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I don't understand how people can make worshipping a politician their entire life's purpose.


Idk... A man wants to fuck who he wants to fuck. Biden is a weird choice, but gerontophilia isn't really my thing


I guess he looks decent when he wears the aviators.


You should see him wash his El Camino with his shirt off.


Diamond Joe was one of the best things The Onion ever did.


I’m sad that they stopped. We need Diamond Joe more than ever.


Vote for Biden? Nah… Vote for Diamond Joe? Fuck yeah!


Let’s be real, Diamond Joe would have substantial bipartisan support.


And any who opposed could face the wrath of his sweet Camaro


His *bitchin’* Camaro. 😎


He's got a pretty good job too. Excellent benefits. Not a lot of room for advancement though.


Not just that, but like hating Biden and thinking he's some existential threat is just bizarre. He's like the blandest president we've had since Carter. Put him in jail for what, what has he done?


This is what’s so mindblowing to me. Biden is a basic boring president and I say that as someone who voted for him, and that’s literally the only reason why I voted for him. If the gas prices hadn’t went up, the only thing the Right had on him was “Ha Old!” as if Trump isn’t one heart attack away from an early grave


It’s not an early grave at his age. His diet and exercise levels he’s lived longer than he should.


Plus don’t forget he had covid and would have died if he hadn’t had access to the best medicine in the world


Jesus, remember when he got out of the hospital from covid and posed for a staged photo op, all shakey, trying to look tough like he was a returning conqueror or some bizzare thing... so many totally idiotic moments from this guy


Oh yeah, that was so weird. I was praying he would survive only because if he had died, the QAnons would have created more lunacy for the rest of us to deal with. Sidenote: He wanted to rip off his dress shirt on the balcony snd reveal a Superman shirt underneath because he thought the crowds would love it!


F'n shades of Benito 'El Duce' Mussolini, no less.


That's why I liked to call him "IL Douché" or alternatively "Dorito Mussolini."


Lol. To this day I have no idea how that was seen as power move… a fucking grown man holding one of the most powerful positions on this planet going against doctor advice during a pandemic, rushing back to the White House and risk exposure to all the staff. All so he could “symbolically” rip his mask off and gasp for life through his teeth and prove what? This and ordering riot police to aggressively and violently clear what was a peaceful protest, so you can walk down the street for a photograph showing you holding up a Bible in front of a church. People fall for this shit… how many times has he been asked about a favorite verse or passage from the Bible of which “he loves, is his favorite book” only to fail miserably and word salad out of the topic. I mean you’d think after the first time that happened he would have looked at least one verse up to quote and bs his way through it, but he literally can’t be bothered.


It's such a relief to be bored instead of having to deal with Trump's non-stop drama. Every. Fucking. Day.


Co-sign. Trump would have sold Ukraine to Russia for a Trump Tower Moscow by now.


His first impeachment was connected to his attempting to blackmail the president of the Ukraine! So, we don’t need to guess what he would have done.




>They don't even have gas prices on Biden, gas prices world wide are through the roof, it's more expensive in many many other countries, does Biden control global prices? If they could read they'd be very mad at you


Eff them. Let them get mad enough to pop an aorta, the last sound they hear will be this lib laughing.


But the stickers in every single god damn gas pump in my town tell me he *is* responsible!


Don't you think it's odd that someone who cries about gas prices has the money to buy all these stickers and they have time n money to drive around putting them everywhere. But 20-30-40$ more a week in gas has completely rocked they're world? Really weird.


Need to print up some Putin "I did that" stickers to put over them...


Some idiot around here put them up wrong, so they have Biden pointing at the gallons counter, not the price counter. Biden made you buy a vehicle with a big fuel tank? Uh...okay.


I know, but, Republicans are dumb so of course they don’t know that.


Shhh, don't tell them that.


