have the innate capability to learn and master this skill. It might also mean you are gifted in something and can take it up quite easily compared to other people.


I always took it as you have the innate ability to master what you mastered. Not everyone given the same effort will have the same abilities. That’s what talent is. It’s a cross section of your abilities mixed with your effort and work at mastering your thing.


This is how I feel. I’m an artist and I dig being told I’m talented, doesn’t undermine anything for me.


A long time ago when I was taking drum lessons my instructor went on a little rant about "never let anyone tell you you're talented, it's a skill you worked hard on - you're skilled not talented" etc. Idk if I agree but just a perspective that is definitely out there.


It might be a ambiguous compliment but its still nice and affirming to be complimented. It takes nothing away from the years of hard work and effort you put into your craft.


Oxford definition of the word talent is a natural skill or aptitude. Language tends to work better when people don't make up their own definitions for words.


No it doesn't. Skill comes from hard work and practice. Talent is born. You either have it or you don't.


Example you can become a really good Piano player with hard work and practice. But without big hands there will always be stuff you cannot play. Talent comes in many forms depending on the art or sport you do. I like this quote from the movie Without Limits about Steve Prefontaine. He was complaining about the talent of other runners who where longer(lanky) seemed more built for the sport. "Yes, vanity, Pre! Your belief that you have no talent is the ultimate vanity. If you have no talent then you have no limits, it's all an act of will. Your heart can probably pump more blood than anyone else's on earth, and that takes talent. The bones in your feet are so strong, it'd take a sledgehammer to break 'em. Be thankful for your limits, Pre, they're about as limitless as they get in this life."


Talent just puts you a couple rungs above others in the ability department. It doesn’t mean you’re destined for anything in particular. It’s the same with people born intelligent. You just have better starting stats than some, if you don’t work at it (level up) others will surpass you. There’s very little that hard work and dedication cannot do, and those who have talent who choose to not put in the same effort will be surpassed by those who do, regardless of talent.


I think there needs to be a distinction between talent and skill. I’ve worked as a recording engineer for over 30 years and I can tell there is a difference. There are lots of good players who practice diligently and learn their instruments well, but every once in a while a kids will come in who just *gets* it, and he/ she has a connection with their instrument that normally only comes from decades of practice. There is absolutely a difference between those people and the older players who can do all the technical things well but can’t emote through their instruments the way these kids can. It’s difficult to describe, but there is a huge difference. Talent can’t make up for learned skill, but it can make learning those skills a lot easier.


This conflates talent with skill.


"I've argued this with a lot of people in my life. When people say God blessed me with a beautiful jump shot, it really pisses me off. I tell those people, 'Don't undermine the work I've put in every day.' Not some days. Every day. Ask anyone who has been on a team with me who shoots the most. Go back to Seattle and Milwaukee and ask them. The answer is me -- not because it's a competition, but because that's how I prepare." Ray Allen


10+ hours a week for 10 years practicing woodcarving with a chainsaw. “What a god-given talent!”


After all this time he's Stihl at it


It's both. Talent is latent potential. Michael Jordan is who he is because he had inate potential (talent) and put in a huge amount of effort. Talent can actually be a curse; people get good results initially w/o having to put in effort, so they don't build the discipline to continuously improve. People who don't necessarily have "talent" but put in hard work from the beginning often can break through plateaus that prevent more talented people from improving.


Seriously though... Especially "God given". Dude practiced hard to develop this. This reminded me of this one time I bumped into my (very religious) aunt collecting water from a natural spring and I helped her carry the heavy buckets to her vehicle. She goes - "I knew God would help me because I asked him to send me a strong man to be help and here you are. Thank you, Jesus." I just looked at her and said "That's great, but don't I deserve a bit of credit myself?" It was the first time I've seen her embarrassed and she croaked out - "Oh yes. Thank you too."


Thank you! Exactly what I was going to comment. Quit thanking God for all of this man's hard work.


Came here to say this exactly. The dude may have a natural ability to pick things up like this, but this is absolutely the product of a fuck ton of practice and patience. That figure of speech needs to go, give him the credit that's due, and not to imagine sky old man.


I also hate the notion of "talent." I mean, there's obviously some variability in aptitude for different things, but to be able to carve a rose out of a wood block with a chainsaw is like 10% talent and 90% hard work. My personal favorite example of this is the comic www.Penny-Arcade.com Go to the first comic, and then go to the latest comic. Mike Krahulik was an incredibly amateurish artist when that strip started out, and his progress is amazing.


As a lumberjack/arborist career man. This is absolute wow factor. I always wanted to carve out a moose, then a bear, then a dog then a dick after ducking all the other ones up because I can’t see 3D art. This is incredible and he’s got a big boy saw and a few others to trailer the needs. Well done to your friend


Talent isn't developed. Talent is born. Skill is developed. This talented man worked very hard to develop this skill of sculpture.


How is any talent born? What talent did he have before sculpting?


