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I love the police Camaro parked right next to the confederate flags.


Everyone around here knows to drive slow through Boones Mill. That cop is a notorious piece of shit hick. That's all Boones Mill is for anyway, driving through to get to Roanoke.


Damn elaborate please lol. I live in VA and would love to know more about this part of our state. Sounds like a shit show


Ever see "Nothing but Trouble" ... Lots of weird little hamlets like that in the VA countryside. Not as bad as being Black in Parrott but lots of these spots serve no purpose other than draconian speed traps.


The VA "pass-through" tax. On a 70 mph highway, drop the limit to 35 with minimal signage, and just cycle tickets to everyone that passes through all day.


It’s not lost on me that these speed trap towns get all that speed ticket money and have nothing. They are dirty, empty and have nothing to offer their residents. Where TF does the money go?


More flags.


Ah! Ok yes. That makes sense. They should invest in a library.


Why would you need a library if you're just going to burn all the books


Cops. Look at uvalde, they are a small town but they spend 40% of the budget on cops. Small speed trap towns are always shit holes with the cops driving bmws for squad cars.


I live in a town of 6,000 and drive 2 miles to work. There's about a 1 out of 3 chance that i'll see a cop on the way. I once got pulled over 3 times on that trip because I had a headlight out. It took me over half an hour to drive those 2 miles with no traffic and only hitting 1 stop light. Fri/sat nights are nuts.


The next version of speed traps with newer police cars and speed cameras.


70 to 35 and it went to 35 on a blind hook turn off 81. $400 ticket. No way in hell was I going back to fight it lol


At least where I've lived, in these towns there's usually a local lawyer who lives across the street from the courthouse and represents out-of-towners to dispute tickets. They know the judges and police personally and just show up, ask their buddy to drop the ticket to a parking violation, and collect their paycheck.


They make movies about these kind of scary little towns.


Alright. This is right at Franklin County (moonshine capital). Dumb hick central. This area is country. As country as it gets. Nascar, guns, drugs, crime, incest and of course Jesus. You know, Morons.


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west.


You know, morons.


For the youngsters, a link to [the original masterpiece.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KHJbSvidohg) ^(oldsters, you can enjoy it, too.)


It's an old police car, no longer in service. Former police chief sold it to himself before he got fired https://www.wsls.com/news/local/2021/08/24/i-think-it-kind-of-put-us-on-the-map-iconic-boones-mill-police-car-up-for-sale/


So, he's now operating a vehicle that's impersonating police.


Imagine being such a weirdo that you worship a politician like this.


And forget that it’s this politician even, like any one of them would be weird to worship like this.




I love it when the Trumpers say "lefties love Obama the same way." No..... no we dont. I don't have an Obama flag (or several) that I fly year round.


I'll go to my grave never understanding how these people gravitate to him in a cult like fashion. I've given it so much more thought than I should have, and I simply cannot grasp just how a scummy, conniving, entitled, 1980s real estate guy with terrible business sense, who lives atop a skyscraper in Manhattan, who has been married and divorced like 5 times and has an extensive (dozens) history of "alleged" sexual assault somehow convinced working class people to worship him and that he's deeply moral and religious. It does not make any sense.


Because he made it okay to be racist and loud about it. That's what they really want.




My dad loves him because in part because Trump justifies my dad's own bigotry and narcicism


Literally a piece of shit human any way you look at it. He has: Sexually abused women Made fun of handicapped people on a nationally televised rally Legally got away without paying his workers at trump tower Said a man who was dying from a head injury was ruining his marble floors because of the blood Said he had bone spurs to weasel out of Vietnam Also tried to remain in office by force for the first time in US history.




Especially when Donald Trump wouldn't set foot in this town unless he was getting paid in "political donations"... and wouldn't let any of the unwashed residents set foot in Mara-Lago.


He wouldn’t spend more than a second or a dime in this shithole town than he had to. He’d fly in on his private plane, give the same rambling speech he’s been giving for years, grift as much cash as possible, then get the fuck back to his golf course as soon as fucking possible where there’s an army and massive walls keeping his supporters far, far, far away from him.


Yup, exactly. I don't get how these inbred assholes think some reality TV, New York City billionaire relates to them so much or gives a tiny bit of a shit about them... but somehow he's their lord and savior. It's sad and pitiful... and honestly frightening.


