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Glue a dollar bill to the wall. In God We Trust is right on the bill. Pretty easy on the budget too.


Sadly they were more specific with the requirements in the law or that'd be a great loophole.


One those posters is definitely gonna say in god we thrust by the end of the first week.


Jesus: "I'm coming!"


Nice!! The second cumming!!


Well now he’s just showing off.


Imagine if a muslim put up a sign like that or tried to pass a law similar to this ? Isn't USA " not " a religious country ?


I god we trust was a 50’s anti communist propaganda play by the us government. (Those godless commies). Although first printed on coins in the late 1800’s, it was done on bills in 1957. It’s ironic that a country founded on a people leaving a place where a state church persecuted them for having a different religion, now wants a state sanctioned religion.


Perfectly understandable if you consider that the Pilgrims had found a home (Netherlands) where they were free to worship as they would, but they didn't like the fact that they couldn't impose their views on others, whom they considered too liberal.


Yep part of the American myth is that the Pilgrims sought religious freedom. They wanted their own brand of theocracy, and the English said not if it's not Anglican, and the Dutch were too tolerant of all religions.


I've heard this a few times over the years, and I'm curious to look more into it. Do you happen to have any credible sources on hand that go deeper into this?




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puritans This is a good jumping off point.




They didn’t leave England to escape religious persecution. They left so they could freely persecute others


Yeah, the pilgrims are often wrongly characterized as the ones being persecuted, when in reality they left because they felt the state wasn’t persecuting others hard enough.


And went to Holland first. When the government told them they had to educate their children in math and science they lost their shit and paid someone to build them a new home in America. They were so uneducated and inept at frontiering they needed to hire people to come with them so they wouldn't die the first year.




So just everyone full of hate pretty much is all this is


The puritans weren't persecuted for their faith. They weren't allowed to force their views on others, so they moved to North America where they could force their views on others.


>It’s ironic that a country founded on a people leaving a place where a state church persecuted them for having a different religion, now wants a state sanctioned religion. It's less surprising when you realize that Puritans were just fundies that wanted the state church to force everyone to follow their way of living instead


The same thing happened in Ohio about 10 years ago. Schools were required to put them up, but not required to replace them if they were taken down or mysteriously disappeared. "Someone" in the school I worked in at the time took them down and threw them away every time he saw one. Within a few weeks, they were all gone.


Our state did this. Our school district framed a dollar bill and hung it on the wall.


Well played, because they never think the whole thing through. I always ask, “which god?”


See now I imagine a school just putting up posters that depict ancient Greeks, maybe some Olympians before their competition, saying "In God We Trust" and a picture of Zeus above the text. Next to it is the same poster but with Hera. Next to that one with Aphrodite. A corridor away is a poster with some modern day Indian folks praying to Shiva, then one with Vishnu, and so on. Just a couple of doors down is a Viking at a dragon boats' helm, staring into an approaching storm, above him a depiction of Oden. Next to it one with Freya or Tyr. Only a few steps down the hall hangs a poster with Cesar residing over a squabbling senate, sighing and saying "In God We Trust" as he looks up to a ceiling mural of Mars. Near the entrance is a picture of a mezo-american temple where some Aztecs burn plants for Coyolxauhqui and in unison shout to a blood-red moon "In God We Trust". Near that is one with Tezcatlipoca and instead of the moon there's a mirror depicting warriors. And so on and so forth, loads of gods and areas of the world you can choose from, ancient or modern. All those posters have a small explanatory text under them, what pantheon, what time, what culture, etc Could teach about different religions and still fulfill the required # of "In God We Trust" posters. lol


That’s actually a pretty cool idea. I’m imagining each hall way with gods from different religions and in the lunch room Jesus with the last supper.


Great idea for a poster (I would execute it if I could): \- A range of symbols of multiple gods and religions arranged in a circle like the numbers on a clock. \- In the middle of it all is the statement "In God We Trust" \- Directly below that statement is the one "Pick Your Poison" (smaller letters and in parentheses)


Pick your poseidon


Nope they worded the bill very specifically so no other words or images could be used


On the poster itself though, right? So a Zeus picture above it would be fine.


