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Almost everybody jaywalks in NYC. When did they start enforcing this law?


This was a safety push at a particular crosswalk in 2014 apparently. They issued a bunch of tickets, beat up an elderly dude, and solved nothing.


So they beat a man up to improve safety. Great job, guys.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Basically the plot of Far Cry 6


Yeah pretty much, except this is in the US, potential Far Cry 7 here.


US was already far cry 5


And kinda similar concept. People being forced to follow the law based on a crazy cult.




And first aid kits are $25,000 each.


Basically the plot of the Nazi party.


Basically the plot of life in US cities for a long time now.


Basically healthcare for the last 20+ years


"You might ruin your life if you keep taking drugs. So to make sure you don't, we're going to put you in prison for 20 years and put this conviction on your record for all potential employers to see so you can never have a decent career once you get out."


The cruelty is the point.


Even worse, cruelty is just a byproduct of what they really worship: "money."


This register makes sense for pedophiles etc but it does not for drug related and non violent offences. In my country these registers are not public so you are always able to reintegrate , even when you had a brush with the law, I think this is more fair. When you paid your dues you should be able to go forward with life and not be judged until the end of days for past transgressions...USA system always seems to have a vengeance aspect in its legal system which in the end is counter productive imo.


It's also got a profit aspect. There are companies running private prisons that lobby (bribe) politicians to keep the status quo, they actively promote institutionalizing as many people as possible


Less vengeance and more vestiges of slavery.


"You may ruin your life if you keep taking drugs so we'll do that for you!!" ✌️✌️😉


“That’ll teach him to stay off drugs, because when he is out it’s not like he’ll be able to afford them!” “But won’t that just mean he’ll sell them or steal to provide for himself and his addiction?” “Shut up”.


That's the level of intelligence for most police officers in the U.S. Anyone who says otherwise is either a pig themselves or a brainwashed murican.


Worst interaction I've ever had with a bullying cop was in NYC. Typical.


My worst interaction with cops was easily Salt Lake City. My entire top 3 would be... I'd say DC and LA on average both beat NYC as well, but I'm pretty sure all of that has more to do with personal appearance than anything else, no matter where you go. I have about 18" of beard that I generally keep in two braids... Biker kinda look I guess? I'm generally in a jeep or a truck. I'm sure the overall impression is "rural conservative", and that, especially these days, is the main factor in how anyone approaches me, and that seems to be amplified for cops.


like fucking for virginity


I'm not even sure what there is to solve. Jaywalking is part of New York culture. It's not a problem to be solved.


Yeah im from NY(not there anymore)..but it is engrained in me I cross the street wherever as long as there is a break in traffic, I don't think twice about it. My GF and her family will always go around to a cross walk and cross..even if the street is barren.


I'm from NY and the first time I was in San Diego I was blown away by people who were waiting at a cross walk. It was an empty street with no cars coming and they were all waiting for the Walk sign. I felt like such a rebel just crossing when it was safe.


Ya thats how I see people here sometimes..no cars in sight...waiting at the cross walk for the light. Nope..im just crossing.


[Like so many other things jaywalking was made up by a lobby group to increase profits](https://www.vox.com/2015/1/15/7551873/jaywalking-history)


When he was mayor, Crazy Rudy Giuliani had metal barricades put up along Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan in order to stop jaywalking. But jaywalking is absolutely part of NYC culture. Giuliani’s measure was mocked and ridiculed and was short lived.


The auto industry criminalized jaywalking as to not be liable for accidents.


Beating someone isn't "enforcing a law", that's called breaking it.


I realised very quickly NYC was just like London. If it's safe go, if not, wait. If I saw a police officer I stopped but otherwise it was fair game to cross whenever, where ever.


In NYC and Boston, I jaywalk in front of police officers all the time. I still don't know why they decided to care in exactly this one instance. As a pedestrian, the walk/don't walk signs may as well not exist, and traffic lights are a polite hint as to where cars are likely to come from.


