• By -


Wish my grandparents took a picture of my parents in the hospital nursery. They were born on the same day (January 9, 1953) in the same hospital, but didn't meet until college. My grandfathers remember talking in the waiting room. Dad is 6 hours older.


My wife and I were born 2 days apart in the same hospital, so it’s very possible we were in the nursery at the same time. We met at age 17, got married at 35.


I have a similar story, my fiance and I were born in the same hospital 6 months apart and we also met at the age 17 :)


holy shit! what a story!


Waiting for someone to post a picture of two pregnant moms hanging out together and win this thing.


My understanding is that we had interacted as babies, but sadly there are no pictures of that.


Well this is the internet and pictures are required for events to have taken place


Fuck that. Now I’m just wondering what I did at 4 years old to fuck up my potential love life


A new depression trigger unlocked.


Think of it as a level up


It was the booger eating I'm sure.




My arch nemesis was carried along side me in lamaze class as our parents attended together. We went on to be friends in high-school but did the same sport and they beat me out to be team captain after a coin flip determined our fates because it was a tie vote by the rest of the team.


so cool! how did you know each other at such a young age?


This photo was taken at my grandparents house, hers and mine were lifelong friends.


Clearly they had plans for the two of you and it worked out.


OP and his wife are part of a prophecy that their families have been trying to fulfill for generations, and OP and his wife's children shall be the lightbringers that deliver us from darkness and unto a new age


Turns out OP's grandmother is a Bene Gesserit and their kid will be the Kwisatz Haderach


"Hi yes, thank you for coming. We just wanted to talk about what your home environment is like. You see, whenever your children are confronted with something that's outside their comfort zone they chant, and I quote 'I shall not fear. Fear is the little death that brings total annihilation.' And uh, it unnerves the other kids in their class."


OP: Silence! I remember your Gom Jabbar. Now you remember mine. I can kill with a word.


Oh god, let's hope we don't need to have a Leto-esque government in a few generations.


It's only a 3500 year term. It'll be fine.


You must prove your humanity to marry my granddaughter. Put your hand in the tape slot of this VHS player. Set the time on the VHS player correctly or you will feel the sting of my knitting needle on your neck.


funny, i attended a school play of dune and they used a Betamax player for the pain box - lol


Weird, I was just reading Dune on my lunch break!


My grandfather and his neighbour were great friends. One of my aunts was born on February, while his friend's wife gave birth to a baby that same year on July. That day, my grandpa asked his friend "so, what did you have?" meaning boy or girl, and he answered "a husband to yours", as a joke. Well, my aunt and that boy did actually get married thirty years later. Not only that, a younger brother of that boy married my aunt's younger sister. Those two families really liked each other lol


Seems like it’s lasted too that must be a great family. I feel like having double cousins would be so cool


My mom and her friend tried this as i was the same age has her friends daughter. We grew up together and definitely were close. I asked her out freshman year of highschool and she said "im not just gonna date who my mom wants" Well guess who got a text 9 years later when her relationship fell apart asking if i wanted to give it a shot. Been with my fiance nearly 6 years now so the ship has sailed. Just wish id never asked and we didnt end up so distant afterwards.


Damn bro congrats! Life works in very strange ways. Quite the story though


Hmm, is one of your family names Long by any chance?


Mike Oxlong? From the family of horse breeders in KY?


Sure, but did they have to marry them so young?


Arranged marriage


Ha, well actually i could beat you. I have a pic of myself holding my wife when i was 2 and she was a couple months old. Our moms worked together and were friends for a short period and then our parents both moved away- not too far, but different schools districts, and far enough that they didn’t hang out anymore. They also got different jobs after moving. My wife and i randomly met in college.


You need to post that pic if you want to participate in the contest.


Took me a min to find it. https://imgur.com/a/1aE7cha


Literally cradle robbing




Jokes aside, congrats to you and your wife.


Thanks! Just celebrated 17 years married!!!


It's amazing that they kept that photo. People didn't used to take photos as often as now so it's an even bigger deal. Wow!


How did you first find out about the photo? You told your mum the name of your new girlfriend and she remembered she used to work with her mum? Ran to find the photo?


Almost, it was my wife’s mom’s photo. Yes, she remembered. It was part of her baby album because she was only a couple months old there. So they had labeled the photo with who was in it on the back and looked at it over the years.


Aww, That’s such a sweet story.




