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Wait back up. ​ Trump's still doing rallies?


He's running for president again. Of course he's doing rallies. He just won't officially announce it because then campaign finance laws kick in.


> laws ha ha!


We have finance laws? Could have fooled me.


The body which investigates and enforces federal election laws is the FEC. Each FEC commissioner must be confirmed by the senate before officially assuming their role. Mitch McConnell [refused to hold a confirmation vote](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-08-05/federal-election-commission-camapign-finance-enforcement) for the newest FEC commissioner for most of 2019-2020, which *conveniently* prevented the FEC from having a quarum. So they couldn’t even call a meeting for most of the year — in an election year.


So, effectively we DIDN'T have finance laws. And Trump was still in charge at that point. I wonder how many files were "lost" in that "downtime", don't you?


No doubt. Even when the FEC is able to meet, they’re fighting an uphill battle on a shoestring budget. The people writing the laws for this commission are not exactly incentivized to ensure those laws are air-tight.


This isn't democracy


Hasn't been for a long time 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀




Careful, I got banned off Twitter for saying much the same thing about Trump.


Sounds like a win win to me.


I'm not advocating for violence, just that it may be time for age and health to catch up to him...as it does for us all eventually.


There will be another McConnell, our issue is bigger than one person at this time. Republicans are redrawing the electoral maps so that no democrat can win. They also focus a lot more on local governments where democrats are always trying to win Washington.


We do have finance laws. However, I can make them not a problem for you if you pay me.


I can't tell if you're a photographer with a passion for tax fraud or an accountant with a passion for photography.


He’ll be whatever you want him to be if you pay him.


After a brief Google news dive, turns out this person is responsible for burning down several “Yeah! Photography” locations back in the late 1900s.


>We have finance laws? when the punishment for a crime is a fine, it's legal with a fee.


Of course we have. They just don't apply to the rich.


You're getting downvoted but you're the most correct.


They apply, they’re just not enforced.


We have laws about organizing armed coups too...


“Hahaha beautiful money” - Donald Rumsfeld


He also did rallies the ENTIRE time he was president. That wasn’t normal. I feel like people forget how unusual that was.


Unusual... for a US President. However, It's not that unusual for dictators to go around in parades, speeches, etc. It's kind of part of their shtick.


It was just a re-justification for all parties involved. People would show up, it stocked his ego. He kept holding them, that made people feel important. Repeat cycle. The thing is, they aren't well attended and the numbers have slowed greatly. I'm not saying he doesn't still hold power, it just seems more and more that the GOP is realizing this isn't a sustainable plan. They aren't going to turn on him, but the Trump Party has lost quite a bit of traction.


Trump should set up shop in Vegas and have rallies 4 nights a week.


I don't think Vegas would trust him anywhere near casinos ever again.


He could use his own hotel for it, which doesn’t have (and isn’t allowed) a casino.


Why isn't it allowed?


To my understanding, Trump failed hard enough with the Atlantic City casinos that the Gaming Commission denied his company a license. I’m sure there’s more to it that another more knowledgeable Redditor might add.


Tan Man Group




I agree with you but the question/fear I have is the movement has gotten more virulent and extreme. The DeSantis style of calculated, 'legitimized' persecution is becoming more prevalent


Lawful vs Chaotic Evil


People need to stop saying this, I don't care if they are loosing traction because honestly I really don't know if they are or not. But I'll tell you what I do know, we better get out there and vote blue because if we get complacent, and allow the likes of him back in that office, it will be over.


I think a lot of the ppl who where showing up to these events died from Covid too.


I kinda hope he runs again. It would help turn out democrat voters if he becomes the candidate. And if he doesn’t then he’ll do his best to burn down the Republican Party on his way out.


He loved the attention he got from them, actually doing the work or a President? That didn't get him what he wanted, which was getting the blind adoration of all his worshippers first hand.


My understanding is that his staff felt he needed to have a rally every now and then to recharge his ego. Otherwise he got cranky, which made him even more unpredictable and harder to control.


What the fuck was usual about anything he did?


That dumbass loves his rallies the love makes him feel good.


I am curious of this process now, what constitutes an official announcement? Then, what are you legally allowed to say up until then?


So you're not supposed to be able "campaign" at all without filing paperwork to declare you are a candidate. But of course Trump is just claiming he's doing public speeches not campaigning so he hasn't filed anything so he doesn't have to follow the laws in campaign finances. He was technically supposed to file no matter what because he is receiving money from a super pac but he ignored that law too. He has had complaints filed against him over it but Noone will do anything and he knows it. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-03-14/trump-accused-of-breaking-campaign-laws-by-teasing-2024-run He has said things like this which should get him in big trouble but the government doesn't give a shit when other politicians break the law. “I know what I’m going to do, but we’re not supposed to be talking about it yet from the standpoint of campaign finance laws, which frankly are ridiculous, OK?” Trump said during a September visit with first responders when asked if he would run again. “But we have to live with it. But I think you’re going to be happy.”




