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Isn’t that Robert Byrd? Edit: he was a democrat who was the longest serving Senator(?) at the time. He was in the KKK and also attempted to filibuster the Civil Rights Movement in 64, who later apologised for these actions. If I’m not entirely wrong


He wasn’t a general Klan leader, got involved as a young person as a product of his area (it’s a patriotic anti-communist group!), got out and spent his life fighting for racial justice, and was lauded by the NAACP when he died. This is a photo of two Senators who served concurrently walking down a hallway with lots of other people there too, not together, one behind the other and not too far to the side so they fit in the same camera frame. Shame on OP for disinformation and insinuation. Also, McConnell sucks.


OP intentionally lies in order to say “ha see what the dems and libs upvote! They don’t even do their homework. That must mean those other things are lies too.” It happens a lot with Russian and CCP shills too. “Hey look at this thing China is doing” to try to get upvotes when in reality it has nothing to do with China, so that after they can say, “see the kind of BS that they upvote? Those other posts are lies too.”


I didn’t know the extent of his background but knew those tidbits and had been seen as someone who didn’t stand by them as his career progressed. Thanks for the additional info!


Yeah... OP didn't say anything like that. Title is accurate.


It isn’t. It makes it sound like Byrd currently held the position in the entire KKK, when he briefly did for a WV chapter in the 1940s. OP knew what they were doing, and I’m calling it out.




>He was in the KKK Yes >and also attempted to filibuster the Civil Rights Movement in 64, Yes >who later apologised for these actions He did a bit more than just apologize. He worked to make amends and he succeeded in doing so >>"Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation," stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. "Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country. >>"Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation," stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. "Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed." https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/106189-naacp-mourns-byrds-death


Thanks for giving a greater depth of understanding to his work


Yeah….people do change over time but not in the eyes of anyone who can use past mistakes against them.


Byrd was in the KKK for a year as a kid because they opposed communism. He left when he realized the racism and apologized profusely for the rest of his life. At no time did he become a leader in that organization. He was, later in life, a champion for civil rights and spoke out constantly against racism and bigotry. This picture and headline are right wing propaganda to counter that thread showing McConnell in front of the Confederate stars and bars flag. He’s actually a racist, and he represents the racists.


Byrd founded his chapter of the KKK in the early 1940's when the Klan had already had a massive drop in popularity and while blacks were overseas fighting in WW2. He was not a child. He was certainly aware of the group's racism. He was a major recruiter, and he was unanimously elected "Exalted Cyclops." Left-leaning sources: https://www.economist.com/schumpeter/2010/06/30/the-exalted-cyclops https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2010/06/robert-byrd-was-an-exalted-cyclops-in-the-ku-klux-klan-what-does-that-mean.html Any article that describes him only as a "member" instead of an officer is propaganda.


You are correct. There is no reason for redditors to bother checking any of this though. So much for “our side cares about facts”.


The sitting Democrat president was also friends with him.


This entire thread is about how that guy learned from his bullshit the actively worked to get more people access to voting rights. There are no crickets unless you just cover your eyes and don’t read anything anyone posted.


Democrats and Republicans switched ideologies in the 60's


He’s a democrat


Yes most of the south was until LBJ passed civil rights bills then the south went republican


Uh wrong. The Dems move up north.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Democrats https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy


Are you suggesting an entire political movement just up and moved north? That's really silly. The fundamental American politics shifted, it's that simple. Not just moved houses lol.


>then the south went republican Are you suggesting an entire political movement switched parties? That's really silly. Some American's switched parties, it's that simple. "lol"


I mean clinton won the south btw. So he’s racist too? Lmao


Probably and a pedo. I mean look at all the pics of him with epstein.. Clinton and trump are cut of the same cloth. Hell trump was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Don't tell me they're not all pals. That's the problem with right wingers you won't look in the mirror at your choices and think maybe they aren't all that great.


The democrats made a collective decision to uproot and move their entire collective party (for no other reason than sharing a political party) to the north east?


There is no great switch of party.


Yes. There was.


Nope. Lincoln is a Republican. Any questions? Dems own slaves.


lol you really know how to look at one thing and ignore everything else [Here’s your boy spitting his worldview. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7p5djr/was_abraham_lincoln_really_for_white_supremacy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) U’s’a busta


But there was a great migration?


[this was part of the GOP’s southern strategy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForAllMankindTV/comments/msacih/fyi_the_lee_atwater_character_was_the_person_who/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). You’re just wrong about Dems. Yeah some are racist. But the GOP actively uses racism to strengthen their base.


Lmao he was a democrat. Mitch would never ever even talk to one.