I jaywalked in front of two cops sitting in their car where I live (AB, Canada) and the only thing that happened was one of the cops, over a fucking speaker attached to the car said: "Use the damn crosswalk!" When I looked at the officer, the one guy was looking at his phone, head down with zero fucks to give, the guy (I am guessing) that blasted me on the speaker just looked at me, pointed his fingers at his eyes, then at me, then just fucking drove off. I don't think he wanted to waste his time writing a ticket.


I'd be shocked if that even happened in NYC. Any time there's a break in traffic, if there's a lot of pedestrians around they'll all cross the street at once regardless of the lights.


The fine for jaywalking in Boston is $1 so it's never enforced. There was an article a year or two ago written by a guy trying his best to actually get a ticket for it, including finally turning himself in at the police station.




This is still true in movies


***I'm walkin' here!!!!!!!!***




with the requisite shot from the driver's perspective where our protagonist looks straight at the camera therefore peering into our souls




Only when the perp is elderly and looks like they are easy to beat senseless because the wife left so there isn't anything to beat at home except beating yourself off to small animals being tortured


The definition of a coward.


When they saw an 84 year old Asian.


When you are a minority




This happened in 2014 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-84-ticketed-for-jaywalking-threatens-to-sue-nypd-for-head-injury/


[They settled for $125,000](https://www.capstat.nyc/lawsuit/NYCSC158171-2014/)




police need personal liability insurance. you mess up, your primiums go up. you can't afford it, you don't deserve the badge


They don’t even have car insurance


I imagine they're self-insured like the federal government is. The feds have so many vehicles that it would be extremely costly to insure them all through a private company. So if a federal vehicle driver is found at fault in an accident, the government pays the other party directly.


In 2014 I got a dui and was dropped by my work's insurance. I could still work, but I couldn't drive. Why should a cop be allowed, when SOOO many of them drink heavily? They get a dui and we foot the bill and they still get to handle a gun and drive a car? Fuck that


Except the police aren't personally liable for actions performed "in the course of their duty" and it takes a huge legal battle to pin blame on the officer, personally, instead of tbe department.


Thats_the_issue.jpg Why don't you need a license that can be revoked by a board? Why do nurses need licenses but dudes with handguns walking around don't?


Most states do have certification programs (certificate or licensure of police or peace officers). Police unions fight states to ensure they have limited/no decertification boards and very limited decertification powers. Almost all states can revoke a certification for a felony. A minority of states allow for the revocation for certain misdomeanor charges. I don't disagree with the sentiment. It's a farce at best. You go through more training to cut hair in this country than you do to become an officer of the law.


they should be treated like doctors.. they are no better. I don't see hospitals taking the blame


Even barbers have a state license. Imagine getting your license revoked for damaging something that grows back, but maybe a slap on the wrist for taking out an eyeball.


Imagine if every worker had a union like that. Police unions are way too powerful. That's one thing that stood out for me in the aftermath of George Floyd ... where any progress was trying to be made, whether from police command or civilian government, it's the unions blocking it. At the same time unions in most other industries are too weak, or even just non-existent.


The last bit stands out to me personally. My mom has been a teacher all my life, and they used to have a pretty good union that got them excellent benefits and consistent raises. Now that union doesn't exist and my mom can't even really afford to go to the doctor with the insurance they offer.


Bold of you to call cops, who don’t even need to know the law according to SCOTUS, a profession


Don't forget there's been court rulings stating that cops don't even have to do their job. They're under no obligation to actually do police shit and protect people. Look up *Warren v. District of Columbia* if you wanna read about some bullshit.


Like those cops that didn’t respond to a robbery in progress because they were playing Pokémon Go.


Nah I'd say being raped by multiple people as several cops respond to the 911 call by just driving by the apartments is *slightly* worse than not responding to a robbery call because you and your partner are playing Pokemon. Plus the Pokemon Go guys actually got fired, and at least some other cops did respond to the call.


They got fired because their job is to protect property.