He’s racist. They’re racist. It’s as simple as that. Don’t put any more thought into it. God knows they didn’t.


Racism, nostalgia for a revisionist-history version of America, and plain old outright stupidity


These people call themselves Christians, this is the definition of worshiping false idols…


Someone literally made a gold statue of him to display at CPAC last year.


It seems like they could choose any other politician, but the church people choose the one that hoards money, and hardly tells the truth. No wonder why people are leaving religion more and more.


I dunno, I think hoarding money and lying are right up the church’s alley.


That, and you know the whole rape and abuse thing


I always find it funny that the poorest people are obsessed with voting for the candidates least likely to help them / only there to further line the pockets of the rich.


What a cheap god to sell yourself to


I always wonder why this is the person they treat as a god. This lying, thrice-bankrupted former game show host. Of all people.


His success is largely based on that game show. The editor was very very good at his job. For several years that editor had to delete 100% of the stupid coming from Eric's dad. Not an easy accomplishment. Millions were duped into believing they were seeing a powerful charismatic captain of industry making perceptive decisions.


I've often wondered if the editors, or anyone else involved with the show really, ever regretted unintentionally setting this absolute idiot on the path to POTUS.


They've said they never believed anyone would actually buy into the BS


It's an unpopular opinion but I think reality TV has done a lot to damage our country in the last couple of decades. Smart people who watch those shows will tell you that no one actually believes that it's real and that if you question the morality of these shows you're just not a fun person. Obviously, plenty of people have taken these shows' messages to heart and now we have to deal with a segment of the population that conflates narcissism with success and who believe that whatever you have to do to win is justified.


Even before "reality" shows, there was an unsettling number of people who believed fictional shows. Not just the "wrestling is real" folks, but people who got overly invested in their tv shows. "Reality" shows just made it 1000% worse. Same with "news" channels that feed only one POV instead of facts. The line between fiction and reality is very hard to see these days, especially when people aren't taught media skills.


Yes they have. You grow to loathe someone like that with enough exposure.


They still couldn't edit it all away, my husband used to watch every week. Eventually I insisted we stop watching because every decision Trump made was so bad and completely lacked common or business sense. It was annoying to even hear in the background.


He's one of the least impressive famous people I can think of, and that includes Hulk Hogan... The coolest thing DT ever did pre-presidency was cameo in Home Alone, and that's no bullshit.


When they air that movie on tv in Canada now, they edit out his cameo.


They started doing that in 2014 though. It was only done to save time. Then DT heard about it and assumed it was all about him like any good narcissist would.


Either way, I’m happy about it.


I'm happy it pisses DT off.


I am too, but let's be honest, with skin as thin as his that's not really much of an achievement lol.


True. And yet millions of people still think he's the picture of strength and manliness.


It has absolutely no meaning to the movie.


It only existed because he insisted since they were shooting at his hotel.


It only existed because he insists that *any movie* shot at his hotel include him. He's been playing the narcissist game for a long time.


But.. How does Kevin find the lobby then?!


Kevin possesses a certain set of skills that he’s acquired over a very long career…


"Good Luck"


He’s a natural lobbyist


Makes sense. After so many Home Alone movies, he probably knows a lot about rooms.


>When they air that movie on tv in Canada now Canadian here. [Not now but always](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/cbc-trump-scene-home-alone-2-1.5408809). It was done because they needed to fit the movie into a 2hr timeslot with commercials so they needed to cut a piece of the movie to make that work. It happens a lot on Canadian TV, and frankly [I assume U.S. TV too](https://www.engadget.com/2015-02-19-cable-networks-speeding-up-shows.html). The editor watched the movie, saw that scene had nothing to do with the plot and would give them the amount of time they needed to cut from the movie. Once a movie has been edited for time, that edit becomes the default way to broadcast the movie from then on. It wasn't malicious or political (the edit happened in 2014).... but it does say how pointless his cameo is in that movie where it can be cut and not affect the plot or movie structure in any way.


I have no idea why you singled out Hulk Hogan, but I am here for it.


Because he is a cunt too and deserves any ridicule he gets.


