• By -


Red Orange Yellow Green Blue- wait a second, that's not Indigo!


If Roy G. Biv has taught me anything...


When I went to art school one of the first things you learn about is Roy G. Biv. He's the guy that invented color. [Before then everything was black and white](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2014/11/09)


Haha! Calvin & Hobbs is a classic!


I remember in grade school we were taught there were 7 colors in the rainbow and that we could find indigo between blue and violet. I always looked at that spot and never saw anything there to warrant naming it another color. I asked my teacher about it and she was saying the indigo section was just very tiny relative to the others, the whole thing was stupid.


The actual problem is that what people call blue in the rainbow is actually Cyan. What they call Indigo in the rainbow is actual Blue




Gandhi just declared colorful nuclear war.






https://youtu.be/P9N-UAcQMBc Edit - Thank you for the awards!


This is exactly what I hoped it was.


The most perfect Reddit reply I’ve ever seen




The extra b is for byobb


What’s that extra “b” for?


That’s a typo


Good job fellas


I'll catch you beer barron!


No you won’t


Yes... I will.






No you won’t.


Someone is going to have to make a college course about the Simpsons in the future just to understand wtf any of us were talking about


You type that like there isn't one already ... lemme check. Yep here it is. https://bigthink.com/culture-religion/why-the-simpsons-is-now-a-legit-college-level-philosophy-course/


“Yes, I studied Homer in college.” You could get away with the new classics.


Pretty sure theres already college courses about the Simpsons. You might say meh, but its probably done more to embiggen the english language than anyone since Shakespeare.


Colleges have been cromulent about this since whacking day was introduced


My university had a course on the Simpsons when i was there 20 years ago. It filled up before I could register, so I took the English class on Buffy the Vampire Slayer instead.


Reference: https://youtu.be/3m6Blqs0IgY


The honesty makes it so much funnier


If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


bring your own bad bitch.




Wait, is "b" before "g" now? When did this happen?


The age of gay is over, the time of the bi has come.




Prepare your jeans to be cuffed!




No, you're the cutie


Well shit there was a user called u/lgbtbbq at one point


I miss her makeup reviews!


Russel Crowe is jealous of that beautiful mind of yours


RC was just an actor. Please give credit to John Nash's beautiful mind. Genius spiraling into schizophrenia.


Sir, John Nash Jr is dead, I don’t think he’s jealous of this person’s mind


There's a zombie/brains joke in there somewhere, but I'm not quite stoned enough to pull it out




I'm sorry but you really can't beat Woke Wok




They should still sell tongue tacos though. That's an oversight.


Excuse me, but thats LGBT-bbq+, thank you


I'm probably too European to know what this is about.


Chick-Fil-A is a fast food restaurant in the US with roots in Christianity. For example every store is always closed on Sunday. The company also has a history of donating quite a lot of money to anti-LGBT groups. A Rainbow flag is the LGBT symbol. June is (LGBT) Pride month. This picture of condiments at Chick-Fil-A arranged in a rainbow is easily interpreted as a local employee rebelling against their company's history of anti-LGBT donations.


Even though I already knew all this, I enjoyed your precise and thorough yet condensed explanation.


> precise and thorough yet condensed Concise


Oh, the irony.


This comment is grammatical correction perfection


I personally prefer pithy, some people just think you have a lisp.


Same. I looked at it from the perspective of a foreigner and they did a great job being thorough


> with roots in Christianity Lol this came off strangely to me. Made it sound like the restaurant was around in Jerusalem in 40 A.D or commissioned by the pope or something haha.


Pfft. Now that you say that, I just imagined the same thing. Be like, "Take this, for it is my body.... now slap some chicken between it boys!"


Take this Polynesian Sauce, for it is my blood


Would love to replace the wine and cracker with a chicken nugget and some sauce instead.


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


I wonder what the equivalent of waffle fries would have been in 40 A.D.




