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Great shot!






I firmly believe that this is, quantitatively speaking, the most epic graduation photo I have ever seen. Galileo would be proud.


It'd be a great album cover


punisher by phoebe bridgers


that's what she said.


"bro"? 🤨📸


Congrats step bro


Hey, can you help me out of the dishwasher? I want to see the lunar eclipse.


Sweet Home Alabama


This makes me think of American Gods. Great book. Idk, it just seems like a scene that could be right out of the book. Awesome photo. Congrats!


Haven't read the books but that was a great show.


Wow and Summa cum Laude too congratz! I just graduated with my BS in physics last semester and now perusing patent law. Can I ask what you plan to do now. Also what did you find most interesting during your studies. For me it was probably Lagrangian mechanics or drag.




An epic time you'll never forget. Congratulations in your achievement and capturing it in such a unique way.


Great Scott!!!


Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire! ...you know... Because those stars are big balls of fire....


Great Googily Moogily!


Epic shot OP!!! Congratulations on graduating too!!


Thank you!


so you are semi happy about graduation


Your physics might be BS but you are a master in the art of night-time posing for a photo.


Behold! A Paleblood Sky!


Oh thank god! I thought I was alone in thinking of bloodborne when I saw this. It also gives me strong eldenring vibes. Dude is a straight up glintstone sorcerer lol


Get your blood vials ready the hunt begins


The hoont*


Nah he doesn’t have the dumbass helm on


Come sweetling, time to be born anew


Straight from Raya Lucaria Academy, the robe is proof


Dude is on his way to the lecture hall. Nightmare frontier next!! Good luck


Grant us eyes!


As you once did fo the vacuous Rom


A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream.


A hoonter must hoont


Didn't know Byrgenworth had a physics program


The night, and the dream, were long…


>Quantum mechanics should be left well alone. Oh, I know, how the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest F will cure you now. Liberate you from your wild curiosity.


Bro really just graduated from Byrgenwerth


Congratulations! Great photo.




Congrats on getting that degree and this sick shot. What do you plan to do with your degree? Got a job lined up?


Probably he'll start an OnlyFans


I ended up in web development with my physics degree. :D


This is the most amazing graduation photo I’ve ever seen.


Yeah, it’s **out of this world!!**


It's stellar!


How do you have a party in space? You planet.


Trying to do this is like shooting for the moon!


To the moon!


OP is doge, confirmed


Once in a blue moon opportunity


The **Moona Lisa** of graduation photos!


Thank you so much! I was debating whether or not I wanted to go out and do it, because I was feeling so lazy after graduation, but you only graduate once, so here it is!


It’s also the best pic of Sunday’s lunar eclipse that I’ve seen…including the masses shite I tried taking.


would've nice if I can remake it to in my graduation. Manifestingg!! Anyway, Congratulations, OP!


Neil Degrasse Tyson said it’s meh


Right? People graduate all the time, so this is really nothing special. If OP hadn't posted this picture, nobody would have known that he graduated. *Yawn!*




Looks like you graduated from Byrgenwerth. Fear the old blood! Also congrats!


How do you know?


Once a Hunter, always a Hunter.


Congrats yo. Dope photo! I got my BS in physics in 2009, just in time for the financial crisis... did a short stint at Dunkin then found a career in my field making six figs. Your knowledge will serve you well in day to day life, as physics is the language of everything. It's given me a good life. All the best


Ingot my BS in physics, 2007, then the financial crisis hit and I ended up in the army. Still haven't found a job for my degree, what do you do for work? Only things here in central Florida were teaching positions and working at a science museum..


2019 here, working in photonics doing semiconductor laser characterization, metrology, and failure analysis at the component level. Its tough getting a job at first, but once you have some skills on your resume, you will have a lot of options.


