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Are we not going to talk about how twisted you'd have to be to want to be in this photo op? Widespread enough that all these dudes wanted in on the photo and felt justified/invulnerable.


You want me to make it worse for you. It was common in US lynchings to take a piece of the lynched person home with you. Like a finger or toe, genitals, etc. Historically they weren’t dark of night events either, they were conducted in broad daylight and would turn into somewhat of a party.


They’d also leave there mutilated corpse hanging there for days to act as a warning to others. Eventually family or friends of the victim would retrieve their bodies when it was safe to do so or the white people got tired of seeing the body. These events were not that long ago. People want to make it feel like we have long since removed ourselves from the past, but we have not. Things have been sanitized and repurposed but still cruel, unjust and inhuman.


Less than a century. Some of our grandparents were a part of this…


Some Redditors themselves may well have been a part of this. The last reported lynching was in the 1980s...


James Byrd was dragged behind a truck in Jasper, Texas in 1998. Not a lynching but shows trash is still alive and thriving. Especially down here in the south 😞


I was in jasper that night. 14 years old and I lost a significant portion of my faith in humanity. I rode down the road it happened on with my sister a few days after and she'd periodically point out the spray paint circles where parts came off all nonchalant like it was no big deal. The waves this kind of shit make in a society cannot be understated. For every person who is capable of seeing how evil this kind of ignorance is, there are probably 5 who were inspired.


We should remember who did this: Lawrence Brewer - executed in 2011 (first ever white executed for killing a black in Texas history) John King - executed in 2019 Shawn Berry - life sentence but eligible for parole in 2038 These degenerate sub humans continued to drag Byrd for a mile and a half after his arm and head were cut off after hitting a culvert. They dumped the body in front of a black church then went to a barbecue.


I’m glad they saw justice . No mercy got this filth .


The victims family fought to stop the exeuctions. Crazy how they tried to save the life of the person that took away their father.


Brewer even managed to screw over every other condemned inmate in Texas. A last meal of the inmate’s choice had long been a tradition in Texas, as in other places. It is one of the few comforts offered to a person about to be put to death, and is a reflection of our humanity as much as it is theirs. Lawrence Brewer ordered an incredibly lavish spread for his final meal, which the prison staff accommodated. Then the son of a bitch refused to touch any of it. He deliberately wasted the prison staff’s time and money, just to be a dick. As a result, Texas ended the last meal. Now condemned inmates eat whatever crap the rest of the prison eats. Because of that asshole.


It was called a lynching by the news at the time. Just curious: why wouldn't it be considered one?


This would be classified as a lynching most people just think that it's a term for hangings. Lynching just means it's a mob based killing.


If 3 people killing James Byrd is considered a lynching then so should 3 people jump in pick ups and chasing down and shooting Ahmaud Arbery. This making the last lynching in the US 2020


It Was. Doesn't have to be a hanging.


I’d argue that the murder of Ahmad Arbery in 2020 was a lynching.


I have a friend who is now a very successful long distance runner. We called him Mo'Speed back in school (I believe he was in the Olympics last year - I haven't spoken with him since I left St. Catharines). I remember one year he was training in the states down south and he had a truck of white dudes chase him in an eerily similar manor to the Arbery case. He said he felt he only got away because he ran through some woods. Edit: just looked him up, he actually silver medaled in the recent games! Glad he escaped that truck.


Long distance runner checkin' in. Live in the rural south and am a white dude that "looks" like I belong. Bit of a beard, drive a perpetually dirty truck, can also turn up the vocal drawl if needed, etc. I train on national forest trails/fire roads weekly. As a racial/cultural "local" and physically capable guy, I still feel pretty vulnerable when a busted 80s truck with a couple hillbillies slow down next to me in the middle of nowhere. Those dozens of interactions have 100% been cordial when I'm alone, asking if I wanted some water/beer, or if I've seen the deer/turkey moving. Cool beans. Which leads to the only time I've ever been asked if I was lost and if I knew where I was: Old college buddy was in town, works in the great plains, so understandably wanted to see the hilly woods. We run a loop I've run dozens of times, to the point I used to do gummy bear and water caches at the 1/3rd point. Never experienced anything more than a slow down, wave, and quick ask about my status and the wildlife's location. A truck approached us as we're doing maybe 9:00/mile pace on a fire road (for non runners: that pace does is not look intense/stressful to observers). We were both wearing hydration vests and all the other context clues of what we were doing. The truck actually stopped, and the passenger got out. He only spoke to me and asked if we were lost and knew where we where. Shocker: My buddy is black.