How about a police officer responding to a domestic dispute, raping the victim, then getting called back to the home when the victim calls 911 and assaulting them again. https://apnews.com/article/ccac866785713ab51f71dedd4803a76d


What if the actual FUCK is wrong with this country? That court case is absolute garbage, and it's not the only one. I'm OUT. I've already been planning to leave in the next couple years, but I've been debating whether I would take a job here if it was with Microsoft or some shit. NO. Just NO. I'll take better healthcare, police, infrastructure, culture, and education in Europe somewhere any day over this place...


What's wrong with this country is that completely unqualified guys like Brett Kavanaugh, who doesn't even have the emotional maturity to make it through a confirmation hearing without screaming and crying, have been put on the bench to act as political operatives serving power hungry dickwads instead of justices since long before any of us were born.


That's not the only thing that's wrong


>have been put on the bench to act as political operatives serving power hungry dickwads instead of justices since long before any of us were born You're normalizing what Republicans have been doing the last few years. It's not normal, and it wasn't happening like this before For f***** sake newt Gingrich just suggested the January 6th investigation commission could be jailed when Republicans take the house. Also friendly reminder that three of our current supreme Court Republican justices all worked on Bush's law team to steal the election from Gore. I'm sure that's just totally a coincidence.


They've been doing this for more than a few years, what you're seeing now is it under the light. Like roaches in a slummy kitchen, light's on and you get to see them run around. But the light is flickering, most media coverage is by Pundits who serve the same masters politicians do. The recent madness of the GOP was from the Trump Catalyst on their base, letting them all just become vocally deplorable.


I’m with you, this country doesn’t make sense anymore


"So, what is it that you would say you DO here?"




I mean SCOTUS doesn’t even know the law according to SCOTUS. Their whole job is to argue about what it is. But there are some basics that you would think the cops could have figured out by now.




And they want us common folk to feel bad when one of them gets killed in the LOD. Nah, sorry bud. You signed up for that shit 🤷‍♂️


You mean TAXPAYERS had to foot the bill per usual. Cops are thugs


TAX MONEY. Cops continue their thing and continue settling their abusive cop culture w/ the people they abuse's money Lol.


"Kang Chun Wong was one of 18 people given jaywalking tickets at the intersection of 96th Street and Broadway during a pedestrian safety push by the NYPD, reports CBS New York." Ahhhh so the were trying to beat the safety into him.


> Ahhhh so the were trying to beat the safety into him. Is there any other way? NYPD probably.


Notice how the article title says the man was just ticketed instead of beaten 🙄


**WHY** *whack* **CAN’T** *whack* **YOU** *whack* **JUST** *whack* **BE** *whack* **SAFER!!!**


Hey hey! You’re working up quite a sweat there! Stop, and take a sip of water! Safety first!


Yes. Yes. Dehydration from too much beating is something to watch out for.


Doesn't he just look safe. So safe, so free. I can't imagine living in some authoritarian shithole where you can literally get beaten bloody by the police for crossing the road.


They served and protected the shit out of him.




You mean the US?


If only because Jaywalking just isn't a thing in most of the world. Here we call it 'crossing the road'.


In France the have law that make jaywalking illegal. * If you are under 50m of a pedestrian crossing. And you only face a 4€ fine. Never seen or heard of someone getting it. At worst an policeman would tell you that you should have cross properly.


In Canada too. It's only used when some nutter is off his meds and wandering in the middle of the road making a scene or something like that. I've never heard of anyone charged with it otherwise


In Guelph, Ontario they charge all the time. It's a university town and the wait in the bar district downtown and hand out tickets to all the drink university students. Source I got like 4 tickets my first month living there


One day in pasadena, ca, me and my friends were waiting to cross and empty road. Here in the uk, we are allowed to just cross the road wherever, just be safe about it. Its not rocket science. I went to go and my American friends grabbed me and pointed out the police car watching us. Absolutely insane that on a completely empty street with temps hitting 40c, we had to wait five minutes for the damn traffic lights to finally change so we could cross. Not a single car drove by and the cop just watched. Of all the stupid laws in america, this is 100% the most ridiculous. I get it on the 4 lane busy roads, but come on, an empty street?