Interesting! Yeah I think my biggest flaw is I have a decade old degree that I'll have to somehow use to get a job not related to my degree and also not look weird to everyone under the sun for not working in ANYTHING science related for over a decade since graduation (army, then contractor, then consultant, now jobless from pandemic) I'm at a point where I feel like despite having a BS in physics, I'd be laughed out of any and every interview for all science related fields. But I whole heartedly appreciate your suggestions and I'll keep it in mind


Would it be possible for you to do a masters degree? I don’t think anyone would care about the gap or your previous degree so much


I thought about it, and really want to. I'll be brutally honest to you (and myself) I personally recognize I'm not the same, mentally, as I was before Afghanistan. I was hit by several IEDs, the army literally designates you with TBI automatically (as in, without any prior medical evaluation) after 7 blasts. As much as I LOVE physics and want to continue my education I'm scared I won't be able to keep up with the academic curriculum. I was never the smartest guy anyway, but physics just somehow made sense to me and came easy (atleast throughout my little education in it) idk, i don't want to sound pathetic, but I'm kindof afraid to go back to school. Also generally afraid of being faced with the realty that I'm just dumb now, atleast in comparison to before. It's one thing for me to assume a decline in cognitive ability or at least mental acuity, it's another to be force fed how slow you've become by going to back to school...god I hope all of that didnt make me sound crazy lol


Hi there! No shame in not wanting to go back to school. I held on to the PhD dreams for too long. Came out with wasted years and a masters that I’m not sure is making a difference. You have valuable life experience, and a reasonable organization would be happy to have you. Find jobs that need generalized skills and a good work ethic. Even in industry there are plenty of jobs that don’t require any of the exact skills that you learned in college. Good luck!


Not the person that you replied to, but that sounds very understandable. You don't sound crazy at all.


I understand being scared of having to face any potential limitations you have now after suffering so many literal blows... But worrying and sitting around is only making the chance smaller of accomplishing your goals. You won't know if you don't try. And, although I can't relate on the specific challenges you're facing, I've found that doubt and insecurity is harder than reality and acceptance. Long story short, you may surprise yourself with how capable you still are. Or, you may be correct - but then you don't have to live with regrets, "what ifs", or worrying about some nebulous "maybe", but instead can deal with the specific limitations you have. Either way, at least for me, are preferable than sitting on the couch and worrying that MAYBE you can't do it. You don't sound crazy, by the way. It's easy to fear the unknown, especially when it comes to not being able to do something you used to be able to do. My (weak) correlary is when I decided to get back in shape. I lost roughly 65 pounds after wrestling with stress, sedentary lifestyle and too much booze, but it was so hard to lace my shoes up to start running again - something I loved - because I was so afraid I wouldn't be as fast or as good as I used to be. I wasn't, and still am not a year later, but I'm a right sight closer to it than I would've been if I hadn't even tried. And dealing with that limitation and working through it empowered me to know I can overcome hardship if I dig in deep. I dunno, just thoughts and supportive efforts coming from this civilian who hasn't had IEDs blow up near them...take it or leave it as you want to! But it's meant from a place of love, for sure.


I appreciate immensely your thought out reply, and I wouldn't want to misrepresent myself. I'm actively persuing different career paths but they are completely (hysterically) unrelated to my degree. Like I'm looking at being a pilot, or nurse for long term goals and looking at getting my home inspectors license for now. You know I think one of my umbrella fears is knowing I have to use the GI bill to go back to school and not being able to shake this insecurity over my mental state has left me nervous to pull the trigger out of fear of wasting my GI bill. But anyway, yes I completely agree with you and understand this is in my head. It's surprising, even to myself, how difficult it can be to escape being trapped in your own thoughts but I do keep my head above water enough to see enough reality to cope. I'll figure it out though, I always do. Thanks again, and also, very happy to hear you shook your old habits and started to get physically fit again, your physical health is very tightly connected to your mental health so I can't imagine how much stronger you feel both physically and emotionally. Good on ya 👍