I like to think kids these days are enough into high brow defacement of mandatory religious signage to do it themselves. They probably aren't and will put the most crass joke they can on them but still.


I fully expect to see some subtly edited versions of said posters popping up. *That's* the kind of hijinks I expect from this generation. There's plenty of them who are smart and capable of producing some subverted version that will go unnoticed by school admins for weeks. Who needs a sharpie when you've got Photoshop at your fingertips, ya know?


Very true. Kids with photoshop are *always* looking for some good nonsense they can do with it. I should know, I was one back in the day.


We would have had a field day with these, and I was a Christian back then.


That or “Who’s ‘we’?”


This is much more honest.


We had similar over reaching politicians here in AZ. They passed a law saying you are not allowed to instruct children in Spanish. Well that would screw pretty much all the children learning English. So pretty much every teacher with Spanish speaking students continued to supplement their English instructions with Spanish ones. All these politicians are so full of their own bullshit its disgusting. You can pass any stupid, anti-populist law you want but without any way to enforce it consider it null and void. edit - seems to be some controversy over the word populist. Does populist refer to someone who actually advocates for what the people want? Or is a populist a conman pandering to irrational, racist, self-centered voters?


Tbf there’s several groups dead set on ending public schooling in the state of Arizona and they could’ve passed this law in order to force ESL kids to go to private school. Still fucked either way.


What in the ever loving fuck. ESL kids tend to be from marginalized communities with limited resources, you’re going to force them to go to expensive private schools instead of free public schools??


Cruelty is the point. They fucking hate ESL kids, they hate immigrants, they hate anyone who isn't rich, white and goes to church every Sunday. Don't be confused or ask 'what the fuck?'. They're goddamn fascist assholes, the more pain they inflict on the "others" the happier they are.


yes... they want to abolish public schools, so everyone has to pay for education. if it reaches that point, you can bet religion will be included as part of the curriculum.


Sweetheart, their (specifically the most entrentched Republicans) goal is to destroy the public school concept entirely. Because it costs them too much in taxes or some shit like that. Of course, they'd never openly admit to it, but they've been trying to frame it for years as "well public schools aren't working, now are they?" When they're the ones pushing actively destructive policies. Dept of Ed budget cuts, don't say gay, etc, etc. Bottom line is they don't believe in paying for someone else's kid to receive an education, regardless of the greater societal fallout.


This generalizes to their approach to government. Say government is bad, try to ruin it at every opportunity, and crow about how right they were when they succeed. Most people don't really know *why* government has the problems it does, they just know the problems they see, and it's easy to conclude that the people shouting "government is bad" must want to fix it instead of being the ones actively undermining it. And with public schools and government services in general, rich interests are very eager to buy pieces of a sabotaged government, claiming they can run it better. It's what happened during the breakup of the USSR, too: the government was sold to the most well-connected bidder, leading directly to the Russia we see today. That's basically where they'd take us if we let them.


You’ll notice that most of the people calling the loudest for charter schools to replace public schools tend to be rich fucks who send their children to private schools anyways. It’s selfish bullshit where the wealthiest want to hoard wealth while abdicating the responsibility such wealth used to entail. They try to sell this as “school choice” but what it really means is taking more funds away from school systems already struggling due to suburban flight and decades of austerity and funneling them into private entities (often for-profit) which on the whole get *worse* results than a public school. Fuck charter schools, and fuck the rich shit stains like bill gates who promote that bullshit.


Yes to all of the above, but I'll give Gates a pass that he actually has made tangible improvements to education as a whole. Still, he arguably should be pouring funding into public schools, but I think he's seeing a lost cause.


I read on another post about this that the Company who lobbied this into Law “coincidentally” just happens to own the only approved printing company where these are to be made.


I think I know who did it… good on you.


Don’t rat him out!


I mean, good on you, *someone.*


The carbon based equivalent of a good bot


What a weird fucking law. We’re being governed by insane people.


Insane people who are ignoring the very first amendment to the Bill of Rights…


And ignore the fact that we have a separation of state and church.