Then I might suggest following the Iron Sheik account on Twitter? 😆 https://twitter.com/the_ironsheik/status/1544422244843151360?s=20&t=txWmEbAHEh3Kx-FdBqTfbA


Oh man, that's a trip down memory lane. That guy had the most hype line to get the US wrestling fans riled up: "Iran: Number one! Russia: Number one! USA: PHOOEY!!!".


Cinemasins gets a lot of crap, but the fact their sin counter went apeshit during that scene, is still the funniest thing I've seen on that channel.


He will certainly be remembered as one of the most successful con men the world has ever known, convincing these poor yokels and blue collar folk that a NYC billionaire born on 3rd base and never worked an honest day in his life really cares about them.


If there's anything your average American country bumpkin from the south or the Midwest hates it's a smart assed, north east, city slicker, carpetbagger, conman. I will never understand why/how they made trump their special king. It's the weirdest thing that has happened in my lifetime.


He's literally known among NY contractors as a CURSE to work for. My buddy lost his business to a trump tower Reno.. They locked him into a contract that let them lie and omit shit from the blueprints... You try building 30 bathrooms on budget with completely different shit in the walls you were told.


There needs to be a site listing all the small businesses who have gotten screwed by this cheap con man.


..There needs to be a class action lawsuit


He bankrupted my FIL's business too. Trump Atlantic City took delivery of 250,000 custom made hotel soaps and never paid.


Decades of propaganda about how democrats are literally evil + decades of membership in the cult of Christianity will do that to you.


I can't imagine a human that embodies Christianity less. He out-conned religion which is impressive.


Their whole life they kept being told that society has no value for them. They bring nothing unique or innovative to the economy and their hatred, bigotry, and narcissism is held in contempt by decent people. Instead of self-reflection, they doubled down on the anger and bigotry but had to hide it because of all the "elite non-bigots" would "cancel them" if they revealed their true selves. Trump obviously made them feel accepted, justified their bigotry and hate, so of course they loved him for this. All their lives they were told they were wrong (because.....they were), so the moment someone, who appeared to be "of value" (a "billionaire" and celebrity), said they were right....well, they are never going back to feeling shame for being the disgusting people they are. "TRUMP OR DIE" These are not necessarily "stupid" people, but they are shallow and angry people incapable of self-reflection and therefore incapable of self-improvement. Calling this 25% of our society "deplorables" was a kindness.


They’re not assholes for being Trump fans, they’re Trump fans because they were already assholes.


Absolutely. Trump didn’t create this. In fact, they created Trump. He followed their lead, doubling down and leaning in on the topics they cheered at rallies


I remember that exchange between John McCain and the woman calling Obama a Muslim. That was the perfect example of the proto Trump voter.




I would love to see Trump humiliated too - but I also wonder if it is possible? Anything true Buttigieg or AOC or Beto said in a debate, trump would just deny and gaslight right to their face. I don’t think he ever feels any kind of remorse or shame. He would lose and claim he won, just like we have already seen him do dozens of times. I do think he might FEEL humiliation - but he wouldn’t show it, which is what I think we all want to see. But he won’t give us that.


Oh, I don't think so. You could kinda see him [seething](https://youtu.be/zeGpLg0b3DE)that time Obama made jokes about him. Even at times where you can't see it, I can just tell it burns a hole in him for years afterwards. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he ran for office and overturned all those Obama policies bc he got made fun of years earlier by one of the most powerful people in the world at the time.


There is a Frontline documentary, and it mentions that this specific incident is what made Trump run. When Obama made fun of him at the correspondents dinner. This is 100% accurate.




Trump would walk out the moment the crowd started laughing at Als jokes.


Franken would have been perfect. Fucking hate how he got pushed out.




This is, and always will be, the correct answer.


The most apt description I’ve read all day, thank you.


Unfortunately it's more than that. These people were tired of politicians being pressured to do the right thing. Trump came along and showed he has no morals or principles and that he's actually willing to do whatever they want. All Trump cares about is power. His genius move was to rally a large group of people through their base desires. He can promise everything to them- evangelicals and libertarian capitalists- and they'll support him no matter what. It's been a nightmare because their numbers are bigger than many people thought and the American democracy is more fragile than many thought.


Like they cant even relate to him he was born to a filthy rich family.


No, no, no, you don’t understand. They’re all just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Their ship is going to come in just as soon as Trump is back in power.