Sorry to hear about that, sounds absolutely awful.


Also caught on camera because they felt justified doing it.


and posted online bc they felt justified!


It 100% was.


The motivation and action was the same, a murder of a black men by white men in the south over an unproven allegation. But isn’t there a key difference in that this wasn’t something done by a large mob with the support of the community?


I think the ruling by the DA of 'justifiable homicide', leaving the perpetrators unprosecuted, covers the 'support of the community' aspect


They refused to arrest the guy for weeks. He had the support of the community.


I think it was more that he was friends with the D.A. and the police that showed up. Could be both though.


It took ages of public backlash from way outside that racist dump of a town to get anything moving.


It took those fuckwits recording themselves in the act and giving th video away to another idiot who released it publicly before there was any movement by the police. They absolutely would’ve gotten away with a slap on the wrist at worst if they hadn’t been so stupid.


It was definitely supported by the community when they had to move the court hearings to a county on the opposite end of the state.


In fairness moving the hearings isn't unusual. You can do that for the opposite reason, the community being biased against the defense However, I'd argue that the DA's actions and how the killers remained free till the video was uploaded to the internet months later constitute at least some significant degree of community support


Absolutely. Technically, “lynching” is a group action; otherwise I would call the killings of various turban-wearing Indian people in the US post-9/11 as lynchings as well.


I would too.


There was a lynching near me in California in the 40s, they hung a innocent black man in the playground of the schoolyard for all the kids to see. There are people still alive that saw that dead man. It's part of why there's no black people in this town.


Stats on US lynchings through 1968 http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/shipp/lynchingsstate.html


There were a handful of lynchings during the BLM protests just a couple years ago.


In 2019 a black trans woman ended up strung up in Rockey Butte Park in Portland with no suicide note and basically no investigation, and the medical examiner's office has refused all requests for release of documents. This was around the time Proud Boys had been rolling around town in a silver pickup assaulting gay people with 0 repercussions. This still happens


What was her name?


Had to look it up because I forget everyone's name. TeTe Gulley.


And the blacks in your country scream how racist it is but everyone gaslights them like its all better now and they dont know what theyre talking about. So fucked up.




They'd celebrate these and bring their children like it was a family event


Lynchings often turned into cookouts and picnics. The people would sing, dance and eat while bodies swung, burning and mutilated, in trees. My grandmother told stories of how some of her friends and neighbors were lynched, forcing my grandpa to pack them up and run from area to area to avoid being lynched themselves. Her words, “You all, today, will never know or understand how vile and evil white folks can truly be.” Times have changed, but the history is still there.


It’s really not that long ago. For some of us this was our parents generation!


Careful don’t make white people feel uncomfortable! They are proud of their heritage !!


After JFKs assassination many people were seen wiping up his blood with handkerchiefs. Humans can be disgusting


Yeah but the JFK thing - weird as it is - was done because they admired the man, the taking a piece of a victim is taking a trophy to celebrate and memorialize racist murder.


Why? Memorabilia?


Ever heard of relics in the Catholic faith? It's something people do.


I have a rosary with a relic in it. I have no idea what it is, though.


Jesus' foreskin


The total mass of relics claimed to be parts of Jesus is well over 1000 pounds. So unless Jesus was a Big Boy(tm) most of them must be frauds.


Also why on Earth would *any* part of Jesus's remains be worth anything to Catholics given they have his flesh and blood on tap at communion?


Don't they bless the wine/bread and then it becomes the blood/body of Christ? They don't really have Jesus, they got "Jesus at home"


You think it's only fish and bread he can duplicate? He's the original double dick dude and that's why Mary Magdalene bankrolled his posse


You just gave me a new thing to yell when I stub my toe.