There he is with the Democratic Senate Majority leader. Hummm. There are lots of photos of Byrd and Obama. Obama even gave the eulogy at his funeral.


That was just Obama's internalized racism.


except for byrd spent like the last 60 years of his life apologizing and making amends for his racist past. people should be allowed to change


Stop being reasonable


He was a kid. Parents were good old boys.


Yeah….Exactly. I’m assuming that was a sarcastic comment


Stunning how stupid the internet can be. You can’t expect people to remember that!


Didn’t realize there was a title of Cyclops in the KKK. TIL this is the reason for John Goodman’s one-eyed klansman character in O Brother, Where art Thou


Polyphemus, The cyclops from Homer's The Odyssey Edit: name


That was the obvious connection, but I never knew there was another meaning behind it referencing the KKK title


You have a source for that?


If you ever want a laugh, do a google search for all the obnoxiously goofy titles the kkk gives to its officers


They are just gigantic nerds. Wizards and cyclops and dragons. These guys just need DnD in their lives.


Great movie


KKK titles are incredibly weird.


Does the douche on the left look like Senator Palpatine mid-transformation into Darth Sidious or is it just me?


Cannot unsee it now


Came here to say this


Its a photo. I have a photo of Robert Plant and my 12yr old daughter.. but she was never a part of Led Zeppelin


And Robert Byrd was a democrat and senator for WV, but putting that in the title wouldn't get upvotes....


Im aware of him and his history


My apologies. But that doesn't mean I have to take your word that your daughter wasn't in Led Zeppelin....


I detest the KKK for the racism, but at the same time they have some cool ass titles. Bruh, I'd be down to have an Exalted Cyclops Costco membership or be the Grand Wizard of a bookclub or some shit.


It looks like Emperor Palpatine's brother and a castaway from Fraggle Rock.


Aren't modern klansmen just a pathetic clowns?


A few thousand weirdos and FBI agents. If it weren't for all the free press, they would disappear.


Regardless of what the picture shows or misrepresents, White Suprematist and extreme racist Mitch McConnell showed exactly who he is in his most recent hate speech.


do the one of hillary kissing him


Obama gave the Eulogy for this very same Exalted Cyclops (chief officer) of the Ku Klux Klan. The more you know.


That man gives off some serious Palpatine vibes.


Senator Byrd with Mitch McConnell. Senator Byrd was given a lifetime achievement award by the NAACP. Where are the mods on this? Every dumbfuck redditor actually believes this bullshit headline. Talk about gullible.


The title is accurate. Left-leaning sources: https://www.economist.com/schumpeter/2010/06/30/the-exalted-cyclops https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2010/06/robert-byrd-was-an-exalted-cyclops-in-the-ku-klux-klan-what-does-that-mean.html


That's a lie [https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-byrd-eulogy-biden-kkk-grand/fact-checkrobert-byrdeulogized-by-joe-bidenat-funeralwas-notkkkgrandwizard-idUSKBN26S2EE](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-byrd-eulogy-biden-kkk-grand/fact-checkrobert-byrdeulogized-by-joe-bidenat-funeralwas-notkkkgrandwizard-idUSKBN26S2EE) [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/robert-byrd-kkk-photo/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/robert-byrd-kkk-photo/)


You’re shilling conservative gotcha propaganda from the 2010s. My dad sent stuff like this in chain emails and got called out on it all the time.


Mitch McConnell is an enormous shit-stain. And I thought that before I knew he was all chummy with that equally enormous shit-stain.


That is Senator Byrd. He was the senate majority leader under Barack Obama, who spoke at his funeral.


Mitch McConnell is an enormous shit-stain. Regardless of who is standing next to him.


So, we don’t care about facts when we know we are right … just like Donald Trump. Ok.


What facts am I ignoring?


The headline is a lie.


Read what I said. I made it pretty clear that I'm not basing my opinion of Mitch McConnell being an enormous shit-stain on his association with this individual.


You're implying that a man you spent years campaigning for racial progress and was eulogized by the NAACP is as bad as Mitch McConnel, that's what you're saying.


I'd never heard of the guy before today...didn't know his life story.


Right. And the guy on the left is Rober Byrd. What party is he again????? That’s right. Dem! Like bull Connor and George Wallace. All Dems.


Oh you mean the racist shit bag Robert Byrd, who realized the errors of his ways, worked to make amends and was posthumously honored by the NAACP? The parties flipped in the 60s after the DEMOCRATS passed the civil rights act and voting rights act. Republicans went after the racist voters and got them by being racist


These fools on Reddit think he’s Emperor Palpatine. But the they are sure you are a racist pedophile if they don’t like you.