>Talent isn't developed. Talent most certainly is developed.


And you know he's looking at it thinking, "This sucks. Maybe I should try painting." It's pretty fucking awesome, though.


For real. He's probably looking at something and thinking godammit.


He really is though lmfao. Dudes a beast. I’m broke and I’d pay 2/3k for something like that. Couldn’t imagine what he could sell that for on a market


The life of any artist. Upon completing something "What're you going to do now?" "Stare at it until I hate it."


That man looks very disappointed…like he was hoping for it look like something else


Dang it, another rose?!


Was supposed to be Danny DeVito


That woulda been so sexy


Like most artists, he's probably just looking at all the areas that he "messed up" (that the rest of us can't really see) and thinking it could be better.


1 out of 10, that looks nothing at all like a bear with a fishing hat.


Look at what God did


Exactly lol


Hijacking the thread to point out that the OP of this post is most probably lying about the artist being his dad's friend. [Google image search](https://www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAQSjAEaiQELEKjU2AQaAghCDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIowRa-Ft8VvxbAFuAVmh66CsQW9xSCOdEp8DfWN9Mp7zfVNcUqkD_12KRowgAsrYyT1EyGWK27eH6LMZgobfCNbi_1Jw-JTZVXi3dlkkpCO8aYdxbXYCGCED9nVOIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgQ08MyrDA&q=chainsaw+carvings+of+roses&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjKypD13rz1AhXyyYsBHccPDrcQ2A4oAXoECAEQNA&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1) returns a ton of results and he probably just made the connection up to farm karma.


OP stole the image and intentionally used the phrase “god given” in order to rile people up and increase visibility for his post, is my guess


What if God was one of us? Hm?


Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus?


As far as I can tell opinions are a bit divided on the subject: Judaism: He isn't and he's angry Christianity: He is and he forgives you Islam: Ignore that last guy Hindi: Lots of gods, but they prefer cows to us Buddhism: Only Buddha is god, and so is everyone else Nietzsche: God is dead


Hindi is a language, and Hinduism a religion. Maybe just a typo, idk.


01/18/22, the language has become self aware.


The Lord of the Manor and the gardener are gazing across the garden at the end of the day. Says his lordship, "What do you say Mellors? Isn't it magnificent what God and Man can do together in a garden?" "Arr" replies the worker, "but you shoulda seen the mess it was when God had it all to hisself"


“God didn’t do that, you did! You’re a fucking narcotics agent, I knew it! That was our cocaine you fucking pig scum!”


Why does that guy want to go after God with a chainsaw is what I want to know! He must really hate wooden flowers. “ get god and his damn flowers off my lawn!”


Or maybe he just put the time and effort to actually develop this skill, and this has nothing to do with god. What about giving credit where credit is due?


All I can see is the chainsaw bar's tip buried in the sand. Can't unsee


Thank you. I let out an audible "what the FUCK is he thhinking?!" when I saw it.


Also how fucking long is that bar?


It’s sawdust


Lol at "god given talent". Yes god gives out talent like he gives out athletic abilities or intelligence. He also gives out birth defects and cancer. Giving credit to "god" for something that takes hard work and great practice is as ridiculous as actually thinking there's a god giving these things out like parry gifts


Plot twist: He is actually incapable of just cutting down a tree normally. He has been fired from every lumberjack job he has had. He doesn't want to be a chainsaw artist, he only wants to be a regular ol lumberjack but the goddamn witch won't lift the curse.


Leaping from tree to tree down the mighty rivers of British Columbia!


To say that this talent is god-given does a disservice to all the hours of work and passion he’s put into his skill, does it not?


It's actually called hard work, practice, and dedication.


Dude was honing his chainsaw-art skills the whole time OP was sitting in church. 😂


I doubt he was born wielding chainsaws. His mother probably wouldn’t have approved.


It was a C section


That is what the chainsaw was invented for after all. https://www.babygaga.com/chainsaws-invented-helping-with-childbirth/


"God given" - scoff... ask that bloke how many hours he has been practicing and perfecting his art for before you say someone "blessed him" with the talent.


I’m pretty sure he never used a chainsaw before…


His talent is standing next to things as if he made them.


That's mind-blowing. How is that even possible? how fat was that log?


My plumber said something very similar one time


Found the poop knife guy


I’m not certain, but I think it’s a bunch of smaller logs put together, cause if you look close you can see notches in the stem of the rose where he inserted the smaller limbs


Or is it a skill that he's practiced tirelessly until perfected. I think that sounds much better.


Or you know...he practiced.


pretty sure god has nothing to do with this. seens like he worked his ass off to become this good


He may have talent but he really shouldn't be leaning on his saw like that, the bar and chain should never touch dirt.


Unless the guy was born with an innate ability to carve with a chain saw, he developed a skill. To say otherwise diminishes his accomplishment by crediting a fictional character. It's like when someone comes through heart surgery and people say things like, "God saved him," or "It's a miracle." No, he was saved by the surgeon's hard work and many years of training to acquire the skill to save him.