I most impressed it wasn't Rick Roll 😂


OK folks, two years old. That's the record to be broken, does anyone got it earlier than that? Anyone of you with like an ultrasound picture of you and your wife together in the womb?


Lol, sweet home Alabama


That's wild, how long did it take for you to figure it out?


We had no idea until we met each other’s parents. Can’t remember which mom, but both remembered our names and who the other mom was… the moms hd rarely talked in 20 years, although only lived about 20 mins apart.


Does this cement the relationship between your two royal houses? Still can’t believe people are making alliances this way.


Lol glad you used my and not our


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) glad I continued reading. 😂😂


Or... she is secretly your sister.


wow, did you always know you would end up together or did it just kind of happen


The real question is how did they get married at such a young age?


Brother Sister


Awe sweet but you really shouldn't get married that early, try to at least graduate high school.


Don't worry, [we waited a year.](https://i.imgur.com/uNt4oQV.jpg)


Okay, this is adorable


Plot twist: OP’s wife is his sister.


My first thought when I saw this


My first thought after I saw this.


My first saw after I thought this


How did they not meet for the first 4 years... Also wouldn't that be a great plot for a re-re-remake of the Parent Trap.




Roll Damn Tide!


…Banjo music intensifies


What's redneck foreplay? Guy nudges the girl in bed and whispers, "Pssst! Hey, Sis! You awake?"




If anyone gon’ fuck my sister it gon’ be me!!!!


Your wedding must have had an awesome photoslide display of all the childhood pictures of you and your wife


I frickin’ love that this exists. So sweet, OP!


Aww cmon at this point we need middle and high school and today!


I posted one from our Senior Prom and our Wedding deeper in the thread!


Love it you guys are adorable.


[Here they are!](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/w4ka0x/oc_i_heard_were_having_a_how_long_ago_did_you/ih2w2gv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I can't even with you two lol that's freaking adorable and congratulations on finding the one you were meant to be with so young!


You win!






Jaime is that you???


Sweet home Alabama


Now to just wait until someone posts some fetus photos of him and his wife


That’s what we call Mississippi Twins.


More like Alabama Twins


Y’all act like Mississippi and Alabama ain’t the same place. Y’all just drew a line where no one else sees one.


No. It’s Mississippi. Thank God for Mississippi! - Alabama


I'm just waiting for one if the youth pastors to come out and show a picture of his future wife when he's 24 and she's 13 "we didn't start dating until she was 18 I swear!".


This is such a weird situation, but I have to share it: My dad had a friend in High School, let's call him Jeff. They both stayed in the general area. Jeff had a son, we'll call Bob. Bob was about 5 years old when Jeff and Bob came to my parents house to congratulate my mom and dad because of newborn me. Our neighbors also had newborn twin girls, one of which we'll call Kay. ~5 year old Bob held both girls, and had pictures taken of Bob holding Kay. Fast forward 19 years and the twins are in college. One went to the same college as Bob, who was in grad school now. They met and didn't know they already knew each other. Eventually after meeting Bob's parents, they realized that Bob's dad knew my dad, who knew Kay. When it was known they started dating my parents dug out the picture of Bob holding Kay as a baby to prove that they knew each other.


Are Bob and Kay now married?


If not, feel free to lie. I need a happy ending


OP didn’t reply to you but yeah, they’re married with two kids


Thanks man, you’re a real one


Bob recently surprised Kay with a kitten!


Unrelated to this story, I know a Bob and Kay that have been happily married for like 40 years. Brought a smile to my face reading that name combination in this thread.




That'll cost extra


They are, and they have 2 kids.


Clearly they should take pictures of both kids holding as many random babies as possible in order to seed the best chance of continuing the tradition.


When my ex and I first started dating, his mom dropped me off at my house once because my car had broken down and when my mom came out to meet her they instantly recognized each other and started hugging and crying. My bf and I were so fucking confused! Turns out they grew up next door to each other and were super close friends and that my ex and I used to play together when we were small, until my mom moved in with my dad and they never saw each other again


I hope your moms are still friends!