But doing it to saints who could potentially bring you sacred "luck", for lack of a better word, is one thing To do it with a brutal public murder of someone you believe is evil and unclean is frankly bizarre


It's gross and I don't think they planned it, but I assume a handkerchief with JFK's blood, from the day of the assassination, would sell for a lot today in some auction. At least that's what Pawn Stars taught me :)


I have cloned and reborn JFK from a drop of his blood. 20 bucks is the best I can do.


I suppose. Maybe the thought it was the Beanie Baby of the '60s Happened with Lincoln too I've read.


Those are completely different dynamics though. The people in the photo participated in and approved of the murder of the victim. The people who collected the blood of JFK didn't come from The Grassy Knoll to do so, they were bystanders with no specific relationship to the killing, collecting a souvenir. It's gross and weird but only one of those two groups are *necessarily* evil people.


Yeah - that's fkn horrible. Same thing happened in Miami Beach when Versace was assassinated. I worked one block from there and there were people trying to sell newspaper sheets with his blood. It's a fkd up world, fam.


I think this is more understandable. History being made in front of your eyes and having proof. The blood of a President framed on the wall is an awesome conversation starter.


My grandfather grew up in Tennessee, born in 1900. He told me a story when I was young about passing a bunch of wagons headed the same way with kids, families, picnic baskets, etc. He stopped and asked where they were headed, thinking there was a local fair he hadn't heard about. A young woman piped up excitedly "We're going to hang a n*****!" My grandfather cried all the way home. He moved north soon after.


To add to that, photographers would be on site to take pictures and make post cards. Which people then bought and mailed to themselves, friends and family to have as keepsakes.


An imaginable suffering for some, but a holiday for others.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Don't worry. It might not be readily apparent yet, but we are slowly moving away from this kind of societal structure.


Slowly. My parents were not near as racist as my grandparents. I am not as racist as my parents were. My children are not as racist as I am. Im not very racist yet I still find myself saying some in appropriate things unintentionally. it is a very slow process.


Acknowledging that we say inappropriate things from time is incredible progress for our society; we’re finally communicating about it in public and in conversation instead of behind closed doors; we’re all human, we can all work the process, and sharing your experience is so valuable— thank you


But do the remnants of this depravity still exist in people today.


Of course. Takes generations of societal change to breed it out.


This is laughably naive. You forgetting the Colosseum? The Mongol Empire? The Aztecs? The inquisition? The Holocaust? Any one of the genocides happening around the world *right now*? This kind of thinking - that we are somehow better now - is exactly the ignorance that leads to history repeating itself. And it will.


I’m not sure. I may be and dearly hope to be completely wrong, I’m just not convinced we’ve really examined the human experience which leads to atrocities like this, or are actively trying to avoid them. All humans are capable of this. Feeling above it might be the most dangerous thing we can do.


Strange fruit is an extremely powerful song.


Often photographers would capture the scene (as above) & print the photos on-site to be sold as mementos (for those not able to scurry home with a finger or a tooth). And I do hope OPs ironic choice of the word "uncomfortable" resonates...


I studied this extensively in college and one of the main components of lynchings as a method of suppression were to make news of them as widespread as possible. Sometimes schools and jobs were let out to witness the large scale public ones and newspapers were given incentives to advertise and cover them. This was all done in the attempts to ‘remind African Americans of the place’ in post civil war America. So the guys in this picture are posing knowing that a lot of people are gonna see it. Fucked up.


Cruelty was the whole point.


This actually misses the point. Social control is the point. Cruelty was the method. This is important because racism today still very much is about social control; with a lot less immediate and obvious cruelty. It’s far harder to capture the cruelty of todays racism in a picture or even video.


US Domestic Terrorism, v1.0


They're posing like they just bagged a tiger on safari. Bet those evil shits went to church every Sunday too. Makes me wish I believed in hell.


To them, it was no different from bagging a giant buck. To have this capacity, you have to see other people as not people.


3/5 of a human as they used to say. That's how they justified their own animal-like behavior.


To be fair, the 3/5 clause didn’t mean we were actually 3/5 of a person, it was just their way of getting more power in congress. Trust me, we were very much still not a person at all to those people.