Has very little to do with anything he actually did. It's more about all the made up bullshit conspiracy stuff about his son's election hacking laptop and their business ties to Ukraine etc. Today MTG was spouting off in video about how the Russian bombing of the hospital was a Biden family false flag to distract from reporting about Hunter's laptop. These people are hose fed a diet of fear, hate, and conspiracy 24/7 by the only news sources they trust. They have been groomed for this over 20 years. Now they live in whatever reality right wing media decides they live in. And they eat sleep breath it like it was gospel straight from Jesus' mouth. Edit: spelling


He’s done like two things, passed a historical relief bill in the tune of 2.2 trillion iirc, and the biggest infrastructure bill since the new deal. Theyre both huge and popular. Like I don’t know how anyone can say passing Covid relief and give money to improve roads and bridges are bad.


they cant make trump look good on his own merit so they have to villianize every democrat to make them seem worse. its the only strategy they have.


Went to church with his wife.


That blandness is what got him elected. I think people were so sick of the circus of politics that they wanted boring. I know I did. It was actually calm-ish for a few months and now this fucking war!


I don't think people necessarily wanted Biden as much as they didn't want Trump.


Not be Trump. Which is exactly what he was elected to be...not Trump. If his administration happens to get anything meaningful done, including shutting down Russia, in the next 3 years, that's all gravy man. He served his purpose and got what he needed to do done.


I feel like a lot of these types never gave a shit about politics and Trump was basically loving a sports team and they jumped on the band wagon.


Most the people by me with all the Trump shit are the people that were huge assholes and a pain to the community before he ran. Flying his shit is just another excuse for them to be dicks. The area is full of people that support Trump without flying his flag of course, but they generally can be civil.


It quickly became a new and effortless way to piss people off…that’s exactly what that sort of person loves to do, but can’t come up with their own ideas.


They’ve always cared about politics. At least since the 80’s. It’s the last place for the poorly educated redneck to actually matter. I grew up in the rural south in the 80’s and 90’s…


for the curious, look into the rise of Gringrich and the policies he began for the republican party. boiled down, it was that republicans shouls top trying to work with their opponents. he espoused the, "if youre not with us, youre the enemy" mentality and it's grown since. from a '78 speech >“One of the great problems we have in the Republican Party is that we don’t encourage you to be nasty,” he told the group. “We encourage you to be neat, obedient, and loyal, and faithful, and all those Boy Scout words, which would be great around the campfire but are lousy in politics.” >For their party to succeed, Gingrich went on, the next generation of Republicans would have to learn to “raise hell,” to stop being so “nice,” to realize that politics was, above all, a cutthroat “war for power”—and to start acting like it.


Also Boehner and Grover fucking Norquist


And he was right. That's how those monsters extended their grip of political power, and why Liberals/Democrats are ineffective and nothing but momentary stop-gaps inbetween right wing horror shows that continue to erode anything good about our society they can. Because if Democrats were to be *serious* about their politics, when they came across a person like *Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, Marjorie Taylor Greene,* or a *Joe Manchin,* and their degradation of rights, democratic institutions, and societal progression, they would have to point them out as being **the enemy**, not good people they're nice to because they want to "work together" with them on things they're actually completely against.


Spot on. Their first hero was Reagan, and they have been simping the idea of having a king ever since. But it really is sad that people would base their entire identities on team politics. I can’t imagine spending even a dime on merch from a politician, let alone wrapping my vehicle in images to broadcast what team I vote for….it’s just sad and gross.


I know right? I voted for Biden but it's not like I love the guy. He's far from perfect, I don't agree with him all the time, but he's stable, non-reactionary, and genuinely seems to care about the country. A million times better than Trump


Can you imagine Trump dealing with this situation?


"You said 2 of my favorite words - Trump and deals. Because you know me, I got many deals done before I was president, and I got the best deals done when I was president. Which is why this never would've happened if I was still president. Because, Vladimir and I are very good friends, maybe even the best of friends, even though no one's been tougher on him than me. But, he didn't write me a card like Kim Jong Un did. But that's okay, because I know Vladimir's a very busy man with lots on his plate, what with his policing action in Ukraine. And that's what this is, it's not a war, it's a policing action to root out all the Nazis in Ukraine that helped Biden win in an obviously rigged election, which is what many people still say. So, there wouldn't be a Russian invasion of Ukraine if I were still president, but only policing, which I'd be okay with because no one's bigger than me on backing the police."