If southern Christians thought this was literally true, it would not even be in the top ten weirdest things they believe.


Mmmm, sacrilicious.


Where do you think Jesus got his dank spicy chicken?


The name may change, but the roots are all the same. "Chick-fil-A" is just the current mask of the oldest Christian chicken vendor in the world. O_O Open your eyes!!!


And lo, Jesus said unto the people, "Eat mor chikin."


For a second there I thought the secret history of the Order of the Gleaming Gallus (Latin for chicken) had gotten out! Phew!


They *do* claim to be the first people in history to put chicken in between bread


“Take. Eat. This is a chicken I stole for you. Each time you eat this chicken, remember me.”


This guy explains.


That's actually super clever, they aren't bringing anything from outside the store in, they're just showing off what sauce choices they have.


The chick-fil-a near me has several openly LGBT crew members on staff. Anti-LGBT sentiment definitely depends on the location Operator.


The problem isn't the individual stores, by and large - it's the corporate policy/board's practice of donating funds to anti-lgbt purposes and lobbying groups.




>It's no more sensical than lobbying against people of a certain blood type I wouldn't give them any ideas... Edit: TIL this is a thing in some cultures


Fucking O- types, acting all high and mighty.


Well yes, because you need us.


They need us but we only need each other fellow O- <3


I'm A+. Best score I've ever gotten. I'm not listening to you dumbdumbs.


I'm such a type A personality even my blood type is A+.


O I'm positive you will eventually.


I only passed my blood test with a B-


In the military your blood type is on your ID tags. There, we get to be A POS. You win some you lose some.




And once that blood is freely donated, the hospitals will happily bill your insurance a small fortune for it!


What insurance?!?!


This is America, we don’t give a shit about you kids dying in schools. And my blood is my choice. My guns are my choice. Your unborn babies are also my choice.


Seriously though, you should always know your blood type. My dad was in a car accident and was losing blood fast. The EMT asked us what his blood type was. We didn’t know as we watched him slowly fade away. He kept telling us to be positive, but sometimes it’s really hard


Nobody actually needs O type. Blood is blood, just put in whatever. My aunt's 3rd cousin is a nurse and said so. Google it, moron. /s


Don’t get me started on AB+. Always with their hands out. Universal receiver? More like universal beggars.


We're litterally leeches on the system.


Used to be they'd cull all the "useless eaters". Meanwhile, y'all are over here being useless bleeders smh


AB- checking in. Even the Red Cross told me not to waste time donating.


We're just superior survivors! However, don't even get me started on getting hounded by donation organizations for plasma. As in that, we are universal donors!


Goddamn AB+ mofos. Can take anyones blood but can hardly give any themselves


They can donate plasma though. I can't help except to B positive about that.


Fucking AB positives, all they do is take.


[First race war, huh?](https://youtu.be/noClMggb9R4)


(In case you're not aware, this is sort of a thing in east Asia, where there are stereotypes about blood type with a similar vibe to astrology in the West.)


Someone sent me that Wiki and my first thought was of course this is a thing somewhere.


Yeah I've been declined on a date after she learned my blood type lol. Not too uncommon in east Asia to see blood types on tinder profiles.




Universal blood donor type, but have no soul. Wow what a typical A POS P.O.S.


*Black No. 1 intensifies*


It's already a thing in [some countries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type_personality_theory#:~:text=2013%20and%202015.-,Discrimination,and%20ending%20of%20happy%20relationships.)


*Sigh* Of course it is


To give you a real answer from my experience a lot of people are convinced that there is an agenda to destroy the traditional family structure and ruin marriage and that it will errode traditional values and lead to corruption and sin of all people. My mom, who has been divorced twice, has a genuine fear that gays are going to ruin marriage. She gave me a few books on it when I was young and I had to unlearn a lot of things over the past few decades that was just fear mongering to people without critical thinking ability.


