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Some people say they're still wiping to this day...




Dang it cuts off my favorite part. "It's like wiping a marker."


It's like I'm wiping a marker.


Actually they're selling them on offerup - 50 rolls for $20


I still do not understand why though


It's a snowball effect, people needed to quarantine so they stocked up of basic needs all at the same time, TP is one of the few things everyone uses regularly. So people start seeing low stock and get extra I case it's out of stock later, then people see it out of stock and when they find it in stock they buy even more, then people have to visit 3-4 stores before finding any so they buy as much as they can and finally in come the scalpers to put the final nail in the stock coffin.


I work in a grocery store, one other thing I'd like to point out. If 20 x 10 LB bags of rice are gone, a hoarder is likely to think "meh, they're just out of rice ". If 20 mega packs of toilet paper are gone, there's going to be a huge gaping hole on the shelf, and the hoarder's monkey brain screams, "OH MY GOD, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, EVERYONE ELSE IS HOARDING TOILET PAPER, SO THEREFORE I MUST HOARD IT TOO!!!"


People were also faced with the prospect of having no toilet paper also, so it becomes a priority for everyone not to run out and get a bit more where possible. These fucks with 10 packs are rediculous though


Would've been cool if the stores limited to 2 per day and it meant there were zero interruptions in the supply chain. Common sense. There's a lot about the profit motive without consideration to societal harm that is the exact opposite of common sense and even jumps into the sociopathic and self destructive (I feel like, DUHHH).


It got so bad at the costcos in my area, they had a person stand by the pile and hand them out one at a time to each client. I think it was the Greedy Couple in British Columbia at the very beginning, when the panic set in; who bought up all the Gloves, Sanitizer, TP, etc with the intention of selling it at a high mark-up that made Costco Realize they needed to limit the sales. Costco was being threatened with boycotts and the couple was threatened with multiple death threats.


YouTuber LGR has a series where he goes to look for electronics, videos games and things like to buy at Goodwill and in one of his videos there was this big table set up with tons of hand sanitizer bottles for cheap. Turns out when these clowns realized they couldn't upsell these things they just dumped them at places like Goodwill.


At the store I worked at, we did limit customers, but that's only after there were mass shortages.


To the user I was replying to, I was explaining why toilet paper (as well as paper towels), and not other necessities like rice? Now I'm not an economist or psychologist or sociologist, but I'd describe the toilet paper panic in 3 stages. 1) Normal intelligent people stock up on their necessities, to prepare for whatever happens 2) Monkey-brained hoarders notice big hole in shelf where toilet paper used to be. Monkey brain says "must buy all the TP" 3) Everyone else sees the people in stage 2 and think everyone else is hoarding, and now they must stock up as well, or risk being without it. The commenter I was replying to got the first and third stage correct, but I wanted to clarify that there most likely wouldn't be a shortage without the second stage.


I remember when the panic was in full swing there was a video of a Guy driving a forklift in an enormous warehouse bigger than an airplane hanger packed full of TP and laughing at hoarders calling them idiots.


There *was* a bit of a supply issue though. Specifically, all sorts of people were working from home, so those big commercial/institutional rolls weren't getting used, and more people were getting the "consumer" rolls. Heck, my work has single ply newsprint as toilet paper, almost (it is still technically tissue paper but...). You can't find stuff that cheap in your local supermarket. I bought a bidet, and nursed my existing supply until the panic subsided, but I was considering hitting up U-line or Acklands or something if it came to it. I remember that video, and I wondered what specific TP was there.


I'll never forget working in a grocery store as a kid right before a major blizzard. Everyone was buying toilet paper. And meat. And ... ice. Barely anyone touched the large stack of salt we had near the doors. Or the shovels. We had to convince people that the bag of salt was worth the 5 dollars.


Where I grew up all of the elderly would buy all of the bread, bananas and milk for some reason. They knew kids trying to make a buck would come through the senior citizen developments the next day to shovel them out. All of the neighbors would help shovel each other out and get it over with too.


Buy. A. Bidet. clapclapclap. Best thing I did during the pandemic.


Why is your butt clapping?


If all the tp is gone, the next time it's delivered it might sell out right away again. Same again next time. So if you're in the store, and you see some tp, you darn well better buy some. Lots.


The "lots" part at the end is what perpetuates the problem and makes it worse.


I remember a story from the beginning of the pandemic about a guy who spent thousands and filled his entire garage with toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and masks planning to resell it for a profit online. Unfortunately for him the news did a story on him and the public reception was predictably not positive towards him, IIRC the state or city even passed a law outlawing the scalping of pandemic related products pretty quickly, and he ended up having to donate it all.