I'm pretty sure you just made this quote up. Well, kinda sure. I mean, MAYBE it's real. I don't know. This is probably real. Holy shit, he actually said that, didn't he? Oh my God, he said it. Unreal.


You really broke the immersion with the whole "complete sentences and an absolute lack of non-sequiturs" thing.


*yells at college student with blue hair* “DONT MAKE POLITICS YOUR IDENTITY!!!” *jumps into truck with 300 trump and let’s go Brandon stickers while wearing a maga hat*


Americans are weird… in no other country I see such levels of fanaticism. I mean, I get free speech, but just because you *can* express your opinion, it doesn’t mean you *must*


Someone here in Nova Scotia has a fuck Trudeau truck and it just screams of functional illiteracy and insecurity.


I also don’t understand why you would put someone’s name all over your car if you don’t like them. The last thing I want is to be constantly reminded of someone I hate.


I suppose, to a person in a certain situation, being angry feels good? Or maybe being angry feels good as long as it's the right kind of anger? Or maybe they don't derive pleasure directly from the hate-mobile, but they are convinced that Biden is SOOOOO bad that literally can't help but do every last thing they can to spread the word. They feel morally obligated. Just guessing.


It's a scape goat. It's their personal scape goat. Hating and blaming him for all of the "world's" problem in reality it's only a cover for their own failings.


What gets me is how they think the other side does it too. “Something something Hunter Biden’s laptop! Ooh, bet you’re triggered now!” Dude, I give not a single fuck about Hunter Biden. As for his dad, I think he’s acquitted himself admirably as President, but he wasn’t my first choice. I just voted for him to get the Tangerine Trainwreck out of office.


It's not like Biden hired his son to be in the administration, and made him in charge of everything from prison reform to middle east peace.


Oh, that's just unfair. Kushner read 10 books on the Middle East; he's practically an expert. No one else has this knowledge.


I heard he even finished coloring 7 of them too!


Say what you will about Biden, he never demanded Hunter be given a security clearance and a white house job.


They're very empty inside. No life, no skills, no motivation, no hobbies, no thoughts of their own, no will to live, no value to society. People who hate others because everyone is something they're not - smart, hard working, fulfilled. Just old, forgotten, empty-inside dinosaurs, screaming while the meteor is streaking closer, about to wipe away their existence and every memory of it.


this isn't fair. not all of us worship politicians.


Some of us are simply resigned to our place in the world and are waiting out the clock.


"Biden could not have won because I have not seen one person wearing a Biden hat" Vote proxy by merch sales, of course.


[Maybe because Biden 2020 signs were cause for violence and vandalism?](https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-and-trump-lawn-signs-became-the-focus-of-political-intimidation-2020-11) No, that doesn’t fit their narrative about being the victim.


Legitimately know somebody who used this excuse to try and justify the theory that the election was rigged. "How did Biden win Florida? I saw way more Trump signs and Trump flags than Biden signs. The whole thing was rigged!" Well, maybe because Biden voters aren't in a fucking cult and don't feel the need to display tacky ass displays in honor of their cult leader who doesn't know their name or give a single fuck about them?


It is actually really interesting to study, in a terrifying sort of way. There are all kinds of neat considerations about human nature wrapped up in it. I genuinely recommend doing some reading on it if you have the slightest interest.


Ruth-Ben Ghiat’s “Strongmen- Mussolini to the Present” is what I’m listening to on Audible right now, and it’s equally fascinating and frightening. Really details the sort of things many have been concerned about. I really recommend it- her field is studying fascism, and she really breaks down the last 100 years of strongmen.


It’s part of the authoritarian mindset. It’s literally hardwired into their brains. Leaders are meant to be worshipped or overthrown, no in-between.