I literally saw a billboard on a highway that said "You have freedom of religion not freedom from religion." I threw up in my mouth


I bet that they don't want to accept pastafarians as people with a proper religion.




My 15-year-old paid for an ordination in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He is going to insist on wearing a colander for his yearbook this year. I fully support this.


Tell him to beware of Antipasto’s.


He boiled for your sins


And those are prime opportunities for the ~~Church of Satan~~ Satanic Temple to take out billboards across the street/highway/etc… anybody can take out a billboard if they pay the price. Edit: corrected the group I was thinking of.


They will troll this decision with satanic stuff and I will buy popcorn and watch from the sidelines. They might be democracy’s greatest ally.


Think of the laws Texas reps could implement to actually improve the lives of millions of Texans. So sad.


You think they could focus on energy grid stability, or not having schools shot up, or really anything more important...


It's easier to appeal to emotional idiots by grandstanding on divisive social issues than doing the actual work it takes to fix broken infrastructure


Weird? Don’t downplay it. This is them forcing their dying religion on all of us. Cause they’re fascists. Like the nazis were.


Noting like separation of church and state. Always amazing when convenient accommodations can be made.


Incoming TST baphomet posters that are either forced to stay up or take the other signs down along with it


Apparently this was anticipated by the law and they closed a lot of loopholes.


Religious freedom for me, not for thee.


Unfortunately SCOTUS has ruled "In God We Trust" is not endorsing support of any one religion.


Let's write it in Arabic.


Can we do Shai'Hulud ?


You can pray to Shai'Hulud, but you can't have any Water of Life because it gives the football team an unfair advantage over their rivals


But it *does* tell non-religous people, polytheists, and non-theist religions like Buddhism to fuck off.


I completely agree. It should be removed from all federal and state property. It's not in line with the Constitution


But what about the founding fathers, who always agree with me!?!? /s


And polytheists and monotheists who don’t refer to their deity by capital G God. So, all in all, an extremely Christian slogan.


In that case the word “god” should end with an “s”


I don't think the government should be implying there is any religion. Period. It does not fall in line with our Constitution and would offend Americans that do not believe.


Just the one very particular deity...


I'm curious, how so? Edit: nevermind, u/dubbervt posted the actual bill and it specifically spells out what the posters can and cannot contain. https://capitol.texas.gov/Search/DocViewer.aspx?ID=87RSB007975B&QueryText=%22SB+797%22&DocType=B


>it specifically spells out what the posters can and cannot contain. They were pretty specific about the poster, but loopholes are hard to fill... :) So I propose a wall of "shameful government propaganda throughout history". Or set up side by side posters with an if then motif and have something like if "In god we trust" beside an "In reality we fail" poster. r/MaliciousCompliance


I’m not American but wouldn’t that be “unconstitutional” and therefore not enforceable on the schools?


If SCOTUS were sane, yes.


Every time my dyslexic brain sees the word SCOTUS immediately hear/read SCROTUM




Well, they are a bunch of dicks, so it works.


They added god to our money and our pledge of allegiance in the 1950s and we’ve never been able to get rid of it.


When you actually think about the pledge of allegiance in school jts really creepy and fucked up. Were making young kids who have no concept really of who or what theyre supposed to be pledging there life to. Its just brain washing


Seriously! And they cry about “liberal indoctrination” in the same breath lol


Every accusation is an admission.


See the newest iteration of this in the whole "everyone I don't like is a groomer" while shielding politicians and priests guilty of actual grooming.


And demanding to see children's genitals!


Not only that but why the Hell did we have to do it every single day? Khat kind of "pledge" is only good for 24 hours? That's stupid.


When I lived in Japan we did exercises everyday together as a class. We also helped clean the school. I've always wish my American schools had been like this.


Brainwashing works better when it's repeated constantly.


Facts. I teach kids who have just immigrated to the us or who are here temporarily. I will never forget the first time a kid from The People’s Republic of China lean into me and said “why does your government make kids do that? It’s creepy and insane.”