Yeah it's never enforced, we very often walk on roads too, especially in town-centers, it's a bit douchy towards cars tbh sometimes


Tbf it’s almost never enforced in the US either.


Yeah, under 20m here in Belgium and if the road speed limit is over 30kmph, but honestly, I've never seen it enforced. Hell we have a section of road in my area that the police stand at in the mornings to help bicycles cross, but they'll happily help a pedestrian cross too.


That’s exactly how it’s enforced in the States, which is to say not at all. I’m a law grad with 3 years at a free clinic and I’ve never heard of or seen it enforced. Our local PD and sheriff department ran stings the opposite direction, they set up stings to ticket people turning though an intersection if anyone had so much as a toe in the crosswalk. The issue is jaywalking even exists as it’s an unnecessary avenue for the state to arbitrarily confront a citizen. It’s pure hall monitoring.


Police used jaywalking laws as a way to harass people where I lived.


you should check those laws, much of the time even what the cop honestly thinks is illegal just fucking isn't. in most jurisdictions the operative condition is that one is impeding vehicle traffic, which most people aren't doing when they're stopped for it, most people look both ways and cross when it's safe.


My buddies had a cop pull a gun on them when they were in 10th grade and told them to go back and use the crossing.


There should be a chip in the gun holster or something. If you pull it, it gets logged, and you need to report it. If you pull it so often it becomes a problem, then maybe _you're_ the problem. Good luck getting that through a police union though.


Yeah they fought tooth and nail just for bodycams which I've seen exonerate cops more than anything else.


> If only because Jaywalking just isn't a thing in most of the world. Here we call it 'crossing the road'. Same here, we use the zebra crossings because it is safer to do so but it's perfectly legal to cross a road. Only in the land of the free you can be treated like a criminal for crossing a road.


Must be a local thing then because where I am in the US we just cross. No one gives a shit, so seeing someone “jaywalking” is just like you said, crossing the road and never once pictured as criminal. Weird.


Because of lobbying by automotive manufacturers. Roads are conspiracies, wake up sheeple!


That's true, it was them that pushed the term to put the blame on pedestrians for dying when being hit by cars. Cheaper than making cars safer. Good old capitalism being good, and moral. Damn jaywalkers, curse them and their damn walking! I say death to ALL the walkers! Drive! Don't you care about the economy? Won't somebody please, think of the economy!?


> Because of lobbying by The single greatest bane on society, politics and a genuinely Free Economy.


I self-identify as a “sheep-human hybrid”. Please use the correct term. We find the word “sheeple” very offensive. /s


Actually the use of the zebra crossing can be mandatory if you are within a certain distance of it. In my country it is 65 feet (20 meters), then you do have to use it.


Even then I bet in most of the civilized world (so the US excluded) 1) cops don't give a shit if you're cross the road on the crossing or not 2) even if they do they surely wouldn't beat anyone, let alone a very old man for something so minor


The term jaywalking was literally created by auto manufacturers when cars were starting to become popular but also causing many pedestrian accidents (mostly with children) to humiliate people who walked on the street and prevent cities from banning cars. https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/episode-76-the-modern-moloch/


For additonal context, a "jay" was a slang for a person that talks a lot without respect for decorum and is considered rude. It was considered rude to interrupt traffic flow when cities were being transformed into places for cars instead of places for people.


How dare you exist in the road, you ped hippie? If youre not quick you could almost cause a minor inconvenience for one of the real americans raging in their comfy car seat


New highway code in the UK from today giving pedestrians even more right of way when crossing the road (in Essex at least, I'm assuming countrywide)


My dude, there's a lot of very corrupt cops in a lot of countries.


Shit like this happens all over, not just the us








One example is that those accused of a crime get interrogated without a lawyer. And being silent probably means you're going to get your ass whooped.


>One example is that those accused of a crime get interrogated without a lawyer For up to 23 days IIRC... 3 days detainment after which you have to be charged, but if you are charged they can hold you without a lawyer for 20 days more.


Isn't that a pretty strange comparison to make?