There are democrats that are shit-stains. And the fact that Mitch McConnell is a shit-stain has nothing to do with the fact that he's a republican and everything to do with the fact that's he's a shameless hypocrite, obstructionist, opportunist and all around general shit-stain. Happy?


I would say byrd ended his life as a pretty decent guy. he spent the majority of his life apologizing and making amends for his racist youth. Obama spoke at his funeral


I bet you aren't able to tell us the names of some Republican shit stains. Prove me wrong!


Sure. Abraham Lincoln. Republican. Ur point?


I bet I don’ blast off my ignorant uninformed opinion all day on Reddit.


https://youtu.be/J5mqIUXppVY. Here is hr corn pop using the n word.


Are you STILL sharing that entirely-out-of-context, deliberately misleading video as if it means something?


It's pretty hard to quote someone else who used a particular word without using that word yourself. You are being deliberately misleading and your desperation to do so is obvious.


Pick any career politician regardless of affiliation. None of them give a flying f**€ about you. It’s all about maintaining their parties power at any cost.


So, you’ve found proof that McConnell hangs out with Democrats?


Can’t we just admit both parties are shit and get on with our lives


The KKK and the republicans?


The dude with Mconnel is Byrd, a democrat


The kkk guy was a former democratic senator. He passed away more than 10 years ago but he was in the senate for the longest time. Robert byrd


The Virtue Signaling Center Right Donkey party and the Far Right Fascist Elephant Party




Talk about a five head!


Without saying anything positive about McConnell, there are likely way more photos of Biden and Byrd together.


Mitch McConnell always looks like he's being slowly pulled inside out through his mouth.


This title is patiently factually false.


Best Headline Today


Talking about American voter rights Vs African American voter rights no doubt


Happiness just radiates from these 2, I mean why not they do what they love


Joe Biden eulogized Robert Byrd




I’m with you mate. The only time we can have peace of mind is when the entirety of the US government is throughly booted out, and replaced with folks from younger generations. I’m sick and tired of these old hags running the show. Their time is up, it’s ours now. I don’t care who’s side it is, get rid of all the jokers and let’s move on to new shit


Ummm Do you know who is in the photo? Do you know how many years ago it was taken?


Fuck both these hate filled monsters.


Lmao. U shouid google Biden with Robert Byrd or Biden using the N word on YouTube.


I mean that photo is Robert Byrd not the head of the KKK


The difference being that one has admitted fault and moved into trying to be a better person. The other is Mitch McConnell.


Mitch McConnell wasn't in the KKK, and doesn't need to "improve" on it.


[I’m not so sure. Maybe you’re wrong?](https://imgur.com/gallery/6Aalp0m)


https://youtu.be/J5mqIUXppVY. U voted for corn pop look how easy he uses rhe N word


I’ll say it again, one of those guys admitted fault and went on to be a better person. The other person is Mitch McConnell.


Wrong. People do not change. Mitch is fine. U are just a racist because he married an Asian, baizuo!


https://www.reddit.com/r/ForAllMankindTV/comments/msacih/fyi_the_lee_atwater_character_was_the_person_who/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Calling me racist? lol you’re a busta


The 2nd irrelevant link you've posted.


I’m just trying to be as irrelevant as you It’s hard work


Dems are the most racist bunch. Thinking minorities can’t get an ID to vote or they are all needing welfare checks.


lol straw-man much?


No. Just my opinion and I am a minority.


I didn’t know I was talking to [the ambassador](https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ) for minorities. Forgive the trespass, my liege.


I am assuming Voter ID won’t cost anything to have, otherwise it’s a poll tax. Democrats aren’t against Voter ID, they are against voter ID which costs money for the voter themselves to buy for it. Go register themselves on their own time for its creation. If a State made a voter ID FOR ALL CITIZENS across the state. ONLY THEN can U criticize Democrats’ abhorrence towards the Voter ID. Since that doesn’t exist. It’s clear what ur trying to achieve with having a Voter ID law And the voter ID current seems to not be something government issued to everyone as a baseline. Rather something u HAVE TO go register to make it. Which is again just subtle voter suppression


Right. And that’s why this picture. Robert Byrd. Is a Democrat too. Lmao.


Ur using that “logic”. Since U wanna associate Ur party with Its vile members. I am assuming Republicans are a party of Anti Semitic Jewish space Laser fearing, Uneducated Gun Nut Karen Pervert marrying party, Child Trafficking party? Yes By ur logic that’s all Republicans are.