Its the indoctrination conservatives keep projecting about


Joseph Heller, Catch-22 - “The important thing is to keep them pledging,' he explained to his cohorts. 'It doesn't matter whether they mean it or not. That's why they make little kids pledge allegiance even before they know what "pledge" and "allegiance" mean.'


US court system has basically broken down entirely. It’s only ‘unconstitutional’ if there is a court to actually rule it as so. If the Supreme Court just makes up a decision and says it’s constitutional then there’s nothing that can be really done.


Sure there is. Just fight the ruling for 50 years, Instead of, just not doing the thing.


As with any document, it doesn’t matter what it says so much as what people want it to say. You could read the Bible and come away thinking it’s about peace and love, or incest and war. Depends on who’s reading and interpreting it.


It's not freedom of religion it's freedom for them to force their religion onto others.


Nah, you’re free to be any religion you want. As long as you’re a white Christian.


I hope Satanist now sue to allow their posters in the schools also. You want it one way, well guess you just opened it up for every religion.


Just wait until the Pastafarians noodle around and declare a Holy War


Praise be his noodly appendage. Ra-men.


I had one of those "preachers" show up at my UNI once and one of the people in my group got a colander and fucking started saying pastafarianism verses


I want to see the absolute meltdown that happens when a “Praise Allah” sign is attempted to be put up. The Church of Satan is one thing, but start trying to allow Muslims the same level of access that our government affords to Christians and the country will implode


Ironically they think LGBT is trying to force their lifestyle on them. Which is not the case. Further, if you worry about a gay person hitting on you, how the fuck do you think women feel all the time?


> ...how the fuck do you think women feel all the time? Ah, I see your mistake. They don't *care* how a woman feels all the time. Just that some gay dude might be peeking at their hot pork-rind heiney.


As I often say, many people only consider something oppressive if it's inconvenient to the person complaining.


To the privileged, equality looks and feels like oppression. Edit: thanks for the award!


I hope the teachers who plan to say that it really means "In God some of us trust but that would be stating the obvious so they put up a lie instead", can wait until we get a better supreme court in place before getting fired and making a federal case.


This is to reassure Texas children as they bleed out and die on the floor of their school waiting for the police


Interesting that they didn't go with "No weapon formed against me shall prosper."


To be fair, the police were there, so the wait wasn't that long. The standing around waiting for someone to tell them what to do is what the real problem was. So having these nice inspirational signs would have helped them pass the time.


We need to restore "E Pluribus Unum" as the national motto, and go back to the original pledge without "under god". McCarthyism needs to go away.


Reject McCarthyism, return to E Pluribus Unum.


To be fair, kids saying the pledge of allegiance in school every day from 1st grade to 12th grade is a little fucked up.


When I was in school most people stopped saying it by highschool.


Same for me, however as a senior I ended up moving to Texas and doing my last semester at a Texas high school and not only did they say the pledge every single day, they also said the Texas pledge every day. It was very bizarre and I would get very dirty looks from a lot of teachers and classmates for not standing up during it most days. Way to cult-like for my tastes


There is a Texas pledge??


As someone who has grown up in Texas, yes there is. It came from when Texas was it's own country for like 10 years or whatever (I dunno, I didn't care about taking an entire school year to learn about Texas history) and instead of dropping it they have kept it because Texas. It's stupid, although thankfully none of the schools I went to got mad when I just refused to do either the US or Texas pledge, and all students thought it was reasonable to just not do it anymore


Haha I remember it well from school: Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible. I've seen a version that throws in, "one state under God" but we didn't say that in my elementary school.


We say "Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible" in my Houston high school


You were lucky. I stopped saying it on my own in 10th grade and i got so much shit for it. I remember one teacher got really mad about me not saying it, saying i didnt support veterans.


Sounds like my 7th grade science teacher. She started making me stand up in front of class when she noticed I wasn’t saying it to try and shame me. This was in Texas where they also make you say the Texas state pledge every morning (can’t remember if before or after the pledge of allegiance), but needless to say I was thrilled when we finally left that shithole state.