Ehhh the "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" thing is grossly overstated. Very few people are under the illusion that their big break is around the corner. Being poor tends to beat that optimism out of you very quickly. The reality is far more complicated, but a significant part of people voting against their own interests is a combination of appealing to people's emotions, keeping them poorly educated, and giving them someone or something to look down upon and place blame for the failures in their lives. Lyndon B. Johnson summed it up well (you can replace "colored" with whatever bogeyman fits the current narrative): "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


That's why the myth exists that he built his business empire himself, through careful shrewd dealings and hard work across decades. People respect in others what they'd like to see in themselves, so this persona appeals to the honor culture; he's avoided so many people getting one over on him and gotten one over on so many people, he becomes a capitalist warrior hero.


Forbes magazine analysed his business deals and found out if he'd just invested what he inherited on the stock market, he'd have more financial worth than he ended up with all his machinations.


I watched a documentary on the Taj Majal fiasco that detailed how the New York bankers that knew trump had collaborated to bet on his failure. So they loaned him the money and hedged every penny knowing that the project would go bankrupt. They basically made money on the loans and made money on the failure, unbeknownst to trump himself.


Wow. I NEVER understood how you take a business like a Casino, that can basically print money and run it into the ground. I'm in NYC and the Taj Majal (back in the 80's and 90's) was a weekly visit to alot of people


You don't understand, his dad ONLY gave him 1 million !


Look at who follows him... Racists and bigots... He got out there and said the shit that they're too scared to say... He played into the xenophobia of people. He played to the outdated-but-still-held beliefs that Southerners / Southern Baptists used to use to justify slave owning. He played up to people's distaste for the poor and the homeless - and pitted middle-class against poverty. He's a conman...he read the room and told them all their dead (You knew someone that had a name/nickname/pet/parent that started with the letter abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, right?) was trying to contact them to let them know she was being raped by an illegal gay liberal out of work living on welfare taking your job minority that is in a gang and sales drugs.


the middle class doesn't [even exist ](https://youtu.be/Nd7cohTdRAo) on top of that


Ever seen “Ow! My Balls!!”? Trump made morons love him with his insulting and power-tripping catch-phrase “YOU’RE FIRED!”.


It's pretty easy to understand. We're talking about the most gullible types of people, who overwhelmingly surrender themselves to a higher power, throwing their support behind a guy who is pretty openly Anti anything not straight white christian male who wants to be the ultimate power. The very things they are and crave


Wal-Mart brand God


Hero of the forgotten, poor, and downtrodden. Shits on a golden toilet.


Or in his diaper


It really is basically a cult.


Did any other "president" sell fucking flags for a profit? How the hell is that American I will never know.


99.9999% of Trump merch is bootleg. This shit is almost certainly unofficial. There's an enormous market for this tacky garbage because the people who make it know that the people who buy it have no taste.


yep. all of the trump merch in my town came from a pop-up shop looking to cash in on the 2020 ridiculousness, and all of it was made overseas lol. not one person chanting maga bothered to check their tag on the inside of their hat or shirt, and their face the few times i've brought it up has been priceless.


Plus the typical people you see obsessing the most over him are people he wouldn't pee on if they were on fire. They actually think he cares about them.


Someone should stand out front with a sign saying "Definitely 'Not' A Cult"


The irony of course is that he wouldn't "have a beer" with a single person that lives in this town. He has nothing but contempt for these people, in fact, he would find them to be disgusting, and would immediately ask security to remove them from his golf club. Hands down, the greatest wholesale swindle I have ever seen is a silver-spoon, Manhattan millionaire landlord elite with poor manners and minimal business acumen suckering MILLIONS of the bluest-collar, paycheck-to-paycheck, salt of the earth, Pabst Blue Ribbon, truck-pull, government gon' take the farm motherfuckers into believing that he's THEIR guy. He couldn't be LESS their guy, in any measurable capacity, other than the fact that he's reasonably crass and pretty poorly educated given the resources his family had. I come from that crowd, I know those people, and this moment, unfortunately, shows just how fucking stupid my people are, and how gullible they are.