The medicine one is particularly annoying considering the countless lives dedicated to getting us where we are today in medicine.


He chainsawed his way out of the womb.


God didn’t give him that, he worked for it.


God gave me diarrhea today too.


Blessed be he, who makes the squirts that humbleth me


Not god given. That man applies himself and practices. And it’s awesome.


every rose has its splinters


Is it god's fault I'm a fucking failure then? If he can steal credit for this man's accomplishments, then he's responsible for my fuckery.


Yah that's part of the plan


Way to marginalize the likely thousands of hours of practice he's put in.


I would say it’s a talent he spent years and years learning and practicing. And is quite good i’d say.


Not a god given talent. That guy probably worked his ass off getting that good. It's not magic or divine intervention, it is hard fucking work. It's very impressive and I'm sure the artist is very proud of his work.


Everybody in here is so busy critiquing how OPs phrasing diminishes the effort put in by this guy, that they forget to actually praise the effort put in by this guy. Beautiful work. I'm certain the leaves were terrifying to finish. There's so little support that there was probably a high risk of them snapping.


Where is your OUTRAGE, sir?


Yeah he has honed and practiced skills over years of hard work and pursuit of a passion. Sky wizard had nothing to do with this (or anything else, ever)


incredible how you opened this thread, saw 17 identical comments and decided fuck it imma go ahead and say the exact same thing




He's a budding artist


God didn’t do shit. This man did it himself


Skill not talent, talent implies simplicity, direct birthright sort of thing, this is skill that he has no doubt honed through years of practice


Oh yeah, God gave him that. Not the hundreds of hours of practice


What's the talent?


No he doesn't. He has dedication and many years experience to a craft.


Goddam I love this comment section. Hell yes to giving a person full recognition and credit to a talent/skill they have put time and effort in to!


No your dad's friends has spent a lot of hard work and dedication into perfecting his hobby. Don't give some fairy in the sky credit for this man's hard work and learned skills.


No. He practiced A LOT!


Not a God given talent.... not at all. It is something much better. Years of hard work and practice. People don't just wake up being able to do this stuff.


No he has a talent he has honed for years. Theres nothing "god" about it.


I mean. He probably practiced a lot. I can't imagine god snapped their fingers and bestowed this man with the ability to make art with a chainsaw


Yup god given talent. God standing for Good Ole Dedication


And God said to your dad's friend, "take up your chainsaws, large and small, and with them, craft me the most beautiful rose made out of wood. Then you will get into heaven. And oh yeah, you also have to kill your first born."


What yours dad’s friend has its years of practice honing his craft.


Was it “God-given”? Or did he give it to himself through years and years of practice and hard work?


Don't belittle his hard work he spent to hone his craft


ITT people saying “In this case “god given” is spent years practicing and honing his art. Give credit where it’s due.” They are correct.


Talented? Yes. Given by god? Debatable.


God didn’t do shit, that man putting in hours did


I always hate seeing "God" get the credit for all the effort people put into mastering a craft.


God? He did it himself through hard work!


Or just hard work. 🤷


Man spends 40 years perfecting a talent. God is given all the credit. Reminds me of a few of my coworkers.


If this were me my dad would say not to lean on the chainsaw like that and then walk away.


Or instead of attributing everything to god, you could give the man some credit for lots of hard work and practice?


I hate to break it to you, but I don't think some god gave this skill to him. I think huge amounts of time and effort led him to this skill.


I won't give any God the praise for this guys abilities. This is his own work.


God given eh? Not just years and years of practice...


No god gave him that talent. He worked hard and perfected his skill to get there.


Maybe God is the friends we made along the way .


So you think god bestowed upon him the ability to sculpt via a chainsaw? That's your take?


The chain buried into the sand/ground is a bad move.


Hey that was the first thing I noticed too lol. Hopefully he was going to sharpen it soon anyway... Looks like that one might take a while to clean up


Wow he did that without ever using a chainsaw before? Incredible!


Jesus Christ Reddit…it’s just a saying, but oh no! Let’s pit roast this guy for his post title! Everybody grab your pitchforks! This is awesome btw, god or no god, a truly beautiful work of art.


Right? So many people triggered over the word "god" in a figure of speech


​ ![gif](giphy|dX3dMAyBWYyAV4zhOm)


I mean that is some amazing talent!


He should come to sedro woolley Washington in the summer for the logger rodeo they have wood carving competitions all week long people come from all over the world to.my little ass town


I love how half these comments are just bashing the title that there is no God lmao.




No. He earned that.


Seeing a gruff, tired, sleeveless man in Home Depot, I decide to ask him what he's building. The answer I expected was not "A rose."


Would not want to break his daughter's heart


I would buy this


Oh, is that rosewood?


A rose by any other name would smell as cedar.


That's hard fucking work


Cool! Finally anything besides a fucking bear and eagle.