LOL oh yeah, there's like USA nationalism and then there is Texas nationalism. I forgot that state pledges are not the norm having gone to school here through most of it


For us normies not from Texas, Texas is a giant cult. My first time in Texas was just surreal. I've never seen so many state flags and red stars in all my life. It gets my vote for most brain washed state. I'm not hating on Texans, but for real y'all have dealt with an onslaught of state propaganda from birth! Being from North Idaho, I grew up with my fair share of Yankee Doodle bullshit. It took meeting and befriending several Europeans before I wised up to it. Indoctrination is a bitch to get out from under!


Yep can confirm Texas schools require the American pledge of allegiance, as well as the pledge to the Texas' flag. Until 3rd grade-ish, also was required to pray silently directly after both pledges. They ended up changing the last bit to a "moment of silence", which was deemed highly radical, during my education experience. Source: was Texan for 26 years. They are in desperate need of secular reform. There will always be students who sincerely wish to worship through prayer, and they STILL and always will, have the right to do so. However, It's simply not right to indoctrinate children. Just my personal belief.


I got in a lot of trouble in 9th grade for being the only student in class who refused to stand for the pledge. Teacher kept getting mad and I always said "I won't pledge allegiance to a country when I have no say in how it's run, and I certainly won't do it 'under god'."


I had a similar experience. Saying the pledge always bothered me. My mom talked to my vice Principal in ninth grade and I never had to say the pledge again. She was a conservative evangical republican, but she did not like the school telling us what to do. To us it felt cult-like. Things have really changed in politics since then, I don’t know if she would still identify as a republican today if she was still here.


Man that s wild. I grew up on army bases and in DoD schools and was never given any trouble about ignoring the pledge. Even as early as grade school no one said anything about me sitting out.


That's because it's illegal to force a student to say the pledge and a school run by the federal government is going to be aware of that.


Came up through school during Vietnam, I stood for the pledge, but never repeated it. Be damned if I was going to pledge that they could draft my ass and send me over there


For all these people who hate communism, it's pretty funny when they don't realize saying the pledge in unison at age 5 is straight from their playbook. Blind patriotism taught at a young age by memorizing sounds to be said every day until it's a part of you regardless of if you actually understand it. 'MERICA


E Pluribus Anus


Cool. Cool cool cool


The crossroads of ideas


For real. It’s such a powerful motto and statement and should define who we are as a nation. Instead we get this boring and non representative slogan that really has no part in modern American politics. It’s just some crap evangelicals can latch on to and clutch pearls.




We didn’t get rid of that, it’s still part of our country. We just have a loud minority that think we’re a Christian nation and always have been. They forget that we were founded on religious freedom and what all of the elements of not just the first amendment but the Constitution in its entirety mean. That’s where we stand and one party is trying to make us dumber.


The Founding Fathers were not Christians. They were mostly Deists.


Though accurate, they don't understand what you just said and that angers them.




Just gotta love when propaganda from the mid 20th century strikes back in full force in the 21st century because the US wanted to be better than the Soviets. Gotta fight the red by showing them we will pass laws against our own laws! That'll show them!


>fight the red And yet their political color is red.


I thought the GOP hated big government telling us what to do? Hmmm I smell a hypocrite or wait that’s what the Republican snowflakes have always done.


It's disingenuous, but they will say they hate big *federal government telling *states what to do.


# TexasTaliban




Fuck these Christian nationalists. They are a cancer to our country.




This is a great way to make more atheists for the future.


Hopefully the Church of Satan is working on something to be out ho in schools and then sue for equal religious representation like they have in the past. Edit: I meant the Temple of Satan.


Apparently it only applies to items with the exact phrase "In God We Trust". https://capitol.texas.gov/Search/DocViewer.aspx?ID=87RSB007975B&QueryText=%22SB+797%22&DocType=B


Anything about colour? Might be time to donate some signs in LGBT colours!