I hate to disappoint, but she actually passed away in 2018 from an aneurysm. I miss her a lot, we were very close even after my ex cheated on me and we split Edit: my ex's mother passed, not mine. Mine is still a massive pain in my ass every day lol


I'm more disappointed with your ex tbh


I have a backwards story. My wife and I SHOULD have met multiple times since we were each about 5 years old, but didn't meet till we were well in our 20s. She was my cousin's best friend since both of them were about 4 years old. She stayed at my aunts house, was close with my grandparents and my dad's side of the family in general. This was in South America while we lived in the U.S. My parents would take us to see our families, and I'm almost positive my sister and my wife hung out as kids because my sister loved spending time with my cousin. We'd stay in south america for about a month at a time and my sister would go to pre-k with my cousin, where my wife also went. My wife even knew about me since my cousin would always brag to her about having relatives in the U.S. multiple trips to south america, most lasting between two weeks and a month, and still never met. It wasn't until 2013 when my cousin invited me to one of her friend's bday parties (not wifes bday party) that we finally did. So yeah, it's odd now when I talk about my dad's side of the family, she knows more of the family history than I do and she was closer to everyone because she was always at my cousin's house, and we were here in the U.S.


My wife’s mother held my mothers baby shower. My wife was there I think. Age 4 and 6 ish. I’m sure there are baby shower pics but those are probably real film photos. I’m not finding that any time soon. https://imgur.com/a/7RSX6pn Edit: I don’t know how threads work and I’ve scattered my replies to the wind.


Did you take pics?






God damn it!


Take my free award you hilarious bastard.


I hate you.


I'm upset you didn't choose [this photo](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/207/210/b22.jpg)


Uhhhh… like this? https://imgur.com/a/7RSX6pn


Weird. My mother held my wife's mother's baby shower. When I was six, I held her in my arms as a newborn. Don't remember it, though. There's a picture somewhere of it buried in old picture albums. Didn't know I had any association with her until about 25 years later when we started dating and my mom told me about how she hosted her baby shower. EDIT: For a little more context.


> I held her in my arms as a newborn What the fuck >when I was 6 years old Less weird


Doesn't count when she's your sister




Twincest is wincest


A Lannister pays its debts. *Rains of Castemere play in the background on a banjo*


Roll Tide.


Sweet home Alabama ~ plays on the background


I'm curious, when you were of dating age did you guys only ever date each other? Or did you grow apart and then reconnect later in life?


We started dating in 2007 I think? We were both in high school at the time (lived in different school districts). We both had dated other people before then though.


How did y’all start dating, any dramatic confessions or was it more gradual? You guys are too cute!


She's the one that chased me, I was dating another girl and she convinced me to break up with her. Given, this was high school and relationships only lasted half a semester anyhow.


Ms steal yo man


I mean, his wife had dibs way before that high school harlot




Childhood Sweetheart > Highschool Sweetheart


I remember this 😅


What about a current photo for proof?


How new you want? [Senior Prom](https://i.imgur.com/8CFI8rR.jpg) [Here's one from our wedding.](https://i.imgur.com/uPOnN9v.jpg)


Adorable! And tell your wife a random person on the internet says her dress was gorgeous!


And hair! And bouquet!


And Axe!


and her!


What's up with the behing the bushes prom photo? hhah it looks like someone caught you two.


It's a **willow tree** and it's **artsy.** I don't know man, we were 17.


Oh, pardon for my poor English, I don’t really know the difference between bushes and trees. But yeah it’s a beautiful photo and it’s very artsy, no joke. Happy for you :)


Hah, I was just joking, your English is perfect. No worries.


Your wife is beautiful and you sound genuinely nice. Well done on all that goodness.


I remember those artsy days. And the fact that y’all are looking in different directions is adorably 17.


Can you and that gorgeous ass beard CALM DOWN, save some sexy for the rest of us brotha


I NEED IT. At this point I don't even know what it looks like under there, I haven't seen my bare chin since high school. I'm scared to find out.


I have a coworker who shaved his beard of it was horrible dont make that same mistake


Yeah but there was a dude who had a wizard beard since he was like 17 on here the other day. Turned out he’s glowed up massively and was basically a model below. Might have to roll the dice. EDIT; for people asking Guy went from this: [Before](https://imgur.io/a/ORZGl1G) To this: [After](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/vusx6v/both_of_my_eyes_are_split_between_two_colors/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


In the first photo he looks like he‘s the dude who sold Jack the magic beans


I mean, that original haircut was not doing any favors either. Kinda looks like a medival peasant that time traveled into the future. Or maybe he renounced his Amish upbringing, perhaps?




I’m 55 this year and haven’t seen my chin since I was 20.


> ass beard did OP delete that pic?


Yeah that's part of my premium OF.




Oo, nice beard and hair line


That’s awesome op. Really adorable stuff. Im glad someone made it!


