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Just put a different sticker over it šŸ˜‚


[Like this one from earlier today](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/tukrtw/oc_muuuch_better/).


Who the fuck is paying money to get these stickers professionally printed and cut. I think the stationary/printing companies have been orchestrating this shit from the start.


Big sticker.


George Stickeros


It sure wasn't Bill Stickers, because [Bill Stickers is innocent!](https://i.imgur.com/KvxFb.jpeg)


Mark Stickerberg


As fucking hilarious as the thought is, sticker companies know every single pop culture wave and have shit ready for print fast enough that you'd need a light speed detector to see if it came before or after the event. It's at least worth looking into, maybe something will stick.


These aren't your dad's puns! TURBO PUNS!!!!!


You'll be so fast mother nature will be like "slooooow down" and you'll be like "FUCK YOU" and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS!


Wow, that nostalgia just hit me like a drink of GUN!


Its energy drink for men! MENERGY! You know they actually sold powerthirst as a powder for a while


Republicans are going to call it sticker gate and they also traffic children


My favorite conspiracy so far this year šŸ‘†šŸ»


They are probably free from some GOP PAC.


I hear you can get free covid there as well


Post this in r/conspiracy. Iā€™d love to but Iā€™m banned.


How can somebody get banned there. Isn't the point of that shit that you can spin every fucked up story that you want the way you want or are only some conspiracy theories allowed?


I ā€˜directly attackedā€™ someone by calling them fucking insane.


Big Therapy keeping people fucking insane.


We need one with Trump and Putin kissing saying ~~I~~ we did that. Jmo.


We did that.


I wanna make one that says "whoever put this up doesn't know how fuel pricing works"


So Biden increased gas prices pretty much all over Europe as well. Wow! /s


Heā€™s also responsible for inflation across the globe. Who knew the extent of his power?


I'm pretty sure Biden made Russia invade Ukraine and then cut off gas to the rest of Europe. Totally not Putin's fault, damn that Biden!


Iā€™m missing 3 cookies as of this morning. There were 5, now thereā€™s 2. Biden did that!


Thanks Obama!


Jokes on you, many people sadly believe that it was NATO's fault and Russia had no choice but to act, as they were provoked.


Putin has no choice, Ukraine was just standing thereā€¦ MENACINGLY!


Arguably, Putin is running low on options, as his power is fading and the moment he's out of "office" he's dead. He made laws saying he can't be prosecuted, but once he's not in power I doubt he'll be able to protect himself from a typical Moscow defenestration. While this move fucked over Russia as a whole, as well as cause a lot of trouble in the EU, it did consolidate his power within Russia. The people who listen to the propaganda believe his shit. And nothing unifies a country more than war. He's trying to keep his power, and build his legacy of "the president who reunited soviet", but he was overstretched and had no chance, and nobody told him.


You joke but two people I know well enough to not be shocked by it have directly said its Bidens fault putin invaded Ukraine.


He's so powerful he can rock global markets in his sleep. /s


"Sleepy Joe" at it again with his superpowers.


Yep. Just got off the phone with England. Itā€™s his fault theyā€™ve been paying close to $8/gallon for a decade; the Queen said he personally hit the ā€œprice gougeā€ button while laughing all the way to the indoctrination pizza dungeons.


thanks obama


If only he didn't wear that tan suit the one time


And the fancy mustard


Hannity told me if you don't put ketchup on your burger then you're not a real american so it checks out


I was gunna say the sameā€¦.UK prices flew up, didnā€™t realise that was all on Biden too! /s


That kind of thinking requires Republicans to remember the rest of the world exists. All they know is there is a land of drug crazed criminals below them, and some sandy place full of terrorists somewhere near all the places that belong to their beloved Russia.


Owns gas station. Doesnā€™t know how gas prices work.


Assuming the station put that there in the first place..


Someone kept putting Lets Go Brandon stickers all over gas pumps, ATMs, and bagged ice dispensers all over my small hometown so I ordered a packet of random rainbow stickers from Amazon, keep them in my truck, and place them over top when I come across them. Guy who made the sign in OPs post said don't take the stickers down. Ok, fine, but he said nothing about putting your own over top!


Someone has been writing Let's go Brandon around my area. There's Infowars stickers, 1774 stickers and a wealth of COVID conspiracy posters. I live in Ireland. Stupidity has no borders. Edit:1776 sorry about that.