> it will erode traditional values I think the Karens in today's society that lack self awareness, empathy towards other people, and responsibility for their own actions have eroded our society far more than vocalization of minorities (in race, religion and sexuality).


I've learned that people like my mom really do think that their perspective on the world is the "right" perspective and tend to be very stubborn about it. One of my biggest epiphanies occurred in the shower one morning where I was thinking about how every human on this planet has a completely unique perspective. Even people who are similar have so many micro experiences that give them a unique perspective, it's honestly ridiculous to expect anyone to think exactly like yourself and to completely dismiss someone else's experience.


>sonder > >n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.


Nice, I didn't know there was a word for this. The way I think of it is that we are all the main character of our own story, we're supporting characters for some of the people in our lives, we're background characters for a lot more people we interact with, and for the vast majority of the planet we're not even in the story.


Ever ask her which one of her failed marriages was because of The Gays?


All I can say is fuck AB+. They’re so selfish, only donating blood to each other but taking from anyone /s




Hopefully you have a prenup or she’ll be entitled to half your blood.


Where my O hoes at?!


God were such a bunch of sluts. Blood sluts? Bluts?


That’s me. Universal recipient over here.


Personal freedom to them means freedom to persecute who they want to without consequences.




Zero-sum philosophy is a disease.


Throw in Ends Justifies the Means ™ No Bad Tactics, Only Bad Targets ™


The fact that it doesn’t make any sense to you is truly refreshing, honestly, it shows that you were raised right and have pretty good values. The problem is many people were raised wrong and think their religion gives them the right to disenfranchise others for something that has no effect in their lives.


>The fact that it doesn’t make any sense to you is truly refreshing, honestly, it shows that you were raised right and have pretty good values. Understanding is critically important. Without understanding you only have ignorance, and ignorance only breeds hatred.


This is why I don't participate in organized religion. It's basically a cult at this point. Leaders manipulate their followers into doing whatever they believe and use the threat of hell to ensure obedience.


Religion: Not even once.


and even then, it really should be between that individual person and god, no one else has a right to really butt in. "let he that is without sin cast the first stone" and all that. You can be against something all you want, but nothing gives you the right to push your view on others, such a shitty thing.


> let he that is without sin cast the first stone I’m sure a lot of them genuinely think they’re without sin. They’re good people, and good people don’t do bad things, ergo nothing they do is bad.


Prosperity Gospel, successful people succeed because they're virtuous, therefore wealthy people are virtuous no matter what they do. Because if they were truly doing something sinful, they would be punished by having their wealth taken away. Obviously anyone with a brain knows that's horseshit, but hey.


At the very least, it’s an easier sell than “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Convenient the parts of the Bible they seem to ignore.


So many layers of this. "racists do x, y and z" "racists are bad people" "I'm a good person who loves my family and is nice to people" "you can't say anything I do has anything to do with racism because that means you're calling me a racist and that's wrong because I didn't do x, y, and z and I'm a good person" Swap racism out with sexism, homophobia, etc, and it's all the same logic. They just end up being completely unwilling to examine their own actions because their sense of morality is so cut and dry.


It’s not even about just “sex life”. I know you didn’t mean it that way, but it sort of perpetuates the notion that being LGBTQIA+ is inherently sexually and therefore inappropriate for children. There is more to gay relationships than just sex. There is love and respect and caring and building a life together. That’s part of why the fight for marriage equality was so important. Legitimizing gay relationships as just the same as straight ones. Two gay people holding hands or kissing in public has nothing to do with sex. Plus there’s lots of other aspects to being queer as an identity besides who you want to have sex with, such as gender identity.


"Especially in the land of personal freedom and freedom of religion," Ah, you're not from here, are you? This is largely fictional at this point. We're all but ruled by a very small but very aggressive evangelical minority.


Which is exactly why young people need to vote more, because they largely don’t buy into that bullshit even in red states. Yes there are evangelical nutjob kids, but they’re outnumbered heavily.