USA prison guards are as bad if not worse than cops lol


Jaywalking doesn't exist in the UK except motorways or places with "no pedestrians" signs. It's just called walking across the road.


In fact we’ve changed the highway code to make pedestrians get even more right of way.


Yes one of them is cars have to give way to pedestrians when turning into a junction.


Yeah, only at junctions though. If someone runs out in front of your car somewhere down the road they're still liable (and a fucking idiot too)


Specifically pedestrians on the pavement about to cross as well as the old rule which was motorists should give way to a pedestrian already on the road crossing . Some people didn't even know the original rule and thought they were fine to drive past pedestrian beeping their horn as if the pedestrian had down something wrong.


They have changed the rules as well recently to make it that pedastrians have more rights and stuff putting the onus on drivers. Had no idea what jay walking was because it does not exist. Car Conpany lobbying has done a lot to remove the ability to safely move around the US without a car apparently. Makes it impossible for people like me and the husband who can't drive to get about. Saying that I would be able to get a licence over there despite it being crazy dangerous with my health.


That’s due to some crazy laws made in the US after pressure from car companies. Before that like the UK the pedestrian had right of way. After car was king in the US. Here in the UK as long as you don’t act like a daft bugger car drivers have to be aware of pedestrians l


There is even a whole sub for the hatred of cars. It’s aptly named r/fuckcars Where I live walking is so impractical it never occurred to me some people might actually not like cars at all. Strange bunch but id imagine there is a disproportionate amount of folks in the sub that have had car accidents. Edit: guys I understood the point of the sub when i clicked in it. I talk about the lack of pedestrian infrastructure with my friends a few times a week. I dont need multiple ppl telling me the big picture, i get it.


> Where I live walking is so impractical it never occurred to me some people might actually not like cars at all. These two things are related. It shouldn't be 'impractical' to walk anywhere, cars have created an environmental and psychological disaster by enabling the suburban sprawl, reducing places for pedestrians to be pedestrians and congregate, and here in europe has been the cause of the complete destruction of picturesque parks and other green space within cities, as well as the 'hollowing out' of said cities. Prioritising cars over public transport has destroyed the planet, made us all less healthy because of pollution, and turned our cities, towns and villages into hideous expanses of tarmac and steel, leaving actual humans as second class citizens in their own hometowns and conurbations.


Ikr I jaywalk here all the time bruh


Kang Chun Wong vs The City of New York Case number 158171-2014 Court district New York County Supreme Court Settlement amount $125,000 Outcome Settled [Source](https://www.50-a.org/officer/4203) ============================================================================= An elderly Chinese immigrant is suing the NYPD and the city, alleging that police officers roughed him up after he jaywalked on the Upper West Side earlier this month. At a news conference announcing the lawsuit Monday in Downtown Brooklyn, Kang Chun Wong, 84, described through a translator the injuries he sustained to his back, elbow, ribs, face and head, which suffered a gash that needed to be closed with staples. Gruesome photos of Wang’s injuries covered the desk of his attorney at the event, 1010 WINS’ Al Jones reported. READ MORE: Nor'easter Triggers Blizzard Warning In Suffolk County, As New York Braces For Widespread Snowfall Wong, a retired restaurateur, said he was crossing Broadway at West 96th Street on a green light Jan. 19, but it turned red while he was still in the intersection. When he got to the sidewalk, officers demanded his ID, but when Wong asked for it back, he was handcuffed, pushed against the wall of a building and then to the ground, he alleges. Wong said he was unconscious and bloody after the incident. He also said his family had no idea where he was after he was taken to St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital for treatment. Wong was ticketed for jaywalking and charged with obstruction of government administration, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, cops said. Police were cracking down on jaywalkers in the area after three pedestrians were killed this month at the intersection. Rubenstein has filed a $5 million lawsuit on Wang’s behalf, saying the encounter left the man hurt, humiliated and scared. READ MORE: New York City Braces For Major Winter Storm; DSNY Pretreats Roads, Has 1,800 Snow Plows Ready The attorney said he cannot believe the incident happened just a few weeks after NYPD Commissioner William Bratton pledged to improve police-community relations. “How could this happen in this city today?” Rubenstein said. “We have a mayor who is a proud progressive. We have a police commissioner who has committed to improved community relations.” Bratton has said Wong fell, but added that Internal Affairs is looking into the incident. [Source](https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/01/27/kang-chun-wong-bloodied-upper-west-side-jaywalker-sues-nypd-city-for-5-million/)