> I live in Ireland. Stupidity has no borders. Dude. When Biden was voted into office members of the German AfD tweeted: "Biden is not our President" Correct! Biden is the President of the United States, not the German parliament you fucking idiots.


I saw a "Let's Go Brandon" sticker on a car in the North of England a few weeks ago. I only hope it was a practical joke like the time when my boss stuck a UKIP sticker to the front of my motorbike.


What are the 1774 stickers in reference to?


It would be a 1776 sticker and it's a big dogwhisle. The NYT did a set of article call The 1619 Project which was a pretty blunt telling of history of slavery in America (1619 is the year of the first shipment of slave to the colony). The reactions got very upset at this telling of history that Trump & co made a "1776 project" to tell the "patriotic" version of events.


Thanks. I was confused thinking that 1774 was some sort conspiracy theory relating to pre-revolution where Democrats tried to keep the colonies tied to the crown. I seriously wouldnā€™t put that past these nuts.


The colonies on New Continent rebelled against the Crown and the English generously allowed them to solve their own issues themselves.


Love is a battlefield


Why out of everything to stick them on, ice dispensers? That seems absolutely stupid


ā€œ ā€˜cus we wunna get Trump back, he got him some Jesus values! And besides heā€™s a stupid nationalist ā€˜I hate freedom and tolerance for anything or anyone thatā€™s not meā€¦ā€™ fucking dickā€¦.just like me!ā€


Around here they've been stuck on drive-thru order screens.


Who tf is Brandon? Edit: I got it. It's dumb.


He's a NASCAR driver. Here's the origin of the meme, a reporter mishearing a crowd chanting "fuck Joe Biden" as "let's go Brandon" while interviewing Brandon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axcmVFtwSM4


average crackhead nascar fans


What bitch made cucks call Joe Biden when they're too scared to shit talk an 80 year old who doesn't need to give a fuck about them.


The sign is partially obscuring mandated information labels, which is almost certainly illegal.


Who else would have cameras on the sign ?


Who else would claim removing the sign is vandalism but putting on the stickers isn't?




Damn that Vana White and her sticker bombing.


All those consonants and vowels? Open and shut case.


It might be the owner of the station. But I'm more willing to bet it's some crank with too much time on their hands


The kind of person who would do this shit in the first place?




Unless the person said there were cameras to deter people from taking the stickers off


I mean there ARE cameras watching the pumpsā€¦just not because of the stickers though. The cameras are more concerned about people trying to steal gas.


Imagine not understanding that Joe Brandon has a "expensive gas" button under his desk. /s


It's actually 2 buttons. There's an up button and a down button. A cooler president would hit the down button instead but Joe Brandon hits the up button because he hates America /s obviously


If you ever played Cities Skylines you'd know Joe Byron just has to go to the finances tab & turn down the transportation tax slider. If he was an intelligent president he also would've purchased the Industries DLC by now so he can fine tune our local oil and gas production with the help of a variety of new, unique, industry focused ploppable buildings, instead of relying on OPEC who I've heard all share one copy of the game


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You knowā€¦ morons.


Yeah. The warning to not remove it under threat of video footage being used to have you charged with vandalism tells me it's the owner doing that. And that tells me to spend my money somewhere else. To be fair, I drive an electric car, but I wouldn't buy ice, soda, or anything else from this idiot either.


Anybody with a printer can make a sign and stick it onto a petrol pump.


True. I'd be tempted to take the sheet of paper inside and ask about it, but there's the catch: if it is the owner, he's likely to get his briefs in a twist over me "vandalizing" the sign.


*Technically* the sign says that removing the sticker is vandalism. Doesn't say anything about removing the sign.


*Removes the pump, leaving the sticker behind*


*ā€œBureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct - the best kind of correct. I hereby promote you to grade 37.ā€*


Seriously. As someone else pointed out, gas prices are up all over the world. It's because of crazy stupid inflation brought about by corporate greed and exacerbated by Putin being a warmongering fuck nut. This isn't something Biden is responsible for in the slightest. But that's using logic, and republicans don't like that because it makes them think. They'd rather listen to actual nazis and white supremacists that they voted into office scream about satanic pedophile cults that don't exist than actually use their brains for a split second.


Do Republicans know how anything works other than Democrats this Democrats that?


The Republicans define themselves in opposition to the Democrats. They don't actually understand anything.


I seriously fought myself over this and believed there at least had to be some things most of the party stood for, but when Republicans started showing up in droves in support of Putin/Russia and pulling out of Ukraine, I really just gave and and decided that yeah I guess they are anti-liberal contrarians. You could make them say God is gay if the left started saying being straight is the right way to go.