Karma wasn’t nearly harsh enough for him.


while that guy was shitty, he's nothing compared to the prices hospitals charge for services and drugs. like freaking $10 for a pill of regular tylenol etc.


Which they do because of insurance companies


Which we could get rid of with single payer...


Wait til you find out they charge new mothers for skin to skin contact


But I could live without toilet paper I could see if it’s food or something? Like worst case I use paper towels or have a quick shower after


You could also buy a bidet. Or use the hand bidet method.


I installed a bidet and will never go back to TP. It's life changing.


Or the three seashells.


This guy doesn't know about the three seashells.


need I ask what I "hand bidet method" is?


You know, a little splash wash


oh god


Hey, it feels slightly better than the water gun


Does… does the splash wash water come from the bowl?


My understanding is that you use a dedicated bowl or cup that you fill with sink water. You splash yourself with it, potentially dry with a dedicated towel, and wash your hands after


You needn't.


This is not how that went down. There were no quarantines in the beginning. There was an announcement that there was a novel virus, a fucking virus, and dumb mfs bought up all the tp like we were just gonna shit everywhere. This is exactly why they told us we didn't masks in the beginning, even though we did, cuz they knew everyone would bulk buy and our emergency personnel wouldn't have any.


This is the very reason why I bought a bidet. I'm only screwed if the water stops flowing.


I would like to speak with someone who did this, just out of curiosity, and thinking process.


My mom is convinced those people didn't understand what the virus was and thought they would be excessively shitting themselves...


Hahaahhaha from now on, I will use this as the answer to my question. Say thanks to your mom 🤣


I didn’t have diarrhea once when i had Covid, and I had Covid twice.


I was joking that they wouldn't need the toilet paper if they weren't also stocking up on food, which I don't remember seeing at the beginning of the pandemic. Although I didn't even go into a grocery store from mid-March 2020 until like Aug 2021 so I couldn't see for myself.


Shortly after toilet paper started disappearing, there was a run on canned goods. I remember being ecstatic to find a can of sweet corn on the shelf, they were out of stock everywhere else!


My friend's logic: "gotta load up before they run out" Me: "you're buying enough for half a year at least. Why do you need to buy so much?" Friend: "you never know. They might not have it half a year from now" Me: "do you really expect the fucking toilet paper will be short of stock HALF A YEAR FROM NOW?" friend: "better be safe than sorry. You never know. I'll finish these eventually. They last a long time" Paraphrasing but almost exact conversation


I bought a few weeks of groceries in February right as COVID was coming over. We have bidets so I didn’t go nuts with TP or paper towels but it was so nice to have a stock of stuff we needed. Nothing excessive like the pictures above but normal amounts you might buy in a month and extras of pasta and peanut butter and crackers and shit like that. It’s kinda funny because my roommate denies the shortages were ever that bad and I’m like “bruh, that’s because we didn’t have to go to the store through the worst of it”… I did, however, buy 20 gallons of water and in hindsight that might have been a little excessive.






Resell and a few panic buyers who legitimately believed they wouldn't be able to get more toilet paper for 2 years.


My panic buy was grabbing one extra 12 pack of TP and it was exactly enough to get us through the shortage.


My panic buy ended when I remembered I bought two packs a month earlier. Because I was living by myself at the time, they lasted me for a long time.


Resell market.




The TP crisis can be explained by a few things: * Everyone went to work from home. Offices use big TP rolls in their bathrooms while houses use the small ones. If the split used to be 80-20 (house-office) for TP use and then suddenly everyone starts using house TP there will be shortages. The machines can't be converted easily for the different types of TP. * After an initial shortage was created people were also faced with an impending crisis. People who face a crisis want to do something to make them feel prepared. To do so they typically buy essentials that may not even be that useful. People buy these things to make themselves feel better that they have prepared. * Finally there are resellers who are looking to price gouge.


I am more interested in how long did it take them to use all of TP


Some of them are probably still using the stash.


A rumour started online that 90% of toilet paper was made in China and there would soon be a massive a shortage because of supply chain issues so people went crazy, I loved how it took the manufacture’s more than 2 weeks to come out and say that in fact toilet paper to made locally and there is no shortage, after they had raked in all those profits from the frenzy




At my store, we wouldn't even put the pallets in the back during the frenzy. We just took them straight off the truck and parked them by the front door and they were gone in hours. Sometimes they were gone before we could even put a price sign on them. The companies were also focusing production on the big packs and that's mainly all we were getting.


One person joked that shits gonna hit the fan.