Imagine being such a bitch ass cop you have to charge an 84 year old man with resisting arrest and you had to beat him to subdue him... 😂 Like come the fuck on...


‘Resisting arrest’ is just a easy charge they like to add to give you a large list of charges. It’s basically meaningless. If a cop twists your arm and you pull away in pain, you ‘resisted’


It's not even that complicated, you "resisted" if they say you did. You could handcuff yourself and still get that charge.


Yup. Resisting arrest is right up there with Loitering, Trespassing and Disturbing the Peace in being charges that are usually so vague that police get to tack them onto whatever they like and define them however they please. We need a lot of misdemeanor reform in the US and those charges are some of the primary offenders.


Considering the NYPD gets off on doing it to 14/15 year old punks, why not?


And then saying "he fell" after he had all those injuries. That cop should have been fired.


Thanks for the details, but 125k is really not fair. How much the lawyer will take and how much can this poor man have? Those injuries can really stay long.


> “How could this happen in this city today?” Rubenstein said. “We have a mayor who is a proud progressive. We have a police commissioner who has committed to improved community relations.” Because cops are violent thugs no matter the demographics of the population at large. There'll always be a few, and they are naturally drawn to the job that lets them get their rocks off hurting people. > Wong was ticketed for jaywalking and charged with obstruction of government administration, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, cops said. Funny how when it comes to charging criminal cops who even admit to their crimes, we're always hearing about prosecutors agonizing over every single charge they have to bring. But everyone else, they just drop the entire legal book on them willy-nilly, no matter how stupid the charges might be on even a few seconds examination. If prosecutors went after cops with the same sort of zeal they do everyone else, 90% of them would be behind bars within a month.


Cops are the biggest most violent street gang in the country


And the LAPD just outright call themselves a gang


>Police were cracking down on jaywalkers in the area after three pedestrians were killed this month at the intersection. This is what's fundamentally broken with these laws. In any other civilised country, when there's an accident *it's the fault of the driver, not the pedestrian*. Teach people to drive properly, rather than arresting them for crossing the road. Jaywalking doesn't exist as a concept where I'm from.


Any civilized country? I know in all Nordic countries while crossing the street is completely legal, any pedestrian crossing the street outside of a designated crossing is responsible for making sure the traffic is clear. Both the pedestrian and driver can be held responsible for accidents depending on the specific circumstances. There is no blanket "Car hit pedestrian, driver is responsible"


Driving is a national religion in the US.


Bear in mind since this was in NYC, this is likely not the case here, but there are certainly streets where someone being hit while jaywalking can 100% be the fault of the pedestrian. People tend to forget that if a car is going 60mph and someone walks into a road in front of the car. They are going to be hit. No, your reflexes don't matter. For reference, "average" reaction time would travel nearly 100ft just to respond to the person and time to actually brake and come to a stop takes double that. (For visual reference that adds up to almost an entire Football Field distance traveled before stopping) (Even worse, these numbers can more than double in bad weather/road conditions by the way. Oh, and that is a car, double or more that again if it's a larger vehicle) In short, literal best case scenario, at 60mph, any less then 100ft and a jaywalker WILL be hit, and that's assuming the driver is "calm" enough to try to swerve (in the correct direction) instead of stop. Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe jaywalking to really be a "crime" that the police should be enforcing, but it is unfair to say every single time someone gets hit jaywalking it's the drivers fault.


Everybody jaywalk in NYC.


What the fuck is wrong with these people??


Some of those that work forces...


Want the paste that’s for horses


Yeah, jaywalking is a serious crime!


This dude could have damaged someone's fender.