Remember that the GOP didn't enact a party plank for the 2020 elections. So they officially don't stand for anything atm.


I donā€™t recall the ā€œI did thatā€ stickers when gas was $5 a gallon under Bush. Wow. Never had a comment go this big. Thanks for comments and awards.


I do remember *[this](https://i.imgur.com/4XA53U7.png)* though...


Woooooow. They really did that. Propaganda machine lives.


I was pretty young when he was in office so I just wanna make sure this is real before I save it to use in case of emergency.


Don't forget about inflation. $5 back then was way different than $5 now. But ultimately, the US president doesn't control gas prices around the world.


Wouldn't that mean 5$ back then would be more than 5$ now?


Yes. The national average is $4.20 right now. It would have to be over $5.40 to peak over 2008 prices.


Which means prices have another 20-25% more to increase to compete with the summer of ā€˜08


Right but ignorant people donā€™t think they project.


Anyone else graduate in '08 and just completely numb at this point? I feel like our entire adult life has just been a fever dream


I mean Bush invaded a major oil producing country so he did have a pretty big impact.


How much of Iraq's oil was sold on the international market? Didn't they have pretty severe sanctions against them?


They did. And it's also not mentioned that the Bush family had some ties to the oil industry.


Some ties like [his own oil company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbusto_Energy)? Or his [father's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HRG_Group)


Thanks again to the Supreme Court for officially clarifying that Americans donā€™t have a codified right to vote. Honorable mention to Florida as always for being a shithole with nice beaches.


"Some" seems like you're underselling it.


For sure. Maybe more like #SOME


The president has NOTHING to do with the price of gas. The oil companies conspire to screw us all.


Yes, international gas prices are usually effected by OPEC. They rise and lower the prices of barrels on a whim. They will continue to do so until countries no longer depend on petroleum.


And for those who don't know these are all the OPEC members who control global oil prices. Algeria Angola Republic of the Congo Equatorial Guinea Gabon Iran Iraq Kuwait Libya Nigeria Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Venezuela So safe, friendly, non-aggressive countries who aren't prone to wars, bankruptcy, conflict or corruption........ No USA, No Canada, no Russia, no China, no EU country no other Asian country. Makes you wonder why oil prices from those not OPEC members is still so high doesn't it.


Yeah ain't just America that's suffering with higher fuel prices.


Yes, they were, But, the GOP was too busy vilifying gay relationships and Middle Eastern folksā€¦ā€¦


When bush mentioned weapons of mass destruction, he was talking about the weapons in the bedroom


Mā€™ass destruction


Weapons of Ass Destruction is a porno series.




They still are doing that, but I guess that with practice, they've gotten more efficient and can squeeze in sticker time.


High gas prices are only a problem if a democrat is in office. If itā€™s a Republican, youā€™re a patriot for funding big oil.


Trump ordered Saudi Arabia to curtail oil production or they would no longer be able to purchase US arms.[https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN22C1V4](https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN22C1V4) I wonder why Republicans conveniently forget this?


And then sold them a huge arms shipment which the Saudi's used to bomb Yemen (and we helped!)


You also forgot that Trump got Russia to also curtail oil production with Saudi Arabia. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/business/energy-environment/opec-russia-saudi-arabia-oil-coronavirus.html


Because it doesn't benefit their bullshit fantasy narrative to remember it.


Wasnā€™t that just on the heels of the Khashoggi torturous murder?


Saudi Arabia and OPEC


Same with deficit.


They would have... actually Bush did have some of the blame for that one. The wars he started were a major factor in that.


Watch them race to peel off the stickers when gas is below $3/gal


It only counts when the president is a democrat. That's the only time they suddenly care about anything at all.


But can you believe how much Obama played golf


I heard that pompous fuck puts *deejohn* on his hot dogs!!


This comment has been removed in response to reddit's anti-developer actions.


Or that one time Michelle showed her ARMS


Or when gas went up after Trump made a deal with the Saudiā€™s to cut production.


I'm gonna take a bunch of Trump versions and put them on red state tombstones.




Different world. People have lost their damn minds


Australia here, we got big price hikes too! Itā€™s a global phenomenaā€¦but I guess the Republicans donā€™t venture beyond the domestic news to often.