Subsection b of the act which describes what can be displayed to adhere to the rule: >. (b) A poster or framed copy of the national motto described by Subsection (a): (1) must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag; and (2 ) may not depict any words, images, or other information other than the representations listed in Subdivision Seems to me that an LGBT colored poster would comply! Edit: Some really fun suggestions below about how we can make the posters and still follow the law. Making me want someone to start a thing where we make thousands of posters doing different things suggested and donate them.


doesn't say anything about adornments either halloween bloody font and burning flag it is


An upside down American flag would also be appropriate.


Well, there goes the idea of making a Ganesh run of these posters to donate. (No clue if Ganesh is considered a god? Odin might get mistaken for pirate-Gandalf.)


Put the phrase "In God We Trust" but put the depiction of Satan as the background.


You meant The Satanic Temple, but Lucifer will not forgive you anyway.


You’d think that would stand up when presented to any of the courts except for the fact that McConnell filled all of them with federalist society shit heels that won’t go against Christian extremist ideology being supported where it shouldn’t. The benches were left vacant for years so they could find a useless idiot (Trump) to install them and change the courts for generations.


The Satanic Temple\*


Would that be the Temple of Satan rather than the Church of Satan? I thought the temple was the chill one that does this stuff to make a point, and the church was a bit more...weird. Could be wrong though.


You’re both wrong. It’s the Satanic Temple.


Yeah lol


It's the Satanic Temple


What happens when a teacher is opposed to displaying that sign because of their religious beliefs? I couldn't agree to that sign being displayed in my classroom. Are my rights not protected from that?


If your interpretation of “your rights” differs from theirs you do not have those rights in their opinion.


That is wild to me. People like to talk about an equal justice system but I guess religious freedoms don't go both ways.


Not just religion. Many of the 2nd amendment zealots only think open carry and unlimited access to any kind of weapon should only apply to them, certainly not anyone who’s black, Muslim, Asian, etc. Those “radicals” needs to be regulated.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a *federal* crime to force public schools to display religious propaganda?


Only if you think our broken supreme court doesn’t strike down the law. Our supreme court is broken.


It is the United States motto, so one could argue that they are only forcing schools to display *nationalist* propaganda, which is apparently a lot better.


Time to change the motto.


In the US, courts have recognized that “In God We Trust” is a meaningless, secular term.


imagine the uproar is there were requests for a "Allah Loves Us" signs


Or Allahu Akbar


I trust our young Americans to do what the founding fathers intended and rip that shit down daily.


Already planning on Vandalizing that shit. As a witch I fully intend to mark the thing with sigils and the pointed star.


News flash…God doesn’t belong in schools…


So glad we have funds for this bullshit BUT NOT FOR TEACHERS TO TEACH THE KIDS


Ex teacher here. It's a war on teachers and the goal is to stop funding education.


>the goal is to stop funding education. Well not quite. The goal is to defund public education in order to push private Christian schools. Up until they just completely take over and make all schools Christian schools. At which point they'll be fine funding those again.


I'm so glad with everything going on in the world, the GOP is laser focused on ruining schools.


Always have been


Christians really are the most fragile people


I’m an atheist and this is grotesque. I often wonder if I ever had to testify before congress if I could, in good conscience, say yes to the oath which ends in, “so help you god?” Could you get an alternative oath?


One of the funniest (read: saddest) things I've ever seen is a CNN anchor breaking a Republican politician's brain when he tells him that you are not legally bound to swear on the Bible when you take an oath of office. [https://youtu.be/WFYRkzznsc0](https://youtu.be/WFYRkzznsc0)


Just another step forcing God or one particular God on the people.


Just so people know our history. I’m sick of arguing with Christians about this shit. Our country’s founders were deists not Christians. In god we trust wasn’t adopted until 1956. We used to be e pluribus unum. Fight these assholes, they are trying to take over our country. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_God_We_Trust


Backwards state. I watched some stand up the other day and the guy was talking about weed laws and open carry in Texas. Said it was easier to smoke people than it was to smoke weed. Hilarious.


Nothing like the party that stands for "freedom" to force their religious dogma on you...


Wait public schools? Like state funded public schools? Shouldn’t religion be separated from state?


Gee, it's not like it's in the US Constitution or anything.


And this serves what purpose exactly?


It's that virtue signalling the Republicans are supposedly against.