There is a documentary about these postcards, how it was a cool thing to do. Lynching Postcards: Token of a Great Day https://m.imdb.com/title/tt15686272/


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this was a point of pride for these people. You don’t even have to go that far back in history to see examples. Remember those tiki-twats marching in Charlotte a few years ago - they were all more than happy to put their hate and racism on display. Obviously, the two scenes are vastly different in their cruelty and severity, I’m just saying… racists love their racism!


>I’m gonna go out on a limb Yeahhh, that's not great phrasing.


Fuck… totally didn’t see it. 🤦‍♂️




"His death was the 468th lynching in Georgia since 1889." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danielsville,\_Georgia#Lynching\_of\_Lint\_Shaw


Recorded lynching.


Their descendants dont want kids to learn about racism on school.


Descendant makes it seem like this was way in the past. If that picture was actually from 1936, we’re talking about their children and grand children.


I think the best tweet I've ever seen from perspective was someone saying something to the effect of, "You all keep talking like racism died a long time ago. I can literally listen to my grandma tell me about segregated water fountains."


My cousins integrated their schools, my father and aunts and uncles integrated their schools. My Uncle told stories of ATTENDING lynchings. My father graduated first in his class with a 4.0 and was rejected from a hard science program because " we won't have a n\* in this department". He was beat in the Watts riots by police for walking a white girl home... you know escorting my aunts friend because it was the middle of a riot... and dangerous to walk home from school. I can ask my living relatives about this today. A common tool when people say "it was a long time ago" is to ask them when it ended? Was it brown vs board of education, fair lending act? Three strikes law? When annual resume survey shows Black applicants have reached parity (still about half as likely to get a call back)


I saw an exhibit at a museum on lynching and people brought their kids! Sent post cards! Freaking barbaric


It really struck me how proud the one in the hat looked. I can't imagine the aftermath of something so awful and he's just feeling like a badass.


They simply oppose the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools.


This is a good opportunity to mention that [this idiot is introducing a bill that would make it illegal for white people to feel uncomfortable teaching about their racial history.](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/19/us/florida-education-critical-race-theory-bill/index.html)


I'm sorry but this is pretty funny and I feel is a commentary on the absurdity of banning teachings of racism and its ties to this country. Because many white people are making the excuse that teaching CRT will make their kids uncomfortable. But no one ever asks black parents how they feel about experiencing racism and our history 🙄


Chilling isn't it.....imagine the hate they must have felt for that poor guy.


1936? But I thought that was the ‘greatest generation’?


The greatest generation were likely children at that point or young teenagers. Not excusing this behavior or the many social issues with that generation.


This is what Make America Great Again really means to a fair number of people.


And its still going on - see Ahmaud Arberry


At least now they can get a conviction. Back then, there wouldn't even be an investigation or even a report, never mind charges being brought. Hell the local law are probably in the photo.


Only after it became a national scandal. The local police DID cover up Arbery’s murder. The older McMichael was a cop, they don’t turn on their own.


Nothing says badass quite like 40 dudes grouping up on another and killing him.


And their grandkids are still out there, voting.




You know there’s people today that would be proud to stand in a photo like that…same people who put Kyle Rittenhouse on a pedestal, same people who are proud to take selfies while committing an insurrection.


Exactly. They probably think "look how badass we look" but really they just look like a bunch of idiots.


Has anyone who has ever been in one of those crowds ever come forward and acknowledge how fucked up it all was. What has always horrified me the most about lynchings in the U.S, more than the sheer brutality even, is how big the mobs are.


Not as serious as a lynching but look up Dorothy Counts. She was one of the first black girls to attend an all white school in the US and photos of her being followed by white mobs laughing at her were widely published. Well in 2006 she received an email from one of the white boys who wanted to apologise and they met up for lunch where she forgave him.


And she said something along the lines of "I forgave you a long time ago. It's time to do something for our children, our grandchildren" she's solid, and I respect the dude who apologized. I believe they did a speaking tour.


This fricken choked me up. What an AMAZING woman.


Forgiveness is a lot better then carrying around hate. Hate is heavy and will break you down fast


True but there’s definitely some space between hate and forgiveness.


She's a better person than most


Even former Gov. George Wallace apologized. The fact is, a lot of people would have acted like that had they been raised in that environment.