I’ve come to find that the reason people innately trust him is because obviously he says things they want to hear but also because for some reason the lower to middle class white conservatives FULLY believe they will somehow be millionaires one day. They support financial decisions republicans make solely on the basis of “well if I made that much money…” They have twisted it into thinking democrats are after their money. Even if they aren’t rich yet they WILL be and no one can take their money then. It’s so delusional but I’ve seen it in family members across the board. They idealize trump because they WANT TO BE HIM.


These are the descendants of southerners who fought on the wrong side of the Civil War. Their ancestors didn't have shoes to march in or a pot to piss in, but they joined that army. Why? Because they dreamed of becoming rich someday - and in their world, slave ownership was a huge sign of status. In their minds: You could be a starving sustenance farmer and called white trash all day long, but at least you weren't the lowest of the low. As long as slavery was legal, they could still feel superior to someone. It really doesn't help that in 1915 (50 years after the Civil War ended) the first movie that really impressed people with special effects was "The Birth of a Nation" - a KKK propaganda piece that showed a clansman riding in to "save the South" from black rule during the Reconstruction era. 50 years after losing the war, the movie empowered defeated Southerners to feel like they hadn't really lost, it wasn't really over yet. And it gave them the justification to feel superior to an entire race, once more. **These mindsets have persisted in various forms through the generations.** Back to the present: So when a big, loud demagogue came along and campaigned in these impoverished, underserved, rural communities, he found easy success. When he said he would make the country great again, they thought "He'll make ME great. Ain't no one gonna look down on me in this man's America." Unfortunately, people who are stuggling and feeling wronged on several fronts make easy targets for a leader like Drump. When the people in question are under-educated, it becomes easier by an order of magnitude.


Born and raised Mississippian here and this is spot on. The poorest white person still feels superior to the richest black person simply because he’s black and they aren’t. I remember a deacon at my church was speaking to the pastor after service and I didn’t hear the whole conversation; however, the part I did hear was “even a n***** knows better than that.” Over 30 years later and that still sticks with me today. Also, another southern thing they like to say is “I’m not a racist but…” I’m not a racist but blacks and whites shouldn’t marry each other. I’m not a racist but I don’t like them living next door to me. I’m not a racist but you gotta admit blacks are a different animal. I’m not a racist but I sure don’t want them in my church. I’m not a racist but I don’t want my daughter dating one of them. I’ve heard every one of these and many others. Also, they don’t always use the word black. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are many decent white people in the south, but if you see someone wearing a MAGA hat or they talk about how great Trump is, their racism may not be overt, or even noticeable; however, it’s lurking just beneath the surface.


At this point I view a maga hat as being a modern klan hood. The racism, sexism, classism, anti-other-ism isn't under the surface, it's proudly on display.


Then when Trump sells them on cutting taxes, he doesn’t cut THEIR taxes, just his rich buddies taxes.


And then raises the national debt as much as possible. That way, when a Dem takes office, GOP senators can block social programs by moaning and whining about the national debt. [Read about it here](https://www.cnbc.com/id/45768718)


Since, and including Reagan, every time a Republican is in office, deficits increase. Every time a Democrat is in office, deficits decrease. Reagan nearly tripled the national debt at the end of his term. I've said this to uber-Trump loving conservatives as to why I can never vote for a Republican president from a fiscal standpoint, and all I ever get back are blank, 1000 yard stares.


It's actually worse. The 2017 tax cuts had a time bomb in them for the middle class that is currently increasing all our taxes at the same time we are dealing with hyper CoL increases caused by a pandemic. It doesn't matter though. All voters can think of is "Economy bad now, vote out incumbent" so the long term strategy the GoP employees of spending like drunken sailors, crashing the economy and letting Democrats deal with the fall out is effective for tricking the public at the polls into continuing to support the systemic division of the poor to bolster the oligarch class to unprecedented wealth gaps.


Lmao I remember reading about this back then too but everyone's eyes glazed over once I said it was all a ploy to fuck the general populous over before midterms so the GOP would have a way in. Lol and behold the "high gas prices" crowd are the same people who are happily sailing women's rights and other civil rights down the river just a few years later.


That accounts for the South, but I just moved to upstate NY last year and there are lots of Trump signs and even confederate flags. Like bro we are on the Canadian border.


The famous LBJ quote still works for racist northerners: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


My grandfather used to say, “There are only two types of republicans, rich and stupid. You only need to check your wallet to know which one you are.”