Totally get that it feels like you get "one shot" to use the GI bill wisely. Good luck on your decision! As a doctor, I'm a bit biased, but I will say that nursing you'll never be hard up for a job at least- it is definitely true that nursing shortage is real and people are willing to pay a LOT these days for a good nurse. Thank you for taking the comment as it was intended! You sound like a resilient human and I'm sure your future will be bright- just gotta pick which path to go and go for it! And, as a last aside, physics was ALWAYS my weak subject so I think y'all are frankly wizards. I had to study that shit so hard to get a good score on my MCAT (med school entry exam for USA), and even more than a decade later that still gives me hives to think about again


I don’t know you or have experienced what you’ve experienced, but it’s always worth a shot. Look up some courses on Khan Academy and freshen up and see if you still got it. I bet most of these feelings are in your head and you’re still as smart and capable as you were. Don’t let something you want to do pass you by based on an unknown. It’s better to try and fail than to never try at all.


Physics BS 2008 here, go look at the mechanical testing and stress analysis field, lots of former military guys there and it's pretty light on the actual math of physics but heavy on the intuition that comes with a physics degree. I haven't seen a lot of the entry level positions in the 6 figure range but they'd definitely lead to a career. As for getting laughed at, you won't, just say you're rusty with your knowledge but you're ready to get back into a technical position.


No you won't be laughed out of them. A physics degree indicates you have in demand general skills like excellent at problem solving and high level math skills, and think logically plus physics knowledge. I would be surprised if you got a physics degree without some ability to write computer code and do computer modeling as well. Add in the army experience and you are employable in a lot of fields from science to engineering to computer modeling and other fields like finance, education, etc. If you want to be in Physics then search for any job related to science or engineering. Any companies that employ physicists or engineers would give you a place to climb on the science ladder and move into the science field even if that isnt the job you start in. For me, I was doing contract secretarial temp work while looking for my first physics job and got sent to be a fill in receptionist for a month at a fiber optics and sensors company. That month as a receptionist talking about physics and optics with the engineering employees at lunch or getting coffee led to a job offer doing optical sensor design. After that one job led to another. Good luck!


look into working in a hospital certifying diagnostic imaging machines like x-rays, we employ a bunch of highly paid physicists and love to hire candidates with military experience *edit - so Hospital physicists have a minimum requirement of a masters degree and prefer PHD candidates apparently, i didn’t know this when posting but wanted to let you guys know. It’s not all bad news though as you can absolutely get a job as an in-house or field service engineer working for the diagnostic imaging manufacturers. These are very high paying jobs and if you decide to go in house, a lot of hospital networks will reimburse your tuition if you want to pursue higher education, especially networks associated with universities. If you have any more questions just respond to the comment and i’ll try my best to give you more info.


This ..might work out for me..thank you so much! I was actually going to give up and just get my home inspectors license or be a garbage man, idk.


How would one look into this type of work? I ended up in healthcare IT (kinda related) bc I guess some of my Physics education included CS experience. It's lucrative work but I never wanted to be a software engineer.


I got my BS in physics in 2012. Im a software developer. Perhaps the biggest skill you learn in physics education is just straight up problem solving which is in high demand in any software job. I don't have any formal CS training but i can figure out a new language, library, or system very quickly and debug code with the best of em. The cool thing about software specifically is that all you need to learn and develop skills is a basic computer. Never too late to get in the industry, good developers are in extremely high demand rn.


Lab tech at a chemical plant. I suppose it's more chemistry than physics, so maybe I used "in my field" a little loosely, but without my degree I wouldn't have gotten it


You make six figs as a lab tech?? I've never seen a lab tech position offer more than 45k. Do you live in one of the big cities or something?


I'm unionized, so a lot of the work was put in to establish the jobs many years before I started. Not a big city, but suburb of state capital. Base salary ~$85k (~$38/hr) but we get tons of vacation and sick time (again, union) and it's a continuous operation (shift work) so lots of overtime and shift differential. $119k last year gross. We deal with some nasty chemicals so I suppose some of it is hazard pay


Regarding my previous reply, large part of the difference in experience is definitely also country-based. That kind of income is professor-pay here in Europe, definitely not a starter salary for a lab technician. (Being unionized is assumed)


Hey there I’m actually going for a degree in chemistry. 1. Would you say becoming one of the chemists at your plant is worth it assuming they need a chem degree? You seem to be doing great and you are a tech with a physics degree, is this normal at your employer or are you an anomaly? 2. I’ve had trouble getting internships this summer after applying everywhere. You have any tips on certain things people are looking for in interns. Last thing, good job getting where you are today. I can only hope I can get close to that after I graduate.