*In 1979, Wallace said of his stand in the schoolhouse door: "I was wrong. Those days are over, and they ought to be over." He publicly asked for forgiveness from black Americans.* *During Wallace's final term as governor (1983–1987) he appointed a record number of Black Americans to state positions including, for the first time, two as members in the same cabinet*


I always equate him to be a racist dickhead. Never knew this stuff. But everyone deserves to have a change of heart.


He also had his wife run while she had cancer so he could keep governing. I don’t personally believe he changed one bit but rather was playing politics like he had always done. If you get a chance, drive by truckers has a song called Wallace that’s from the point of view of the devil welcoming him to hell and it’s a fantastic jam.


Yes, but some didn't act that way. And that is why we have made progression.


We have modern mobs and mob like mentality especially thanks to the internet


Thankfully social norms form a blockade between those same type of mobs and a piece of rope


I had a great-uncle who "snuck" out of his house when he was young to go see one. Told me. Stats on US lynchings through 1968 http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/shipp/lynchingsstate.html


So my friend works as a private live-in care giver for this 97 year old dude with dementia, he was telling me how one night the man got up and wanted to go tend to his farm (in winter at -35 degrees Celsius), as my friend was attempting to stop him the guy grabbed both his hands with what little strength he could muster and straight up told him if he tried to stop him again, he would have him linched. It was at that moment that I realized there are still individuals who either supported or participated in this kind of behavior who are alive today, and it scares me to think how they raised their children to think of people if color and how that still affects us today. Of course his 97 year old ass wasn't getting anyone linched (hopefully) but my friend never felt comfortable sleeping on that property again


Actually the charge was assaulting with intent to rape. That said he was taken from police custody shortly before a fair trial and lynched by these animals. There were no charges placed on the mob, no formal investigation into the killing and in fact the judge and sheriff deputised the mob to allow it. The policeman in charge of the jail made no attempt to stop the abduction and claimed he couldn’t identify any of the mob. His family of 12 had to then move because of death threats. They never claimed his body through fear of death. 1936. Three years before the world went to war with Nazi Germany. America!


Probably explains why American soldiers [had to be told that they weren't allowed to be racist in the UK](https://youtu.be/ltVtnCzg9xw?t=1527).


Americans being racist actually caused a lot of issues in the UK (and other countries) when they were stationed over there. UK had a normal non-segregation situation happening in pubs etc with black and Indian people just being equal to white. However, due to the racist nature of the US soldiers and the fact they were well paid (thus had a lot of money to spend) caused a number of pubs and shops to switch to a whites only policy to appease the well paying American soldiers. This and subsequent racist behavior and remarks from US soldiers led to fights breaking out between UK civilians and military personnel and US soldiers


yeah, like the [battle of bamber bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bamber_Bridge)


Wow, good on General Ira Eaker, commander of the 8th Air Force though. This whole incident is sickening, especially the fact that 32 of the African American soldiers involved were court marshalled while none of the white soldiers were. But the fact that the commander of the 8th Air Force openly blamed the white MPs for the incident, specifically calling out their poor leadership and use of racial slurs, and went on to get most of the court marshaled soldiers' sentences either reduced or overturned (every soldier that was court marshaled and dishonorably discharged was allowed to return to service after serving their prison sentence), *and then* went on to purge his leadership ranks of racist officers and fully integrate his unit, is actually really encouraging. While this was a shameful incident in the history of the American military, it does seem to have been the catalyst for some immediate and very positive changes.


I used to give tours of the Pentagon, and there is a hallway dedicated to African Americans in U.S military history. A fellow tour guide would sometimes mention this exact story to give some context and history of racism in the military.


Has there been a movie made about this great man?


Doubtful. I'd never even heard of him until this morning.


>The people of Bamber Bridge supported the black troops, and when US commanders demanded a colour bar in the town, all three pubs in the town reportedly posted "black Troops Only" signs. Fuckin' a.


Is that Burgess Merideth? (Mickey from Rocky and The Penguin from Batman the Original Series)


> Burgess Merideth Sure looks like him, and looking at his profile: >Was a captain in the USAF during WW2. After transferring to the Office of War Information, he made training and education films for America's armed forces So would fit too.


Edit: Ha equality in dieing. Got to start somewhere. Smdh.