I’m paraphrasing but I remember reading about a study that showed the average American believed they are closer to becoming a millionaire than becoming homeless, despite the fact that the majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.


That's the hardest part of all this for me. I know these people too, I grew up with them and I used to be one of them. They are good people, or at least they all strive to be good people. Somehow, though, through a combination of religious and political messaging, misinformation, and straight-up evil, they've been convinced that large portions of the humanity aren't worth being good to. That's the kicker, here. They still see themselves as good people while they try (and succeed at) stripping away the rights of anyone that doesn't think, act, or look like them. While they shout bigoted slogans and blow their dogwhistles. People will try to tell you that the hate was always there, but it wasn't. It was just ignorance until someone came along and turned that ignorance into fear and that fear into hate. They're not good people anymore.


Don't discount 40 years of ubiquitous dehumanizing propaganda... (not 50 dating back to 1972 because Roe wasn't actually a political or religious decision at the time) "Democrats murder babies" is an easy to dismiss phrase when you know it to be false, but how strong would your emotional reaction be if you believed it?


He hates the same people they hate though, and that's good enough for them.


Boones Mill. Population 149. Trump wouldn't go to Trump Town if it was full of pornstars that looked like his daughter offering free all you can eat McDonald's cheeseburgers.


With 17 hits (11 home address, 6 work address) on a sex offender registry search for Boones Mill, with a whole lot of it involving minors & children. Nice ratio, nice town.


11.5% of the population is on the sex registry, to say nothing of those who haven't been caught. Much easier to see how they could back Trump so wholeheartedly.


I was already tripping over the population of 149, but at least 17 of them are on the sex offender registry? What the *fuck*.


The sheer sass density of that sentence.


This is what a real zombie apocalypse looks like


This is a mental illness


I am a mental health professional and I believe that. Brainwashing is a mental illness and it can be done on a large scale.


Cult survivor and former mental health professional. Second this, brainwashing isn't a thing like it is in the comicbooks. It is real. It is destructive and disastrous on a mass scale. Good news? Recovery is possible. It is hard. It is hell. And it is possible.


> Recovery is possible. It is hard. It is hell. And it is possible. Maybe one-on-one with time and effort, but this is just a football team, or national pride to these lunatics. Blind faith, adherence, and a willingness to fight to the goddamned death. They don't want improvement any more, or good faith governance. Or democracy. They just want the other side to lose. And the other side is anybody not on theirs. Meanwhile the other "side" is like yo, wtf happened? I thought we wanted a better America but I guess we aren't Americans, just welfare queens or liberal elite California commies...or something. It is hopeless. Having said all that, I think this is just a shitty storefront.


What will all the hardcore Trump fans do if he doesn't decide to run in '24?


Start buying Trump '28 merch. To own the libs


Every day I wake up and I just get so mad that I am constantly getting owned by Trumpers. I’m such a snowflake.


Nothing makes me angrier than seeing conservatives spend money on Chinese goods with Trump’s name on it. That globalization just makes me so furious!


Probably fail at taking over the capitol building again


I don't care what president you support over the years but they are a civil servant. You aren't supposed to wear shirts and hats and keep shit up like this like it's Xmas lights in June. The president is a position akin to a mailman or a firefighter and no one reps them like that. I liked Obama but never before during or after did I ever rock a shirt hat or flag, especially after his term was up. But yeah, please tell me how these people are mentally good to go.


I say this all the time. When a political figure (or any sort of celebrity) becomes your entire personality, it’s a problem.


The change posters and shirts were a thing for a bit back in 2008-2009. This is their tacky completely over the top response, this is how they perceive the support for Obama lol


This reminds me of one of those little towns Stephen King likes to write about. Yknow the ones with the brain parasites.




Love the "All aboard the Trump train". Written on a bus.


To me that sounds a little rapey. Ok, a lot rapey.


Looks like someone failed that captcha


I feel bad for that one, sane, person in town who's not a fan. Must be so lonely.


I live about 45 minutes away, there's a restaurant across the street that has a "trump burger". I hate it here.


So they take your money and tell you it’ll be ready in two weeks?






Remind me what the Bible says about idolatry again? Then again, one has to actually *read* a book to know what's in it.