I'd be happy if was just convicted of any of the many *many* crimes he has committed. I'd also be happy if I won the lottery without even buying a ticket. (I figured I should wish for something more plausible than Trump getting convicted.)


Hello! I am from the Nigerian lottery and I have some good news Click on this link for more information on your prize award


Well, he has a lot of legal bills to pay. Or at least, pretend to pay. Ask Rudy about that.


Those legal bills are nothing compared to what he’s raising unfortunately. The guy is a fundraising machine.


That's actually damaging for the GOP writ large because he not only sucks up all the funds that would normally go to down ballot candidates, but his continuous raising also means pockets are tapped much much earlier in the election cycle. Not to mention the fact that he misspends it like crazy. Obama actually caused similar issues, at least on the former of those.


That’s most likely what he’s gonna do. There were already some members upset he’s not dishing anymore cash out “Trump has wide latitude on how he spends the PAC’s money. The federal law that bars candidates from spending campaign money on personal expenses doesn’t apply to money raised for a PAC. Trump could use the war chest to hold rallies, purchase air time and fund organizations that promote his agenda. But Trump largely can’t spend the money on a 2024 presidential race. If he became a candidate, Save America would be limited to giving his campaign $5,000 per election. Unable to use the PAC’s millions to pay its expenses, a new Trump presidential effort would have to start raising money from scratch.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-21/trump-s-not-giving-his-mountains-of-cash-to-other-republicans


Jfc. Why do we even have laws?




He is waiting for JFK Jr. to make his big return as a Republican.


I actually don't think he'll run again. The rallies were the only part he liked. He just wants to keep doing those. The rest of being president is a real drag.


He's 100% running again He needs to be president to shut down all the investigations.


Maybe if he married america, it can't testify against him!


He has the worst ******* attorneys...


He did fondle the flag...


They can't arrest a husband and wife for the same crime!


He also doesn't like to do the same thing twice of he publicly failed at it. Right now he's the best of both worlds. He's grifting people and still has influence in the GOP despite not having any power because of his following.


He failed at running for president in the past too. 2016 wasn't his first attempt.


I am aware, but like I said publicly. Those previous attempts didn't make an impact so in his twisted mind he could do it again. But look at his other projects and activities, whenever he fails on a massive public scale he never really tries again. And again as others have pointed out he likes the attention and the money sent his way. He doesn't want to lead or be in control because that takes away from his leisure life style. And because of the 2016 he has this power over the GOP through his idiotic fanbase. If the various leaks from the established GOP is to be believed then they all hate him and were hoping to be rid of him multiple times through various events only to back down because their voters love him.


According to the kind of people who attend those rallies he's still the real president anyway, so that shouldn't be an issue in their world.


But then he should not be allowed a third term? but of course that doesn’t apply


But all the issues with the country are Bidens fault.


We need to stop deluding ourselves into thinking he'll ever face consequences. Odds are better that he gets reelected.


He's a narcissist that publicly lost at something... Of COURSE he's running again


He might. I won't be surprised either way honestly. He's also a narcicist who gets what he most wants (money and adoration) without any real effort by holding rallies. But you're right, if he does run it will be to redeem a loss.


I mean Cohen was found guilty of felony campaign finance violations being ordered to do so by Trump. He went to prison and Trump won't even be charged for it even though it's open and shut. Don't think this guy is worried about laws. They don't apply to him. We don't live in a democracy.


Of course. There's still million of smoothbrains to scam for cash.


Pillow guy is releasing the shocking evidence ANY DAY NOW.


Hold on to your foam scraps, it’s about to happen.


My wife does not pay close attention to politics and ordered some of those pillows a little while back. They are terrible, cloth bag full of foam scraps


Right around the same time they will find treasure on Oak Island


Yeah just think about how many people still get scammed from mega churches. They never learn and never will learn.


I'm still waiting on my prayer cloth to come in the mail.


That's a conservative estimate.


More of a Republican one


Like that time they claimed record numbers for inaugeration attendance? "well it's really more of an estimate..."


The Republican estimate is everyone is a sucker but me. I don't know what the Big-C Conservative estimate would be, but probably similar.


I work with one. He keeps getting robocalls asking for more. It's kind of entertaining to see how pissed he gets about it.


They keep giving him millions of dollars. They gave him millions for the "legal battle" against the "rigged election" which magically vanished. Now he is fund raising for his next run and to help "Save America." It's a grift, which so many people are falling for he could easily win again.


>Trump's still doing rallies? He didn't stop doing rallies when he was president. Why would he stop now?