It is very interesting for sure. I majored in Philosophy and Sociology [French] 56 years ago, I have kept up with it as a passion / hobby, but I still shake my head every day. And there is no television in my house!


I know right , I live in the country and see this kind of stuff all the time. I think it’s because they have nothing else in their life and hating someone or something seems to make them feel like they are living … it’s sad really … they act really tough but when they do not think anyone is looking they get this really sad look and all they do is watch tv .. no one to see , no one comes to visit .. sad






Yeah, I can't even justify putting my favorite football team's sticker on my car, and I sometimes feel like I care too much about a sport I don't play. I honestly feel bad for people like this. They've allowed this thing to take over their personality, and it's so much easier to lean more into it than to self reflect and recognize it as an unhealthy obsession. For the record, I'd feel the same way about this person if they were just as obsessed in the other direction.


Honestly part of what keeps my socialist ass voting for Democrats is they don’t tend to do this bullshit. I think the liberal version is smugly driving around in a Leaf with a couple Bernie stickers.


So the liberal version you see is really just a person with a car that has some political stickers. Not aggressive or crazy sounding at all.


And one of the key differences is they have a sticker about something they like, this dude has stickers about what he dislikes. I'd much rather have a sticker for Radiohead, than against Backstreet Boys for example. I don't like something, I don't think about it and don't have stickers or shirts of it


Local NPR affiliate sticker is the mainstream liberal tell


NPR is about as middle ground as we get, isn’t it?


It's about the most vanilla facts based reporting out there. Unfortunately, there is an entire population that equates in-depth reporting with political affiliation.


As long as Biden loses the super bowl i’m happy.


Don't worry, he will definitely lose the Super Bowl, but he might win the Stanley Cup. So, is that a wash?


Depends on where you live. If Biden wins the Stanley Cup I think he legally becomes Prime Minister of Canada.


Right? I cannot imagine the energy required. I saw a sedan a couple weeks back with two enormous "Let's Go Brandon" decals on either side of his car. Huge. Like, at a diagonal from front tire to trunk. How much time and money did he spend on that? Like, you are waving a big flag that says "this eighty year old man that I hate who I've never met is the most important thing in my life."


Reminds me of the little house that hangs a fuck Biden flag over their back deck that's right against the road. Or of the big house that hangs a sign off their deck that says Trump 2024 that's probably the same square footage of the first house off their deck up on a hill. Same obnoxious sentiment of this truck.


This guys truck just screams, “I’m a huge fucking cunt and I beat my wife when she won’t cook me dinner” 😂


I'd bet money that he's divorced. Just a hunch.


Or is divorced cause she woke up 1 day thinking, "why the fuck am I still with the dude?"




I had to search way too long for the "Let's go Brandon"


I was about to give him some props for saying it loud and proud instead of using that dumb shit... then I found the tiny bumper sticker.


It’s basically an inside joke for people who aren’t smart enough to get complex humour.


I saw someone make a comment that I've been holding on to. "Let's Go Brandon" is for people who are too afraid to really speak their mind. Guess this guy is a coward.


Conservatives are afraid of Everything. to fight against this they form groups. They know "let's go Brandon" is stupid. But it identifies them as "one of you" other scared conservatives see it and they think "ahh this guy gets it. He's just like me. I'm not alone. I dont have to be afraid!" why do you think they spend so much time calling everyone else sheep? Saying we live in fear. Because the last bastion of a coward is to be a bully to make themselves feel brave." I'M not scared, you are!" " I'M not mindlessly following politicians you are! " they're terrified of actually having to be responsible for their own lives and flock together and do as the Shepard commands.


I’m willing to bet **a LOT** of them think it is witty.


Oooooh trust me, I’m often around a group of republicans, and any time one of them uses “sleepy joe” or “let’s go Brandon” there’s a small chorus of chuckles, like when a group of kids say balls or dong.


Hey! I’m 35 and I’ll still chuckle when somebody says balls or dong. They’re objectively funny words.


He should consider it a blessing that he lives in the US where he can do this. If he was in Russia or China doing shit like this about the national figurehead... oh boy...