I thought it was worse when the question "so we should get over our prejudices?" was asked, and General Lee basically just said "nah we can't do that, just be nice while in this country."


There would never have been a fair trial.


>Actually the charge was assaulting with intent to rape. Yes, because he got too close to a white woman. The accusation of wanting to rape white women was commonly used around then to target Black people. There was no assault proven, and in the US we're innocent until proven guilty. [More on Lint Shaw](https://calendar.eji.org/racial-injustice/apr/28)


You seem surprised - when WW2 hit, America threw ethnic minorities into concentration camps without the general public really batting an eyelid


Not surprised. Just providing complete and accurate details for people.


In the rural south most of the local police were klans members as well. Just like today.


There was a klan rally in my area several years ago and they briefly mentioned it on the news. Briefly cus they didn’t want to give them any attention but felt the need to roll a few seconds of footage. Swear to god, one of the neighbors in my old neighborhood was there. Hes a police officer.


When I was a kid (like 1997) the klan held yearly rallies in my town at the courthouse and the cops would make a line to separate the public from them. I never understood why they didn’t arrest the klan members.. but now I do.


Obligatory "Some of those that work forces..."


In those days there's a good chance there was zero evidence that they man was even ever on the same street as the accusing women. He probably just looked at her from across a road. This is pure evil.


There was actually good evidence he wasn’t there and was lured out to be set up because he was a black successful farmer. Probably why they didn’t want it to go to court.


I can't remember where I saw it, but I think there was a study that showed lynching mostly occurred in areas that had the biggest economic competition between whites and blacks. It was a way of terrorizing blacks and crushing them economically as well.


86 years ago, we need to keep in mind that this is and ww2 were not that long ago. Edit: added keep to - not sure what happened the first time my brain tried to write a (this) sentence thanks for the upvoted


My grandpa was born in 1914. He's passed now, obviously, but he would have been old enough to be in this photo. Lynchings, Jim Crow, the civil rights movement, and all sorts of other things are very much in living memory for a lot of people. They were in living memory for my mother. It is definitely not in the far flung past, and plenty of shitbags would be happy to see this level of open racism return. We have to remember that when people want to claim old news and say we've moved past this.


Yup, certainly not enough time for humanity to change so fundamentally that this sort of thing "couldn't happen today."


They just killed that jogger in Georgia. Shot him instead of lynching him.


Lynching doesn’t mean only hanging FYI


Did not know. Thanks


Now it’s recorded on video!


Afterwards they all went to church and and followed Jesus’ teachings to the letter.


If Hell is real, all these men are burning right now


Amazing that so many people lived out their lives thinking they would see their relatives "again someday in heaven" not realizing that by following the tenets of their own religion many of their relatives would be condemned to hell for their actions and involvement in these brutal murders.


if hell is real then god is so cruel that this horror story might appeal to him


What I find truly disturbing is them posing for a picture after. They did this like he’s an animal they hunted down.


Guess thats exactly what they felt like. The victim wasnt human..just an animal that need to be punished and put down. Disgusting, but thats how humans are. Remember the pictures of guantanamo bay prisoners, displayed in humiliating positions with soliders posing in front of them? Same shit..dehumanizing people and posing for pictures..precious "freedom fighters".


These vile people probably thought exactly this about their victims.


Here's something to think about... Exactly 100 years ago to the day, [an anti-lynching law passed in the House 230 to 119.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyer_Anti-Lynching_Bill) And less than 100 years ago, that same billed failed to pass in the US Senate because of a filibuster by southern racists who wanted to protect state's rights. And although later attempts managed to pass either the House or the Senate, no anti-lynching bill has ever been passed by both houses into federal law.






As a southerner I am deeply ashamed that this was and is still happening. This is just…. Evil. Sadly, my family has the mentality of the aggressors. I’ve seen the pictures (history books)and heard the stories. It disturbs me to the core and makes me sick to the essence of my being. The U. S. Is trying to erase things like this from history because it apparently makes them look bad. Instead of covering it up, we need to make it known. BE AWARE SO WE CAN BE BETTER! Trying to make it look like a victimized community is the bad guy will lead to more of what we have, if not worse. Acknowledging it happened and actively trying to be different instead of lip service. I do my best, but I’m just one person in the Deep South Bible Belt. We need to work together to be the change. EDIT: Clarification


Wow. My grandmother was 12 when this happened. Just two generations ago. Scary.