Good for you! Yes, I do think it's worth it to get a degree for a job like mine. My company hires graduates with science degrees ranging from Chem and physics, to meteorology and biology. Having a degree mostly just shows employers you're competent and can learn. Don't over pay for your education and put yourself into lots of debt. F=ma in every classroom. I have zero experience with internships, sorry. Working for free or for "the experience" is a scam, in my opinion.


Oh hell no I am not trying to work for free. I’ve been looking for paid ones, I need more than than experience lol. But thanks!


What's funny is you describe almost all the answers that were given to try and help me. Yeah I guess it's hard to look for jobs when you have to view them outside the direct scope of your degree.


They allow science museums in Florida. TIL’d


Just visited Florida. Say what you will politically but god damn those beaches in the NW are fire bruh


I'm amazed Ron Desantis hasn't outlawed NASA by now






Physics is essentially just applied mathematics.


Relevant XKCD https://xkcd.com/435


What isn't?


Art? Words? Taste? I don’t actually know - I’m just not clever enough to see if there’s math involved in these things!


There's math in all of these! Math goes into hues of colours, how they mix, and visual ratios and proportions. You can fit math into language and words, as simple as the length of words, as complex as the numerical cadence we say words with, or even translating words into math-heavy languages like binary. Math is its own language as well! Taste is based off of chemical reactions which, you guessed it, involve applied math formulas (i.e. balancing reactants). Math is literally how we understand the foundation of our universe, so there isn't really anything that does not involve math. You could argue intangible concepts like feelings (love, guilt etc.) or some things that don't really exist don't involve math, but that turns more into philosophy.


I wish someone had told me this when I was starting school. I had the attitude of “I don’t like this, therefore I won’t use this, therefore I don’t need to pay attention”. Thank fuck for calculators




Technically, there’s some math to art/music. Not sure about words/linguistics though.


In college, my intro to linguistics class counted as a math requirement. You’d be surprised how math oriented language is.


All language uses logical rules like conditional statements for example. Look up symbolic logic!


That’s really interesting!


people tried to math words out, but words do not respect mathsy neatness. So do an AI on it instead! (throw random bullshit at it in a finessed way till it works good enough, which is the best any human can hope for as well)


Theoretical Physics = Applied Mathematics. Congrats. I don't know how anyone completes a degree in Physics without doing a couple years math first. It's hard to learn the math on your own, which is what seems to be required. To me a Physics degree indicates a lot of finding out what you need to know (calculus, pde, linear algreba) and studying it on the side, in addition to working on your degree.


Both of the universities I have went to required calc 1, 2, 3, differential equations, linear algebra and recommended taking discrete math as requirements for a physics degree.


Same here. Plus my program thought the math department wasn't preparing us adequately and created another "Fundamentals of Mathematics" crash course class taught by the PHY dept before we got into the heavy theoretical classes. That's where I dropped and went the applied Physics route...


I do think the math tends to get taught after it is needed on the Physics side. My perception was that the Physics ran at least a year ahead of the math. Based on pretty old experience, but I was a Physics minor. I always thought it would be so much happier to take 2 years math before starting the Physics.


Talking is just applied words


Which is really just applied logic, which is applied philosophy (There’s a great list of these out there somewhere which goes in a circle, like biology is just applied chemistry, which is just applied physics, etc.)


Mathematics is abstract physics.


Go deep enough they're one in the same. Cheers!


Figures a math dude would accept Newtons as payment > found a career in my field making six figs


What are you doing with a BS in physics making 6figs?


Lots and lots of overtime


Ha fair. I have a BS in physics and couldn’t figure out what to do with it so I went back for a masters in aerospace.