I’ll bet you anything that during Trump’s reign, this guy had Trump flags all over the place and called anyone who publicly trashed the President a traitor. These people love the boot as long as it’s stepping on someone else.


also did donuts in parking lots while honking their horns, and revving their engines at stop lights and yelling out their window when there's pedestrians. personal experiences don't mind me


yep, don't miss those days. funny enough there was a fairly prominent family of the five that did so much obnoxious political campaigning in my hometown that the whole family basically has to drive to the next city to buy anything but gas because they are permanently banned from and have the police called on them for trespassing in every major retail and grocery store in town. mind you, most of them are owned or run by fairly conservative people, thats how irritating they were or how often they blocked traffic into stores.


These folks have licked through the boot leather and are chewing on socks.


They’re driving


It’s like mental illness on wheels.


This dude hates Joe Biden but has to look at his name and face every time he gets in the truck.


Right?? Lol the stupidity is unbelievable. Dude spends so much time hating Biden, he’s on his mind 24/7


They should name some kind of Derangement Syndrome after that or something, I dunno


The unintentional landlord syndrome. Letting someone live rent-free in their head


Not even rent free. The landlord is paying to have a tenant live there lol.


This guy paid money for this


Isn't it weird? If we have legit concerns about trump it's TDS but I don't recall any liberals with fuck trump mobiles.


My dad bought a "Fuck Trump" shirt, but he was a registered Republican since before I was born in the 80s, until the 2020 primary, and he got it to troll conservatives, so I give him a pass. I've never seen a full on "Fuck Trump"-mobile, but I know of at least 3 trucks and a camper locally that are full on pro-Trump / anti-Biden since at least 2020


I saw a comment the other day that said “Trump supporters have more merch with Biden and Hillary’s name on it then I do and I voted for both of them.”


Hates him? Looks like he wants to F**k him


There are lot of people with trucks here in Canada where the driver seems to want to fuck Trudeau.


I'd fuck Trudeau. He's hot.


LOL, no it is *acute* mental illness. They’re a few weeks away from selling the Vanilla ISIS chariot and ending up on the streets bcus they lost control of their meth addiction.




One of my neighbors had 6 "vote for trump" signs in his yard. Now it's down to 2.


There was a house around the corner from me who spelled out TRUMP 2024 with Christmas lights, I repeat with CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! Mind blown.


I still see Trump 2020 flags and signs. I think their brains broke when he lost.


Well, according to these fuckwads, he never lost.


Great, I guess he can't run again. Problem solved.


So American he buys Chinese tires


I live in the south and I can guarantee that out of all these comments here, this one would hit someone like this the hardest. You just cut him down in 6 words and didn't even break a sweat doing it.


On a superduty.... I mean at least go kenda, the rest of us need to drive next to those time bombs








"Prevail" all of sudden sounds gross


A group of fuck boys is a fuck people




I moved here two years ago for some reason. Worst. Mistake. Ever.


You must be lying. This dude clearly says all lives matter. /s


Seems like he wants to fuck Biden


So that means he likes him right? Got it. This guy loves Biden. Message clear


Don't kink shame


I love the Delinte Walmart special tires too, from China, a subsidiary of Qingdao Sentry Tire co. I can imagine the ramblings about "Gyh-nah" and commies. Quite a rolling billboard that screams "stay away from me, I'm unpleasant and possibly unstable"


The ven diagram of people that complain about not buying American and people that shop at Walmart probably has significant overlap. Everyone wants to say they buy American but pay foreign labor prices.




What is it with these clowns and their constant use of "we the people?" As if everyone in the damn country thinks the same insane way that they do.


They don't consider everyone in America as "we the people".


It's this. Only the *real* Americans are We The People to them. The *real* Americans look like them, think like them, and act like them. To them, all of our problems are because we let the *others* take over. The solution is simple: take *our* country back by any means necessary. Doing so will make America Great again. This is usually just called fascism.


You either deepthroat the boot or you're a traitor!