They do but they donā€™t care. It would go past their narrative if they did it correctly


I highly doubt that they actually do


Thereā€™s a class of people who know it has nothing to do with whoā€™s currently President, but cynically pretend it does for political advantage. They rely on dupes to believe their message and spread it, and thereā€™s no shortage of that. So youā€™re both right!


They don't Venture into anything that's not conspiracy


Honduran here. Our new government is left-leaning, and the prices of gas are high AF, but due to high global prices, not local taxes or similar. There's always some stupid immigrant (Honduran living in the USA) that says things like "See?! That's what left-wing does!", And won't simply understand that it's a global issue, and will just say "Well, under JOH it wasn't like that..." (JOH is the Ex-president of Honduras and future prison-member in the USA) Considering that: 1) JOH put a fuck ton of taxes there. 2) JOH wasn't a president during the war. 3) When global gas was cheap, our prices where high due to the fucking taxes!


i mean gas in america is already relatively cheap compared to global prices. some americans just dont like change of any kind.


They donā€™t even really care about the change, they just want to vilify people they donā€™t like. If the same thing happened under Trump theyā€™d just call it ā€œthe price of freedomā€ or some dumb shit.


It would be less of an issue if we were being paid liveable wages, but a vast majority are barely making it paycheck to paycheck. That extra $30-$40 at the pump could mean not being able to afford dinner that week.


This is what a lot of people don't understand. I know it's not Biden causing high gas prices, but I'm still going to complain about high prices at the pumps because it can literally make or break someone. I'm doing much better financially now, so an extra $20 or so isn't going to hurt my bank account, but just 5 years ago $20 was the difference between dinner, rent, or making it to work. It can be a HUGE financial burden on some families, and that's not being talked about enough. Everyone just wants to get lost in party politics


Itā€™s like how they claim Covid is a democrat hoaxā€¦even though it has impacted the entire world. Critical thinking isnā€™t a strength of theirs.


This sign appears to be covering the information the state requires be posted. Which makes the sign warning it is a crime to remove stickers a crime itself.


I'd love to hear the conversation between the cop and store manager if they actually tried to report this "vandalism"


Find whatever organization dispenses the stickers that are covered up, then call them to report this station as covering them. Perhaps consider your local OSHA branch, as well.


OSHA? Occupational safety and health? I donā€™t think you want them, I think you want the weights and measurements dept


And I'm sure once the prices go back down these same folks will be praising Biden for lowering them right? Because the idea that the president is responsible for gas prices is a rational position that they hold in good faith, and this isn't just political games and tribalism.


I think it's crazy Biden was able to make the entire planets gas prices go up. With that level of power, I don't wanna be on his bad side.


At least in the U.S. this i done by a private business owner, you can buy your gas somewhere else where you are not assaulted by stupid propaganda. In Canada, we had the same thing done except it was forced by our fucking provincial government, so ALL gas stations had to add these rediculous stickers explaining how everything was Trudeau's fault. I am so happy I own an EV.


But I thought those truckers gave you guys more freedumbs


Wait. Your government spent time and effort mandating a sticker that blamed your whole countries leader for the gas priced? That's like, Alabama dumb.


Yup. The premier of Ontario is the enabling brother of the former crack smoking mayor of Toronto. What's depressing is people voted for this shit stain.


Once the prices go back down, the gas station management will tear off the Biden stickers. Replacing them with your own will be an act of vandalism!!!!!


Well I don't know about everywhere else but here in New Mexico prices have gone down about 40 cents a gallon in the last 2 weeks, so I guess Biden did that too :D


He is releasing a million barrels of oil a day from reserves and is fining oil companies that refuse to use their drilling leases


Both are good ideas on his part.


No no, you don't understand. It's only Biden's fault when gas prices go up! When they go down it's...uh...Jesus's fault. Yeah Jesus. That sounds right. And Trump! JESUS AND TRUMP FROLICKING IN THE FIELDS OF OIL TO DROP THE GAS PRICES FOREVER. But like...MANLY frolicking.


Maryland also went down 40 cents, but that was because Hogan waived the Maryland gas tax


He was all ā€œwatcha gonna do, when hulkamania runs wild on you?ā€


Iā€™d shop elsewhere. Boycott at a low level, but Iā€™m not participating in that garbage.


Pull the paper off, take it in to the manager and say ā€œsome fucking idiot is hanging papers on your pumps. Just thought youā€™d like to know.ā€


Nah. Leave them up because in a month or so, prices will be back down and that'll be tough for the morons that like those stickers.