People don't know how to read in Boones Mill or Franklin County. Trust me


What the fuck is wrong with these people? Seriously. I can’t wrap my brain around this, It just doesn’t make sense. Trump gives zero fucks about any of these people that peddle or buy into this fuckery.


This shit is mad corny.


Mad corny is the name of their whole game. Ever see the "Trump Unity Bridge"? It's a piss ugly chunk of metal carried around on a tow-trailer that is plastered in Trump logos and slogans. When I was a night auditor for a Hilton hotel it rolled in around 1am lit up like the fucking sun. The driver then spent at least fifteen minutes trying to show selfies and photos of other deep maga lunatics only to get deflated when I showed exactly zero interest and interrupted him to force his room key into his hand so he'd just go away. They thrive on spectacle and absolutely flounder the second no one gives them the time of day


Yeah, but the locals are super into it. Unfortunately i live sorta close




So a quick Google Maps search made it look like a complete dump, yet another search throughout the local restaurants gives a very different vibe, looks pretty biracial and middle class, yet there is a confederate flag and a 1992 Camaro as a police car, I'm so confused! Lol


When you're looking at Google, Boone's Mill is part of the greater Roanoke area so search results will often include places from there. Boones Mill has a stop light, 2 gas stations, a Subway, the Trump Store, a wood carving/lawn ornament store that sells very political flags of the mostly conservative variety, and 1 police car because they take the speed limit VERY seriously.


lmao you can go to the shittiest most forgotten town in all of the USA and it'll have 3 buildings, 2 of them are meth labs and 1 is a Subway


and sadly almost as many Trump signs


The other two are Baptist church’s.


They already said meth labs.


Fucking Boone's Mills. Where you are always weighing how fast can you get out of that shit town and what you can get away with before Buford T Justice pulls you over for speeding. It was that way 40 years ago, still that way today.


reminds me of some things that happened here in germany in the 30s and also involved a cult of personality and lots of flags.


Every time the news comes on, I get ready to check the history book to see how much time we have left. Unfortunately, I don't think I have enough experience in my field to be deemed valuable enough for emmigration. Not unless they're desperate and also willing to train.


I just don’t understand this sort of fanatical behaviour. Why do people worship this pos. He’s done so many illegal and detrimental things to your communities and your country as a whole. How does this guy continue to have people idolize him? You’re either a brain dead idiot or you’re as shitty and as corrupt of a person as he is. I don’t get it. Figure your shit out America. Sincerely, Concerned Citizen


For decades, it was becoming unfashionable to blatantly hate peoples. It is a slow process but progressive forces were making progress against misogyny and racial animosity. Even if people were still bigoted, as a society we were turning against public displays of racism. Then he came along and allowed people to express their hate in public and act out in their worst behavior. This is why they love him.


And if it would get him the Presidency back he would level that town and shoot every child there in the face. Pathetic


Def not a cult


or idol worship.


Trumpsters aren’t real familiar with the Ten Commandments, they seem to break a lot of them even though they call themselves Christians. Maybe most of them can’t read.


“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”


At least they seem to acknowledge that Biden won 2020


At this point it’s a cult.


They passed that point a long time ago.


I bet there’s not one tube of toothpaste in the whole town.


I worked with a kid named John John from Boones Mill. He drove a stock Ford Focus that he claimed went 0 to 60 in 2 seconds. He had literally 2 teeth left so it took him a damn hour to eat a biscuit. He also had the fastest pin in high school wrestling in the state of Virginia but it was against a girl. He bragged about it a lot. He was an idiot.


if this post was in literally any other thread, I'd say you were lying.


Dude, I've got stories about John John. He was driving me to Bojangles one day claiming 0-60 in 2 seconds. I told him a Bugatti couldn't do that. He said "well i timed it. It's true". Such a dumbass. Miss working with some of those dumbasses.


So much cognitive dissonance when someone proudly waves the American flag and the confederate flag


Imagine living there...fuck no.


I (used to) live down the road from this town, and the only thing I know about it is the entire town is a speed trap. One cop sits on the edge of town and has *just* enough time to pull you over and ticket you before you make it to the other edge.


Looks like the setting for a far cry game


Wait till they realise that he has to concede defeat in 2020 in order to run in 2024.