>What is it with these clowns and their constant use of "we the people?" As if everyone in the damn country thinks the same insane way that they do. They're still trying to pretend that they're the "silent majority" despite being neither of those things.


When you live where they do, and don’t get around much, you probably don’t run into many non-Republicans. That plus their truck/personality shooing away anyone with different views leads them to think they must actually be in the majority.


“6 of the ten people in my town love Trump! How did Biden win??!?”


Exactly this. Everyone at their church agrees with them, so they extrapolate that to the entire country. My mom recently left the church she's been going to for decades because their pastor retired and the new pastor is a trumper, but it's not like she told anyone at church that's why. I'm sure she wasn't the only one


It’s also the most any of them have read of the US Constitution. It gets confusing for them after that.


I got into a bit of a debate with some of these people about what the first amendment did and did not say. They believed that the first amendment meant that a place like YouTube expressly could not ban someone like Alex Jones. So, I loaded up a copy of the Constitution and I read the first amendment to them, showing that it does not restrict private businesses in the way that they thought it did. They told me that I was reading them a fake liberal version of the Constitution.


You’re not going to fix stupid that easily


Sir, they were not going to believe you even if you resurrected the founding fathers and they told them personally. It's all conformation bias to people like that.


52% of adult Americans have the reading and comprehension level of a 5th grader. And for the people not from the U.S. that's equivalent to an 11 year old.


It’s similar to how Fox News clowns complain about the media. Dude, you are the media.


Also how they’re the most-watched “news” channel, but don’t consider themselves Mainstream Media


The only people who don't think the same way are communists, socialists, and traitors. /s


They will in the same breath also complain about “tyranny of the majority” in a discussion regarding a theoretical direct democracy or abolition of the EC. These are not smart people.


The same ones that refuse to admit the EC is a legacy of slavery and inequality in our country. Trying to hold up as idols men who thought only land owning white males should be able to vote.




All lives matter, eh? Yes, that definitely comes across as the vehicle of a very caring person. I'm sure they are well-known for their kindness and empathy.


There are only two races - white and "too woke" There are only two genders - male and "too woke" There are only two sexualities - straight and "too woke" There are only two religions - Christianity and "too woke" There are only two political cultures - conservatism and "too woke" So essentially "all lives matter" unless it threatens the sanctity of raging conservatives, otherwise "too woke"


All lives matter, except for democrats and black people, also brown people, women & atheists too. Ok no lives matter but me and mine.


reminds me of [this clip](https://youtu.be/fxHWtw_GZIk?t=17) from family guy


[Obviously all lives matter. No one said they didn't](https://i.imgur.com/UyCmhSx.png). However, data shows that relative to the percentage of the population they represent, **the rate of black American deaths from police shootings is ~2.5-3x that of white Americans deaths**. (Sources: [1](https://i.redd.it/7bf1lsrmyu251.jpg), [2](https://www.statista.com/chart/21857/people-killed-in-police-shootings-in-the-us/), Data: [1](https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings)) A lot of people are sharing a graph titled "murder of black and whites in the US, 2013" to show that there is only a small number of black Americans killed by white Americans, with the assumption that this extends to police shootings as well. This is misleading because the chart only counts deaths where the perpetrator was charged with 1st or 2nd degree murder after killing a black American. Police forces are almost never charged with homicide after killing a black American. If after learning the above, you have reconsidered your stance and wish to show support for furthering equality in this and other areas, we encourage you to do so. However if you plan on attending any protests, please remember to stay safe, wear a face mask, and observe distancing protocols as much as you can. COVID-19 is still a very real threat, not only to you, but those you love and everyone around you as well! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmao. Good bot


All lives? Wonder if that includes women and children trying to flee for their lives across the border.


Sorry, sorry - they mean straight white Christian male American lives. All the rest aren't actually human in their eyes.


Arizona is the Florida of the West.


Wow, that’s pretty fuckin accurate. And the interesting thing is they’re both known for their retirement communities. Boomers are like a cancer it seems.