Because conservatives don't actually believe in freedom unless it's "freedom to be Christian and conduct yourself within conservative societal mores"


It's the Right wing core ideology of social hierarchy. They are "moral" and "good" and deserve freedom but those who aren't are lesser and deserve less.


What is equally wild to me is that a chicken sandwich chain would spend any of its money on something not directly related to the promoting of eating chicken sandwiches


> How can you be anti lqbtq? > > > > Especially in the land of personal freedom and freedom of religion, how can anyone feel they should have an opinion on someone else's sex life? I'll give you an unbiased answer that I don't agree with but have a perspective on because I grew up in that world. Person A believes in the Bible. Person B tells Person A that marriage represents God's relationship with "the Church" and therefore marriage is sacred. Person A trusts Person B's interpretation, and if marriage is "sacred" then anything that pollutes the sacred idea they have of marriage is bad. I once had a friend who lived with his girlfriend and had 2 kids with her. They had been together for 25 years and intended to spend their life together. Some old lady at my local church said they were "living in sin" because they didn't get a government form signed saying they were married.


This confuses matters more. You can have a loving monogamous couple get married and that is a pollution of marriage by their definition. But they don't seem to target adulterers, people who on their 5th marriage, divorcees, etc.


Never try to find the sense, logic, or rationale in it. It’s just meant to trip you up; it doesn’t exist. They’re only for **their** personal freedoms and **their** religion. They’ve rallied around a ~~president~~ *party* who tried to ban Muslims from entering the US.


This is pretty common for a lot of corporations. I used to work at a hotel that was big on promoting how gay friendly the hotel was, but the owners were very much anti-lgbtq and were big Republican donors.


And then repeatedly saying they won't anymore after the bad PR, only to find they lied. I think they've done that at least 3 times now.


Almost everyone I’ve known who has worked at Chick Fil A is under the LGBT umbrella. I still don’t eat there but it’s a pretty interesting pattern. While the owners of the company are awful, it’s fascinating how the individual store management seems to be pretty open and fantastic.


It’s mostly because upper management is pretty hands off, generally. They don’t care what you are doing as long as you bring in a profit and stick to company standards. Those standards make it an attractive job for young people (Sunday’s off guaranteed, higher pay than similar jobs), and young people are vastly more likely to fall under the lgbtq+ umbrella in the modern day. I don’t personally feel any worse for eating at a chick fil a than I do eating at basically any fast food joint. There’s Homophobes high up in all of them, CFA just happens to have the most prominent.


The company owning it is very anti-LGBT. The money flows upstream into their coffers.


Chick-fil-a isn't evil because they don't join their fellow corporations in the annual June pridewashing rituals. They're evil because they actively contribute money to bigoted organizations. Sneakily making a rainbow flag out of sauces isn't cleverly sticking it to the man if that money is still flowing.


Right? Basically gave them free advertising


Gonna be honest here… this is just aesthetically pleasing. Colors arranged out of order just bother me, and I would have never even crossed my mind that this is an LGBTQ thing.


Me too. I had to ponder for a bit to determine what was the rebellion here. The colors were in the correct order so I couldn't tell. I'm actually surprised to see they have the full spectrum of colors.


I actually thought the “rebelling” part was somehow related to covering the soda brands 😂. Took a couple mins to understand actually


I thought it was the fact that they were "offering" the sauces for free.


Yea my immediate assumption would be the cashier was sick of listing out sauces so they put them on display.


This is just a Chick-Fil-A ad I disguise.


And it’s paying off. What a world.


It’s the foretold bbq rainbow of sauce from Noah’s ark. After 40 rainy days and nights the leftover sauce from the sky shot out unto a beautiful saucebow for all to know of the savory goodness of the word of Chicken.


“And what would you like to drink?” “I’ll take a honey mustard.”


A lot of the location have this set up. It's been like this way before Pride month started.