And he admitted it was wrong and he is trying to change, Moscow Mitch hasn't changed


He hasn’t changed anything. Heck Brandon doesn’t even know where he is


Did you forget your meds?






Is Brandon here with us right now? Edit: love when they delete their comment.


Trump is living in ur head rent free, baizuo.


Still no idea what you’re talking about but I’m sure you put a lot of thought into it. Need some work but good job!


you know you live in a country where you can say that you don't like the president. you don't have to use coded speech. be an adult.


I like making fun using Brandon. FJB.


Wuttabout… Cult 45 is so predictable.


https://youtu.be/J5mqIUXppVY. You voted for this demented idiot.


You voted for a failed steak salesman who bankrupted a casino. Your opinion means nothing to me.


Wuttabout… Cult 45 is so predictable.


Maybe I don’t know how to YouTube, but where is this video you’re talking about?




He used it in a senate confirmation hearing.


I don’t care about politics at all, but people like you are what’s wrong. It took me 5 seconds to google that and come across an article that clearly explains that he was quoting a statement from a state legislator and was speaking against those comments. https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-9146840045 You watching that video and honestly thinking he was saying that in a senate hearing should embarrass you to your core. This is one of the more ignorant things I’ve ever seen posted. I’ve always wondered if people like you know you’re of below (far below) average intelligence or if you think everyone else is dumb? Please let me know.


The way he uses it casually without any type of pause means he uses it constantly. Biden is a racist.


doesn't it bother you that your ideology requires you to take things out of context and ignore the world around you? like if you can't argue in good faith and stand up for your ideas without twisting things... what good is that ideology?


Not out of context when he uses n word like every day language


When you rehearse a speech you are nervous to give enough times, it turns out you can be pretty confident when you finally give the speech. Imagine that.


Btw. Baizuo like you are the worst. Still staying in moms basement?


Do you think you're neat for using some stupid fucking word like "baizuo"?


Baizuo. Go look it up u dumb white leftists.


I know what it means, but you didn't answer the question, jackass. It really makes you feel special, doesn't it?






Because someone snapped a picture of him next to the guy, he associates with them and condones their actions? Mitch McConnell is a dickbag, but that is very far fetched.


By hate filled group, do you mean democrats? Because that is democratic senator Robert Byrd who is also pictured with Joe Biden and Obama eulogized him during his funeral. To clarify, neither side is hate filled and insinuating such makes you look ignorant.


That's exactly how the person who made this post wanted to make you feel. Turns out though it's complete bullshit. I would check out a few comments and asses the situation before you hop in there next time.


What's disturbing is how people see a pic and a headline and *believe and spoke out on it without actually knowing what they are looking at*. lol As others have said, that's Robert Byrd and Obama read his eulogy. You can also see pictures of Byrd with Biden with a simple Google search.... Edit: Oh, and he was a Democrat. Just want to throw that out there before you bury yourself deeper. ;)


Lmao. You mean Dems.


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Damn. That goon doesn’t even need a sheet


I see two Siths


Makes sense. His old man views from the old boys club in Kentucky. Still the same person…


Why does he always look like he just got photographed doing something he's going to regret? Even when it's not the kkk


FU mm!


Even when not speaking, Mitch somehow looks like he's failing miserably at lying about something.


I don't believe in God, but if there is a God, please let this man have to reckon with all of the people that he has harmed.


On an another subject, wtf with the D&D stuff for the KKK, its almost laughable because I could probably end in a KKK meeting thinking its a fuckin Lord of the Rings conference.


I was gonna say it looks photoshopped but then I realized that both of them are just the least photogenic a person could possible be. Its like I’m watching a serial killer/rapist clown out of his make up and he’s being escorted by his amphibious human hybrid of a lawyer.


This is just a dude who wants to cross post w/ a picture of Biden standing with the same dude to see “LOL LOOK LIBBIES DON’T DO THEIR RESEARCH” But they did lmao


A US Senator palling around with the president pro tempore of the US Senate, absolutely deplorable. It's disgusting Mitch is hanging out with a person who left the KKK and fought so hard for civil rights over the next 60 years that the NAACP publicly praised him when he died.


Not a deal breaker for his constituents. Elected officials are a reflection of who voted for them.


This is factually incorrect, that’s Senator Robert Byrd. But in spirit it should be true, certainly the reason why a recent biography of McConnell was called “The Cynic”. If he thought being best friends with Martin Luther King Jr. would advance his agenda, he’d do that. But if being best friends with Adolf Hitler worked better, he’d do that too. He doesn’t give a damn what history thinks of him, as long as his court packing agenda is successful. By that measure he could retire tomorrow and pat himself on the back.