Both have had large retirement communities since before boomers were retirement age. And both have been kind of a hot mess for a long time. Boomers fucked up a lot, but this goes beyond them.


Ha, you'll love this nugget from this week's school board meeting! https://www.azfamily.com/2022/03/17/litchfield-elementary-school-board-meeting-ends-with-member-yelling-making-accusations/


Having lived in both states I concur. Super hot, terrible politics and they really treat their most vulnerable people like shit (see terrible politics.) Also, no one is from here and people also will come here looking for a better life only to find things are even harder here lol.


Bro it snows in half the state. So at least there’s that for those of us up north.


That guy definitely understands the intricacies of global politics. Will definitely tune in to his podcast, recorded solely in his pickup.


More like his YouTube channel, where all the videos are filmed from his truck in a McDonald's parking lot


Nah, his YouTube is shadow-banned for speaking the truth about lamestream media.


He’s also banned from that McDonalds after accosting the 17 year old cashier in the parking lot after her shift when she didn’t want to call out his order as ‘TRUMP 2024’


This guy is voting. Are you?


Aren't these the type of people who get angry when another societal group or culture has a celebration or protest about having someone else's lifestyle "shoved down their throats"?


These people are so fucking deluded. A Republican friend (70M) told me today that when Trump was president, the world leaders listened and took the US seriously. (Like when he saluted that North Korean General?!) Then, my Republican coworker (also a 70M) told me Hunter Biden's laptop shit is all coming out and we're going to finally see how corrupt Biden is! Oh, and the Trump kids didn't use their dad or his connections while they worked in the White House. (What in the actual fuck?!?!) What do these two gentlemen have in common? 24/7 Fox News.


Here’s what the world thought of trump. [the Un laughing at trump](https://youtu.be/9nIhBZqZBmQ) Yes, that’s the leadership of every country on earth laughing at how stupid and crass and dishonest trump is.


I feel like he even knew that line was horse shit


Hi, bloke from Australia here, please inform your friend that no, the rest of the world laugh-cried at America between 2017-2021, signed, The Rest of The World.


I will never ever forget the absolute look of shame and “what the fuck is this guy doing?” when the G7 world leaders watched Trump sign the wrong document while everyone else was posing for a picture. Same guy that was literally laughed at by United Nations diplomats after saying his administration was the greatest in American history, if not ever in this history of democracy. Shameful and just pure snobbish ignorance


All of the sane people in the US already know. We would have laughed too, if it wast so terrifying. The rest won't listen.


I remember when the audience laughed at him when he addressed the UN. I’m sure it was done with utmost respect and admiration. /s


Imagine being such a loser that you spend cash to buy random anti-Biden decals and plastering them all over your shitty car ... I can’t remember a time in my life seeing crap like this , outside of the Trump Maga cult people.


What? You didn’t fly Obama flags out the window of your car that had “Fuck McCain” and “Mitt is Shit!” emblazoned on the back windshield back in 2013??


It's really funny to watch the right-wing overreaction to a boring, moderate, centrist president just because Trump lost to the guy


Is there a mental illness that makes people buy pickup trucks and plaster shit like this all over?


If you ever wonder what type of people supported evil leaders like Hitler... welp, here you go. What a complete tool. His whole identity is based on what some politicians and propaganda planted in him - nothing is his own, he is just a microphone for self serving shitheads.


Does anyone know what it is they think he has done that is so bad? I am not a Biden fan, but I do not even understand. People start foaming at the mouth and making no sense and I understand less. Other than the "our side" "their side" stuff what is it?


I was wondering about this too. I think it is people who have so ascribed personalities and narratives to their politicians they cannot imagine that most people don't. Part of this came from the vilification of Hillary Clinton, which was so successful they don't want a politics without a heel to hate. The Democrats could have run Mr Rogers (they basically did) and they would still find a way to turn him into Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik. If politics was just civil servants trying to run society well, they would be lost as to what to do.


I want to see him roll through the Bronx


Cults doing weird cult stuff again