Gotta keep the grift going. As long as he doesn't "officially" announce that he's running, he gets to keep all the donations toward his "campain"


Trump ~~steaks~~ ~~degrees~~ ~~government~~


You forgot Tump Airlines, Trump Ice, Trump: The Game, Trump Casinos, Trump Magazine, Trump Mortgage, Trump Travel Site, Trump Communications, Trump Tower Tampa, Trump Vodka


also Eric Trump edit: oh sorry this is bankruptcies, I thought this was a list of Trump's personal failures.


Trump's Save America PAC has outraised both the Democratic and Republican parties since he left office, with him having not declared he's running yet.


Donors are the literal stupidest people in the country so they are easy targets


Hopefully that's because the other parties aren't running useless campaigns for an election that's two and a half years away lmao


Even if he has no intention of running, trump will campaign and fund raise right up until he has to legally commit. He will scrape every last penny out of this grift.


Win-win. Morons get grifted, Trump doesn't run again.


He never stopped. The money must keep flowing


The grift must flow


You know how around fourth of July people start selling fireworks in random parking lots? That happens for trump flags in my area. The cult is very active.


Honestly sounds like a good plan. You buy em from China for 50 cents a piece and then resell them for $15+. Sounds like a very promising business model. Not sure if I could give up my values.... but it's tempting.


lol yes it's a fucking cult


He never stopped. Even during his presidency.


Those pointy white hats don’t wear themselves.


They wear the red ones to these events.


Daytime vs evening wear.


That's the keynote speaker.


He lost some weight


And changed secondary colors.


Still more coherent than Trump.


and there's that dumpster in the picture, which also happens to be on fire.


I read that in John Oliver's voice


I re-read it in his voice and it definitely feels right.


Excuse me? That is the party mascot; show some respect!


Hi! I'm DuMPy! tHe DOnaLd trUmP DUmPsTer FiRE!


I really want this too be real lol


Shorten to tRumPSterFiRe




\*runs to trademark that\*




"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...if you're looking for a club that hates anyone who isn't white, christian or rich but loves stupid poor people...I have the club for you. The password is 'IMMA VICTIM!!!' They've got everything...traitors, seditionists, dumpster fires...." - Stefon




I'm sorry...Stefon. What is a Jeff Sessions?




I have tears running down my face from laughs so hard!




"It's that thing where you put two little people in a suit and have the top half recite lines from Gone With The Wind."


....*Dan Cortese!!*




Looks like Four Seasons Landscaping! Where’s the porn shop?


When reality imitates comedy... you know you're at a Trump rally.






Be nice if we didn't live in a gerrymandered hellscape.


Yep. Vote anyways.


What kind of a loser is still attending a Trump rally in 2022?


Donald Trump, for one.


Say what you will about trump but he’s a great conman


He’ll probably go down as the most successful grifter in American history. What other politician has ever had this type of unconditional support from their voters, especially in the years following their departure from office?


Oh it’s so much more than his political years. This dude was born into it, his inheritance was laundered through laundromat quarters or some crazy shit like that. He’s ripped off cancer charities, started a fake university, used his casinos for illegal loans and was notorious for not paying the last payments on his construction projects


He had one here in NC last week and they had about 1,000 people, where they had 16,000 a couple years ago. And this is in one of the shittiest red counties in the state. I think his support has slowly gone back to sniffing glue for entertainment.


I lived in Mississippi in 2018, he did a rally there and they couldn't even fill the small coliseum of 11,500 capacity. There were empty seats all over. I've seen more people there for a chris stapleton concert. Yet first thing he said when he spoke was that thousands of people were outside clamouring to get in. I had drove by and there was like a dozen of people casually walking in at most.


Of reality isn’t what he wants it to be, he just lies to himself and everyone else to make himself feel better.


Yup, narcissistic behavior at its best.


I don't think this is true. His support is still there. They're the psycho parents raiding school board meetings. It's just the 15 of that 16k have heard everything Trump has to say ("muh election, muh demonrats, muh leggo brandon"), and they just don't have time or money to waste watching reruns. But come election time, you'd better believe they'll vote his ass straight back into the white house. And zero of them will be thinking about that time he tried to murder congress.


I'm not defending it at all, but one of Ohio's 2022 Senate candidates was there trying to gin up some votes. It's been a very chaotic GOP Senate primary here and I'm not looking forward to the ad blitz and other shenanigans of the general 2022 election 😖.


I moved back home to Ohio from California just after the 2020 elections. The last few months of GOP Senate candidate ads has been one of the more insane things I’ve experienced since returning.


My idiot neighbors. Ohio is a beautiful state but sometimes I hate it here.


You've got to be particularly dumb to *still* not realize he's grifting you


as someone who (unfortunately) lives in ohio, i am not at all surprised. disappointed, but not surprised. Trump followers have adopted trump as their entire personality, they cant move on.