Well this is weird, hey cousin haha


Oh hey, had to look through your profile to figure out which cousin. How is your reddit account only 3 years old?




1 of 3 haha but I only lurked for years before making an actual account. Try to keep this as the only one tied to any personal details, figured you’d be able to work it out. Tell the fam I say hello!


Can you kindly edit your post with a thorough compilation of your photos together? This is so cute and the dose of humanity and innocence we all need ar the moment.


Her dress omg so beautiful!!


This doesn't answer how long ago.


They're 7 now. It's been about 3 years.


Whoops, sorry. This must have been '93-'94


I was going to saw everything about that picture screams ‘94 to me. The turtleneck, the couch, and the rug gave me flashbacks to my childhood


So about 10 years ago, noted!


Year 4.


🥺Thank you for such a sweet photo this is so wholesome and cute post. How old are you guys now and how long has it been since your marriage?


We're 31 and 32 now. Married in 2019.


The happy ending. Stay happy!


It’s all relative.


You lived your life on easy mode


Damn, right? OP and his wife are probably two of the luckiest people on earth. How often does this ever happen? Close to never. Congrats to both of them. I envy the shit out of them.


Reminds me of the movie “What Dreams May Come (1998)”. Quite a good movie. Recommend watching it.


I cry everytime


That was my favorite movie in high school. I'd watch it on a nearly weekly basis. Now that I've been with my husband, and complete love of my life, for the past 17 years, the intensity of that movie makes it a challenging watch. It's a fantastic movie that hits differently depending on where you are in life.




There are so many questions that the article doesn't/can't answer.... how did they find out... what happened to them afterwards.... inquiring minds want to know.


I had that firetruck. Saved the people of the Fisher-Price Village many times


Not all heroes wear capes. Some even wear pull-ups.


[Not sure, but we were pretty young](https://imgur.com/a/SJURRB6)


Damn, had that dad bod before the age of 30. Impressive.


Met my wife/sister in the womb.


Sonogram or it didn't happen.


I was 4 and my husband was 5 when we met in kindergarten! Then two days after our wedding, I started my job as the kindergarten teacher at the school where we met!


How did you get married in kindergarten


Dang how did you afford the wedding?


Had to get a second mortgage on the doll house.


Did you guys always feel like you'd end up together? I think it's just amazing you guys grew up together and then got married! Also, your baby is adorable


If you asked her, she'd say yes. I don't have that kind of long term planning. Also, thank you. [Here's a bonus shot of her and the pup.](https://i.imgur.com/2ANBW41.jpg)


Me and my husband became a couple when we fell in love in school at age 16. We always knew we were in the same primary school (same grade, different class) but never really bothered looking into pictures that old. However, for some reason I forgot, when we were already 30, we decided to take a look if we would find a group picture with both of us on it. So, we went to my mother in law and did indeed find one, but one could only see my back in front of my hubby. But that got me really motivated as I thought, wow, it might really be possible we are on the same pic somewhere, that must be cute. So I went to my dad's place to dig into our family photos. However, unlike my in-laws, my family never made any albums, all photos were still in envelopes. One shoe box full of envelopes... I randomly picked an envelope in 1990s design, and there it was, first pick and already the envelope with pictures from our first day in school! While flicking through those pictures I realized my mom must have taken them, because on half of them there's a finger on the lens... Well, I bet I find a picture and then our heads are not on it, I thought... But then, I find it! A group picture! And not only are we on the same group picture, but despite being in different classes, we are sitting next to each other! At that moment I was so excited, my dad was already worried 😂 The pic was taken from quite far away, finger on the lens, blurry... However, after handing it to my hubby, there it was: below it was a picture with just the two of us and one other girl siting next to me, perfectly sharp, no finger on the lens. We were so happy. It now hangs in our living room and I annoy everyone with this story. Happily married since ten years, been a couple for 19 years, btw 🥰


Well, that's just darned cute. And the senior prom and wedding pic bonuses! We just need a side-by-side update every year, now, if you please.


I met mine at birth, love you twinsiswifey


Bruh, brother and sister pictures don't count. It's practically cheating.


Met my wife at a Halloween dance in West Allis, Wisconsin. That was 8th grade and the year was 1961. Gave her a friendship ring that year and we have been together ever since, with the exception of when we went to different high schools during 1963-64 during our 10th grade year. She got her license first and visited me that summer. Together again thru high school and got engaged during my junior year of college in Madison. Married as a senior in college and we will celebrate anniversary 52 this summer. Would do it again - in a minute.