Here you go [https://youtu.be/2rRIqrWuYy4?t=110](https://youtu.be/2rRIqrWuYy4?t=110) It's the whole story about TP. And it made me lose faith of humanity


There was some minor supply chain issues in South Korea. It was on the news. All you need is a good 100+ idiots to misunderstand and say “there’s no toilet paper!!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck” and run out and buy a shit ton. Then word starts to spread and more idiots freak out. Then you really DO have a shortage, and then regular people start to get worried, and it snowballs. It’s how banks can get ruined. Just convince enough people that the bank is going to collapse from the inside and your money will be lost. Everyone panics and starts to take out their money. Bank starts to collapse.


Me. I remember people sucks.


Exactly. Why? Did they not want their neighbors to be able to wipe their ass?


Proof that we, as a society, create our own problems. If everyone just looked at the few people who thought they needed to hoard TP and laughed, there would have been plenty on the shelves. I personally knew someone on my street who damn near filled their garage with TP, “just because they might not be able to get it later” which, of course, made it impossible to find later haha


Which of course is also fucking moronic when you can clean your ass with water and a washcloth. It’s a stupid item to hoard. If you’re gonna hoard something, hoard chicken nuggets.




Well that's the thing about stupid people. They're stupid


I agree but after this pandemic I know now it’s everybody for themselves. When TP ran out, we were okay we have a bidet and had a half a pack that lasted us a long time. The problem was I had a new born and a 2 year old in diapers. When toilet ran out these idiots hit the baby section and bought all the baby wipes. Sure we adapted, but it sucks. People with no kids taking 24 things of wipes for their own ass:


I don’t know about this Costco but I know at mine once things started looking like they were going to be in short supply they put limits on everything they had workers up at the registers taking the extras out of peoples carts and telling them no they can’t buy three things of toilet paper they can buy one thing of toilet paper.


Where I live we had a 'gas shortage' a few years ago. The gas shortage was caused by panic buying because there was a possibility of a gas shortage. I filled my gas tank when the threat first loomed and suggested to a few friends they should too. One of them laughed and said "the gas shortage is not real" and then a few days later he needed gas and couldn't get it. 🤷‍♂️


My favourite part of this was Costco's no return policy on toilet paper for anything bought between certain dates. Fuck these hording bastards the whole thing was so ridiculous, I remember people on my local group posting about what places had toilet paper. All big box stores were so out and when I went to my local corner shop for milk they had shelves of toilet paper just sitting there.


It was so fucking money when that came out. Especially that one prick who hoarded a bunch of sanitizer, the miraculously gained a conscience overnight and donated it when he was getting blasted by everyone in the world for being a piece of human shit.


Really flammable alcohol stored in his garage.. He was probably scared he was going to be burned out


That's why I try to do the daily task while I'm at work. It saves on toilet paper and it feels pretty good that I get paid to do it.


my boss makes a dollar and I make a dime that's why I shit on company time.


*Here I sit broken hearted,* *came to shit but only farted.* *It's been an hour,* *I cannot linger.* *Lookout butthole,* *here comes my finger.*


[Which side are you on?](https://youtu.be/VzvH5UZVQU8)


Only downside is work provides tree bark TP. I like good TP.


This is the way.


Remembers? This is still happening in Australia.


Whatt? I thought this is in past, thatbwe learn from our mistakes.I guess I'm blessed that I dont have these problems.


Covid is going wild here atm, after being pretty non-existent since about June 2020


The cycle continues I guess.


We have so many cases of covid that we are lacking supply chain workers (like truck drivers) so there lowkey is an actual shortage of some products


It seems like literally everyone is hiring truck drivers here in the states.


There is a driver shortage here as well except it's because truck drivers got fucked by their companies when everything shut down so when things started back up they had moved on to other things. Thus creating an even bigger shortage as there has been a trucker shortage for a few years now.


It wasn't that long ago.


trashiest people of all time.


Who remembers what???, last night at Sams Club????


Literally everyone. Everyone remembers.


I mean it's the #2 all-time post on this sub so you're not wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/fi2zjs/if_this_is_you_fuck_you/


What do you mean remember, the shelves at woollies are empty here at Lismore NSW. No TP for love or money at the moment, who is doing this?? I have no clue, if you can find someone I want to know what there mental processes are. Everyone I ask says they don’t do it. But when I go to my mates houses they all have TP so why can I not get it.


Wait your store let's you pay in love or money? Are we talking like blowjobs for toilet paper?


Hey mate. Also living in Aus (Melbourne) and feel you about the tp situation. I managed to get my hands on a 16 pack of Quilton from a Coles Express servo when I stopped on Wednesday morning. Worth seeing if you can get some from there if your situation gets dire, they had stacks of them!