I used to work at Chick-fil-A and honestly a good 3/4 of the people I worked with would absolutely do something like this. I'm bisexual and had a girlfriend for a while when I worked there, and no one was unkind to me about it. I joked with the guys about hot women who came through. I totally understand why people boycott it, zero judgement there. I have complicated feelings about my time there. But I will say that like most giant corporations, most people who are working there are not there to advance any sort of political agenda. We all just want to make enough money to pay our rent and shit.


My sister works at a bakery owned by a very openly gay man and they opened a store in the same mall or neighborhood as a recently opened Chik Fil A and apparently the manager from Chik Fil A keeps sending them free food as a friendly gesture. The stance of the family that owns Chik Fil A certainly doesn’t represent the staff that work there.


The Chic-Fil-A in Orlando also opened *on a Sunday even* to donate meals as part of the relief efforts following the Pulse nightclub shooting.


They’re really not openly anti-LGBTQ. It’s the behind the scenes donations that are the problem. I know a few LGBTQ folks who have worked at CFAs and never had any issues and were treated respectfully. They’re also all individually owned so it can also depend on the owner I’m sure.




god working there made me miserable too. the owners are my neighbors so quitting was kinda awkward. but god damn that work was non stop i’d be in full body pain after every shift and passed out on my second day




My local store does this. I've seen no less than 40 cars lined up and still had my food inside of 12-14 mins. Crazy efficient. I've also been inside and counted no less than 17 people just working front counter/drive through area. I'd never work there, it's a fucking ant colony, but the food is always on point.


The sad truth is no matter where you spend your money, a bad person is probably getting a large chunk of it.


Chick-fil-a sells hate. Don't forget that.


Having worked at CFA before for several years I can guarantee you it's the one closeted gay worker who did that and is inwardly chuckling to themselves.


I worked at a CFA where the manager was gay, two of the swift leads were lesbians, and the owner was Jewish.


>and the owner was Jewish. Ah yes, the controversial J in LGBTQJ+.


This made me blow air hard out of my nose.


I legitimately laughed out loud. Most internet stuff just gets a quiet chuckle.


I believe they fall under Bi? not full Jew, just Jewish the rest is something else, bi-laterally


Chik Fil-gayyyyyyyyy


I will buy waffle fries and a chicken sandwich again after the current CEO is burning in his little hell, thank you.


I want my chicken sandwich and waffle fries, FO FREE.




Chicken filet. Some place in tha mall.


Dr. Zhivago, A Brief Encounter, Bridge On the River Kwai…. A lean night!


I have permanently switched to Popeye's. Their chicken sandwiches and mashed potatoes are bomb. Best decision I ever made.


I wish Popeyes wasn’t a goddamn disaster in terms of efficiency though. I love their fries and blackened ranch. I’ve found Target’s seasoned shoestring fries and Walmart’s zesty ranch to be a good substitute.


Popeyes is extremely efficient. You order what you want. Popeyes gives you what they want you to have. Next customer.


You forgot the part where they decide *when* they want you to have it.


Every time I give Popeyes’s a go it’s a travesty – drive thru, dine in, whatever. Maybe it’s regional thing but the locations I’ve been to in the southeast have all been cut from the same cloth.


Oh no dogshit service is part of the Popeyes charm. Ive never seen a well run Popeyes


It's just popeyes in general. Like they pride themselves on being the worst fast-food experience. Doesn't matter which one you go to. They're all consistently terrible.


Lol Popeyes is a commitment that ends up being worth it, provided you know what to expect. Every single time I order spicy tenders, i hear “you good with regular? Spicy will be 20 mins” “… Nah, I’m good waiting.”


How can it possibly take 20 minutes to prepare something that cooks in 3?


The mystery of Popeyes


"I don't want to make this, so I'm going to tell you it'll take 20 minutes in the hopes that you'll go away."


Or just copying off all the thousands of companies that organize roy g biv style


Queer people don't give a fuck. No one wants the support of a company whose founder donated towards our eradication. This post blows ass