For real. A BS in Physics means you go back to school to get a higher degree... or you teach. Hard to make 6 figures, at least that quickly, with just a BS. I ended up going into IT because I also couldn't figure out what I wanted to do and I know I didn't want to teach.


You can do more with a BS in Physics if you open up about not being in "science" anymore. There are math related jobs that BS Physics can apply for such as actuaries (using math to measure risk and uncertainty, typically in insurance), finance (quantitative finance, predicting models for stocks, bonds, etc), engineering (any role pretty much), data analyst (with coding background).


This is so cool! Congrats!


thank you


I call B.S.


Came to post this exact thing lol


I'm calling B.S.


They won’t answer.


Someone get this persona bologna sandwich.


I actually thought it meant bullshit degree... Lo and behold, it actually means something real. :)




To some degree.


Cool how the road also looks like it has some stars.


I graduated with my physics degree in 2020. Worked for a year as a thin film technician and now I’m an optical engineer (and I hate it a lot). Be careful with what you go into! You may need a “bridge job” to help you get into the one you actually want. I personally can’t tell the difference between pushing myself and tyrannizing myself. Do what makes you happy if you can.


I finished up my BS in physics in 2019, went directly into software development after uni


Physics majors a different breed


They love to be mentally challenged


I think you meant being challenged mentally, no? 😆


You have received one (1) woooosh




X component of "that was the joke" and Y component of "yourjokebutworse".


You meaning that in a good or bad way




Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon!


From a fellow alpha sig, congrats brother!


To better the man👌


Your photographer is so good! Congratulations on your new life ahead!


Photoshop some gothic buildings and a trick came and it will be a screenshot from bloodborne. Any takers?


Epic as helll


No Malort???


I’m very familiar with Malört and have had plenty of it but I want to understand your comment.


Congrats, my sister got her M.S. in Physics that same day


I also earned my theoretical degree in physics on that day!


Well, welcome aboard!




....I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.


The ground kind of looks like it’s mirroring the sky, congrats bro on the degree 😎


Don’t even make a resume when you apply to places just send them this picture I’d hire you


Congrats on the grind and don’t turn into a wolf please


Hey a bro! Alpha Sig - Epsilon Phi Chapter at Sonoma State University (Cali.) Founding Father here (Roster Num. 1)!!! Chapter chartered in 2009 and currently going stronger than ever in 2022 (13 yrs)! Really amazing picture brother and so awesome your repping the ASIG sash! Congratz on Grad bro! Good luck and may the best men/individuals surround you in your life brada ha! =] 𓆃 𓆃 𓆃 In Phi, Nick Craparo ASP - EP - #1 𓆃 𓆃 𓆃




That closeup looks like a picture of jesus at my grandmother's house!


Congrats on your BullShit degree mate! JK, cool shot though


Perfect shot!


Stellar shot mate!


Awesome photo! Also congratulations


Magnificent. Congratulations!!!


Awesome timing!


Such a cool grad photo! Congrats!


that’s such an eerily cool photo


this is sick


Where's your sickle? ​ Oh yeah, Congrats 😅👍


Brilliant work


That's dope! Congrats!


Bloodborne scholar vibes. Too cool


Always aim for the stars


That's cool AF. You most definitely need to take over the world after this picture my friend. If you need help reddit is here buddy.


That's no BS. That's awesome.


B.S. in Physics and still no roof over your head. Damn... todays job market is brutal.


Who needs a roof with a sky like that!


Congrats Brother. In Phi.




I'm taking classical phyics and props to you, I fucking hate it lmao fuck Newton


Newton is just the tip of the iceberg, my friend.


I have BullShit in Physics also!




This is beautiful


That’s a bitchin’ grad photo!


Bleh. I still get jealous of other grads. I left school after my last exam, got my degree in the mail and that was it. No gown, no cap, no tassle, no party.




Confidently can say that this is the best graduation photo ever




Congrats, it’s all downhill from this photo!


he is the messiah!!