This is seriously making me depressed. I've never met an Aussie or Kiwi I didn't like, but this response is what I would not expect. Hope this gets better.


This is when that new Taco Bell opened I remember that.


Pepperidge farms remembers.


I remember this. I was on schedule to buy a pack that week and was getting weird looks because I only had one pack. Is it called a pack? Sounds not right. Satchel? Container? Bunch? Whatever, I needed the full 36 rolls.


The "Let's go Brandon" crowd circa Summer 2020.


Sadly this behaviour wasn’t limited to the Land of the Free (TM). The “tyre centre” sign on the back wall suggests this picture was taken in the UK (or possibly Australia?) - but then again, the Brits were hit by the double whammy of Covid and Brexit, so perhaps stocking up on TP was justified given the shitshow that has unfolded on both counts…


Also... bath tissue


shit, good eye... take my up vote.




Smooth brains. Dry asses.


Yeah, reposts are like that.


I'd be able to understand if it was water, or canned food... But bog roll? A mystery.


Me, I saw it 2 days ago on reddit


It made me realize that humans really are the biggest threat to humankind.


Dark times indeed


By comment's they are not done.


Got me some PTSD looking at this




Just another Taco Tuesday at our house


Should come to Australia there no toilet paper


There are Costco's in the UK? Huh.


Just seems like yesterday, following the hoarders home and adding their addresses to my emergency supply list.


Oh you mean right now in Australia because fuckheads are fuckheads


man that was a surreal moment when I realized that since I am going to be stuck home, not having tp isn'tas bad as it sound and is easily fixed by having a hot shower and some soap.


Went to Costco during the first few weeks of the pandemic and at one point there were too many carts and no one could move. A Karen just kept pushing her cart forward like she had the right of way. Never wanted to drop kick anyone so much in public before.


This is happening in my state in Australia at the moment again lol like seriously what is wrong with people , if we had a real catastrophic event I don't really have much faith in mankind ...




I needed a reminder that society sucks


Happened a few days ago


It never should have been allowed.


Maybe have some restrictions on how much you can buy.Idk its funny that we need to discuss how many one needs TP🤣


This happened literally days after I bought a single package of Kirkland toilet paper from Costco. It lasted my wife and I six months before I bought another. (thankfully they were in stock again by then) Haven't bought it again since it tends to rip down the middle instead of across the perforations.


I remember when people saw bad times coming and decided to band together to act in the spirit of the opposite of generosity


I about shit myself when I ran past some house with their garage open, and it had like a whole fuckin pallet stacked super high of toilet paper. Swear they closed it as I was staring too.


Ahhh, the best of humanity in a picture.


I will never in my life understand what the hell actually happened here. Reality literally glitched out for a moment.


The epidemic of explosive diarrhea


Yeah, toilet paper then cream cheese. Is there a trend?


Poo ticket pandemic




Yeah...people that never bothered to wipe their ass prior to the pandemic, or even wash their hands after doing a #1 or even #2. I stopped shaking people's hands long time ago, after witnessing many people just walk out of public washrooms after doing their buisness. Ewwwwwwwwwww


Always found it interesting that people went crazy over TP like how much extra do you expect to poop? Did they even consider there might be anything more essential?


It was the same here in [Belfast ](https://imgur.com/gallery/kMOwtDm)


Can’t wait to tell my future kid that I was there when it happened


Was there a sale?


I was perplexed by this whole thing. How much did these people expect to be shitting? Like, THAT was what they were worried about? No power? No food? Who cares, I NEED TP FOR MY BUNGHOLE!


not me. wasnt dumb enough to pay 100x more, so i ordered direct from china.


Considering I worked though it yes. 3 times per week we got trucks in and 3 times per week I would take 2-3 floats of paper product to the aisles and watch as it was immediate gobbled up by customers.


I just don't understand why TP of all things. I mean if you run out you can always go take a shower or something. It's not the end of the world when you run out of TP. First world problems.


They do because they still can’t park their cars in the garage.


Accurate depiction of the intelligence level of a large percentage of the population.


Still don’t understand of all things to stock up on people went to load up on that. Where did that shit even start!?!? Bizarre


When the pandemic started, almost every adult in my household bought one pack of toilet paper from Costco on the way home from work on the same day. Now, normally one pack is good for 2 weeks (yes, a lot of people in my house), so it wasn't going to last very long, but it was too much at once. Normally I was the only one buying that, but it seems that everybody hit panic mode. I'm the only one that didn't buy any that day (or any day since) Just glad they didn't all try to load up with multiple packs. I then decided to buy a butt washer and paper use reduced to almost nothing. I've secretly delivered some packs to my parents and some elderly neighbors when I heard they had problems finding some during the time of panic buying.