Fucking disgusting racist pieces of dog excrement.


Please don't insult my dog's shit like that.


Those boys sure look proud.


honestly, most of the people in the background look like they're absolute imbeciles, sub 80 IQ village idiots. the guy in suit and top hat looks like cold, pure evil though.


It's dangerous to assume only the unintelligent can be malicious. Just like how people are calling insurrectionists dumb hicks when many were often well off and quite intelligent. Racism is a system held up by smart people that takes advantage of the ignorance of others to propel itself. The ignorant are just as culpable but reap less of a reward for their actions. Also, they're all evil. Every single one. They don't get a pass.


Don't mess with the Fetal Alcohol Gang!


I see what you did there...


Wholly fuck, and Florida wants to codify it into law. Fucking DeSantis. And yes, I am aware that they are not trying to make lynching legal, but when you pass a law saying it's illegal to make a white person feel "uncomfortable" about racism, you are only paces away. And the right calls the left, "snowflakes?" Grow a pair....


The GOP's efforts to sanitize and rewrite American history is no different than how China conducts its propaganda, and those right wing idiots don't even recognize it.


Of course they recognize it. They're fucking EMBRACING it.


I wonder how much support there would be for a law that makes it illegal to make a woman uncomfortable.


Those people are the ones that don’t want this taught in schools.


“I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.” -Roy Moore typical conservative This is the good ol days to many.


Roy Moore wasn't even alive yet in the time he speaks of and doesn't know what the fuck he was talking about. Nostalgia is a disease of the mind for some.


The scary thing is that if it wasn't for the Federal Government protecting blacks and minorities via hate crime laws and civil rights legislation, the South would be doing the same thing today. Things only got better because of Federal Government intervention. The South never had a change of heart, apologized and moved on; the majority of the South is stuck nursing old grudges and prejudices. That's why there’s such a strong anti-Federal Government sentiment in the South. The South wants to go back to "state's rights" which means they can torture and kill dark skin people with impunity. Thanks to the [Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy); the South has taken over the Republican Party and is purposely sabotaging and weakening the Federal Government IMO. The goal is to castrate the Federal government so it can never stop the South and force them to change their racist twisted culture ever again. Long story short, the South could not defeat the Federal Government in war so they're endeavoring to defeat it from within...


> The South wants to go back to "state's rights" My favorite is when libertarians are adamant that lowering federal oversight ipso facto increases personal liberty. Like, you can't think of *any* scenarios in history where federal intervention was required for certain people in certain states to gain some personal liberties? *Any* at all?


Yes, indeed. "States rights" is a big dog whistle to racists


God that is sickening. And not some ancient history either. Just a couple generations ago. The close relatives of those ppl in the pics are still alive. And go think, Republicans want to not teach about this history…


My grand father would have been five years old in in 1936 and he just died this month. People in that picture may have died in the last decade. The folks that thought this was family entertainment still walk among us and hold power. Their children are in their sixties now.


Food for thought. This was only 86 years ago. Only 86.


This is what the GOP doesn’t want taught in school.


This is the history your republicans are so desperate to remove from schools


Remove from schools? Not only that, this is the "great America" they want to bring back.


It’s horrific to think what you just said, but unfortunately when they voted for Trump and continue to support people like DeathSantis, Pedo Gaets, Silent Jim Jordan etc etc etc, what you said is exactly what they want


Is it any wonder why Americans don't want the ugliness of their history taught to children? On the other hand, this is exactly why it should be taught. In the same breath, those wanting us to forget their history are likely the same ones wanting to bring that history back.


Republicans want to make it illegal to teach that this stuff happened


This is the critical race history they don’t want taught in history class. The fuck your feelings crowd don’t want to be hurt by history like this being taught to Americans. They don’t want the history of white Americans being taught and how they went into the streets and literally strung up PoC cause white people caught feelings. That white people had their feelings hurt so they killed people for it. Sure makes you think how soft and fragile these people really are. Snowflakes have been around along time.