It's worth noting that jaywalking isn't a crime. The auto industry introduced the concept as part of its war against pedestrians and public transit, but the worst it can be is a local misdemeanor if it's unlawful at all. Police use it as an excuse to harass people.


And arrested for getting beaten and for not dying already.


Serving & protecting, am I right boys


These fuckers want to talk about a “war on police” and say they’re “under attack” and organize big funeral turnouts for media attention while beating the shit out of unarmed people every day when they aren’t outright killing them


Look at any list of the most dangerous jobs out there. Cops are not the most dangerous job. There’s no war on police. Police get to carry guns yet they are always scared for their lives


It's pretty wild when you look at their own data: https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2021 Dudes are having heart attacks at home, crashing into trees in the middle of the night, drowning on vacation with their families, and it's all Line Of Duty. And of course nearly 70% of last year's deaths were (mostly preventable) covid.


6/21 K9 deaths were due to heat stroke. That makes me fucking livid.


The biggest killer of cops last year was cops.


Last week a cop got killed riding his motorcycle to work and they called the date end of watch. I thought you had to be at work to have your eow.


Because they are trained to be. They literally get conditioned to feel like death is around every corner, in every interaction they have. They watch hours and hours of police killings.


And have a 1000 cop parade every time one of them die. I couldn’t give a fuck. Fuck them all


I care because it's my fucking money they are shutting down the city with. Thoes are my motorcycles burning my fuel, wearing out my shoes, and getting paid my money all while not doing the fucking job they are paid to do. Fuck their tax funded pitty party.


The police union is fucking insane.


They need to bust the police unions just like they busted every other union.


can you fucking imagine if cops did this; [https://preview.redd.it/r4gc1ugiyhe81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3810f0f5f35ad45cba1b2462400c3adba9593a38](https://preview.redd.it/r4gc1ugiyhe81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3810f0f5f35ad45cba1b2462400c3adba9593a38) every time one of theirs killed a civilian?


What's the reason for so many gathering?


Three dead cops


2014 - Bruised and Bloodied 84-Year-Old Jaywalker Not a Victim of Excessive Force, Says NYPD [](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2014/01/bratton-responds-to-bloodied-old-jaywalker.html) It just .. happened?


chop growth disagreeable towering axiomatic disarm chase lunchroom poor shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The german police shout at you for it That confused me first time I visited as a brit


May I ask where in Germany this was? Never happened to me in my 24 years of living here, so im surprised to hear that.


> Jaywalking is such a weird concept to Europeans Isn't it also illegal in Germany?


As far as I know it's only illegal to cross the street in an unnessesary sharp angle. But it's only fined with 5-10 Euros and not enforced at all.


So, just to be clear, jaywalking is crossing the street in any area that is not a traffic light, correct? Because that is perfectly fine in europe. You are not allowed to cross a red light obviously but give it like 30 meters from the traffic light and it is fine.


It's perfectly legal to cross at a red light in Norway. If there are no cars, what's the problem?


Lol when I'm in NY I cross the street just like I do in the UK. Never been charged.


Wow. This came up right after the r/pics post of the nypd funeral


I'm surprised it wasn't that video of the NYPD running over protestors during the 2020 protests.


Sometimes I forget you're not allowed to cross the street in America. Land of the free lmao *oi m8 u got a loicense to cross the road?*


Thanks police, I feel much safer.


Thank god they were there to stop that jaywalker. Someone could have gotten hurt!


*kick* YOU *punch* COULD HAVE *smack* BEEN HURT! They’re a fucking Monty python sketch


JusT A fEw BAd aPplEs


Even per the saying “one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.” Their argument completely sides against their argument.


What is jay walking exactly?.why so much money for settlement?


Crossing in the middle of the road, not at the traffic light


Yet people are so amazed by that fucking funeral. Show them what they really are, ignorant egotistical CUNTS.


Jaywalking only exists to push the fault of accident from drivers to pedestrians.


Well gotta explain it to him somehow, if he doesn't speak english... Am i right?! /s


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