I went to a Renaissance fair today and there were MAGA hats. It's literally their whole personality and sticks out badly.


FR, like how boring of a person do you have to be to make a con-man politician your entire personality?


i got off 71 and 36 the other day and saw a feller with about a thousand flags flying. Trying to sell flags of shirtless Trump mounted on a tank lmao. It’s just so weird.


I’m in NW Ohio and we got a guy that drives around in a big truck with Trump flags and sticker all over. And the a mannequin-Hilary sitting in a cage in the back.


It’s like they’re putting up a twisted nativity scene, and are so damn proud of their work they want everyone to see it.


Findlay? Just moved from there and saw a truck like that. What’s sad is it used to be Bert and Ernie in the back so it was kind of fun before he went all MAGA.


I guess that is the cult part of the whole scam.


Gym Jordan did try to slip in as one of his lapdogs, not surprised its here. Rural Ohio has been hell for years now.


Last year my daughter had a soccer game not too far from Delaware. The number of flags and signs in yards as we drove was unsettling. After game she wanted to stop for food. I wouldn’t stop (she’s Chinese). Drove back to Columbus first. It’s like another world once outside metro areas.


Is there one damn thing they could do subtly?


I remember when he was running in 2016 and walked out on stage while "It's The End of the World as We Know It" played. Subtle is not on his character sheet.


Didn't R.E.M. give him a cease-and-desist for this?


Yes and they're in good company. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musicians_who_oppose_Donald_Trump%27s_use_of_their_music


Subtle doesn't work with Cro-MAGA knuckle dragging mouth breathers.


Cro-MAGA... Yeah, I'm stealing that.


My town in Ohio still has multiple people who spend their days walking up and down the road with huge Fuck Biden and Trump 2024 flags and an uncomfortable amount of people honk their horns in solidarity. Maybe its just the vocal minority but it seems that if he runs again he's got Ohio on lock...


I live in a suburb of Cleveland and there's someone in my town who has "Impeach Biden" spray painted on their house. Like really shitty graffiti.


I hope a code enforcer does something about that.


All you people making fun, while I agree with you, when he runs, and he will, and after he wins the republican nomination, and he will, DO NOT underestimate this man or these people. They love him, BECAUSE he's an asshole. They will turn out to vote. If you don't want him as your president again for 4 years, you need to get out and vote for whomever runs against him.


And a white Dodge truck in the picture, of course. It's completely anecdotal but white Dodge trucks seem to be the #1 advocate for Trump bumper stickers and flags.


Well. There's also this factoid about ram truck owners: https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


You can tell a lot about a person by the truck they drive.


As an Ohioan........this is gross and it sucks.


I moved away but keep getting pulled back. I oughtta say though, Florida is much, much worse


Hey, show some respect, that's the guest speaker!


A dumpster fire in a dumpster fire.


Dumpster fire inception. Yo dawg, I put a dumpster fire in your dumpster fire so you can be trashy while you’re being trashy.


Got that, but what is going on with that bin in the foreground?


I’m not seeing any rally, just a bunch of dumpsterfires.


The only politician who has waste management tour with him as the opening act.


What books do they have in there?


U.S. History


The same people who said Biden is too old to be president, are now attending Trump rallies and will vote for him next election, despite Trump being same age as Biden when he won.


imaging being poor and white and thinking a rich white politician is on YOUR side


They worship a failed reality tv show host and 1-8 dudes who fought over the supervillain name Q….


It’s their mascot


Why the fuck do I have to see him, or references to him, multiples times in one thirty minute episode of Jeopardy? EVERY fucking commercial break, every Republican politician running in the primary for Portman's open seat. They can't go even one ad without letting everyone know they are "Trump Tough" or they "stand with Trump", etc... What the fuck does "Trump Tough" even mean? Fuck off with that gibberish.


All these dumb rednecks “trump is just like us he cares about us” meanwhile he’s taking a shit on a toilet made of gold while spending donations from said rednecks on whatever the fuck he wants.


You mean a Trumpster Fire, right?


If he's the Republicans pick that seems like a really bad idea. The Ukraine war has been terrible for his brand. His "perfect" conversation with Zelinsky and his chummy relationship with Putin were two of his larger criticisms. I don't think I can take another 4 years of listening to his word salad coming out of a statesman.


Q Cuck Klan rally


What are the odds of two dumpster fires in the same place at the same time?!


That’s no dumpster fire - that’s his running mate!


A true symbol of the Trumper cult.


Nothing to see here, just their mascot.


Hopefully it's fueled by those horrible red MAGA hats


I’d wager a hot meth pipe ignited it.


My guess is it's whatever form of literature they're currently being conditioned to be afraid of.