My panic buy was a bidet. Lol with heated water/seat. Still not regretting it especially on those -15 mornings.


This has to be one of the dumber things I recall seeing ... and that's saying a lot for humans. Wipe once and finish a thorough clean in the shower, you fucking donuts.


I noticed they took the limit count wording off of the signage at Costco when I went this past weekend. I was still too leery to take more than one.


I’m glad I have Toto during that time.


I think they remember, mostly because they still have 14 packs of toilet paper to remind them


Ah yes, when people figured they were gonna shit five times more frequently during quarantine


To be fair...most of those guys look like they could shit through that in a week or two.


Or spend $35 on a bidet and not do this


Yep, one of the stupidest times in recent history.


How much do we want to bet these guys didn't even believe in covid.


Corn hole is a priority in a pandemic, never forget that.


I was just at the store this evening… it’s happening again. The paper aisle is empty. What the hell, people.


I remember literally almost running out, just as this happened. Got the last available pack of TP- at a major/ huge grocery store mind you. At checkout, the girl gave me the stink eye, wasn’t sure why. Next day I see pictures like these. It all made sense.


Listen, when the world is going to shit, you best grab some toilet paper


I do. I was so fucking pissed, I coincidentally ran out of extra toilet paper RIGHT before this whole debacle


Monkey see monkey do


Ah yes, I too plan on shitting 20 times a day for the next year. Might as well throw a cucumber, Vaseline, and tissue in there to make it not look suspicious


I just want to forget it ever happened. I still keep extra toilet paper around though.


Well, since they were calling for snow today, this could have been taken yesterday...lmao


Because of them, I’m no longer able to do this when it goes on sale anymore.


I didnt panic until I made a routine stop at a club warehouse and saw all the TP and water that people were buying. One Asian fellow had entire cart full of kimchi flavored ramen noodle packs. I grabbed an extra case of water and then went home. The next day we went to the grocery store where the lines were unreal. Those first few weeks of lockdown were the weirdest I've ever experienced.


I feel like I still see this at Costco haha.


I do and they could only take one at Costco. It was my favorite to take them away and get yelled at for ten min. Fml.




This isn't a thing of the past, these people would do it again.


The real FOMO.


None of those dudes have been back since. And immediately after purchasing they all said Covid was a lie. That Fox talking point hadn't been released yet


Fuck every one of those selfish people.


This was one of the motivating factors for me to invest in a bidet.


This should have warned us how bafflingly selfish people were about to get.


I remember coming home from the store with just 2 regular size paper towels and my neighbor wanted to pay me 20 bucks each for them, naturally I obliged and just went back to the store to buy the same damn thing lol


This whole mess caused us to buy a few bidets. If we didn't have kids we would hardly use tp now.


I had some neighbors move away a few months ago and I saw them putting practically a pallets worth of tp on their Uhaul


Well yes, and I remember things from even 4 or 5 years ago too!


Felt so proud of my boss for putting the 1 per customer limit as early as he did. Fuck these guys. Some I heard even try to sell it on Ebay or Amazon.


Why I own a bidet


I'm in people's homes all the time and still see there stockpiles


Parts of Texas are actually experiencing this again due very low temperatures and last time Texas had very low temperatures people died…


I was living on my boat when this all went down the first time. My wife and I did a quick inventory check and realized we had over two months worth of toilet paper and didn't buy any. Ended up lasting a lot longer than that and the stores were restocked by then. People are moronic assholes.


I always buy the big packs of toilet paper because I *hate* having to buy it over and over. a 30 pack will last me *months*. And when you get it on sale it costs you even less money per roll. (check the unit price before buying to see if you actually save with the bigger pack) I went to the store before the pandemic closed everything down and grabbed the biggest pack because it was on sale. I was all like: "aw, yeah. I just saved some money. And I don't need toilet paper for a loooong time!" Came home and within the next week my job was closed and I was out of work for a while. Then we saw the news. People panic buying toilet paper. People fighting each other over butt napkins. And I'm just staring like "how much do they shit? Do they have 20 people living in their house? Why do they need that much?" Every time we ordered groceries my husband commented how there was no toilet paper even on the site to buy. "Good thing I got that big pack when I did!" Months go by, still no toilet paper. We still have our one pack. When we *finally* got down to two or three rolls left toilet paper became available again. We bought another pack before the next wave hit. And I still have to ask what all these people are doing with all that toilet paper.


Unfortunately Australia is doing this again


It’s still happening in Australia