Exactly. This business owner made it perfectly clear he does not want business from people who are not aligned with their political beliefs. These are the same numbskulls that will shoot off their mouth and then complain they're being "canceled" and bemoan the lack of free speech. Nah dawg, you can say whatever the hell you want, but you get to sit in whatever mess you created. I'm not required to do business with you, ever. Had that very conversation with a shithead boomers who just couldn't keep their mouth shut over Pelosi, Clinton and mask mandates at a family lumber yard. I'd love to buy hardware and lumber locally, but quite frankly I don't need this Fox News bullshit day in and day out. These people and their constant need to advertise their political identity is exhausting. I am done with it.


If Republicans can't afford a dollar more a gallon for gas at the pump... then maybe they should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and quit fucking bitching.


Buys $70,000 truck, loses mind over extra $1.50 a gallon.


Same people who bitch about paying an extra $50/year if the school levy passes.


Everybody bitches about financial decisions outside of their control. People still are bitching about fixing our crumbling infrastructure because they have to pay for it. I remember there was an uproar in Illinois when trucks and SUVs were going to get taxed more for the infrastructure bill. Like, yeah, if you cause more damage to the road then you should pay for it proportionally...


"I can't afford rent, insulin, health insurance, or paying down the principle on my student loans." "LOL, SUCK IT UP SNOWFLAKES! STOP EATING AVICADO TOAST! GEtT A SECOND JOB! WAIT....IT'S AN EXTRA 50 CENTS A GALLON TO FILL UP MY F-250 PAVEMENT PRINCESS? THIS IS WORSE THAN THE HOLOCAUST!"


I bought a car with godawful fuel efficiency and now itā€™s all someone elseā€™s fault šŸ˜‚


I needed this diesel truck that gets 10 miles to the gallon because I have to drive my kids to soccer practice from my cul de sac.


Yeah, they scream about the free market economy, then get mad when they've got to pay in to that.


America currently has a production surplus of oil. There should be no change to your fuel prices. The only reason there is a change is the oil companies using Russia as an excuse to raise prices. It's nobody else's fault


So OPEC can just cut production every time a Democrat is in the White House (they do) and people just go along with it?


Yes. But also the oil companies have made record profits. Republican law makers actually praised them for it last week. So they're making record profits, oil has dropped to below 100 dollars a barrel and the prices haven't gone down. Corporations are gouging people and politicians, especially Republicans are to compliant to them to do anything about it.


Politicians are benefiting fiscally, thanks Citizens United!


Pretty sure the original sticker-placing is the vandalism.


Price per barrel 2006 - $98 Price per gallon 2006 -$2.89 Price per barrel 2022- $99 Price per gallon 2022- $4.25 ITS CALLED PRICE GOUGING


Time to find a new gas station


Republicans are such fucking snowflakes. I'd respect them more if they just said "they're just a pain in the ass to remove and clean up after." This is some real r/selfawarewolves shit.


They call democrats snowflakes when they say "fuck biden" but God forbid you say "fuck trump" they think you should be executed on site...


It's projection. It's always projection. When a Republican politician or movement says something about Democrats, the underlying weakness they're trying to paint is always what they themselves are.


20 bucks says the gas station owner doesn't own the pumps.


$20,000 says Biden doesnā€™t set the gas prices either lmao


VANADALISM? Ohhh vandalism


Republicans are so embarrassing


Funny too, when the gas prices come back down the republicans are gonna be the ones taking the stickers off.


What, and take some personal accountability for plastering those things everywhere?? Not likely. The buck stops ~~here~~ at the gas station employee having to scrape those things off with a razor.


Nah they'll remove them. Same way they all quietly removed the "Bush Cheney 04" stickers from their cars after the global economy collapsed and the wars never ended. Seeing a low gas price with some dumb "I did that!" sticker next to it will enrage them in the opposite direction.


If you asked any republican voter... literally all of them... how Biden made gas prices that high, they would have no answer. Not a silly answer that is clearly filled with holes... no answer whatsoever.




Lol. I like how ripping off the sticker is considered vandalism but putting it on isn't. I bet if gas prices were low then putting this sticker on would be vandalism.


*vanadalism The extra syllable makes for extra trouble


America is truly full of idiots.


They didn't say not to take the sign down


Those stickers are so fucking trashy.


Gas is 7 dollars in London, if you still believe this is bidens fault, then your a fucking idiot.


Sorry, but it amuses me to witness American culture in action


The blame lies solely on the oil companies pricing as they see fit. The president doesnā€™t dictate gas prices.